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We consider the propagation of a high-Reynolds-number gravity current in a horizontal channel with general cross-section whose width is \(f(z), 0 \le z\le H\), and the gravity acceleration g acts in \(-z\) direction. (The classical rectangular cross-section is covered by the particular case \(f(z) =\) const.) We assume a two-layer system of homogeneous fluids of constant densities \(\rho _{c}\) (current, of height \(h < H \)) and smaller \(\rho _{a}\) (ambient, filling the remaining part of the channel). We focus attention on the calculation and assessment of the nose Froude-number condition \(Fr = U/(g' h)^{1/2}\); here U is the speed of propagation of the current and \(g' = (\rho _{c}/\rho _{a}-1) g\) is the reduced gravity. We first revisit the steady-state current, and derive compact insightful expressions of Fr and energy dissipation as a function of \(\varphi \) (\(=\) area fraction occupied by the current in the cross-section). We show that the head loss \(\delta _0\) on the stagnation line is formally a degree of freedom in the determination of \(Fr(\varphi )\), and we clarify the strong connections with the head loss \(\delta \) in the ambient fluid, and with the overall rate of dissipation \(\dot{{\mathcal{D}}}\). We demonstrate that the closure \(\delta _0 = 0\) [suggested by Benjamin (J Fluid Mech 31, 209–248, 1968) for the rectangular cross-section] produces in general the smallest Fr for a given \(\varphi \); the results are valid for a significant range \([0, \varphi _{\max }]\), in which the current is dissipative, except for the point \(\varphi _{\max }\) where \(\delta = \dot{{\mathcal{D}}} = 0\). We show that imposing the closure \(\delta = \dot{{\mathcal{D}}} = 0\), which corresponds to an energy-conserving or non-dissipative current, produces in general unacceptable restrictions of the range of validity, and large values of Fr; in particular, deep currents (\(\varphi < 0.3\) say) must be excluded because they are inherently dissipative. On the other hand, the compromise closure \(\delta (\varphi ) =\delta _0(\varphi )\) produces the simple \(Fr(\varphi ) = \sqrt{2}(1 - \varphi )\) formula whose values and dissipation properties are very close, and the range of validity is identical, to these obtained with Benjamin’s closure (moreover, we show that this corresponds to circulation-conservation solutions). The results are illustrated for practical cross-section geometries (rectangle, \(\Delta \) and \(\nabla \) triangle, circle, and the general power-law \(f(z) = b z ^\alpha \) (\(b>0, \alpha \ge 0, 0< z \le H\)). Next, we investigate the connection of the steady-state results with the time-dependent current, and show that in a lock-released current the rate of dissipation of the system is equal to, or larger than, that obtained for Fr corresponding to the conditions at the nose of the current. The results and insights of this study cover a wide range of cross-section geometry and apply to both Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq systems; they reveal a remarkable robustness of Fr as a function of \(\varphi \).  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted to investigate the penetration of a convective mixed layer into an overlying stably (solutally) stratified layer contained in a narrow, tall vessel when the fluid is subjected to a destabilizing heat flux from below. The interest was the evolution of the bottom mixed-layer height (\(h\)) with time (\(t\)) in the presence of side-wall effects, but without the formation of conventional double-diffusive layers. The side-wall effects are expected at small mixed-layer aspect ratios, \(\varGamma_{h} = (W/h)\), where \(W\) is the container width. This case has not been studied hitherto, although there are important environmental and industrial applications. The mixed-layer growth laws for low aspect ratio convection were formulated by assuming a balance between the vertical kinetic energy flux at the interface and the rate of change of potential energy of the fluid system due to turbulent entrainment. The effects of sidewalls were considered using similarity arguments, by taking characteristic rms velocities to be a function of \(\varGamma_{h}\), in addition to buoyancy flux (\(q_{0}\)) and \(h\). In all stages of evolution, the similarity variables \(\xi = h/W\) and \(t^{\prime } = Nt/A\), where \(A = N^{3} W^{2} /4q_{0}\) and \(N\) is the buoyancy frequency, scaled the mixed-layer evolution data remarkably well. Significant wall effects were noted when \(\varGamma_{h} < 1\), and for this case the interfacial vertical turbulent velocity and length scales were identified via scaling arguments and experimental data.  相似文献   

• ALTHOUGH MOST ACADEMIC programs use hospital-based sites for perioperative clinical experiences, the exponential growth in the number of ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) and the increased variety of procedures performed in these settings make ASCs excellent venues for student learning experiences.• NURSING STUDENTS in one program in Florida have the opportunity to take a perioperative practicum designed to allow them to learn about all aspects of patient care and administrative functions in ASCs.• THE ASC PRACTICUM EXPERIENCE is popular with students and staff members alike, and ASC administrators are seeking ways to increase the number of students in the program in an effort to attract new graduates to ASCs. AORN J 84 (August 2006) 219–232. © AORN, Inc, 2006.
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Identifying demand parameters in the presence of unobservables: A combined revealed and stated preference approach
Roger H. von Haefena, and Daniel J. Phaneuf, a,
aNorth Carolina State University, USA  相似文献   

