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To evaluate the changes in sulphur pools in response to acidic deposition, two studies were made-one in southwest Sweden where podzolic B horizons originally sampled in 1951 were resampled in 1989. At the Norrliden site, northern Sweden, sulphur pools in control plots were compared to plots that had been subjected to H(2)SO(4) application between 1971 and 1976. The results show that in southwest Sweden neither organic S nor extractable SO(4)(2-) increased significantly over the 38-year period, despite a decreasing pH and a high S deposition. At Norrliden, about 37% of the applied S was still remaining in the upper and central parts of the Bs horizon, most of which was inorganic sulphate. These contrasting results are explained by intrinsic differences in the soil organic carbon status between the sites-in southwest Sweden, organic carbon concentrations were high which inhibited SO(4)(2-) adsorption. Low organic carbon concentrations and high extractable Fe/Al concentrations promoted SO(4)(2-) adsorption and caused a low subsequent SO(4)(2-) desorption rate at the Norrliden site. The results suggest that sulphate adsorption may be an important mechanism which delays the response in soil chemistry to H(2)SO(4) deposition, provided that soil organic carbon concentrations are low. Organic S retention was not shown to be an important S retention mechanism in any of the sites studied.  相似文献   

Rainfall acidity response functions for crop yield and growth are necessary to predict the overall impacts on crop yields of ambient and/or anticipated levels of acidic rain. The experiment described herein was performed at Brookhaven National Laboratory during 1984 and 1985 to determine the effects of simulated rainfalls of pH 5.6, 4.4, 4.1 and 3.3 on seed yields of four cultivars of field-grown soybeans (Glycine max Merrill). Soybeans were chosen because previous results suggested that certain varieties of this crop are sensitive to rainfall acidity and because they are an economically important crop in the USA. Sixteen plots per treatment were used. Plants were grown using standard agronomic practices under automatically movable exclusion shelters which minimize changes in the plant's microclimate. Analysis of variance of seed yields of the four cultivars showed significant treatments for all four cultivars. For all cultivars, seed yields were lower when exposed to simulated rainfalls of pH 4.4, 4.1 and 3.3 compared with rainfalls of pH 5.6. Compared with pH 5.6 rainfall (controls), yields of Amsoy exposed to pH 4.4, 4.1 and 3.3 were lower by 13, 11 and 12%, respectively. The percentage yield reductions for Asgrow, Corsoy and Hobbit were not as great as those of Amsoy. Averaged over all cultivars tested, there was a 9% seed reduction for plants exposed to simulated rain at pH 4.1 (comparable to ambient) compared with pH 5.6.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with an acidic deposition episode which occurred at Dorset in the ecologically sensitive Muskoka-Haliburton area of Ontario during the period 28 August–4 September 1981 when 12 % of the total 1981 precipitation fell. The wet deposition of both the sulfate and free hydrogen ions during this 8-day period accounted for 28% of the total 1981 wet deposition. The wet deposition of nitrate accounted for 16% of the 1981 total wet deposition.A trajectory study implicates pollution sources south and southwest of the study region.  相似文献   

Precipitation chemistry from different regions of the Continental United States is characterized in terms of a graph of annual mean μ (+) vs μ(−), where μ (+) = Ca2+ +Mg+2 + NH+4 + K+ and Na+,and σ (−) = SO2−4 + NO 3 + Cl; concentrations are given in μeq. ℓ−1. Sites receiving acid precipitation (pH < 4.5) tend to lie below a slope of 0.5 on such a graph, whereas sites that receive a (H+) < 31.6 μeq. ℓ−1 (i.e pH > 4.5) tend to cluster near a line of slope one. Four regions. North Central (Minnesota, Wisconsin), Midwest (Illinois, Ohio), East Central (North Carolina, Virginia), and North East (Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine) are presented as areas in terms of minimum and maximum μ (+) and μ (−) values. Seasonal variations of μ (+) and σ (−) tend to occur along lines of constant slope within these regions. The results from the last decade have been compared with the few measurements from the 1950s. Although one possible interpretation from this comparison is that σ(−) has increased in one or more of the regions considered, this view is tempered by the inherent difficulty in comparing single sites with regions.  相似文献   

