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厌氧污泥降解氯酚的驯化及其在驯化过程中的降解动力学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以2种厌氧污泥经4种氯酚的实验室半连续投料驯化试验的结果表明,通过氯酚的驯化可以明显地提高厌氧污泥对氯酚的降解活性和降解速率,消除利用氯酚的滞后期;驯化污泥降解活性的高低与原污泥的活性、菌群类型及氯酚的种类等因素有关;添加微生物易利用有机物,有利于获得高效降解氯酚的驯化污泥;并提出了氯酚在厌氧污泥驯化过程中的降解动力学方程。  相似文献   

底栖动物与海洋污染监测:Ⅰ.生态学的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要介绍和比较了利用底栖动物进行海洋污染生态学监测的几种方法,其中包括多样性指数法、种类个体的对数正态分布法、K-优势度曲线法、线虫/挠虫类比值法。这几种方法都有着局限性,目前都在继续探讨和完善中。本文重点讨论了几种方法的应用。  相似文献   

全球化和城市化使得世界城市发展面临着严重的生态环境问题与挑战,城市可持续性是解决这些问题的根本出路.本文利用欧洲城市改造的案例对城市可持续性进行了分析和研究,通过城市可持续性的原则、特点和影响因素分析,重点讨论了欧洲地方环境行动计划,以及项目特点、预算来源、战略目标、管理形式和行动计划与方案,指出切实可行的行动计划、普遍的公众参与、充足的资金来源、相关利益人的协作体、信息技术应用是城市可持续性和竞争力提升的根本保证.  相似文献   

铁路建设对动物生态行为的影响与控制策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从动物生境的破坏与污染两方面分析了铁路建设对动物生态行为的影响,并从铁路的路线选择、防噪减噪、设置动物通道、加强管理等方面论述了其控制对策。  相似文献   

恢复生态学的理论基础、关键技术与应用前景   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
从群落自然演替的理论出发,指出生态系统的退化并不是不可逆的。恢复生态学阐述了在被破坏的生态系统自然演替的过程中,可以通过人为手段加以调控,改变演替的方向和速度,缩短生态恢复的时间过程的理论。作者指出生态恢复并不一定恢复原状,而是根据自然和社会条件恢复或重建生态系统的结构和功能,并使之达到自维持状态。生物种类及其生长介质的丧失或改变是影响生态恢复的主要障碍,因此,提出选择适合植物种类改造介质和利用物理、化学方法直接改良介质等生态恢复的关键技术。根据我国现实的环境、社会、经济情况提出生态恢复工程技术产业化的问题,并列举了详细数据和成功的范例  相似文献   

景观生态学及熵模型在荒漠化监测与评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在对景观生态学和"熵"的概念及其特征进行分析的基础上,以承德市北部荒漠化地区为例,重点讨论了景观生态学中优势度指数、均匀度指数以及热力学中熵模型在荒漠化土地动态变化及评价中的应用.根据2001年8月31日Landsat卫星遥感TM数据,结合现场调查,通过景观熵值、植被覆盖度等指标综合评判,对研究样地荒漠化程度进行划分.结果表明:通过熵模型计算荒漠化景观系统的熵值,可以判断荒漠化景观发展趋势,也可以比较不同荒漠化景观的荒漠化程度.经过综合指标分析,判定丰宁县小坝乡属于重度荒漠化地区,围场县御道口属于中度荒漠化地区,该结论与实际相符合.   相似文献   

论生态经济学与经济生态学、环境科学的联系和区别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 综合性、边缘性科学的崛起,是当代科学兴旺发达的突出特点。近年来,出现了三门有密切联系而各自又互相独立的学科——生态经济学、经济生态学和环境科学。因此,搞清这三门学科之间的联系和区别,对这三门学科的发展是有利的。本文主要从各自的研究对象的角度来探讨一下这三者的联系和区别。关于生态经济学、经济生态学和环境科学内在联系特点与形成这些联系原因的探讨生态经济学、经济生态学和环境科学之间是存在着非常密切的联系的。这种联系可  相似文献   