Application of Mg–Al layered double hydroxide for treating acidic mine wastewater: a novel approach to sludge reduction     
Mir Tamzid Rahman  Takao Miura  Shogo Kumagai  Toshiaki Yoshioka 《Chemistry and Ecology》2019,35(2):128-142

Evidence for resource homogenization in 50 trophic ecosystem networks     
S.R. Borrett  A.K. Salas 《Ecological modelling》2010,221(13-14):1710-1716

Models for integrated pest management with chemicals in atmospheric surface layers     
《Ecological modelling》2007,201(1):2-10

Numerical simulations of intrusive gravity currents interacting with a bottom-mounted obstacle in a continuously stratified ambient     
Jian Zhou  Subhas K. Venayagamoorthy 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2017,17(2):191-209
In this study, the flow dynamics of intrusive gravity currents past a bottom-mounted obstacle were investigated using highly resolved numerical simulations. The propagation dynamics of a classic intrusive gravity current was first simulated in order to validate the numerical model with previous laboratory experiments. A bottom-mounted obstacle with a varying non-dimensional height of \(\tilde{D}=D/H\), where D is the obstacle height and H is the total flow depth, was then added to the problem in order to study the downstream flow pattern of the intrusive gravity current. For short obstacles, the intrusion re-established itself downstream without much distortion. However, for tall obstacles, the downstream flow was found to be a joint effect of horizontal advection, overshoot-springback phenomenon, and associated Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. Analysis of the numerical results show that the relationship between the downstream propagation speed and the obstacle height can be subdivided into three regimes: (1) a retarding regime (\(\tilde{D}\) \(\approx \) 0–0.3) where a 30 % increase in obstacle height leads to a 20 % reduction in propagation speed, simply due to the obstacle’s retarding effect; (2) an impounding regime (\(\tilde{D}\) \(\approx \) 0.3–0.6) where the additional 30 % increase in obstacle height only leads to a further (negligible) 5 % reduction in propagation speed, due to the accelerating effect of upstream impoundment and downstream enhanced mixing; and (3) a choking regime (\(\tilde{D}\) \(\approx \) 0.6–1.0) where the propagation speed is dramatically reduced due to the dominance of the obstacle’s blocking effect. The obstacle thickness was found to be irrelevant in determining the downstream propagation speed at least for the parameter range explored in this study. The present work highlights the significance of topographic effects in stratified flows with horizontal pressure forcing.  相似文献   

Thin-layer models for gravity currents in channels of general cross-section area,a review     
Marius Ungarish 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2018,18(1):283-333
We present a brief review of the recent investigations on gravity currents in horizontal channels with non-rectangular cross-section area (such as triangle, \(\bigvee \)-valley, circle/semi-circle, trapezoid) which occur in nature (e.g., rivers) and constructed environment (tunnels, reservoirs, canals). To be specific, we discuss the propagation of a gravity current (GC) in a horizontal channel along the horizontal coordinate x, with gravity g acting in the \(-z\) direction, and y the horizontal–lateral coordinate. The bottom and top of the channel are at \(z=0,H\). The “standard” problem is concerned with 2D flow in a channel with rectangular (or laterally unbounded) cross-section area (CSA). Recent investigations have successfully extended the standard knowledge to the channels of CSA given by the quite general \(-f_1(z)\le y \le f_2(z)\) for \(0 \le z \le H\). This includes the practical \(\bigvee \)-valley, triangle, circle/semi-circle and trapezoid; these geometries may be in “up” or “down” setting with respect to gravity, e.g., \(\bigtriangleup \) and \(\bigtriangledown \). The major objective of the extended theory is to predict the height of the interface \(z=h(x,t)\) and the velocity (averaged over the CSA) u(xt), where t is time; the prediction includes the speed and position of the nose \(u_N(t), x_N(t)\). We show that the motion is governed by a set of simplified equations, called “model,” that provides versatile and insightful solutions and trends. The emphasis in on a high-Reynolds-number current whose motion is dominated by buoyancy–inertia balance; in particular a GC released from a lock, which also contains general effects such as front and internal jumps (shocks), and reflected bore. We discuss two-layer, one-layer, and box models; Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq systems; compositional and particle-driven cases; and the effect of stratification of the ambient fluid. The models are self-contained, and admit realistic initial and boundary conditions. The governing equations are amenable to analytical solutions in some special circumstances. Some salient features of the buoyancy-viscous regime, and the estimate for the length at which transition to this regime takes place, are also presented. Some experimental support to the theory, and open questions for further investigations, are also mentioned. The major conclusions are (1) The CSA geometry has significant influence on the motion of the GC; and (2) The new theory is a useful, very significant, extension of the standard two-dimensional GC problem. The standard current is just a particular case, \(f_{1,2} =\) constants, among many other covered by the new theory.  相似文献   

