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Females of socially monogamous species may copulate with attractive non-mates to obtain access to the genes of such males, and a preference for attractive copulation partners may result in sexual selection. Extra-pair copulations are common in the socially monogamous barn swallow Hirundorustica, and a 2-year study of paternity using multi-locus DNA fingerprinting demonstrated that 33% of 63 broods and 28% of 261 offspring were sired by extra-pair males. The frequency of extra-pair offspring within broods was highly skewed with the majority of all broods having either no extra-pair offspring or only extra-pair offspring. Individual pairs were consistent in their frequency of extra-pair paternity among broods, and the repeatability of extra-pair paternity of multiple broods of the same female was statistically significant. The proportion of extra-pair offspring was negatively related to the tail length of the male attending the nest. Behavioural observations showed that extra-pair fertilizations were more likely in broods raised by females that had been observed to engage in extra-pair copulations. The frequency of extra-pair offspring was unrelated to the intensity of two male paternity guards, mate guarding and the rate of intra-pair copulations. In an analysis of extra-pair paternity and male parental care in different broods of the same male, male barn swallows fed their offspring relatively less frequently if the brood contained more extra-pair offspring. Therefore, female barn swallows pursue extra-pair copulations with attractive males, which may result in sexual selection, even though extra-pair paternity is costly for females due to the reduction of paternal care by their social mates. Received: 24 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 2 August 1997  相似文献   

Breeding synchrony and paternity in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) is a socially monogamous passerine which usually breeds in colonies where extra-pair copulations are frequent. Males intensively guard their mates during the female fertile period. Since males are more likely to be available for extra-pair copulations when their mate is not fertile, synchrony in timing of breeding may affect paternity of individual males. In this study, we analysed the change in mate-guarding rate by males in relation to the fertility condition of the female, and the relationships between breeding synchrony and density with paternity in first broods of 52 male barn swallows. Paternity (proportion of nestlings fathered in own brood) was assessed by typing of three highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Mate guarding by males peaked during the fertile period of their mates. Paternity increased as breeding synchrony in the colony increased. Paternity of barn swallows is positively associated with the degree of exaggeration of male tail ornaments. The relationship between male ornamentation and paternity was partly mediated by an effect of ornament size on breeding synchrony. We suggest that females might delay breeding with low-quality males to enhance their opportunities for being fertilised by high-quality extra-pair males. Received: 16 January 1998 / Accepted after revision: 25 October 1998  相似文献   

Summary Intraspecific nest parasitism in the swallow Hirundo rustica involves several parasite and anti-parasite tactics. Neighboring swallows breed asynchronously, perhaps because neighboring nests with overlapping egg-laying periods have higher frequency of intraspecific nest parasitims than neighboring nests with no such overlap. Since nest guarding prevents nest parasitism, the effect of nest guarding was removed by putting up old swallow nests. Such experimental nests were parasitized by swallows more often when the nests contained eggs, than when empty, and when the nests were far away from, rather than close to, an active neighboring nest. Close experimental nests with eggs were, however, parasitized less frequently if asynchronous (non-overlapping egg-laying periods), rather than synchronous, to active neighboring nests. Aggressive anti-parasite behavior of nest owners was determined from responses towards female intruders. Responses were more often aggressive before and especially during egg laying than during incubation. Nest owners also behaved aggressively more often when the intruder approached close to as compared to at some distance from their nest. Focal pairs behaved aggressively more often towards closely approaching intruders during the incubation period than towards distantly approaching intruders during the egg-laying period. Swallows reduce the frequency of intraspecific nest parasitism by nesting asynchronously with and close to a neighboring nest. Aggression by neighbors may reduce the success of potential parasitic swallows.  相似文献   

