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冒顶事故是煤矿五大灾害之一,掌握冒顶事故的预兆及其预防措施是煤矿安全生产的重要保证。煤矿顶板事故是指在煤矿井下采煤过程中,煤层顶板意外冒落而造成的人员伤亡、设备损坏、生产中止等灾害事故,冒顶事故对矿井安全生产危害极大,据统计,冒顶事故所占的比例占其他事故的60%以上,伤亡人数占40%左右,尤其是回采工作面发生冒顶的机会更大,因此,我们必须分析掌握煤矿发生冒顶事故的原因、预兆、研究有效预防措施,以降低煤矿顶板事故的发生,保证煤矿安全生产。  相似文献   

灾变不仅可以造成经济损失和人员伤亡,还会对人们心理、生态环境、社会机制及社会发展产生影响,尤其是巨大的灾变,会有巨大的影响和损失。灾源有两大类:一是自然灾害;二是社会灾害,包括事故、大事故。灾源作用于受灾体过程有3种情况:①硬毁伤:受灾体发生物理、化学变化,物体结构或生物组织受到损坏、功能受到破坏或伤害,即物质造成破坏,人员造成杀伤;②软毁伤:受灾体未发生物理、化学变化而受到的损害或伤害(例如对人和社会造成的伤害和变化、物资配置的变化和  相似文献   

<正>企业安全理念与认识我们的先人将安全概括为"无危为安,无损为全",按现代科学的说法,人们行为的全过程,不发生人身伤害,不造成财产损失,不酿成环境污染和破坏的状态就是安全。从事故概念和定义本身来讲,不发生事故就是安全。为了不发生事故或将事故影响范围控制到最小,就需要控制事故发生的可能性(即控制风险);要控制事故发生的灾害性,要将事故影响范围控制到最小,也就是要控制事故后果的严重性。为了避免事故,就需要高度认识事故、识别事故,评判事故、将事故发生的几率降到最小。而且,能够预知事故,及时和积极地做好  相似文献   

城市化学灾害的形成城市化学灾害通常,化学事故是由于危险化学品在生产、排放、储存和运输的某个环节中失控,而引起的泄漏并发生燃爆、中毒和腐蚀,一般影响工厂车间、仓库或车辆等局部小环境,造成厂区或周围少数人员的伤亡;倘若危险化学品大量泄漏形成毒气带,并向周围几公里、几十公里以外区域扩散,严重影响到城市环境和居民的生命和健康,或者遭遇火源,发生强烈爆炸着火,将直接造成人员的大量伤亡和建筑的严重破坏,事故就演变为城市化学灾害。如印度博帕尔的毒气泄漏事故就最为典型。从定量的角度看,能造成特大事故后果的城市化学事故,就应称作城市化学灾害。  相似文献   

根据事故发生的一般规律,对事故进行预想和判断,是目前安全技术研究的重要课题。在生产过程中,由于误操作、设备发生故障或误动作,以及受其它事故的影响,就会形成一定的危险条件。为了使这些危险条件不导致灾害后果,并限制事故发生的场合,把事故造成的损失限制到最小程度,就需要事先对易出事故的有关因素进行分析,并采取相应的手段和措施。 “误操作致灾害逻辑分析图”是对事故进行预想的一种分析形式。这种逻辑图表主要用来分析生产过程中各个环节可能产生的各种危险条件(单独形成的或由于其它事故引起的)及可能造成的灾害性后果,并按因果…  相似文献   

生活中常常可以发现这样一种现象:一个人如果发生某些事件--不完全是不幸的事件,就会干扰他的"生物钟"节律和正常的生活规律,或者造成他的思想负担,从而降低对疾病的免疫能力或引起情绪波动,那么这个人就有可能在不久的将来导致疾病或者工伤事故的发生.国外安全工程研究人员很早以前就注意到生活变化与疾病或事故之间存在着很密切的关系,并对此关系进行了深入的研究.他们的研究证明,可以依据一个人近期所发生的某些事件即生活变化,判断他是否可能发生疾病或者工伤事故,而且生活事件对人发生疾病或事故所造成的负面作用的程度,可以用一种称为生活变化分值(Life ChangeUnit)的数据来定量地确定.  相似文献   

