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对拉萨市垃圾填埋场地区地下水6个监测井中的Cr~(6+)、As、Cd、Pb、NO~-_3-N、F~-、Cl~-指标采用美国环保局USEPA推荐的健康风险评价模型,按照不同人群进行健康风险评价.评价结果表明,通过暴露剂量计算,在饮水途径和皮肤接触途径下非致癌物暴露剂量一般高于致癌物暴露剂量;饮水途径暴露剂量高于皮肤接触途径下的暴露剂量.致癌污染物在饮水途径下风险值大于皮肤接触途径下的风险值,其中饮水途径下风险贡献为Cr~(6+)AsCd,Cr~(6+)风险值超过USEPA的最大可接受水平1×10~(-4);在皮肤接触途径下贡献为Cr~(6+)AsCd,Cr~(6+)的风险值超过瑞典环保局、荷兰建设环保局、英国皇家协会和IAEA最大可接受风险水平;非致癌风险的污染物贡献最大的是Cl~-,其通过饮水暴露途径在成人中风险值高于瑞典环保局(1×10~(-6))、荷兰建设环保局(1×10~(-6))、英国皇家协会(1×10~(-6))和IAEA(5×10~(-7))最大可接受水平.因此,致癌物中Cr~(6+)成为主要的致癌物,人们在饮水中要将其去除,起到预防癌症和减少患癌的几率.  相似文献   

The subject of the study was the ecological and human health consequences of environmental pollution from emissions arising from burning local coal with an arsenic content ranging from 900 to 1,500 g/tonne of dry substance. The first indication of environmental pollution by arsenic-containing emissions was the mass extinction of honeybee colonies. The neurotoxic and carcinogenic aspects of arsenic exposure were followed. On using a group diagnostics approach, significant hearing losses were detected in exposed children in both air and bone conduction audiometry at high frequency range (4,000 and 8,000 Hz, respectively). Exposure assessment of the local population of the Prievidza district, Central Slovakia, was based on biological monitoring. The criterion of higher exposure was arsenic content in hair exceeding concentrations of 3 μg/g of hair. In a 7.5-km radius of the exposed region, live about two-tenths of the district population who were considered as “exposed” and rest of the district served as the “reference” population. The subject of our analysis was a database of 1,503 non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) cases (756 in men and 747 in women) collected from 1977 to 1996 in the Prievidza district, Central Slovakia (population ~125,000). The age standardized incidence of NMSC (each confirmed by histological examination) in non-occupational settings ranged from 45.9 to 93.9 in men and from 34.6 to 81.4 in women. Analysis of our data demonstrates a positive correlation between human cumulative exposure to arsenic and incidence of NMSC.  相似文献   

采用美国EPA推荐的风险评价模型,同时考虑研究区人群基本情况和生活习惯等,进行推荐模型的参数优化,建立适合研究区人群的风险评价方法,并对城区、城郊不同暴露途径下地下水污染进行健康风险评价.结果表明,常州城区饮水暴露途径与皮肤暴露途径致癌风险男性分别为2.79×10-3和2.81×10-5,女性分别为1.87×10-3和2.45×10-5;非致癌风险男性分别为3.48×10-6和3.79×10-5,女性分别为2.27×10-6和3.01×10-5.城郊饮水暴露途径与皮肤暴露途径致癌风险男性分别为1.26×10-3和1.32×10-5,女性分别为9.77×10-4和1.18×10-5;非致癌风险男性分别为4.07×10-6和3.43×10-5,女性分别为2.14×10-6和9.71×10-6,风险水平均处于可接受范围内.敏感性分析表明饮水暴露途径下各因子的敏感性在-19.8%—20.1%之间,皮肤暴露途径下各因子的敏感性在-14.8%—16.1%之间,对研究区人群暴露参数进行调查实测,降低了评价结果的不确定性.研究浅层地下水的健康风险评价,对合理开发该区域地下水资源具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

