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Progress of the United Nations Environment Program, Earthwatch, since its inception in 1972 is critically reviewed. The conclusion is reached that, while UNEP has provided support for several important programs in cooperation with United Nations specialized agencies, the new global assessment perspective envisioned at the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment has not evolved. A framework is proposed calling for threshold criteria, statements of current conditions, predictions of trends to be watched, and alerts to warn of approaching environmental threats. A network of world, regional, and national assessment centers is recommended based on existing centers-of-excellence.Formerly a deputy associate administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). He was supported, in part, for this work under Department of State contract number 1751-000300, with project title: Global Environmental Monitoring System, 1979.National Marine Pollution Program Office, NOAA.The opinions and recommendations presented in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official policy or position of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Commerce, or the U.S. Government.  相似文献   

The EPA’s new nonpoint source pollution control requirements will soon institutionalize urban erosion and sediment pollution control practices nationwide. The public and private sector costs and social benefits associated with North Carolina’s program (one of the strongest programs in the country in terms of implementation authority, staffing levels, and comprehensiveness of coverage) are examined to provide general policy guidance on questions relating to the likely burden the new best management practices will have on the development industry, the likely costs and benefits of such a program, and the feasibility of running a program on a cost recovery basis. We found that urban erosion and sediment control requirements were not particularly burdensome to the development industry (adding about 4% on average to development costs). Public-sector program costs ranged between $2.4 and $4.8 million in fiscal year 1989. Our contingent valuation survey suggests that urban households in North Carolina are willing to pay somewhere between $7.1 and $14.2 million a year to maintain current levels of sediment pollution control. Our benefit-cost analysis suggests that the overall ratio is likely to be positive, although a definitive figure is elusive. Lastly, we found that several North Carolina localities have cost recovery fee systems that are at least partially self-financing. This article is based on research by the authors for the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (DEHNR). The views are those of the research team and do not necessarily reflect the position of DEHNR.  相似文献   

化学消油剂消油效果的现场评定方法必须满足适合现场操作、材料价廉易得、结果可靠准确等条件。对国外现有的现场快速测定消油剂效果的5种方法进行比较,结果表明,英国的佩内特鉴别法、挪威的菲勒溢出油检测装置和加拿大的梅蒂现场测定法存在一定的缺陷,不推荐使用。美国环保局的现场测定法(EPA FDET)简单、快速、准确。加拿大渥太华一家环境研究机构研制出的现场试验法比EPA FDET法耗时多,但原材料价格低廉,操作简单,结果可靠,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

Summary In 1986, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency established a new regulatory system aimed at small-scale polluting activities. Contrary to the dominant regulatory system based on individual standards for each polluting activity, the new regulatory system established uniform and fixed environmental standards for all activities within a trade. The fixed standards concern location, design and daily operation. Thus far, the new regulatory system has been implemented in the trades of fur farms and auto-repair shops.This study shows that fixed environmental standards reduce the total administrative costs, intensify local monitoring and enforcement of the standards, and improve the environmental state. It is proposed that the following criteria should be considered if the regulatory system is to be implemented in other trades. The trade should consist of many units and be characterised by a moderate pace of technological development, it should posses well-defined and well-known environmental problems, and have a cooperative trade association. In Denmark several trades have been identified as obvious objects for future regulation by fixed environmental standards.Bente Kjærgård is a Research Associate in the Department of Environment, Technology and Social Studies at Roskilde University. Correspondence should be addressed to this author. The other authors are Associate Professors in the same Department. Each author possesses a research degree as follows: Per Homann Jespersen in Chemical Engineering, Henning Schroll in Biology, Jesper Holm in Technological Planning, and Bente Kjærgård in Environmental Planning.  相似文献   

Although Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) principles are adhered to in companies of developed countries, the application in developing countries is at its infant stage, as shown by the present article where the authors surveyed SHE Practice in 242 companies of 8 West-African countries.  相似文献   

The publication of the Brundtland report has stimulated the quest for the holy grail of sustainable development. In the UK, a focus for the economic analysis of this subject has been provided by the Pearce report. One strand of analysis is concerned with policy and project appraisal which in turn is the subject of the Department of the Environment's guide Policy Appraisal and the Environment. This paper provides some of the background and discusses some of the distributional issues not addressed in the guide.  相似文献   

Summary Environmental management is a most critical input for achieving ecologically sound and balanced economic growth. It is essential that policy-makers and administrators accept the significance, principles and practices of environmental management, otherwise implementation of projects will not include the environmental protection measures. Environmental management training programmes for decision-makers are, therefore, essential. In India, The Department of Environment has initiated workshop for top level managers for sensitizing them to environmental management concepts. The experience in organizing and conducting such programmes may be of value to organizations in other developing countries, and is summarised in this paper.  相似文献   

