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Surface and core sediment samples were collected from Lake Ayg?r, Turkey, to determine heavy metal distribution, probable sources and potential ecological and toxic risks for the lake. Heavy metals, total sulfur, total phosphate, total organic carbon, chlorophyll degradation products, and CaCO3 content were established. The enrichment factor, PLI, potential ecological risk index, and toxic risk index were calculated. Zn was determined to have the highest accumulation in surface sediment, followed by Cr, Pb, and Cd, respectively. Cd was the only element that exceeded the critical value of 40 and posed a moderate potential ecological risk. According to TRI, no ecotoxic risk was found. It is thought that local fossil fuel consumption is responsible for the accumulation of heavy metals since there is a lack of urbanization, industrialization, and agricultural activities around the lake.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution, degree of pollution and major sources of PCBs were evaluated in surficial sediments within the heavily urbanized and industrialized ?zmit Bay and its main freshwater inputs. ΣPCB concentrations range from 2.90 to 85.4ngg(-1) in marine sediments and from ND to 47.7ngg(-1) in freshwater sediments. Results suggest that high concentrations of ΣPCBs were localized around a chlor-alkali plant and an industry that handles bulk liquid, dry and drummed chemicals, and petroleum products in the Bay. Using a chemical mass balance receptor model (CMB), major sources of PCBs in the region were investigated. The CMB model identified Aroclor 1254 and 1260 to be the major PCB sources in marine sediments and the less chlorinated Aroclor 1248 and 1242 as the major PCB sources in freshwater sediments. The potential sources for the PCBs were briefly discussed in terms of their use in various industrial applications.  相似文献   

Stream sediments from the mining and smelting district of Príbram, Czech Republic, were studied to determine the degree, sources and dispersal of metal contamination using a combination of bulk metal and mineralogical determinations, sequential extractions and Pb isotopic analyses. The highest metal concentrations were found 3-4 km downstream from the main polymetallic mining site (9800 mg Pb kg(-1), 26 039 mg Zn kg(-1), 316.4 mg Cd kg(-1), 256.9 mg Cu kg(-1)). The calculated enrichment factors (EFs) confirmed the extreme degree of contamination by Pb, Zn and Cd (EF>40). Lead, Zn and Cd are bound mainly to Fe oxides and hydroxides. In the most contaminated samples Pb is also present as Pb carbonates and litharge (PbO). Lead isotopic analysis indicates that the predominant source of stream sediment contamination is historic Pb-Ag mining and primary Pb smelting (206Pb/207Pb=1.16), while the role of secondary smelting (car battery processing) is negligible.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Globally, potentially toxic elements (PTEs) are regarded as an important group of pollutants for the wider environment because of their intrinsic...  相似文献   

Settling particles and underlying sediments collected at 1, 2.5 and 4 km along offshore transects in the urbanized sector of the Río de la Plata were analyzed to evaluate the sources and accumulation of PCBs. Total PCB concentrations range from <0.1 to 100 ng g(-1) and include variability associated to North-South and offshore gradients reflecting the impact of coastal discharges. Highest concentrations were recorded in the industrialized Central area close to Buenos Aires (61+/-37 ng g(-1) at 1 km) relative to cleaner northern stations (3.6+/-2.2 ng g(-1)) and southward sites (37+/-2.8 ng g(-1)), affected by transport of particulate PCBs by coastal currents. Sediment traps deployed in the Central area revealed large depositional fluxes of total matter (361+/-124 gm(-2)day(-1)) and PCBs (26+/-19 microg m(-2)day(-1)) and high sedimentation rates (5.0+/-1.7 cm yr(-1)). Uniform PCB concentrations (66-89 ng g(-1)) down to 20 cm in sediment cores suggest continued PCB discharges during the last 4 years. PCB composition was dominated by hexa (43+/-6.4%), hepta (23+/-5.1%) and pentachlorobiphenyls (21+/-5.5%) with lower proportions tri-tetra (7.4+/-5.4%) and higher chlorinated congeners (5.1+/-3.3%). A consistent weathering pattern with loss of 3-5 chlorobiphenyls and enrichment in higher chlorinated PCBs corresponding to a shift from a 1:1 to a 1:3 1254:1260 Aroclor mixture, was observed offshore. A principal component analysis performed with the relative contribution of PCB congener classes confirmed the offshore weathering pattern indicating that transformer oils containing Aroclor 1254-1260 are the most probable sources. Sediment inventories, sediment trap fluxes and Fugacity II calculations indicate an accumulation approximately 500-800 kg PCB in superficial sediments of this coastal environment.  相似文献   