High arsenic (As) concentration in groundwater potentially poses a serious threat to the health of local residents in southwestern Taiwan. Although the As release to groundwater is responsible for the reducing bacteria-mediated reductive dissolution of As-rich Fe hydroxides, the influences of FeRB and different organic substrates on As and Fe mobility and transformation were rarely discussed. An experiment that involved As-adsorbed synthetic amorphous Fe(III) hydroxide (HFO) and the inoculation of in situ Fe-reducing bacteria (FeRB) was performed to evaluate the contribution of FeRB to the As mobility and transformation. The batched experiment of As-free HFO showed that the reducing bacteria rapidly induced the reduction of amorphous Fe oxyhydroxide to Fe(II) by reductive dissolution of HFO and formation of Fe-citrate complexation. For aqueous As(V) reduction experiment, arsenate was effectively reduced to As(III) by the facultative anaerobic bacterium in the cultured FeRB. In the experiment of As-containing HFO reduction, the aqueous As(V) acts as an electron acceptor and reduced to As(III) after the reductive dissolution of Fe(III) on HFO. However, the increase in the As(III) concentrations with time for various organic substrates in the As-adsorbed HFO-reducing experiment differ from the rates of As(V) reduction with various organic substrates in the As(V)-reducing experiment. The decrease in sorption sites by coupled reductive dissolution of HFO and the competitive desorption of small molecular organic carbon is apparently the important factor of As mobility. For large molecular organic carbon (i.e., citrate), the significant contribution of citrate on As mobility is the complexation of iron citrate. A working hypothesis model of As biogeochemical cycling is proposed to illustrate the relevant processes in the groundwater aquitard of southwestern Taiwan.  相似文献   

The interactions between bed sediments and the water column in shallow, eutrophic lakes have tremendous implications for the fate and transport of nutrients in those water bodies. This has resulted in the development of water quality models for lakes incorporating the processes of sediment resuspension. Reliable resuspension models are thus needed to accurately represent this phenomenon. In this paper, three different sediment-resuspension models are combined with a hydrodynamic and water quality model, dynamic lake model-water quality (DLM-WQ), and the resulting models are used to simulate nutrient distributions in the highly eutrophic Salton Sea, California, USA. One of the resuspension formulas is based upon sediment characteristics as well as the bed shear stress exerted by wind-induced waves and currents, while the other two are standard, power-law-type formulas for cohesive sediments with two different exponents. The outputs for water quality variables, such as temperature, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and nutrients, obtained from the three resulting models and from an earlier DLM-WQ run with a simple empirical sediment-resuspension model are compared with measured data. The level of agreement between the simulations and the measured data is assessed by using both statistical and graphical model evaluation methods, including measures of residual errors, sample autocorrelations, t-tests, and box plots. Based on these assessments, DLM-WQ with an extended version of the García and Parker [García, M.H., Parker, G., 1993. Experiments on the entrainment of sediment into suspension by a dense bottom current. J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans 98, 4793–4807] relationship gave the best results for water quality in the Salton Sea, confirming that the use of formulas with more information on the sediment characteristics yields more accurate results. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to combine water quality models for lakes and reservoirs with a sediment-resuspension model which was originally intended for open-channel flows. The simulations confirm that sediment resuspension is the most dominant process in the Salton Sea's nutrient cycling. The effect of proposed physical changes to the Salton Sea on water quality characteristics is also addressed.  相似文献   

The pattern of the spatial variation in arsenic concentration in groundwater of Bangladesh is usually needed for the planning of safe drinking water. Often a model-based prediction is required for this purpose. In this paper, we fit a Bayesian hierarchical geostatistical model by utilizing data from the project, ‘Groundwater studies of arsenic concentration in Bangladesh’ conducted by the British Geological Survey and the Department of Public Health Engineering of Bangladesh. We also develop a predictive model for arsenic concentration at different levels of well-depth using the same approach. The resulting predictive model has been cross-validated by appropriate statistical tools. Finally, we obtained reliable spatially continuous predictive maps and predictive probability maps showing the areas with high probability of arsenic concentration for different levels of well-depth. Results indicate that our model fits the data well and captures a substantial amount of spatial variation. Moreover, well-depth is found to have a significant contribution in explaining the observed variation in arsenic concentration. The predictive maps that have been produced are observed to be different for various levels of well-depths and are expected to be helpful to the policy makers in preparing proper regional planning for safe drinking water.  相似文献   

