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Wiser SK  Buxton RP 《Ecology》2008,89(2):380-391
The extensive research on plant communities of natural-habitat islands has primarily focused on the "islands." The island analogy, however, potentially limits understanding of processes influencing composition on habitat islands because the nature of their matrix is overlooked. We determine how plant community structure of the surrounding matrix influences vegetation on volcanic outcrops in the modified landscape of Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Our primary purpose is to address whether the matrix is more important for recently established exotic species than it is for well-established native species and whether such invasion by exotics has led to homogenization of the outcrop flora. To test this, we examined our data at three spatial scales: that of the entire outcrop flora, between individual outcrops and their immediate surrounding matrix, and between individual outcrop faces and the individual relevés of the immediate surrounding matrix. We found that 81% of the native flora and 90% of the exotic flora also occur in the matrix. This high level of species shared between the outcrop and matrix persists at the scale of individual outcrop faces (68% of the total flora of individual faces is shared with the matrix). We predicted that floras from different outcrops would vary in their distinctiveness from their immediate matrix. We found Bray-Curtis distance coefficient values to range from 0.26 to 0.64; these were even higher at the outcrop-face scale. Variability in outcrop distinctiveness relates primarily to the outcrop face properties of area, vegetation height, and soil depth, and matrix properties of vegetation structure and vegetation heterogeneity. The effect of the vegetation structure of the matrix is more pronounced on the exotic than on the native outcrop flora. The component of composition and structure of the matrix that was independent of outcrop properties and local environment accounts for similar levels of explainable variation in total and native composition (29-31%), but considerably more (40%) in composition of exotic species. Our results support our prediction that, as the surrounding matrix becomes more modified, invasion by exotics makes outcrop vegetation less distinct from its matrix.  相似文献   

Pettit NE  Naiman RJ 《Ecology》2007,88(8):2094-2104
Piles of large wood (LW) deposited by major floods in river corridors can interact with naturally occurring wildfires from uplands to impact the regeneration of riparian vegetation. This study examines the spatial and short-term temporal response of riparian vegetation and soil nutrients to fire along the Sabie River, South Africa, with special emphasis on the effects of burned LW piles. At the study site there were 112 species of plants recorded with 28% of species restricted to the burned plots. As expected, vegetation cover was significantly lower in burned plots as compared with the unburned plots 12 months postfire. There was a significant influence of LW on species richness with fewer species recorded in the LW plots. For both fire and LW treatments, plant cover showed a significant change over three years. After an initial increase from 12 to 24 months (postfire) there was a decline in plant cover after 36 months. Species community composition was distinctly different between burned and unburned plots 12 months postfire, and the presence of LW affected species composition for burned plots but not for unburned ones. Time series ordination of LW plots highlighted the changes in species composition over the three years of sampling. Of trees with accumulations of LW within 5 m of their base, 48% had been killed by fire as compared to only 4% with no LW accumulations in close proximity. Soil-available P was significantly higher in the burned plots and even higher with burned LW while there were no effects on soil total N. There was also a significant positive trend between available P in soils and plant vegetation cover. Soil-exchangeable K was also significantly higher and total C significantly lower in the burned and LW plots. Burned plots also had significantly higher soil electrical conductivity (EC) and soil pH. The patchy nature of the studied fire, whose complexity is exacerbated by the distribution of flood deposited LW, acted to create a mosaic of alternate successional states as the riparian community recovers from flooding and the subsequent fire. We suspect that the resultant heterogeneity will increase ecosystem resilience by providing flexibility in the form of more options for a system response to subsequent disturbances.  相似文献   

