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Studies were conducted to assess the spatial learning ability in adult males of the short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica using a T-maze, complex maze and elevated radial 8-arm maze. This is the first study of maze learning in opossums. In the T-maze, the performance of these animals improved over an 8-day training period. Eighty percent of the subjects initially trained to turn to the right for food reinforcement reached criterion (80% correct responses) by day 3 and all reached criterion by day 4. Reversal training (subjects then trained to turn to the left) was more difficult and required 8 days for all subjects to reach criterion. In the complex maze, 89% of the animals achieved the criterion level of performance (3 consecutive trials with 5 or fewer errors) on the eighth day of training and all reached criterion by day 10. The relative importance of intramaze vs. extramaze cues in directing choice behavior was investigated in the radial arm maze. A discrimination procedure was used which selectively rewarded subjects for following only one set of cues. Animals in the intramaze group obtained a food pellet from a cup at the end of each arm. In the extramaze group, the food cups were placed on a small platform just beyond the end of each arm. All subjects were initially trained to visit each arm with the maze in a fixed position (controls) and did so within 15 test sessions. Following these initial trials, the maze was rotated to a different position after each choice. For subjects in the intramaze group, the food moved in conjunction with the rotation of the arms thereby increasing the relevance of intramaze cues. In the extramaze group, extramaze cues became more important because the food remained on the platforms in the same position in the room. Animals in the extramaze group performed significantly better than chance whereas the intramaze subjects did not. This indicates that intramaze cues are not as important as extramaze cues for accurate choice behavior in this marsupial. In addition, animals injected with tetraethyllead showed a significant impairment in running speed and T-maze learning ability as compared to saline-injected controls.  相似文献   

Small-scale movement behavior of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) in the Arabian Gulf was evaluated between April 2002 and April 2004 using temperature- and pressure-sensitive ultrasonic telemetry. Of nine sailfish tagged, eight were successfully tracked for periods ranging from 3 h 33 min to 52 h 6 min. Total tracked distances ranged from 5.5 to 78.7 km, while maximum linear displacement from tagging locations ranged from 4.6 to 37.0 km. Average speed based on vessel positioning ranged from 0.29 to 0.75 m s–1. The cumulative mean vertical distributions showed that 84.3% of time was spent above 10-m depth, even though water temperature altered little with increased depth. Data from two pop-up satellite archival tags deployed in 2002 were used to compare time spent at 5-m depth intervals with data from ultrasonic tags. There was no significant difference (P<0.05) in preferred depths between ultrasonic and pop-up tags for day or night, suggesting that the sailfish in this study recovered from capture stress and returned to normal behavior in relatively short times. Information on vertical and horizontal distribution can reveal preferential habitat that benefits fishery management practices relating to time/area closures, as well as determining optimal gear selection that reduces incidental bycatch and promotes conservation of sailfish in the Arabian Gulf.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

