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An improved photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) reactor model was developed to analyze the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air. One new parameter, the average total removing factor Kt, together with the other two parameters, the number of mass transfer units NTUm and the fractional conversion epsilon, are found to be the main parameters influencing the photooxidation performance of PCO reactors. Three new parameters, the ideal reaction number of mass transfer units, NTUm,ir; the ideal reaction fractional conversion, epsilonir; and the reaction effectiveness, eta, also are defined. These concepts are helpful to the structural design and optimization for PCO reactors. The application of the model in designing a plate-type PCO reactor is demonstrated. This study shows that the present model is an effective tool for designing PCO reactors and for evaluating VOC removal performance of available PCO reactors.  相似文献   

光催化氧化处理有机废水   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
介绍了光催化氧化法的原理,对光催化氧化法处理有机废水的可行性进行了试验,探讨了COD随反应时间的变化规律及催化剂用量,温度、浓度的影响。试验表明,光催化氧化可降解象洗涤剂这样难降解的有机物,反应120minCOD去除率可达50%以上。  相似文献   

采用光催化氧化联用技术对电镀有机废水进行深度处理工程化实验。探讨了uV、uV+H2O3、uV+H2O2+TiO2、uV+H2O2+FeSO4、uV+H2O2+FeSO4+TiO2、uV+O3+TiO2和uV+03+TiO2+H2O2等体系对废水有机污染物去除率的影响。结果表明,相较于其他反应体系,uV+O3+TiO2+H2O2体系具有更好的氧化效果,经碳滤处理后去除率达到90%以上,最终出水水质满足GB18918-20O2-级标准(A标准)的要求。实际运行项目偿还期5.33年,NPV〉0,内部收益率大于基准值10%。研究表明,uV+O3+TiO2+H2O,体系能降低加药量,工作量及运行成本。可为电镀企业实际废水处理提供现实依据,为优化电镀废水的处理工艺提供参考。  相似文献   

Chao HP  Lee JF  Lee CK  Huang HC 《Chemosphere》2005,59(5):711-720
A method for predicting organic compound volatilization rates under turbulent liquid and gas conditions is developed. The reference compounds are classified according to their physico-chemical properties. The mass transfer coefficient (K(OL)) ratios for organic solutes to the reference compounds are constant for a wide range of environmental conditions, including liquid or air turbulence, or both at once. The obtained results indicate that when the environmental conditions are the same the determination of the volatilization rates is strongly dependent on the solute properties and the chemical structure. The presented method can more effectively estimate the volatilization rates of the solutes than the traditional one under various environmental conditions especially for low volatility solutes. The advantages and disadvantages of the traditional method are also discussed.  相似文献   

Huang KC  Zhao Z  Hoag GE  Dahmani A  Block PA 《Chemosphere》2005,61(4):551-560
This study investigated the extent and treatability of the degradation of 59 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) listed in the EPA SW-846 Method 8260B with thermally activated persulfate oxidation. Data on the degradation of the 59 VOCs (in mixture) reacted with sodium persulfate in concentrations of 1 g l(-1) and 5 g l(-1) and at temperatures of 20 degrees C, 30 degrees C, and 40 degrees C were obtained. The results indicate that persulfate oxidation mechanisms are effective in degrading many VOCs including chlorinated ethenes (CEs), BTEXs and trichloroethanes that are frequently detected in the subsurface at contaminated sites. Most of the targeted VOCs were rapidly degraded under the experimental conditions while some showed persistence to the persulfate oxidation. Compounds with "CC" bonds or with benzene rings bonded to reactive functional groups were readily degraded. Saturated hydrocarbons and halogenated alkanes were much more stable and difficult to degrade. For those highly persulfate-degradable VOCs, degradation was well fitted with a pseudo first-order decay model. Activation energies of reactions of CEs and BTEXs with persulfate were determined. The degradation rates increased with increasing reaction temperature and oxidant concentration. Nevertheless, to achieve complete degradation of persulfate-degradable compounds, the systems required sufficient amounts of persulfate to sustain the degradation reaction.  相似文献   

Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a highly attractive alternative technology for purification and deodorization of indoor air. The main objectives of this study were to demonstrate that a common fluorescent visible light (FVL) lamp can be used to effectively remove by PCO low concentrations of VOCs from slightly contaminated air and to provide some fundamental and technical details on the process. The target VOC was n-butanol, which is a standard reference odorant. Its PCO was studied under a long residence time in a 3.7-L cylindrical reactor with commercial titanium dioxide (TiO2) as the reference photocatalyst and using mostly FVL for illumination. For comparison only, a UV (black) light lamp was used. The gas-phase products were detected and quantified online by gas chromatography (GC). The effects of reactor residence time, of inlet concentration, and of the relative light intensity on the efficiency of the process were also evaluated. At a high n-butanol concentration (0.1 vol %), butanal and propanal were identified as the intermediate products of the process; ethanal appeared when the initial concentration was < or = 850 ppm(v). This indicates that PCO leading to CO2 and H2O is relatively slow and proceeds in a stepwise manner. Although the efficiency of the process with an FVL lamp was significantly lower than when using a UV black light, complete PCO of low concentrations was achieved for 100 ppm(v). In a search for a material with photoactivation extended to higher wavelengths or increased photoactivity, several samples of transition metal- or silver ion-doped (2 atomic %) TiO2 as well as SrTi(1-x-)Fe(x)O3 (x = 0.1 and 0.15) perovskites were included in the study. None of these materials was more active than pure TiO2. The results of this study open new horizons in the area of in door air quality (IAQ) control.  相似文献   

