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以2种原油和3种溢油分散剂(简称分散剂)的6种原油和分散剂混合物样品为对象,利用方差分析法研究分散剂的种类和相对含量对油指纹(烷烃诊断比)的影响。首先对原始数据进行了单样本非参数K-S检验和Cochran最大方差检验,然后排除掉不适合做方差分析的诊断比值,最后对符合条件的数据进行方差分析。研究发现,有些诊断比不论什么分散剂都会对其产生影响,有一些诊断比,随着分散剂种类的不同,有时影响显著有时影响不显著。这表明本研究中的诊断比都受分散剂的种类和相对含量的影响,溢油指纹鉴定需考虑分散剂的影响。 相似文献
随着排放对环境的影响日趋严重,排放成本被纳入飞行总成本的趋势已成为必然.在对基础飞行成本模型进行改进过程中,为了准确计算飞机排放量,依据机载QAR(Quick Access Recorder,快速存取记录器)数据中表征发动机实际运行的诸多参数,准确获取排放量,进而利用改进飞行总成本模型计算实际飞行成本.同时,讨论了燃油成本、时间成本及排放成本在综合成本中所占的比例.结果表明,燃油成本占比最大,约为41.63%;时间成本约占34.13%,排放成本占比达到24.24%,超过燃油成本的1/2.由此可见,排放成本对总成本影响很大,其影响不可忽视,多方面考虑计算排放量及排放成本,可为航空公司初步评估飞机运行成本提供有效依据. 相似文献
处理好发展经济与保护环境的关系,尤其是项目建设与节能减排的关系,这是实现可持续发展的关键。近年来,一些地区和城市,把节能减排作为促进科学发展的重要手段,推进经济可持续发展,取得了可喜的成绩。但是,也存在着不少障碍。在肯定对节能减排初见成效的基础上,对节能减排障碍进行了剖析,为了加大节能减排与环境保护力度,阐述了国家节能减排的行业政策,提出了节能减排的十项路径选择。 相似文献
Anat Levi-Zada Daniela Fefer Maayan David Miriam Eliyahu José Carlos Franco Alex Protasov Ezra Dunkelblum Zvi Mendel 《Die Naturwissenschaften》2014,101(8):671-678
The diel periodicity of sex pheromone release was monitored in two mealybug species, Planococcus citri and Planococcus ficus (Hemiptera; Pseudococcidae), using sequential SPME/GCMS analysis. A maximal release of 2 ng/h pheromone by 9–12-day-old P. citri females occurred 1–2 h before the beginning of photophase. The highest release of pheromone by P. ficus females was 1–2 ng/2 h of 10–20-day-old females, approximately 2 h after the beginning of photophase. Mating resulted in termination of the pheromone release in both mealybug species. The temporal flight activity of the males was monitored in rearing chambers using pheromone baited delta traps. Males of both P. citri and P. ficus displayed the same flight pattern and began flying at 06:00 hours when the light was turned on, reaching a peak during the first and second hour of the photophase. Our results suggest that other biparental mealybug species display also diel periodicities of maximal pheromone release and response. Direct evaluation of the diel periodicity of the pheromone release by the automatic sequential analysis is convenient and will be very helpful in optimizing the airborne collection and identification of other unknown mealybug pheromones and to study the calling behavior of females. Considering this behavior pattern may help to develop more effective pheromone-based management strategies against mealybugs. 相似文献
Pál Boda Gábor Horváth György Kriska Miklós Blahó Zoltán Csabai 《Die Naturwissenschaften》2014,101(5):385-395
Based on an earlier observation in the field, we hypothesized that light intensity and horizontally polarized reflected light may strongly influence the flight behaviour of night-active aquatic insects. We assumed that phototaxis and polarotaxis together have a more harmful effect on the dispersal flight of these insects than they would have separately. We tested this hypothesis in a multiple-choice field experiment using horizontal test surfaces laid on the ground. We offered simultaneously the following visual stimuli for aerial aquatic insects: (1) lamplit matte black canvas inducing phototaxis alone, (2) unlit shiny black plastic sheet eliciting polarotaxis alone, (3) lamplit shiny black plastic sheet inducing simultaneously phototaxis and polarotaxis, and (4) unlit matte black canvas as a visually unattractive control. The unlit matte black canvas trapped only a negligible number (13) of water insects. The sum (16,432) of the total numbers of water beetles and bugs captured on the lamplit matte black canvas (7,922) and the unlit shiny black plastic sheet (8,510) was much smaller than the total catch (29,682) caught on the lamplit shiny black plastic sheet. This provides experimental evidence for the synergistic interaction of phototaxis (elicited by the unpolarized direct lamplight) and polarotaxis (induced by the strongly and horizontally polarized plastic-reflected light) in the investigated aquatic insects. Thus, horizontally polarizing artificial lamplit surfaces can function as an effective ecological trap due to this synergism of optical cues, especially in the urban environment. 相似文献