铅锌冶炼厂渣堆场周边土壤铅污染特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金属冶炼过程留下的废渣经过雨水冲刷及渗滤液等的作用使残留在废渣中的重金属发生迁移转化,导致渣堆场下及周边土壤受到重金属污染。了解冶炼厂渣堆场下及周边土壤重金属污染状况对场地修复及土地利用规划均有重大意义。本研究调查了湖南某铅锌冶炼厂渣堆场0~4 km内三个采样区0~20 cm表层土壤及0~100 cm深度土壤中铅的污染状况,采用单项污染指数法进行铅污染评价,并分析了铅纵向迁移随深度变化和横向迁移随距离变化的分布特征。结果表明,铅锌冶炼厂渣堆场下及周边0~1 km范围内土壤受到了铅污染,渣堆场下、距渣堆场10 m处及1 km处表层土壤中重金属铅的质量分数分别可达775.25、645.33和309.80 mg·kg^-1,超过了当地土壤中铅的背景值,也超过了土壤二级质量标准甚至三级质量标准。三个采样区的铅污染指数分别为2.6、2.1及1.03,污染等级均为Ⅱ级,污染程度为轻度污染。三个采样区土壤中铅污染主要集中于0~20 cm土壤层中,铅的质量分数分别达775.25,645.33和309.80 mg·kg^-1,20~100 cm土壤层中铅的质量分数低于0~20 cm的,分别在88.48~120.96 mg·kg-1、235.01~380.16 mg·kg^-1及309.80~59.32 mg·kg^-1之间。渣堆场下土壤中的铅从0~20cm土壤层往下至20~100cm土壤层迁移量远小于距渣场10 m处及1 km处的。三个采样区表层0~20 cm土壤层中铅的变化规律为距渣堆场0 m(渣堆场下)〉距渣堆场10 m〉距渣堆场1 km〉距渣堆场4 km,质量分数随距离增加而降低。20~40 cm及40~60 cm土壤层中铅的变化规律为距渣堆场10 m〉距渣堆场1 km〉距渣堆场0 m处(渣堆场下)〉距渣堆场4 km,60~80 cm及80~100 cm土壤层的变化规律为距渣堆场10 m〉距渣堆场0 m处(渣堆场下)〉距渣堆场1 km〉距渣堆场4 km,铅的质量分数随距离的增加先升高后降低。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the oral bioavailability of lead in soil collected from a former smelter site in Sandy, Utah, USA. Sprague-Dawley rats (approximately 4 weeks of age, 5 of each sex in group) were given either soil lead or lead acetate mixed in a purified diet (AIN-93G ) at four different concentrations for 31 consecutive days. Food consumption measurements were used to compute mean daily lead exposures for the soil lead and lead acetate groups. The lead acetate treatment yielded higher concentrations of lead in the blood and bone than the soil lead treatment. Mean blood lead values ranged from below the detection limit (3 g dL–1) to 27.25 g lead dL–1 for the lead acetate groups at dose levels of 0.10–2.91 mg lead kg body weight–1 and from below the detection limit to 8.8 g lead dL–1 for the soil lead groups at doses of 0.11–3.43 mg lead kg body weight–1. At these same doses, mean bone values ranged from 0.52 to 26.92 g lead g–1 for the lead acetate groups and from 0.64 to 13.1 g lead g–1 for the soil lead groups. Relative per cent bioavailability was estimated by modelling the dose-blood concentration curves for the lead acetate treatment and the dosed soil lead treatment, and then comparing doses that produce an equivalent blood lead concentration. The ratio of the doses of lead acetate and soil lead that produced the same tissue response (i.e., concentration) provided an index of relative bioavailability. For lead, the bioavailability of soil lead relative to lead acetate was 41% at a blood concentration of 6 g lead dL–1.  相似文献   

During tandem runs, one ant worker recruits another to an important resource. Here, we begin to investigate how dependent are tandem leaders and followers on visual cues by painting over their compound eyes to impair their vision. There are two ways in which Temnothorax albipennis might use vision during tandem running. First, the follower might track the movements of the leader by keeping it in sight. Our results suggest that the ants do not use vision in this way. For example, in all four classes of tandem run (those with either leader or follower, both, or neither of their participants with visual impairments) progress was most smooth at about 3 mm/s. This suggests that communication between leaders and followers during tandem runs is not based on vision and is purely tactile and pheromonal. Second, the leader and the follower might be using vision to navigate and our results support this possibility but also suggest that these ants have other methods of navigation. Ants with visual impairments were more likely to follow than to lead, but could occupy either role, even though they had many fully sighted nestmates. This might help to explain why the ants did not focus grooming on their most visually impaired nestmates. Wild-type tandem runs, with both participants fully sighted and presumably taking time to learn landmarks, were overall significantly slower, smoother, and a little less tortuous, than the other treatments. All four classes of tandem run significantly increased mean instantaneous speeds and mean absolute changes in instantaneous acceleration over their journeys. Moreover, tandems with sighted followers increased their speed with time more than the other treatments. In general, our findings suggest that eyesight is used for navigation during tandem running but that these ants also probably use other orientation systems during such recruitment and to learn how to get to new nest sites. Our results suggest that the ants’ methods of teaching and learning are very robust and flexible.  相似文献   