经对呼和浩特盆地西部深层水1000km ̄2、浅层水600km ̄2范围内进行水质检测分析,发现其深、浅两层地下水均富砷,浅水有18.8%、深水有40.9%的水样砷含量超过国家饮用水卫生标准。测得水体总砷中以三价砷为主。溶解氧含量低,铁、锰离子为痕量,硫酸盐、亚硝酸盐氮含量也均低,同时有低硒、高氟现象,提示该地区为富含有机质的强还原环境,有利于砷的迁移富集,对饮水型砷中毒起着促进作用。  相似文献   

As one of the important elements of controlling the redox system within the hyporheic and hypolentic zone, sulfur is involved in a series of complex biogeochemical processes such as carbon cycle, water acidification, formation of iron and manganese minerals, redox processes of trace metal elements and a series of important ecological processes. Previous studies on biogeochemistry of the hyporheic and hypolentic zones mostly concentrated on nutrients of nitrogen and phosphorus, heavy metals and other pollutants. Systematic study of biogeochemical behavior of sulfur and its main controlling factors within the lake hypolentic zone is very urgent and important. In this paper, a typical desert plateau lake, Dakebo Lake in northwestern China, was taken for example within which redox zonation and biogeochemical characteristics of sulfur affected by hydrodynamic conditions were studied based on not only traditional hydrochemical analysis, but also environmental isotope evidence. In the lake hypolentic zone of the study area, due to the different hydrodynamic conditions, vertical profile of sulfur species and environmental parameters differ at the two sites of the lake (western side and center). Reduction of sulfate, deposition and oxidation of sulfide, dissolution and precipitation of sulfur-bearing minerals occurred are responded well to Eh, dissolved oxygen, pH, organic carbon and microorganism according to which the lake hypolentic zone can be divided into reduced zone containing H2S, reduced zone containing no H2S, transition zone and oxidized zone. The results of this study provide valuable insights for understanding sulfur conversion processes and sulfur biogeochemical zonation within a lake hypolentic zone in an extreme plateau arid environment and for protecting the lake–wetland ecosystem in arid and semiarid regions.  相似文献   

The extensive extraction of arsenic (As)-contaminated groundwaters for drinking, household and agricultural purposes represents a serious health concern in many districts of Bangladesh. This laboratory-based incubation study investigated the sources and mechanisms of As mobilization in these groundwaters. Several incubation studies were carried out using sediments collected from the Bangladesh aquifer that were supplemented, or not, with different nutrients, followed by an analysis of the sediment suspensions for pH, ORP (oxidation-reduction potential), EC (electrical conductivity) and As and Fe(ΙΙ) concentrations. In the substrate-amended sediment suspensions incubated under anaerobic environment, there was a mobilization of As (maximum: 50–67 μg/l) and Fe(ΙΙ) (maximum: 182 μg/l), while the ORP value decreased immediately and drastically (as much as −468 mV to −560 mV) within 5–6 days. In the sediment suspensions incubated under control and aerobic conditions, no significant As mobilization occurred. The simultaneous mobilization of As and Fe(ΙΙ) from sediments is a strong indication that their mobilization resulted from the reduction of Fe oxyhydroxide by the enhanced activity of indigenous bacteria present in the sediments; this phenomenon also provides insights on the mobilization mechanism of As in groundwater. The concentrations of As in the sediments used in the incubation studies were strongly linked to the gradients of redox potential development that was stimulated by the quantity of organic nutrient (glucose) used. The penetration of surface-derived organic matter into the shallow aquifer may stimulate the activity of microbial communities, thereby leading to a reduction of iron oxyhydroxide and As release.  相似文献   