<正>学者的研究不应仅限在象牙塔和实验室内,而应该注重对公众的教育、对社会的影响,为使我们生活的世界变得更好而努力。专注研究全球环境治理四十多年的美国加州大学Oran Young教授,就是这样的一位值得尊敬的学者。集Oran Young教授四十多年研究心得的"科普之作"——《论环境治理:可持续性、效率和平等》在2013年由Paradigm Publishers出版。当代环境问题的根源就是人类活动  相似文献   

本文旨在揭示塔特拉山脉在不断加剧的破坏性人为变化方面的重要性,这些变化正在影响着自然环境,重大的地形改变总是与偶然性的水文-气象事件-主要是泥石流-相关联的,但是,自然和人为因素的影响都加剧了块体快速流动的整体地貌后果,人类的强烈影与自80年代以来所观测到的气候的不稳定性一起,降低了自然环境的抗剥蚀能力,对塔特拉地区地生态体系的主要威胁在山脉内部,海拔在森林上限(矮松带)以上的区域表现得最为显著,本文还对1997年6月罕见的骤发洪水作了一般性的描述。  相似文献   

This research aims to investigate various sustainability issues in the New Zealand wine industry. Namely, the study examines (1) what drives the industry to engage in sustainability practices, (2) the role of stakeholders in the company's decision-making, and (3) environmental practices related to water utilization, chemicals and waste management. A qualitative research approach supplemented by quantitative measures was adopted to answer the research questions. Twenty-four wineries were studied. The research found that the most important drivers for sustainable practices are personal values, preferences and satisfaction with the profession (i.e., enjoyment of the work itself), followed by product quality and customers' demand. Size of firm also appears to be an important factor. New Zealand wine companies are also driven by the market, but companies do not receive a price premium for grapes grown sustainably or organically grown. The study proposes a typology matrix that differentiates wineries' involvement in sustainability based on the extent of sustainability practices and sustainability drivers.  相似文献   

Cavia aperea   and Galea musteloides) and domestic (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) guinea pigs, which summarizes general rules for many group-living mammals. It is shown that social interactions have consequences not only for the individuals' reproductive success but also for their degrees of stress and welfare. The way in which individuals interact is controlled not only by the present environment but also by the previous social experiences which they have gathered during their behavioral development. Furthermore, the study of ontogeny does not begin at birth, because prenatal social factors acting on pregnant females can also affect the way in which the offspring will interact when adult. In addition, to understand the genesis of interactions between domesticated animals implies knowledge of the behavioral and physiological changes which occurred during the process of domestication. Finally, understanding the social interactions among individuals of the wild ancestor of the domesticated form requires knowledge of how their behavior patterns were brought about by natural selection during the process of social evolution.  相似文献   

越南的养虾业正处在对生产体系的基础改造,使其转变成一个重要产业的过程中.该地区其他国家的经验,特别是高投入生产体系占主导地位的泰国的经验表明,现在正是通过干预使养虾业改道进入在生态、社会和经济上更可持续的道路.在泰国,实施强化的体系和复杂的产业组织的多年经验并没有获得可持续的解决办法.这里所面临的任务是使社会重新赢得控制并沿着更有效和良性发展的道路改变改革的发展方向.我们的分析结果表明,这两个国家的现行方法不可能使养虾业可持续的发展,需要对整个对虾的生产、喂养、加工、供销及管理的方式进行全面改革.  相似文献   

"21世纪的食物",是一项包括整个农业食物链的跨学科研究计划,于1997~2004年在瑞典实施.该研究所面临的挑战是为整个食物链中存在的不可持续的活动提出环境分析工具和解决方案.这需要科学家和食物链利益相关人紧密合作.本文提出了一整套以可持续食物生产为特征的目标方案.综合和系统分析是用来分析拟定变化的可持续性的主要工具.在本文中我们对"21世纪的食物"的概念进行概述,同时着重说明一些结论.例如,我们发现:就环境影响和产品质量而言,总体上来说,有机农业及其产品并不比常规的产品和方法优越.项目所采用的一些管理经验非常独特,这也是项目成功完成的重要原因,所以本文中我们对此也进行了总结.  相似文献   

