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A spatially and temporally resolved biogenic hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions inventory has been developed for a region along the Mexico-U.S. border area. Average daily biogenic non-methane organic gases (NMOG) emissions for the 1700 x 1000 km2 domain were estimated at 23,800 metric tons/day (62% from Mexico and 38% from the United States), and biogenic NOx was estimated at 1230 metric tons/day (54% from Mexico and 46% from the United States) for the July 18-20, 1993, ozone episode. The biogenic NMOG represented 74% of the total NMOG emissions, and biogenic NOx was 14% of the total NOx. The CIT photochemical airshed model was used to assess how biogenic emissions impact air quality. Predicted ground-level ozone increased by 5-10 ppb in most rural areas, 10-20 ppb near urban centers, and 20-30 ppb immediately downwind of the urban centers compared to simulations in which only anthropogenic emissions were used. A sensitivity analysis of predicted ozone concentration to emissions was performed using the decoupled direct method for three dimensional air quality models (DDM-3D). The highest positive sensitivity of ground-level ozone concentration to biogenic volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions (i.e., increasing biogenic VOC emissions results in increasing ozone concentrations) was predicted to be in locations with high NOx levels, (i.e., the urban areas). One urban center--Houston--was predicted to have a slight negative sensitivity to biogenic NO emissions (i.e., increasing biogenic NO emissions results in decreasing local ozone concentrations). The highest sensitivities of ozone concentrations to on-road mobile source VOC emissions, all positive, were mainly in the urban areas. The highest sensitivities of ozone concentrations to on-road mobile source NOx emissions were predicted in both urban (either positive or negative sensitivities) and rural (positive sensitivities) locations.  相似文献   

An empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is applied to two different data sets of tropospheric column ozone (TCO) and observed lightning flash rates over the tropical Atlantic for the period of 1996–2000. The first two dominant EOF modes of TCO values, explaining more than 65% of total variance are characterized by the seasonal cycle. The time series of EOF1 and EOF2 of TCO values are in phase with those of the EOF2 (16%) and EOF1 (63%) of the lightning, respectively. These relationships imply the influence of lightning on the tropical ozone maximum and the tropical ozone paradox. Moreover, the spatial distribution of the EOF modes and the horizontal wind field in the upper troposphere show that the highest lightning flash rates are located upstream of the region where high TCO values are found throughout the year.  相似文献   

Year-long measurements of NOx and ozone performed during the NOXAR project are compared to results from the ECHAM4.L39(DLR)/CHEM (E39/C) and GISS coupled chemistry–climate models. The measurements were taken on flights between Europe and the eastern United States and between Europe and the Far East in the latitude range 40–65°N. Our comparison concentrates on the upper troposphere and reveals strong longitudinal variations in seasonal mean NOx of more than 200 pptv, which both models are able to reproduce qualitatively. Vertical profiles show maximum NOx values 2–3 km below the tropopause (“E-shape”) with a strong seasonal cycle. E39/C simulates a maximum located at the tropopause and with a reasonable seasonal cycle. The GISS model reproduces the seasonal cycle but not the profile's shape due to its coarser vertical resolution. A comparison of NOx frequency distributions reveals that both models are capable of reproducing the observed variability, except that E39/C shows no very high NOx mixing ratios.Both models show that lightning and surface NOx emissions contribute the most to the seasonal cycle of NOx at tropopause altitudes. The impact of lightning in the upper troposphere does not vary strongly with altitude, whereas the impact of surface emissions decreases with altitude. Among all sources, lightning contributes the most to the variability of NOx in the upper troposphere in northern mid-latitudes during summer.  相似文献   

Closing Remarks     
Considerable attention has been paid in recent years to photochemical smog pollution close to the earth's surface and to stratospheric ozone depletion. There is reason to suspect that the next round of scientific concern will be devoted to the perturbations in the “free troposphere.” Tropospheric ozone has been building up in many regions of the northern hemisphere. Ozone changes in the upper troposphere will exert a considerable impact on global warming. This could affect moisture levels, cloud amount and distribution, precipitation, and atmospheric dynamics on different scales.