Movement ecology studies have highlighted the importance of individual-based research. As tracking devices have not been applicable for identifying year-around movements of small birds until recently, migration routes of such species relied on visual observations and ring recoveries. Within the Palaearctic–African migration system, loop migration seems to be the overall migration pattern. The interindividual variations within species-specific migration routes are, however, unknown. Here, we track the individual migration routes and annual cycles of male Northern Wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe, a trans-Sahara songbird migrant from a German breeding population with light-level geolocators. Two migrated most likely via Spain towards western Africa but returned via Corsica/Sardinia, while two others seemed to migrate via Sardinia and Corsica in autumn and via Spain and France in spring (loop migration). The fifth took presumably the same route via France and the Balearics in both seasons. All birds wintered in the Sahel zone of western Africa. Overall migration distances for autumn and spring were similar (about 4,100?km), whereas the overall migratory speed was generally higher in spring (126?km?day?1) than in autumn (88?km?day?1). Birds spent about 130?days at the breeding area and 147?days at the wintering grounds.  相似文献   

Tagging and transplantation experiments on a total of 1538 cels (Anguilla anguilla L.) caught in the German Bight near the islands Helgoland and Föhr, as well as in the area northwest of the Elbe estuary near Cuxhaven and in the port of Hamburg, resulted in recapture of 77 eels (5.0%). Of the recaptured eels 64% were reported from the area of their original capture. Some homed from distances of 180 km. Eels tagged and released within the area of original capture (control experiments) were recaptured only in these areas. A maximum migration speed of at least 1 km/h was found in one case, and of 3 km/h in another. Average speed of migration may, however, have been much lower, since in most other cases recaptures were reported at least 2 weeks after release. The homing abilities demonstrated cannot in all cases be accounted for by olfactory sensitivity alone; home areas were in some cases located in such a way that the water circulation in the southern North Sea could not have provided any lead for the migrating eels.  相似文献   

We measured the horizontal and vertical movements of five adult yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, estimated body mass 64 to 93 kg) near the main Hawaiian Islands, while simultaneously gathering data on oceanographic conditions and currents. Fish movements were recorded by means of ultrasonic depth-sensitive transmitters. Depth–temperature and depth–oxygen profiles were measured with vertical conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) casts, and the current-velocity field was surveyed using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Large adult yellowfin tuna spent ≃60 to 80% of their time in or immediately below the relatively uniform-temperature surface-layer (i.e. above 100 m), a behavior pattern similar to that previously reported for juvenile yellowfin tuna, blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), and striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) tracked in the same area. In all three species, maximum swimming depths appear to be limited by water temperatures 8 C° colder than the surface-layer water temperature. Therefore, neither large body mass, nor the ability to maintain elevated swimming-muscle temperatures due to the presence of vascular counter-current heat exchangers in tunas, appears to permit greater vertical mobility or the ability to remain for extended periods below the thermocline. In those areas where the decrease in oxygen with depth is not limiting, the vertical movements of yellowfin tuna, blue marlin and striped marlin all appear to be restricted by the effects of water temperature on cardiac muscle function. Like juvenile yellowfin tuna, but unlike blue marlin and striped marlin, adult yellowfin tuna remained within 18.5 km of the coast and became associated with floating objects, including anchored fish-aggregating devices (FADs) and the tracking vessel. Like juvenile yellowfin tuna, large adult yellowfin repeatedly re-visit the same FAD, and appear able to navigate precisely between FADs that are up to 18 km apart. The median speed over ground ranged from 72 to 154 cm s−1. Neither speed nor direction was strongly influenced by currents. Received: 27 March 1998 / Accepted: 13 November 1998  相似文献   

The study investigated the effect of calcium (Ca) supplementation on lead-induced toxicity in suckling male Wistar rats. The sucklings were exposed to lead acetate (5 mg/kg b wt./week) orally for a period of six weeks. The unexposed group of sucklings was the negative control. Out of the lead-exposed groups, two groups were supplemented with Ca at 3% and 6% as CaHPO4 × 2H2O in suspension in cow's milk. The artificial feeding regimen was followed for 7 h each day for 6 weeks. Sucklings exposed to lead with Ca supplementation recorded a significantly higher increase in body weight and a significant reduction of lead concentration in all tissues. The lead-induced histopathological alterations in the liver and kidney were also reversed with Ca supplementation. Sodium rhodizonate staining of liver sections showed distinct presence of lead granules in the group exposed to lead while the Ca-supplemented groups were comparable to the control. Lead exposure reduced the expression of rad 51 in the testis and liver which was markedly enhanced with Ca supplementation and was restored to the level in the control. Thus, Ca supplementation during the suckling period was effective in ameliorating the lead-induced toxicity.  相似文献   