This study, based on a greenhouse pot culture experiment conducted with 15-day-old rapeseed (Brassica campestris L. cv. Pusa Gold; family Brassicaceae) and moong bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek cv. Pusa Ratna; family Fabaceae) plants treated with cadmium (Cd) concentrations (0, 50, and 100 mg kg?1 soil), investigates their potential for Cd accumulation and tolerance, and dissects the underlying basic physiological/biochemical mechanisms. In both species, plant dry mass decreased, while Cd concentration of both root and shoot increased with increase in soil Cd. Roots harbored a higher amount of Cd (vs. shoot) in B. campestris, while the reverse applied to V. radiata. By comparison, root Cd concentration was higher in B. campestris than in V. radiata. The high Cd concentrations in B. campestris roots and V. radiata shoots led to significant elevation in oxidative indices, as measured in terms of electrolyte leakage, H2O2 content, and lipid peroxidation. Both plants displayed differential adaptation strategies to counteract the Cd burden-caused anomalies in their roots and shoots. In B. campestris, increasing Cd burden led to a significantly decreased reduced glutathione (GSH) content but a significant increase in activities of GSH reductase (GR), GSH peroxidase (GPX), and GSH sulfotransferase (GST). However, in V. radiata, increasing Cd burden caused significant increase in GSH content and GR activity, but a significant decline in activities of GPX and GST. Cross talks on Cd burden of tissues and the adapted Cd tolerance strategies against Cd burden-accrued toxicity indicated that B. campestris and V. radiata are good Cd stabilizer and Cd extractor, respectively, wherein a fine tuning among the major components (GR, GPX, GST, GSH) of the GSH redox system helped the plants to counteract differentially the Cd load-induced anomalies in tissues. On the whole, the physiological/biochemical characterization of the B. campestris and V. radiata responses to varying Cd concentrations can be of great help in elaborating the innovative plant-based remediation technologies for metal/metalloid-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study investigated the human biomonitoring of heavy metals in the water, sediments, and tissues of mostly consumed fish species using Turkmen...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In some Brazilian coastal cities, it is common to observe ‘black tongues’ in beaches, i.e. a mixture of urban runoff and untreated...  相似文献   


The trace elements concentration in the fish estimates the contamination degree in the aquatic environment. These toxic trace elements are transported into the human through the consumption of polluted fish. This study estimated the effect of Cd, Hg, Pb, As, and Al on tilapia species and catfish Clarias gariepinus (six for each species of fish) inhabiting Burullus Lake—Egypt 30° 33′–31° 08′ E and 30° 22′–31° 35′ N. The highest Pb concentrations recorded in the muscle of C. gariepinus 2.29 ± 0.29 μg/g while S. galilaeus was estimated the lowest Hg concentration of 0.54 ± 0.02 μg/g which indicated the presence of contaminants exceeded the limits permitted by FAO/WHO and EC. The maximum mean carbohydrate, lipid, and protein recorded in O. niloticus 18.66, 16.33, and 58.16 mg/g, respectively; moisture in O. aureus 67.33%; and ash 16.41% in O. niloticus. The lowest amount of carbohydrate was recorded in the T. zillii 14.1 mg/g, lipid, and ash in C. gariepinus 11.65 mg/g and 3.375%, respectively. Protein and moisture in the S. galilaeus were 53.75 mg/g and 60.75%, respectively. The results recorded a marked insignificant (P > 0.05) decrease in CAT, GR, and GPx activity in O. niloticus. GSH and SOD activity was an insignificant (P > 0.05) decrease in C. gariepinus. The results concluded that the trace elements concentrations exceed the maximum permissible limits recommended in fish samples set by Egypt, FAO, WHO, and EC. The estimated weekly intake of all elements through consumption of studied fish species inhabiting Burullus Lake by a child (15 kg) in Egypt is well above the PTWI recommended by FAO/WHO, whereas it is well below the PTWI for human consumption by young people (40 kg) and adult person (70 kg), at least in respect of residual levels of studied elements excluding Cd and Hg. Thus, for consumer protection, these fish species are unsafe and have hazardous effects for children, and about youth and adult consumption, caution must be taken to consider individuals eating significant amounts of fish.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Ak?ehir district is one of the regions where significant agricultural production and industrial activities are carried out. Groundwater is the...  相似文献   

