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《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2001,35(13):2305-2317
Experiments in a neutrally stable wind tunnel boundary layer were made for two-dimensional (quasi-line) sources of carbon dioxide dispersing over two types of uniformly spaced (billboard) surface roughness elements. Velocity and concentration measurements were made with each surface roughness over a wide range of source Richardson number by varying carbon dioxide release rate and wind speed. Concentration measurements were made with a FID gas analyzer using an ethane tracer in the source gas, and velocity measurements were made with independent LDV and HWA systems. For each surface roughness, this paper describes the wind tunnel boundary layer and presents alongwind and vertical concentration profiles in the gas plume. Vertical velocity and concentration profiles were measured at selected downwind distances, and the profiles were integrated to confirm the consistency of the measurements with the mass of carbon dioxide released. The data are intended for development of improved vertical turbulent entrainment correlations for use in dense gas dispersion models applied to hazardous chemical consequence analyses. 相似文献
Zhan Liang-tong Xu Hui Jiang Xiao-ming Lan Ji-wu Chen Yun-min Zhang Zhen-ying 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2019,26(20):20325-20343
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, integrate electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) tests were carried out in a large-scale... 相似文献
Natalia L. Rojas Elizabeth S. Lewkowicz 《Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B》2013,48(11):719-728
AbstractAn industrial-scale, profitable method for production of the most widely used bioinsecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), is challenging because of its widespread application. The aim of this study is to present a strategy to develop a low-cost, large-scale bioprocess to produce Bt H14.This study was first focused on the design of a culture medium composed of economical and available components, such as glycerol and lysed Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The production goal of 1200 ITU was achieved using a medium composed of 20:20 g L?1of glycerol:lysed yeast in batch cultures. Efforts were subsequently focused on the design of an appropriate culture system, and an original two-stage culture system was proposed. First, yeast (the primary component of the culture medium) are cultivated using a minimal mineral medium and lysed, and in the second stage, Bt is cultivated in the same bioreactor using the lysed yeasts as culture medium (supplemented with a feeding pulse of 10 g L?1 glycerol). This system was called fed batch one pot (FOP). A new inoculation strategy is also presented in this study, since these Bt cultures were inoculated directly with heat pre-treated spores instead of vegetative bacteria to facilitate the bioprocess. This study was developed from the laboratory to production-scale bioreactors (measuring from 500 mL to 2500 L), and the efficiency of the proposed strategy was evident in LD50 tests results, achieving 1796 ITU in large-scale processes. Both the use of non-conventional sources and the process development for biomass production are important for cost-effective production of Bt-based insecticides in mosquito control projects. 相似文献
Mayer J Linnemann H Becker E Rentschler W Jockel W Wilbring P Gerchel B 《Chemosphere》2000,40(9-11):1025-1027
AMESA (adsorption method for sampling of dioxins) is a fully automatic system for long term monitoring of dioxin emissions from industrial processes based on the adsorption method. The system has been tested and undergoing a certification procedure according to the German guidelines for certification of systems for continuous monitoring of special substances. The certification covered parameters such as disposability of the system, reproducibility of the results and comparability of the sampling method with German and European standard methods. Furthermore break through, blanks and sample storability were investigated. The results prove that AMESA is a state of the art sampling system for continuous monitoring of dioxin/furan emissions. 相似文献
Gao FF Jin Y Yates SR Papiernik S Anderson MA Yates MV 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2001,51(1):49-59
A tall passive flux chamber with a height significantly greater than its horizontal dimensions is proposed for measuring fluxes of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at the soil surface. The main feature of this tall chamber is the presence of a vertical concentration gradient of the target gas in the chamber. The emission and transport behavior of the target gas in the soil-chamber system are analyzed using the diffusion theory. A mathematical model is developed to estimate the flux from the soil into the tall chamber, providing the target gas establishes a detectable vertical concentration gradient in the chamber. To obtain the data required for calculating flux, only two gas concentrations (C1 and C2) at two heights (h1 and h2) within the chamber need to be measured at the end of a short chamber placement time (tp). To evaluate the applicability of the tall chamber for measuring flux, several laboratory tests have been conducted, using CH2Cl2 and CH3Br as the target gases. The results indicate that the proposed tall chamber has promising potential as a method for measuring fluxes of VOCs at the soil surface. 相似文献
