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Current-used pesticides commonly applied in Alsace region (Eastern France) on diverse crops (maize, vineyard, vegetables, etc.) were analysed, together with Lindane, in rainwater between January 2002 and June 2003 simultaneously on two sites situated in a typical rural (Erstein, France) and urban area (Strasbourg, France).Rainwater samples were collected on a weekly basis by using two automatic wet only collectors associated with an open collector for the measurement of rainwater height.Pesticides were analysed by GC-MSMS and extracted from rainwater by SPME. Two runs were performed. The first one was performed by using a PDMS (100 μm) fibre for pesticides where direct injection into GC is possible (alachlor, atrazine, azinphos-ethyl, azinphos-methyl, captan, chlorfenvinphos, dichlorvos, diflufenican, α- and β-endosulfan, iprodione, lindane, metolachlor, mevinphos, parathion-methyl, phosalone, phosmet, tebuconazole, triadimefon and trifluralin). The second run was performed by using PDMS/DVB fibre and this run concerns pesticides where a preliminary derivatisation step with pentafluorobenzylbromide (PFBBr) is required for very low volatiles (bromoxynil,2,4-MCPA, MCPP and 2,4-D) or thermo labiles (chlorotoluron, diuron and isoproturon) pesticides.Results showed that the more concentrated pesticides detected were those used as herbicides in large quantities in Alsace region for maize crops (alachlor, metolachlor and atrazine). Maximum concentrations for these herbicides have been measured during intensive applications periods on maize crops following by rapid decrease immediately after use.For Alachlor, most important peaks have been observed between 21 and 28 April 2003 (3327 ng L−1 at Erstein and 5590 ng L−1 at Strasbourg). This is also the case for Metolachlor where most important peak was observed during the same week.Concentrations of pesticides measured out of application periods were very low for many pesticides and some others where never detected during this period. This is the case for diflufenican which was detected only during application. Two important peaks of concentrations were observed; a first one (101 ng L−1) in Erstein in November 2002 (4–11 November) and a second one (762 ng L−1) also in Erstein (28 April–15 May).The same behaviour can be seen for chlorfenvinphos and phosalone which have been detected, respectively, 2 and 4 times in Erstein and Strasbourg at high concentrations (28 April 2003–15 May 2003, 187 ng L−1 of phosalone and 157 ng L−1 of chlorfenvinphos in Erstein).MCPP, 2,4 MCPA and 2,4-D have been detected at high concentrations in rainwater but for the other pesticides very episodically and mainly during their use in agriculture. Maximal concentrations of MCPP and 2,4 MCPA have been measured in Erstein between 28 April and 15 May (904 and 746 ng L−1, respectively).Comparison between rural and urban sites showed that concentrations in rural areas are generally higher except for pesticides commonly applied in urban areas like Diuron.No seasonal phenomenon was observed for Diuron. This herbicide has been detected in practically all of the rainwater samples in Strasbourg (40/41) with a maximum of 1025 ng L−1 (16–23 September 2002) in 38 samples on 41 in Erstein with a maximum of 317 ng L−1 (15–23 October 2002). The total concentration of Diuron measured between 4 March 2002 and 20 July 2003 is of 4721 ng L−1 in Strasbourg and 5025 ng L−1 in Erstein. This result shows that wet deposition of Diuron in urban and rural sites was equivalent and can be explained by the “urban use” of this molecule together with its potential persistence.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Reliable and accurate prediction model capturing the changes in solar radiation is essential in the power generation and renewable carbon-free energy...  相似文献   

Tree bark has been shown to be a useful biomonitor of past air quality because it accumulates atmospheric particulate matter (PM) in its outermost structure. Trace element concentrations of tree bark of more than 73 trees allow to elucidate the impact of past atmospheric pollution on the urban environment of the cities of Strasbourg and Kehl in the Rhine Valley. Compared to the upper continental crust (UCC) tree barks are strongly enriched in Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb. To assess the degree of pollution of the different sites in the cities, a geoaccumulation index Igeo was applied. Global pollution by V, Ni, Cr, Sb, Sn and Pb was observed in barks sampled close to traffic axes. Cr, Mo, Cd pollution principally occurred in the industrial area. A total geoaccumulation index IGEO-tot was defined; it is based on the total of the investigated elements and allows to evaluate the global pollution of the studied environment by assembling the Igeo indices on a pollution map.  相似文献   