This paper analyzes: (1) the physical and chemical processes contributing to changes in tropospheric ozone concentration; (2) the observational evidence of previous ozone change; and (3) results drawn from computer modelling of past and future radiative forcing caused by rising ozone concentrations in the upper troposphere.

The solar and longwave radiative model developed by Wang et al. (1991) was used for calculating the change in radiative forcing to the troposphere-surface system that can be ascribed to changing concentrations in ozone and other greenhouse gases. Nitric oxide emission from aircraft are a prime suspect for the observed increases in upper tropospheric ozone. The inference can be drawn that a radiative forcing of 0.2 to 0.35 Wm-2 will result from a doubling of aircraft emissions over the next two decades. This will amount to 10 to 25 percent of the radiative forcing attributable to CO2 alone for the same period. The effect of doubling aircraft emissions will increase as stratospheric ozone concentrations recover from the recent buildup of harmful chlorofluorocarbons. A large fraction of the radiative forcing that occurred during the 1970 to 1990 period can be attributed to increases in tropospheric ozone as opposed to increases in other greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

The natural background in the ozone concentration at rural locations in the United States and western Europe has been estimated by use of several approaches. The approaches utilized include the following: (1) historical trends in ozone concentration measurements, (2) recent ozone measurements at remote sites, (3) use of tracers of air originating in the stratosphere or upper troposphere and (4) results from applications of tropospheric photochemical models. While each of these approaches has its own limitations it appears that the natural background of ozone during the warmer months of the year is in the range of 10 to 20 ppb. Most of the ozone originating in the lower stratosphere or upper troposphere is lost by chemical or physical removal processes as well as undergoing dilution by air in the lower troposphere before reaching ground level rural locations. Lower tropospheric photochemical processes, those below 5 km, are likely to account for most of the ozone measured at rural locations during the warmer months of the year.

A key aspect to improved quantitation of the contributions from lower tropospheric photochemical processes to ozone concentrations continues to be more extensive atmospheric measurements of the distribution of reactive species of nitrogen. The emission densities of anthropogenic sources of NOx are known to be highly variable over populated areas of continents as well as between continental areas and the oceans. The emission densities of biogenic sources of NOx are small, likely to be highly variable, but poorly quantitated. These wide variations indicate the need for use of three dimensional tropospheric photochemical models over large continental regions.

Available results do indicate higher efficiencies for ozone formation at lower NOx concentrations, especially below 1 ppb.  相似文献   

High ozone concentrations, often in excess of the national ambient air quality standard for photochemical oxidants, have been measured simultaneously in urban and rural areas of New York State. Average daily rural ozone concentrations were found to correlate well with daily maximum urban ozone concentrations suggesting a common source. Estimations of the quantity of ozone advectively transported into New York State are more than an order of magnitude greater than estimations of the potential photochemical generation of ozone from hydrocarbon emissions within New York State. It is suggested thai the high rural ozone levels are not primarily due to the transport of ozone and ozone precursors from olher urban areas, but are rather due to natural phenomena such as photochemical generation from naturally occurring precursors or transport of ozone from the stratosphere to the troposphere. The effectiveness of a hydrocarbon control strategy for New York State to meet the ambient air quality standard for photochemical oxidants when background levels themselves may be above the standard is questioned.  相似文献   

Natural emissions adopted in current regional air quality modeling are updated to better describe natural background ozone and PM concentrations for North America. The revised natural emissions include organosulfur from the ocean, NO from lightning, sea salt, biogenic secondary organic aerosol (SOA) precursors, and pre-industrial levels of background methane. The model algorithm for SOA formation was also revised. Natural background ozone concentrations increase by up to 4 ppb in annual average over the southeastern US and Gulf of Mexico due to added NO from lightning while the revised biogenic emissions produced less ozone in the central and western US. Natural PM2.5 concentrations generally increased with the revised natural emissions. Future year (2018) simulations were conducted for several anthropogenic emission reduction scenarios to assess the impact of the revised natural emissions on anthropogenic emission control strategies. Overall, the revised natural emissions did not significantly alter the ozone responses to the emissions reductions in 2018. With revised natural emissions, ozone concentrations were slightly less sensitive to reducing NOx in the southeastern US than with the current natural emissions due to higher NO from lightning. The revised natural emissions have little impact on modeled PM2.5 responses to anthropogenic emission reductions. However, there are substantial uncertainties in current representations of natural sources in air quality models and we recommend that further study is needed to refine these representations.  相似文献   

