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周兴民 《青海环境》2009,19(1):26-28
人们往往将生态系统功能的相对价值称之为生态系统的服务价值,而将生态系统这一能量、物质和信息的贮存体称之为自然资本。由于传统的价值理论存在着严重的缺陷,只能对生态系统的服务功能给于定性,难以对自然资本及其服务功能价值给以客观的、定量的评价。随着生态系统结构和功能研究的深入,对其评估服务功能的方法也在逐步完善,使生态系统服务功能的客观评价变为可能。文章重点对生态系统服务的基本概念、自然资本和生态系统服务的特性等作简要综述。  相似文献   

Public-private partnerships for solid waste management services   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The increasing cost of municipal solid waste (MSW) management has led local governments in numerous countries to examine if this service is best provided by the public sector or can better be provided by the private sector. Public-private partnerships have emerged as a promising alternative to improve MSW management performance with privately owned enterprises often outperforming publicly owned ones. In Lebanon, several municipalities are transforming waste management services from a public service publicly provided into a public service privately contracted. In this context, a regulated private market for MSW management services is essential. The present study examines a recent experience of the private sector participation in MSW management in the Greater Beirut Area. The results of a field survey concerning public perception of solid waste management are presented. Analysis of alternatives for private sector involvement in waste management is considered and management approaches are outlined.  相似文献   

Ecosystem management links human activities with the functioning of natural environments over large spatial and temporal scales. Our examination of Greater Yellowstone and Georges Bank shows similarities exist between human uses, administrative characteristics, and some biophysical features. Each region faces growing pressures to replace traditional extractive uses with more sustainable extractive or noncommodity uses coupled with concern about endangered species. Ecosystem management as a set of practical guidelines for making decisions under evolving expectations is far from complete, and it embodies new demands on individuals and institutions. In each system these challenges are considered relative to: the public's symbolic understanding of the management challenge, ecosystem management ambiguities, information availability, information use, administrative setting, and learning capabilities of governance organizations Progress in making ecosystem management operational may occur as refinements in content and approach make it an increasingly attractive option for resource users, the public, and government officials.  相似文献   

论自然保护区旅游活动的生态影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
自然保护区逐渐打破传统的消极保护模式,寻求保护与发展的协调,开展起旅游活动,但由此带来的生态影响不容忽视。本文从建立自然保护区的主要目的出发,就旅游活动对生物多样性及生态景观的影响进行分析,认为在自然保护区开展旅游活动,要对旅游活动强度与游客量进行合理控制,按照生态旅游的方法进行合理规划与管理,使保护区获得可持续发展。  相似文献   

An adaptive management approach is necessary but not sufficient to address the long-term challenges of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE). Adaptive management, in turn, has its own particular challenges, of which we focus on two: science input, and stakeholder engagement. In order to frame our discussion and subsequent recommendations, we place the current management difficulties into their historical context, with special emphasis on the 1990 Vision document, which attempted a broad synthesis of management goals for the ecosystem. After examining these two key challenges in the context of the GYE, we make several recommendations that would allow for more effective ecosystem management in the long term. First, we recommend adoption of the GYE as a site for long-term science research and monitoring with an emphasis on integrative research, long-term federal funding, and public dissemination of data. Second, we conclude that a clearer prioritization of legislative mandates would allow for more flexible ecosystem management in the GYE, a region where conflicting mandates have historically led to litigation antithetical to effective ecosystem management. Finally, we recommend a renewed attempt at an updated Vision for the Future that engages stakeholders (including local landholders) substantively from the outset.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for viable drinking water services and institutional development of the water sector, especially in developing countries. The key dimensions of viable water services: operative technology, appropriate organizations and adequate cost recovery are dealt with. The role of consumers and the need for institutional reforms are discussed. Some tentative implications of the lessons learnt are discussed regarding the role of external support agencies, based on the authors' experience in developing countries and transition economies. It is suggested here that a polycentric form of governance should be introduced in the water sector, and the ultimate goal for the sector's development should be the reliance on financially self-sufficient and consumer-responsive water entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

