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The paper deals with the problem of estimating diversity indexes for an ecological community. First the species abundances are unbiasedly and consistently estimated using designs based on n random and independent selections of plots, points or lines over the study area. The problem of sampling elusive populations is also considered. Finally, the diversity index estimates are obtained as functions of the abundance estimates. The resulting estimators turn out to be asymptotically (n large) unbiased, even if a considerable bias may occur for a small n. Accordingly, the method of jackknifing is made use of in order to reduce bias.  相似文献   

The paper is about the accurate (i.e. unbiased and precise) and efficient estimation of structural indices in forest stands. We present SIAFOR, a computer programme for the calculation of four nearest-neighbour indices, which describe the spatial arrangement of tree positions, the distribution pattern of species, and the size differentiation between trees. The study uses SIAFOR as a sampling simulator in eight completely stem-mapped forest stands of varying area and structural complexity. We statistically evaluate two sample types (distance and plot sampling), comparing sampling error, bias and minimum sample size for index estimation. We introduce the concepts of measurement expansion factor (MEF) and design expansion factor (DEF) for the technical evaluation of sample type efficiency (optimal sample type). Results indicate that sampling error can reach high levels and that minimum sample sizes for index estimation often amply exceed the limit of 20% of tree density or 20 trees per species per hectare, that we set as the highest feasible sample size in normal situations. We found clear feasibility limits (in terms of minimal tree densities and reachable accuracy levels) for the estimation of all investigated indices. Generally, equal or higher sample sizes are needed for plot sampling than for distance sampling to reach equal accuracy levels. Nevertheless, plot sampling resulted more efficient for the estimation of tree size differentiation at low to medium accuracy levels. For all other investigated indices distance sampling resulted more efficient than plot sampling. Minimum sample size increases with accuracy and is negatively correlated with tree density. At a given accuracy level minimum sample size is highest for the estimation of relative mingling and lowest for tree size differentiation; furthermore it is generally lower in large stands than in small ones. Because of the consistency of our conclusions in all of the investigated stands, we think they apply in most stands of similar area (between 1 and 10 ha) and species diversity (not more than four species).  相似文献   

Acid dissolution methods for heavy metals determination in pine needles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microwave digestion procedures using HNO3, HNO3+H2O2, HNO3+HClO4, HF mixtures and dry ashing with HF were investigated for heavy metals analysis by either inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) or ICP-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in pine needles. The HF digestion procedures gave about 1.5 times higher values than a mixture of HNO3+H2O2 alone. For Ti determination in needles, the HF procedure using dry ashing is thus recommended. The mean concentrations amounted to 900 mg/kg for Fe and 21.8 mg/kg for Ti in needles collected at an area polluted by a stainless steel works. Those concentrations were 10.6 and 4.3 times higher than in needles collected at an area nearby a pulp mill complex (84.5 mg/kg Fe and 5.0 mg/kg Ti).  相似文献   

Corridors are intended to increase species survival by abating landscape fragmentation resulting from the conversion of natural habitats into human-dominated matrices. Conservation scientists often rely on 1 type of corridor model, typically the least-cost model or current-flow model, to construct a linkage design, and their choice is not usually based on theory or empirical evidence. We developed a method to empirically confirm whether corridors produced by these 2 models are used by target species under current landscape conditions. We applied this method in the Gamba landscape between 2 national parks in southwestern Gabon. We collected signs of presence of African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), forest buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus), and 2 apes, western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and central chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes), on transects. We used patch-occupancy models to identify least-cost and current-flow corridors for these 4 species. On average, 28.7% of current-flow corridors overlapped with least-cost corridors, confirming that the choice of corridor model can affect the location of the resulting linkage design. We validated these corridors by monitoring signs and examining camera detections on new transects within and outside modeled corridors. Current-flow corridors performed better than least-cost corridors for elephants, whereas the opposite was found for buffalo and apes. Locations of the highest priority corridors for the 3 taxa did not overlap, and only 18.3% of their combined surface was common among 2 species. We used centrality metrics to calculate the average contribution of corridor pixels to landscape connectivity and derived an index that can be used to prioritize corridors. As a result, we recommend protecting at least 17.4% of the land surface area around Gamba town to preserve the preferred travel routes of the target species.  相似文献   

