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Sex allocation is an important reproductive decision for parents. However, it is often assumed that females have substantial control over sex allocation decisions, and this is particularly true in haplodiploid insects, in which females apparently determine sex by deciding whether to fertilise an egg (and produce a diploid daughter) or not (and produce a haploid son). Mechanisms by which males may influence sex allocation are not so straightforward, and their potential influence on sex ratios has been somewhat neglected. Here, we test whether males influence offspring sex ratios in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. We show that some of the variation in observed sex ratios can be attributed to males when comparing the affect of male strain on sex ratio. We did not find among-male variation in sex ratio with a less powerful experiment using males from only one strain or an effect of male mating environment. Our data suggest that males can influence female sex ratios and contribute to the variation around the sex ratios optimal for females. However, the influence is not large, suggesting that females have more influence on sex allocation than do males. We conclude by considering whether male influences on sex ratio represent differences in male reproductive competence or deliberate attempts by males to increase their fitness by influencing daughter production.  相似文献   

Many vertebrates grow up in the company of same or different-age siblings, and relations among them can be expected to significantly influence individual life histories and the development of individual morphological, physiological, and behavioral phenotypes. Although studies in birds still dominate and have stimulated most theoretical considerations, the increasing number of mammalian studies promises to broaden our understanding of this complex field by enabling interesting comparisons with the rather different bird system. It therefore seems timely to bring together recent studies of sibling relations in mammals and to demonstrate what these can offer in the way of fresh insights. In this brief review, intended to accompany a series of papers on a diverse range of mammals, we outline the current state of sibling research in mammals, comparing it to the better studied birds. Most obviously, in mammals, mother and young are in much closer contact during early life than in birds, and siblings can influence each other’s development as well as the mother’s physiology while still in utero. During nursing, mammalian young also encounter a very different feeding situation to bird siblings. These contrasts should help stimulate further debate, as well as provide further opportunities to study the relative importance of maternal versus sibling effects on individual development. Finally, we discuss the need to balance studies of sibling competition and conflict with a consideration of the benefits accruing to individuals from sibling presence and the need for long-term studies of the influence of early sibling relations on individual development and life histories. This contribution represents the introduction to the special issue “Sibling competition and cooperation in mammals”.  相似文献   

The value of information is a general and broadly applicable concept that has been used for several decades to aid in making decisions in the face of uncertainty. Yet there are relatively few examples of its use in ecology and natural resources management, and almost none that are framed in terms of the future impacts of management decisions. In this paper we discuss the value of information in a context of adaptive management, in which actions are taken sequentially over a timeframe and both future resource conditions and residual uncertainties about resource responses are taken into account. Our objective is to derive the value of reducing or eliminating uncertainty in adaptive decision making. We describe several measures of the value of information, with each based on management objectives that are appropriate for adaptive management. We highlight some mathematical properties of these measures, discuss their geometries, and illustrate them with an example in natural resources management. Accounting for the value of information can help to inform decisions about whether and how much to monitor resource conditions through time.  相似文献   

Summary Female Cerceris nest in large aggregations in sandy soil, stocking cells with weevils to feed the offspring. Their foraging patterns depend upon weather conditions, and the timing and duration of foraging is predictably variable according to their size. Hence large foragers collect more prey, and can stock more cells, and through a normal season they should stock twice as many cells (thus laying twice as many eggs) as small females. Since they also stock more prey per cell, and provisioning determines offspring size, large females thus produce more and larger children simply through the effects of the weather. Despite their apparent disadvantages, small female wasps never-theless persist, and various factors contribute to this; they do better in hot weather, when large females do not forage due to over-heating risks, they tend to bias their sex ratio more to male production, and they often co-occupy a nest with a larger female. Nest co-occupancy increases in very hot conditions, when a large female benefits by the foraging of a small one while it is nest-bound, a small female benefits by getting a chance to lay in better-stocked cells, and both may benefit from decreased parasitism by satellite flies. Thus two factors which may contribute to joint nesting and a trend towards eusociality along the parasocial route are suggested. Firstly such a trend is more likely in hot dry conditions; and secondly it is more likely in species with a broad range of female sizes. Both these effects can be seen in a survey of wasps of the genus Cerceris so far reported in the literature, and are likely to be more widely applicable in studies where weather effects interacting with foraging patterns have hitherto been ignored.  相似文献   

