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The serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans Haswell, 1883 is an early colonist of new substrata in Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii. When metamorphically competent, larvae of H. elegans will settle rapidly upon an acceptably biofilmed surface, but not on a clean surface. In this study we found the ability of larvae to respond selectively to inductive surfaces to be retained for at least 3 wk. Of a series of bacterial strains isolated from Hawaiian marine biofilms, 13 induced larval settlement, 11 gave moderate or mixed results, and 10 others did not stimulate the settlement of H. elegans. The amount of settlement induced by monospecific strains was rarely as great as with natural, multispecies films. Most of the isolated bacteria were motile Gram-negative rods, but Gram-positive strains were also present, and diverse metabolic types were represented in the study. Biofilms killed by treatment with heat, ultraviolet radiation or chemical fixatives were no longer inductive. Soluble, dialyzable, heat-stable bacterial products induced settlement and metamorphosis more slowly. The range of bacteria producing an inductive signal suggests either that there are multiple cues, or that the cue is common to many bacteria. Chemical signals characteristic of early microbial biofilms may indicate freshly available substrata with optimal potential for the growth and survival of H. elegans. Received: 30 January 1998 / Accepted: 12 September 1998  相似文献   

Settlement sites of marine invertebrate larvae are frequently influenced by positive or negative cues, many of which are chemical in nature. Following from the observation that many shallow-water, Hawai'ian marine macroalgae are free of fouling by sessile invertebrates, we predicted that the algae are chemically protected and dependent on either surface-bound or continuously released soluble compounds to deter settling invertebrate larvae. To address the importance of waterborne algal compounds, we experimentally determined whether larvae of two of Hawai'i's dominant hard-surface fouling organisms, the polychaete tube worm Hydroides elegans and the bryozoan Bugula neritina, would settle in the presence of waters conditioned by 12 species of common Hawai'ian macroalgae (representing the Phaeophyta, Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta and Cyanophyta). The results included a full spectrum of biological responses by each larval species to waterborne algal compounds. Larval responses to conditioned water were consistent for each algal species, but the outcomes were not predictable based on the taxonomic relationships of the algae. For example, among the species of Phaeophyta examined, different conditioned waters were: (1) toxic, (2) inhibited settlement, (3) simulated settlement, or (4) had no effect, compared to larvae in control dishes containing filtered seawater. Additionally, larval responses to aged (24 h) conditioned waters could not be predicted from the results of assays run with conditioned waters utilized immediately after preparation. Finally, settlement by larvae of one species did not predict outcomes of tests for the other species. Four of 12 shallow-reef Hawai'ian macroalgae tested released compounds into surrounding waters that immediately killed or inhibited settlement by both H. elegans and B. neritina (toxic: Dictyota sandvicensis; inhibitory: Halimeda discoidea, Sphacelaria tribuloides, Ulva reticulata); the remaining 8 algal species prevented settlement by one of these fouling organisms but for the other had no effect or, in some cases, even stimulated settlement  相似文献   

Biofilms were allowed to develop on glass slips immersed 1.0–1.5 m below the sea surface in Tachibana Bay, Nagasaki, Japan, for different periods of time from November 2003 to January 2005. The effects of age, immersion month, dry weight, bacterial and diatom densities of these biofilms on the settlement and metamorphosis of pediveliger larvae of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were investigated in the laboratory. Furthermore, biofilms were subjected to various treatments to investigate the nature of the settlement and metamorphosis cue in the biofilm. Pediveliger larvae of the mussel settled and metamorphosed in response to biofilms. Settlement and metamorphosis to the post-larval stage significantly increased with the biofilm age. In addition, the biofilm activity varied depending on the immersion month (season), e.g., for biofilms with the same age, those immersed between June and August had higher activities than those immersed between November and March. The activity of the biofilm also positively correlated with the dry weight, bacterial and diatom densities. These three quantitative parameters of the biofilm were significantly affected by the film age but were not affected by the immersion month, suggesting that other parameters (e.g., community structures, extracellular products) also affected the inductive activity of the biofilm. The fixative agents (formalin and glutaraldehyde), heat, ethanol, ultraviolet irradiation and antibiotics treatments of the biofilm resulted in significant reduction or loss of its inductive activity. The survival of bacterial cells in the treated films where activities were either reduced or lost also decreased significantly. No settlement and metamorphosis were obtained when larvae were exposed to the conditioned water of the biofilm. Thus, larvae of M. galloprovincialis settled and metamorphosed in response to a cue produced by living bacteria in the biofilm. The cue may be a bacterial extracellular product which was susceptible to the above treatments.  相似文献   

