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北戴河地处辽西走廊西部,森林绿化覆盖率很高,不仅是很多留鸟和夏候鸟聚集的乐园,而且是众多旅鸟迁徙的理想通道和歇脚站。北戴河的鸟类资源极为丰富,据有关资料所载,参围鸟类共计1186种,而北戴河就有20个目61个利的历5种,其中属国家重点保护动物的68种,不少是世界著名的珍禽。  相似文献   

我国第一个鸟类自然保护区--北戴河沿海湿地,在迎来候鸟迁徙高峰的同时,也迎来了世界各地众多的观鸟爱好者。据了解,我国鸟类共计1200多种,而在北戴河就发现了20个目61个科的416种,占我国鸟类总数的1/3。其中属国家重点保护动物有68种,还有不少世界著名珍禽,如黑嘴鸥、白鹤、遗鸥、丹顶鹤等,也因此,这里被中外观鸟爱好者誉为"观鸟的麦加";国家在此设立了国家鸟类环志中心、野生动物救护中心。  相似文献   

2005年4—10月调查了武汉市马鞍山森林公园的夏季鸟类资源,共记录鸟类55种,隶属11目24科,其中夏候鸟15种,占27.27%;留鸟40种,占72.73%。有国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类5种,国家保护的有益或有重要经济、科研价值的鸟类43种,湖北省重点保护鸟类23种。对公园夏季鸟类资源进行了评价,并提出了管理建议。  相似文献   

为了有效保护和利用山东省迁徙鸟类资源.对该省迁徙鸟类的资源现状进行了研究。结果表明,山东省共有迁徙鸟类357种和亚种,占全省鸟类总数的87.9%;夏候鸟84种、占总数的20.7%,冬候鸟47种、占总数的11.6%,旅鸟226种和亚种、占总数的65.7%。其中有67种被列为国家一、二级保护鸟类。威胁该区迁徙鸟类生存的主要因素包括人们的直接破坏、迁徙鸟类栖居地的破坏和环境污染等,并据此提出了相应的保护对策和利用措施。  相似文献   

位于河南省卫辉市与延津县接壤的大沙河地段和封丘县的黄河背河洼地滩涂地带的河南豫北黄河故道湿地鸟类自然保护区,1996年被国务院批准为国家级自然保护区。这是目前河南省唯一的一个国家级湿地鸟类自然保护区。该自然保护区总面积为2478公顷。保护区内滩涂广阔,草林茂盛,有各类植物700余种,是鸟类栖,包繁衍的良好场所。据报道,该自然保护区内共有白天鹅、白鹤、鸳鸯等129种鸟类,其中被列为国家重点保护的鸟类有34种,属国家一级重.权保护的鸟类7种,二级重点保护的鸟类27种。另有河南省确定的重点保护鸟类7种,中日和中澳政府签订…  相似文献   

黄河三角洲外来入侵物种米草对滩涂鸟类的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年5,8,10月份分别对黄河三角洲米草分布区与非米草分布区的无棣岔尖、东营市五号桩、小清河口的鸟类作了调查,并辅以2000年黄河三角洲湿地鸟类调查资料,研究了米草入侵对鸟类的影响。结果表明:米草入侵已导致黄河三角洲调查区鸟类种数减少,多样性降低,群落组成和结构发生变化,主要原因是米草入侵使鸟类觅食、栖息生境减少或丧失。  相似文献   

田丽  庞锐锋 《资源开发与市场》2008,24(2):160-161,164
2006年12月、2007年1—4月对湛江市寸金公园的鸟类资源状况进行了初步的研究,共记录到鸟类16种,隶属4目10科。其中,雀形目鸟类最多,共7科11种,约占总数的69%;其次为佛法僧目1科2种,约占总数的12.5%;鸡形目和鹃形目各1科1种,约占总数的6.25%。其中有国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类1种,占总数的6.25%。此外,属国家林业局发布的"国家重点保护的有益、有经济价值或有科学研究价值的动物"的鸟类7种,占总数的43.75%;被纳入省级重点保护鸟类的有2种,占总数12.6%;被纳入中澳候鸟协定鸟类的有1种,占总数的6.25%。  相似文献   

中华秋沙鸭是第三纪冰川期后残存下来的物种,距今已有一千多万年,是我国特产稀有鸟类,其分布区域十分狭窄,数量也是极其稀少,全球目前仅存不足一千只。别名鳞胁秋沙鸭、油鸭、唐秋沙;是雁形目中唯一一种国家Ⅰ级保护鸟类。中国濒危动物红皮书将其列为濒危(E),与大熊猫、华南虎、滇金丝猴齐名,同为中国国宝,并已被列入国际自然与自然资源保护同盟濒危动物红皮书(IUCN)和国际鸟类保护联合会濒危鸟类名录(ICBP)。  相似文献   

