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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Nanotechnology is a rich field with infinite possibilities of drug designs for cancer treatment. We aimed to biosynthesize manganese nanoparticles (Mn...  相似文献   

针对南方某市历年来与锰相关的多次黄水问题,在当地黄水多发区域挖取10年管龄的旧PE管和20年管龄的镀锌钢管,搭建中试装置,开展了管网中锰释放行为的中试研究,并以新PE管做对比,探讨了微生物对管网内锰的氧化沉积的影响。实验结果表明,在进水锰浓度很低时,镀锌钢管与旧PE管的管壁沉积物中均会出现锰的释放。镀锌钢管中释放的锰主要为溶解性锰,释放量大;而旧PE管中释放的锰主要为不溶态的锰,且释放量小。同时,镀锌钢管管道浸泡结果表明,随着余氯浓度的提高,镀锌钢管中溶解锰的释放会显著降低,但即使余氯浓度高达15 mg·L-1仍会有25.3 μg·L-1的溶解锰的释放。新旧PE管的对比实验表明,当提高进水Mn(Ⅱ)浓度时,旧PE管中Mn(Ⅱ)在6.67 h内的氧化量低于新PE管,这可能是旧PE管生物膜中的锰还原菌含量较多导致的。  相似文献   

The dependence of bats in Britain on houses as roosts may result in them being exposed to pesticides used in remedial timber treatments. Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and permethrin are used as a fungicide and an insecticide for timber treatment, respectively. The present study investigated toxicity and distribution in body tissues of these two pesticides in pipistrelle bats. Four groups of nine to ten bats were kept in separate outdoor flight enclosures and were provided with roost boxes treated with either PCP only, permethrin, PCP/permethrin mixture or solvent only (control). At the start of the experiment, mean (+/-SE) PCP and permethrin concentrations on the surface of wooden blocks that had been treated in the same way as roost boxes were 69.32+/-6.76 mg g(-1) (n=6) and 3.3+/-1.6 mg g(-1) (n=3), respectively. All bats exposed to PCP and PCP/permethrin treated boxes died within 24 and 120 h, respectively; nine out of the ten controls survived the 32 day experimental period (P<0.001; both groups compared with control). Bats exposed to permethrin treated boxes survived as well as controls. Mean (+/-SE) carcass PCP concentration (excluding deposits on fur) of bats exposed to PCP and PCP/permethrin treated boxes was 13.11+/-2.52 microg g(-1)BW (n=20). PCP burdens on fur were positively correlated with total weight of PCP in the carcass (P<0.001). PCP was present in fat depots, liver, kidney and the remainder of the body which, despite containing low PCP concentrations, was the main PCP reservoir (66.4+/-5.0% of carcass PCP load; n=20). Total PCP in the carcass was significantly correlated with lipid weight (P<0.005). Permethrin was not detectable in body washes and tissues of bats exposed to PCP/permethrin mixture or permethrin.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine if chronic exposure of weanlings and adult rats to Mn produces significant alterations in amino acid concentrations in different regions of the rat brain. Weanling (30 day old) and adult (90 day old) male rats were exposed to 10 and 20 mg Mn/kg body weight per day, by gavage, for 30 days. Forty-eight hours after the last dose, animals were sacrificed by decapitation and brains were dissected into different regions to determine the concentration of amino acids by HPLC/EC. A dose dependent decrease in body weight gain was found in the adult, but not in the weanling rats. Significant increases occurred in concentrations of aspartate, glutamate, glutamine, taurine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the cerebellum of the adult rats dosed with 20 mg/kg per day, Mn. A significant decrease in the concentration of glutamine was observed in caudate nucleus and hippocampus of weanling rats dosed with 10 mg/kg, Mn. These data suggest that chronic Mn exposure can produce a decrease in body weight gain in adult rats and alterations in amino acids in different regions of weanling and adult rat brains.  相似文献   