Acidic deposition is comprised of sulfuric and nitric acids and ammonium derived from atmospheric emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and ammonia, respectively. Acidic deposition has altered soil through depletion of labile pools of nutrient cations (i.e. calcium, magnesium), accumulation of sulfur and nitrogen, and the mobilization of elevated concentrations of inorganic monomeric aluminum to soil solutions in acid-sensitive areas. Acidic deposition leaches essential calcium from needles of red spruce, making this species more susceptible to freezing injury. Mortality among sugar maples appears to result from deficiencies of nutrient cations, coupled with other stresses such as insect defoliation or drought. Acidic deposition has impaired surface water quality in the Adirondack and Catskill regions of New York by lowering pH levels, decreasing acid-neutralizing capacity, and increasing aluminum concentrations. Acidification has reduced the diversity and abundance of aquatic species in lakes and streams. There are also linkages between acidic deposition and fish mercury contamination and eutrophication of estuaries.  相似文献   

We investigated the relations between mountain streamwater chemistry and atmospheric pollution in an arca of 1611 km2 of the Czech Republic by comparing concentrations of SO4. NO3, Cl, Ca and the pH at 432 localities at the time of high (1984-1986) and relatively low (1996-2000) acidic atmospheric deposition. Medians of Cl. SO4, and NO3 decreased by 17, 96 and 60 microeq l(-1), or by 23, 17 and 49%, respectively, during 12 +/- 2 years. The decreased Cl corresponds to decreased emission of industrial Cl (as HCl). The decreased stream SO4 was proportionally lower than the 71% decrease in S-emissions due to leaching of previously accumulated SO4 from soils and non-zero background concentrations. Decreases of NO3 up to 60% in streamwaters with pH < or = 6 was greater than the decrease of N emission in central Europe, about 35%. Extensive regional decrease of NO3 is surprising and is probably described for the first time. The difference in NO3 concentrations between the two periods was probably enhanced by (a) an increase of mineralisation of forest floor in the mid-1980s and (b) by higher uptake of N in the late-1990s. The median pH of the 432 streams did not change but the pH of the sub-population with pH < 6 in the mid-1980s recovered substantially. The pH of circum-neutral streams (pH > 6.5) decreased even as acidic atmospheric deposition decreased.  相似文献   

The EMEP precipitation composition network is used to examine relationships between non-marine SO4(2-), NO3-, NH4+, H+ concentrations and precipitation amount and a local zonal pressure index (an index of the atmospheric circulation). The pattern of the relationships changes across Europe with the zonal pressure gradient explaining more of the variance in ion concentrations in the west, and precipitation amount explaining relatively more of the variance in the east. There is some predictive capability for precipitation composition in the zonal pressure gradient for restricted regions in Europe; R2 values are up to 40% on a daily basis but in some seasons/months attain >60%. The zonal pressure gradient is an index which appears to include pertinent information on transport and wet removal. Preliminary analysis indicates that this approach can be useful in assessing the contributions of changing atmospheric circulation to time-trends of wet acidic deposition in an area stretching from the UK over the North Sea to Denmark. The zonal pressure gradient is known to have varied on time-scales of decades, and the simple index may be one appropriate approach to assessing future deposition patterns from future climate projections.  相似文献   

Reductions in North American sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions promoted expectations that aquatic ecosystems in southeastern Canada would soon recover from acidification. Only lakes located near smelters that have dramatically reduced emissions approach this expectation. Lakes in the Atlantic provinces, Quebec and Ontario affected only by long-range sources show a general decline in sulfate (SO4(2-)) concentrations, but with a relatively smaller compensating increase in pH or alkalinity. Several factors may contribute to the constrained (or most likely delayed) acidity response: declining base cation concentrations, drought-induced mobilization of SO4(2-), damaged internal alkalinity generation mechanisms, and perhaps increasing nitrate or organic anion levels. Monitoring to detect biological recovery in southeastern Canada is extremely limited, but where it occurs, there is little evidence of recovery outside of the Sudbury/Killarney area. Both the occurrence of Atlantic salmon in Nova Scotia rivers and the breeding success of Common Loons in Ontario lakes are in fact declining although factors beyond acidification also play a role. Chemical and biological models predict that much greater SO2 emission reductions than those presently required by legislation will be needed to promote widespread chemical and latterly, biological recovery. It may be unrealistic to expect that pre-industrial chemical and biological conditions can ever be reestablished in many lakes of southeastern Canada.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the factors responsible for the loss (adsorption, chemical hydrolysis, microbial degradation, etc.) of dichlorvos (2,2-dichlorovingl 0,0-dimethyl phosphate) in soil perfusion systems of Houston Black clay. The rate of disappearance from the perfusate (hence the rate of dichlorvos degradation in soil) was related directly to the presence of Bacilluscereus in the perfusion system, the pH of the system, and the extent of dichlorvos adsorption. Gas liquid chromatographic analyses of the perfusates showed that dichlorvos disappearance was rapid when B. cereus was added to a previously sterilized soil perfusion system (50% in 3.9 days). Under sterile conditions, 50% of the added dichlorvos was recovered after 10 days. When B. cereus was added to a mineral salts medium containing dichlorvos as sole ccrbon source, 49% of the initial dichlorvos concentration was degraded in 4 days. The organism was not capable of utilizing dichlorvos as a sole phosphorus source. Chemical hydrolysis of dichlorvos in aqueous, buffered, soil-free systems showed that hydrolysis did not occur in very acid systems (<pH 3.3), but increased with increasing pH values (26% in 4 days at pH 6.9), and was rapid at pH 9.3 (> 99% in 2 days). The extent of dichlorvos adsorption was determined by comparing the initial loss of dichlorvos in a sterile, soil-free extract solution with the initial loss in a sterile soil perfusion system. The rapid initial disappearance of dichlorvos in the presence of sterilized soil was attributed to soil adsorption of the pesticide. After 10 days both systems contained equal concentrations (50%) of dichlorvos. Non-biological mechanisms accounted for 70% of the total degradation of dichlorvos, while bacterial degradation accounted for 30% in the soil perfusion systems.  相似文献   