Settlement of mussels is commonly associated with macroalgae. The effects of 19 macroalgal species on the settlement and metamorphosis of pediveliger larvae of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were investigated in the laboratory. Settlement and metamorphosis inducing activities of macroalgae Chlorodesmis fastigiata and Ceramium tenerrimum collected each month during the period between January 2005 and April 2006 were also investigated. Furthermore, C. fastigiata and C. tenerrimum were subjected to various treatments to investigate the roles of bacteria and diatoms on the algal surface in the induction of larval settlement and metamorphosis of M. galloprovincialis and the characteristics of the cues in these two macroalgae. Pediveliger larvae of M. galloprovincialis settled and metamorphosed in high percentages on Cladophora sp., Chlorodesmis fastigiata, Centroceras clavulatum, and Ceramium tenerrimum, all of which were filamentous in morphology. Macroalgae that were cylindrical, phylloid, flabellate, palmate and pinnate all showed low (<8%) percentages of post-larvae but four other filamentous macroalgae also had low mussel larval settlement, suggesting that chemical factors may also be involved. Seasonal variation had no effect on inductive activities of C. fastigiata and C. tenerrimum. Treatment of C. fastigiata and C. tenerrimum with formalin, ethanol and heat resulted in the significant decrease or loss of their inductive activities. Survival of algal cells within treated macroalgae also decreased significantly. Treatment of the two macroalgae with antibiotics and GeO2 reduced the numbers of bacteria and diatoms on their surface but did not affect their inductive activities, indicating that the cue was produced by macroalgae and not by coexisting bacteria and diatoms. However, conditioned water and crude extracts of these two macroalgae did not induce larval settlement and metamorphosis. Thus, larvae of M. galloprovincialis settled and metamorphosed on specific filamentous macroalgae. The chemical cues produced by C. fastigiata and C. tenerrimum were susceptible to ethanol and heat treatments and were not recovered in the conditioned water nor in the extracts. The finding that inactive C. tenerrimum can be produced from culturing its apical segments provides a new tool to elucidate the chemical cue(s) from macroalgae through manipulation of their culture conditions.  相似文献   

Bacterial isolates from multi-species biofilms were identified by 16S rDNA gene sequences and investigated for their inductive effects as monospecific biofilms on larval metamorphosis of Mytilus galloprovincialis. Alteromonas sp. 1 biofilm was found to have inductive activity, which increased with increasing cell density. The cue(s) of Alteromonas sp. 1 biofilm responsible for inducing larval metamorphosis was further investigated. Treatment of the biofilm with formalin, ethanol, heat or ultraviolet irradiation resulted in a significant reduction in the inductive activity of Alteromonas sp. 1, and the crude extract of surface-bound products of the biofilm showed no activity. These results indicated that if the cue was a surface-bound chemical cue, it was unstable, or susceptible to the treatments or the extraction process. On the other hand, the inductive activity of treated biofilms had a linear regression to the cell survival of bacteria, indicating a metabolically active biofilm was a requirement for larval metamorphosis. Conditioned water of the biofilm did not induce larvae to metamorphose. However, larval crawling behavior in the conditioned water was the same as that in the biofilm prior to larval metamorphosis, and significantly different to larval behavior in seawater. This indicated that a potential or partial waterborne cue existed, but remained inactive when alone. A synergistic effect of the conditioned water with formalin-fixed Alteromonas sp. 1 biofilm resulted in a significant increase in larval metamorphosis. Heat treatment and fractionation of the conditioned water demonstrated that the waterborne cue was heat-stable and <3,000 Da in molecular weight. Platinum-coating, Lentil Lectin and Wheat Germ Agglutinin treatments of the formalin-fixed biofilm significantly reduced its synergistic effect with the conditioned water, suggesting that a surface-bound cue was present on the biofilm and that the cue might be associated with the bacterial exopolysaccharide or glycoprotein. Evidence presented here suggests that two chemical cues derived from bacteria act synergistically on larval metamorphosis of Mytilus galloprovincialis.  相似文献   