In this review, special interest was devoted to provide information on the surrogate parameters expressing both quality and quantity of organic matter for the understanding of the photocatalytic oxidation of humic substances. Detailed investigation was directed to the application of photocatalysis with reference to source, origin and modeling of organic matter. Evaluation of the literature findings emphasizes that organic matter taken from natural waters are site specific and should be characterized in detail to be comparable to other studies. Taking into account the photocatalytic degradation studies of natural organic matter, humic substances, humic acids and fulvic acids in slurry systems, a procedure could be deduced that depends on the selection of a standard model sample with a representative concentration, selection of a standard photocatalyst and dose (e.g., TiO2 Degussa P-25, 0.25 mg mL−1), application of standardized reaction conditions such as light intensity, pH, and temperature. Furthermore, standardized filtration step avoiding organic leaching and selection of the most suitable analytical parameter are the crucial points to be considered. The use of such a protocol could form a basis for the determination of “relative degradation efficiency” of any sample containing natural organic matter, humic substances, humic acids and fulvic acids regardless of dependency on source and origin.  相似文献   

Vertical gradients of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured over a maize field and a soybean field in 1995 and 1996, respectively, in the Lower Coastal Plains of North Carolina. The measurements over the maize field were conducted in its early growth period, during May 1995, and the measurements over the soybean field were conducted in its middle and later growth periods during July through August 1996 at the same location. These measurements were combined with micrometeorological flux measurements to determine emission flux measurements for various VOCs. This measurement programme was part of project NOVA (Natural emissions of Oxidant precursors: Validation of techniques and Assessment) to estimate the flux of VOCs. Methanol was identified as the major biogenic compound for both years with the average flux of 3450 ± 1456 µg/m²/hr over maize and 3079 ± 2766 µg/m²/hr over soybean. Acetone is another compound that was identified as a biogenic compound for both years with the average flux of 425 ± 223 µg/m²/hr over maize and 2701 ± 1710 µg/m²/hr over soybean. In addition to biogenic compounds, a large number of aromatic compounds, including styrene and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, were also identified as emissions from the ground over the soybean field.  相似文献   

K. Miyamoto  K. Urano 《Chemosphere》1996,32(12):2399-2408
Degradation reactions of thirteen chlorinated organic compounds were investigated in a water system and a water-soil system. Three compounds were degraded following the first order rate equation regardless of pH, and five compounds were degraded following the second order rate equation with a concentration of hydroxide ion in alkaline solution.The reaction rate constants and the activation energies of the reactions were obtained, and the intermediates were determined quantitatively for the eight compounds.From the result of the degradation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in the water-soil system, it was found that 1,1,1 trichloroethane did not react on the soil surface and only reacted in the water phase.  相似文献   

氨基染料生产过程中产生大量含有机物的铁泥,对环境造成严重污染并造成资源的极大浪费.利用超临界水氧化法对含有机物铁泥进行资源化处理研究,并对产物进行了X射线衍射分析(XRD)、色差实验与电子探针分析.研究结果显示,用超临界水氧化法处理铁泥可以将铁泥中所含的有机物完全氧化,真正实现环境友好;超临界水首先将铁泥氧化成α-Fe2O3与γ-Fe2O3,再经过800℃煅烧后可以作为氧化铁红颜料使用;超临界反应压力对样品的晶型与颜色影响不大.  相似文献   

氨基染料生产过程中产生大量含有机物的铁泥,对环境造成严重污染并造成资源的极大浪费.利用超临界水氧化法对含有机物铁泥进行资源化处理研究,并对产物进行了X射线衍射分析(XRD)、色差实验与电子探针分析.研究结果显示,用超临界水氧化法处理铁泥可以将铁泥中所含的有机物完全氧化,真正实现环境友好;超临界水首先将铁泥氧化成α-Fe2O3与γ-Fe2O3,再经过800℃煅烧后可以作为氧化铁红颜料使用;超临界反应压力对样品的晶型与颜色影响不大.  相似文献   