The tidal hydrodynamics modeling of the Topolobampo coastal lagoon system and the implications for pollutant dispersion 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Montaño-Ley Y Peraza-Vizcarra R Páez-Osuna F 《Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)》2007,147(1):282-290
The tidal hydrodynamics of the Topolobampo coastal lagoon system (Mexico) has been investigated through a modified two dimensional non-linear hydrodynamic finite difference model. The advective and diffusive process acting over a hypothetical pollutant released into the coastal lagoon have also been simulated. Maxima tidal currents (0.85 m/s) were predicted within the main channel, in agree with direct measurements. The direction of the observed fastest currents (SW), also agree quite well with the direction of the strongest tidal current predicted in this investigation, which occur during the ebb when the water of the coastal lagoon is discharged into the Gulf of California. Residual currents (0.01-0.05 m/s) were also predicted. The hypothetical pollutant released within the Topolobampo Harbor would spread to both Ohuira and Topolobampo sections, reaching the inlet after approximately 12 days. 相似文献
Xiaohan Liu Yunlin Zhang Kun Shi Guangwei Zhu Hai Xu Mengyuan Zhu 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2014,21(24):14078-14090
The development of techniques for real-time monitoring of water quality is of great importance for effectively managing inland water resources. In this study, we first analyzed the absorption and fluorescence properties in a large subtropical reservoir and then used a chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) fluorescence monitoring sensor to predict several water quality parameters including the total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and CDOM fluorescence parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) components in the reservoir. The CDOM absorption coefficient at 254 nm (a(254)), the humic-like component (C1), and the tryptophan-like component (C3) decreased significantly along a gradient from the northwest to the lake center, northeast, southwest, and southeast region in the reservoir. However, no significant spatial difference was found for the tyrosine-like component (C2), which contributed only four marked peaks. A highly significant linear correlation was found between the a(254) and CDOM concentration measured using the CDOM fluorescence sensor (r 2?=?0.865, n?=?76, p?0.001), indicating that CDOM concentrations could act as a proxy for the CDOM absorption coefficient measured in the laboratory. Significant correlations were also found between the CDOM concentration and TN, TP, COD, DOC, and the maximum fluorescence intensity of C1, suggesting that the real-time monitoring of CDOM concentrations could be used to predict these water quality parameters and trace the humic-like fluorescence substance in clear aquatic ecosystems with DOC <2 mg/L and total suspended matter (TSM) concentrations <15 mg/L. These results demonstrate that the CDOM fluorescence sensor is a useful tool for on-line water quality monitoring if the empirical relationship between the CDOM concentration measured using the CDOM fluorescence sensor and the water quality parameters is calibrated and validated. 相似文献
B R Kim J E Anderson S A Mueller W A Gaines M J Szafranski A L Bremmer G J Yarema C D Guciardo S Linden T E Doherty 《Water environment research》2006,78(4):362-371
A wastewater-treatment facility at Ford (Dearborn, Michigan) was recently upgraded from chemical de-emulsification to ultrafiltration (UF) followed by a membrane-biological reactor (MBR). This paper describes the design, startup, and initial operational performance of the facility. Primary findings are as follows: (1) the MBR proved resilient; (2) the MBR removed approximately 90% of chemical-oxygen demand (COD) after primary UF; (3) the removal of total Kjeldahl nitrogen by MBR appeared to be more sensitive to operating conditions than COD removal; (4) nitrification and denitrification were established in one month; (5) the MBR removed oil and grease and phenolics to below detection levels consistently, in contrast to widely fluctuating concentrations in the past; (6) permeate fluxes of the primary and MBR UF were adversely affected by inadvertent use of a silicone-based defoamer; and (7) zinc concentrations in the effluent increased, which might have been a result of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid used in membrane washing solutions and/or might have been within typical concentration ranges. 相似文献