The current study investigates the role of nonlinearity in the development of two-dimensional coherent structures (2DCS) in shallow mixing layers. A nonlinear numerical model based on the depth-averaged shallow water equations is used to investigate temporal shallow mixing layers, where the mapping from temporal to spatial results is made using the velocity at the center of the mixing layer. The flow is periodic in the stream-wise direction and the transmissive boundary conditions are used in the cross-stream boundaries to prevent reflections. The numerical results are examined with the aid of Fourier decomposition. Results show that the previous success in applying local linear theory to shallow mixing layers does not imply that the flow is truly linear. Linear stability theory is confirmed to be only valid within a short distance from the inflow boundary. Downstream of this linear region, nonlinearity becomes important for the roll-up and merging of 2DCS. While the energy required for the merging of 2DCS is still largely provided by the velocity shear, the merging mechanism is one where nonlinear mode interaction changes the velocity field of the subharmonic mode and the gradient of the along-stream velocity profile which, in turn, changes the magnitude of the energy production of the subharmonic mode by the velocity shear implicitly. The nonlinear mode interaction is associated with energy up-scaling and is consistent with the inverse energy cascade which is expected to occur in shallow shear flows. Current results also show that such implicit nonlinear interaction is sensitive to the phase angle difference between the most unstable mode and its subharmonic. The bed friction effect on the 2DCS is relatively small initially and grows in tandem with the size of the 2DCS. The bed friction also causes a decrease in the velocity gradient as the flow develops downstream. The transition from unstable to stable flow occurs when the bed friction balances the energy production. Beyond this point, the bed friction is more dominant and the 2DCS are progressively damped and eventually get annihilated. The energy production by the velocity shear plays an important role from the upstream end all the way to the point of transition to stable flow. The fact that linear stability theory is valid only for a short distance from the inflow boundary suggests that some elements of nonlinearity is incorporated in the mean velocity profile in experiments by the averaging process. The implicit nature of nonlinear interaction in shallow mixing layers and the sensitivity of the nonlinear interaction to phase angle difference between the most unstable mode and its subharmonic allows local linear theory to be successful in reproducing features of the instability such as the dominant mode of the 2DCS and its amplitude.  相似文献   

环鄱阳湖浅层地下水水化学特征的时空变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
系统采集了鄱阳湖周边地下水,分析测定各单元的水化学参数.结果表明,环鄱阳湖浅层地下水整体偏酸性,呈低矿化度,局部地区出现微咸水.环鄱阳湖浅层地下水丰、枯水期的优势阴离子为HCO3-,阳离子为Ca2+和Mg2+.运用SPSS软件做离子相关性分析,各离子间均呈正相关性,说明可能有相同的来源.地下水的水化学类型整体表现为HCO3-Ca-Mg型,丰水期相对于枯水期出现较多的NO3-型和SO24-型水体,局部区域优势阴离子改变,出现了NO3-型、Cl-型地下水,可能受到农业化肥和工业废水排放的影响.整体上地下水的水化学类型受当地岩石类型的影响比较大,个别地区受人为的活动干扰较为强烈.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Owing to their accessibility, shallow groundwater is an essential source of drinking water in rural areas while usually being used without control by...  相似文献   