九峰山地区天然植被保存完整,动植物资源颇为丰富。该区有维管束植物82科302属596种;陆栖脊椎动物134种,其中兽类25种、鸟类100种(另有2亚种)、两栖和爬行类7种、鱼类2种。蒙古扁桃和黄芪为国家三类保护植物,青羊和雪豹为国家二类保护兽类,金雕等13种鸟为国家二类保护鸟类;另外还有其它用途的经济动、植物。  相似文献   

九峰山地区的生物资源及其保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
九峰山地区天然植被保存完整,支票物资源颇为丰富。该区有维管束植物82科302属596种,陆栖脊椎动物134种,其中兽类25种,鸟类100种(另有2亚种)、两栖和爬行类7种、鱼类2种。蒙古扁桃和黄芪为国家三类保护植物,青羊和雪豹为国家二类保护兽类,金雕等13处鸟为国家二类保护鸟类,另处还有其它用途的经济动、植物。  相似文献   

Future conservation efforts will need to transcend geopolitical boundaries in efforts to protect entire landscapes and ecosystems. Neotropical migratory birds are as a group a useful conservation tool for linking diverse landscapes and people due to their dependence on multiple habitats, sensitivity to habitat changes, and universal public appeal. The conservation of neotropical migrants can therefore function as a powerful hemispheric umbrella for ecosystem protection. Efforts to protect neotropical migratory birds on their nonbreeding grounds have traditionally been focused on Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. To assess the importance of South America to neotropical migrants, an ecoregional classification system was used to determine species distributions in the Andean/Southern Cone Region (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela). The occurrence of migrants in protected areas that are part of The Nature Conservancy's Parks in Peril program was also assessed. Of the 406 neotropical migrant species, nearly one third (132) occur as regular nonbreeding residents in the region and for almost half of these species (53), South America is their main nonbreeding ground. All Parks in Peril sites were found to harbor neotropical migrants. Forty-eight species (36%) have declining longterm North American Breeding Bird Survey population trends and/or high Partners in Flight concern scores and thus are of significant conservation concern. Most importantly, 29 species (22%) of conservation concern use South America as their primary nonbreeding ground, indicating a need for focused conservation action. The nature of the ecoregional approach used in this endeavor makes future prioritization of ecoregions and conservation strategies for neotropical migrants across national boundaries possible. The ability to link diverse landscapes using a common element such as migratory birds allows for unique transboundary partnerships and opportunities for habitat conservation, which support the goal of the Conservancy's new Migratory Bird Initiative.  相似文献   

结合北戴河近代建筑保护规划研究,从建筑特点、街区布局特色、建筑生存环境、保护性利用实施策略等几方面,探讨了历史风貌建筑的保护规划与更新利用的基本思路和方法。  相似文献   

在研究大量地热地质资料的基础上,发现秦皇岛地区存在以断裂构造活动为主要特征的地下热水,区内地下热水的赋存受区域构造、断裂活动、盖层等因素的影响。根据地热资源分布及热储特征,提出秦皇岛地区地热资源开发利用可优先考虑的方向:抚宁县温泉堡、北戴河机场、卢龙县刘田各庄乡赵官庄、黄金海岸及北戴河新城七里海团组。  相似文献   

Wind power generation is likely to constitute one of the most extensive human physical exploitation activities of European marine areas in the near future. The many millions of migrating birds that pass these man-made obstacles are protected by international obligations and the subject of public concerns. Yet some bird species are more sensitive to bird–wind turbine mortality than others. This study developed a simple and logical framework for ranking bird species with regard to their relative sensitivity to bird–wind turbine-collisions, and applied it to a data set comprising 38 avian migrant species at the Nysted offshore wind farm in Denmark. Two indicators were selected to characterize the sensitivity of each individual species: 1) relative abundance and 2) demographic sensitivity (elasticity of population growth rate to changes in adult survival). In the case-study from the Nysted offshore wind farm, birds of prey and waterbirds dominated the group of high priority species and only passerines showed a low risk of being impacted by the wind farm. Even where passerines might be present in very high numbers, they often represent insignificant segments of huge reference populations that, from a demographic point of view, are relatively insensitive to wind farm-related adult mortality. It will always be important to focus attention and direct the resources towards the most sensitive species to ensure cost-effective environmental assessments in the future, and in general, this novel index seems capable of identifying the species that are at high risk of being adversely affected by wind farms.  相似文献   

Some of the literature pertinent to the interactions of birds of flight and man made obstacles, such as transmission lines is reviewed here. Some birds use these towers, poles, and buildings for nesting and perches. They also collide with them. Original observations presented here suggest that the environmental impacts of these types of obstacles on birds, and vice-versa, seem not due to the inability of the birds to perceive the obstacles, but rather that the birds are apparently distracted from a safe flight pattern by their own species, or by others. Editor's Note: Although this paper is quite specialized in comparison with many other articles published in Environmental Management, I feel it is a very useful overview of the problems and the literature related to bird collisions with manmade obstacles. It is hoped that the information presented by the Willards will be helpful to other workers who are perhaps engaged in preparing environmental impact statements concerning structures that could invite bird collisions.  相似文献   

