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The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between environment and personal well-being using a sample of 562 urban employees from three cities in Liaoning province in the People’s Republic of China. In contrast to previous studies, this study controlled positive affectivity (PA), negative affectivity (NA), job satisfaction and Big Five personality traits. In addition, the research variables of personal well-being index (PWI), positive affectivity, negative affectivity, job satisfaction, Big Five, and environmental satisfaction are measured with multi-item scales. The research finds that environmental satisfaction is positively related to personal well-being, suggesting that improvement of the natural surroundings in the cities can improve people’s well-being.  相似文献   

As in most areas of psychology, a negative bias permeates the study of the subject of Conservation Psychology: sustainable behavior (SB). SB constitutes the set of actions aimed at protecting the socio-physical environment. This behavior is sometimes addressed as having negative antecedent-instigators (fear, guilt, shame), activated to avoid undesirable outcomes from environmental degradation. Also, psycho-environmental researchers often visualize negative psychological consequences (discomfort, inconvenience, sacrifice) of SB. Yet, a number of studies reveal that positive psychological antecedents (capacities, emotions, virtues and strengths) as well as positive psychological consequences (satisfaction, psychological well-being, and happiness) of SB are also significant determinants of pro-environmental actions. In this paper, I argue that SB is positive behavior originated by positive dispositional factors, and maintained by psychological benefits. By combining the emergent fields of positive psychology and the psychology of sustainability, an alternative approach for the study of the positive psychology of sustainable behavior is outlined.  相似文献   

城市空间分布规律的研究一直是城市规划者和地理学家研究的热点。早期关于城市空间分布的理论有克里斯泰勒的中心地理论、廖什网络结构理论等,现在研究较热的是基于人类空间行为自组织演化的分形理论。我国著名地学家叶大年先生于2001年提出我国城市分布对称的思想,并将其系统整理为关于城市分布对称的学术思想。成渝经济区的崛起,为四川省城市空间结构的优化带来了重要的契机。依据叶大年先生的城市分布对称理论,认为四川主要城市在地质构造等自然地理要素的影响下对称分布明显,且盆西平原城市在天然水系特征和陆路交通干线共同影响下呈格子状分布。针对当前四川省主要城市空间结构发育的不成熟,对成渝经济区影响下的四川城市空间分布形态重新进行空间构建,首次提出关于四川城市空间结构的“钻石模型”。分析表明,此模型能够较好地解释当前川内城市的空间分布及演化趋势;同时也在一定程度上说明城市分布对称的思想具有一定的理论价值和实践价值,值得学者引起重视  相似文献   

榆林煤炭矿区生态环境改善支付意愿分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用榆林煤炭矿区居民为改善当地生态环境支付意愿(WTP)的调研资料,得出每户每年平均的支出金额介于229.56-347.92元之间,由此推断出榆林煤炭矿区每年因煤炭开发而造成的生态环境破坏价值损失大约在13 822.09万-20 948.69万元之间。通过运用D-H模型和Tobit模型对调研资料分别进行分析,发现,D-H模型对被调查者支付意愿影响因素的分析明显优于Tobit模型。D-H模型的结果显示,被调查者"决定是否参与支付"与"决定支出多少金额"两个行为的影响因素不完全相同。被调查者对当地生态环境状况的满意程度对其"决定是否参与支付"呈负向影响;反映被调查者所在行政区域对其"决定是否参与支付"呈正向影响。被调查者的家庭年收入、受教育状况、年龄、职业状况、对当地生态环境状况的满意程度均对其"决定支出多少金额"具有显著的正向影响;被调查者的家庭人口数、对环境保护政策的了解程度对其"决定支出多少金额"有显著的负向影响。最后,提出了提高当地居民参与生态环境改善活动积极性的一些措施。  相似文献   