The present study was designed to determine if chronic exposure of weanlings and adult rats to Mn produces significant alterations in amino acid concentrations in different regions of the rat brain. Weanling (30 day old) and adult (90 day old) male rats were exposed to 10 and 20 mg Mn/kg body weight per day, by gavage, for 30 days. Forty‐ eight hours after the last dose, animals were sacrificed by decapitation and brains were dissected into different regions to determine the concentration of amino acids by HPLC/EC. A dose dependent decrease in body weight gain was found in the adult, but not in the weanling rats. Significant increases occurred in concentrations of aspartate, glutamate, glutamine, taurine and y‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the cerebellum of the adult rats dosed with 20 mg/kg per day, Mn. A significant decrease in the concentration of glutamine was observed in caudate nucleus and hippocampus of weanling rats dosed with 10 mg/kg, Mn. These data suggest that chronic Mn exposure can produce a decrease in body weight gain in adult rats and alterations in amino acids in different regions of weanling and adult rat brains.  相似文献   

电解锰行业的发展会产生大量的电解锰渣,易导致严重的环境污染,高温煅烧已成为当前无害化处理电解锰渣的高效方法之一。为探究高温煅烧时电解锰渣中特征污染物的化学形态及物相组成,选取广西某电解锰企业经不同工艺产生的电解碳酸锰渣(EMCR)与电解二氧化锰渣(EMDR),通过其理化特性及Mn、N元素形态分布与微观结构变化分析,研究了不同温度煅烧处理对电解锰渣污染物的影响。结果表明,电解二氧化锰渣中Mn元素的可氧化态与可还原态分布均大于电解碳酸锰渣。当煅烧温度在1 000 ℃以上时,2种电解锰渣中Mn元素基本上以残渣态的形式存在,通过风险评估代码(RAC)结果可知样品处于低风险甚至无风险状态,可进行后续的处理处置。2种电解锰渣中N元素的形态随着温度的升高主要以NO形式为主。通过对煅烧过程中微观结构的变化分析可知,在800 ℃时电解碳酸锰渣中石英相(SiO2)的衍射峰强度最佳,有利于活性发展,此时的能谱分析结果显示Fe元素占比达到了52.40%,有利于Fe的回收利用,而电解二氧化锰渣的最佳煅烧处理温度显示为1 000 ℃。该研究结果可为2种电解锰渣经煅烧处置后的资源化再利用工作提供有效的数据支撑。  相似文献   

在生物淋溶锰渣的过程中,设置一系列浓度梯度(0~100 mg/L)的离子型表面活性剂SDS(十二烷基硫酸钠)和非离子型表面活性剂PVP(聚乙烯吡咯烷酮),研究两种活性剂对硫杆菌生长和对锰渣中锰的浸出率的影响.结果表明,两种表面活性剂均能有效强化硫杆菌对锰渣的淋溶性能,SDS和PVP的最佳浓度分别为35 mg/L和15 mg/L,在最佳浓度条件下,两者均能显著降低培养液的pH值,提高锰的浸出率,其浸出率分别达到88%和83%,均高于对照组的72%.进一步分析表明,SDS比PVP更能有效提高浸出体系的ORP电位,促进锰的浸出.电镜结果表明,在最佳浓度条件下,SDS比PVP更能有效促进硫杆菌对锰渣表面的侵蚀,降低锰渣的表面粒度,提高锰渣中锰的浸出率.  相似文献   

Xu D  Zhong W  Deng L  Chai Z  Mao X 《Chemosphere》2004,54(6):743-752
The regional distribution of 10 potentially harmful organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs) was investigated in pine needles from 18 sites in six Chinese regions. The OCPs concentrations in six regions were as follows: sigmaHCH (sigmaHCH=alpha-+beta-+gamma-+delta-HCH), 4.7-51.5 ng/g; sigmaDDT (p,p'-DDT+p,p'-DDE+p,p'-DDD), 0.9-30.9 ng/g; hexachlorobenzene (HCB), 1.1-5.3 ng/g; sigmachlordane (cis-chlordane+trans-chlordane), no detected-4.3 ng/g, on dry weight basis. Samples from southeast Chinese area contained the highest concentrations of sigmaHCH, sigmaDDT and sigmachlordane, while the contamination levels of most OCPs in southwest Chinese area were the lowest. The ratios of alpha/gamma-HCH (ranged from 1.7 to 5) were observed to be noticeable increase from north to south China, and the ratio of 1.7 revealed the presence of the recent use of lindane in north Chinese area. The significant decrease of the sum concentrations of alpha-+gamma-HCH from mid-1980s to the present and the strong correlation between alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-HCH (r=0.87-0.98, n=18, p<0.05) indicated the main usage of the technical HCH in history in China. The p,p'-DDE/p,p'-DDT ratios of <1 revealed the new input of p,p'-DDT in south, southeast and southwest Chinese areas, which could be partly contributed to the new use of impure dicofol. Economic development will leave its mark in the environment, however, its impact on the input and distribution of OCPs on a regional scale is unknown. We attempted to use the socioeconomic index (gross domestic product (GDP) per capita) to explain the distribution and input of OCPs and found that HCB and sigmaDDT seemed to be linked to the economic development, while no relationship of HCH was observed. DDE% of sigmaDDT also showed a negative correlation with the GDP per capita.  相似文献   


