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This paper presents the results of a programming model which examines the relative performance of different regulatory regimes under uncertainty in controlling toxic wastes discharged by industry to a central treatment plant when the central is subject to threshold-type losses in treatment performance. Four regulatory regimes are examined: non-market quantity, price, marketable permit, and mixed price-quantity. The theoretical framework of the model is based on the analysis of prices vs quantities by Weitzman in 1974 and its extension to the case of a discontinuous threshold effect. The data used are based on the situation of Bridgeport, Connecticut, which has a number of metal finishing firms.  相似文献   

This article reexamines the choice between charges and regulations to control pollution, by concentrating on the example of sulphur dioxide. A summary of the technology of this pollutant is followed by a discussion of the informational requirements of alternative policies. Particular attention is paid to the distinction between continuous monitoring and spot checks, to the number of polluters, and to the relationship between inputs to the polluting process and emissions. The final section considers how the issues dealt with would apply to water pollution and concludes that charges are not a priori always preferable to regulations.  相似文献   

When the relationship between emissions and ambient pollution is known, it is possible to implement a program to achieve economically efficient pollution levels, even when the control agency knows nothing about the victim's valuation of pollution damages or about emission abatement costs. Unlike a Pigouvian tax, the program provides the correct incentives for entry and exit whether or not marginal damages from a firm's emissions vary over the range of these emissions. Through the provision of “missing” markets, sizable revenues are raised while allocative distortions are corrected.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the backward incidence of pollution control using duality theory for a two-sector general equilibrium model in which the economy experiences large-scale unemployment and perfect capital mobility with a sector-specific rigid wage in the polluting sector. In this context it is shown that with stricter pollution controls the wage rate in the nonpolluting sector rises while the common rental rate falls. In addition, stricter pollution controls are shown to have an uncertain impact on national income.  相似文献   

A model of joint-production of a conventional output and of pollutants is presented, within which continuous substitution between polluting fuels and nonpolluting inputs on the one hand and pollution control inputs on the other is allowed for. Using the steel industry as a case study, the welfare cost under an efficient policy to reduce particulate emissions is evaluated and compared with that under alternative inefficient policies. The results suggest that substantial cost savings can be made by following the “optimal” policy.  相似文献   

In an analytical model of symmetric countries with mobile capital and local or transboundary pollution we investigate whether competition in emissions taxes (or emissions caps) and capital taxes leads to efficient outcomes when governments act strategically. When they have capital taxes and emissions caps at their disposal, they refrain from taxing capital and set their caps inefficiently lax [efficient] for transboundary [local] pollution. When they have the option to tax capital and emissions, capital is subsidized [untaxed] and emissions taxes are inefficiently low [efficient] for transboundary [local] pollution. In case of transboundary pollution emissions caps are Pareto-superior to emissions taxes. That holds regardless of whether the environmental policy is applied as stand-alone policy or combined with capital tax competition.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of China’s economy has led to severe air pollution characterized by acid rain, severe pollution in cities, and regional air pollution. High concentrations are found for various pollutants such as sulfur dioxides (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and fine particulates. Great efforts have thus been undertaken for the control of air pollution in the country. This paper discusses the development and application of appropriate technologies for reducing the major pollutants produced by coal and vehicles, and investigates air quality modeling as an important support for policy-making.  相似文献   

In February 1972 the Nixon Administration proposed a tax on sulfur oxide emissions, beyond the Federal standards, of electric power plants. It was hoped that such a tax would discourage power plant locations in heavily polluted areas like urban areas. Assuming that such a tax varies over space because pollution is not invariant over space, the spatial theory of the firm is presented in this paper cast doubt on the efficacy of such a polltuion tax to achieve the desired goal of the administration. In particular it is shown that the cost-minimizing spatial firm would abate its pollution in response to a tax by either changing its location or by reducing waste through process change or by using a transportable abatement good if the tax savings due to the change in marginal abatement through location change per unit change in abatement is greater than or equal to transport rate on the abatement good. If the goal of the firm is to maximize profits, the desired outcome would follow if in addition to the fulfillment of the above condition the percentage change in the delivered price of raw material (situated at one end of the linear location space) per unit distance is greater than or equal to the percentage change in net marginal revenue, i.e., marginal revenue net of transport cost per unit of output. In simple terms, the conclusions of this paper raise doubts regarding the effectiveness of a pollution tax in curtailing pollution of a firm which is operating in a space economy. This outcome is peculiar to a spatial firm. Sufficient conditions also have been obtained when land input is included in the production function of the firm.  相似文献   