雾霾污染是困扰中国经济发展的重大民生与环境问题。基于改进产出密度模型,运用地统计和空间计量模型分析长三角城市2015~2017年雾霾污染空间格局和影响因素。研究发现:(1)雾霾污染存在季节性变化特征并且各城市雾霾污染状况逐渐好转。(2)雾霾污染具有显著的局域集聚特征和空间异质性,杭州、宁波和台州呈现低-低集聚特征,而滁州、扬州、镇江和泰州为高-高集聚型,污染区域集中于省界处,污染程度自西北向东南逐渐降低。雾霾污染存在显著的城际空间正相关和空间溢出效应,周边城市雾霾污染对本地区会产生负影响。(3)长三角城市人口集聚、研发投入、产业结构、工业烟粉尘排放及城市建设均对雾霾污染产生正向影响,对外开放、能源消耗以及降水等因素对雾霾污染产生负向影响;雾霾污染与经济增长之间不存在库兹涅茨曲线关系。经济集聚通过优化生产要素的空间分布与组合、共享治污基础设施等,形成雾霾污染抑制作用。  相似文献   

In light of the rapid urbanization of the world’s population over the past decades, there is a growing concern about the environmental impacts of urban population growth. Rural–urban migration is a particularly important component of the urbanization process in developing countries and is often considered to be detrimental to urban environmental conditions. However, few studies have explicitly examined the presumed negative impacts of in-migration on the natural environment of cities. The continuously increasing volume of rural–urban labor migration in China since the early 1980s has formed the largest population flow in world history. This study links the existing literature on population–environment and urbanization–environment interactions by empirically assessing the relationship between rural–urban migration and urban air conditions in China. A two-period (2004 and 2010) longitudinal dataset for the 113 key environmental protection cities of China was constructed based on multiple data sources. We applied the STIRPAT equation using conventional and spatial panel regression models to examine whether rural–urban migration flows were associated with air pollution in cities. Results show a strong negative association of in-migration with urban air quality even after controlling for the effects of other population, affluence, and technology factors. Findings from this research can contribute to a better understanding of the environmental consequences of rural–urban migration in China, with broader implications for sustainable development research and policies.  相似文献   

近年来在乡村振兴战略实施背景下,乡村旅游在发展农村经济中的作用更加凸显。促进乡村旅游的健康发展和乡村农户生计的持续改善是当前学术界讨论的重要话题。现有研究表明,可持续生计框架中客观环境影响作用是可持续旅游生计研究的热点方向,但可持续生计框架外其他主观因素对生计策略转变影响的动态定量考量却较为空缺。本研究在乡村旅游背景下探讨政府信任度对农户生计策略转变意愿影响机制,引入居民参与度、居民支持度和生活满意度多重链式中介作用,通过结构方程模型对山东省乡村旅游地进行定量分析,并对特定路径间中介作用进行比较。实证研究结果显示:①政府信任度对居民参与度和居民支持度具有正向影响,居民支持度正向影响居民参与度。②居民参与度和居民支持度均正向影响生活满意度。③生活满意度对农户生计策略转变意愿产生正向影响。这表明在居民支持度、居民参与度和生活满意度多重链式中介作用下,政府信任度对生计策略转变意愿具有间接影响。因此,为了助推乡村振兴,实现乡村旅游和农户生计的可持续,应发挥政府作用,从政策实施、旅游市场监控、完善基础设施建设等方面提高政府信任度,培养农户的主人翁意识,引导农户融入乡村旅游发展过程中,提高生活满意度,增强农户生计策略转变意愿。  相似文献   

中国多城市群大范围持续遭遇雾霾等空气环境问题,不仅严重影响着人民生活健康,同时成为制约中国社会经济发展的主要瓶颈。创新驱动作为引领发展的重要源泉,是治理城市雾霾的重要手段。因此,本文利用2004—2016年中国地级市PM2.5浓度、创新等数据,基于STIRPAT模型,通过空间计量方法在同时考虑空间横向维度及时间纵向维度下就中国城市创新对雾霾的影响进行了实证分析,并进一步从城市创新对雾霾的动态效应、作用距离阈值等多个角度进行了稳健性检验。实证结果表明:①中国城市雾霾污染呈现明显的空间溢出效应和高排放俱乐部集聚特征。②中国城市创新具有积极的减霾作用。从横向空间维度来看表现为积极的空间溢出效应,但存在一定的有效距离阈值。从纵向时间维度来看,减霾效应整体存在边际递减态势。③交通便利化及能源效率的提高有效抑制了城市雾霾污染的加剧,以煤为主的能源结构仍是城市雾霾污染加剧的一大诱因。基于上述事实,本文提出以下政策建议:中国在城市雾霾治理过程中应实施科学规划,布局联防联控。防止城市"单边"治霾努力成果被周边城市的"泄漏效应"所削减;聚集创新要素,打造创新型城市引擎。在城市群内部形成创新竞争、合作机制,创新重塑城市群发展模式以缓解城市雾霾污染;考虑到城市创新对于雾霾治理红利存在边际递减态势,除上述减霾渠道外,治霾政策仍需坚持从源头着手,优化产业、能源结构,促进能效、路效提高,最终成就美丽城市。  相似文献   