Several studies in modeling atmospheric processes have suggested that heterogeneous chemistry on soot emitted from high altitude aircraft could affect stratospheric ozone depletion. However, these modeling studies were limited because they did not adequately consider the decrease in reaction probability with time as the surface of the soot becomes “poisoned” by its interactions with various gases. Here we extend UIUC's two-dimensional chemical-transport model to investigate possible effects of heterogeneous reactions of ozone on aircraft-generated carbon particles, including a treatment of soot poisoning in the model. We generally follow literature recommendations for ozone uptake probabilities and determine the available active sites on soot given partial pressures of the reactants, temperature, and time since soot emission in order to investigate ozone decrease. The regeneration of soot active sites is also taken into account in this study. We find that, even if active sites on soot surfaces are regenerated, upper troposphere and lower stratosphere ozone losses on aircraft emitted soot occurring through heterogeneous reactions are insignificant once poisoning effects are considered.  相似文献   

An overview of the ozone issues is given including the following aspects: 1. The impact of tropospheric ozone on climate as a greenhouse gas (GHG), 2. Solar activity effects on TO and ozone concentration vertical profiles in both the troposphere and stratosphere (in cases of solar radiation absorption by the stratosphere, an unexpected problem arises via a coupling between processes of increased absorption due to “bursts” of solar activity and an enhanced destruction of ozone molecules due to the same increase resulting in weakening UV radiation absorption) and 3. Surface ozone concentration variations under conditions of polluted urban atmospheres which lead to episodes of photochemical smog formation (dangerous for human health).  相似文献   

Sixteen years of ozone measurements (1992–2006) at Reunion Island (21°S, 55.5°E) have been processed to detect stratospheric signatures on each single ozone profile.The characterisation method consists in the advection of the potential vorticity (PV) over two to ten days of backtrajectory with the lagrangian trajectory code LACYTRAJ. LACYTRAJ is a Trajectory-Reverse Domain Filling code using the ERA40 ECMWF database and allowing the reconstruction of high resolution advected PV profiles. Correlation between high values of ozone mixing ratio and high PV is interpreted as a stratospheric signature.A climatology of STE events at Reunion has been derived and reveals that STE events occur more frequently during spring (SON) and summer (DJF). The method is tested for a set of PV threshold values (i.e. 1 PVU, 1.5 PVU and 2 PVU) and for a set of duration of backtrajectories (i.e. 2 days, 5 days and 10 days). The number of detected STE is sensitive to PV threshold values and duration criterions. For instance, the number of stratospheric intrusions detected in October with a 1.5 PVU criterion ranges between 25% (2 days of backtrajectories) and 56% (10 days of backtrajectories). The vertical distributions of STE show intrusions covering the whole free troposphere (between 7 and 15 km) and mainly located in the upper troposphere.Finally, results show that an important number of stratospheric intrusions are detected during spring and in the upper troposphere what points at the contribution of the stratospheric source to the tropospheric ozone spring maximum which is strongly influenced by the biomass burning emissions from South Africa and Madagascar.  相似文献   

A modeling system consisting of MM5, Calmet, and Calgrid was used to investigate the sensitivity of anthropogenic volatile organic compound (VOC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) reductions on ozone formation within the Cascadia airshed of the Pacific Northwest. An ozone episode that occurred on July 11-14, 1996, was evaluated. During this event, high ozone levels were recorded at monitors downwind of Seattle, WA, and Portland, OR, with one monitor exceeding the 1 hr/120 ppb National Ambient Air Quality Standard (at 148 ppb), and six monitors above the proposed 8 hr/80 ppb standard (at 82-130 ppb). For this particular case, significant emissions reductions, between 25 and 75%, would be required to decrease peak ozone concentrations to desired levels. Reductions in VOC emissions alone, or a combination of reduced VOC and NOx emissions, were generally found to be most effective; reducing NOx emissions alone resulted in increased ozone in the Seattle area. When only VOC emissions were curtailed, ozone reductions occurred in the immediate vicinity of densely populated areas, while NOx reductions resulted in more widespread ozone reductions.  相似文献   