Sharma H  Jain VK  Khan ZH 《Chemosphere》2007,66(2):302-310
This paper reports on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmospheric particulate matter of Jawaharlal Nehru University campus, an urbanized site of New Delhi, India. Suspended particulate matter samples of 24h duration were collected on glass-fiber filter paper for four representative days in each month during January 2002 to December 2003. PAHs were extracted from filter papers using toluene with ultrasonication method and analysed. Quantitative measurements of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were carried out using the gas chromatography technique. The annual average concentration of total PAHs were found to be 668+/-399 and 672+/-388 ng/m3 in the years 2002 and 2003, respectively. The seasonal average concentrations were found to be maximum in winter and minimum during in the monsoon. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) indicate that diesel and gasoline driven vehicles are the principal sources of PAHs in all the seasons. In winter coal and wood combustion also significantly contribute to the PAH levels.  相似文献   



The presence of four phenolic endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs: nonylphenol [NP], NP monoethoxylate[NP1EO], bisphenol A [BPA], triclosan, [TCS]) and four nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs: ibuprofen[IBF], ketoprofen [KFN], naproxen [NPX], diclofenac [DCF]) in a Greek river receiving treated municipal wastewater was investigated in this study.


Samples were taken from four different points of the river and from the outlet of a sewage treatment plant (STP) during six sampling campaigns, and they were analyzed using gas chromatography?Cmass spectrometry.


According to the results, EDCs were detected in almost all samples, whereas NSAIDs were detected mainly in wastewater and in the part of the river that receives wastewater from the STP. Among the target compounds, the highest mean concentrations in the river were detected for NP (1,345?ng?L?1) and DCF (432?ng?L?1). Calculation of daily loads of the target compounds showed that STP seems to be the major source of NSAIDs to the river, whereas other sources contribute significantly to the occurrence of EDCs. The environmental risk due to the presence of target compounds in river water was estimated, calculating risk quotients for different aquatic organisms (algae, daphnids, and fish). Results denoted the possible threat for the aquatic environment due to the presence of NP and TCS in the river.  相似文献   

Background N-methylcarbamate insecticides are widely used chemicals for crop protection. This study examines the hydrolytic and photolytic cleavage of benfuracarb, carbosulfan and carbofuran under natural conditions. Their toxicity and that of the corresponding main degradation products toward aquatic organisms were evaluated. Methods Suspensions of benfuracarb, carbosulfan and carbofuran in water were exposed to sunlight, with one set of dark controls, for 6 days, and analyzed by 1H-NMR and HPLC. Acute toxicity tests were performed on Brachionus calyciflorus, Daphnia magna, and Thamnocefalus platyurus. Chronic tests were performed on Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, and Ceriodaphnia dubia. Results and Discussion Under sunlight irradiation, benfuracarb and carbosulfan gave off carbofuran and carbofuran-phenol, while only carbofuran was detected in the dark experiments. The latter was degraded to phenol by exposure to sunlight. Effects of pH, humic acid and KNO3 were evaluated by kinetics on dilute solutions in the dark and by UV irradiation, which evidenced the lability of the pesticide at pH 9. All three pesticides and phenol exhibited acute and higher chronic toxicity towards the aquatic organisms tested. Conclusion Investigation on the hydrolysis and photolysis of benfuracarb and carbosulfan under natural conditions provides evidence concerning the selective decay to carbofuran and/or phenol. Carbofuran is found to be more persistent and toxic. Recommendations and Outlook The decay of benfuracarb and carbosulfan to carbofuran and the relative stability of this latter pesticide account for many papers that report the detection of carbofuran in water, fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