Summary Using the wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) as an example of a typical nocturnal migrant, we employed radio telemetry to follow breeding birds during the course of homing movements following displacements. Seven thrushes were displaced over distances of 6.5 to 17.3 km in a variety of directions from their nesting territories. The thrushes moved in a series of short flights (mean = 2.1 km) performed primarily at dawn. Consequently, the birds took several days to home from even these relatively short displacements. Thrushes flew under clear and solid overcast skies and even in light rain. The pooled individual flights of the birds were significantly oriented in the homeward direction (Fig. 2). Their orientation relative to home did not improve significantly as they progressed toward the goal. Three of the birds were documented to have returned to their home territories. The detailed tracks of the birds preclude the possibility that they homed by random search.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic study of a modified model of the Clarke Jet Net, a high speed plankton sampler, was made using a wind tunnel and an IBM 7040. Modifications allowed a somewhat larger amount of water filtered than in the original model. By adjusting the size of the net chamber exhaust (water control aperture), an average net chamber velocity of about 100 cm/sec could be obtained at any cruising speed. The curvature of the towing cable of the deep tow of a high speed sampler seemed to be determined mainly by the cable characteristics. The stability, vertical and horizontal, of the modified model was satisfactory.Contribution No. 218 from the Seikai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Nagasaki.  相似文献   

Successful migration for passerine birds depends largely on the quality of stopover habitats, but we still lack complete knowledge of how migrants search for habitats en route and how they behave when landing at poor quality stopover sites. We compared the distance of exploratory movements and stopover durations of the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus, a reedbed habitat specialist, released at suitable (reed bed) and unsuitable (sand dune) stopover sites. Birds tape-lured during nocturnal migration to a sand dune were captured, radio-tagged, released and tracked at two sites of contrasting habitat quality. Lean birds were found to move further in the dunes (max. 300 m) than in reeds (max. 200 m), whereas ‘fat’ individuals at both sites remained stationary. Birds spent just 1 day in the dunes and up to 13 days in the reeds. Our results suggest that some nocturnal migrants with restricted diurnal exploratory movements depend on stopover site selection when ceasing nocturnal flight.  相似文献   

The degree to which white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, are social while hunting is unclear. Our aim was to describe the behavior and interactions among white sharks hunting seals near a seal colony. We attached ultrasonic beacons to five adult white sharks, 4.5–5.2?m long, and recorded their movements and behavior toward each other over a 15-day period in October 1997 at Año Nuevo Island, California. This site is home to colonies of four species of seals and sea lions. Two additional sharks, females 5.5 and 4.7?m in length, were later tracked intensively during periods of 12 and 3?days during October 1998 and November 1999, respectively. We recorded stomach temperature (indicative of feeding on warm-bodied seals) and swimming depths from the 5.5-m female, swimming speed and depth from the 4.7-m female. We monitored the movements and behavior of these sharks using an array of sonobuoys moored near the island; the receptive field measured 1?km2. Our principal findings were: (1) the sharks spent a mean time of 39.5% of each day patrolling within the receptive field; (2) no shark ever moved far out of it; (3) the sharks spent an equal amount of time and activity in the receptive field at all times of the day, daytime, twilight, and nighttime; (4) movements with respect to the island rookery were most often back and forth parallel to the shoreline, (5) tracks of three sharks, tagged at the same time and place, overlapped more often than those of the other two sharks; and (6) some sharks patrolled certain areas in the field preferentially, but there was no conclusive evidence that they defended these areas as territories. Feeding appeared to be infrequent: only two likely feeding bouts occurred during a cumulative 78-day/shark period that individuals were monitored at Año Nuevo Island. The behavior and movements of the sharks were consistent with a hunting strategy, in which individuals search for prey independently but, at the same time, remain close enough to each other to “sense” and exploit a kill by any one of them by joining in on the kill to feed.  相似文献   