Summary Both male and female swallows Hirundo rustica have a mixed reproductive strategy (parental care for offspring and extra-pair couplations). Mate guarding protects females from male harassment and male swallows from being cuckolded. Females hide their fertile period by copulating successfully with their mates for an extended period during first clutches. Males guard in the pre-fertile period, when many unpaired males are present. Early breeding swallows guard more than late breeders since more sexual chases of females by non-mate males take place in the early period. Solitarily breeding females experience few chases by strange males; copulation frequency, length of copulation period and mate guarding is adjusted to a lower level than among colonial birds. Male guarding activity is more intense in the fertile than in the pre-fertile period. Guarding reduces success of extra-pair copulation attempts.Three female swallows each paired and copulated with a single male and later changed to a new male before starting to breed. Extra-pair copulations most often take place between neighbouring swallows in the fertile period of the female. Many old, early breeding males and many young, late breeding females participate in extra-pair couplations. Successful extra-pair copulations peak in the fertile period contrary to success of pair copulations which does not change during the copulation period.  相似文献   

Summary The outermost tail feathers of barn swallows Hirundo rustica apparently reliably signal the quality of males, because individuals with the longest tails have the lowest degree of fluctuating asymmetry (random deviations from symmetry in the otherwise symmetrical tail trait) despite the size of their secondary sexual character. I experimentally tested whether females preferred males with symmetrical tails without altering the aerodynamic properties of birds by painting the tips of the outermost tail feathers with white or black correction fluid. Unmated males were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: (i) asymmetrical tails, where the outermost 20 mm of one tail feather was painted white and the other black; (ii) symmetrical tails where the outermost 10 mm of both tail feathers was painted white (symmetric I); (iii) symmetrical tails where the outermost 20 mm of both tail feathers was painted white (symmetric II); or (iv) controls where the outermost 20 mm of both tail feathers was painted black. The experimental treatment affected the duration of the premating period since it took longer for asymmetrical males to acquire a mate than for either group of symmetrical males or control males. This gave rise to a delayed start of laying among males with apparently asymmetrical tails. The seasonal production of fledglings therefore decreased from control males through males with either symmetrical treatment to males with the asymmetrical treatment. Females therefore pay direct attention to the level of fluctuating asymmetry in secondary sexual characters even when the asymmetry does not affect the aerodynamic properties of males.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa vary greatly in size and shape among species across the animal kingdom. Postcopulatory sexual selection is thought to be the major evolutionary force driving this diversity. In contrast, less is known about how sperm size varies among populations of the same species. Here, we investigate geographic variation in sperm size in barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a socially monogamous passerine with a wide Holarctic breeding distribution. We included samples from seven populations and three subspecies: five populations of ssp. rustica in Europe (Czech, Italy, Norway, Spain, and Ukraine), one population of ssp. transitiva in Israel, and one population of ssp. erythrogaster in Canada. All sperm traits (head length, midpiece length, tail length, and total length) varied significantly among populations. The variation among the European rustica populations was much lower than the differences among subspecies, indicating that sperm traits reflect phylogenetic distance. We also performed a test of the relationship between the coefficient of between-male variation in total sperm length and extrapair paternity levels across different populations within a species. Recent studies have found a strong negative relationship between sperm size variation and extrapair paternity among species. Here, we show a similar negative relationship among six barn swallow populations, which suggests that the variance in male sperm length in a population is shaped by the strength of stabilizing postcopulatory sexual selection.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, extra-pair paternity has the potential to increase the variance in male reproductive success, thereby affecting the opportunity for sexual selection on male extravagant ornamentation. In the European barn swallow (Hirundo rustica rustica), the tail streamer length is a sexually selected male ornament and an honest indicator of viability. The North American barn swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) also shows sexual dimorphism in tail streamer length, but whether this trait holds the same signalling function in this subspecies is a controversial issue, and the available literature is presently scarce. Here, we present data on paternity in the North American barn swallow, including a complete sampling of extra-pair sires in four colonies. We analysed how extra-pair paternity affected the variance in male fertilization success and examined whether male tail streamer (i.e. the outermost tail feather) length correlated with fertilization success (n=86 males). Extra-pair paternity constituted 31% of all offspring and significantly increased the variance in male fertilization success. The number of offspring sired by extra-pair males accounted for almost half of the total variance in male fertilization success. Males with naturally long tail streamers had a higher fertilization success than males with shorter tail streamers, and this pattern was mainly caused by a higher extra-pair success for males with long tail streamers. Males with long tail streamers also paired with early breeding females in prime body condition. These results are consistent with the idea that there is directional sexual selection on male tail streamer length, possibly mediated through male extra-pair mating success or the timing of breeding onset.  相似文献   