Gu MB  Min J  Kim EJ 《Chemosphere》2002,46(2):289-294
A recombinant bioluminescent Escherichia coli, DPD2794, containing the recA promoter region fused to luxCDABE originating from Vibrio fischeri was used for detecting genotoxicity caused by endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) to cells. As well, several other recombinant bioluminescent bacteria, including TV1061, which is sensitive to protein damage (grpE::luxCDA BE), DPD2511, sensitive to oxidative damage (katG::luxCDABE), and DPD2540, sensitive to membrane damage (fabA::luxCDABE), were used for evaluating other possible modes of toxicity. It was found that the recombinant bacteria could monitor the toxic effect, not estrogenic effect, due to the presence of various EDCs through the measurement of bioluminescence (BL) and cell growth rate, which depend upon the type of toxicity occurring and which of the four strains was used. In addition, it was found that the damage caused by EDCs can be classified into several groups upon their mechanisms of toxic action.  相似文献   

重庆主城区大气重污染形势的激光雷达探测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年1月12日-26日,利用大气超级站ALS300型激光雷达对重庆主城区大气进行了连续探测,分析了重污染形势期间的大气扩散条件及大气颗粒物时空分布等探测结果。分析表明,大气层结持续稳定,扩散条件差使得大气颗粒物浓度居高不下,大气能见度持续恶化;大气重污染期间PBL高度较低,平均为320~350m;大气颗粒物污染带处于100~400m高度范围;全国范围内异常的大气环流形势和重庆主城区独特的地形、气候特征是造成持续大气重污染形势的原因。  相似文献   

Different aspects of visibility degradation problems in Brisbane were investigated through concurrent visibility monitoring and aerosol sampling programs carried out in 1995. The relationship between the light extinction coefficients and aerosol mass/composition was derived by using multiple linear regression techniques. The visibility properties at different sites in Brisbane were found to be correlated with each other on a daily basis, but not correlated with each other hour by hour. The cause of scattering of light by moisture (bsw) was due to sulphate particles which shift to a larger size under high-humidity conditions. The scattering of light by particulate matter (bsp) was found to be highly correlated with the mass of fine aerosols, in particular the mass of fine soot, sulphate and non-soil K. For the period studied, on average, the total light extinction coefficient (bext) at five sites in Brisbane was 0.65×10−4 m−1, considerably smaller than those values found in other Australian and overseas cities. On average, the major component of bext is bsp (49% of bext), followed by bap (the absorption of light, mainly by fine soot particles, 28%), bsg (Rayleigh scattering, 20%) and bsw (3%). The absorption of light by NO2 (bag) is expected to contribute less than 5% of bext. On average, the percentage contribution of the visibility degrading species to bext (excluding bag) were: soot (53%), sulphate (21%), Rayleigh scattering (20%), non-soil K (2%) and humidity (3%). In terms of visibility degrading sources, motor vehicles (including soot and the secondary products) are expected to contribute more than half of the bext (excluding bag) in Brisbane on average, followed by secondary sulphates (17%) and biomass burning (10%).  相似文献   

Some relevant shortcomings have been identified in the current approach for the classification of ecological status in marine water bodies, leading to delays in the fulfillment of the Water Framework Directive objectives. Natural variability makes difficult to settle fixed reference values and boundary values for the Ecological Quality Ratios (EQR) for the biological quality elements. Biological responses to environmental degradation are frequently of nonmonotonic nature, hampering the EQR approach. Community structure traits respond only once ecological damage has already been done and do not provide early warning signals. An alternative methodology for the classification of ecological status integrating chemical measurements, ecotoxicological bioassays and community structure traits (species richness and diversity), and using multivariate analyses (multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis), is proposed. This approach does not depend on the arbitrary definition of fixed reference values and EQR boundary values, and it is suitable to integrate nonlinear, sensitive signals of ecological degradation. As a disadvantage, this approach demands the inclusion of sampling sites representing the full range of ecological status in each monitoring campaign. National or international agencies in charge of coastal pollution monitoring have comprehensive data sets available to overcome this limitation.  相似文献   