将基于亚硝化的全程自养脱氮(CANON)作用的人工快速渗滤(CRI)装置与反硝化除磷(DPR)型CRI装置耦合为基于同步短程硝化、厌氧氨氧化、反硝化和反硝化除磷(SNADPR)作用的复合式人工快速渗滤(H-CRI)系统,探究了其运行性能及微生物学特征。当H-CRI系统按照内循环潮汐流模式连续运行时,反应装置在水力负荷为0.18 m3·(m2·d)−1的条件下对生活污水中有机物、TN、$ {\rm{N}}{{\rm{H}}_4^ +} $-N和TP的去除率分别可达(94.39±1.32)%、(97.87±0.43)%、(99.00±0.32)%和(95.96±2.79)%。其中,CANON反应与生物蓄磷作用分别是系统脱氮除磷的主要途径,两者去除的氮磷量分别占H-CRI系统脱氮除磷总量的(72.13±6.12)%和(82.29±5.58)%。结合分子生物学实验结果可知,适宜的耦合模式有助于实现H-CRI系统中好氧氨氧化微生物、厌氧氨氧化菌、反硝化菌和聚磷菌群的有效协作,进而可促进SNADPR反应体系在其中形成并强化,实现对生活污水中有机物及氮磷元素的高效同步去除。 相似文献
Effectiveness of photocatalytic filter for removing volatile organic compounds in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Yu KP Lee GW Huang WM Wu CC Lou CL Yang S 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2006,56(5):666-674
Nowadays, the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system has been an important facility for maintaining indoor air quality. However, the primary function of typical HVAC systems is to control the temperature and humidity of the supply air. Most indoor air pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), cannot be removed by typical HVAC systems. Thus, some air handling units for removing VOCs should be added in typical HVAC systems. Among all of the air cleaning techniques used to remove indoor VOCs, photocatalytic oxidation is an attractive alternative technique for indoor air purification and deodorization. The objective of this research is to investigate the VOC removal efficiency of the photocatalytic filter in a HVAC system. Toluene and formaldehyde were chosen as the target pollutants. The experiments were conducted in a stainless steel chamber equipped with a simplified HVAC system. A mechanical filter coated with Degussa P25 titania photocatalyst and two commercial photocatalytic filters were used as the photocatalytic filters in this simplified HVAC system. The total air change rates were controlled at 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, and 1.5 hr(-1), and the relative humidity (RH) was controlled at 30%, 50%, and 70%. The ultraviolet lamp used was a 4-W, ultraviolet-C (central wavelength at 254 nm) strip light bulb. The first-order decay constant of toluene and formaldehyde found in this study ranged from 0.381 to 1.01 hr(-1) under different total air change rates, from 0.34 to 0.433 hr(-1) under different RH, and from 0.381 to 0.433 hr(-1) for different photocatalytic filters. 相似文献
In a previous study, column experiments were carried out with Toyoura sand (permeability 2.05×10(-11)m(2)) and Toyoura sand mixed with bentonite (permeability 9.96×10(-13)m(2)) to obtain the molecular diffusion coefficient, the Knudsen diffusion coefficient, the tortuosity for the molecular diffusion coefficient, and the mechanical dispersion coefficient of soil-gas systems. In this study, we conducted column experiments with field soil (permeability 2.0×10(-13)m(2)) and showed that the above parameters can be obtained for both less-permeable and more-permeable soils by using the proposed method for obtaining the parameters and performing column experiments. We then estimated dispersivity from the mechanical dispersion coefficients obtained by the column experiments. We found that the dispersivity depended on the mole fraction of the tracer gas and could be represented by a quadratic equation. 相似文献
The release of mercury to the environment is of particular concern because of its volatility, persistence, and tendency to bioaccumulate. The recovery of mercury from end-box exhaust at chlor-alkali facilities is important to prevent release into the environment and reduce emissions as required by NESHAP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants). A pilot-scale photocatalytic reactor packed with silica-titania composite (STC) pellets was tested at a chloralkali facility over a 3-month period. This pilot reactor treated up to 10 ft3/min (ACFM) of end-box exhaust and achieved 95% removal. The pilot reactor was able to maintain excellent removal efficiency even with large fluctuations in influent mercury concentration (400-1600 microg/ft3). The STC pellets were regenerated ex situ by regeneration with hydrochloric acid and performed similarly to virgin STC pellets when returned to service. On the basis of these promising results, two full-scale reactors with in situ regeneration capabilities were installed and operated. After optimization, these reactors performed similarly to the pilot reactor. A cost analysis was performed comparing the treatment costs (i.e., cost per pound of mercury removed) for sulfur-impregnated activated carbon and the STC system. The STC proved to be both technologically and economically feasible for this installation. 相似文献
Savoye S Michelot JL Matray JM Wittebroodt Ch Mifsud A 《Journal of contaminant hydrology》2012,128(1-4):47-57