Bakker JD  Moore MM 《Ecology》2007,88(9):2305-2319
Long-term studies can broaden our ecological understanding and are particularly important when examining contingent effects that involve changes to dominance by long-lived species. Such a change occurred during the last century in Southwestern (USA) ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests. We used five livestock grazing exclosures established in 1912 to quantify vegetation structure in 1941 and 2004. Our objectives were to (1) assess the effects of historical livestock grazing on overstory structure and age distribution, (2) assess the effects of recent livestock grazing and overstory on understory vegetation, and (3) quantify and explain changes in understory vegetation between 1941 and 2004. In 1941, canopy cover of tree regeneration was significantly higher inside exclosures. In 2004, total tree canopy cover was twice as high, density was three times higher, trees were smaller, and total basal area was 40% higher inside exclosures. Understory species density, herbaceous plant density, and herbaceous cover were negatively correlated with overstory vegetation in both years. Most understory variables did not differ between grazing treatments in 1941 but were lower inside exclosures in 2004. Differences between grazing treatments disappeared once overstory effects were accounted for, indicating that they were due to the differential overstory response to historical livestock grazing practices. Between 1941 and 2004, species density declined by 34%, herbaceous plant density by 37%, shrub cover by 69%, total herbaceous cover by 59%, graminoid cover by 39%, and forb cover by 82%. However, these variables did not differ between grazing treatments or years once overstory effects were accounted for, indicating that the declines were driven by the increased dominance of the overstory during this period. Our results demonstrate that historical livestock grazing practices are an aspect of land-use history that can affect ecosystem development. Grazing history must be considered when extrapolating results from one site to another. In addition, the understory vegetation was more strongly controlled by the ponderosa pine overstory than by recent livestock grazing or by temporal dynamics, indicating that overstory effects must be accounted for when examining understory responses in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Riparian habitats are important for the maintenance of regional biodiversity. Many studies have compared bird distributions between riparian and non-riparian habitats but have not established how wide riparian habitats used by birds are, as measured by distance from the nearest stream. We investigated the distribution of understory birds along gradients of distance from streams, soil clay content, and slope in a central Amazonian forest, by mist-netting birds three times in 45 plots. We used nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) to reduce the dimensionality of species quantitative (abundance) and qualitative (presence-absence) composition to one multivariate axis. Estimates of the width of riparian habitats as indicated by understory birds depended on the community attribute considered, measuring 90 m for species quantitative composition and 140 m for species qualitative composition. Species distributions were correlated with clay content but were independent of slope, while distance from streams was positively correlated with clay content but independent of slope. Clay content affects plant species composition, which in turn, may influence bird species composition. However, distribution patterns of birds in relation to distance from streams are consistent among studies carried out in many different temperate and tropical regions, indicating an effect of distance from streams itself. Protection of riparian habitats is one of the most widely used conservation strategies, and Brazilian environmental legislation mandates the protection of a 30 m wide strip of riparian vegetation on either side of small streams. We show that the protected strip should be much wider and recommend strategies to place other forms of land protection contiguous with riparian areas so that Brazilian environmental legislation better fulfills its role of protecting biodiversity associated with riparian habitats.  相似文献   

Drake DC  Naiman IR  Bechtold JS 《Ecology》2006,87(5):1256-1266
We introduced an 15N-NH4+ tracer to the riparian forest of a salmon-bearing stream (Kennedy Creek, Washington, USA) to quantify the cycling and fate of a late-season pulse of salmon N and, ultimately, mechanisms regulating potential links between salmon abundance and tree growth. The 15N tracer simulated deposition of 7.25 kg of salmon (fresh) to four 50-m2 plots. We added NH4+ (the initial product of salmon carcass decay) and other important nutrients provided by carcasses (P, S, K, Mg, Ca) to soils in late October 2003, coincident with local salmon spawning. We followed the 15N tracer through soil and tree pools for one year. Biological uptake of the 15N tracer occurred quickly: 64% of the 15N tracer was bound in soil microbiota within 14 days, and roots of the dominant riparian tree, western red cedar (Thuja plicata), began to take up 15N tracer within seven days. Root uptake continued through the winter. The 15N tracer content of soil organic matter reached a maximum of approximately 52%, five weeks after the application, and a relative equilibrium of approximately 40% within five months. Six months after the addition, in spring 2004, at least 37% of the 15N tracer was found in tree tissues: approximately 23% in foliage, approximately 11% in roots, and approximately 3% in stems. Within the stems, xylem and phloem sap contained approximately 96% of the tracer N, and approximately 4% was in structural xylem N. After one year, at least 28% of the 15N tracer was still found in trees, and loss from the plots was only approximately 20%. The large portion of tracer N taken up in the fall and reallocated to leaves and stems the following spring provides mechanistic evidence for a one-year-lagged tree-growth response to salmon nutrients. Salmon nutrients have been deposited in the Kennedy Creek system each fall for centuries, but the system shows no evidence of nutrient saturation. Rates of N uptake and retention are a function of site history and disturbance and also may be the result of a legacy effect, in which annual salmon nutrient addition may lead to increased efficiency of nutrient uptake and use.  相似文献   