The long outermost tail feathers of barn swallows Hirundo rustica have white spots that are larger in males than in females and in adults than in juveniles. Spot size increases with age among adults and is positively correlated with tail length. We tested the functional significance of these white spots by randomly assigning males to either of three groups during spring: (1) subjected to a considerable reduction in the size of all spots using a black permanent pen; (2) subjected to a small reduction in the size of all spots; or (3) a control group with no reduction. Experimental treatment significantly affected the total number of offspring produced per season: breeding tended to be delayed and second broods were less frequent after a considerable reduction in the size of the males' tail feather spots. White parts of feathers lacking melanin were more often found to be the site of feather breakage than the melanised parts of similar width. Furthermore, white tail spots were the preferred feeding site of feather-eating Mallophaga and, since long-tailed males have fewer Mallophaga than short-tailed males, long-tailed males may pay a lower cost for their large white tail spots than short-tailed males. Hence, the cost of increased risk of feather breakage at white tail spots and the non-random distribution of feather lice among individuals will render tail spots a reliable signal of phenotypic quality. Received: 25 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 4 January 1998  相似文献   

To optimize fitness, organisms may have to trade the number and quality of individual offspring against their own condition and survival. Limiting micronutrients such as antioxidants may be crucial to this trade-off. We investigated whether vitamin E, a major antioxidant in the diet of vertebrates, is limiting to barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings. We manipulated brood size to alter the intensity of sib–sib competition and supplemented nestlings with two different physiological doses of vitamin E while establishing a control group. Treatment effects were measured on body mass and size, feather growth, T cell-mediated immune response and hematocrit. Supplementation with vitamin E at intermediate physiological doses improved nestling mass and condition and feather growth, whereas higher physiological doses did not enhance offspring quality compared to a control treatment. The positive effects of vitamin E on body mass and condition were only detectable from days 6 to 10 when maximum growth rate is attained. Experimental enlargement of broods reduced body mass and size and T cell-mediated immune response only during the late nestling period. The effect of vitamin E supplementation did not depend on brood size manipulation, as revealed by the nonsignificant statistical interaction. This result contradicts the hypothesis that availability of vitamin E depends on intrabrood competition and instead suggests that it depends on concentration of vitamin E in the insect prey of swallows. Thus, antioxidants may be available in limited amounts to barn swallow nestlings and such limitation affects growth. In addition, present results confirm that barn swallow parents trade progeny number against growth and immunity of individual offspring.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, we reported that juvenile barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) trapped during the autumn migratory season and tested in modified Emlen funnels under overcast conditions can use magnetic information for compass orientation, although they did not orient toward the expected migratory direction. To further investigate this behaviour, in the present paper, we report the results of two series of displacement experiments performed on juvenile barn swallows belonging to two different roost sites [Massaciuccoli Lake (ML) and Terzo Cavone (TC)] and tested using the same protocol as that previously adopted. On the whole, the outcome of the ML and TC experiments was quite different with respect to (a) the degree of bird activity within the funnel (substantially lower for TC) and (b) the effect of the experimental displacement on the directional preferences of the tested subjects (not detectable in TC, while evident in ML swallows). Taken together, these results suggest that migrating swallows could react differently to the experimental tests depending on the roost site where they were caught. Indeed, TC swallows, trapped in southern Italy, close to the seacoast, and characterized by fairly large amounts of fat stores, mainly broke off their migratory activity or reoriented their directional preferences toward inland sites, possibly in search of more profitable habitats. On the other hand, ML swallows, trapped about 660 km to the north and characterized by lower amounts of fat stores, apparently tried to compensate for the experimental displacement.
N. Emilio BaldacciniEmail:

