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建立了扩散吸附管采样,热脱附仪和气相色谱联用测定室内空气中BTEX的监测分析方法,方法的最低检出限为0.0002mg/m3。该方法使用方便、便于携带、无需电源,且与传统的泵采样方法具有较好的可比性,适合于室内空气中BTEX的监测。  相似文献   

Measurements of fortnightly average concentrations of NO, NO2, SO2, H2S, NH3, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (aromatics = benzene, toluene, o-xylene, m + p-xylene, ethyl benzene; non-aromatics = nonane and octane) were carried out in the period from 26/10/05 to 24/11/05 at 20 points in the southern part of Kuwait as part of a baseline environmental impact assessment study requested by Kuwait National Petroleum Company. Two waves of triplicate diffusive passive samplers were used. A high volume air sampler was used to measure PM10 too. During the sampling period, the wind was observed to be mainly from the west and northwest with an average of 4.28 m/s. The consistency of the results allowed the production of spatial distribution maps of the pollutants measured and consequently the comparison between levels of air pollution at different locations. A comparison between the measured concentrations and the applicable air quality standards promulgated by Kuwait Environment Public Authority (KEPA) showed that those compounds had low concentrations compared to both industrial and residential KEPA standards. For other compounds which are not covered by KEPA standards, the results were compared with relevant limits of US Environment Protect Agency (USEPA) and US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The comparison showed that the measured compounds had low concentrations compared to the existing standards and, accordingly, no violation of air quality standards is reported.  相似文献   

Analytical results obtained by thermal desorption GC/MS for 24 h diffusive sampling of 11 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are compared with results of time-averaged active sampling at a known constant flow rate. Air samples were collected with co-located duplicate diffusive sampling tubes and one passivated canister. A total of eight multiple-component sampling events took place at fixed positions inside and outside three private homes. Subsequently, a known amount of sample air was transferred from the canister to an adsorbent tube for analysis by thermal desorption GC/MS. Results for the 11 most prevalent compounds--Freon 11, 1,3-butadiene, benzene, toluene, tetrachloroethene, ethylbenzene, m,p-xylene, o-xylene, 4-ethyltoluene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, and p-dichlorobenzene--show that the ratio of average study values (diffusive sampling to active sampling) is 0.92 with 0.70 and 1.14 extreme ratios. Absolute percent difference for duplicate samples using diffusive sampling was <10% for the four most prevalent compounds. Agreement between the two sampling approaches indicates that the prediction of approximately constant diffusive sampling rates based on previous laboratory studies is valid under the field conditions.  相似文献   

Agricultural production systems are recognised as a major source of atmospheric ammonia. Deposition of ammonia and ammonium may contribute to undesired changes in oligotrophic ecosystems. The continuous measurement of atmospheric ammonia requires expensive and sophisticated techniques and is performed only in a very restrict number of ambient air stations in Europe. Therefore, the application of passive samplers, which have the advantage of being easy to handle and cost-efficient, is useful. In the past the comparability of different passive samplers must be considered as rather scarce. In a joint European project under the leadership of the GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit, Neuherberg, in 1997 a comparison of different passive ammonia monitoring methods was carried out in a prealpine rural site near Garmisch-Partenkirchen. It was considered valuable to include not only well established systems but also methods still being developed. For the comparative test ten working groups with different methods took part. A wet annular denuder system, which has been developed by the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation for on-line measurement of atmospheric ammonia, served as reference of passive methods. The experiment, which started in June and finished in December, showed that most of the passive samplers fulfil the requirements and can be recommended for further measurements. Additional measurements of meteorological parameters were performed to check the influences of different weather conditions on passive sampling.  相似文献   

In the framework of new European directives in the field of ambient air quality assessment specific requirements for measurement methods for benzene will be defined and have to be met in the future. In a residential area in the vicinity of a cokery a comprehensive monitoring programme for BTX compounds (benzene, toluene, xylenes) was carried out with diffusive samplers. Measurement results from 20 sites show a distinct spatial distribution of benzene concentrations which is caused by the emissions of the plant. Comparisons with two pumped measurement methods reveal excellent agreement in the case of benzene. An assessment of measurement uncertainty for the diffusive method is presented in terms of standard deviations from parallel measurements (precision) and by comparison with a reference method according to national and international standards. Data quality objectives required by an upcoming European directive for benzene can be met by diffusive sampling.  相似文献   