利用长光路傅立叶变换红外光谱技术(LP-FTIR),用相对速率方法研究大气中氯氟烃替代物HFC152a(CHF2CH3)和HCFC22(CHClF2)与OH自由基反应速率常数,用紫外光照射O3和H2O的方法产生OH自由基。实验测定了700Tor大气压力和常温(298±2k)下的反应速率常数值:k(HFCl52a+OH)=(2.90±0.09)×10-14cm3·molecule-1.S-1,k(HCFC22+OH)=(3.80±0.24)×10-15cm3.Molecule-1.S-1,统计误差为2σ 相似文献
研究了185nm紫外光降解水中二苯甲酮和孔雀石绿和总有机碳(TOC)的规律.研究了浓度、体积、流速、pH等因素对二苯甲酮的降解效果的影响.通过改变污染物初始浓度、体积、流量、pH值以及添加无机离子来讨论185nm紫外光对孔雀石绿的降解效果,探讨了降解的最佳条件.降解达到了治理水中二苯甲酮和孔雀石绿污染的目的.用这种方法降解水中二苯甲酮和孔雀石绿,去除率能够达到99.9%以上,是一种非常有效的治理污染方法.实验同时验证了185nm UV降解水中的二苯甲酮和孔雀石绿符合准一级动力学规律. 相似文献
作为贯通于中国现当代社会进步与发展的典型文化现象,红色记忆宏观层面的书写、建构、传承等话题得到了广泛的关注与探讨,但个体层面的红色记忆研究相对空缺并亟待推进。为此,本文以红色资源富集的延安城市核心区为案例地,借助世代研究法,通过对36位当地居民的深度访谈,明晰了红色记忆"宏观—微观"的建构路径与结果,并诠释了延安老中青三代城市居民的红色记忆代际差异。研究发现,宏观层面的记忆要素挖掘、叙事表达与资源活化构筑了居民红色记忆的编码、选择与巩固过程,促使当地居民生成富有时代特色的红色记忆内容,并最终构建了老中青三代权威性、功能性及反思性的差异性红色记忆体系。研究结果折射出记忆建构的社会力量与时代变迁对个体记忆塑造的重要意义,并为规范开展红色记忆实践,推进红色记忆薪火相传提供了理论参照。 相似文献
Animals make use of the Earth’s magnetic field for navigation and regulation of vegetative functions; however, the anatomical
and physiological basis for the magnetic sense has not been elucidated yet. Our recent results from histology and X-ray analyses
support the hypothesis that delicate iron-containing structures in the skin of the upper beak of homing pigeons might serve
as a biological magnetometer. Histology has revealed various iron sites within dendrites of the trigeminal nerve, their arrangement
along strands of axons, the existence of three dendritic fields in each side of the beak with specific 3D-orientations, and
the bilateral symmetry of the whole system. Element mapping by micro-synchrotron X-ray fluorescence analysis has shown the
distribution of iron and its quantities. Micro-synchrotron X-ray absorption near-edge-structure spectroscopy has allowed us
to unambiguously identify maghemite as the predominating iron mineral (90 vs 10% magnetite). In this paper, we show that iron-based
magnetoreception needs the presence of both of these iron minerals, their specific dimensions, shapes, and arrangements in
three different subcellular compartments. We suggest that an inherent magnetic enhancement process via an iron-crusted vesicle
and the attached chains of iron platelets might be sufficient to account for the sensitivity and specificity required by such
a magnetoreceptor. The appropriate alignment between the Earth’s magnetic field and the maghemite bands would induce a multiple
attraction of the magnetite bullets perpendicular to the membrane, thus, triggering strain-sensitive membrane channels and
a primary receptor potential. Due to its 3D architecture and physicochemical nature, the dendritic system should be able to
separately sense the three vector components of the Earth’s local field, simultaneously—allowing birds to detect their geographic
position by the magnetic vector, i.e., amplitude and direction of the local magnetic field, irrespective of the animal’s posture
or movement and photoreception. 相似文献
赤潮藻类的适应与竞争策略 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
赤潮藻类的生活策略与赤潮发生的机理紧密相关。在漫长的自然进化过程中,赤潮藻类发展出一系列独特的生活策略以适应环境的变化。赤潮藻类可以在不良环境下形成孢囊以度过寒冷的冬季或者营养缺乏时期并在条件合适时萌发。甲藻可以通过主动迁移或者产生粘液的行为来适应水流和光照,甚至有时能够改变藻细胞周围的微环境。赤潮藻类采用多种营养方式如自养、异养或混养进行生长和繁殖,这对我们就赤潮与富营养化的关系的研究带来了全新的理解。赤潮藻类与其他生物存在复杂的相互关系,某些蓝绿藻可以与细菌或病毒共生,而有毒藻类也许可以通过抑制捕食或者植化相克为自身获利。最后,我们提出了赤潮藻类的形态结构上的不同也许可以解释某些生态策略的差异。 相似文献
<正>生态文明是人类社会进步的重大成果,是工业文明发展到一定阶段的产物,是实现人与自然和谐发展的新要求。建设生态文明是关系到人民福祉、关乎民族未来的大计,是实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的重要内容。2013年9月7日,习近平总书记在哈萨克斯坦纳扎尔巴耶夫大学发表演讲时指出:"我们既要绿水青山,也要金山银山。宁要绿水青山,不要金山银山,而且绿水青山就是金山银山"。这生动形象地表达了我们党和政府大力推进生 相似文献
基于相空间重构理论的天津市近海水质混沌特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对我国近海水质污染呈现的复杂非线性特征,通过对混沌理论中的相空间重构方法进行研究,提出了一种新的完全基于环境监测数据的近海水质分析方法。以天津市近岸海域为例,首先,根据相空间重构理论,对近海各监测点的1维COD时间序列进行多维相空间重构,求得最佳嵌入维数mmin和吸引子关联维数D;然后,采用Wolf方法计算最佳嵌入维数mmin下重构相空间的最大Lyapunov指数λ1。计算结果显示各个监测点的关联维数D均在3.3左右,最大Lyapunov指数λ1均大于0,表明近海水质COD时间序列具有明显的混沌特征,近海水质系统是一个多维系统,貌似随机无规律的近海水质系统具有内在的、固有的规律。应用表明,该方法实用性强,为进一步采用混沌理论对近海水质进行预测提供了理论依据,非常有利于近海水环境的管理。 相似文献