The relative acute toxicity of spent lubricant oil and detergent was evaluated against hermit crab, Clibanarius africanus (Aurivillus) and periwinkle, Tympanotonus fuscatus (L) from the Lagos lagoon in laboratory bioassays. Based on the derived toxicity indices, the detergent (96 hr LC50 = 5.77ml/l) was found to be 1.73 times more toxic than spent engine oil (96 hr LC50 = 10.01 ml/l) when acting singly against C africanus and 18.73 times (96 hr LC50-48.67 ml/l) more toxic (96 hr LC50 = 911.57 ml/l) when acting singly against T. fuscatus. On the basis of the computed susceptibility factors, C. africanus was found to be about eight times and ninety-one times more susceptible to the toxic effect of detergent and spent lubricant oil respectively. The randomized analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that there was significant difference (Fcal 58.83 Ftab 3.87; DF 13; p > 0.05) between all treatments of spent lubricant oil and detergent during the 96 hr exposure period of test animals. At 5% level of significance the Student Neuman-Keuls (SNK) test further revealed significant differences in the mean mortality response of test animals exposed to toxicants at all concentrations and untreated control. The results obtained in this study suggest that the estuarine benthic macroinvertebrates, which play key roles in the environment, may serve as useful in-situ sentinels for biomonitoring studies of petroleum pollutants in fragile aquatic ecosystems such as the Lagos lagoon.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate that aggregations of yellowfin tuna associated with floating objects are more frequently composed of small animals than larger ones. Also, the diet of small yellowfin tuna caught at anchored fish aggregating devices (FADs) around Oahu, Hawaii, was found to shift quite rapidly when these fish reached approximately 50 cm FL. In order to test for ontogenetic changes in aggregation behavior, we tagged and released two distinct size classes of yellowfin tuna in an array of anchored FADs around Oahu, Hawaii. Twenty-four yellowfin tuna 30–39 cm FL and 16 yellowfin tuna 63–83 cm FL were tagged with acoustic transmitters and released near anchored FADs equipped with automated acoustic receivers. Fish in the smaller size class stayed about 2.5 times longer at individual FADs than the larger fish (mean 4.05 days vs. 1.65 days) and displayed larger horizontal movements within the array. However, the durations of unassociated phases, residence times in the entire FAD array, percentage of time spent associated with FADs and numbers of movements between FADs did not show any difference between the two size groups. The observed size-dependent behavior is discussed in terms of physiological abilities, diet segregation and anti-predator behavior.  相似文献   

T. Das  W. B. Stickle 《Marine Biology》1994,120(4):593-600
Detection and avoidance of hypoxic water by juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun and C. similis Williams were observed under laboratory conditions. Hypoxia avoidance was quantified within an avoidance chamber using response time (time in minutes before a crab's initial entry into the normoxic side of the avoidance chamber after the introduction of hypoxic water into the chamber), total time (amount of time spent by each crab at the hypoxic end of the chamber during the final 50 min of each 60 min treatment), activity (total distance travelled by a crab during a treatment), percent avoidance and preferred oxygen tension as indices of measurement. The mean preferred oxygen tension for C. sapidus was 112 torr oxygen (range = 98 to 125 torr) and for C. similis was 108 torr oxygen (range = 82 to 121 torr). Both species were able to detect hypoxic water and remain at an optimum oxygen tension. When percent avoidance, response time and total time were used as measures of avoidance, C. similis was found to detect and avoid hypoxic water at 0, 25 and 50 torr oxygen tension but not at any higher levels of hypoxia. C. sapidus, on the other hand, did not initiate any significant avoidance behavior even when the water was completely anoxic. Both species of crabs were more active at the higher oxygen tensions than in the more hypoxic levels. Behavioral responses associated with short-term hypoxic exposure included increased activity with the introduction of hypoxic water into the chamber, frequent movement of the eye-stalk, avoidance of hypoxic water by slowly crawling out of the hypoxic zone, restless and erratic movements, and rapid movements of the crabs' antennae. We conclude that C. similis can better detect and avoid hypoxia than C. sapidus.  相似文献   