Experiments on gravity currents propagating on unbounded uniform slopes     
Dai  Albert  Huang  Yu-Lin 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2020,20(6):1637-1662

Gravity currents propagating on \(12^\circ \), \(9^\circ \), \(6^\circ \), \(3^\circ \) unbounded uniform slopes and on an unbounded horizontal boundary are reported. Results show that there are two stages of the deceleration phase. In the early stage of the deceleration phase, the front location history follows \({(x_f+x_0)}^2 = {(K_I B)}^{1/2} (t+t_{I})\), where \((x_f+x_0)\) is the front location measured from the virtual origin, \(K_I\) an experimental constant, B the total buoyancy, t time and \(t_I\) the t-intercept. In the late stage of the deceleration phase for the gravity currents on \(12^\circ \), \(9^\circ \), \(6^\circ \) unbounded uniform slopes, the front location history follows \({(x_f+x_0)}^{8/3} = K_{VS} {{B}^{2/3} V^{2/9}_0 }{\nu }^{-1/3} ({t+t_{VS}})\), where \(K_{VS}\) is an experimental constant, \(V_0\) the initial volume of heavy fluid, \(\nu \) the kinematic viscosity and \(t_{VS}\) the t-intercept. In the late stage of the deceleration phase for the gravity currents on a \(3^\circ \) unbounded uniform slope and on an unbounded horizontal boundary, the front location history follows \({(x_f+x_0)}^{4} = K_{VM} {{B}^{2/3} V^{2/3}_0 }{\nu }^{-1/3} ({t+t_{VM}})\), where \(K_{VM}\) is an experimental constant and \(t_{VM}\) the t-intercept. Two qualitatively different flow morphologies are identified in the late stage of the deceleration phase. For the gravity currents on \(12^\circ \), \(9^\circ \), \(6^\circ \) unbounded uniform slopes, an ‘active’ head separates from the body of the current. For the gravity currents on a \(3^\circ \) unbounded uniform slope and on an unbounded horizontal boundary, the gravity currents maintain an integrated shape throughout the motion. Results indicate two possible routes to the final stage of the gravity currents on unbounded uniform slopes.


Throughflow analysis: A stochastic approach     
L. Matamba  C. Kazanci  J.R. Schramski  M. Blessing  P. Alexander  B.C. Patten 《Ecological modelling》2009,220(22):3174
Ecological network analysis (ENA), predicated on systems theory and Leontiev input–output analysis, is a method widely used in ecology to reveal ecosystem properties. An important ecosystem property computed in ENA is throughflows, the amount of matter/energy leaving each compartment of the ecosystem. Throughflows are analyzed via a matrix representing their relationships to the driving input at the boundary. Network particle tracking (NPT) builds on ENA to offer a Lagrangian particle method that describes the activity of the ecosystem at the microscopic level. This paper introduces a Lagrangian throughflow analysis methodology using NPT and shows that the NPT throughflow matrix, , agrees with the conventional ENA throughflow matrix, , for ecosystems at steady-state with donor-controlled flows. The matrix is computed solely from the pathways (particles’ histories) generated by NPT simulations and its average over multiple runs of the algorithm with longer simulation time agrees with the Eulerian matrix (Law of Large Numbers). While the traditional NEA throughflow analysis is mostly used with steady-state ecosystem models, the Lagrangian throughflow analysis that we propose can be used with non-steady-state models and paves the way for the development of dynamic throughflow analysis.  相似文献   

Dissolved Ions of Trace and Major Elements and in Suspended Sediments in the Nile,Egypt     
Muhammad Riaz  Ishaq A. Mian  Malcolm S. Cresser 《Chemistry and Ecology》2013,29(1):25-36

Effects of nitrogen and sulphate addition on methane oxidation in the marsh soil of a typical subtropical estuary (Min River) in China     
Minjie Hu  Benjamin J. Wilson  Zhigao Sun  Jiafang Huang 《Chemistry and Ecology》2018,34(7):610-623

Activated carbon and multiwalled carbon nanotubes as efficient adsorbents for removal of arsenazo(ΙΙΙ) and methyl red from waste water     
M. Ghaedi  A. Shokrollahi  H. Tavallali  F. Shojaiepoor  B. Keshavarz  H. Hossainian 《毒物与环境化学》2013,95(3):438-449

The impact of cheap natural gas on marginal emissions from electricity generation and implications for energy policy     
《Journal of Environmental Economics and Management》2017

Seasonal nutrient chemistry in an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture region: case study of Sanggou Bay from North China     
Tariq Mahmood  Jianguang Fang  Zengjie Jiang  Jing Zhang 《Chemistry and Ecology》2016,32(2):149-168

To mitigate or not to mitigate: The price elasticity of pro-environmental behavior     
《Journal of Environmental Economics and Management》2017

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