Although the use of endosulfan to control cotton pests has declined, this insecticide still has widespread application in agriculture and can contaminate riverine systems as runoff from soil or by aerial deposition. The degradation of endosulfan in pure water at different pH values of 5, 7 and 9 and in river water from the Namoi and the Hawkesbury rivers of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, was studied in the laboratory. Endosulfan transformation into endosulfan sulfate in river water using artificial mesocosms was also investigated. The results show endosulfan is stable at pH 5, with increasing rates of disappearance at pH 7 and pH 9 by chemical hydrolysis. Incubation of endosulfan with river water at pH 8.3 resulted in the disappearance of endosulfan and the formation of endosulfan diol due to the alkaline pH as well as formation of endosulfan sulfate. Although the degradation of endosulfan by Anabaena, a blue-green alga, did not result in the transformation of endosulfan to endosulfan sulfate, we conclude that other microorganisms catalyzed the formation of the sulfate. Significant conversions of endosulfan into endosulfan sulfate were also reported from associated field studies using artificial mesocoms containing irrigation water from rivers inhabitated by micro-macro fauna. From these results, we conclude that the presence of endosulfan sulfate in river water cannot be used to distinguish contamination by runoff from soil from contamination by aerial drift or redeposition.  相似文献   

Endosulfan, one of the major pesticides used in cotton-growing, is of environmental concern because of its toxicity to fish and its apparent persistence in the environment. This study examines the distribution and degradation pathways for endosulfan in an aquatic system and the processes by which it is removed. In the alkaline waters of the cotton region, hydrolysis is the dominant degradation process. By this mechanism alone, the expected half-lives for the alpha- and beta-endosulfan isomers were found to be 3.6 days and 1.7 days, respectively. Partitioning studies showed, however, that the major proportion of endosulfan would associate with the sediments (log Koc(alpha) 3.6 and log Koc(beta) 4.3). Field studies confirmed the presence of high concentrations in sediments. Microcosm experiments showed that loss of endosulfan was slower than predicted from hydrolysis rates. Models are presented to explain how desorption from sediment limits the loss of endosulfan from a system.  相似文献   



Ambient air and bulk deposition samples were collected between June 2008 and June 2009. Eighty-three polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners were targeted in the samples.  相似文献   

Measurement of operationally defined chemical fractions in ombrotrophic peat samples provides information not obtained by total metal extractions. Examination of such sequential data permits interpretation of process dynamics. Results for copper, lead and zinc chemical fractionation of peat profiles from Ringinglow Bog, near Sheffield, Great Britain, are reported and discussed. Lead and zinc share similar patterns of partitioning. A considerable proportion of these records is in a form predisposed to transformation and mobilisation. In contrast, much of the copper is comparatively immobile, it being associated with the more chemically intractable fractions. The results suggest that peat copper deposition records may be used for reconstruction of pollution history. The use of lead and zinc records for these purposes is problematic.  相似文献   

A series of short-term laboratory experiments were conducted in which galvanized steel samples were exposed to sub-ppm levels of SO2. Dew was produced periodically on the test panels, and, at the end of some experiments, panels were sprayed with solutions of various pH levels. Both dew and rain rinse samples were analyzed for SO32−, SO42− and Zn.The laboratory results suggest that as a first approximation the damage to galvanized steel induced by the dry deposition of SO2 can be calculated by equating the dry SO2 flux to the Zn corrosion flux. SO2 will deposit onto a fresh dry surface until an amount similar to that of a monolayer has formed. Under wet conditions, the dry deposition flux is controlled by the gas-phase resistance of the atmosphere. Wet deposition of ammonium bisulphate induces corrosion which depends not only on the pH of the incident rain, but also on the exposure history of the samples.  相似文献   