Laser ablation/ionization mass spectrometry (LAMS) of particulate matter (PM) was undertaken on-line in order to extend and contrast PM characterization. Qualitative on-line LAMS results for certified materials and Toronto source materials demonstrated the versatility and limitations of the technique. The observation of organic and inorganic components of certified materials verified the proper working condition of the in-house on-line LAMS. Organic and inorganic components of Toronto source materials were also observed with the on-line LAMS. Common components identified from both types of materials were Na, Al, Ca, Fe, and K. Other recognized components were compared with marker elements reported for some common PM emission sources. An in-house off-line LAMS was used to analyze urban Toronto PM deposited on glass substrates, while the on-line LAMS analyzed individual urban Toronto PM particles that were introduced directly into the instrument. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) were used for confirmatory purposes. Organic and inorganic components of urban Toronto PM at their typical ng/m3 concentrations were successfully observed in mass spectra using both off-line LAMS and on-line LAMS. Identified ions unique to each analyzed material were compared to identified ions of urban Toronto PM. The ability of LAMS to analyze individual respirable PM particles (viz. < 2 microns), both for inorganic trace elements and for organic components, greatly extended our capability to characterize PM and also to achieve estimates of concentration contributions of each material.  相似文献   

To investigate the acidity and to identify the predominant compounds, this work presents the chemical analysis of 18 fogwater samples collected during the year 1991 in Strasbourg, in the east of France. For each fog event, two droplet size categories (2-6 microm and 5-8 microm) have been separately collected and 16 ionic components have been analysed. These two fraction sizes were chosen because they correspond approximately to the size range that can penetrate the human lung and they may have possible health effects. The dominant species were NH4+, NO3-, SO4(2-) and Cl-, with a maximum level of 12,640, 17,270, 21,620 and 13,540 microeq litre(-1), respectively. For most of the fog events the highest concentrations of all analysed species were observed in the 2-6 microm droplets. pH values ranged between 2.79 and 5.70 and the fogwater acidity was governed by three strong acids, H2SO4, HNO3 and HCl and was partially neutralised by NH3 and probably by the presence of CaCO3 in the 'loess', which is the major constituent of soils in the upper Rhine valley. In other respects the acetate/formate ratio (methanoate/ethanoate), generally lower than 1, indicates an important pollution due to automobile exhaust, although the Pb concentrations are moderate due to the general use of unleaded gasoline in France since 1989.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Since COVID-19 is extremely threatening to human health, it is significant to determine its impact factors to curb the virus spread. To tackle the...  相似文献   

Kim YS  Min J  Hong HN  Park JH  Park KS  Gu MB 《Chemosphere》2007,66(7):1243-1248
Escherichia coli is known to respond to certain toxic chemicals through an increased expression of various stress genes. In this study, therefore, the expression of recA, katG, fabA and grpE genes was used as a representative for DNA, oxidative, membrane and protein damage, respectively, after E. coli was exposed to different polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), i.e., phenanthrene, naphthalene and benzo[a]pyrene. To accomplish this, the expression levels of these four genes were quantified using a real-time RT-PCR analysis when E. coli cultures were under stressful conditions, such as those caused by an exposure to mitomycin C, hydrogen peroxide and phenol. It was found that the primary toxic effect of each chemical is clearly seen when the expression levels of the different genes are compared. Tests with the PAHs showed naphthalene and benzo[a]pyrene to be genotoxic, while phenanthrene had no clear effect on the expression of any of these genes. Based on these results, the effects due to these toxic chemicals and the extent of each stress can be evaluated with ease using the expression levels of different stress responsive genes.  相似文献   

Air pollution emission inventories are the basis for air quality assessment and management strategies. The quality of the inventories is of great importance since these data are essential for air pollution impact assessments using dispersion models. In this study, the quality of the emission inventory for fine particulates (PM2.5) is assessed: first, using the calculated source contributions from a receptor model; second, using source apportionment from a dispersion model; and third, by applying a simple inverse modelling technique which utilises multiple linear regression of the dispersion model source contributions together with the observed PM2.5 concentrations. For the receptor modelling the chemical composition of PM2.5 filter samples from a measurement campaign performed between January 2004 and April 2005 are analysed. Positive matrix factorisation is applied as the receptor model to detect and quantify the various source contributions. For the same observational period and site, dispersion model calculations using the Air Quality Management system, AirQUIS, are performed. The results identify significant differences between the dispersion and receptor model source apportionment, particularly for wood burning and traffic induced suspension. For wood burning the receptor model calculations are lower, by a factor of 0.54, but for the traffic induced suspension they are higher, by a factor of 7.1. Inverse modelling, based on regression of the dispersion model source contributions and the PM2.5 concentrations, indicates similar discrepancies in the emissions inventory. In order to assess if the differences found at the one site are generally applicable throughout Oslo, the individual source category emissions are rescaled according to the receptor modelling results. These adjusted PM2.5 concentrations are compared with measurements at four independent stations to evaluate the updated inventory. Statistical analysis shows improvement in the estimated concentrations for PM2.5 at all sites. Similarly, inverse modelling is applied at these independent sites and this confirms the validity of the receptor model results.  相似文献   