Information about how vegetation composition and structure vary quantitatively and spatially with physical environment, disturbance history, and land ownership is fundamental to regional conservation planning. However, current knowledge about patterns of vegetation variability across large regions that is spatially explicit (i.e., mapped) tends to be general and qualitative. We used spatial predictions from gradient models to examine the influence of environment, disturbance, and ownership on patterns of forest vegetation biodiversity across a large forested region, the 3-million-ha Oregon Coast Range (USA). Gradients in tree species composition were strongly associated with environment, especially climate, and insensitive to disturbance, probably because many dominant tree species are long-lived and persist throughout forest succession. In contrast, forest structure was strongly correlated with disturbance and only weakly with environmental gradients. Although forest structure differed among ownerships, differences were blurred by the presence of legacy trees that originated prior to current forest management regimes. Our multi-ownership perspective revealed biodiversity concerns and benefits not readily visible in single-ownership analyses, and all ownerships contributed to regional biodiversity values. Federal lands provided most of the late-successional and old-growth forest. State lands contained a range of forest ages and structures, including diverse young forest, abundant legacy dead wood, and much of the high-elevation true fir forest. Nonindustrial private lands provided diverse young forest and the greatest abundance of hardwood trees, including almost all of the foothill oak woodlands. Forest industry lands encompassed much early-successional forest, most of the mixed hardwood-conifer forest, and large amounts of legacy down wood. The detailed tree- and species-level data in the maps revealed regional trends that would be masked in traditional coarse-filter assessment. Although abundant, most early-successional forests originated after timber harvest and lacked legacy live and dead trees important as habitat and for other ecological functions. Many large-conifer forests that might be classified as old growth using a generalized forest cover map lacked structural features of old growth such as multilayered canopies or dead wood. Our findings suggest that regional conservation planning include all ownerships and land allocations, as well as fine-scale elements of vegetation composition and structure.  相似文献   

Eschtruth AK  Battles JJ 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1314-1322
The widely held belief that riparian communities are highly invasible to exotic plants is based primarily on comparisons of the extent of invasion in riparian and upland communities. However, because differences in the extent of invasion may simply result from variation in propagule supply among recipient environments, true comparisons of invasibility require that both invasion success and propagule pressure are quantified. In this study, we quantified propagule pressure in order to compare the invasibility of riparian and upland forests and assess the accuracy of using a community's level of invasion as a surrogate for its invasibility. We found the extent of invasion to be a poor proxy for invasibility. The higher level of invasion in the studied riparian forests resulted from greater propagule availability rather than higher invasibility. Furthermore, failure to account for propagule pressure may confound our understanding of general invasion theories. Ecological theory suggests that species-rich communities should be less invasible. However, we found significant relationships between species diversity and invasion extent, but no diversity-invasibility relationship was detected for any species. Our results demonstrate that using a community's level of invasion as a surrogate for its invasibility can confound our understanding of invasibility and its determinants.  相似文献   