大量事实证明,当矿井发生灾害事故后,矿工在万分危急的情况下,依靠自己的智慧和力量,积极、正确地采取自救、互救措施,是最大限度地减少事故损失的重要环节。因此,每个矿工和下井工作人员,必须根据本人工作环境的特点,认识和掌握常见灾害事故的规律,了解事故发生前的预兆,通过学习牢记各种事故的避灾要点,努力提高自己的自主保安意识和抗灾能力。  相似文献   

一、锅炉缺水事故的危害 锅炉是利用钢板和钢管等加工制成的一种承受压力,具有爆炸危险的热能动力设备。它的功用主要是使燃料通过燃烧或其他方法所产生的热能,通过热交换,将水加热成一定压力和温度的蒸汽,供生产和生活使用。因此,锅炉在运行中,一旦发生缺水,就会造成烧干锅,轻的能使锅炉钢板、钢管过热变形、鼓包或裂纹;严重的会使炉管爆破成引起锅炉爆炸事故,使生产陷于停顿,设备受到破坏,职工遭受伤亡,在政治上造成不良影响。 由于锅炉缺水造成的事故比较普遍,根据中外锅炉事故的统计,缺水事故往往占首位,而且后果严重,危害较大。所以,在…  相似文献   

为研究深部开采冲击地压、煤与瓦斯突出及其复合动力灾害的发生机制,并对其进行有效监测预警,运用事故调研、理论分析、工程实践等方法,分析了我国煤岩瓦斯动力灾害的影响因素,研究了其发生的统一机制和监测技术。结果表明:煤岩瓦斯动力灾害是冲击、突出共性因素和个性因素共同影响下的结果;根据灾害发生过程中能量释放的主体和形式,将煤岩瓦斯动力灾害分为冲击地压、煤与瓦斯突出、冲击-突出型复合动力灾害、突出-冲击型复合动力灾害4种类型;采用多层次统一监测模式,可对深井煤岩瓦斯动力灾害进行全方位连续的统一监测。最后将研究成果应用于煤矿现场实例,效果良好。  相似文献   

龙门起重机与桥式起重机在正常行驶中,其车轮轮缘与轨道应保持20mm~30mm的侧隙.当大车运行时,其轮缘与轨道发生挤紧,大大增加了其运行阻力,这就是发生了啃道现象.啃道现象是起重机运行中的一种常见病.轻则致使起重机车轮和钢轨同时加速磨损报废,重则对路轨的固定和基础都有不同程度的破坏.甚至啃道极严重时还会导致起重机运行时脱轨,引发重大人身和设备事故.因此,对啃轨现象我们极不能轻视,必须学会对啃轨的判断,弄清原因,从而加以整改,防范起重机事故的发生.  相似文献   

2007年中国安全生产事故与自然灾害状况   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
综述了2007年中国安全生产事故状况和自然灾害情况.2007年中国共发生各类安全生产事故506 376起,死亡101 480人,同比分别减少19.3%和10.1%.非煤矿山共发生伤亡事故1 861起、死亡2 188人,同比分别下降0 6%和3.9%.火灾发生15 9万起,死亡1 418人,受伤863人,直接财产损失9 9亿元.共发生森林火灾9 260起,草原火灾248起.2007年各类自然灾害共造成39 777 9万人(次)不同程度受灾,因灾死亡2 325人; 农作物受灾面积4 899万hm2,上升19 2%,其中绝收面积575万hm2,上升6.2%.因灾直接经济损失2 363亿元,比2006年下降6.5%.安徽、四川、河南、湖南、云南、重庆、浙江、陕西等地受灾较为严重.全国因气象灾害共造成经济损失约2 342亿元.2007年共发生风暴潮、海浪、海冰、赤潮和海啸等灾害性海洋过程163次,造成直接经济损失88 37亿元,死亡(含失踪)161人.地质灾害共发生25 364起,死亡598人,造成直接经济损失24 75亿元.大陆地区共发生5级以上地震17次,地震灾害造成死亡3人,直接经济损失20.19亿元.结果表明,2007年中国安全生产事故的发生较2006年有所缓和,自然灾害状况也较2006年轻.  相似文献   

