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Emissions of sulphur and oxidized nitrogen compounds in Europe have been reduced following a series of control measures during the last two decades. These changes have taken place during a period in which the primary gases and the wet deposition throughout Europe were extensively monitored. Since the end of the 1970s, for example land based sulphur emissions declined by between 90 and 70% depending on the region. Over the same period the total deposition of sulphur and its partitioning into wet and dry deposition have declined, but the spatial pattern in the reduction in deposition differs from that of emission and has changed with time. Such non-linearities in the emission-deposition relationship are important to understand as they complicate the process of assessing the effects of emission reduction strategies. Observed non-linearities in terrestrial sulphur emission-deposition patterns have been identified in north west Europe due to increases in marine emissions, and are currently slowing the recovery of freshwater ecosystems. Changes in the relative amounts of SO2 and NH3 in air over the last two decades have also changed the affinity of terrestrial surfaces for SO2 and have therefore changed the deposition velocity of SO2 over substantial areas. The consequence of this effect has been the very rapid reduction in ambient SO2 concentration in some of the major source areas of Europe, where NH3 did not change much. Interactions between the different pollutants, generating non-linearities are now being incorporated in long-range transport models to simulate the effects of historical emission trends and to provide projections into the future. This paper identifies non-linearities in emission deposition relationships for sulphur and nitrogen compounds in Europe using data from the EMEP long-rang transport model and measured concentration fields of the major ions in precipitation and of SO2 and NO2 in surface air.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution maps of deposition loads in Germanyare produced as an input for abatement strategy research andfor critical loads exceedance calculations on a nationalscale. In this paper methods ofmapping total deposition loads in Germany and preliminarymaps of nitrogen and sulphur deposition loads for the year1993 are presented. A comparison of these mapping resultswith EMEP deposition mapping results has been carried out.The differences in the results of the German national and theEuropean EMEP mapping, due to different databases anddifferent methods, are quantified and discussed. Highresolution maps of deposition loads are compared to Europeanlow resolution maps on the same temporal and spatial scale,assuming that on average both should lead to similar results.However, the average differencescalculated for 23 EMEP 150 × 150 km2 grid cells over Germanywere found to be 33% higher for sulphur (S) total depositionby the German method 65% higher for S dry deposition and1% lower for S wet deposition. The German results fornitrogen (N) total deposition are 2% higher than the EMEPresult 22% higher for N dry deposition and 10% lower for Nwet deposition.  相似文献   

A model is described for predicting wet deposition ofsulphur in Britain from rainfall and site measurementsof ion concentration in precipitation. This modelincludes orographic enhancement of both rainfall andion concentration. The model output is comparedagainst available measurement data. Sensitivity anduncertainty analyses are used to predict the outputuncertainty. If the stated assumptions can be shown tobe correct, the wet deposition for Britain at the 5 kmscale is accurate to ±35% across the country. Theanalyses show a larger uncertainty in central Englandand a possible bias towards underestimation of wetdeposition, the latter being of importance incalculating critical load exceedances in remote areas.  相似文献   

Weekly collections of samples of precipitation and hill cloudwater have been made at Holme Moss (530 m.a.s.l.) in the southernPennines covering a six-year period (1994–1999). In addition continuous meteorological measurements have been conducted at thesite for a five year period (1995–1999). The concentrations of major ions in the samples have been determined by ion chromatography. Analysis of ion concentrations as a function ofwind direction reveals that the ions with anthropogenic sources (SO4 , NO3 , NH4 +, H+) exhibit higher concentrations during easterly wind directions whilst the ions with predominantly marine origins (Na+, Cl, Ca++, Mg++, K+) have concentrations thatare not significantly dependant on wind direction. Precipitation and cloud deposition are strongly correlated to south-westerly wind directions with a secondary peak occurring for north-easterly directions. Fifty nine per cent of ion deposition by rain was found to occur during wind from the SSW to W sector.The average concentrations of ions in cloud water were found tobe much higher than those in rain (by factors of between 2.5 and4.2). It is thought that the high precipitation and annual deposition of ions by precipitation at Holme Moss is due in partto the enrichment of ion concentrations in precipitation by thescavenging of more concentrated cap cloud droplets (the `seeder-feeder effect'). Comparison with data from a nearby lower level site shows encouraging agreement with the scheme currently used in the U.K. deposition mapping procedure to incorporate the influence of orography on deposition by precipitation.  相似文献   