In order to understand the formation mechanisms of high surface ozone and identify the main contributor sources in Beijing, this study investigates the sensitivity of surface ozone to NO, NO2 and nine types of NMVOC emissions during a photochemical smog episode. Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis scheme with fifty simulations is established based on the Nested Air Quality Prediction Model System (NAQPMS). At every simulation, each of the eleven precursor emissions is perturbed with a distinct set of perturbations. The sensitivities of ozone to emissions are identified by multiple linear regressions. The stability of sensitivity results is validated by two experiments with standard deviations of log-normal perturbations set as 30% and 50% respectively. The sensitivity results suggest that the current high surface ozone is strongly stimulated by NMVOC emissions. Among NMVOC emissions, formaldehyde, ethylene and olefins emissions present the greatest impacts on ozone. On the other hand, NOx emissions have a strong inhibitory effect on ozone formation, even after 50% NOx emission reduction. This indicates that the current ozone formation in Beijing is under NOx-saturated conditions. A transition of ozone formation is observed from NOx-saturated to NOx-limited sensitivity behavior with a 75% reduction of NOx emissions. This study gives the implication that abatement of the four NMVOC types mentioned above could be efficient on reducing the high levels of surface ozone in central urban Beijing, while inadequate abatement in NOx emissions probably induces reverse effects.  相似文献   

We have used a three-dimensional off-line chemical transport model (CTM) to assess the impact of lightning emissions in the free troposphere both on NOx itself and on other chemical species such as O3 and OH. We have investigated these effects using two lightning emission scenarios. In the first, lightning emissions are coupled in space and time to the convective cloud top height calculated every 6 h by the CTM's moist convection scheme. In the second, lightning emissions are calculated as a constant, monthly mean field. The model's performance against observed profiles of NOx and O3 in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean improves significantly when lightning emissions are included. With the inclusion of these emissions, the CTM produces a significant increase in the NOx concentrations in the upper troposphere, where the NOx lifetime is long, and a smaller increase in the lower free troposphere, where the surface NOx sources dominate. These changes cause a significant increase in the O3 production in the upper troposphere and hence higher calculated O3 there. The model indicates that lightning emissions cause local increases of over 50 parts per 1012 by volume (pptv) in NOx, 200 pptv in HNO3 and 20 parts per 109 by volume (ppbv) (>40%) in O3. In addition, a smaller increase of O3 in the lower troposphere occurs due to an increase in the downward transport of O3. The O3 change is accompanied by an increase in OH which is more pronounced in the upper troposphere with a corresponding reduction in CO. The method of emission employed in the model does not appear to have a significant effect globally. In the upper troposphere (above about 300 hPa) NOx concentrations are generally lower with monthly mean emissions, because of the de-coupling of emissions from the model's convection scheme, which vents NOx aloft more efficiently in the coupled scheme. Below the local convective outflow altitude, NOx concentrations are larger when using the monthly mean emissions than when coupled to the convection scheme, because the more dilute emissions, and nighttime emissions, lead to a slower NOx destruction rate. Only minor changes are predicted in the monthly average fields of O3 if we emit lightning as a monthly constant field. However, the method of emission becomes important when we make a direct comparison of model results with time varying data. These differences should be taken into account when a direct comparison of O3 with measurements collected at particular times and locations is attempted.  相似文献   