干旱半干旱地区土壤水盐的空间分布对土地利用和生态恢复具有重要作用。运用传统统计学和地统计学对库布齐沙漠5种自然植被和5种人工植被0~10和10~20cm深度土壤水分和盐分的空间异质性进行了小尺度比较分析。结果表明:9种群落的土壤水盐平均值下层大于表层,且盐分的空间相关性较水分更高;人工植被土壤水分(CV=5.3%~22.7%)和盐分(CV=15.7%~51.2%)具有空间分布均匀、层间差异不明显等特征,而自然植被水分(CV=9.9%~32.6%)和盐分的(CV=26.9%~180.0%)却与之相反;小尺度上,人工植被土壤不同层间的水分关系、盐分关系以及水盐关系可能随建植时间的增加会越来越不明显,格局强度将不断减弱,这也极有可能改变大尺度上的水盐运移状况,进而影响研究区生态系统的稳定性和安全性。  相似文献   

We present a robust sampling methodology to estimate population size using line transect and capture-recapture procedures for aerial surveys. Aerial surveys usually underestimate population density due to animals being missed. A combination of capture-recapture and line transect sampling methods with multiple observers allows violation of the assumption that all animals on the centreline are sighted from the air. We illustrate our method with an example of inanimate objects which shows evidence of failure of the assumption that all objects on the centreline have probability 1 of being detected. A simulation study is implemented to evaluate the performance of three variations of the Lincoln-Petersen estimator: the overall estimator, the stratified estimator, and the general stratified estimator based on the combined likelihood proposed in this paper. The stratified Lincoln-Petersen estimator based on the combined likelihood is found to be generally superior to the other estimators.  相似文献   

Environmental justice reflects the equitable distribution of the burden of environmental hazards across various sociodemographic groups. The issue is important in environmental regulation, siting of hazardous waste repositories and prioritizing remediation of existing sources of exposure. We propose a statistical framework for assessing environmental justice. The framework includes a quantitative assessment of environmental equity based on the cumulative distribution of exposure within population subgroups linked to disease incidence through a dose-response function. This approach avoids arbitrary binary classifications of individuals solely as 'exposed' or 'unexposed'. We present a Bayesian inferential approach, implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, that accounts for uncertainty in both exposure and response. We illustrate our method using data on leukaemia deaths and exposure to toxic chemical releases in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

Climate‐change vulnerability assessments (CCVAs) are valuable tools for assessing species’ vulnerability to climatic changes, yet failure to include measures of adaptive capacity and to account for sources of uncertainty may limit their effectiveness. We took a more comprehensive approach that incorporates exposure, sensitivity, and capacity to adapt to climate change. We applied our approach to anadromous steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and nonanadromous bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus), threatened salmonids within the Columbia River Basin (U.S.A.). We quantified exposure on the basis of scenarios of future stream temperature and flow, and we represented sensitivity and capacity to adapt to climate change with metrics of habitat quality, demographic condition, and genetic diversity. Both species were found to be highly vulnerable to climate change at low elevations and in their southernmost habitats. However, vulnerability rankings varied widely depending on the factors (climate, habitat, demographic, and genetic) included in the CCVA and often differed for the 2 species at locations where they were sympatric. Our findings illustrate that CCVA results are highly sensitive to data inputs and that spatial differences can complicate multispecies conservation. Based on our results, we suggest that CCVAs be considered within a broader conceptual and computational framework and be used to refine hypotheses, guide research, and compare plausible scenarios of species’ vulnerability to climate change.  相似文献   

Insect mate recognition is often viewed as stereotypic, innate, and species-specific. However, male damselflies can learn to identify female-specific color morphs as potential mates. A suite of male mimicry hypotheses assume that heteromorphic females, which differ from males in color pattern, are more easily recognized as “female” and thus lack the inherent, anti-harassment advantage that the more male-like signal provides for andromorphs. Using two measures of male preference, we investigated whether naïve males have a preexisting sensory bias for a given morph color in Enallagma civile, a species that appeared to exhibit extreme plasticity in morph expression across generations within a breeding season. E. civile males raised in the absence of females exhibited no preference for either morph, whereas males raised with one female type exhibited a learned sensory bias for that morph. Male Enallagma also lacked a bias toward conspecific females over a congeneric sister species. In a naturally naïve population of Enallagma ebrium, males reacted sexually to both morphs of Enallagma hageni as often as they did to conspecific females, whose thoracic spectra were nearly identical with those of E. hageni. Moreover, despite the similar thoracic spectra of males and andromorphs, both of which reflected UV, males rarely reacted sexually to other males. Our results falsified implicit assumptions of male mimicry hypotheses, supported learned mate recognition, and suggested a scenario for speciation via sexual conflict.  相似文献   