 Dampwood termites, Zootermopsis angusticollis, show an alarm response after detecting the presence of spores of the pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. Termites in direct contact with a high concentration of spores (107 spores/ml) show a striking vibratory display which appears to convey information about the presence of pathogens to nearby unexposed nestmates through substrate vibration. Nestmates not directly in contact with spores that perceive the vibrational signal increase significantly their distance from the spore-exposed vibrating termites, apparently to escape from the source of infection. The fleeing response is not induced by the presence of the spores alone or by pheromones, and requires the perception of the vibrations propagated through the substrate. This "pathogen alarm behavior" appears to be a previously unrecognized communication mechanism that allows termites to reduce disease risks within the nest. Received: 12 May 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 26 August 1999  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the impact of ecological motivation and technological innovations on the long-term behavior of a closed-loop supply chain with recycling activities. Ecological motivation manifests through legislation and green image factor, whereas technological innovations manifest through design for environment. We adopt System Dynamics methodology applied to many environmental systems seeking long-term gains. The developed model is implemented to a real-world supply chain of electrical equipment in Greece. Numerical analysis illustrates the factors concerned, like the delay of the legislation enforcement, to achieve a sustainable future through non-renewable resources and landfill preservation.  相似文献   

Bamboo presents physical and mechanical characteristics, which turn it an alternative option for product development, replacing native or reforested wood. The sustainability assessment of a Dendrocalamus Giganteus species plantation in Brazil through the emergy methodology evidences a great weight of renewable (30% sej/sej) and human labour contributions (33% sej/sej). These contributions account for the great interface with environment and to the intensive work, respectively. The transformity value of bamboo production is 2.42E + 04 sej/J. The influence human labour has on the total emergy flow and on indicators is evaluated by taking into account different country locations (Brazil, Australia and China). Thus, a different transformity value for labour is assumed for each country. A ranking based on emergy sustainability index (ESI) values shows that bamboo production in China was the first placed, followed by Brazil and Australia (values of 1.18, 0.50 and 0.09, respectively). The insertion of indirect renewability embedded in labour results in the ranking modification, leading to plantation in Brazil in the first place, followed by the Australian and Chinese ones. The relative position of the bamboo systems is visualized in the ternary diagram expressed in terms of emergy. In an attempt to explore the relationship between sustainability and time, a graphic of ESI vs. global productivity is discussed in terms of a prospective evaluation. Indirect support areas of the bamboo production are calculated as a way to evaluate the sustainability-space relationship.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) could be microbially methylated to the bioaccumulative neurotoxin methylmercury (MeHg), raising health concerns. Understanding the methylation of various Hg species is thus critical in predicting the MeHg risk. Among the known Hg species, mercury sulfide (HgS) is the largest Hg reservoir in the lithosphere and has long been considered to be highly inert. However, with advances in the analytical methods of nanoparticles, HgS nanoparticles (HgS NPs) have recently been detected in various environmental matrices or organisms. Furthermore, pioneering laboratory studies have reported the high bioavailability of HgS NPs. The formation, presence, and transformation (e.g., methylation) of HgS NPs are intricately related to several environmental factors, especially dissolved organic matter (DOM). The complexity of the behavior of HgS NPs and the heterogeneity of DOM prevent us from comprehensively understanding and predicting the risk of HgS NPs. To reveal the role of HgS NPs in Hg biogeochemical cycling, research needs should focus on the following aspects: the formation pathways, the presence, and the environmental behaviors of HgS NPs impacted by the dominant influential factor of DOM. We thus summarized the latest progress in these aspects and proposed future research priorities, e.g., developing the detection techniques of HgS NPs and probing HgS NPs in various matrices, further exploring the interactions between DOM and HgS NPs. Besides, as most of the previous studies were conducted in laboratories, our current knowledge should be further refreshed through field observations, which would help to gain better insights into predicting the Hg risks in natural environment.  相似文献   

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