This study presents an evaluation of the extent of differences between measurements performed by O(3) and NO(2) diffusive samplers and by the reference methods for diffusive samplers commercially available. The tests were performed in an exposure chamber under extreme conditions of controlling factors and under field conditions. For NO(2), the results of the laboratory experiments showed that most of the diffusive samplers were affected by extreme exposure conditions. The agreement between the samplers and the reference method was better for the field tests than for the laboratory ones. The estimate of the uptake rate for the exposure conditions using a model equation improved the agreement between the diffusive samplers and the reference methods. The agreement between O(3) measured by the diffusive samplers and by the reference method was satisfactory for 1-week exposure. For 8-hour exposures, the diffusive samplers with high uptake rates quantified better the O(3) concentration than the samplers with low uptake rates. As for NO(2), the results of the O(3) field tests were in better agreement with the reference method than the ones of the laboratory tests. The field tests showed that the majority of diffusive samplers fulfils the 25% uncertainty requirement of the NO(2) European Directive and the 30% uncertainty requirement of the O(3) European Directive for 1-week exposure.  相似文献   

The extent to which very short peak widths, peak frequency, sampling time and post-sampling/pre-capping time impact upon occupational exposure measurements of toluene has been investigated using diffusive tubes. Additionally, the effect of the width of the peak on the estimation of peak maximum concentration and time-weighted average (TWA) concentration from real-time instruments (photoionisation detectors-PIDs) was also studied, and their responses modelled. No clear differences were perceived between diffusive and pumped tube results. Mean biases of -5 to +6% were recorded but no trend could be distinguished with respect to any of the variables examined; the main source of uncertainty was attributed to analytical uncertainty. The diffusive tubes can therefore be used to measure short term transient toluene concentrations (e.g. 5 s duration) over short (15 min) exposure periods. The two slower responding PIDs (t50 = 4 s) underestimated the maximum concentration of short term peaks having durations less than 10 s. The other three PIDs (t50 < or = 2 s) only significantly underestimated the maximum concentration of short term peaks having durations of 2 s and below. Pulse duration appeared to affect the PID's estimation of peak height more than peak area (TWA concentration).  相似文献   

A study of the equivalence to the reference methods of the Radiello samplers for ozone (O(3)) and benzene as well as the membrane-closed Palmes tube (MCPT) for nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) is presented. These samplers benefit from new model equations capable of estimating their uptake rate. For O(3), the aim here was to demonstrate the equivalence for the reference period of 8 h and 120 microg m(-3), the target value of the 3rd European Daughter Directive. For benzene, the demonstration of equivalence to the annual limit value of 5 microg m(-3) of the 2nd European Daughter Directive was examined. In the case of NO(2), the equivalence to the annual limit value of the 1st European Daughter Directive (40 microg m(-3)) was considered. Results show that the radial sampler for O(3) fails to meet the Data Quality Objective (DQO) for continuous monitoring. However, with an expanded uncertainty of less than 30%, the O(3) diffusive sampler fulfils the DQO for indicative measurements. For benzene, the Radiello sampler exposed for 7 days gave satisfying results showing the ability of the sampler to meet the DQO of the reference method. Nevertheless, the field tests should be complemented by measurements for a wider range of benzene concentrations. In the case of NO(2), all the results of the laboratory and field experiments respected the requirements necessary for the demonstration of equivalence. Overall, these findings thus show that the Radiello sampler and the MCPT are equivalent to the reference methods only for assessment of benzene and NO(2), respectively.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a feasability study for the preparation and certification of reference materials (RMs) for nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) and sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) in diffusive samplers. RMs for NO(2) were prepared by exposure to gas mixtures in a chamber while the RMs for SO(2) were prepared by liquid spiking. Certification of RMs for NO(2) was found feasible with a certified uncertainty of 5.8% and a proposed shelf life of 5 years. The uncertainty was calculated with contribution from the homogeneity of preparation, stability and transport of the CRMs and from an external verification of the certified value. To reach 5.8% of uncertainty, the contribution of the differences between the results of analysis by ion chromatography and colorimetry must be eliminated. It is proposed to solve this by pre-extracting the samplers with water before analysis. The results of this study indicate that the samplers are stable for at least two years before and after exposure when stored in a refrigerator. By contrast, the certification of RMs for SO(2) was found to not be feasible due to instability problems. This instability was attributed to reaction of sulfate on the walls of the samplers. Alternatively, the preparation of RMs by simultaneous exposure to SO(2) and NO(2) has been tested. Satisfying homogeneities has been reached both for NO(2) and SO(2).  相似文献   