An explosion at an aluminum factory occurred due to floods in Soja City, Okayama Prefecture, in July 2018. This study investigates the accident, its overall impact on local residents, and emergency management activities. The results of the study showed that several nearby structures and homes were damaged by the explosion. Concern for more explosions has led to the evacuation of residents of Shimobara area of Soja City. In Shimobara, residents had carried out voluntary disaster prevention activities before the disaster. After the explosion, Shimobara residents were able to evacuate safely in cooperation with the voluntary disaster prevention organization and the local government agency. The study revealed that there was a lack of information on chemical accident hazards shared by the factory with local government authorities and first responders, as well as with local residents. In order to be better prepared for technological accidents, and in particular accidents caused by natural disasters (known as Natechs), mechanisms for information sharing between companies and municipalities should be adopted.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss an accident prevention model for offshore oil and gas processing environments. The accidents that are considered in this work relate specifically to hydrocarbon release scenarios and any escalating events that follow. Using reported industry data, the elements to prevent an accident scenario are identified and placed within a conceptual model to depict the accident progression. The proposed accident model elements are represented as safety barriers designed to prevent the accident scenario from developing. The accident model is intended to be a tool for highlighting vulnerabilities of oil and gas processing operations and to provide guidance on how to minimize their hazards. These vulnerabilities are discussed by applying the 1988 Piper Alpha and the 2005 BP Texas City disaster scenarios to the model.  相似文献   

为了研究化工园区内发生地震灾害后的事故演化过程,利用事故链模型对地震次生灾害演化过程进行分析,并将其转化为贝叶斯网络,确定各节点的变量与状态取值范围;通过相关文献及专家经验判断分析,获得贝叶斯网络中各节点的条件概率;依据贝叶斯网络的推理策略,比较不同地震烈度下,各化工事故发生的后验概率值,并探讨应急救援的及时性对地震次生灾害发生概率的影响,从关键要素遏制化工事故的发生,采取针对性的应对措施,尽可能的降低化工事故,有效的降低人员伤亡及财产损失。  相似文献   

针对我国煤炭行业矿难频发,尚未有效遏制的现状,从对行业现实矿难的统计数据和潜在危机的现象分析入手,运用系统理论的观点,根据煤炭行业的复杂系统特征进一步分析危机和矿难形成的原因和机理。笔者认为,煤炭系统的危机和矿难是由系统运行过程中的矛盾和风险演变而来的,行业内部结构失衡是危机形成的内在因素,造成系统处于病态运行状态、危机潜伏;能源需求的非理性是危机形成的外部因素,造成系统病态运行加剧、危机加重;矿难则是处于危机状态的煤炭系统运行过程中剧烈波动而产生的突发危机事件。根据分析和研究所得的结论,提出必须纳入煤炭内部系统、纳入国家能源系统和宏观经济系统中,对煤炭行业危机和矿难进行多层次宏观层面的调控并采取新的对策。  相似文献   

Industrial technical accidents caused by natural disasters are defined as Natech accidents, such as earthquakes and landslides, which can cause tremendous damage to industrial storage tanks, and lead to accidental leakage and even serious fire and explosion accidents. In this study, a landslide-induced storage tank accident model under earthquake disasters was proposed, and the relationship between landslide mass impact and target impact resistance was taken into account. Also, tank failure and the formation of the pool fire were considered to be the consequences of the Natech accident. Through scenario deduction, the dynamic process of landslide Natech was transformed qualitatively into a disaster chain network diagram composed of a scenario state, a disaster-causing factor and emergency management. The Bayesian network was used to learn and deduce the parameters of the network diagram, and in this process, the prior probability and conditional probability of nodes were obtained primarily by Monte Carlo simulation, and by an improved expert scoring method based on the fuzzy set theory. Through visualization software, the sensitivity analysis of landslide Natech was achieved. Finally, a case study of a liquor storage tank area in Guizhou Province, China was carried out, and the results show that a large amount of hazardous material leakage caused by buckling is key to the formation of pool fire accidents, and several prevention measures for earthquake-induced landslide Natech was proposed according to the sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