This study evaluates chemical trends of seven acidified reservoirs and 22 tributaries in the Erzgebirge from 1993 to 2003. About 85% of these waters showed significantly (p < 0.05) declining concentrations of protons (-69%), nitrate (-41%), sulfate (-27%), and reactive aluminum (-50% on average). This reversal is attributed to the intense reduction of industrial SO2 and NOx emissions from formerly high levels, which declined by 99% and 82% in the German-Czech border region between 1993 and 1999. The deposition rates of protons and sulfur decreased by 70-90%. Since 1993, the dry deposition of total inorganic nitrogen diminished to a minor degree, but the wet deposition remained unchanged. The surface waters reflect a substantial decrease in Al exchange processes, a release of sulfur previously stored in soils, and an uptake of nitrate by forest vegetation. The latter effect may be supported by soil protection liming which contributed to the chemical reversal in almost 20% of the study waters.  相似文献   

中国主要湖泊营养氮沉降临界负荷的研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
水体营养氮沉降临界负荷是不致使水体产生富营养化的最高氮沉降量。文中探讨了一种依据湖泊氮质量平衡原理计算营养氮沉降临界负荷的方法。用该方法计算表明 ,我国主要湖泊的营养氮沉降临界负荷比较低 ,大部分小于 1keq· hm- 1 · a- 1 ,部分已为目前的氮沉降量或者两者相当接近 ,意味着只接受氮沉降也能导致这些湖泊产生富营养化。但实际统计结果表明 ,氮沉降在导致受工农业生产和生活影响很大的城市和郊区湖泊的水质富营养化的所有氮污染源中所占比例较低 ,而其它来源的氮输入如河道入湖、工业生活废水和农田径流等才是导致富营养化的最主要因素 ,它们的量已远远超过了这些水体可随最高允许氮负荷。因此 ,对控制这些湖泊的水质富营养化而言 ,控制氮沉降并不是目前最紧迫的任务 ,而其它人为污染源的控制才是最急需的。但氮沉降临界负荷在湖泊富营养化的中长远控制中仍具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Abundance (catch per unit effort, n=3752) and population structure of perch Perca fluviatilis were studied in 30 acidic Norwegian lakes with relation to pH (4.3-5.9), calcium (0.41-2.44 mg litre(-1)), labile aluminium (24-255 microg litre(-1)) and total organic carbon (TOC, 1.7-13.8 mg C litre(-1)). Standard series of bottom gill-nets were used to sample fish populations. A multiple regression analysis showed that abundance was significantly correlated to TOC (P<0.05) and, to a smaller extent, to the Ca in lakes with concentrations between 0.41 and 1.70 mg litre(-1) (P=0.07). The lakes which were inhabited by pike were excluded from the analysis. Recruitment failure seems to be the main cause of reductions in perch numbers in the lakes studied. However, high mortality among adult individuals was also evident, and an episode of fish kill was observed in one of the lakes.  相似文献   

Air pollutants or some chemicals applied to plant foliage can alter the ecology of the rhizosphere. Experiments were conducted to distinguish among possible foliage-mediated versus soil- or root-mediated effects of acid deposition on microorganism in the rhizosphere. Seedlings of a sorghum x sudangrass hybrid in pots of non-sterile soil-sand mix in a greenhouse were exposed to simulated rain solution adjusted with H2SO4 + HNO3 to pH 4.9, 4.2, 3.5 or 2.8. Solutions were applied as simulated rain to foliage and soil, foliage only (soil covered by plastic, and deionized water applied directly to the soil), or soil only (solution applied directly to the soil). Solutions were applied on 16 days during a 6-week period (1.5 cm deposition in 1 h per application). Plant shoot and root dry weights and population densities of selected types of bacteria, filamentous actinomycetes and fungi in the rhizosphere were quantified after exposures were completed. Deposition of simulated acidic rain onto foliage alone had no effect on plant biomass or microbial population densities in the rhizosphere (colony-forming units per gram of rhizosphere soil). However, plant growth was stimulated and all microbial populations in the rhizosphere increased 3- to 8-fold with increased solution acidity (relative to pH 4.9 solution) when solution penetrated the soil. Statistical analyses indicated that the acid dose-population response relationships for soil-only and foliage-and-soil applications were not different. Thus, no foliage-mediated effect of simulated acidic rain on rhizosphere ecology was detected.  相似文献   

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