Summary Since the late 1970s, the National Environment Secretariat (NES) in Kenya has viewed environmental impact assessment (EIA) as a principal tool for meeting its environmental protection objectives. Prior to the formation of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Environment (IMCE), NES was ineffective in forcing any project proponents to take the EIA requirements seriously. The IMCE has provided NES with the ability to co-opt Committee members and to use the legislatively based mandates of those members to enforce its EIA requirements for industrial projects. A successful example of this co-optation is the case of the Leather Industries of Kenya (LIK), involving a new tannery whose final siting and wastewater treatment control facilities were substantially influenced by the EIA process. Although the LIK case does not offer a basis for generalisation, it provides insights into: (a) how EIA is implemented for new industrial facilities in Kenya, (b) the advantages and disadvantages of the EIA system, and (c) the constructive roles donor agencies can play in promoting institutional reforms for EIA.Dr Rafik Hirji is a Senior Engineer at James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc., Suite 160, Sacramento, CA 95825. He was formerly a graduate research assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering at Stanford University. Dr Leonard Ortolano is the UPS Foundation Professor of Civil Engineering at Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4020, USA.  相似文献   

The latest evidence relating to the enterprise zone experiment in Britain is provided in a recent report published by the Department of the Environment. The note analyses this evidence to provide an indication of the scale of economic activity taking place within the zones. The note suggests that the simplified planning regime of the enterprise zones actually plays a relatively minor role in facilitating economic change and concludes that more detailed evidence is required in order to achieve a full understanding of the effects of enterprise zones.  相似文献   

This paper draws on a research report recently produced (1996) by the authors for the UK Department of the Environment. The principal aim of the research was to establish clearly what changes, if any, there have been in the quality of Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) since the inception of mandatory EIA in 1988, and to explain reasons for the changes. The paper provides a critique of the meaning of 'quality' in an area such as this. Quality relates both to the EIS and to the EIA process. EIS quality can be assessed against various review frameworks in a structured and systematic way; quality can also be assessed according to the perspective of the individual participant in the EIA process. The findings of both macro and micro studies of quality are discussed. The macro study uses a range of review frameworks (minimum regulatory requirements, an EU framework, and comprehensive frameworks developed by EIA academics at UK universities, including Oxford Brookes University) for a large sample of EISs. The micro study uses a structured questionnaire of the participants (local planning officers, developers, consultants and others) involved in a smaller set of detailed case studies. The findings reveal that there has been a learning from experience and an improvementin quality, but they also highlight a number of problems in the EIA process. The paper outlines some of the determinants of the changes in quality, and concludes with recommendations for developments in EIA in response to particular issues raised. These recommendations are set in the context of European Commission amendments to the EC EIA Directive.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this paper is to develop specific ecological design criteria for a sustainable Canadian society. Ecological design criteria complement socio-political ones which have also been developed by the Sustainable Society Project at the University of Waterloo. The criteria derive from an evaluation of the major areas of human activity and interaction with the natural environment in light of our knowledge of ecological systems and resource management. The criteria, like the Sustainable Society Project as a whole, are an attempt to suggest needed, feasible, medium to long-term changes in human activities to comply with the ecological and socio-political limits and constraints that must be recognized in order to achieve societal sustainability. The specific design criteria identified here are not the only ones possible, desirable, or necessary — a complete and certain list is inherently impossible. But the design criteria developed here are illustrative of the kinds of changes that are necessary to achieve sustainability.Dr D. Scott Slocombe is Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, and Co-Director of the Cold Regions Research Centre, Wilfrid Laurier University. His principal research interests include ecosystem and regional planning, and management for sustainability.Caroline Van Bers was Project Manager for the Sustainable Society Project at the University of Waterloo and she received her MA from the School of Urban and Regional Planning at that University. She currently works in the State of the Environment Reporting Branch of Environment Canada.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市市民环境意识万人问卷调查报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为贯彻全国和自治区第4次环保会议精神,了解和提高全市各族群众的环境意识,使环境保护基本国策深入人心,乌鲁木齐市环保局在1998年“六·五”世界环境日之际开展了以“关心环境保护,共建美丽首府”为主题的市民环境意识万人问卷活动。由全市7区1县及2个开发区环保局(站)协助,分别在政府机关、厂矿、学校、街头、摊点进行发放问卷活动。调查结果初步摸清了乌鲁木齐市在环境宣传教育中所取得的成效和存在的问题,为今后更好地加强环境宣传教育,普及环境科学知识,提高社会各界环境意识提供了参考信息。  相似文献   

Summary This paper reviews the status of the flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) programme in the United Kingdom up to the end of 1989, with particular regard to siting and systems choices. Environmental issues associated with the on-going retrofit at Drax power station are analysed and extrapolated to a retrofit at Fiddler's Ferry power station. The emission reductions required of the UK by the European Community Large Combustion Plant Directive are assessed. The impact of privatisation of the electricity supply industry on the flue gas desulphurisation programme is discussed with particular reference to the new electricity generating companies for England and Wales.Ron' Reid is a recent Environmental Studies graduate of Manchester Polytechnic who completed his dissertation on the environmental impacts of FGD installation at Fiddler's Ferry power station. Dr Jim Longhurst is Director of the Acid Rain Information Centre at Manchester Polytechnic.The Acid Rain Information Centre is supported by Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council on behalf of the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities and the Department of the Environment.  相似文献   