A Chronology of Nitrogen Deposition in the UK Between 1900 and 2000   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Measurements of the concentrations of nitrogen compounds in air and precipitation in the UK have been made since the mid-19th century, but no networks operating to common protocols and having traceable analytical procedures were established until the 1950s. From 1986 onwards, a high-quality network of sampling stations for precipitation chemistry was established across the UK. In the following decade, monitoring networks provided measurement of NO2, NH3, HNO3 and a satisfactory understanding of the dry deposition process for these gases allowed dry deposition to be quantified. Maps of N deposition for oxidized and reduced compounds at a spatial scale of 5 km × 5 km are available from 1986 to 2000. Between 1950 and 1985, the more limited measurements, beginning with those of the European Air Chemistry Network (EACN) provide a reasonable basis to estimate wet deposition of NO 3 –N and NH 4 + –N. For the first half of the century, estimates of deposition were scaled with emissions assuming a constant relationship between emission and deposition for each of the components of the wet and dry deposition budget at the country scale. Emissions of oxidized N, which dominated total nitrogen emissions throughout the century, increased from 312 kt N annually in 1900 to a peak of 787 kt for the decade 1980–1990 and then declined to 460 kt in 2000. Emissions of reduced N, largely from coal combustion were about 168 kt N in 1900, increasing to a peak of 263 kt N in 2000 and by now dominated by agricultural sources. Reduced N dominated the deposition budget at the country scale, increasing from 163 kt N in 1900 to 211 kt N in 2000, while deposition of oxidized N was 66 kt N in 1900 and 191 kt N in 2000. Over the century, 68 Mt (Tg) of fixed N was emitted within the UK, 78% as NO x , while 29 Mt of nitrogen was deposited (43% of emissions), equivalent to 1.2 t N ha–1, on average, with 60% in the reduced form. Deposition to semi-natural ecosystems is approximately 15 Tg N, equivalent to between 1 and 5 t N ha–1, over the century and appears to be accumulating in soil. The N deposition over the century is similar in magnitude to the total soil N inventory in surface horizons.  相似文献   

This study presents the chemical composition of bulk deposition during the period of February 1996–May 1997 and the chemical composition of sub-event wet deposition on 13 August 1997 in Gebze. Samples were analyzed for SO4 2-, NO3 -, Cl-,Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, and NH4 + in addition to pH. The source of some ionic components in the bulk deposition such as K+ and Ca2+ were found to be the terrestrial regions, as expected. The (non-sea Cl-)/Cl- ratio of 0.05 suggests that the very large portion of Cl- in the bulkdeposition was of marine origin. The ratio of (non-sea SO4 2-)/SO4 2- varied between 0.86 and 0.99,indicating that the main source of sulfate was not the sea. It is found that the sulfate and calcium concentrations were highest in summer and lowest in fall. The analysis of bulk deposition also indicated that nearly 24% of the events were acidic (pH < 5.6). During sub-event wet deposition collectedon the same site pH decreased continually, and during the passageof cold front concentrations of Cl-, SO4 2- and NO3 - increased.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study empirically whether uncertainty has an influence on trade in the US sulfur dioxide allowances market. In particular, we investigate the role of uncertainty on banking behavior. To do this, we introduce a tractable, structural model of trading permits under uncertainty. The model establishes a relation between banking behavior and risk preferences, especially prudence in the Kimball (1990) sense. We then test this model using data on allowances, for utilities submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Acid Rain Program, carried over from one year to the next. Evidence is found of imprudence, namely, utilities bank permits in order to favor higher profits. Another finding is that larger utilities do not adopt behavior significantly different from that of smaller ones. This paper was presented at the “International Workshop on Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Verification, Compliance & Trading” in Warsaw, Poland, September 2004, under the title “Portfolio Management of Emissions Permits and Prudence Behavior.”  相似文献   

The atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen on turf grassland in Tsukuba, central Japan, was investigated from July 2003 to December 2004. The target components were ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite ions for wet deposition and gaseous ammonia, nitric and nitrous acids, and particulate ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite for dry deposition. Organic nitrogen was also evaluated by subtracting the amount of inorganic nitrogen from total nitrogen. A wet-only sampler and filter holders were used to collect precipitation and the atmospheric components, respectively. An inferential method was applied to calculate the dry deposition velocity of gases and particles, which involved the effects of surface wetness and ammonia volatilization through stomata on the dry deposition velocity. The mean fraction of the monthly wet to total deposition was different among chemical species; 37, 77, and 1% for ammoniacal, nitrate-, and nitrite-nitrogen, respectively. The annual deposition of inorganic nitrogen in 2004 was 47 and 48 mmol m−2 yr−1 for wet and dry deposition, respectively; 51% of atmospheric deposition was contributed by dry deposition. The annual wet deposition in 2004 was 20, 27, and 0.07 mmol m−2 yr−1, and the annual dry deposition in 2004 was 35, 7.4, and 5.4 mmol m−2 yr−1 for ammoniacal, nitrate-, and nitrite-nitrogen, respectively. Ammoniacal nitrogen was the most important reactive nitrogen because of its remarkable contribution to both wet and dry deposition. The median ratio of the organic nitrogen concentration to total nitrogen was 9.8, 17, and 15% for precipitation, gases, and particles, respectively.  相似文献   

分析了目前国内现有石灰石—石膏湿法脱硫装置的磨损防腐问题,简述了在运石灰石—石膏湿法脱硫装置的主要磨损腐蚀环境及相应的防护措施。  相似文献   

陈瑞勇  林芸  张荣  毕继诚 《化工环保》2004,24(5):331-335
湿式空气氧化法(WAO)和超临界水氧化法(SCWO)废水处理技术近年已有广泛研究。当催化剂存在于氧化体系时,不仅能降低反应温度、压力,而且可提高废水中有害物质的降解效率。介绍了氨的湿式空气氧化和超临界水氧化催化剂应用的研究进展、各种催化剂在超临界水中的稳定性能及氨的催化超临界水氧化情况。  相似文献   

Temporal trends of non-sea salt (nss-) sulfate and nitrate were analyzed from nationwide precipitation chemistry measurements provided by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for the 1988–2002 fiscal years (April–March). The concentrations and deposition of nss-sulfate were found to be decreasing, and those of nitrate were stable or slightly increasing at most sites. These deposition trends were discussed from the viewpoint of emissions of SO2 and NOX during the period of interest. Because monitoring techniques have changed in the number of active sites, samplers, and analytical methods during the operation period, the median of all annual depositions measured in Japan in a specific year was selected as the annual representative. The contribution of specific emission sources was also calculated for 1990 on the basis of the nss-sulfate and nitrate deposition in Japan obtained with a model simulation in which the model did not include volcanic emissions from Mt. Oyama, Miyakejima Island, which began to erupt suddenly and violently in 2000. For nss-sulfate, the calculated deposition agrees well with the intensity and trends of the median up to 1999. After 2000, a higher deposition than calculated in the preceding years was evident, which is attributable to the volcanic SO2 from Mt. Oyama. For nitrate, both the calculated and observed depositions were slightly increasing; however, the calculation was found to exceed the observation.  相似文献   

Two years of continuous measurements of SO2deposition fluxes to moorland vegetation are reported. The mean flux of 2.8 ng SO2 m-2 s-1 is regulated predominantly by surface resistance (r c) which, even for wet surfaces, was seldom smaller than 100 s m-1. The control of surface resistance is shown to be regulated by the ratio of NH3SO2 concentrations with an excess of NH3 generating the small surface resistances for SO2. A dynamic surface chemistry model is used to simulate the effects of NH3 on SO2 deposition flux and is able to capture responses to short-term changes in ambient concentrations of SO2, NH3 and meteorological conditions. The coupling between surface resistance and NH3/SO2 concentration ratios shows that the deposition velocity for SO2 is regulated by the regional pollution climate. Recent long-term SO2 flux measurements in a transect over Europe demonstrate the close link between NH3/SO2 concentrations and rc (SO2). The deposition velocity for SO2 is predicted to have increased with time since the 1970s and imply a 40% increase in v d at a site at which the annual mean ambient SO2 concentrations declined from 47 to 3 g m-3 between 1973 and 1998.  相似文献   