中国东部浅水湖泊沉积物总氮总磷基准阈值研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
受人类活动的影响,东部浅水湖泊沉积物中总氮、总磷负荷很高,当外来污染源得到控制时,底泥中的营养盐会逐渐释放出来,对湖泊水质与生态系统影响很大。为合理削减湖泊内源污染,控制沉积物中营养盐向上覆水体释放,研究制定东部浅水湖泊沉积物总氮、总磷基准阈值,分别测定了100个湖泊的896个表层沉积物样品和8个典型湖泊11个柱芯的沉积物总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)含量,分析了沉积物TN、TP浓度剖面分布特征。通过频度分布法对100个湖泊沉积物总氮总磷的污染状况进行评价,通过背景值比较法确定了8个典型湖泊沉积物的TN、TP背景值。结果表明,100个湖泊的表层沉积物TN浓度范围在479.70~5 573.65 mg·kg-1,TP浓度范围在248.44~1000.33 mg·kg-1,不同湖泊表层沉积物中TN、TP值差异较大。8个典型湖泊沉积物总氮、总磷含量整体上表现出随着深度增加而下降变化趋势,在深层沉积物中含量保持稳定。所调查8个湖泊TN均值为1443.83 mg·kg-1,变化范围为247.45~3719.46 mg·kg-1,各湖泊中TN均值表现为:沱湖〉焦岗湖〉花园湖〉七里湖〉北民湖〉大通湖〉城东湖〉瓦埠湖;TP均值为519.62 mg·kg-1,变化范围为225.41~1944.89 mg·kg-1,各湖泊中TP均值表现为:北民湖〉大通湖〉七里湖〉焦岗湖〉沱湖〉瓦埠湖〉城东湖〉花园湖。不同湖泊沉积物总氮、总磷背景值差异很大。通过对100个湖泊表层沉积物TN、TP的频度分析发现,沉积物营养盐含量上25%点位对应的TP质量浓度398.51mg·kg-1,TN质量浓度为1106.24 mg·kg-1,沉积物营养盐含量下25%点位对应的TP质量浓度664.58 mg·kg-1,TN质量浓度为2916.66 mg·kg-1。通过互相之间的比较分析,推荐采用背景值比较法确定的各湖泊沉积物总氮、总磷背景值均值与频度分步法25%点位对应的总氮值和40%点位对应的总磷值作为东部浅水湖泊沉积物总氮、总磷基准阈值。因此,?  相似文献   

Most local people in the agricultural areas of Hua-ruea sub-district, Ubon Ratchathani province (Thailand), generally consume shallow groundwater from farm wells. This study aimed to assess the health risk related to heavy metal contamination in that groundwater. Samples were randomly collected from 12 wells twice in each of the rainy and the dry seasons and were analyzed by inductive coupled plasma spectrometry-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The concentration of detected metals in each well and the overall mean were below the acceptable groundwater standard limits for As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni and Zn, but Pb levels were higher in four wells with an overall average Pb concentration of 16.66 ± 18.52 μg/l. Exposure questionnaires, completed by face-to-face interviews with 100 local people who drink groundwater from farm wells, were used to evaluate the hazard quotients (HQs) and hazard indices (HIs). The HQs for non-carcinogenic risk for As, Cu, Zn and Pb, with a range of 0.004–2.901, 0.053–54.818, 0.003–6.399 and 0.007–26.80, respectively, and the HI values (range from 0.10 to 88.21) exceeded acceptable limits in 58 % of the wells. The HI results were higher than one for groundwater wells located in intensively cultivated chili fields. The highest cancer risk found was 2.6 × 10?6 for As in well no. 11. This study suggested that people living in warmer climates are more susceptible to and at greater risk of groundwater contamination because of their increased daily drinking water intake. This may lead to an increased number of cases of non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health defects among local people exposed to heavy metals by drinking the groundwater.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the development of storm surge model to predict water level accurately due to surge associated with a cyclone along the coast of Bangladesh. Considering the funnel shape of the Bay of Bengal, coastal bending and the existence of off-shore islands, a vertically integrated model in cylindrical polar coordinate system is developed using nested numerical scheme. A fine mesh scheme capable of incorporating coastal bending and offshore islands properly in the numerical scheme is nested into a coarse mesh scheme covering up to 15° N latitude of the Bay of Bengal. The developed model is used to estimate water levels at different coastal and island stations associated with a few storms that hit the coast of Bangladesh. The computed surge levels compared well with observed ones and predicted surge levels investigated with different approaches.  相似文献   