In the study reported here semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were used to sample 28 PAHs and 19 PCBs in the gas phase in 15 single-family houses located in an area where domestic wood burning is widespread. Eight of the households used wood burning appliances whereas the others used other systems for residential heating. Most of the studied compounds were found in the houses: the PAHs at levels that were similar to or slightly higher than published SPMD-sampled levels for background or urban sites in Sweden, and the PCBs at levels that were somewhat lower than those recently found in both indoor and outdoor urban locations. A principal component analysis revealed that wood-burning heating systems may contribute to PAHs in indoor air. The sources may be emissions indoors or penetration from outdoors. The convenience of SPMD technology facilitates its use for semi-quantitative screening and monitoring of various persistent organic compounds indoors in dwellings and working environments.  相似文献   

采用静态顶空气相色谱法同时测定水中正丁烷、丁酮、醋酸异丙酯,最低检出限分别为正丁烷61μgL、丁酮40μgL、醋酸异丙酯12μgL。  相似文献   

Passive samplers have become more popular in their application in the measurement of airborne chemicals. For volatile organic compounds, the rate of a chemical's diffusivity is a determining factor in the quantity of the chemical being collected for a given passive sampler. While uptake rate of a chemical in the passive sampler can be determined either by collocation deployment of both active and passive samplers or use of controlled facilities such as environmental chambers, a new approach without a need for accurate active flow rate in the collocation experiment was demonstrated in this study. This approach uses chemicals of known uptake rates as references to calculate the actual flow rate of the active sampling in the collocation experiment. The active sampling rate in turn can be used in the determination of the uptake rates of all other chemicals present in the passive samplers. The advantage of such approach is the elimination of the errors in actual active sampling rate associated with low flow employed in the collocation experiment. Using this approach, passive uptake rates of more than 80 volatile organic compounds commonly present in indoor air were determined. These experimentally determined uptake rates correlate well with air diffusivity of the chemicals, indicating the regression equation describing such correlation might be useful in predicting the uptake rates of other volatile organic chemicals in indoor air based on their air diffusivity.  相似文献   

In order to encourage more exposure measurements to be performed, a formic acid gas-phase biosensor has been developed for this purpose. In the present paper, an enzyme based biosensor has been validated with respect to analyte selectivity and on-site use. To ensure that the sampler developed measures the compound of interest the biosensor was exposed to three near structural homologues to formic acid, i.e. acetic acid, methanol and formaldehyde. These vapours were generated with and without formic acid and the only compound that was found to have an effect on the performance of the biosensor, albeit a small one, was acetic acid. The field test was performed in a factory using formic acid-containing glue for glulam products. In parallel to the measurements with the biosensor a well defined reference method was used for sampling and analysing formic acid. It was found that the biosensor worked satisfactorily in this environment when used in a stationary position. It was also shown that the biosensor could determine formic acid vapour concentrations down to 0.03 mg m(-3).  相似文献   

Diffusive sampling of methyl isocyanate (MIC) on 4-nitro-7-piperazinobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBDPZ)-coated glass fibre (GF) filters is strongly affected by high relative humidity (RH) conditions. It is shown that the humidity interference is a physical phenomenon, based on displacement of reagent from the filter surface. In this paper, this drawback has been overcome by changing the filter material to the less polar polystyrene divinyl benzene (SDB). A series of experiments was performed to compare the analyte uptake on the two filter materials for different sampling periods and analyte concentrations at both low and high RH conditions. Additionally, the materials were investigated as well for passive sampling of ethyl (EIC) and phenyl isocyanate (PhIC) with NBDPZ and 1-(2-methoxyphenyl) piperazine (2-MP) as an alternative derivatising agent. Using 2-MP, the mean GF/SDB response ratios were determined to be 1.02 for MIC (RSD: 6.1%) and 1.03 for EIC (RSD: 6.8%), whereas PhIC could only be determined on SDB filters. Using NBDPZ as reagent, the negative influence of high humidity disappeared when SDB filters were used instead of GF filters. Even at low RH conditions, sampling with SDB material generally resulted in a higher analyte uptake than with GF filters. The GF/SDB response ratios were independent of sampling time or analyte concentration and were determined to be 0.70 (RSD: 4.7%) for MIC, 0.84 (RSD: 4.5%) for EIC and 0.95 (RSD 5.4%) for PhIC, meaning that the NBDPZ diffusive sampler based on SDB can be used at all humidity conditions without any restrictions.  相似文献   