Larval settlement of the infaunal spionid polychaetes Polydora cornuta and Streblospio benedicti is mediated by sediment-associated microorganisms. To investigate if larval preference for certain sediment is guided by individual sediment-associated bacteria, 13 bacterial isolates (5 phyla) obtained from the natural habitat of adult polychaetes (Wadden Sea, Germany) in 2008 were screened in still-water, no-choice settlement assays. Two isolates (α-Proteobacterium-Strain DF11 and Flavobacterium-Strain 54) significantly triggered larval settlement in comparison with sterile sediment. In still-water, multiple-choice settlement assays comprising natural and sterile sediment and sediment re-inoculated with isolates DF11 and 54, significant preferences for natural sediment and sediment containing bacterial isolates at 108 cells g?1 were observed. Larval settlement was influenced by bacterial abundance in sediment but the correlation was not strictly positive; thus, maximum larval settlement in response to single bacterial species may occur at certain optimum densities. Non-viable or suspended bacteria and water-soluble bacterial products did not induce larval settlement, suggesting that sediment-associated bacterial settlement cues for P. cornuta and S. benedicti were either produced in situ and/or consisted of heat-labile bacterial products.  相似文献   

Films of bacteria on solid substrata can positively or negatively influence the attachment of marine invertebrate larvae. Effects of marine bacteria on the attachment of cypris larvae of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite Darwin were examined in the laboratory. Bacteria, grown to mid-exponential phase and allowed to adsorb irreversibly to polystyrene petri dishes, attached in densities of 107 cells cm-2. Assays (22h) were used to compare the effects of adsorbed cells of 18 different bacterial species on larval barnacle attachment. Most of the adsorbed bacteria either inhibited or had no effect on larval attachment compared to clean surfaces. Experiments testing the effect of larval age on barnacle attachment were conducted with six species of bacteria and showed that older larvae attached in higher percentages to clean surfaces and that bacterial films generally inhibited larval attaschment. Both the species of bacteria and the in situ age of the adsorbed bacteria affected barnacle attachment response: older films of Deleya (Pseudomonas) marina were more inhibitory. Bacterial extracellular materials may be involved in the inhibitory process.  相似文献   

Surfaces from the habitat of adult Haliotis rubra were tested as inducers of larval settlement to determine the cues that larvae may respond to in the field. Settlement was high on the green algal species Ulva australis and Ulva compressa (Chlorophyta), the articulated coralline algae Amphiroa anceps and Corallina officinalis, and encrusting coralline algae (Rhodophyta). Biofilmed abiotic surfaces such as rocks, sand and shells did not induce settlement. Ulvella lens was also included as a control. Treatment of U. australis, A. anceps and C. officinalis with antibiotics to reduce bacterial films on the surface did not reduce the settlement response of H. rubra larvae. Similarly, treatment of these species and encrusting coralline algae with germanium dioxide to reduce diatom growth did not significantly reduce larval settlement. These results suggest that macroalgae, particularly green algal species, may play an important role in the recruitment of H. rubra larvae in the field and can be used to induce larval settlement in hatchery culture.  相似文献   

Balanus subalbidus (Henry) has the most oligohaline distribution of three congeneric barnacles in Chesapeake Bay and tolerates prolonged exposure to fresh water. We studied larval settlement (i.e., permanent attachment and metamorphosis) of B. subaldius in the laboratory, over a 3 yr period, May 1989 to March 1992, under the following conditions: (1) across an array of salinities at 25°C in the presence and absence of settlement factor consisting of adult B. subalbidus extract; (2) in the presence of conspecific or congeneric settlement factors; and (3) cyprids which were, and were not, induced to delay metamorphosis were compared in their capacities to settle in a range of salinities. Discrepancies between salinity profiles of larval settlement in the laboratory and adult oligohaline distribution in the estuary were striking, and there was a significant interaction between salinity and settlement factor. Averaging results of four different batches of larvae, although peak settlement (87±9%) of B. subalbidus occurred at 2 ppt salinity in the presence of adult cue, substantial settlement also occurred at higher salinities: >70% at 5, 10 and 15 ppt; and 47% at 20 and 25 ppt. In addition, settlement in the absence of settlement factor was relatively high (>50%) and peaked at mid-salinity ranges (e.g. 56±10% at 15 ppt). Variation observed in settlement among larval batches reflected detailed differences in settlement between adjacent test salinities. No difference in settlement occurred between replicate aliquots of cyprids within a batch. Cyprids of B. subalbidus settled most abundantly in the presence of settlement factor extracted from conspecifics, followed in decreasing order by settlement factor extracted from B. improvisus and B. eburneus. Delay of metamorphosis produced by keeping B. subalbidus cyprids for 8 d at 5°C resulted in a decreased level of settlement, but settlement frequency patterns of delayed and non-delayed cyprids were indistinguishable relative to salinity. These results indicate that the oligohaline distribution of adult B. subalbidus is probably not determined by larval behavior at settlement. We suggest that pre-settlement behavior, resulting in larval retention in low saline waters, could be an important factor in determining distribution of this species.  相似文献   

