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The response of males to reduced paternity has important consequences for the evolution and maintenance of a mixed reproductive strategy. Paternity is predicted to affect directly the level of male parental care in some cases but not in others. The response of males to reduced paternity will be influenced by their ability to assess their paternity, the predictability of cuckoldry and the costs and benefits of parental care. Although male house martins (Delichon urbica) provide among the highest levels of male parental care known in passerines (incubation, brooding and feeding nestlings), there was no evidence that cuckolded males substantially reduced their level of parental care, and, as a result, all young fledged successfully. Thus, extra-pair fertilizations enhanced the reproductive success of some males because they were able to parasitize the parental care of cuckolded males. We discuss several conditions which may favor extensive male parental care even when the male's paternity is very low.  相似文献   

Communal breeding through nest-sharing may benefit cooperating individuals indirectly, in increased inclusive fitness, or directly, when environmental constraints reduce the fitness of solitary breeders. Burying beetles provide extensive parental care and can breed either in pairs or in larger groups of unrelated males and females. Parentage of communally-reared broods is usually shared but is skewed in favor of the individuals of each sex that provide longer care. Females provide care longer than males, and two females are more likely to remain together in the brood chamber than two males are. Flies and other burying beetles are the major competitors for carcasses and this study suggests that it is competition with flies that promotes communal breeding inNicrophorus tomentosus On medium-size carcasses (35–40 g) the presence or absence of oviposition by flies had a significant effect on the size of the brood reared, and on large carcasses (55–60 g) the number of beetles present, two or four, had a significant effect on brood size. On both medium and large carcasses, pairs rearing broods on flyblown carcasses had fewer young than pairs on clean carcasses or foursomes on flyblown carcasses. There was a strong trend for an interaction effect between number of beetles and competition with flies (Table 1). Duration of parental care was not affected by competition with flies except for that of the first male to depart, which provided care longer on flyblown carcasses (Table 2). Pairs and foursomes were equally able to defend the carcass and brood from conspecific intruders and from larger intrudingNicrophorus orbicollis (Table 3).  相似文献   

Varroa jacobsoni, an ectoparasite of the Asian honeybeeApis cerana, has been introduced world-wide, and is currently decimating colonies of the European honeybeeApis mellifera.Varroa's reproductive cycle is tuned to that of drone cells, those mainly parasitized in the original host. We describe here how a single fertilized female, infesting a brood cell, can produce two to four adult fertilized females within the limited time span of bee development (270 h in worker and 320 h in drone cells), despite the disturbance caused by cocoon spinning and subsequent morphological changes of the bee. From observations on transparent artificial cells we were able to show how the mite combats these problems with specialized behaviors that avoid destruction by the developing bee, prepares a feeding site for the nymphs on the bee pupa, and constructs a fecal accumulation on the cell wall which serves as a rendezvous site for matings between its offspring. The proximity of the fecal accumulation to the feeding site facilitates feeding by the maturing progeny. However, communal use of the feeding site leads to competition between individuals, and protonymphs are most disadvantaged. This competition is somewhat compensated by the timing of oviposition by the mites. Use of a common rendezvous and feeding site by two or moreVarroa mothers in multiinfested cells may have developed from the parental care afforded to them as nymphs.  相似文献   

We video-taped male and female red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) feeding individual chicks in order to test the hypothesis that food might be differently allocated to within-pair offspring and extra-pair young. We found no evidence that paternity influenced the allocation of food by either males or females. Both males and females fed male offspring significantly more, but there was no tendency for paternity to be skewed by gender. Females fed older offspring significantly more, whereas males did not; extra-pair fertilizations, however, were not associated with lay or hatch order of the chicks. Given that males do not appear to discriminate within-pair from extra-pair offspring directly, these results are consistent with current theory on the effect of paternity on paternal behavior. We discuss briefly some of the possible reasons why discrimination might be lacking in red-winged blackbirds and in other species in which the possibility of discrimination of paternity and allocation of paternal behavior has been studied.  相似文献   