政策执行是政策目标实现的重要环节,政策执行的本质是主体之间考虑利益得失的利益博弈过程,利益推动行为主体执行或违反政策。农户是农村居民点整理的直接利益主体,农户自身利益需求与补偿政策的差异表现为补偿满意度,明晰农户补偿满意度影响因素,对解决农户利益需求缺位,提高农村居民点整理政策执行效率意义重大。本文在理论分析农村居民点整理农户补偿满意度影响因素的基础上,结合典型区域扬州市刘集镇农户补偿满意度调查,应用有序Logit模型,分析个人特征、家庭特征、成本效益及政策认知等因素对农村居民点整理农户补偿满意度的影响。研究结果表明:(1)农户补偿满意度受其自身和家庭禀赋特征影响,家庭劳动力人数较多、非农就业为主的农户,对农村土地的依赖性较低,补偿满意度会相应提升。(2)农户补偿满意度受成本效益因素显著影响,提高耕作便捷度、改善出行交通,会降低通勤成本,增加受益感知,进而提高农户补偿满意度;而日常消费上升、原有宅基地面积较大,会增加农户参与整理的成本投入,降低农户补偿满意度。(3)农户补偿满意度受政策认知因素明显影响,正面的政策制定评价、较高的政策执行满意度及农民收入增加的价值认同,均将提高农户补偿满意度。因此,应合理评估宅基地价值,重视农村居民点整理政策的长期影响评价,综合考量农村居民点整理政策实施前后农户的总成本和综合效益确定合理的补偿标准,以优化利益分配格局。并通过推进配套制度改革完善、规范政策执行机制等措施提高整理区农户的社会福利及政策认同。  相似文献   

Inspired by the emergence of the positive psychology (PP) movement, recent environmental psychology studies have identified a need for further inquiry into “positive environments” (PEs). Recognizing that PP has largely neglected the role of environmental factors in the appearance of positivity, this paper proposes the study of person–environment relations in order to explain human well-being, psychological growth, sustainable behaviors, and other psychological positive factors, in addition to studying the material and social well-being that a positive environment provides. The traditional view of environmental positivity (i.e., the environment as an inexhaustible and infinite source of resources that satisfy human needs) is contrasted against an ecological vision of PE in which the conservation of the quality of the environment is as important as the satisfaction of human needs. A definition of positive environment is presented and discussed, which conceives PE as a context that promotes individual and collective benefits and that also influences human predispositions to conserve—in the long run—the sociophysical structures on which life depends.  相似文献   