A balloon observation was carried out on 22 August in 1993 from Xianghe Scientific Balloon Base (39.75°N, 117.0°E) near Beijing in China. Individual aerosol particles in the five samples collected in the troposphere and lower stratosphere were analyzed by using a transmission electron microscope equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyzer. Types of particles were classified by the quantitative EDX analysis and particle morphology. Following results were obtained by the analyses of aerosol particles in the radius range of 0.1–0.5 μm: (1) Sulfate particles were dominant (80%) in aerosol particles collected between 4 and 6 km altitude. (2) Sulfuric acid particles were present in 74% of particles at ∼8 km altitude, 91% at 11 km, 95% at 17 km and 88% at 21.2 km. (3) “S-rich” particles with K were collected both in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. It was considered that the particles containing K found at ∼5, ∼8 km altitude could originate from burning processes in the continent including the Tibetan plateau and be transported to the middle troposphere. (4) Sulfuric acid particles with Fe were present in 20–30% of sulfuric acid particles in the lower stratosphere. (5) Particles mainly composed of minerals were present in 6, 11% of particles at ∼5, ∼8 km, indicating the vertical transport to the upper troposphere. (6) Mineral particles which contain sulfuric acid and sulfate suggest the formation of sulfuric acid and sulfate on mineral particles by heterogeneous processes in the troposphere. (7) Sea-salt particles with and without minerals were collected in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, suggesting the vertical transport by convective clouds.  相似文献   

Enhanced ozone values observed in the upper troposphere near intense tropical cyclones have raised the question of the role of stratospheric–tropospheric exchange. The dynamical mechanisms involved in the enhanced ozone values of 6 April 1995 observed at Reunion and associated with the tropical cyclone Marlene could not be explained by ECMWF meteorological analysis with 1.125° horizontal resolution. A previous study based on the ECHAM model has demonstrated the impact of biomass burning, but of limited amplitude (<60–80 ppbv max). In this paper, the upper tropospheric ozone enhancement on the periphery of Marlene has been studied with a mesoscale model (MESO-NH). This model is able to reproduce a stratospheric PV filament into the troposphere, crossing the isentropes to the 350 K level. The ageostrophic circulation associated with divergence zones that have induced vertical movements has been shown. Further, the influence of vertical wind shear, evident in both the mesoscale analysis and in the idealized HURRICANE tropical cyclone model, also contributes to our understanding of this downward transport process.  相似文献   

The role of emissions of volatile organic compounds and nitric oxide from biogenic sources is becoming increasingly important in regulatory air quality modeling as levels of anthropogenic emissions continue to decrease and stricter health-based air quality standards are being adopted. However, considerable uncertainties still exist in the current estimation methodologies for biogenic emissions. The impact of these uncertainties on ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) levels for the eastern United States was studied, focusing on biogenic emissions estimates from two commonly used biogenic emission models, the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) and the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS). Photochemical grid modeling simulations were performed for two scenarios: one reflecting present day conditions and the other reflecting a hypothetical future year with reductions in emissions of anthropogenic oxides of nitrogen (NOx). For ozone, the use of MEGAN emissions resulted in a higher ozone response to hypothetical anthropogenic NOx emission reductions compared with BEIS. Applying the current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidance on regulatory air quality modeling in conjunction with typical maximum ozone concentrations, the differences in estimated future year ozone design values (DVF) stemming from differences in biogenic emissions estimates were on the order of 4 parts per billion (ppb), corresponding to approximately 5% of the daily maximum 8-hr ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 75 ppb. For PM2.5, the differences were 0.1-0.25 microg/m3 in the summer total organic mass component of DVFs, corresponding to approximately 1-2% of the value of the annual PM2.5 NAAQS of 15 microg/m3. Spatial variations in the ozone and PM2.5 differences also reveal that the impacts of different biogenic emission estimates on ozone and PM2.5 levels are dependent on ambient levels of anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   

Detailed knowledge of the quantity and composition of urban emissions is a prerequisite for successful application of atmospheric models to predict transport and distribution of primary and secondary air pollutants in the troposphere. We investigate the prospects and limitations of aircraft measurements in the determination of emission fluxes from urban areas. Our analysis focuses on data collected in September 1994 in and around Athens, Greece. Generally, emission fluxes from cities can be quantified with aircraft and with the minimum acceptable precision (uncertainty better than a factor of 2) only under very favorable meteorological conditions, namely in a homogeneous flow field in a well-mixed boundary layer. Better accuracy can be achieved only through ensemble averaging of repeated measurements. From our measurements in the Athens area, we deduced relative emission ratios of pollutant gases. With the support of ground-based measurements in a street canyon, the emission ratios NOx/CO, SO2/CO, and volatile organic compounds/CO (34 individual VOCs) could be determined with high precision. These results are very useful in analyzing differences between various existing emission inventories. Our data for VOCs reveal that the non-traffic emissions are of the same magnitude as the emissions originating from traffic.  相似文献   