Wildland fires are expected to become more frequent and severe in many ecosystems, potentially posing a threat to many sensitive species. We evaluated the effects of a large, stand-replacement wildfire on three species of pond-breeding amphibians by estimating changes in occupancy of breeding sites during the three years before and after the fire burned 42 of 83 previously surveyed wetlands. Annual occupancy and colonization for each species was estimated using recently developed models that incorporate detection probabilities to provide unbiased parameter estimates. We did not find negative effects of the fire on the occupancy or colonization rates of the long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum). Instead, its occupancy was higher across the study area after the fire, possibly in response to a large snowpack that may have facilitated colonization of unoccupied wetlands. Naive data (uncorrected for detection probability) for the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) initially led to the conclusion of increased occupancy and colonization in wetlands that burned. After accounting for temporal and spatial variation in detection probabilities, however, it was evident that these parameters were relatively stable in both areas before and after the fire. We found a similar discrepancy between naive and estimated occupancy of A. macrodactylum that resulted from different detection probabilities in burned and control wetlands. The boreal toad (Bufo boreas) was not found breeding in the area prior to the fire but colonized several wetlands the year after they burned. Occupancy by B. boreas then declined during years 2 and 3 following the fire. Our study suggests that the amphibian populations we studied are resistant to wildfire and that B. boreas may experience short-term benefits from wildfire. Our data also illustrate how naive presence-non-detection data can provide misleading results.  相似文献   

Meynard CN  Quinn JF 《Ecology》2008,89(4):981-990
Spatial structure in metacommunities and their relationships to environmental gradients have been linked to opposing theories of community assembly. In particular, while the species sorting hypothesis predicts strong environmental influences, the neutral theory, the mass effect, and the patch dynamics frameworks all predict differing degrees of spatial structure resulting from dispersal and competition limitations. Here we study the relative influence of environmental gradients and spatial structure in bird assemblages of the Chilean temperate forest. We carried out bird and vegetation surveys in South American temperate forests at 147 points located in nine different protected areas in central Chile, and collected meteorological and productivity data for these localities. Species composition dissimilarities between sites were calculated, as well as three indices of bird local diversity: observed species richness, Chao estimate of richness, and Shannon diversity. A stepwise multiple regression and partial regression analyses were used to select a small number of environmental factors that predicted bird species diversity. Although diversity indices were spatially autocorrelated, environmental factors were sufficient to account for this autocorrelation. Moreover, community dissimilarities were not significantly related to distance between sites. We then tested a multivariate hypothesis about climate, vegetation, and avian diversity interactions using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The SEM showed that climate and area of fragments have important indirect effects on avian diversity, mediated through changes in vegetation structure. Given the scale of this study, the metacommunity framework provides useful insights into the mechanisms driving bird assemblages in this region. Taken together, the weak spatial structure of community composition and diversity, as well as the strong environmental effects on bird diversity, support the interpretation that species sorting has a predominant role in structuring avian assemblages in the region.  相似文献   

The resource heterogeneity hypothesis (RHH) is frequently cited in the ecological literature as an important mechanism for maintaining species diversity. The RHH has rarely been evaluated in the context of restoration ecology in which a commonly cited goal is to restore diversity. In this study we focused on the spatial heterogeneity of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) following restoration treatments in a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)/Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forest in western Montana, USA. Our objective was to evaluate relationships between understory species richness and TIN heterogeneity following mechanical thinning (thin-only), prescribed burning (burn-only), and mechanical thinning with prescribed burning (thin/burn) to discern the ecological and management implications of these restoration approaches. We employed a randomized block design, with three 9-ha replicates of each treatment and an untreated control. Within each treatment, we randomly established a 20 x 50 m (1000 m2) plot in which we measured species richness across the entire plot and in 12 1-m(2) quadrats randomly placed within each larger plot. Additionally, we measured TIN from a grid consisting of 112 soil samples (0-5 cm) in each plot and computed standard deviations as a measure of heterogeneity. We found a correlation between the net increase in species richness and the TIN standard deviations one and two years following restoration treatments, supporting RHH. Using nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination and chi-squared analysis, we found that high and low TIN quadrats contained different understory communities in 2003 and 2004, further supporting RHH. A comparison of restoration treatments demonstrated that thin/burn and burn-only treatments created higher N heterogeneity relative to the control. We also found that within prescribed burn treatments, TIN heterogeneity was positively correlated with fine-fuel consumption, a variable reflecting burn severity. These findings may lead to more informed restoration decisions that consider treatment effects on understory diversity in ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir ecosystems.  相似文献   