Enrichment of lead in respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) and exposure of human blood to particulate lead in traffic environment were investigated. Samples of RSPM, non-respirable suspended particulate matter (NRSPM) and total suspended particulate matter (TSPM) were collected in 10 sampling sites located on National Highway No. 6, Durg–Bhilai section of Chhattisgarh State of India. Forty blood samples, out of which 20 of highway traffic personnel with chronic exposure and other 20 of general population who were residing more than 10 km away from the National Highway, were collected. Samples of particulate matter were weighed and analysed for particulate lead. Results have shown a higher concentration of average RSPM and TSPM in all the sampling sites compared to the Indian permissible limits. Geometric mean of lead levels was found in the range of 0.880–1.414 µg/m3 (TSPM) in the study sites. Concentrations of lead in RSPM have shown a higher enrichment (range 2.645–3.171) relative to NRSPM. Blood lead levels in traffic personnel and general population were found in the range of 56.70–101.17 µg/dL and 7.92–31.22 µg/dL, respectively.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) and lead (Pb) are common contaminants found in mine waste materials. For an evidence-based risk assessment, it is important to better understand the potential interaction of mixed contaminants; and this interaction study was investigated in an in vivo rat model. Following co-administration of a fixed dose of AsV as in sodium arsenate and different doses of Pb as lead acetate to Sprague–Dawley rats, blood arsenic concentration and bioavailability decreased. A decrease in As blood concentration when lead was co-administered was observed with increasing lead doses. Pharmacokinetic parameters for As in the blood showed faster absorption and elimination of this metalloid in the presence of Pb. The elimination half-life of As decreased from 67 days in As solo group to 27–30 with doses of Pb. Bioavailability of As was also decreased by 30–43 % in the presence of Pb. Decreased urinary excretion of Pb and tissue accumulation were also observed. It indicates lower absorption of As when co-administered with Pb. A probable explanation for these findings is that As co-administration with Pb could have resulted in the formation of less soluble lead arsenate. However, such an interaction between As and Pb could only explain about one-third of the variation when real mine waste materials containing both of these elements were administered to rats. This suggests that other effects from physical and chemical parameters could contribute to the bioavailability of arsenic in complex real environmental samples.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian stingray, Dasyatis lata, is a common benthic elasmobranch in nearshore Hawaiian waters. Acoustic telemetry was used to track the movements of seven rays in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. Rays were tracked continuously over 31-74 h periods. Geographical movements were analyzed to determine space utilization and rate of movement. Rays were found to utilize significantly larger activity spaces at night (0.83ǂ.70 km2) (mean-SD) than during the day (0.12ǂ.15 km2). Mean total activity space for rays tracked was 1.32ǂ.75 km2. Rates of movement were also significantly higher at night (0.34ǂ.30 km h-1) than during the day (0.15ǂ.22 km h-1). Average straight-line swimming speed was 0.64ǂ.16 km h-1, with a maximum observed swimming speed of 1.9 km h-1. Tidal stage had no effect on rate of movement. Comparison with previously published data on juvenile scalloped hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna lewini, in Kaneohe Bay revealed a high degree of overlap in habitat use and time of activity, suggesting possible ecological interactions between these two species.  相似文献   

Satellite telemetry data from 17 juvenile loggerhead turtles (43.5–66.5 cm straight carapace length) were used in conjunction with oceanographic data to analyze the influence of regional and seasonal oceanography on dive behavior in the North Pacific Ocean. Combined dive behavior for all individuals showed that turtles spent more than 80% of their time at depths <5 m, and more than 90% of their time at depths <15 m. Multivariate classifications of dive data revealed four major dive types, three representing deeper, longer dives, and one representing shallower dives shorter in duration. Turtles exhibited variability in these dive types across oceanographic regions, with deeper, longer dives in the Hawaii longline swordfish fishing grounds during the first quarter of the year, as well as in the Kuroshio Extension Bifurcation Region and the region near the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Turtles in the Kuroshio Extension Bifurcation Region also exhibited dive variability associated with mesoscale eddy features, with turtles making deeper, longer dives while associated with the strongest total kinetic energy. Turtles in the central North Pacific exhibited seasonality in dive behavior that appeared to reflect synchronous latitudinal movements with the North Pacific Subtropical Front and the associated seasonal, large-scale oceanography. Turtles made deeper, longer dives during the first quarter of the year within this region, the reported time and area where the highest loggerhead bycatch occurs by the longline fishery. These results represent the first comprehensive study of dive data for this species in this region. The increased understanding of juvenile loggerhead dive behavior and the influences of oceanography on dive variability should provide further insight into why interactions with longline fisheries occur and suggest methods for reducing the bycatch of this threatened species.  相似文献   

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