The influence of microbial films on larval settlement was studied for sympatric species of cellularioid cheilostome bryozoans (Bugula simplex, B. stolonifera, and B. turrita). Settlement experiments were conducted in the laboratory in 1981 with and without a choice of filmed or unfilmed substrates. When given a choice of substrates, the larvae of all three bryozoan species significantly preferred the filmed substrate. When not given a choice of substrates, both B. simplex and B. turrita larvae tended not to settle on the unfilmed substrate, while the filmed and unfilmed substrates were equally attractive to B. stolonifera. Microbial films enhanced the settlement of all three species.  相似文献   

Many species of marine invertebrate larvae settle and metamorphose in response to chemicals produced by organisms associated with the adult habitat, and histamine is a cue for larvae of the sea urchin Holopneustes purpurascens. This study investigated the effect of histamine on larval metamorphosis of six sea urchin species. Histamine induced metamorphosis in larvae of three lecithotrophic species (H. purpurascens, Holopneustes inflatus and Heliocidaris erythrogramma) and in one planktotrophic species (Centrostephanus rodgersii). Direct comparisons of metamorphic rates of lecithotrophic and planktotrophic larvae in assays cannot be made due to different proportions of larvae being competent. Histamine (10 μM) induced metamorphosis in 95% of larvae of H. purpurascens and H. inflatus after 1 h, while the coralline alga Amphiroa anceps induced metamorphosis in 40–50% of these larvae. Histamine (10 μM) and A. anceps induced 40 and 80% metamorphosis, respectively, in the larvae of H. erythrogramma after 24 h. Histamine (10 μM) and the coralline alga Corallina sp. induced 30 and 70% metamorphosis, respectively, in the larvae of C. rodgersii after 24 h. No metamorphosis of any larval species occurred in seawater controls. Larvae of two planktotrophic species (Tripneustes gratilla and Heliocidaris tuberculata) did not metamorphose in response to histamine. Seagrasses, the host plants of H. inflatus, induced rapid metamorphosis in larvae of the two Holopneustes species, and several algae induced metamorphosis in C. rodgersii larvae. Histamine leaching from algae and seagrasses may act as a habitat marker and metamorphic cue for larvae of several ecologically important sea urchin species.  相似文献   

In Japan, mass-production of sea urchin juveniles involves the culture of periphytic diatom films on plastic plates in 5- to 15-tonne tanks for the induction of larval metamorphosis. This study focused on the larval response of sea urchins, Pseudocentrotus depressus and Anthocidaris crassispina, to natural microbial films in the sea and diatom-based films formed in the tanks. The effect of diatoms and bacteria on larval metamorphosis was also examined using laboratory-cultured diatom-based films in the presence of germanium dioxide and antibiotics during film culture. Furthermore, the nature of the cue of the cultured diatom-based film was also investigated. Results showed that P. depressus and A. crassispina metamorphosed both on natural microbial films and diatom-based films in a tank. In the sea, the metamorphosis (%) of P. depressus increased gradually in accordance with the immersion period of film formed on glass slides, whereas the larval metamorphosis of A. crassispina had a bell-shaped response curve. In the tank, although the diatom-based films showed a low inducing activity for larval metamorphosis of A. crassispina, the metamorphosis of P. depressus larvae increased linearly in accordance with the diatom density. These results suggest that diatom-based films could promote the larval metamorphosis of P. depressus, but are less important in A. crassispina. In a simultaneous larval assay (May), P. depressus showed a higher percentage of metamorphosis than A. crassispina. We concluded that the former is more sensitive to diatom-based film than the latter and that this is due to differences in their natural habitats. For laboratory-cultured diatom-based film, both species of sea urchins showed a similar response, in which reduction in diatom and bacteria density resulted in a decrease in the original inducing activity. There seems to be a synergistic effect between diatom and bacteria in inducing larval metamorphosis. Films subjected to treatment with 0.1 N HCl were no longer inductive for either sea urchin, while those films treated with 40°C heat or EtOH (5% and 10% EtOH) showed a significant reduction in the inducing activity. Thus the surface-associated cues may be highly susceptible to the above treatments.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Acroporid corals are the main reef-building corals that provide three-dimensional habitats for other reef organisms, but are decreasing on many reefs worldwide due to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. In this study, temporal patterns of larval settlement and survivorship of two broadcast-spawning acroporid coral species, Acropora muricata and A. valida, were examined through laboratory rearing experiments to better understand the potential for larval dispersal of this important coral group. Many larvae were attached (but not metamorphosed) to settlement tiles on the first examination 3–4 days after spawning (AS). The first permanent larval settlement (i.e. metamorphosed and permanently settled juvenile polyps) occurred at 5–6 days AS, and most larval settlement (85–97% of total) occurred within 9–10 days AS. Larval survivorship decreased substantially to around 50% by the first week of the experiment and to approximately 10% by the second to third week. The rates of larval attachment, settlement, and the initial drop in survivorship of larvae suggest that effective dispersal of some acroporid species may largely be completed within the first few weeks AS.  相似文献   