Life history theory describes the optimization of important trade-offs within an individual’s lifetime and predicts that an individual’s reproductive performance (RP) will improve up until a point of senescence. Despite abundant evidence for this pattern, relatively few studies consider the mechanisms associated with age-related improvements in RP. In this study, we aimed to describe patterns of age-related RP (seasonal fledgling production) in female North American barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) using a longitudinal data set to test multiple hypotheses about the social, morphological, and ecological factors underlying this prominent life history pattern. To address these objectives, we used generalized linear mixed models in a three-step series of analyses in which we assessed (1) patterns of female age-related RP; (2) the influence of age on changes in social, morphological, and ecological factors; and (3) whether the changes in RP were concomitant with changes in these factors. We found that (1) females showed patterns of age-related reproduction, in which performance increased in the first 2 years of breeding and decreased thereafter, (2) female tail streamer length increased and the extent of breast coloration increased then decreased significantly with age, and (3) changes in morphological traits did not covary with changes in reproductive performance over time. Our within-individual results highlight the importance of considering explicit links between morphology and reproductive performance that are not easily captured by population-level analyses.  相似文献   

In most avian species, individuals are faced with two critical decisions at the start of a breeding season: choosing a breeding site and a mate. An analysis of these decisions in light of population-level patterns, such as group size variation in social breeders, can illuminate the causes and patterns of habitat selection behavior. Group sizes are variable in barn swallows; however, no clear and consistent benefits of group breeding have been found in this species, and it is puzzling as to why individuals breed socially. Previous analyses demonstrated that individuals aggregate to gain access to nests that were constructed during previous seasons; however extra-pair matings are also prevalent in this species, raising questions about the mate-selection strategies of females across different group sizes. In this paper, I address the question of how females make their first site-selection decisions in terms of two features known to be causally related to seasonal reproductive success: (1) colorful males or (2) old nests. Using experimental and observational data, I tested, but found no support for, the hypotheses that propose female settlement decisions are a function of (1) the prevalence of colorful males or (2) the increased opportunity for extra-pair matings at group sites. Instead, it is apparent that female settlement patterns are strongly tied to the availability of old nests at a site. Extra-pair fertilizations are equally common across all group sizes in this population, suggesting that females do not face a trade-off between old nests and the possibility of extra-pair mating decisions when making settlement decisions.  相似文献   

Summary The importance of mate guarding by males in the monogamous swallowHirundo rustica was studied by temporarily detaining the males. Mate guarding reduced the frequency of extra-pair copulations and of sexual chases involving female mates. Males participated in sexual chases more frequently if they had a non-fertile female. Neighbouring males of ‘widowed’ females increased their own mate guarding presumably in response to the experimentally increased rate of sexual chases. Neighbouring males with a fertile female increased their mate guarding more than did males with a non-fertile female. Addition of eggs to swallow nests in the post-fledging period of the first brood induced mate guarding by male nest owners. These males also copulated more frequently with their mates than did control males. Neighbouring male swallows responded to the increased mate guarding by showing sexual interest in the guarded females. removal of eggs from swallow nests during the laying period, leaving only one egg in the nest, resulted in reduced nest attendance by females. Male mates responded by increasing their mate guarding intensity as compared to controls, and neighbouring males showed an increased sexual interest in these females.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters are assumed to be costly to produce or maintain. A test of this assumption was performed using the sexually exaggerated outermost tail feathers of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a trait currently subject of a directional female mate preference. A possible cost of sexual signalling in male barn swallows arises from increased flight cost during foraging in this aerially insectivorous species. A longer tail may impose a greater drag during flight and thereby affect foraging ability. This was tested by determining the relationship between experimentally modified male tail lengths and number and size of prey delivered to offspring in Spain, where sexual size dimorphism in tail length is small, compared to Denmark, where dimorphism is large. Food boluses contained significantly fewer small insects in Spain than in Denmark. Males with elongated tails captured more and smaller insects while males with shortened tails captured fewer and larger prey items at both sites. Males with naturally long tails were less affected by experimental treatment in terms of effects on the number and the size of prey delivered to their offspring, a finding consistent with a long tail being a condition-dependent viability indicator. The effect of a given degree of tail manipulation on prey size and number of prey per bolus was larger in Spain than in Denmark. These results demonstrate that (1) tail length in male barn swallows affects foraging, and (2) larger sexual size dimorphism occurs where the foraging cost of an increment in ornament size is smallest.Communicated by M. Zuk  相似文献   