网络关注度从赛博空间层面反映了旅游者对旅游目的地的整体感知。通过社会网络分析方法,以综合运用"直接取词法"和"范围取词法"选定的与湖南旅游目的地城市旅游活动密切相关的共计103个关键词的百度指数构建而成的网络关注度指数为分析数据,对湖南旅游目的地城市的网络关注度及其空间格局进行了系统分析。研究发现:(1)旅游者对湖南各旅游目的地城市的网络关注程度有所差别,但是上述旅游目的地城市的网络关注度在年度周期内呈现出同步波动态势,具有较强的"共现性";(2)旅游者对湖南各旅游目的地城市的网络关注度构成了相对完整的关联结构,但是岳阳与其他旅游目的地城市之间网络信息互动较弱,娄底和益阳与其他旅游目的地城市之间基本没有网络信息互动;(3)旅游者对湖南各旅游目的地城市的网络关注度的网络影响力呈现出明显的等级结构,其中,长沙、郴州和株洲具有显著的"结构洞"优势,对湖南各旅游目的地城市之间的信息流动起到的"桥接"作用明显;(4)旅游者对湖南各旅游目的地城市的网络关注度的空间关联网络可以划分4个板块:其中湘西州位于"经纪人"板块;衡阳等4个节点位于"献媚"位置;长沙等6个节点位于"首属人"位置;娄底、岳阳和益阳则位于"孤立"位置;(5)旅游者对湖南各旅游目的地城市的网络关注度在很大程度上反映了湖南各旅游目的地城市的资源禀赋和旅游产业发展状况,但两者之间并不完全匹配。湖南各旅游目的地城市的资源禀赋和旅游产业是旅游者对湖南各旅游目的地城市产生网络关注度的基础,而网络关注度则主要通过促进或阻碍地理空间因素的方式对湖南旅游目的地城市网络关注度及其空间格局产生影响。鉴于上述研究发现,论文提出,要促进湖南省的旅游产业发展,各旅游目的地城市除了需要强化自身的优质资源建设,凸显各自的旅游发展特质之外,还需要扩大各旅游目的地城市之间的旅游信息交流和合作,尤其需要促进湖南各旅游目的地城市与其他区域之间的旅游者、旅游信息等要素的自由流动,逐步形成多中心、多网络协同发展的旅游空间格局。  相似文献   


It is known that globalization has led first- and second-tier cities’ urban restructuring trajectories, excreted pressures, and caused tremendous socioeconomic volatility. This resulted in marginalized communities in dire of social empowerment, employment structure variance, and industry sectoral adjustment. Moreover, recent successive climate and health crisis unfolded and affirmed the state of our urban incompetence to sustain socioeconomic resilience or otherwise; lacking swift responses in providing critical management and services, cites are facing multifaceted challenges. Urban well-being and resilience are at stake. Although the environmental and health dimensional effects are apparent, this study ascertains that the transept multi-scalar analysis within the urban socioeconomic structure is crucial in sustaining core resilience to foster health and well-being of the community. As an integral part of the investigation, the revised DPSIR assessment framework is applied to evaluate the sectoral shift; spatial structure disarray and urban codependence degree are examined within the Taipei metropolitan area (TMA), a medium size but densely populated metropolitan area in Taiwan. The place-based DPSIR analysis ascertained the states and impacts in TMA: (1) A population decline speeded the restructuring of the urban core, while the impact of demographic aging and shrinkage rate mandates proper management and planning responses to the decline process; (2) the socioeconomic state effect is determined but does not critically affect the periphery zone, while an uneven demographic shift within the urban core necessitates dynamic adjustment responses to appropriately provide intergenerational services; (3) the uneven sector redistribution stimulated the core’s spatial and structural inter-dependency with peripheral zones, requiring governance with tighter cross-administration cooperation among respective public sectors; and (4) facing the sector/temporal and demographic pressure, urban cohesiveness in the TMA is greatly affected, which in turn disrupts the resilience pathway toward a cohesion. The study ascertained that the revised DPSIR framework could provide cities facing pressing socioeconomic drivers with effective analysis to allocate pressures, states, and impacts and formulate the necessary responses. To assure the socioeconomic resilience and urban cohesiveness, planning policy should carefully monitor and evaluate socio-demographic and sector redistribution factors to promote the urban resilience.