Critical load exceedances have been used as an effects-related parameter for guiding international air emission control negotiations. High-resolution critical load data are combined with low-resolution deposition data.This article shows that doing so systematicallyunderestimates `true' critical load exceedances as obtainedfrom combining critical load and deposition data of identicalhigh spatial resolution. 95th percentile critical loadexceedances in EMEP grids based on high resolution depositiondata are 60 and 150% higher (mean values for nutrientnitrogen and acidity, respectively) than critical loadexceedances based on the low resolution EMEP depositionmodel. The latter are used in international negotiations. Differences in individual EMEP grid squares vary betweeninsignificantly different from zero and 340%, depending onregional deposition and critical load characteristics andcritical load types (nutrient nitrogen versus acidity).Exceedances based on high-resolution deposition values arealso compared to EMEP grid averages of these values forforests only. This comparison excludes the effect ofsystematically higher depositions to forests. Still, thescale difference of (averaged, low-resolution) deposition and(high-resolution) critical loads data yields underestimatesof the 95th percentiles by on average ca. 20%.These systematic errors due to the scale dependence should beborne in mind when interpreting effects of internationalemission control measures.  相似文献   

Critical N loads for ombrotrophic bogs, which often contain rare and N-sensitive plants (especially those in lower plant groups: lichens, mosses and liverworts), are based on very few experimental data from measured, low background N deposition areas. Additionally the relative effects of reduced versus oxidised N are largely unknown. This paper describes an automated field exposure system (30 km S. of Edinburgh, Scotland) for treating ombrotrophic bog vegetation with fine droplets of oxidised N (NaNO3) and reduced N (NH4Cl). Whim Moss exists in an area of low ambient N deposition (ca. 8 kg N ha–1 y–1), the sources and quantification of which are described. The wet N treatment system is run continuously, and is controlled/activated by wind speed and rainfall to provide a unique simulation of real world treatment patterns (no rain=no treatment). Simulated precipitation is supplied at ionic concentrations below4mMin rainwater collected on site. Treatments provide a replicated dose response to 16, 32 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 adjusted for ambient deposition (8 kg N ha–1 y–1). The 16 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 are duplicated with a P+K supplement. Baseline soil chemistry and foliar nutrient status was established for all 44 plots for Calluna vulgaris, Sphagnum capillifolium, Hypnum jutlandicum and Cladonia portentosa.  相似文献   

Urban atmospheric environment contains many trace organic pollutants that are related to the incomplete fuel combustion in domestic heating, industrial plants and automobile traffic. Removal of these pollutants from the atmosphere takes place through wet and dry deposition as well as chemical transformations. In this study, concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in wet deposition samples were determined at an urban site of Turkey. Wet and dry deposition samples were collected using Andersen Rain Sampler. The sampler was modified accordingly for the collection of organic pollutants. Collected samples were preconcentrated by using solid phase extraction (SPE) disks and consecutively analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Among the 13 compounds quantified in this study, anthracene, fluoranthene, and pyrene were found more frequently and at elevated concentrations (202, 271 and 260 ng L-1 mean concentrations, respectively).Concentrations of PAHs were found to be high in winter period.  相似文献   

This paper considers how regional greenhouse gas emissioninventories can be determined. It presents a greenhousegas emissions inventory, by source, for the East Midlandsthat has been compiled as part of a regional study intoclimate change impacts in the United Kingdom. This hasused available local data, and national emissions datawith appropriate scaling factors. Total greenhouse gasemissions for the region are estimated to be 59 milliontonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 equivalent)for 1997. Of these emissions, approximately 86% werecarbon dioxide emissions, 7% methane emissions, and 5%were nitrous oxide, with emissions of hydrofluorocarbons(HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride(SF6) contributing less than 2% of total emissions.  相似文献   

World primary energy demand increases with increases in population and economic development. Within the last 25 yr, the total energy consumption has almost doubled. For the purpose of meeting this demand, fossil energy sources are used and various pollutants are generated. CO2 is also one of these gases, which cannot be removed like other pollutants, and it causes greenhouse effect and climate change. Reducing the CO2 emission is very important because of the environmental concerns and regulations, especially the Kyoto Protocol. This paper reviews the estimated world carbon emissions, Turkey's situation in electrical energy production, emission amounts estimated until the year 2020 and emission factors for dust, SO2, NOx and CO2. The estimated results show that CO2 emissions from thermal power plants in Turkey will make about 0.66 % of the global CO2 emissions in 2020.  相似文献   