Emlen and Oring (1977) suggested that monogamy in birds is maintained because of the need for strict biparental care. A corollary of their suggestion is that paternal care should decrease under conditions of high food abundance. An alternative is that paternal care would increase if males take advantage of the higher food abundance by trying to reduce the length of the nestling feeding period. We tested these two ideas using yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) by providing some pairs with supplemental food, thereby reducing the importance of biparental care. However, the extra food did not decrease paternal effort, nor did it increase it (Fig. 2). Early in the nestling period experimental females brooded more but visited their nestlings less than did control females, but later, when brooding times decreased, experimental females fed their nestlings more than did control females (Fig. 3). There were no significant differences in nestling survival (Fig. 5), but nestlings in the control treatment were larger and heavier up to 6 days old (Fig. 6). The main effect of supplemental food was on maternal, not paternal behaviour. Models of biparental care assume interdependence between the parental effort of both parents. In this species, however, males and females provide for their brood independently from each other.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that parental condition may affect offspring mortality patterns by affecting offspring testosterone levels. Accordingly, we hypothesized that there is a relationship between offspring testosterone concentration and survival during the early nestling period, and that both are influenced by parent age/experience and by prey availability. We tested our hypothesis on tawny owls Strix aluco in their first and third known breeding seasons, when they bred either in adverse or mild weather conditions, in Duna-Ipoly National Park, Hungary. Plasma testosterone concentrations of the nestlings were analyzed and related to parental condition, hatching order and nestling mortality. Inexperienced parents breeding in all weather conditions and experienced parents breeding in adverse conditions were both in poor condition compared to experienced parents breeding in mild conditions. Parents in poor condition produced broods with large between-sibling differences in testosterone concentrations and their later-hatched nestlings (which had low testosterone levels) died during the early nestling period, whereas parents in good condition produced broods with lower variation in offspring testosterone concentrations and all offspring survived the early nestling period. We discuss environmental influences on the amount of testosterone deposited in eggs, and also how maternal testosterone might induce those mechanisms producing testosterone in the nestlings.Communicated by M. Webster, T. Czeschlik  相似文献   

Aposematic species exploit the ability of predators to associate, for example, conspicuous colouration with the unprofitability of prey. We tested the importance of colour for avoidance learning, memory and generalisation in wild-caught great tits (Parus major). First, we determined the birds’ initial colour preferences for red, yellow, orange and grey artificial prey items. The birds showed some preferences, as they were more willing to eat grey prey as their first choice, but these were not strong preferences. We then trained birds to discriminate red, yellow or variable (red and yellow) signals from grey where colours signalled palatable and unpalatable food. In general, the birds learned the discrimination task equally well, irrespective of which colours signalled unpalatability, and subsequently remembered the distinction between previously palatable and previously unpalatable colours in the memorability test. We did not find strong evidence that variability in the signal affected learning or memory. Our results suggest that, in a task where birds must discriminate between palatable and unpalatable prey, it does not matter which specific colour signals unpalatability, although this might be context-dependent. To study whether training also affects responses to unconditioned stimuli, we included orange prey items in the memorability test. Although orange had been palatable in the initial preference test, the birds ate fewer orange prey items after they had been trained to avoid red, yellow or both colours (variable signal) as unpalatable prey, but did not change their preference when trained that these colourful signals were palatable. This indicates that generalisation occurred more readily after a negative experience than a positive experience, a situation that would potentially allow imperfect mimicry to occur.  相似文献   

While male parental care is uncommon in mammals, siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) males provide care for infants in the form of infant carrying. I collected behavioral data from a cohort of five wild siamang infants from early infancy until age 15–24 months to identify factors affecting male care and to assess the consequences of male care for males, females, and infants in a population including socially monogamous groups and polyandrous groups. There was substantial variation in male caring behavior. All males in polyandrous groups provided care for infants, but males in socially monogamous groups provided substantially more care than males in polyandrous groups, even when the combined effort of all males in a group was considered. These results suggest that polyandry in siamangs is unlikely to be promoted by the need for “helpers.” Infants receiving more care from males did not receive more care overall because females compensated for increases in male care by reducing their own caring effort. There was no significant relationship between indicators of male–female social bond strength and male time spent carrying infants, and the onset of male care was not associated with a change in copulation rates. Females providing more care for infants had significantly longer interbirth intervals. Male care may reduce the energetic costs of reproduction for females, permitting higher female reproductive rates.  相似文献   

Lack of parental experience or differences in reproductive effort may lead to variation in nest defence behaviour among individuals in a prey population. In this experimental study, we analysed nest defence behaviour using a model of an American mink, Mustela vison, a non-native predator, at colonies of arctic terns, Sterna paradisaea, in two large areas where mink had been removed and two comparable control areas with mink in the south-western archipelago of Finland, Baltic Sea, in June 2000. Furthermore, we recorded breeding success of arctic terns in the same four areas during 1998–2001. Arctic terns took higher risks in nest defence in control areas and in a short-term (mink-free for 2 years) removal area than in the long-term (mink-free for 8 years) removal area. Thus, colonies with recent experience of mink were more active in defending their offspring. The breeding success of arctic terns was significantly higher in mink-removal areas than in control areas. We conclude that arctic terns modify their nest defence behaviour in the presence of mink. However, they cannot defend their nests sufficiently against this mainly nocturnal predator, since their breeding success is reduced in areas where mink are present.Communicated by J. Graves  相似文献   