针对中国植物园稀有濒危植物的保护现状和存在问题进行分析,重点讨论了稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的有效性问题,涉及稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的生长和适应问题、稀有濒危植物在植物园重复栽培问题、稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的有效种群大小问题、科学记录系统和监测中心的建立问题。就稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的可持续发展提出了若干对策与建议:以植物园为基础形成保护的网络系统;加强稀有濒危植物迁地保护规划并突出重点;加强科学记录系统和监测中心的建立;多方筹措资金,加强支持强度;加强人才培训与学术交流。  相似文献   

The analytical results of 53 manure samples determined by wet digestion and dry ashing procedures were compared in order to evaluate their relative suitability for recovering different nutrient elements in manure and manure compost. Wet digestion recovered greater amounts of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) in more samples than dry ashing. Nutrient contents in the samples were highly variable, with coefficients of variation (CV) ranging from 38% for magnesium (Mg) to 161% for copper (Cu) analyzed by the wet digestion procedure, and from 47% to 138% for Mg and Cu analyzed by the dry ashing procedure. The mean values of P, K, Ca, Mn, and Zn averaged for the 53 samples were significantly higher using wet digestion than dry ashing procedure, but both procedures recovered comparable amounts of iorn (Fe), Mg, and Cu. Correlations analysis between both procedures for each element showed reasonable to fair agreements for Ca (R 2?=?0.93), K (R 2?=?0.93), P (R 2?=?0.90), Mg (R 2?=?0.84), Fe (R 2?=?0.87), Mn (R 2?=?0.73), and Cu (R 2?=?0.66), but poor agreement for Zn (R 2?=?0.44). The low agreement between procedures for Zn suggests that wet digestion, which gave a higher recovery, should be a preferred procedure for analyzing Zn in manures.  相似文献   

通过对柚园的土壤、作物营养与施肥试验研究,结合当地生产实际,总结出梅州金柚种植实现高产优质的土壤改良、培肥地力和施肥的一系列技术措施.  相似文献   

This paper presents modeling methods for mapping fire hazard and fire risk using a research model called FIREHARM (FIRE Hazard and Risk Model) that computes common measures of fire behavior, fire danger, and fire effects to spatially portray fire hazard over space. FIREHARM can compute a measure of risk associated with the distribution of these measures over time using 18 years of gridded DAYMET daily weather data used to simulate fuel moistures to compute fire variables. We detail the background, structure, and application of FIREHARM and then present validation results of six of the FIREHARM output variables that revealed accuracy rates ranging from 20 to 80% correct depending on the quality of input data and the behavior of the fire behavior simulation framework. Overall accuracies appeared acceptable for prioritization analysis and large scale assessments because precision was high. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of the fire hazard and risk approaches and a possible agenda for future development of comprehensive fire hazard and risk mapping is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The "botanist effect" is thought to be the reason for higher plant species richness in areas where botanists are disproportionately present as an artefactual consequence of a more thorough sampling. We examined whether this was the case for U.S. counties. We collated the number of species of vascular plants, human population size, and the area of U.S. counties. Controlling for spatial autocorrelation and county area, plant species richness increased with human population size and density in counties with and without universities and/or botanical gardens, with no significant differences in the relation between the two subsets. This is consistent with previous findings and further evidence of a broad-scale positive correlation between species richness and human population presence, which has important consequences for the experience of nature by inhabitants of densely populated regions. Combined with the many reports of a negative correlation between the two variables at a local scale, the positive relation between plant species richness in U.S. counties and human population presence stresses the need for the conservation of seminatural areas in urbanized ecosystems and for the containment of urban and suburban sprawl.  相似文献   

• Principles and methods for fluorescence EEM are systematically outlined. • Fluorophore peak/region/component and energy information can be extracted from EEM. • EEM can fingerprint the physical/chemical/biological properties of DOM in MBRs. • EEM is useful for tracking pollutant transformation and membrane retention/fouling. • Improvements are still needed to overcome limitations for further studies. The membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology is a rising star for wastewater treatment. The pollutant elimination and membrane fouling performances of MBRs are essentially related to the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the system. Three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix (3D-EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy, a powerful tool for the rapid and sensitive characterization of DOM, has been extensively applied in MBR studies; however, only a limited portion of the EEM fingerprinting information was utilized. This paper revisits the principles and methods of fluorescence EEM, and reviews the recent progress in applying EEM to characterize DOM in MBR studies. We systematically introduced the information extracted from EEM by considering the fluorescence peak location/intensity, wavelength regional distribution, and spectral deconvolution (giving fluorescent component loadings/scores), and discussed how to use the information to interpret the chemical compositions, physiochemical properties, biological activities, membrane retention/fouling behaviors, and migration/transformation fates of DOM in MBR systems. In addition to conventional EEM indicators, novel fluorescent parameters are summarized for potential use, including quantum yield, Stokes shift, excited energy state, and fluorescence lifetime. The current limitations of EEM-based DOM characterization are also discussed, with possible measures proposed to improve applications in MBR monitoring.  相似文献   