The UK Landfill Tax and the related Landfill Tax Credit Scheme have now been in operation since October 1996. There have been a number of reviews to assess its operation and effectiveness that have led to some minor amendments. However, there continue to be concerns about operational weaknesses of the tax and the credit scheme. In particular, there is the risk that the tax may be evaded and there are fears that a lack of transparency and independence may undermine the fundamental principles of the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme. Following a recent report, the Secretary of State for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions has set up an inquiry. This paper looks at some of the specific concerns that have been raised and the implications for waste management.  相似文献   

A Profile and Management of the US Army's underground storage tanks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The US Army owns more than 10,000 underground storage tanks (USTs), many of which are old and may be leaking. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 required tank owners to collect and report data on them by May 1986. In order to manage the large amounts of information on its USTs, the Army developed a microcomputer-based data base system. The data base system is user friendly and allows the user to store, organize, and manipulate the UST data. A leak potential index (LPI) was also developed and calculated for each of the Army's USTs. The LPI is used to prioritize USTs so that those with higher LPIs can be monitored closely. A characteristic profile of Army USTs according to construction material, capacity, age, content, and LPI is presented in this paper.The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of the Army, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   

This paper examines the rationale underlying the ‘strategic approach’ to the prevention and reclamation of derelict land proposed in research recently published by the Department of the Environment. It outlines the main features and the processes involved in this approach and indicates the form and content of the documentation which might accompany its adoption. The paper focuses upon the tasks involved in the preparation of strategies for derelict land but the principles it examines will have wider application in other policy fields. It concludes with an examination of the practical problems which the adoption of a strategic approach may entail and the ways in which it would enhance the activities of the recently announced Urban Regeneration Agency for England.  相似文献   

At the end of 1995, Lisě Monteiro, the engineer responsible for Industrial Security and the Environment at Rhodia, was seeking possible improvements that could be introduced into the company's environmental practices. He had noticed that one of the company's industrial units, the Adipic Acid Department at the Paulínia Chemical Plant complex, was getting good results in its efforts to control environmental pollution. An outside consultant was brought in to examine the department in greater depth to see what lessons might be learned from their experience that would help Rhodia improve its managerial procedures. This article details how this plant improved its environmental performance with many quality initiatives.  相似文献   

Summary Radioactivity related to the Chernobyl fallout cloud of May 1986 is reflected in twenty cored soil samples from Harris, in the Outer Hebrides of north-west Scotland.Dr A. David Horrill is a member of the Radioecology Group at the Natural Environment Research Council's Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Merlewood Research Station. The second and third authors listed may be contacted at Mark House, Lindale, Cumbria LA11 6LF, UK.  相似文献   

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) was initially interpreted as requiring full disclosure of the environmental impact of a federal action. Because of the limitations of time, money, and manpower, the requirement that all impacts be considered has led to superficial analysis of many important impacts. Data collection has largely been limited to the enumeration of species because this information can be applied to the analysis of any problem. The President's Council on Environment Quality (CEQ) has provided a solution to this problem by reinterpreting NEPA as requiring analysis of those impacts that have significant bearing on decision making. Because assessment resources can now be concentrated on a few critical issues, it should be possible to perform field perturbation experiments to provide direct evidence of the effects of a specific mixture of pollutants or physical disturbances on the specific receiving ecosystem. Techniques are described for field simulation of gaseous and particulate air pollution, polluted rain, soil pollutants, disturbance of the soil, and disturbance of wildlife. These techniques are discussed in terms of their realism, cost, and the restrictions that they place on the measurement of ecological parameters. Development and use of these field perturbation techniques should greatly improve the accuracy of predictive assessments and further our understanding of ecosystem processes.Research sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract W-7405-eng-26 with Union Carbide Corporation.Publication No. 1816, Environmental Sciences Division, ORNL.  相似文献   

Summary The residential environments in British urban areas are divided between those dominated by public sector (local authority) housing and those properties which are owner-occupied. It is widely recognised that the environmental quality of local authority housing estates varies considerably. It may be expected, therefore, that the United Kingdom 1980 Housing Act, which encouraged the tenants of public sector housing to purchase the dwellings they rented from local authorities, would have a differential impact, according to the environmental quality of those estates. However, this relationship has not been previously explored. Most studies have related sales to a range of socio- economic variables. Whilst these may effectively indicate ability to buy they do not necessarily indicate willingness to buy. It is argued that the latter may be more closely related to factors such as the quality of the local environment. Findings from the North Tyneside area in northern England suggest that the spatial pattern of sales is more closely related to an index of environmental quality than one composed largely of socio-economic variables. Some of the implications of this finding for policy in relation to public sector housing are then discussed. It is suggested that if the ultimate objective of the Housing Act is to promote a larger private sector, then initially this may require a considerably larger public sector involvement in environmental improvement.Dr Michael Barke, is the senior author, Principal Lecturer in Geography and Acting Head of the Department of Environment at Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic. He has published a number of articles on aspects of urban change in North-East England. Ms Julie Rowlands is a graduate in Environmental Studies from the same Polytechnic and currently studying for professional qualifications in urban and regional planning in Perth, Western Australia.  相似文献   

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