Different formulations of cobalt oxide (viz. Co3O4 powders, unsintered and sintered pellets, Co3O4 supported on alumina and oxide layers on cobalt metal), have been screened for their ability to catalyse oxidation and to resist deactivation by sulphur. The screening test used was the rate of oxidation of 50 ppm CO in oxygen, with or without addition of 3 ppm dimethylsulphide. From these tests a sintered granular catalyst was chosen to evaluate the performance of cobalt oxide for the destructive oxidation of selected organic compounds in air, representative of malodorous substances occurring in process emissions. The organic compounds (acrolein, n-butyraldehyde, n-butyric acid, n-propylamine, dimethylsulphide, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, phenol and toluene) were tested at realistic concentrations (usually 100 ppm in air) and space velocities (usually 45000 h−1). Decomposition of the malodorous compounds (except dimethylsulphide) was almost complete (~99%) at 225–300°C., depending on odorant tested; complete oxidation required somewhat higher temperatures. Sulphur released in the catalytic oxidation of dimethylsulphide was largely incorporated by the catalyst. Additional studies were made of butyric acid oxidation with respect to catalyst particle size, catalyst life, inlet concentration, and added amounts of water vapour and dimethylsulphide.  相似文献   

Room temperature rate constants for the gas phase reaction of OH radicals with organic substrates can be estimated by means of a statistically significant correlation with the corresponding rate constants in liquid water.  相似文献   

利用多元多相光催化氧化反应器 ,可更换不同氧化剂、光源、金属氧化物半导体催化膜、电子捕获器 ,进行化学氧化、光氧化、光化学氧化、光催化氧化和光化学催化氧化等 5种类型多种组合试验 ,处理水中难降解有机物效果明显。设备具有持久性、灵活性、捕电性、简易性 ,适用于科研、工程试验中 ,亦可作教学设备  相似文献   

Nowadays, the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system has been an important facility for maintaining indoor air quality. However, the primary function of typical HVAC systems is to control the temperature and humidity of the supply air. Most indoor air pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), cannot be removed by typical HVAC systems. Thus, some air handling units for removing VOCs should be added in typical HVAC systems. Among all of the air cleaning techniques used to remove indoor VOCs, photocatalytic oxidation is an attractive alternative technique for indoor air purification and deodorization. The objective of this research is to investigate the VOC removal efficiency of the photocatalytic filter in a HVAC system. Toluene and formaldehyde were chosen as the target pollutants. The experiments were conducted in a stainless steel chamber equipped with a simplified HVAC system. A mechanical filter coated with Degussa P25 titania photocatalyst and two commercial photocatalytic filters were used as the photocatalytic filters in this simplified HVAC system. The total air change rates were controlled at 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, and 1.5 hr(-1), and the relative humidity (RH) was controlled at 30%, 50%, and 70%. The ultraviolet lamp used was a 4-W, ultraviolet-C (central wavelength at 254 nm) strip light bulb. The first-order decay constant of toluene and formaldehyde found in this study ranged from 0.381 to 1.01 hr(-1) under different total air change rates, from 0.34 to 0.433 hr(-1) under different RH, and from 0.381 to 0.433 hr(-1) for different photocatalytic filters.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The world faces tremendous challenges and environmental crises due to the rising strength of wastewater. The conventional technologies fail to achieve...  相似文献   

Chen S  Cao G 《Chemosphere》2005,60(9):1308-1315
In this paper, dichromate and dichlorvos are selected as the deputies of inorganic and organic pollutants, respectively, and TiO2/beads is used as a photocatalyst. The effects of various parameters, such as the amount of the photocatalyst, H2O2 concentration, metal ions, anions, pH value, and organic compounds on the photocatalytic reduction of dichromate and photocatalytic oxidation of dichlorvos are studied. From the studies, the differences of the parameters effect on the photocatalytic degradation of organic and inorganic pollutants are obtained. The results show that the optimum amount of the photocatalyst used is 6.0 g cm(-3) for the photocatalytic reactions. With the addition of a small amount of H2O2, the photocatalytic reduction of dichromate is inhibited while the photocatalytic oxidation of dichlorvos is accelerated. With the addition of trace amounts of Fe3+ or Cu2+, both the reactions are accelerated, and with the addition of Zn2+ and Na+, no obvious effects on the reactions are observed. Acidic solution is favorable for the photocatalytic reduction of dichromate; and acidic and alkaline solutions are favorable for the photocatalytic oxidation of dichlorvos. Adding SO4(2-), the photocatalytic oxidation is accelerated and adding Cl- the reaction is inhibited; and with the addition of trace amounts of SO4(2-), Cl- and NO3-, no obvious effects on the photocatalytic reduction of dichromate are observed. With the addition of methanol and toluene, the photocatalytic reduction of dichromate is accelerated, and the photocatalytic oxidation of dichlorvos is inhibited. The possible roles of the additives on the reactions are also discussed.  相似文献   

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