The quality and quantity of food delivered to young are among the major determinants of fitness. A parental provisioning capacity is known to increase with body size. Therefore, brood parasitism provides an opportunity to test the effects of varying provisioning abilities of different-sized hosts on parasitic chick growth and fledging success. Knowledge of growth patterns of common cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, chicks in nests of common hosts is very poor. Moreover, no study to date has focused on any currently unused hosts (i.e., suitable cuckoo host species in which parasitism is currently rare or absent). Here, I compare the growth performance of cuckoo chicks in nests of a common host (the reed warbler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus) and two unparasitized hosts (the song thrush, Turdus philomelos, and the blackbird, Turdus merula). Parasitic chicks were sole occupants of the observed nests, thus eliminating the confounding effect of competition with host chicks. Experiments revealed striking differences in parasitic chick growth in the two closely related Turdus hosts. Cuckoo chicks cross-fostered to song thrush nests grew much quicker and attained much higher mass at fledging than those in nests of their common reed warbler host. Alternatively, parasitic chicks in blackbird nests grew poorly and did not survive until fledging. I discuss these observations with respect to host selection by parasitic cuckoos.  相似文献   

Females of Elasmucha grisea defend their eggs and small nymphs against invertebrate predators. Females sometimes guard their clutches side by side on the same birch leaf. We studied benefits of this joint guarding both in the field and in the laboratory. We found that adjacent females had significantly larger clutches than solitary females. In the laboratory, we studied the effectiveness of joint versus single defence against ant (Formica uralensis) predators. We established female pairs from initially singly guarding females by cutting off pieces of leaves with egg clutches and pasting them beside another female guarding her clutch. In the control group the females with their clutches were similarly cut off but these clutches were placed on another leaf without any female. The birch twigs where females guarded their clutches were placed in cages in close proximity to laboratory ant nests. In the experimental treatment, two females guarded their clutches together and at the same nest there was another birch twig without a female. In the control treatment two twigs with one female on each were placed close to another ant nest. Two females defended their clutches significantly more successfully, losing fewer eggs than did the single females. This primitive form of female sociality in parent bugs resembles colonial nesting in birds, where communal defence is also important. However, to our knowledge this is the first experiment where the benefit of joint guarding has been tested directly by manipulating the size of the breeding group rather than by measuring the risk of predation in groups of different size.  相似文献   

In birds, many aspects of male socio-sexual and parental behavior are influenced by androgens, most notably testosterone (T). We report the effects of subcutaneous T-implants in male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) on male and female parental behavior and on seasonal reproductive success. Males were assigned to one of three experimental groups: (i) implanted with a T-filled Silastic tube; (ii) implanted with an empty Silastic tube; and (iii) not implanted. T-implanted males provided a smaller proportion of feedings (number of feedings by the male/total number of feedings by both parents) and fed nestlings less frequently (number of feedings/h) than males of the other two groups. Females paired to T-implanted males fed nestlings significantly more often than females paired with unimplanted males. Females almost fully compensated for their mates' shortfall, and this resulted in similar combined feeding efforts among treatments. Reproductive success in their first broods or during the entire breeding season was unaffected by T- treatment. These results confirm earlier reports of the suppressive effects of T on male parental behavior. However, they are inconsistent with current ESS models that predict partial compensation as the optimal response by one individual to reduction of parental effort by its mate in monogamous, biparental systems.  相似文献   

We recorded behaviour of kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) in western Finland during the courtship (1988–1992), incubation (1989–1991), early nestling (age of young 1–2 weeks, 1989–1992) and late nestling stages (3–4 weeks, 1989–1991) to examine determinants of their parental effort (PE). In males, PE was estimated as the hunting effort (the proportion of budget time spent in flight-hunting) and in females as the food provisioning rate (number of prey items delivered to the nest per hour). The following predictions derived from the parental investment theory were examined. (1) Parents rearing large clutches and broods should invest more in breeding than do parents rearing small clutches and broods. The hunting effort of parents did not increase with clutch or brood size, but males tending large broods had a higher prey delivery rate than males tending small broods (Figs 1–2). (2) PE of parents should increase in the course of the breeding season. In males, this was true only between the incubation and early nestling phases (Fig. 3). (3) The early pairs should invest more in breeding than late ones. This tended to be true during the early (for males) and late nestling phases (for females) (Fig. 4). (4) There should be a negative correlation between PE of mates within pairs, but no evidence for such adjustment was found (Fig. 5). (5) Females mated with bright-coloured attractive males should show higher PE than females mated with dull-coloured males but our results were inconsistent with this prediction. We conclude that PE decisions of kestrels are mainly based on cost-benefit estimates of residual reproductive value, rather than on current investment indicators, like clutch or brood size. This might be beneficial in environments with highly variable survival prospects of offspring caused by pronounced among-year variation in abundance of the main food (microtine rodents). The results also show that hypotheses explaining variation in PE in the short term are not necessarily valid for long-term PE, e.g. tending clutches or broods, which also reflects the demands of female and young.  相似文献   