Causes of Keshan–Beck disease (KBD) are still being probed and monitored in China. Relationships between trace elements from eco-environmental systems and KBD are poorly understood although relationships between environmental Se and human health have received extensive attention. In order to investigate relationships between eco-environmental geochemistry and KBD, we selected the Chousang KBD area in Yao County, Shaanxi Province, China, as an example of a prevailing KBD area applying I–Se-rich salts instead of utilizing Se-rich fertilisers on food crops to prevent local residents from developing KBD before 1995. Environmentally geochemical samples (rocks, soils, plants and children's hair) were collected from the Chousang KBD area. Soils in the study area contain 0.11±0.02 µg Se g–1, 0.75±0.11 µg Mo g–1, and 34.5±1.5 µg B g–1 on average, indicating that the study area is a deficient-Se–Mo–B area. Se (0.07±0.007 µg g–1), Mo (0.35±0.09 µg g–1) and B (3±0 µg g–1) contents are low in wheat and corn used as a daily main food staple of local inhabitants. It is indicated that the study area is deficient in environmental Se–Mo–B for the local residents. Se contents of children's hair from the Yangyuan Elementary School in the study area range from 0.09 to 0.26 µg Se g–1 with an average of 0.165±0.05 µg Se g–1 (n=10) in this KBD endemic area. Due to the low levels of Se, Mo and B available in soils and rocks, crops including wheat and corn are deficient in these elements, accordingly, the deficiency of Se, Mo and B in this area may be linked to the daily consumption of wheat and corn deficient in Se, Mo and B. Therefore, local inhabitants should be encouraged to fertilise mixtures of Se, Mo and B on crop plants in order to avoid development of KBD and guarantee a good harvest of crops.  相似文献   

Sperm competition should select for increased sperm production if the probability of fertilization by a specific male is proportional to the relative number of sperm inseminated. A review of the literature generally supports the predicted positive association between sperm production or allocation and various measures of the presumed intensity of sperm competition. However, it is not clear how increased sperm competition is related to extra-pair paternity, and it remains unknown whether certainty of paternity should be associated with relative testis size. Based on a large sample of bird species with information on extra-pair paternity gathered from the literature, we demonstrate that testis mass is related positively to the level of extra-pair paternity, after controlling for body size and phylogeny. Although large testes may be necessary to avoid sperm depletion in species in which males frequently engage in multi-pair copulations, we argue that selection has favoured increased testis mass in situations of more intense sperm competition in order to retaliate against copulations by rival males. The fact the males are not always successful in retaliating against rival ejaculates further suggests that females may largely control the allocation of paternity in birds and that increased sperm production by males may simply be a male strategy to make the best of a bad situation.  相似文献   

Offspring should be selected to influence maternal effort to maximize their own fitness, whereas mothers are selected to limit investment in present progeny. In mammals, this leads to a conflict over the amount of milk provided and the timing of weaning. The intensity and time course of such conflict has so far mostly been investigated experimentally in altricial rodents. However, it is expected that offspring options for conflict will depend on developmental state. We therefore investigated in the highly precocial domestic guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) who decides over nursing performance and weaning and how pup state influences these decisions. Specifically, we tested whether a threshold mass of pups predicts weaning time. By exchanging older litters against neonates and vice versa, we produced a situation in which females differed in lactational stage from the cross-fostered pups. Our results indicate that females decide about the timing of weaning, as cross-fostered younger pups were weaned at a much younger age than controls and older pups benefited from continuing lactation of foster mothers. Growth rates did not differ in the treatment groups, and different weaning ages resulted in differing weaning mass refuting the hypothesis that weaning is based on a threshold mass of offspring. This constitutes clear evidence that in a precocial rodent, the guinea pig, decisions about maternal care are primarily determined by maternal state and little influenced by pup state despite the extreme precociality of offspring. We suggest that precocial pups show little resistance to early weaning when food is abundant, as they reach sufficient nutritional independence by the middle of lactation to enable independent survival.  相似文献   