Basiphilous, open, species-rich vegetation types of young dune slacks have declined throughout Europe in recent years, and have largely been replaced by often acidophilous, tall marsh and scrub vegetation. This succession appears to be accelerated by a decrease in the discharge of calcareous groundwater from sandy ridges or small dune hummocks. The present study deals with spatial and temporal variation in the chemical composition of the groundwater in the upper metres of the soil of a degraded dune slack complex on the Dutch barrier island of Schiermonnikoog, with emphasis on (1) groundwater composition, (2) water level and (3) decalcification patterns. The main aim was to assess perspectives for restoring basiphilous vegetation types which had been abundant in this slack from 1954 to 1977. The depth of decalcification was related to former hydrological conditions along a transect of 200 m. Acidifying effects of rainfall were reflected in the chemical composition of the groundwater below small dune hummocks within the slack. Distinct precipitation water lenses, poor in dissolved ions, were formed under the dune hummocks during a wet period. This microtopography did not contribute to the discharge of calcareous groundwater to lowlying parts of the slack. Here, groundwater showed decreasing concentrations of the dissolved ions after a rain shower. Except for the peripheral sections of the slack—where upward seepage of groundwater (exfiltration)still occurs—infiltration conditions are now dominant in the slack. The consequences of the present hydrological conditions for restoration are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

塔里木荒漠河岸林植物群落演替下的土壤理化性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩路  王海珍  彭杰  陈家利  庞明 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2808-2814
选择塔里木荒漠河岸林内典型、有代表性的不同演替阶段的群落,对其土壤理化性质进行研究。结果表明:土壤理化性质在演替方向和土壤剖面上表现出较强的规律性。演替后、中期表层土壤(0~20 cm)粘粒质量分数比初期分别减少了1.28%、64.29%、土壤砂粒质量分数分别增加了3.08%、17.23%,土壤明显变粗沙化。群落演替能明显增大土壤容重与非毛管孔隙度,降低土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、孔隙比、土壤水分质量分数、最大持水量、毛管持水量和最小持水量。演替后、中期表层土壤非毛管孔隙度比初期分别增大了33.78%、36.087%,土壤水分质量分数分别降低了85.57%、97.77%,演替后期最大持水量、毛管持水量分别比初期降低了40.28%、9.27%,导致土壤固相率减小,气相率增大,土壤持水供水能力与抗风蚀性能减弱。土壤有机质、全氮与碱解氮、全磷与速效磷、全钾与速效钾、盐分质量分数随群落演替呈降低趋势。演替后期表层土壤有机质、碱解氮、全磷与速效钾质量分数分别比初期降低了38.68%、60.71%、23.58%、66.93%,其土壤理化性质退化最显著。地下水位下降是引起荒漠河岸林植物群落逆向演替的驱动力。当前随人类干扰强度增强(水土资源开发),塔里木荒漠河岸林土壤结构与土壤生态功能随之受到破坏与衰退,而保持合理的生态水位则是维持荒漠河岸林生态系统稳定的有效途径。  相似文献   