Owing to accurate future air quality estimates, need for detecting the anomalously high increase in concentration of pollutants cannot be adjourned. Plentiful approaches were proposed in the past to substantially determine the abnormal conditions, but most of the statistical approaches were computationally expensive and ignored the false alarm ratios. Thus, a hybrid of proximity- and clustering-based anomaly detection approaches to identify anomalies in the air quality data is suggested in this work. The Gaussian distribution property of the real-world data set is utilized further to segregate out anomalies. The results depicted twofold advantages of our approach, by efficient extraction of anomalies and with increased accuracy by reducing the number of false alarms. Specifically, the presence of NO2 concentration in air is investigated in this work, considering its constant increase over decades as well as its inevitable health risks. Furthermore, spatiotemporal segments with anomalously high NO2 concentrations for 14 residential, industrial, and commercial areas of five cities in India are extracted. To validate the results, a comparative analysis with existing approaches of anomaly detection and with two benchmark data sets is performed. Results showed that our method outperformed the existing methods of anomaly detection, when evaluated over metrics such as sensitivity, miss rate, and false alarms. Further, a detailed analysis of extracted anomalies and a detailed discussion about the factors responsible for such anomalies are presented in this work. This study is helpful in educating government and people about spatiotemporal, geographical, and economic conditions responsible for anomalously high NO2 concentrations in air.

Implications: Using our methodology, days with extremely high concentration of any pollutant in air, at any particular location, can be extracted. The reasons for such extremely high pollutant concentration on particular days of a year can be studied and preventive measures can be taken by the government. Thus, by identification of causes of anomalies, future similar events can be avoided. This would also help in people’s decision making in case such events occur in the future.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) have been monitored in air and deposition at four UK urban sites (London, Cardiff, Manchester and Stevenage) since the beginning of 1991; data from the first 2 years are presented here. Median Σ2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/F concentrations in air were 3.2, 4.0, 3.5 and 2.6 pg/m3 respectively for London, Cardiff, Manchester and Stevenage. Median Σ2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/F deposition fluxes were 1.5 ng/m2/day in London, 1.4 ng/m2/day in Cardiff and Manchester and 0.79 ng/m2/day in Stevenage. Seasonal variations in the PCDD/F concentrations were observed at all sites for both air and deposition, with concentrations/fluxes generally elevated during the winter.  相似文献   

Jiang Y  Wang X  Zhu K  Wu M  Sheng G  Fu J 《Chemosphere》2011,83(6):767-773
Surface soil samples taken from 55 sampling sites at the urban areas of Shanghai were collected and analyzed for the occurrence of 144 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by GC-μECD. The results showed that totally 74 PCB congeners were identified and the mean concentration of total PCBs was 3057 ng kg−1 with a range of 232 to 11325 ng kg−1. Compared with the related reports, the level of PCBs contamination in this study was approximately equal to the global background value in soils, but higher than Chinese background for rural and urban soils. According to the compositional profiles of PCBs homologues, a higher proportion of low chlorinated (from tri-CBs to hexa-CBs) was observed. The results indicated that PCB15 + 13, PCB18, PCB28, PCB104 + 47 and PCB153 were the most dominant congeners among the identified PCBs. Through homologues analysis, cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA), it was found that PCBs were stretched from mixed local sources, and appeared to be mostly originated by Aroclor 1260- and 1254-like mixtures as well as some samples influenced by Aroclor 1232 and 1242. The correlation analysis showed the relatively good correlation among the PCB homologues and soil total organic carbon (TOC), suggesting important influence of soil TOC on PCBs contamination in soil matrix in Shanghai region. The toxic equivalency (TEQ) concentrations of these six dioxin-like PCBs detected in urban soil samples range from 2.71 to 24.9 pg kg−1-PCDDeq with a mean 8.18 pg kg−1-PCDDeq.  相似文献   

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