Sustainability has proved to be a unifying concept that emphasizes the need for us to consider the impacts of what we do in our generation on those who follow us in future generations. While we cannot know with certainty what these impacts may be, or what future generations will want or value, we can attempt to include what we think they will want or value in our current planning and management models. In this way we may at least estimate what they would like us to do today to allow them to better satisfy their needs and desires in the future. This then becomes a multiple objective planning problem, where if conflicts exist, trade offs can be identified and debated. This paper presents some approaches for doing this, and discusses how they may be applied in practice in the water resources sector.  相似文献   

The ecosystems of South Florida are unique in the world. The defining features of the natural Everglades (large spatial scale, temporal patterns of water storage and sheetflow, and low nutrient levels) historically allowed a mosaic of habitats with characteristic animals. Massive hydrological alterations have halved the Everglades, and ecological sustainability requires fundamental changes in management.The US Man and the Biosphere Human-Dominated Systems Directorate is conducting a case study of South Florida using ecosystem management as a framework for exploring options for mutually dependent sustainability of society and the environment. A new methodology was developed to specify sustainability goals, characterize human factors affecting the ecosystem, and conduct scenario/consequence analyses to examine ecological and societal implications. South Florida has sufficient water for urban, agricultural, and ecological needs, but most water drains to the sea through the system of canals; thus, the issue is not competition for resources but storage and management of water. The goal is to reestablish the natural system for water quantity, timing, and distribution over a sufficient area to restore the essence of the Everglades.The societal sustainability in the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) is at risk because of soil degradation, vulnerability of sugar price supports, policies affecting Cuban sugar imports, and political/economic forces aligned against sugar production. One scenario suggested using the EAA for water storage while under private sugar production, thereby linking sustainability of the ecological system with societal sustainability. Further analyses are needed, but the US MAB project suggests achieving ecological sustainability consistent with societal sustainability may be feasible.  相似文献   

The ecosystem services (ES) concept is being increasingly incorporated into environmental policy formulation and management approaches. The Corporate Ecosystem Services Review (ESR) is a framework used to assess the dependence and impact that a business has on ES. The success of the corporate experience of ES assessment provides an opportunity for adaption for local authority decision making. In this paper, the ESR tool was adapted to the South African setting at a local government level, and tested at two sites in the Msunduzi Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal. In testing the tool and gathering feedback from key stakeholders, it was found that there are both opportunities and challenges to this approach. Overall, however, it provides an opportunity for the systematic inclusion of ES assessment into existing regulatory frameworks for land-use planning and Integrated Environmental Management, whether in a strategic application, at a broader spatial (municipal) scale or in a specific locale within the municipality.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a region-wide movement throughout Latin America and the Caribbean toward wider private participation in the provision of infrastructure, as well as in other public services. This paper discusses the possible benefits from the privatization of water services and illustrates the range of alternatives available for private participation in their provision. These alternatives are analyzed and their possible application in Latin America and the Caribbean is assessed on the basis of examples from the region and other parts of the world. However, the paper does not discuss, in any detail, the theoretical justifications for the movement back to a market system in the provision of public services.  相似文献   

The article states the case for greatly enhanced reliance on desalination in the provision of freshwater. It argues that the concept of integrated water resource management (IWRM), should be expanded to routinely include desalination, and that sea water and brackish water should be listed among available sources of freshwater. In recent years, the price per m3 of freshwater obtained from desalination has steadily declined, and is now within competitive range of conventional sources, especially as extracting water from surface sources (rivers, lakes) is becoming increasingly expensive as well as ecologically harmful, and groundwater in many locations is saline or depleted. With the expectation that by 2020, five billion people will reside in megacities, today's conventional water resources are likely to become insufficient. As many of these megacities are located near ocean coasts, sea water seems a logical solution.  相似文献   

Sharing waters: Post-Rio international water management   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Transcending human-defined political and administrative boundaries, the world's transboundary freshwater resources pose particularly challenging management problems. Water resource users at all scales frequently find themselves in direct competition for this economic and life-sustaining resource, in turn creating tensions, and indeed conflict, over water supply, allocation, and quality. At the international scale, where the potential for conflict is of particular concern, significant efforts are underway to promote greater cooperation in the world's international river basins, with notable achievements in the past decade following the Dublin and Rio conferences. Over the past ten years, the international community has adopted conventions, declarations, and legal statements concerning the management of international waters, while basin communities have established numerous new basin institutions. Despite these developments, significant vulnerabilities remain. Many international basins still lack any type of joint management structure, and certain fundamental management components are noticeably absent from those that do. An understanding of these weaknesses, however, offers an opportunity for both the international and basin communities to better respond to the specific institution-building needs of basin communities and thereby foster broader cooperation over the world's international water resources.  相似文献   