Among the most familiar sexual signals are red, yellow, and orange sexual traits pigmented by carotenoids. Many birds can detect near-ultraviolet (UV) light, and UV signals can play key roles in mate choice. Grouse (Tetraonidae) exhibit bright carotenoid-dependent sexual ornaments, their supra-orbital combs, which to humans appear orange-red. Combs also reflect in the UV, which is not visible to humans but is likely to be visible to grouse. In male red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus, we show that comb UV reflectance decreases with increasing comb size and redness. By removing the epidermis of combs, where carotenoid pigments are, we show that the UV reflectance is a property of the dermis, underneath the red pigmented epidermis. Carotenoid pigmentation of combs acted as a mask to reduce reflectance by the dermis in the range 400–550 nm and in the UV, 300–400 nm. Patagium skin (non-ornamental skin under the wing) also reflects in the UV, but epidermis removal on this bare part tended to reduce UV reflectance, whereas removal of the red epidermis of combs increased UV reflectance. Males in better condition (greater body mass relative to size) had bigger and redder combs, but with less UV. Thus, carotenoid pigments of grouse combs are deposited on a white background with significant UV reflectance, which can influence how the signal is perceived by conspecifics. Carotenoid-based traits exhibit UV reflectance in a number of species, but how UV reflectance and carotenoid pigmentation influence colour remains little known for integumentary ornaments compared to plumage traits. UV vision is not uncommon in birds and other animals, so future studies should investigate how UV reflectance influences the perception of carotenoid-based signals of quality.  相似文献   

We performed male attraction experiments and staged courtship sequences to test for non-random mating with respect to social behavioral phenotype in the comb-footed spider, Anelosimus studiosus. While asocial behavior is the dominant phenotype in all A. studiosus populations examined to date, a social phenotype approaches a frequency of 15% in colder environments. We collected test subjects from higher latitude polymorphic populations and scored all individuals as to their behavioral phenotype prior to their use in these trials. Males of both phenotypes differentially approached and courted social females over asocial females and no-spider controls. By offering males different numbers of females of one type vs. the other in subsequent trials, we determined that the difference in attractiveness between the two phenotypes social/asocial is 1.5/1. Both the web produced by a female and a female that has been removed from its web attract males. We suggest that the male attracting pheromone is present on females and is also attached to silk threads. Staged encounters completed between males and females of the respective phenotypes demonstrated that courting males suffer significantly less pre-copulatory sexual cannibalism with social females than with asocial ones, and thus, female social tendency is phenotypically linked to sexual aggression. We propose that the male preference for social females is adaptive because of the observed asymmetry in courtship success.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, the adults are faced with a dilemma during chick rearing. Males must decide how to distribute food between their females and food allocation patterns are often highly unequal. In turn, the females that receive less food from males have to decide how much time to invest in additional hunting. If they spend more time hunting, then they leave their young exposed to weather and predators. However, if they stay at the nest, they increase the risk of their chicks starving. One way that birds may compensate for reduced provisioning is by increasing the size of prey caught. We tested this hypothesis by comparing prey deliveries to nests of hen harriers, Circus cyaneus, with females of different breeding status. As expected, male harriers delivered less food items to the nests of polygynous females, and especially their secondary, or β females. However, both sexes were able to compensate by delivering larger items and there was no difference in the overall mass of food delivered to nests. Moreover, females spent a similar amount of time at the nest, irrespective of status, and there were no overall differences in breeding success. Our results show that polygynous female harriers can compensate for the costs of polygyny, but we suggest that their ability to do so will vary according to the abundance of both large prey and predators.  相似文献   