本文通过广泛的实地调查和监测,研究了我国乡镇工业印染行业生产与污染物排放。提出了棉印染、毛印染、针织印染、化纤、毛巾、袜子等各类印染的排污系数。为全国乡镇工业污染源调查提供一种简便、易操作、准确的统计办法。  相似文献   

以第1次全国污染源普查为背景,针对太湖流域农村生活源产排污系数测算过程中监测点的设置、监测采样和数据分析等问题进行重点分析.基于自然环境分区与经济收入水平分级和突出重点、合理布局的原则设置太湖上游监测点,划分6个类型区共计15个监测点,分有下水和无下水农户2种情况进行监测点建设;具体分析了农村生活污水和生活垃圾的采样步骤,并设计了生活污水、垃圾现场采样记录表,以利于数据记录和分析处理的标准化;依据Grubbs准则和Dixon准则进行监测数据结果的数理统计,选取Grubbs准则进行监测数据最大值或最小值的异常值检验.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that exterior sources of lead dust are more important than interior sources in the route of exposure of children. Benign field methods were used to distinguish between potential and actual lead exposure problems. Utilising hand wipe and surface wipe techniques, hand and environmental samples were obtained from selected day care centres at different locations within New Orleans. Previous research has shown that soil lead is determined by location within the city. Private and public day care centres were selected from inner and outer city areas to estimate the extent of hand lead exposure. To measure and identify the extent of environmental lead exposure, hand wipes were taken before and after playing outdoors. Results of preliminary findings show that outdoor lead dust is a more potent contaminant of hands than indoor lead dust. An association was found between the amount of lead on children's hands after playing outdoors and the lead content in the exterior dust and soil. Although two girls out of forty children had exceptionally high hand lead quantities after playing outdoors, in general, boys have higher hand lead levels than girls. The private inner-city day care centre had a severe contamination problem in its outdoor play area. By contrast, the outdoor play area of the public inner city day care centre is of such a high quality that the quantity of lead dust is independent of location in the city.  相似文献   

Geochemical mapping of soils and selected plant species has been carried out in the Mole National Park, Ghana. The distribution of the essential nutrients: cobalt, copper and manganese is largely controlled by bedrock geology, while the geochemical dispersion of Ca, I, Fe, Mg, Mo, P, K, Se, Na and Zn has been modified by soil and hydromorphic processes. From selective extraction experiments, Fe, Mn and Co are found to be largely fixed in the soil mineral fraction. Larger proportions of Cu, I, Mo, Se and Zn are EDTA extractable and have a high chelation potential.Cobalt, Cu and Mn were preferentially concentrated in grass species while molybdenum and selenium are concentrated in browse plants. Copper uptake is antagonistic to Fe, Mo and Zn accumulation in all plant and grass samples. Similarly, Se and Mn appear antagonistic and Fe uptake is antagonistic to Co, Cu, Mn, Mo and Zn.The low concentration of P points to a potential dietary deficiency of this element throughout the park. Cobalt deficiency may also occur due to a love extractability of these elements in the soils and low concentration in plants. However, the lack of data on the elemental requirements of wildlife allows only tentative conclusions to be drawn.  相似文献   

Most welfare models of environmental or mortality risk reductions assume that risks are exogenously determined and known with certainty. However, a growing body of research suggests that uncertainty about risks can affect choices over risky prospects. I present a decision-weighted random-utility model that decomposes welfare losses into those attributable to an increase in the deterministic component of risk and those attributable to uncertainty about risk. I apply the model to an illustrative dataset of subjects' perceived mortality risk and willingness to accept the risk of nuclear-waste transport. I estimate the model using Lewbel's (2000) strictly exogenous regressor approach to account for endogeneity bias and measurement error. Subjects display aversion to both risk and uncertainty about the risk of a transport accident, so that increases in either leads to social-welfare losses. Roughly 12% of the external cost of nuclear-waste transport is attributable to the public's uncertainty about transport risk.  相似文献   

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