以京津冀大气污染传输通道“2+26”城市为对象的区域性雾霾专项治理已经开展两年有余。要判断“2+26”城市治霾方案的实施是否取得了显著成效需要通过科学的实证分析加以验证。采集山东省13个内陆城市2016—2018年每日空气质量指数(AQI)、六种单项污染物(PM 2.5、PM 10、SO 2、NO 2、CO、O 3)浓度以及气象条件等数据,以其中属于“2+26”城市的7城市作为实验组,其余6城市作为对照组,基于双重差分法,对“2+26”城市治霾方案在山东省相关城市的实施效果进行评估,试图分离方案实施所带来的环境效应。结果表明:①“2+26”城市治霾方案的实施总体上有效,对污染传输通道7城市空气质量指数(AQI)指标的降低发挥了显著作用。②“2+26”城市治霾方案对污染传输通道城市的PM 2.5、PM 10、CO浓度的降低有显著贡献,但对SO 2、NO 2和O 3指标的改善贡献并不明显。③对方案进行分时段动态效应分析发现,《京津冀及周边地区2017年大气污染防治工作方案》的发布并未对污染传输通道城市空气质量改善产生立竿见影的效果,而《京津冀及周边地区2017—2018年秋冬季大气污染综合治理攻坚行动方案》《京津冀及周边地区2018—2019年秋冬季大气污染综合治理攻坚行动方案》的落实和执行才是“2+26”城市治霾方案显著见效的保障。该研究在严格遵守双重差分法前提条件的同时,还通过了一系列稳健性检验确保评估结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

This paper reports structural associations between psychological states, pro-environmental behavior, and present and future subjective well-being. A mailed questionnaire surveyed residents in Stockholm County, Sweden, to gather data on pro-environmental behaviors in water and energy saving at home, universalism and intrinsic satisfaction as motivational factors, and present and future subjective well-being. Results of path analysis suggest that: (1) Psychological factors (i.e., universalism, frugality, and participation categories of intrinsic satisfaction) correlate with pro-environmental behavior; (2) pro-environmental behavior could enhance not only present subjective well-being but expectations of future subjective well-being; and (3) expectations of future subjective well-being are negatively associated with current pro-environmental behavior. An important implication of this study is that expectation of better future subjective well-being may not always facilitate pro-environmental behavior. These results suggest that psychological factors both as antecedents and consequences play a significant role in building a sustainable society and improving our quality of life.  相似文献   

Farmers’ compensation for land acquisition is not only critical to increasing their income and to playing a pivotal role in maintaining rural stability, but also to the promotion of sustainable land use. Based on analysis of Chinese land acquisition policy under the Land Management Law, which provides principles or guidelines for determining compensation according to agricultural land use in regard to farmers’ previous quality of life, the Life Satisfaction Approach is introduced in this article to evaluate farmers’ compensation for land acquisition. Employing data from a questionnaire survey on 346 farming households in Wuhan Suburbs, this article examined the influence of farmland on farmers’ life satisfaction and evaluated the level of compensation for land acquisition. Results show that farmland has a significantly positive impact on life satisfaction, which fell by 0.033 on a five-point scale following a reduction farmland by of 1 mu. Respondents were willing to accept approximately RMB 3066.44 annual household income for the loss of 1 mu farmland; the level of compensation after discounting by 6.2% is RMB 750,000 per hectare. It was found in a further comparative study that the level of farmers’ compensation for land acquisition is decidedly low, and it was also shown that their compensation standards, as well as the actual compensation, could be substantially improved by expanding economic compensation to non-economic compensation to embody farmland multifunction in terms of production and non-production against farmers’ previous quality of life. This article proposes a compensation model that enriches the content of land acquisition compensation, extends the current literature on measuring compensation, and provides economic theory bases for increasing compensation standards and improving policies related to land acquisition. We consider that if this compensation model is applied, it could raise the cost of land acquisition and improve usage of land, reduce the speed of rural–urban land conversion, and improve farmers’ well-being.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the associations between residential traffic noise exposure from the noise sources--road, rail and aircraft--and self-reported indicators of health and well-being are investigated in a representative sample of the Swiss population. The study is based on record linkage of the Swiss GIS Noise Database (SonBase) and the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), a large panel survey with more than 10,000 respondents all over the country. A range of exposure-effect relationships of noise exposure and parameters of health and well-being such as self-reported health status, satisfaction with health, sleep disturbances, the intensity of the wish to move from the current residence as well as the awareness of "noise problems" at the place of living were investigated. Both unadjusted as well as models that controlled for age, sex, socioeconomic status, degree of urbanization at the place of residence, and personal living conditions were developed. A contribution of residential noise exposure as regards subjective estimates of health cannot been ruled out, but must be put into perspective as the effects of exposure measures were of rather small magnitude, especially compared to well-established determinants of health. Against the background of the explanatory power of classic health predictors, the present analyses allow one to gage the contribution of residential noise exposure on subjective health outcomes from a more general, integral point of view.  相似文献   