The deposition of atmospheric N to soils provides sources of available N to the nitrifying and denitrifying microbial community and subsequently influences the rate of NO and N2O emissions from soil. We have investigated the influence of three different sources of enhanced N deposition on NO and N2O emissions 1) elevated NH3 deposition to woodlands downwind of poultry and pig farms, 2) increased wet cloud and occult N deposition to upland forest and moorland and 3) enhanced N deposition to trees as NO 3 and NH 4 + aerosol. Flux measurements of NO and N2O were made using static chambers in the field or intact and repacked soil cores in the laboratory and determination of N2O by gas chromatography and of NO by chemiluminescence analysis. Rates of N deposition to our study sites were derived from modelled estimates of N deposition, NH3 concentrations measured by passive diffusion and inference from measurements of the 210Pb inventory of soils under tree canopies compared with open grassland. NO and N2O emissions and KCl-extractable soil NH 4 + and NO 3 concentrations all increased with increasing N deposition rate. The extent of increase did not appear to be influenced by the chemical form of the N deposited. Systems dominated by dry-deposited NH3 downwind of intensive livestock farms or wet-deposited NH 4 + and NO 3 in the upland regions of Britain resulted in approximately the same linear response. Emissions of NO and N2O from these soils increased with both N deposition and KCl extractable NH 4 + , but the relationship between NH 4 + and N deposition (ln NH 4 + = 0.62 ln Ndeposition + 0.21, r 2 = 0.33, n = 43) was more robust than the relationship between N deposition and soil NO and N2O fluxes.  相似文献   

Fabrication of complex injection molded parts often involves the use of multiple gates. In such situations, polymer melts from different gates meld to form the molded part (weld line). This paper reports on the fabrication and characterization of the mechanical and morphological properties of short fiber reinforced jute/poly butylene succinate (PBS) biodegradable composites. The effect of a dual gated mold in the fabrication of welded specimens was a key focus of the investigation. It was observed that incorporation of jute fiber (10 wt%) conferred drastic changes on the stress–strain properties of the matrix as the elongation at break (EB), dropped from 160% in the matrix to just 10% in the composite. The tensile strength of the composite was lower than that of the matrix. However, it is noteworthy that the tensile modulus of the composite increased. Bending test also revealed that both bending strength and modulus increased with the incorporation of jute. Morphological studies of the tensile fracture surface using SEM revealed two types of failure mode. Ductile failure was indicated by plastic deformation at the initiation of fracture followed by brittle failure. The good interfacial bonding indicated between jute and PBS was attributed to positive interaction between the two polar polymers. A comparison of the non-weld and weld-line samples revealed that the weld-line composites have better mechanical integrity than the corresponding polymer matrix with weld line. The results also revealed that elongation at break and toughness are most sensitive to the presence of the weld-line whereas flexural properties are least sensitive.  相似文献   

The relationship between the chemical structure of poly(alkylene glycol)s (PAGs) and their biodegradability was studied using a set of polymeric fluids that included poly(ethylene glycol), poly(propylene glycol) (PPG), random copolymers of ethylene oxide (EO) and propylene oxide (PO) differing in the EO/PO ratio as well as PAGs capped with ether or acyl moieties. The PAGs that were tested had an average molecular weight (MW) in the range of 350–3,600 Da and differed in their polymer backbones by either linear (diol type) or branched (triol type) molecules. The ultimate biodegradability of the PAGs was determined according to ISO 14593 (CO2 headspace test) with a non-pre-exposed (as in OECD 310 test) and pre-exposed (adapted) inoculum. PAGs with the structure of PPG and copolymers of EO/PO of diol or triol structures with average molecular weights lower than 1,000 Da can be considered as readily biodegradable. Their ultimate biodegradation exceeds the limit of 60 % (according to the criteria of the OECD 310 test). PAGs with a copolymer structure and MW values ranging between 1,000 and 3,600 Da are not readily biodegradable, but they can be considered as those of inherent ultimate biodegradability. The increased EO content in PAG structures and the acylation of the terminal hydroxyl groups with carboxylic acids favourably influenced their biodegradability. Capped PAGs containing terminal ether groups appeared to be resistant to biodegradation.  相似文献   

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