河流泥沙对污染河水中污染物的吸附特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郭长城  喻国华  王国祥 《生态环境》2006,15(6):1151-1155
泥沙是河流水体的重要组成部分,在迁移过程中吸附一定的氮、磷进入底层或下游,从而改变水中污染物的分布。通过模拟试验,选择粒径76μm以下泥沙研究不同泥沙含量、不同污染程度等条件下,河流泥沙对污染河水中氮、磷等污染物的吸附特性。结果表明:河流泥沙对污染河水的氮、磷及高锰酸盐指数均有一定的吸附效果,特别是对氮、磷的等温吸附比较明显;与对照相比,含泥沙的试验组水体磷质量浓度最大降低值达0.53mg·L-1;水体溶解性总氮随时间延长,含量逐渐下降。污染物含量、泥沙含量、粒径等均会影响泥沙对污染物的吸附,污染物含量越高、泥沙含量越大、粒径越小吸附效果相对越好。泥沙吸附和富集污染物后沉降进入水体底层,离开水相,因而可以降低水中污染物含量,达到净化水质的作用。  相似文献   

浑河冲洪积平原土壤及浅层地下水中铅的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨浑河冲洪积扇土壤及浅层地下水中铅的含量、来源及其分布特征,对研究区50个土壤样品、5个地表水样品和22个浅层地下水样品进行了铅含量分析.结果表明,研究区土壤、地表水和浅层地下水均受到了一定程度的铅污染.表层土壤铅含量较高,在17.72—114.46 mg.kg-1之间,受人为污染影响较大;随土壤深度的增加铅含量呈现逐渐降低的趋势,其迁移规律与铬、砷、铜等重金属密切相关,受土壤性质和有机质含量的影响较大,为研究区土壤和浅层地下水环境风险评价及污染防治提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Vertical heavy metal profiling reflects the history of the deposition of metals and helps to understand the characteristics of accumulation in various layers...  相似文献   

Groundwater is the main source of drinking water for the urban and rural residents in the plain area of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. The quality of groundwater has a direct relationship with human health. Thus, 386 groundwater samples collected from April to August in 2003 were analyzed. The samples were collected in basic evaluation units which are determined on the basis of watersheds. Total dissolved solids, total hardness, pH value, NH3-N, C6H5OH, Chemiluminescence detection of permanganate index (CODMn) and intestinal germ group were evaluated according to the guidelines of Groundwater Quality Standard (GB/T14848-93). The quality of the groundwater in each evaluation unit was classified by using the One Veto Method (a unified approach stipulated by the Ministry of Water Resources). The results indicate that the groundwater in the mainstream area of the Tarim Basin and the Yerqiang River Sub-basin belongs to Category V; the groundwater in the Wulungu River Sub-basin, the Kaidu-Kongque River Sub-basin, the Kashgar River Sub-basin, the Cherchen River Sub-basin and the Hotan River Subbasin belongs to Category IV; the groundwater in the Aibi Lake System belongs to Category II, and the groundwater of other evaluation units belongs to Category III. The causes of water quality formation were concisely analyzed. The results can be useful for the evaluation and management of water resources in the Xinjiang Plain Area.  相似文献   


Original high hydrocarbon groundwater represents a kind of groundwater in which hydrocarbon concentration exceeds 0.05 mg/L. The original high hydrocarbon will significantly reduce the environment capacity of hydrocarbon and lead environmental problems. For the past 5 years, we have carried out for a long-term monitoring of groundwater in shallow Triassic aquifer in Northwest Guizhou, China. We found the concentration of petroleum hydrocarbon was always above 0.05 mg/L. The low-level anthropogenic contamination cannot produce high hydrocarbon groundwater in the area. By using hydrocarbon potential, geochemistry and biomarker characteristic in rocks and shallow groundwater, we carried out a comprehensive study in Dalongjing (DLJ) groundwater system to determine the hydrocarbon source. We found a simplex hydrogeology setting, high-level water–rock–hydrocarbon interaction and obviously original hydrocarbon groundwater in DLJ system. The concentration of petroleum hydrocarbon in shallow aquifer was found to increase with the strong water–rock interaction. Higher hydrocarbon potential was found in the upper of Guanling formation (T2g3) and upper of Yongningzhen formation (T1yn4). Heavily saturated carbon was observed from shallow groundwater, which presented similar distribution to those from rocks, especially from the deeper groundwater. These results indicated that the high concentrations of original hydrocarbon in groundwater could be due to the hydrocarbon release from corrosion and extraction out of strata over time.


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