Argillaceous formations are thought to be suitable natural barriers to the release of radionuclides from a radioactive waste repository. However, the safety assessment of a waste repository hosted by an argillaceous rock requires knowledge of several properties of the host rock such as the hydraulic conductivity, diffusion properties and the pore water composition. This paper presents an experimental design that allows the determination of these three types of parameters on the same cylindrical rock sample. The reliability of this method was evaluated using a core sample from a well-investigated indurated argillaceous formation, the Opalinus Clay from the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (URL) (Switzerland). In this test, deuterium- and oxygen-18-depleted water, bromide and caesium were injected as tracer pulses in a reservoir drilled in the centre of a cylindrical core sample. The evolution of these tracers was monitored by means of samplers included in a circulation circuit for a period of 204 days. Then, a hydraulic test (pulse-test type) was performed. Finally, the core sample was dismantled and analysed to determine tracer profiles. Diffusion parameters determined for the four tracers are consistent with those previously obtained from laboratory through-diffusion and in-situ diffusion experiments. The reconstructed initial pore-water composition (chloride and water stable-isotope concentrations) was also consistent with those previously reported. In addition, the hydraulic test led to an estimate of hydraulic conductivity in good agreement with that obtained from in-situ tests. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment(England)》1988,22(4):639-650
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations have been determined for 14 successive days in a remote site of the Mediterranean Sea situated in Corsica, France. Both particulate and gas phases were collected and analyzed. For any receptor site the concentration of adsorbed PAH on particles is determined by three parameters, in order of decreasing importance: the source area, nearby sources and precipitation along the trajectory followed by the particles. For two air masses originating from the same source area, PAH concentrations can be reduced by 60% by particle scavenging during precipitation events. The identification of the source area is in complete agreement with the classification based on the mineral elements. The gas phase concentrations are determined by the source area only; they remain high compared to the concentrations in the industrial zone, thus proving that the gaseous PAH are not strongly degraded by chemical aggressors during transport. Factor analysis clearly shows the different effects involved during transport. The gas/particle ratio is determined essentially by the temperature and molecular weight of the PAH and not by the origin of the emissions. However precipitation influences this ratio to a non-negligible extent through scavenging of the aerosols. For example, the gas/particle ratio, for pyrene, varies from 2 to 4 between two ‘dry’ episodes with a temperature difference of 2.2° C, and from 6 to 13 because of the particle scavenging by rain. These results can be used as a data base and are expected to guide the conception of transport models including the parameters considered in this study. 相似文献
Design of a tracer test experience and dynamic calibration of the hydraulic model for a full-scale wastewater treatment plant by use of AQUASIM. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The setup of the hydraulic model structure of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is an important step in the calibration of activated sludge models. The hydrodynamics of a full-scale municipal WWTP (Monterrey, Mexico) has been studied by means of the use of tracer tests and of a commercial simulator. A presimulation approach allowed the authors to quantify the appropriate rhodamine mass, set up a sampling plan, and evaluate the anticipated visual effect of the tracer test in the receiving river. The hydraulic behavior of the aeration tank for the first treatment line, a 7-cell plug-flow reactor, was shown to be best represented by 5 virtual mixed-tanks-in-series. The second treatment line, which included a vertical loop reactor (VLR), was best modeled as 3 tanks-in-series. The VLR, alone, was shown to be similar to a continuously stirred tank reactor, and not a circuit of tanks, as generally used to represent oxidation ditch reactors. 相似文献
Michel Y. Montelongo Eduardo F. Herrera Elias Ramirez Jorge I. Carrillo Alfredo Campos Ramón Gomez 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(8):895-902