This study investigates the nature of the empirical link between an individual’s well-being and their carbon footprint. It employs a novel approach matching data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey, to household expenditure and greenhouse gas-based carbon footprints. The carbon footprints are calculated using environmental factor multipliers from the detailed and globally integrated multi-regional input–output (MRIO) tables provided by the Eora MRIO database. The results indicate that higher carbon footprints are associated with marginally lower levels of well-being. This relationship appears to be linear. Furthermore, this relationship does not differ greatly for individuals across the well-being distribution. The findings of this study both: (1) add to the body of knowledge on the link between carbon footprints and well-being; and (2) provide policy makers with evidence and strategic guidance on the well-being implications of mitigating carbon footprints.  相似文献   

Big cities are often said to have big water problems, and Shanghai is no exception. In this paper, we examine and compare the influence of the major factors that give rise to the risk of water insecurity in Shanghai. There is an extensive and diverse literature on these issues, dealt with in isolation, and here, we provide a synthesis of the literature, together with our own assessments and calculations, to assess what are the risks to Shanghai’s water supply and what is our degree of confidence in this assessment. We describe the systems that supply water to the city, and past and future changes in the systems, including changes in the glaciers that supply some water to the river, changes in climate, changes in land use, the construction of dams, and water diversions. We show how, at the same time as Shanghai is increasing its dependence on the Yangtze river, water diversions and sea level rise are increasing the risk that this water will be too saline to consume at certain times of the year. This analysis suggests that most of the major drivers of the risk to water security in Shanghai are within the power of environmental managers to control.  相似文献   


To understand haze-related online communication in Southeast Asia, this exploratory study took a mixed method approach to conduct web analysis of online communication during haze crisis in Singapore, followed by textual analysis of traditional and new media content during peak days. First, web analytics showed that Singapore’s haze online communication occurred mostly on the Twitter platform with primary negative sentiments. Next, textual analysis results found that majority of traditional media-affiliated news provided informative haze reports and centered on positive measurements taken by government and authorities, similar to Public Information Model for crisis management. In comparison, haze-related new media content had diverse topics reflecting laymen’s viewpoints with critical tones and negative sentiments. News portals and blogs used two-way asymmetrical and symmetrical model for crisis management, respectively. Additionally, Social Cognitive Theory’s media diversity perspectives were applied to understand people’s media choices among traditional and new media during natural crisis with environmental influences.  相似文献   

The conservation of forests in expanding frontier landscapes is critically important to maintain intact forest ecosystems and support forest dependent communities. To conserve frontier forests, policy approaches are needed that conserve forests and advance the well-being of local resource dependent communities. To identify such approaches, the forest conservation and development framework (FCDF) was designed to find place-based conservation-development policies that target system leverage-points influencing land-use practices. To demonstrate the utility of the FCDF, a portfolio of conservation-development policies were identified for Peru’s Manu-Tambopata Corridor (MAT) and evaluated by local land-users. Results of the MAT case study show high levels of interest in the proposed policies, but a wide variation in interest levels relative to personal circumstances and policies proposed. Barriers to implementing conservation-development policies in frontier environments were also identified, including high value land-use alternatives generating high opportunity costs for accepting PES payments (e.g., REDD+), insecure land tenure and conflicting authorizations limiting land-users policy choices, and broad demographic diversity among local land-users. Collectively, this research suggests the FCDF is a useful approach for identifying policies matched to local conditions that advance conservation and human development. This research also indicates policy design in frontier environments is most effective when adapted to local conditions, seeks to identify a mix of complementary policies, and is targeted at key system variables influencing land-use practices (i.e., system leverage-points). Importantly, the MAT case study also highlights how even in rapidly changing frontier landscapes, land-users are interested in policies that advance conservation and development goals.  相似文献   

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