Summary Clutch size in the pipevine swallowtail of California (Battus philenor hirsuta) varies widely within and among two seasonal flights, early and late spring. Pilson and Rausher (1988) proposed that variation in clutch size in a Texan B. philenor population is due to assessment of host quality with subsequent adjustment of clutch size and to differences in motivational state. The assessment hypothesis and a nonexclusive alternative that clutch size is determined by mature egg load were tested for populations in Sacramento, California. Weak and sporadic correlations between host quality and clutch size were found, suggesting that host assessment with adjustment of clutch size is not a strong factor in this population. Clutch size was highly correlated to mature egg load in the early but not in the late spring flight. Yet, females from both flights had similar loads of mature eggs. It is proposed that females lay clutch sizes proportional to egg load, up to a maximum threshold. The threshold may be lowered in the late spring flight in response to changes in overall host quality or to increased egg predation, reducing both the mean clutch size and the correlation between clutch size and egg load. Potential mechanisms for the change in behavior among flights, based on changes in the threshold, are discussed.  相似文献   

Reducing costs and increasing benefits for rural communities coexisting with large carnivores is necessary for conservation of jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Puma concolor). To design acceptable incentives, stakeholders must be involved in the process. We conducted an innovative, structured, group communication process based on a Delphi technique as a template for identifying potential incentives. Community workshops with 133 members of 7 communities and surveys with 25 multidisciplinary experts from government, nongovernmental organizations, and academia provided iterative data to design a plan of incentives through 4 rounds of discussion. The final product integrated 862 ideas into 6 types of incentives: organization of communities, mechanisms for improved dialogue, citizen technical assistance, green labeling for community products, payment for the ecosystem service of biodiversity, and an assessment of financial alternatives. We used quantitative and qualitative techniques to indicate support for decisions about the design of incentives, which reduced researcher subjectivity. The diverse incentives developed and the cooperation from multiple stakeholders resulted in an incentive plan that integrated issues of governance, equity, and social norms.  相似文献   

Costs and benefits associated with matings and the effects of mating frequency on fitness commonly differ between the sexes. As a result, outcrossing simultaneous hermaphrodites may prefer to copulate in the more rewarding sex role, generating conflicts over sperm donation and sperm receipt between mates. Because recent sex role preference models remain controversial, we contrast here some of their assumptions and predictions in the sea slug Chelidonura sandrana. For this hermaphrodite with sperm storage and internal fertilisation, risk-averse models assume that fitness pay-offs are constantly higher in the female than in the male function in any single mating. Moreover, excluding mutual partner assessment, these models predict male mating behaviour to be independent of receiver traits. The competing gender ratio hypothesis assumes that relative fitness pay-offs, and thus the preferred mating roles, vary and may reverse between matings and predicts that ejaculation strategies co-vary with receiver quality. We found that field mating rates of C. sandrana substantially exceeded what is required to maintain female fertility and fecundity, indicating large variation in direct female benefits between matings. We further demonstrate that male copulation duration adaptively increased with partner body size (i.e. fecundity) but decreased with recent partner promiscuity. These findings are compatible with the gender ratio hypothesis but contradict risk-averse models.  相似文献   

American white pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) lay two eggs but typically rear only one young owing to siblicidal brood reduction affecting the later-hatched, or B-chick. When the A-offspring fails at an early age, the B-chick may survive as a replacement (insurance) offspring. Using a combination of nests with natural and artificially manipulated hatching asynchrony, I examined the hypothesis that hatching asynchrony in this species is adaptively tuned to permit B-chicks to survive during the time they are most likely to be needed as replacements, with brood reduction following when they become redundant. Hatching asynchrony over the natural range of 0–4 days significantly increased within-brood mass differentials and reduced B-chick lifespan. Full synchrony had a marginally negative effect on A-chick mass. Greater asynchrony did not significantly affect the number of days B-chicks survived after hatching of the A-chick, owing to a corresponding extension of time B-offspring were protected from harassment while still within the egg. This resulted in a high probability (> 0.8) of B-chicks surviving through the initial period (5–7 days) of maximum early A-chick loss. Redundant B-chicks were subject to heavy brood reduction, with both chicks likely to have survived at only one each of 94 natural and 84 manipulated (0, 2, and 4 days asynchrony) nests. Hatching asynchrony in American white pelicans, in combination with a rapid development of senior chick siblicidal competence, appears to result in a time course of brood reduction appropriate for an effective insurance reproductive strategy. Received: 2 February 1996 /Accepted after revision: 18 May 1996  相似文献   