Brain tissue samples of nice (7.5 g from 25 mouse brains and lamb (25 g) were homogenized and subcellular fractions prepared in order to assay the distribution of neurotoxic esterase (NTE) activity. The specific inhibitor, N,N‐diisopropylphosphorodiamidic fluoride (mipafox) was synthesized and purified. Maximum specific activity of NTE was reached in the microsomal fraction (110,000 g) while the enzyme activity in the soluble fraction (110,000 g) was extremely low. This subcellular distribution of NTE activity in mammal brains is an original contribution. Brain microsomal fraction is suggested to be a more reliable source for the highest activity of NTE. The specific activity of NTE of lamb brain was much higher than that of mouse brain. This night help interpretation of the characteristic species variation in susceptibility to NTE inhibitors which are known to be potent delayed neurotoxic agents.  相似文献   

生物浸取电解锰渣中锰的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为了评价生物法浸取电解锰渣中锰的可行性,利用锰渣土壤中筛选出的2种锰抗性强的微生物Serratia sp.和Fusarium sp.浸取电解锰渣中的锰,并采用优化的BCR(European Community Bureau of Reference)连续萃取方案对浸取前后的金属锰进行形态分析,研究其浸出率和浸取前后锰的形态变化特征。同时考察了3种萃取剂EDTA、HNO3和CaCl2对锰的萃取效率及萃取后金属锰的形态变化。研究结果表明,Serratia sp.和Fusarium sp.对锰都表现出一定的浸取能力,Fusarium sp.的浸取能力尤为显著,3 d后锰浸出率达到56.5%,为锰污染的微生物治理和资源化利用提供科学依据。3种萃取剂对锰的浸取效果为EDTA>HNO3>CaCl2,平均萃取效率依次为50.0%、28.8%和21.2%。浸取前后,酸溶解态锰所占比例变化较显著,说明酸溶解态锰是比较容易浸取的形态。  相似文献   

电解锰渣中锰的浸出条件及特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用水洗-酸解法回收电解锰渣中锰,探讨了清水量、酸量以及温度在不同阶段对锰浸(洗)出条件的影响,分析了回收锰的主要因素及浸出特征。实验结果表明,50 g电解锰渣经m渣∶m水=1∶10的清水水洗后,采用10%的硫酸在70℃的水浴温度下酸解2 h,Mn2+浸出量为1.673 g,回收率达到97.3%,而温度和酸度对锰离子的浸出影响明显,酸度调控可有效分离酸浸锰液中金属成分,为减少电解锰渣环境污染的同时,实现电解锰渣资源化利用。  相似文献   

系统地分析和评价了中国镉矿的区域分布及长期采选冶活动所带来的土壤镉污染风险.研究结果表明,截至2005年底,中国累计探明镉资源储量约为719.47kt,保有镉资源储量约为587.37 kt,且多与铅矿、锌矿等以共、伴生形式存在.中国镉矿主要分布在中部、西南部及华东地区,这些地区的镉资源探明储量占中国累计探明总储量的88.0%,保有储量占中国总保有储量的87.1%.据统计,中国镉采出量约为136.10 kt,主要集中在西南地区,其镉采出量占中国总采出量的59.4%.镉污染事件主要发生在镉矿相对丰富及采选冶活动较密集的云南、广东、湖南、贵州等地区,大部分矿冶区及周边土壤呈现重度镉污染,农作物中含镉量超出《食品中污染物限量》(GB2762-2005)中限值.  相似文献   