In this paper some principles of optimal control theory are applied to an examination of the possible differences that political and economic decisions making may have in the area of pollution control. The main points are that (1) Pollution Control Boards (PCB's) may behave as though they place weights on control and benefit functions that differ from market determined weights, (2) divergencies between political and market weights impose welfar; losses, and (3) given that PCB's may be succeeded by another board the current PCB may adapt its behavior to counteract or enforce the expected future behavior of the new PCB.  相似文献   

中国污染控制政策的评估及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文对近10年来中国污染控制政策的演变历程和发展特点进行了分析,指出污染控制政策总体上呈现出由单环节末端治理向全过程污染控制演变,由单纯强调工业"三废"控制向工业、城市和农业全方位污染综合防治演变,由单一指令控制手段向行政、经济与技术综合手段演变等3个显著特点;运用影响因素评价矩阵,对当前的主要污染控制政策进行了系统评估,指出目前我国污染控制政策总体执行效果不显著;最后提出了未来中国污染控制政策的基本走向,一是完善污染控制的法律法规体系,二是建立和完善环境影响评价制度、环境目标责任制度和排污许可证制度等三项重点环境管理制度,三是加强环境税收、排污权交易、环境公共财政、生态补偿、绿色资本市场等七项环境经济政策的改革与创新.  相似文献   

Estimates of hydrocarbon pollution control costs under the alternative regulatory approaches of individual source or process standards, plant standards, and regionally marketable permits are presented. The estimates are obtained from data supplied by the DuPont Company based on a 1976 in-house engineering study. The estimation procedure is unique in that the data are based on uniform percentage control across sources while the estimated cost equations allow variable control at each source. The cost simulations show that considerable cost savings are available from allowing firms more flexibility in meeting a given environmental standard. The effect of plant relocation and monopoly in the pollution permit market are also investigated.  相似文献   

北京市空气污染季节变化规律研究及污染控制建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
北京市的空气质量问题直接关系到首都的经济发展和生态环境建设,也影响着北京在世界大都市的地位.近几年,中央政府和北京市对首都空气质量的改善也越来越重视.根据北京市环保局下设的27个测站点从2005年末到2008年初的观测资料,借助SPSS统计软件,通过对北京市各区域不同时间段的空气污染指数进行对比分析和研究,旨在探索北京市空气污染的季节性变化规律及其污染控制埘策.研究结果表明:北京的首要污染物为可吸入颗粒物;在一年当中,6-8月份的气象条件有利于大气污染物的稀释和扩散,大气环境质量相对最好:冬季受气象条件和采暖的影响.春季季风段受西北部沙尘暴的影响,大气环境质量相对较差.根据这个规律,为确保北京市中长期大气环境保护工作目标的实现,进一步降低污染排放、改善城市空气质量提出了具体的对策和建议.  相似文献   

The removal of heavy metals and neutralisation of acidity in mine waste waters by algae and bacteria are reviewed. Algal growths in artificial meander systems have been shown to remove significant quantities of heavy metals and fine particulates from mine waste waters. Bacterial systems for the oxidation of ferrous iron and the reduction of sulphate leading to neutralisation of acidity are described. The use of bacterial extracellular polymers in the removal of heavy metals from solution is discussed with reference to its application to acid mine waters. It is concluded that a combination of bacterial and algal systems with process optimisation, including nutrient amendment, may provide suitable treatment for mine waste waters. Metal-resistant bacteria may also be important in reclamation, where it is possible that they can confer some degree of tolerance on the plants used to revegetate metal-contaminated tailings dumps.  相似文献   