Sanna Nenonen 《Safety Science》2011,49(10):1394-1403
Several studies have indicated that outsourcing increases the risk of accidents and presented some explanations for this phenomenon. For example, higher accident proneness of external employees has been presented, but the common causes of accidents have not been reviewed in depth. This paper provides information about typical accidents, the contributing factors, and preventive measures of fatal occupational accidents that occurred in outsourced manufacturing tasks. This paper also compares whether these factors differ from accidents that occurred when tasks were performed in-house in the manufacturing industry. The focus is on operations executed in the factory area for or by an organization operating in the manufacturing business. The accident analysis is based on information gathered from accident reports for fatal workplace accidents that occurred in Finland during 1999–2008. At outsourced operations in manufacturing, accidents occur most commonly when installations or work preparations are being performed. According to the reports, dangerous work practices and insufficient hazard identification most frequently contributed to accidents. In order to prevent typical accidents, e.g., occupational instructional and guidance, hazard identification, work practices, supervision, and task planning should be improved. Statistical differences between outsourced and in-house operations were also found, mainly within the contributing factors. Therefore, the safety of outsourced manufacturing operations should be considered in detail in order to prevent accidents and ensure occupational safety also when operated with other performers.  相似文献   

‘Accidents recur,’ which is what Kletz [Kletz T. (1993). Lessons from disasters, how organisations have no memory and accidents recur. UK: Institution of Chemical Engineers] wrote in 1993. Indeed, despite all measures taken accidents may re-occur, but ‘disruptions’ in a process reoccur much more frequently. If a disruption occurs it may lead to an accident. If the same disruption reoccurs it is certainly suspect and should be considered as a potential precursor. In this paper, we concentrate on these disruptions and we will define them as precursors if they recur. Organizations somehow lack the ability to control such recurring disruptions that may escalate into serious accidents under certain circumstances. The presence of such precursors long before the occurrence of an accident raises doubts about how well organizations control safety.In this paper, the control mechanism inside organizations is examined, by means of several accident investigations. It will be shown that not only accidents recur, but also that disruptions recur in a period preceding the actual accident. The recurrence of these disruptions implies that the corresponding organizational control mechanism must be failing. Often, alternative circumstances prompt the escalation of such precursors and lead to actual accidents. It is demonstrated that the use of detailed accident information is of great importance for companies that are actually willing to prevent accidents through the elimination of disruptions preceding accidents.  相似文献   

为了探究易燃易爆场所静电事故形成过程及防护机理,基于事故链式理论,以及静电点燃源形成过程和爆炸性环境形成过程这2条并行支链,绘制了易燃易爆场所静电事故链路;通过事故案例说明了静电事故链路的实用性;研究了静电荷、易燃/可燃物质在外界扰动作用下的特征形态。研究结果表明:静电事故断链减灾模式包括静电点燃源断链减灾模式、爆炸性环境断链减灾模式以及降低事故影响的事故后果断链减灾模式;针对静电事故的各类断链减灾模式,提出了相应的防护措施,可为易燃易爆场所静电事故防护提供系统性的指导方案。  相似文献   

基于动态风险平衡的海洋平台事故连锁风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海洋平台事故风险特点,提出动态风险平衡概念,以此建立事故动力模型,并将该模型运用到墨西哥湾"深水地平线"井喷事故。动态风险平衡表征事故动力与事故阻力之间的动态平衡状态,具有动态性和暂时稳定性。事故动力模型以海洋平台可能发生的重大事故为研究对象,从工艺、技术和管理等角度分析事故可能致因和事故发展可能影响因素。该模型首先分析对象的初始事故动力,建立事故连锁风险图,然后计算初始动力发生情况下,传递动力和传递阻力的概率分布,最后提出相应风险控制措施。实例分析表明,基于动态风险平衡建立的事故动力模型能有效分析海洋平台事故连锁风险。  相似文献   

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