Cat predation of birds in residential landscapes is ephemeral, unpredictable, and spatially dispersed, and thus requires many person-hours to observe. We sought to identify whether specific behaviors, traits, or feeding ecologies of birds contribute to their probability of cat-caused mortality around residences across temperate North America. In addressing this question, we evaluated citizen science data with respect to peer-reviewed species accounts (Birds of North America, BNA). Using information on cat predation from the BNA, we found that species that glean their prey from the ground or breed in nest boxes were three times more likely to be depredated by cats, while birds that hawk were over two times less likely to become cat prey than would be predicted by random chance. Data from citizen science sources also showed that birds using nest boxes had increased susceptibility to cat predation, as did those that use feeders and that glean from foliage. We caution that observations of predation by citizen science volunteers may be biased towards detection at feeders. Future research should focus on developing volunteer survey techniques for improving estimates of bird mortality rates and sources.  相似文献   

Oil production operations produce waste fluids that may be stored in pits, open tanks, and other sites accessible to wildlife. Birds visit these fluid-filled pits and tanks (“oil pits”), which often resemble water sources, and may become trapped and die. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has a program to reduce these impacts by locating problem pits, documenting mortality of protected wildlife species, and seeking cleanup or corrective action at problem pits with the help of state and federal agencies regulating the oil industry. Species identification and verification of protected status for birds recovered from oil pits are performed at the USFWS National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory. From 1992 to 2005, a minimum of 2060 individual birds were identified from remains recovered from oil pits, representing 172 species from 44 families. The taxonomic and ecological diversity of these birds indicates that oil pits pose a threat to virtually all species of birds that encounter them. Ninety-two percent of identified bird remains belonged to protected species. Most remains identified at the Forensics Laboratory were from passerines, particularly ground-foraging species. Based on Forensics Laboratory and USFWS field data, oil pits currently cause the deaths of 500,000–1 million birds per year. Although law enforcement and industry efforts have produced genuine progress on this issue, oil pits remain a significant source of mortality for birds in the United States.  相似文献   

Field studies of pesticide effects on birds often utilize indicator species with the purpose of extrapolating to other avian taxa. Little guidance exists for choosing indicator species to monitor the presence and/or effects of contaminants that are labile in the environment or body, but are acutely toxic, such as anticholinesterase (anti-ChE) insecticides. Use of an indicator species that does not represent maximum exposure and/or effects could lead to inaccurate risk estimates. Our objective was to test the relevance of a priori selection of indicator species for a study on pesticide exposure to birds inhabiting fruit orchards. We used total plasma ChE activity and ChE reactivation to describe the variability in anti-ChE pesticide exposure among avian species in two conventionally managed fruit orchards. Of seven species included in statistical analyses, the less common species, chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina), showed the greatest percentage of exposed individuals and the greatest ChE depression, whereas the two most common species, American robins (Turdus migratorius) and gray catbirds (Dumatella carolinensis), did not show significant exposure. Due to their lower abundance, chipping sparrows would have been an unlikely choice for study. Our results show that selection of indicator species using traditionally accepted criteria such as abundance and ease of collection may not identify species that are at greatest risk. Our efforts also demonstrate the usefulness of conducting multiple-species pilot studies prior to initiating detailed studies on pesticide effects. A study such as ours can help focus research and resources on study species that are most appropriate.  相似文献   

Power line rights-of-way provide a major portion of the shrub habitat in New York. Since this habitat type is on the decline, many of the birds dependent on shrub habitat are also declining. The methods used to control right-of-way vegetation could therefore have serious impacts on several birds of conservation concern. Since New York is increasingly using selective herbicide treatments in vegetation management, we sought to investigate the potential impacts of these treatments on nesting birds. The study looked at plots in two adjacent rights-of-way before and after a selective herbicide treatment in one of the rights-of-way. We investigated three bird species: alder flycatcher (Empidonax alnorum), chestnut-sided warbler (Dendroica pensylvanica), and gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis). All three species exhibited a preference for shrub vegetation around nest sites. The selective herbicide treatment did not significantly decrease that shrub vegetation, and neither the density nor the nesting success of the three species declined following the treatment. We conclude that selective herbicide vegetation management encourages the development of shrub habitat without negatively impacting the birds nesting in the habitat.  相似文献   

利用2001—2010年1~12月北戴河观测站气象资料,筛选出401个样本个例,应用常规统计学方法及天气学理论,按不同分级统计分析降雨(雪)前6~8 h风向、风速及转为海风时温度变化基本数据,计算不同分级相关系数值,得出海上偏东风与降水、温度半定量化估计值。并用临近4个观测站同步资料对比分析,偏东风动态变化对岸区强降水落区具有指示意义;北戴河至内陆延伸温度梯度估计值为:夏季平均值0.6℃/10 km,冬季0.3℃/10 km;为单站精细化预报方法研究及中尺度数值模式检验提供基本依据。  相似文献   

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