The city of Aldama, Chihuahua, Mexico is located 30 km NNE of Chihuahua city. Three high-volume collectors with PM10 heads were placed in specific locations in Aldama during the year 2011 to measure radioisotope concentrations in the air. The city area of 16 km2 was divided into 64 squares of 500 × 500 m. At the vertices of the grid, silt samples were taken between January and June 2011, before the rains began. The concentrations of natural, cosmogenic, and anthropogenic radioactive isotopes were calculated in both filters and silts samples. The isotopes selected for the measurement were 238U, 232Th, 7Be, 137Cs, and 40K. Measurements of PM10 and silts were performed during 2011, coinciding with the accident at Fukushima, Japan, on March 11. For this reason, we could see the 137Cs in PM10 increase between April and July; with the arrival of the rains, the 137Cs concentration began to decrease in the air. The concentration of PM10 measured by the equipment located at the Mexican Uranium plant (URAMEX, initials in Spanish) that was processing radioactive ores exceeded the standard values in February and March, when the air velocity increases. At City Hall, the concentration of PM10 surpassed the value of the standard between May and July. This increased concentration is likely due to increased automobile traffic because City Hall is located in the city center. At a private home, the concentration of PM10 surpassed the standard on several days during the year because the home is located on the outskirts of the city, where most of the streets are not paved. Due to the high concentrations of PM10, especially at the collection point located at the private home, it is necessary to start taking steps to mitigate their spread before they cause health problems in the younger population and in older adults.Implications: The radioisotope content found in the PM10 confirms that the decision to place the Mexican Uranium plant (URAMEX, initials in Spanish) processing radioactive ores near the town of Aldama was not well thought out. Because the monitoring work was carried out in 2011 and coincided with the Fukushima accident, an increased concentration of 137Cs could be detected in the PM10. We made recommendations to the municipal authorities of the city to mitigate the concentration of particles in the air. 相似文献
Unlike previous photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) studies incorporated with adsorption, this study investigates the feasibility of applying a tandem PCO-adsorption hybrid technique regarding low-level monoaromatic compound removal. The PCO efficiencies decreased as the hydraulic diameter (HD) increased. A PCO reactor of a medium HD size was selected for further experiments. Under conditions relevant to the use of the PCO system, the CO level measured during the PCO process was minimal in comparison to indoor CO levels. Trace level formations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were observed during the photocatalytic process, but these compounds were undetectable at the activated carbon unit outlet. The degradation efficiencies, obtained from the PCO unit, exhibited a dependence on both the inlet concentration (IC) and relative humidity (RH), whereas those from the PCO-adsorption hybrid system did not. Under specific conditions, the PCO unit presented a high degradation efficiency of close to, or exceeding 90%, in regards to ethyl benzene, o-xylene, and m,p-xylene. However, the benzene air concentrations, after being treated by the PCO unit, substantially exceeded the USEPA inhalation reference concentration guideline of 30 μg m−3 (corresponding to 0.01 ppm). In contrast, the PCO-adsorption hybrid system presented a high removal efficiency of close to 100% regarding all compounds, regardless of the IC or RH range. Consequently, it is suggested that the PCO-adsorption hybrid system has a synergistic advantage of photocatalysis and adsorption in regards to the BTEX elimination process. 相似文献
Two important factors that affect in-stack opacity--light extinction by emitted particles and that by water moisture after a flue gas desulfurization (FGD) unit--are investigated. The mass light extinction coefficients for particles and water moisture, k(p) and k(w), respectively, were determined using the Lambert-Beer law of opacity with a nonlinear least-squares regression method. The estimated k(p) and k(w) values vary from 0.199 to 0.316 m2/g and 0.000345 to 0.000426 m2/g, respectively, and the overall mean estimated values are 0.229 and 0.000397 m2/g, respectively. Although k(w) is 3 orders of magnitude smaller than k(p), experimental results show that the effect on light extinction by water moisture was comparable to that by particles because of the existence of a considerable mass of water moisture after a FGD unit. The mass light extinction coefficient was also estimated using Mie theory with measured particle size distributions and a complex refractive index of 1.5-ni for fly ash particles. The k(p) obtained using Mie theory ranges from 0.282 to 0.286 m2/g and is slightly greater than the averaged estimated k(p) of 0.229 m2/g from measured opacity. The discrepancy may be partly due to a difference in the microstructure of the fly ash from the assumption of solid spheres because the fly ash may have been formed as spheres attached with smaller particles or as hollow spheres that contained solid spheres. Previously reported values of measured k(p) obtained without considering the effects of water moisture are greater than that obtained in this study, which is reasonable because it reflects the effect of extinction by water moisture in the flue gas. Additionally, the moisture absorbed by particulate matter, corresponding to the effect of water moisture on the particulates, was clarified and found to be negligible. 相似文献