Urbanization and nutrient retention in freshwater riparian wetlands.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urbanization can degrade water quality and alter watershed hydrology, with profound effects on the structure and function of both riparian wetlands (RWs) and aquatic ecosystems downstream. We used freshwater RWs in Fairfax County, Virginia, USA, as a model system to examine: (1) the effects of increasing urbanization (indexed by the percentage of impervious surface cover [%ISC] in the surrounding watershed) on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in surface soils and plant tissues, soil P saturation, and soil iron (Fe) chemistry; and (2) relationships between RW soil and plant nutrient chemistries vs. the physical and biotic integrity of adjacent streams. Soil total P and NaOH-extractable P (representing P bound to aluminum [Al] and Fe hydrous oxides) varied significantly but nonlinearly with % ISC (r2 = 0.69 and 0.57, respectively); a similar pattern was found for soil P saturation but not for soil total N. Relationships were best described by second-order polynomial equations. Riparian wetlands appear to receive greater P loads in moderately (8.6-13.3% ISC) than in highly (25.1-29.1% ISC) urbanized watersheds. These observations are consistent with alterations in watershed hydrology that occur with increasing urbanization, directing water and nutrient flows away from natural RWs. Significant increases in total and crystalline soil Fe (r2 = 0.57 and 0.53, respectively) and decreases in relative soil Fe crystallinity with increasing %ISC suggest the mobilization and deposition of terrestrial sediments in RWs, likely due to construction activities in the surrounding watershed. Increases in RW plant tissue nutrient concentrations and %ISC in the surrounding watershed were negatively correlated with standard indices of the physical and biotic integrity of adjacent streams. In combination, these data suggest that nutrient and sediment inputs associated with urbanization and storm-water management are important variables that affect wetland ecosystem services, such as water quality improvement, in urbanizing landscapes.  相似文献   

广东省森林植被碳储量空间分布格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张亮  林文欢  王正  余娜  陈红跃 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1295-1299
基于广东省2007年森林资源清查档案数据,采用材积源生物量法,量化广东省森林植被碳储量,研究广东省森林植被碳储量空间分布格局。结果表明,广东省森林植被碳储量为246.35Tg,碳密度为22.96mg·hm-2。受人为干扰和环境因素的影响,广东省森林植被碳储量在不同经济区和流域空间分布格局严重不均。就不同经济区而言,粤北及周边经济区森林植被碳储量最大,达180.22Tg;珠三角经济区次之,为34.60Tg;接着是粤西沿海经济区,为21.49Tg;粤东沿海经济区最小;仅为10.04Tg。在不同流域方面,森林植被碳储量依次为:北江流域〉东江流域〉西江流域〉韩江流域〉其他流域。广东省乔木林碳储量为202.85Tg,以中幼龄林为主,占77.1%;乔木林龄组结构与碳密度近乎成正比关系,存在较大的相关性。  相似文献   

In the Loess Plateau of China, soil water has three ecological properties: high infiltration capacity, high storage capacity and availability to deep plant roots. Soil desiccation is the most serious problem for forest vegetation in the Loess Plateau. Arid soils are the result of intensified soil desiccation caused by disturbances in plant succession, which constitute the ecological foundation of soil water. The negative effects of the arid soil layer on surface water infiltration for recharging underground water are discussed in terms of ecological hydrology. The arid soil layer disrupts the link between surface water and underground water and prevents vertical precipitation infiltration from supplementing underground water. Forest vegetation has a significant runoff-retaining efficiency that reduces total runoff from forest areas leading to low surface and ground runoff which affect the water cycle on a watershed scale.  相似文献   

This study was conducted at Uswetakeiyawa on the southwestern part of Sri Lanka. Twenty-two families, 42 genera and 52 species were recorded from the sandy shore vegetation. Approximately 3.8 % (2 species) were found to be endemic and 67.3 % (35 species) were found to be of medicinal importance. Ipomea pes-capre and Spinifex littoreus were the most abundant species at the study site. The average value for all the zone combinations was β = 0.693, and the highest similarity value was ISj = 0.276, corresponding to two non-contiguous zones. The results show that a variation in plant diversity is to be found across the gradient. The typical zoning nature of the sandy shore vegetation has been disturbed due to on-going development in Uswetakeiyawa. New policy decisions should be taken to restrict development activities in Uswetakeiyawa in order to protect the sandy shore vegetation.  相似文献   