Female kentish plovers Charadrius alexandrinus typically desert their broods after the chicks hatch, i.e. 1–4 weeks before the chicks fledge or become independent. In this paper we investigate the costs and benefits of desertion for females. Desertion incurs a cost for females: following desertion chick survival in broods is lower (0.95 +- 0.02 day–1) than before the female deserts (0.98 +- 0.01 day–1). We investigated several possible causes for reduced brood survival by comparing characteristics of broods before and after desertion (controlling for differences in brood age). After desertion males increased the time they spent foraging and they tended to reduce time spent brooding chicks. Increased mortality of chicks may occur in deserted broods because following desertion (1) males spend less time alert in vigilance behaviour than before desertion, (2) they attend the chicks from greater distances, and (3) they show greater distraction display distances (in response to human intruders). Growth or development of chicks, measured by weight gain and tarsus length, was not different before and after desertion. Females gain two potential benefits from desertion: (1) they may remate and produce a second brood within the same breeding season or (2) they may enhance their probability of surviving to breed in a subsequent season. At least 27% of female kentish plovers that deserted remated and renested in the same season in this study. In contrast, we found no evidence that brood desertion increased the survival of females: there was no difference in local survival rate (return rate) for females deserting before or after 6 days brood age. These results clearly demonstrate that female kentish plovers that desert their offspring prior to fledging incur costs, but we suggest that there is a trade-off with the potential benefits gained by remating and making a second breeding attempt in the same season.  相似文献   

Studies of parental behavior in various habitats provide an opportunity to gain insight into how different environments may mold strategies of parental care. Brood division by parents has been hypothesized to occur facultatively within and among species. Brood division occurs when each parent cares for specific offspring within a brood. We studied brood division in a neotropical passerine, the western slaty antshrike (Thamnophilus atrinucha). Our results present a unique picture of a highly specialized example of avian brood division. Division was a fixed behavioral pattern in the population studied: all broods divided by fledging and remained divided during the entire post-fledging period. Brood division before fledging, a previously unreported phenomenon, occurred in 40% of nests observed. Parents that preferentially fed a certain offspring (defined as their focal offspring) in the nest fed the same individual after fledging. Each parent fed only its focal offspring in broods of one and two. The male parent cared for the heavier offspring and the first offspring to leave the nest. Siblings were segregated spatially during the time of highest predation risk. These observations suggest that a consistently high risk of predation on offspring has favored initial spatial segregation and inflexibility of brood division behavior in this species. Factors other than predation risk alone may explain the observed patterns of long-term, perfect brood division. Because high predation is common and relatively predictable in the tropics, selection for fixed brood division may be stronger in tropical birds than in the temperate zone.  相似文献   

Factors that affect extra-pair mating in birds are likely to vary across the breeding season. Changing densities of active nests may alter the opportunities for extra-pair mating, and parental duties may alter a male’s opportunity to guard his mate from extra-pair mating. The latter affects species with multiple broods, where males care for fledglings from first nests while females initiate second nests. We studied a population of multi-brooded American robins (Turdus migratorius) to assess how seasonal changes in nesting density and changes in mate-guarding opportunity influenced paternity patterns over successive breeding attempts. Extra-pair paternity (EPP) occurred in 71.9% of broods and accounted for 48.1% of young. High nesting densities in the study population may explain the high overall rate of EPP, but seasonal variation in breeding density did not explain patterns of EPP among nests. Contrary to the predictions of the mate-guarding hypothesis, EPP did not increase in the second nests that followed successful first nests, and the percentage of extra-pair young in second nests did not decline as the overlap between successive nests increased. The fact that EPP was actually lower when the interval between clutches was shorter suggests that the sooner the males can assume sole care of first broods and allow their mates to renest (indicative of superior paternal quality), the more paternity they realize in the next nest. These results suggest that mate-guarding opportunity does not influence paternity in this population of American robins and that female robins may allocate paternity based on their assessment of male parental performance at first nests.  相似文献   

Variation in reproductive potential usually occurs among individuals of both sexes; for example, some individuals may carry more gametes or be able to continue to generate more gametes in their reproductive life than others. Therefore, to maximize their reproductive success, both sexes are expected to show adaptations for mate choice. However, most authors concentrated on how females choose their mates with the belief that females invest more in reproduction than males, and males are generally eager to pair with any female. In this paper, we report our work on a polygamous moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), with special emphasis on male pre- and in-copulation mate choice in relation to the reproductive quality and re-copulation potential of females. We show that in E. kuehniella, younger and heavier females have significantly higher reproductive value than older and lighter ones, and male sperm supply significantly decreases over successive copulations. Males exercise pre-copulation mate choice by selecting females with higher reproductive potential for copulation and in-copulation mate choice by allocating more sperm to females with higher reproductive potential. However, high-quality females are more likely to re-copulate than low-quality ones, and allocation of more sperm to females by males does not increase female reproductive outputs. It is suggested that the allocation of more sperm to high-quality females functions to increase sperm competitiveness against rivals.  相似文献   

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