Settlement patterns and the relationship between meroplanktonic larvae and settlement in decapods were studied on the Scottish east coast. Artificial settlement substrates (ASS), deployed at two locations (sandy vs. rocky sea substrates), were employed to collect megalopae and newly settled juveniles. Abundance of meroplanktonic larvae was used as an indicator of larval supply. The results showed a clear seasonality in settlement rates, and in some cases, significant differences between sites were detected. Nevertheless, the interference of the ASS with the surrounding habitat limits the study of spatial variability in settlement rates. Significant cross-correlation was found between the abundance of megalopae and juveniles in the collectors and planktonic larval abundance a month earlier. For individual species, this relationship was observed only in Pisidia longicornis. Complexities caused by the great variety of pre- and post-settlement processes, alongside effects of secondary dispersals of early juveniles may have obscured the relationship between meroplanktonic larvae and juveniles in other species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the response of cyprids of the barnacle Amphibalanus amphitrite to 23 strains of laboratory cultured periphytic diatoms isolated from microbial biofilms that formed on glass slides immersed in Tachibana bay, Nagasaki, and those from mass-production tanks in the Fisheries Center of Nagasaki City, Japan. In addition, periphytic diatoms were subjected to various treatments, in order to investigate the nature of the chemical cue in periphytic diatoms. Cyprids of A. amphitrite responded differently to the 23 different periphytic diatom strains and settled in high percentages on Cocconeis sp. and Navicula ramosissima strain A. On the other hand, nine strains of diatoms significantly inhibited settlement. The settlement inducing activity of N. ramosissima strain A increased linearly with diatom density, and its activity was enhanced by culturing the diatom under a bacteria-free condition, suggesting that specific diatom species, i.e., N. ramosissima strain A, may play an important role on larval settlement of the barnacle. Subjecting N. ramosissima strain A biofilm to hydrochloric acid (HCl) and ethanol (EtOH) treatments or heating it at 100°C did not inactivate the film, indicating that the settlement cue was a stable surface bound compound that did not decompose from the above treatments. Moreover, of the various lectins, enzymes, and drugs [H5IO6 and sodium dodecyl sulfate or (SDS)] used, only Lentil Agglutinin (LCA) treatment of N. ramosissima strain A biofilm resulted in the reduction its settlement inducing activity. A positive correlation was observed between the settlement inducing activity and the amount of LCA conjugated fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC-LCA) of N. ramosissima strain A. On the other hand, subjecting biofilms of N. ramosissima strain B, an inactive strain, to various types of treatments resulted in the induction of A. amphitrite larval settlement but LCA treatment also reduced the activity of these treated N. ramosissima strain B biofilms. These findings suggest that a cue containing an LCA-binding sugar chain is present in both A and B strains of N. ramosissima but the large amount of mucous substance covering N. ramosissima strain B biofilm probably makes the sugar chain containing active subunit in strain B unavailable to A. amphitrite cyprids. In conclusion, periphytic diatoms such as N. ramosissima play an important role in larval settlement of the barnacle A. amphitrite. The cue in the diatom was an LCA-binding sugar chain(s) compound that may have similarities to the settlement inducing protein complex (SIPC) from adult shell of the barnacle.  相似文献   