Summary There are large numbers of reproductively mature female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) which do not breed due to limits of suitable nesting cavities. Many of these floaters are one-year-old females that have a distinctive subadult plumage. This study examines the behavioral tactics that these subadult female floaters use to obtain breeding opportunities. Early in the season, subadult floaters tended to intrude briefly (Fig. 4) on many nest sites in succession (Figs. 2, 3), although they rarely gained close access to nest sites (Fig. 5). Subadults responded very quickly to vacant nest sites, where the resident female had been experimentally removed, by entering the nest cavity and defending it from conspecifics. We argue that the early season exploratory behavior increases a subadult's chances of discovering a vacant nest site, rather than increasing its success in evicting resident females or laying eggs in other females' nests. During the nestling period, subadult females intruded on fewer nest sites for longer periods, and often gained close access to the nest site. Late in the season, subadult floaters may be gathering information on the quality of nest sites for the next breeding season, rather than searching for current breeding opportunities. The reproductive tactics of subadult female tree swallows are consistent with the breeding threshold model for the evolution of delayed plumage maturation in passerines.  相似文献   

In species with parental care, competition among siblings for access to limited parental resources is common. Sibling competition can be mediated by begging behaviour, a suite of different visual and acoustic displays by which offspring solicit parental care. These are mostly addressed to the parents upon food provisioning, but can also be performed in the absence of the attending parents. This so-called parent-absent begging (PAB) may function as an intrabrood communication signal and potentially affect intrabrood competition dynamics for access to food. We investigated the role of PAB in moulding sibling interactions and its effect on food intake among altricial barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings, both under normal and experimentally reduced food intake. Frequency of PAB increased after food deprivation. Nestlings that had performed PAB increased their begging intensity upon the subsequent parental feeding visit, while siblings reduced their own begging level, but only when they had not been food-deprived. As a consequence, nestlings which had performed PAB before parental arrival had larger chances of receiving food. However, nestlings did not benefit from displaying PAB when competing with food-deprived siblings. Our findings show that PAB reliably reflects need of food, indicating that a nestling will vigorously compete for the subsequent food item. By eavesdropping siblings' PAB displays, nestlings may optimally balance the costs of scrambling competition, the direct fitness gains of being fed and the indirect fitness costs of subtracting food to needy kin. However, large asymmetries in satiation between competitors may lead individual offspring to monopolize parental resources, irrespective of PAB displays.  相似文献   

Summary A new method to mark sperm transfer events between birds, using microspheres inserted into males' cloacae, was employed to assess the frequency of extra-pair copulation (EPC) in a population of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) in Ontario, Canada, during the summer of 1988. We inserted 25 males with microspheres; spheres from 8 (32%) of these males were found in extra-pair females, from which we infer that males pursue a mixed reproductive strategy of monogamy coupled with seeking EPCs. The cloacae of 10 of 41 (24.4%) females were found to contain microspheres from non-mates. EPCs occur more frequently between neighboring birds than between non-neighbors. Only two within-pair copulations were detected with this method, suggesting that it underestimates the occurrence of all copulations, extra-pair or within-pair. Copulation watches revealed that within-pair copulations occur very frequently. We propose that frequent pair copulations are used by males to ensure their paternity in their mate's offspring. Offprint requests to: R.J. Robertson  相似文献   

Reproduction entails parental decisions over allocation of limiting resources. ‘Begging’ solicitation displays by the offspring have been hypothesised to evolve as reliable indicators of quality, allowing parents to adopt optimal allocation strategies. To function as such, however, begging signals must covary with offspring traits that affect viability. Here we tested whether oxidative damage of nestling barn swallows predicts begging bout duration, call amplitude and intensity of postural displays both under normal food provisioning and under food shortage. Oxidative damage as determined by normal metabolism, pathological conditions and functioning of the immune system can serve as a comprehensive indicator of offspring condition because it can profoundly affect viability, senescence and reproduction. Begging bout duration was negatively predicted by oxidative damage but only after food deprivation. Postural begging negatively covaried with oxidative damage, at least when nestlings were confronted with related nest mates. Plasma antioxidant capacity did not predict begging behaviour. Thus, we show for the first time that behavioural begging covaries with a comprehensive index of chick condition, lending support to reliability of such begging traits also as signals of quality rather than need or hunger only. Future studies are candidate to decouple the effect of hunger state and individual condition on behavioural begging.  相似文献   

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