Elutriate embryo-larval bioassays with sea-urchins (Paracentrotus lividus) and ascidians (Ciona intestinalis) were conducted concurrently with trace metal analyses as part of an integrative assessment of sediment pollution at Ría de Pontevedra (Galicia, NW Spain). High metal contents in sediments were found in localised areas from the inner part of the estuary indicating a clear anthropogenic influence. In particular, very high Cu, Zn and Pb levels were found at sites P2 and P3, which were also the most toxic to the embryo-larval bioassays. Sediment quality guidelines were used to help in the ecological interpretation of sediment chemistry data and to identify pollutants of concern. Cu and Zn in P3 were consistently above the effects range median (ERM) values, which seem to be good predictors of toxicity to sea-urchin and ascidian embryos. A toxic unit approach, based on published EC(50) values and metal levels in elutriates, was used to assess the harmful ecological effects associated to sediment chemistry. Toxicity detected in P3 may be explained on the basis of the toxic unit model; however, the high toxicity detected at P2 may be attributable not only to the metals quantified in the analyses but also to unmeasured organic pollutants. Multidimensional scaling applied independently to the toxicology and chemistry data resulted in a good agreement between both types of configurations. Moreover, the Mantel test revealed a significant correlation (r(M)=0.481; p=0.019) between metal concentrations and toxicity data profiles, supporting the correspondence between configurations.  相似文献   

Triclosan (TCS) is a broad-spectrum bactericide, highly toxic to algae, which is released into the environment via wastewater effluents. Predicted no-effect concentrations (PNECs) for aquatic biota have been proposed in the literature, varying from 1.4 to 1,550 ng/L, reflecting contradicting protection goals. In this work, six rivers in the state of São Paulo were monitored for TCS and caffeine, a tracer for untreated sewage disposal, over a period of more than 1 year. From 71 samples analyzed, 32 contained TCS at concentrations above the limit of quantification, ranging from 2.2 to 66 ng/L, corresponding to a frequency of exceedance of the lowest PNEC of 86 % (six out of seven sites). No correlation between TCS and caffeine was observed, and one of the reasons for that could be the different use patterns in the local populations. Given the high values found in the investigated rivers, TCS seems to be a strong candidate in the priority list of compounds that should be regulated in Brazil to preserve the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Chen JM  Cheng ZW  Jiang YF  Zhang LL 《Chemosphere》2010,81(9):1053-1060
Photodegradation of gaseous α-pinene by a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) in a spiral reactor was investigated under various gaseous reaction media and residence time, and their respective effects on types and biodegradability of the intermediates were studied. Analysis of carbon amounts showed that about 33% and 43% of total carbon were converted to soluble organic carbon in the air medium with a relative humidity (RH) of 35-40% at empty bed residence times (EBRTs) of 18 and 45 s. Based on the identified intermediates by GC/MS and IC, a photodegradation pathway was proposed by the combined roles of photolysis, OH. photooxidation and O? photooxidation. Biodegradability to active sludge, toxicity to Chlorella vulgaris and 96-well microplates showed that α-pinene could be largely converted to more biodegradable and less toxic compounds through photodegradation in the air reaction medium with a RH of 35-40% at an EBRT of 18s, in which the initial concentration was 600 mg m?3. Therefore, VUV photodegradation could be applied as an effective pre-treatment method for detoxification and biodegradability improvement under the optimized photodegradation conditions. Such results supported the potential use of VUV photodegradation to improve the removal capacity of conventional biological treatments for hydrophobic and poorly biodegradable compounds.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Heavy metals (HMs) have attracted global attention due to their toxicity, persistence, and accumulation in aquatic fish in the polluted water...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A comparison of Cu extraction yields for three different ethylenediamine-N,N′-disuccinic acid (EDDS)-enhanced washing configurations was...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Rare information on the seafood safety and the coastal water-food-energy nexus sustainability in terms of seafood safety is available. This study...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The K?z?l?rmak River is the longest river (1.355 km) in Turkey and flows into the Black Sea. Main pressures in the basin are waste...  相似文献   

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