Predicting freshwater organisms based on machine learning is becoming more and more reliable due to the availability of appropriate datasets, advanced modelling techniques and the continuously increasing capacity of computers. A database consisting of measurements collected at 360 sampling sites in non-navigable watercourses in Flanders was applied to predict the absence/presence of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa by means of decision trees. The measured variables were a combination of physical–chemical (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, conductivity, total organic carbon, Kjeldahl nitrogen and total phosphorus), structural (granulometric analysis of the sediment, width, depth and flow velocity of the river) and two ecotoxicological variables. The predictive power of decision trees was assessed on the basis of the number of Correctly Classified Instances (CCI). A genetic algorithm was introduced to compare the predictive power of different sets of input variables for the decision trees. The number of input variables was reduced from 15 to 2–8 variables without affecting the predictive power of the decision trees significantly. Furthermore, reducing the number of input variables allowed to ease the identification of general data trends.  相似文献   

Understanding human perspectives is critical in a range of conservation contexts, for example, in overcoming conflicts or developing projects that are acceptable to relevant stakeholders. The Q methodology is a unique semiquantitative technique used to explore human perspectives. It has been applied for decades in other disciplines and recently gained traction in conservation. This paper helps researchers assess when Q is useful for a given conservation question and what its use involves. To do so, we explained the steps necessary to conduct a Q study, from the research design to the interpretation of results. We provided recommendations to minimize biases in conducting a Q study, which can affect mostly when designing the study and collecting the data. We conducted a structured literature review of 52 studies to examine in what empirical conservation contexts Q has been used. Most studies were subnational or national cases, but some also address multinational or global questions. We found that Q has been applied to 4 broad types of conservation goals: addressing conflict, devising management alternatives, understanding policy acceptability, and critically reflecting on the values that implicitly influence research and practice. Through these applications, researchers found hidden views, understood opinions in depth and discovered points of consensus that facilitated unlocking difficult disagreements. The Q methodology has a clear procedure but is also flexible, allowing researchers explore long‐term views, or views about items other than statements, such as landscape images. We also found some inconsistencies in applying and, mainly, in reporting Q studies, whereby it was not possible to fully understand how the research was conducted or why some atypical research decisions had been taken in some studies. Accordingly, we suggest a reporting checklist.  相似文献   

• US tin use decreases as the GDP value added by manufacturing sector increases. • Global and China’s tin use increases as the GDP added by manufacturing increases. • A sigmoid curve can fit the US tin use data well. • US tin use patterns is not due to the finite tin reserves or resources. • Policies, substitutions, etc. play key roles in the changing tin use patterns. Tin is of key importance to daily life and national security; it is considered an essential industrial metal. The United States (US) is the world’s largest economy and consumer of natural resources. Therefore, the analysis of historical tin use in the US is helpful for understanding future tin use trends in the world as a whole and in developing countries. Time series analysis, regression analysis with GDP or GDP/capita, and historical data fitted with logistic and Gompertz models are employed in this study. Historical tin use in the US shows three stages—increase-constant-decrease, as GDP per capita has increased. Tin use in the US is negatively correlated with the GDP value added by the manufacturing sector, while the use of tin worldwide and in China continues to increase along with the GDP value added by the manufacturing sector. Although a sigmoid curve can fit the US tin use data well, that use is not directly related to the limited tin reserves or resources. Rather, policies, economic restructuring, substitutions, new end-use markets, etc. have played key roles in the changing tin use patterns. This work contributes to understanding future tin use at both the global and national levels: tin use will continue to increase with GDP at the global level, but use patterns of tin at the national level can be changed through human intervention.  相似文献   

• The long-period groundwater evolution was identified by hydrochemical signatures. • The dominant processes in the groundwater evolution were verified. • Groundwater quality in the coastal areas was susceptible to deterioration due to SI. • Groundwater contamination arose from fertilizer, livestock manure & domestic sewage. The evolution of hydrochemical compositions influenced by long-period interactions between groundwater and the geo-environment is a fundamental issue for exploring groundwater quality and vulnerability. This study systematically investigated the hydrochemical processes and anthropogenic interference occurring in the river basin by bivariate plots, Gibbs diagrams, saturation index, and the major ions ratios. Apparent changes in groundwater hydrochemistry have been observed in the study area, illustrating the origins of major ions are affected by various internal and external factors. Results highlighted that TDS varied from freshwater to brackish water, ranging between 187.90 and 2294.81 mg/L. Ca2+ and HCO3 are the dominant ions in the studied samples. The results gained by Gibbs diagrams, bivariate plots, saturation index, and the major ions ratios demonstrated that minerals dissolution/precipitation, cation exchange, and human inputs play crucial roles in the unconfined aquifers. Moreover, the overuse of nitrogen fertilizer, livestock manure, and industrial/domestic sewage led to nitrate and nitrite contamination and brought significant challenges to the surrounding hydrogeo-environment. The present study could make an unambiguous identification of natural processes and anthropogenic interventions influencing groundwater hydrochemistry’s long-period evolution and create a preliminary strategy for groundwater resources management.  相似文献   