In the Aguere Valley (in the oceanic boundary layer at Tenerife, 28°N, 16°W, 580 m a.s.l.) the ozone levels were monitored for ambient air quality assessment. Although precursors are emitted in this area, the strong correlation between ozone levels and wind velocity indicates that ozone is transported into the valley from the ocean. The inland ozone supply along the valley is induced by an orographic channelling effect of the northern oceanic air masses. The highest ozone concentrations are mostly recorded during the nocturnal stage under the influence of fresh oceanic air masses, and during high wind speed events. The seasonal cycle is characterised by elevated ozone mixing ratios in the spring (nighttime levels >45 ppbv) and low mixing ratios in the summer (nighttime levels in the range 20–35 ppbv). Back-trajectory analysis shows that the ozone monitored in the Aguere Valley is associated with long-range transport processes. High ozone events in the spring are associated with transport from upper tropospheric levels, both over the North Atlantic-high latitudes (>45°N) and Europe. This downward transport was observed in the western edge of upper tropospheric cyclones, which suggests that the upper tropospheric/low stratospheric ozone sources play a significant role. In summer, ozone is mainly transported from the North Atlantic-high latitudes (>45°N) and from mid- to low-tropospheric levels. In autumn and winter, the high ozone concentrations are transported from sources located a few km above the North Atlantic-high latitudes (>45°N) and over Europe. The Central-North Atlantic (<45°N) and North Africa are not significant sources of ozone. The high spring and lower summer ozone events in the Aguere Valley agree with other North Atlantic ozone observation in the oceanic boundary layer. However, this behaviour contrasts with the high ozone events frequently recorded at Izaña BAPMoN station (located in the free troposphere in Tenerife) during the summer, which have been attributed in the literature to downward transport from upper levels. An intensification of the inversion layer that separates the oceanic boundary layer of the free troposphere during the summer in Canary Islands is interpreted as the cause of this different behaviour between ozone in the Aguere Valley and Izaña BAPMoN station.  相似文献   

Abnormally low ozone (O3) mixing ratios were observed by electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) ozonesondes in the upper troposphere over subtropical East Asia in spring 2004, a season when high tropospheric O3 is usually observed in the region. Low O3 with a lowest mixing ratio of 13 ppbv, less than a fourth of the respective seasonal average of 60–100 ppbv, was observed at 11–18 km above ground over Hong Kong (22.31°N, 114.17°E), Sanya (18.23°N, 109.52°E) and Taipei (24.98°N, 121.43°E). The origin of the low O3 was investigated using meteorological evidence, satellite imagery and three-dimensional backward air trajectory. We found for the first time that the low O3 resulted from deep convective pumping of low O3 maritime air masses near the center of typhoon Sudal from the boundary layer of the tropical region to the east of the Philippines to the upper troposphere. The low O3 air masses were then transported to the higher latitudes far ahead of the typhoon following the long-range transport driven by the circulations associated with the typhoon and the northern Hadley cell. The findings of this study highlight that more research efforts are needed to understand the effect of the circulation associated with tropical cyclones on the distribution and budget of O3 and other trace gases in the troposphere.  相似文献   

An ambient air monitoring program to characterize airborne emissions from the Exxon petroleum refinery at Benicia, California was conducted during September 8–22, 1975. Ground level sampling facilities and an instrumented aircraft provided an integrated, three-dimensional monitoring network. Measurements made during the study included ozone, oxides of nitrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, individual C2-C6 hydrocarbons, halocarbons, condensation nuclei, visual distance and various meteorological parameters. The study focused on three major areas: (1) the characterization of gaseous components within the refinery effluent, especially non-methane hydrocarbons and ozone, (2) natural sunlight bag irradiation experiments to determine the ozone forming potential of refinery emissions, and (3) an investigation of changes in plume chemistry as refinery emissions were transported downwind.  相似文献   

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