Healthy watersheds provide valuable services to society, including the supply and purification of fresh water. Because these natural ecosystem services lie outside the traditional domain of commercial markets, they are undervalued and underprotected. With population and development pressures leading to the rapid modification of watershed lands, valuable hydrological services are being lost, which poses risks to the quality and cost of drinking water and the reliability of water supplies. Increasing the scale and scope of programmes to protect hydrological services requires policies that harmonize land uses in watersheds with the provision of these important natural services. This article summarizes key attributes of hydrological services and their economic benefits; presents a spectrum of institutional mechanisms for safeguarding those services; discusses programmes in Quito (Ecuador), Costa Rica and New York City; and offers some lessons learned and recommendations for achieving higher levels of watershed protection.  相似文献   

Refuting the paradigm of water services privatisation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this article is to question the fundamental assumptions behind privatisation and public–private partnerships. The article shows that instead of radically increasing private sector involvement, public sector reforms should be seriously considered. Public–private partnerships should be implemented so that the strengths of all the stakeholders may be fully utilised.  相似文献   

Water is strongly linked with the overall development framework of the Brahmaputra basin. However, the absence of integrated management of Brahmaputra water resources and lack of coordination among the riparian states constitutes an ongoing threat to future development plans within the basin. Brahmaputra's abundant hydropower potential can help give riparian countries a safer energy future that is the key driving force behind the prospect of potential cooperation. This paper analyses the current status of Brahmaputra water resources and identifies the perspectives of riparian countries regarding the development of the Brahmaputra basin. It also identifies the opportunities for cooperation and regional development through integrated water development and management of the Brahmaputra basin. It is essential to develop an integrated water resources management approach involving all riparians to foster regional development and overcome the prospect of severe water conflict along the Brahmaputra basin.  相似文献   

The classical model of a paradigm shift is used to explore changes that are occurring in public lands and water resources management. Recent policy developments suggest that the traditional paradigm, which is characterized by sustained yield, is in the process of being invalidated. While no new paradigm has been fully accepted, the emerging paradigm does appear to be based on two principles: ecosystem management and collaborative decision making. Implementation of these two principles is likely to require extensive revision of traditional management practices and institutions. Failure to address these issues could result in adoption of the rhetoric of change without any lasting shift in management practices or professional attitudes.  相似文献   

Geographically‐related information is needed for several elements of an integrated ground water quality management programme, including ground water monitoring planning, prioritization of pollution sources, usage of permits and inspections for source control, and planning and completion of remedial actions. Geographic Information Systems (GISs) can be used to support these elements along with delineating wellhead protection areas (WHPAs), prioritizing existing contaminant sources and evaluating proposed changes in land usage in such areas. Eight case studies of the use of GISs in wellhead protection programmes are summarized, including examples from Rhode Island, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Massachusetts and Texas. Six additional examples are mentioned relative to the use of GISs for evaluating ground water pollution potential, facilitating data analysis for environmental restoration of a large area with numerous waste sites, evaluating trends in ground water nitrate contamination, establishing a national database for ground water vulnerability to agricultural chemicals, simulating water table altitudes from stream and drainage basin locations, and selecting radioactive waste dump sites. The applicability of GISs and their associated advantages in wellhead protection and other ground water management studies are demonstrated via the case studies. The GIS technology provides a unique opportunity for analysing and visualizing spatial data. Contaminant and source prioritization within WHPAs is needed for both extant conditions and in the evaluation of proposed land use changes. The coupling of a GIS with contaminant/source prioritization would provide a strategic tool which could be used to plan targeted ground water monitoring programmes, to identify appropriate management or mitigation measures, minimize introduction of contaminants from existing sources into the subsurface environment, and to evaluate the potential of proposed land use activities for causing ground water contamination. GISs can be useful in providing current information for policy makers, planners and managers engaged in ground water quality decision making.  相似文献   

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