One of the great mysteries of coral-reef fish ecology is how larvae locate the relatively rare patches of coral-reef habitat on which they settle. The present study aimed to estimate, by experiments in aquaria, the sensory modalities of coral-reef fish larvae for senses used in searching for their species settlement habitat. Larval recognition of settlement habitat can be based on the detection of conspecifics and/or of characteristics of coral habitat using visual, chemical and mechanical cues. For this study, larvae were captured with crest nets and were then introduced into experimental tanks that allowed testing of each type of cue separately (visual, chemical or mechanical cues). Among the 18 species studied, 13 chose their settlement habitat due to the presence of conspecifics and not based on the characteristics of coral habitat, and 5 species did not move toward their settlement habitat (e.g. Scorpaenodes parvipinnis, Apogon novemfasciatus). Among the different sensory cues tested, two species used the three types of cues (Parupeneus barberinus and Ctenochaetus striatus: visual, chemical and mechanical cues), six used two types (e.g. Myripristis pralinia: visual and chemical cues; Naso unicornis: visual and mechanical cues), and five used one type (e.g. Chrysiptera leucopoma: visual cues; Pomacentrus pavo: chemical cues). These results demonstrate that many coral-reef fish larvae could in practice use sensory cues for effective habitat selection at settlement, and have the ability to discriminate species-specific sensory cues.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

J. Gilmour 《Marine Biology》1999,135(3):451-462
Laboratory and field experiments were used to determine whether high (≃100 mg l−1), low (≃50 mg l−1) and control (≃0 mg l−1) levels of suspended sediment affected fertilisation, larval survival, and larval settlement in the scleractinian coral Acropora digitifera (Dana, 1846). Both high- and low-sediment treatments significantly decreased fertilisation, but post-fertilisation embryonic development was not inhibited by suspended sediments. Larval survival and larval settlement were significantly reduced in high- and low-sediment treatments. No difference was found between high- and low-sediment treatments in any of the three post-spawning processes investigated, suggesting that they are susceptible to sediment concentrations which are not exceptionally high even under natural conditions (>50 mg l−1). The introduction of an additional stress in the form of high levels of suspended sediments coupled with naturally high variability in recruitment may have a considerable effect on the successful supply and settlement of coral larvae to a reef. Given that many coral communities are open reproductive systems, the consequences of disturbance events are not likely to be restricted to the impact area. Recruitment to a population may be reduced significantly in the presence of high levels of suspended sediments because of effects on larval survival and settlement. Recruitment of larvae to adjacent populations may also be affected due to a decreased fertilisation success and potential increases in mortality of larvae passing through the affected site. Received: 13 August 1998 / Accepted: 22 July 1999  相似文献   

Analysis of the displacements and activity of larval stages of the terebellid polychaete Eupolymnia nebulosa were carried out on different sediment types collected in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer (western Mediterranean). Results indicated sediment recognition by the larvae. Time devoted to exploration and settlement trials were significantly longer when sediments of similar granulometry had been previously reworked by adults. There were increased responses of settling larvae if the tentacles of adults of the same species had previously been in contact with the tested sediment. The early settlement activity was stronger at the sediment boundaries and increased in the coarse sediment. Our results suggest that larvae are able to recognize biologically bioturbed sediments and modify their behaviour accordingly. There is a larval settlement before the competent stage. Possible consequences of early settlement and the limitation of dispersal in Eupolymnia nebulosa larvae are discussed together with the results of automated measurements of early larval swimming.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

The dorid nudibranch Adalaria proxima (Alder & Hancock) is a specialist predator of the cheilostome bryozoan Electra pilosa (L.). Natural induction of metamorphosis of the pelagic lecithotrophic larva of A. proxima was assessed in response to solutions from sonicated prey tissue and (live) E. pilosa-conditioned seawater (Electra-CSW). We exploited the tendency of larvae to become entrapped (rafted) at the air-water interface in cultures to examine whether larvae require direct contact with the live prey for metamorphosis to proceed. Larvae metamorphosed when rafted above colonies of live E. pilosa, above plankton mesh bags isolating live E. pilosa, and in choline chloride controls; there was no metamorphosis of larvae that were rafted in filtered seawater controls. Entrapped veliger shells remained rafted throughout the experimental period in all cases. No metamorphosis occurred in treatments containing either the supernatants or pelleted particulates obtained from sonicated colonies of E. pilosa. Both one-colony and three-colony Electra-CSW induced metamorphosis of larvae. These data are at variance with previous results in showing that direct contact with the live prey is not necessary for metamorphosis to proceed. Furthermore, the fact that competent larvae metamorphosed in response to Electra-CSW in the absence of any other cue strongly suggests that the inductive cue is water-borne.  相似文献   

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