In arid regions of the developing world, pastoralists and livestock commonly inhabit protected areas, resulting in human–wildlife conflict. Conflict is inextricably linked to the ecological processes shaping relationships between pastoralists and native herbivores and carnivores. To elucidate relationships underpinning human–wildlife conflict, we synthesized 15 years of ecological and ethnographic data from Ikh Nart Nature Reserve in Mongolia's Gobi steppe. The density of argali (Ovis ammon), the world's largest wild sheep, at Ikh Nart was among the highest in Mongolia, yet livestock were >90% of ungulate biomass and dogs >90% of large‐carnivore biomass. For argali, pastoral activities decreased food availability, increased mortality from dog predation, and potentially increased disease risk. Isotope analyses indicated that livestock accounted for >50% of the diet of the majority of gray wolves (Canis lupus) and up to 90% of diet in 25% of sampled wolves (n = 8). Livestock composed at least 96% of ungulate prey in the single wolf pack for which we collected species‐specific prey data. Interviews with pastoralists indicated that wolves annually killed 1–4% of Ikh Nart's livestock, and pastoralists killed wolves in retribution. Pastoralists reduced wolf survival by killing them, but their livestock were an abundant food source for wolves. Consequently, wolf density appeared to be largely decoupled from argali density, and pastoralists had indirect effects on argali that could be negative if pastoralists increased wolf density (apparent competition) or positive if pastoralists decreased wolf predation (apparent facilitation). Ikh Nart's argali population was stable despite these threats, but livestock are increasingly dominant numerically and functionally relative to argali. To support both native wildlife and pastoral livelihoods, we suggest training dogs to not kill argali, community insurance against livestock losses to wolves, reintroducing key native prey species to hotspots of human–wolf conflict, and developing incentives for pastoralists to reduce livestock density.  相似文献   

Summary Sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus Pallas, males need a nest site for successful breeding. The value of the nest increases with size, as larger nests can hold more eggs. In the field using artificial nest sites, takeovers occurred in 29.0% of the cases. The winning intruders were on average 16.3% larger than the owners. These, in turn, were significantly smaller than the nonreplaced males. Replacement probability increased with nest size. Prior ownership was of no importance in experimental situations, but might have affected takeover probabilities in the field. Males assessed the size of a potential nest site on the basis of its external appearance. When intruders and owners were given opposite information about nest size the experiments resulted in takeover rates of around 50% in situations where takeover rates were expected to be extreme. This suggested that intruders might update their information about a site's true value during the fight. The continuous assessment, in turn, might affect their motivation to continue fighting. On average, larger males were more active in initiating displays. However, smaller opponents challenged their larger opponents more actively when they were defending a large nest than when they were defending a small nest. The greater willingness to defend might provide the intruder with more information about the real value of the nest.  相似文献   

Summary The antMyrmicaria eumenoides is a significant arthropod predator. For rapid attraction of large numbers of nestmates to newly discovered food sources the ants use an efficient recruitment communication system based on the poison gland secretion. Workers exhibit age-based division of labour. Young workers perform brood-care; their poison gland reservoir develops and reaches its final size of 0.5 µl at an age of 6 weeks, when they become foragers. The secretion deposited during combat with enemies or prey is composed of equal amounts of both a high volatile and a low volatile fraction. Within the high volatile fraction (+)—limonene is the main component (97%) and is the only olfactory trigger to alert ants in the vicinity and to recruit them to places of combat, where they assemble. Ants respond to synthetic (+)—limonene in exactly the same way as to the poison gland secretion when applied at the same airborne concentrations. Further components of the high volatile fraction are four additional monoterpene hydrocarbons and hexanoic nitrile. The high volatile and the low volatile fraction of the poison gland secretion each have dual functions: The low volatiles, of which the main component is an alkaloid, serve as a fixative and extend the effective period of the limonene signal by modifying its evaporation kinetics. On the other hand the high volatile recruitment signal (+)—limonene is also the solvent for the alkaloid and enhances its spreading on the surface of the cuticle of arthropod enemies or prey.  相似文献   

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