Mercury vapour adsorption tubes manufactured for pumped sampling and analysis have been evaluated for their performance as passive samplers. This has been done by exposing these tubes in a novel micro-exposure chamber. The uptake rates of these tubes have been found to be low (approximately 0.215 ml min(-1)) as compared to bespoke passive samplers for mercury vapour (typically in excess of 50 ml min(-1)). The measured uptake rates were shown to vary significantly between tubes and this was attributed to the variability in the air-sorbent interface and the proportion of the cross sectional area removed by the crimp in the quartz tubes used to secure the sorbent material. As a result of this variability the uptake rate of each tube must be determined using the micro-exposure chamber prior to deployment. Results have shown that the uptake rate determined in the micro-exposure chamber is invariant of concentration, and therefore these uptakes rates may be determined at a high mercury vapour concentration for many tubes at once in less than one hour. The uptake rate of the adsorption tubes under these conditions may be determined with a precision of 5%. Measurements made on a limited field trial in indoor and outdoor ambient air have shown that these tubes give results in acceptable agreement with more traditional pumped sampling methods, although longer sampling periods are required in order to reduce the uncertainty of the measurement, which is currently approximately 30%.  相似文献   

Background culturable bacteria aerosols were collected and identified in two large public buildings located in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Seattle, Washington over a period of 5 months and 3 months, respectively. The installed particulate air filters in the ventilation systems were used as the aerosol sampling devices at each location. Both pre and final filters were collected from four air handing units at each site to determine the influence of location within the building, time of year, geographical location and difference between indoor and outdoor air. Sections of each loaded filter were eluted with 10 ml of phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The resulting solutions were cultured on blood agar plates and incubated for 24 h at 36 degrees C. Various types of growth media were then used for subculturing, followed by categorization using a BioLog MicroStation (Biolog, Hayward, CA, USA) and manual observation. Environmental parameters were gathered near each filter by the embedded on-site environmental monitoring systems to determine the effect of temperature, humidity and air flow. Thirty nine different species of bacteria were identified, 17 found only in Minneapolis and 5 only in Seattle. The hardy spore-forming genus Bacillus was the most commonly identified and showed the highest concentrations. A significant decrease in the number of species and their concentration occurred in the Minneapolis air handling unit supplying 100% outdoor air in winter, however no significant correlations between bacteria concentration and environmental parameters were found.  相似文献   

This paper concludes a five-year program on research into the use of a portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer for analyzing lead in air sampling filters from different industrial environments, including mining, manufacturing and recycling. The results from four of these environments have already been reported. The results from two additional metal processes are presented here. At both of these sites, lead was a minor component of the total airborne metals and interferences from other elements were minimal. Nevertheless, only results from the three sites where lead was the most abundant metal were used in the overall calculation of method accuracy. The XRF analyzer was used to interrogate the filters, which were then subjected to acid digestion and analysis by inductively-coupled plasma optical-emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The filter samples were collected using different filter-holders or "samplers" where the size (diameter), depth and homogeneity of aerosol deposit varied from sampler to sampler. The aerosol collection efficiencies of the samplers were expected to differ, especially for larger particles. The distribution of particles once having entered the sampler was also expected to differ between samplers. Samplers were paired to allow the between-sampler variability to be addressed, and, in some cases, internal sampler wall deposits were evaluated and compared to the filter catch. It was found, rather surprisingly, that analysis of the filter deposits (by ICP-OES) of all the samplers gave equivalent results. It was also found that deposits on some of the sampler walls, which in some protocols are considered part of the sample, could be significant in comparison to the filter deposit. If it is concluded that wall-deposits should be analyzed, then XRF analysis of the filter can only give a minimum estimate of the concentration. Techniques for the statistical analysis of field data were also developed as part of this program and have been reported elsewhere. The results, based on data from the three workplaces where lead was the major element present in the samples, are summarized here. A limit of detection and a limit of quantitation are provided. Analysis of some samples using a second analyzer with a different X-ray source technology indicated reasonable agreement for some metals (but this was not evaluated for lead). Provided it is only necessary to analyze the filters, most personal samplers will provide acceptable results when used with portable XRF analysis for lead around applicable limit values.  相似文献   

The adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) by two powdered coal activated carbons was studied in aqueous solution. The modelling of the adsorption equilibrium showed that the adsorption of 2,4-D fitted a Langmuir isotherm. Adsorption was influenced by the activated carbon type, adsorbent concentration and solution characteristics. The adsorption was found to decrease with an increase in pH over the range 1.5-9. Maximum adsorption occurred at pH approximately 2.5, which corresponds to the 2,4-D pKa value. The amount of 2,4-D adsorbed was also found to depend on the NaCl concentration.  相似文献   

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