Directional changes in the species composition of a tropical forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-term studies have revealed that the structure and dynamics of many tropical forests are changing, but the causes and consequences of these changes remain debated. To learn more about the forces driving changes within tropical forests, we investigated shifts in tree species composition over the past 25 years within the 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, and examined how observed patterns relate to predictions of (1) random population fluctuations, (2) carbon fertilization, (3) succession from past disturbance, (4) recovery from an extreme El Ni?o drought at the start of the study period, and (5) long-term climate change. We found that there have been consistent and directional changes in the tree species composition. These shifts have led to increased relative representations of drought-tolerant species as determined by the species' occurrence both across a gradient of soil moisture within BCI and across a wider precipitation gradient from a dry forest near the Pacific coast of Panama to a wet forest near its Caribbean coast. These nonrandom changes cannot be explained by stochastic fluctuations or carbon fertilization. They may be the legacy of the El Ni?o drought, or alternatively, potentially reflect increased aridity due to long-term climate change. By investigating compositional changes, we increased not only our understanding of the ecology of tropical forests and their responses to large-scale disturbances, but also our ability to predict how future global change will impact some of the critical services provided by these important ecosystems.  相似文献   

西双版纳森林植被碳储量动态与增汇潜力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学评估区域森林碳储量动态与增汇潜力对理解陆地碳循环具有重要的意义。本文基于生物量转换因子连续函数法,对西双版纳1993—2006年间森林植被碳储量与碳汇潜力进行了研究,结果表明,(1)西双版纳1993—1994年间森林植被整体碳储量为60 770 378.37 t,碳汇增量表现为栎类(Quercus L.)〉经济林〉思茅松(Pinus kesiya)〉其它阔叶〉桤木(Alnus cremastogyne),主要森林类型的碳密度范围为15.08~74.76 t.hm-2;2005—2006年间森林植被整体碳储量为62 347 715.19 t,比1994—1993年间上升2.60%,碳汇增量均表现为其它阔叶〉经济林〉栎类〉思茅松〉桤木〉杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolate)〉其它针叶,主要森林类型的碳密度范围为8.60~70.90 t.hm-2。(2)2005—2006年间,景洪森林植被整体碳储量为23 299 801.23 t,碳密度范围为8.78~73.35 t.hm-2;勐海森林植被整体碳储量为14 058 043.42 t,碳密度范围为7.95~59.51 t.hm-2;勐腊森林植被整体碳储量为25 050 562.32 t,碳密度范围为8.46~98.73 t.hm-2。可见,1993—2006年间,西双版纳森林植被起到了重要的碳汇功能,且其碳汇功能呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

Day-night differences in abundance and biomass of demersal zooplankton in the water column were determined by trapping these animals as they emerged from the sand substrate in a kelp forest (Macrocystis pyrifera) ecosystem off Santa Catalina Island, California, USA. The day and night sampling periods of the 24 June 1979 new moon each lasted 12 h. Abundance and biomass of total demersal zooplankton were significantly higher in night samples. A mean of 2,425±1,168 demersal zooplankton m-2 24 h-1 migrated over a diel cycle; 97% of these animals were crustaceans. The mean biomass of demersal zooplankton was 94.2±27.6 mg ash-free dry wt m-2 24 h-1. No significant differences were found in either the abundance or biomass of demersal zooplanktion collected in low and high traps, suggesting that most animals collected 25 cm off the bottom can sustain swimming to at least 75 cm and that both traps give comparable estimates of the amount of demersal zooplankton available to planktivorous predators.  相似文献   

三种类型森林林下植物多样性及生物量比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对相同立地条件下海南天然次生林、桉树和马占相思林的林下植物多样性及生物量进行调查,通过比较,灌木植物的物种丰富度S、多样性Simpson指数、Shannon-wiener指数,Margalef指数、均匀度Pielou指数为:天然次生林>桉树人工林>马占相思人工林,方差分析前两者之间差异不显著,后两者之间差异极显著;而草本植物的变化趋势为:桉树人工林>天然次生林>马占相思人工林,方差分析结果前二者间除均匀度Pielou指数差异不显著外,其它多样性指数间差异极显著,后二者间差异不显著.灌木植物地上部分总生物量的变化趋势为:天然次生林>桉树人工林>马占相思人工林,草本植物的变化趋势为:桉树人工林>马占相思人工林>天然次生林.  相似文献   

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