基于SWAT模型的金属矿区雨水径流中锰污染负荷分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过改进林玉环的汞迁移转化一维模型,并在一定的基本假设下,得到了锰的一维迁移转化动力学模型,利用Fortran语言编程嵌入SWAT模型源程序,在参数敏感性分析后进行改进模型的率定与校正以及敏感性参数的调节分析后,得到金属矿区雨水径流中锰污染负荷分析的SWAT改进模型。运行结果表明,SWAT改进模型能够对雨水径流中锰污染负荷进行较高精度的模拟,其中回归系数(r2)、Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数(Ens)分别为0.88、0.91,符合回归系数和Nash-Sutcliffe系数的评价标准(r2≥0.6,Ens≥0.5),获得锰矿区的污染关键区,与实际矿区污染相符合,为锰矿区及其他金属矿区雨水径流中重金属污染的评测和控制、治理与修复等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

S.K. Tandon  Laj Srivastava 《Chemosphere》1985,14(10):1579-1587
The ability of selective polyaminocarboxylic acids and common drugs to reduce the body burden of chromium and restore Cr induced biochemical alterations in chromate intoxicated rats was investigated. 1,2 Cyclohexylene dinitrilotetraacetic acid (CDTA) and triethylenetetramine hexacetic acid (TTHA) were more effective than p-aminosalicylic acid (PAS) and isoniazid (INH) in enhancing urinary excretion of Cr, lowering hepatic and blood levels of Cr and restoring inhibited activity of hepatic aldolase. The chromate antidotal property of chelators seem to be related to the combination of nitrogen and oxygen as the electron donating centres.  相似文献   

锰渣处理是电解锰行业的一个重大环境问题.为了实现锰渣无害化处理和资源化利用,用蒸馏水和阳极液作提取剂,对从锰渣中二次提取锰和氨氮进行了研究.考察了液固比、提取剂种类、提取时间、提取温度、超声波作用对锰、氨氮提取效果的影响,且对提取前后的锰渣成分进行了检测与表征.研究结果表明:阳极液对锰的提取效果明显优于蒸馏水,而蒸馏水...  相似文献   

细菌浸出电解锰废渣中锰的机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从电解锰废渣中分离出一株高效浸锰菌,经鉴定为沙雷氏菌(Serratia sp.).考察了电解锰废渣培养液、MnO2培养液在有菌和无菌条件下的锰浸出情况,以及有菌液和无菌液在加入不同还原剂后的锰浸出情况.结果表明,在初始pH为6.0、固液质量比为1:10、温度为37 ℃的浸出条件下,在电解锰废渣培养液中,无菌条件下的锰浸出率远小于有菌条件下的,反应72 h后,无菌、有菌条件下的锰浸出率分别为8.030 00%、78.670 00%;无论在有菌还是无菌条件下,MnO2培养液中的锰浸出率都较低,反应72 h后,无菌、有菌条件下的锰浸出率分别为0.000 39%、0.041 00%;有菌液加入ZnS、FeS、FeSO4、Fe2(SO4)3、CuS还原剂后,反应72 h的锰浸出率分别为73.340 00%、70.980 00%、69.680 00%、10.260 00%、1.670 00%;无菌液中加入4种还原剂(不包括CuS)后的锰浸出率都相当低, 反应72 h后,锰浸出率相对较高的是FeS和ZnS,均为0.006 20%,锰浸出率相对最低的是Fe2(SO4)3,为0.005 00%;沙雷氏菌对电解锰废渣中锰的浸出既不是直接氧化浸出作用,也可能不是间接产酸浸出作用,而可能是一种催化还原作用.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of an important air pollutant class, three-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives (PAH-3), has been monitored for the Greater Cologne Conurbation (GCC) using pine needle as passive samplers. The GCC comprises one of the most heavily populated, trafficked, and industrialized regions in Germany. Here, 71 locations covering 3600 km2 were sampled and, for the first time, isopleths maps constructed to investigate the regional variability in PAH-3 concentration and composition. The highest PAH-3 loads on needles (1000-1500 ng g−1) were detected downwind of three lignite fuelled power plants, followed by Cologne City (600-700 ng g−1) and smaller towns (400-600 ng g−1), whereas rural and forest regions yielded PAH-3 loads of 60-300 ng g−1. PAH-3 ratios facilitated source reconciliation, with high dibenzothiophene versus retene values indicating lignite combustion and high 9/(9 + 1)-methylphenanthrene ratios depicting traffic emissions in inner cities. PAH-3 ratios depended on topography and outlined the heavily industrialized Rhine Valley, demonstrating atmospheric dispersal of PAH-3.  相似文献   

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