Water resource shortage and pollution has seriously threatened the survival and development of developing countries. Because of China’s specific economical and social circumstances, complete adoption of developed countries’ experience is unrealistic. At present, China needs to develop strategies and technologies in source water pollution control and municipal environmental remediation that embrace the country’s specific need to battle the water resource problem. Among them, efficient source water pretreatment is a critical step to ensure a safe municipal water supply. Unlike developed countries, it is not yet feasible in China to treat water supplied to the household and have it meet the standard of direct drinking; therefore, it is more appropriate to refer to it as service water. As a beneficial supplement, an additional community drinking water network and household drinking water apparatus can be considered.  相似文献   

中国汞污染的来源、成因及控制技术路径分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
汞是一种能长期存在于环境且具有全球迁移性的污染物.汞污染防治是一个复杂的系统工程,涉及多部门、多领域、多行业,国家需要在政策、管理和技术等方面采取综合的战略措施推进汞污染防治.本文基于汞污染的环境和社会影响,分析了中国汞污染的来源、成因并评估了中国汞管理体系,结合中国参加全球汞公约谈判的特定背景,识别出汞污染防控的优先行业,包括汞的无意排放优先控制行业:燃煤、有色金属冶炼、汞矿开采和含汞废物处理;汞的有意使用优先控制行业:电石法聚氯乙烯生产,医疗产品、荧光灯和电池生产.本文也进一步提出了汞污染控制技术路径,包括构建汞风险管理和识别平台、完善汞管理体系、加强环境技术研发、推进绿色转型、保护环境和公众健康等.  相似文献   

•Phages can be better indicators of enteric viruses than fecal indicator bacteria. •Multiple phages should be added to the microbial source tracking toolbox. •Engineered phage or phage cocktail can effectively target resistant bacteria. •In phage use, phage-mediated horizontal gene transfer cannot be ignored. •More schemes are needed to prevent phage concentration from decreasing. Wastewater is a breeding ground for many pathogens, which may pose a threat to human health through various water transmission pathways. Therefore, a simple and effective method is urgently required to monitor and treat wastewater. As bacterial viruses, bacteriophages (phages) are the most widely distributed and abundant organisms in the biosphere. Owing to their capacity to specifically infect bacterial hosts, they have recently been used as novel tools in water pollution control. The purpose of this review is to summarize and evaluate the roles of phages in monitoring pathogens, tracking pollution sources, treating pathogenic bacteria, infecting bloom-forming cyanobacteria, and controlling bulking sludge and biofilm pollution in wastewater treatment systems. We also discuss the limitations of phage usage in water pollution control, including phage-mediated horizontal gene transfer, the evolution of bacterial resistance, and phage concentration decrease. This review provides an integrated outlook on the use of phages in water pollution control.  相似文献   

• Various low-cost adsorbents are studied for capturing urban stormwater pollutants. • Adsorbents are selected based on both pollutant adsorption and unexpected leaching. • Application modes of adsorbents influence their utilization efficacy in practice. Stormwater represents a major non-point pollution source at an urban environment. To improve the treatment efficacy of stormwater infrastructure, low-cost adsorbents have increasingly gained attention over the past decades. This article aims to briefly discuss several key aspects and principles for utilization of low-cost adsorbents for urban stormwater treatment. To determine whether a low-cost adsorbent is suitable for stormwater treatment, two aspects should be carefully assessed, including: 1) its adsorption mechanisms and behaviors that can influence the binding stre.g.,h, adsorption kinetics, and treatment capacity; and 2) unwanted chemical leaching patterns that can affect the extent of water quality degradation. Furthermore, the application mode of an adsorbent in the system design influences the utilization efficiency. Adsorbents, after dosed to soil media in infrastructure, would eventually become ineffective after oversaturation. In contrast, standalone filters or innovative composite adsorbents (e.g., adsorbent-coated mulch chips) can enable a long-lasting adsorption due to periodic replacement with fresh adsorbents. The aforementioned principles play a key role in the success of urban stormwater treatment with low-cost adsorbents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain, through the use of an input-output model, the impact of air pollution control costs on income groups in the Philadelphia Region. The range of increases in consumption expenditure was found to be fairly narrow, with the middle-income group bearing the largest increase (2.9%) and the highest and lowest groups slightly lower increases (about 2%). This finding lends support to the proposition that all income groups would probably share the costs of control equally, which leads to a slightly regressive effect on income distribution. The sharing of the region's air quality costs by other areas was also analyzed.  相似文献   

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