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利用OMI卫星反演数据分析了2005—2014年中国中东部地区对流层臭氧变化趋势.结果表明,近10年来对流层臭氧总柱浓度混合比例较稳定,但近地面浓度明显增加,特别是在冬季臭氧上升速度达40%.同时分析了京津冀、长三角、珠三角地区10个重点城市的臭氧数据,发现京津冀地区的臭氧涨幅超过其他两个地区,其中,长三角地区臭氧混合比例最高,而珠三角地区相对较稳定.利用臭氧激光雷达和地面臭氧监测数据对卫星反演结果进行比较显示了较好的一致性,证明使用卫星反演的数据来研究长时间范围内近地层的臭氧变化是一种可行的方法.  相似文献   

将机器学习中的梯度提升回归树(GBRT)算法应用到中国地区地面O3浓度制图中,利用地面O3浓度观测数据,结合WRF气象数据、MODIS植被归一化指数以及高程人口数据建立训练预测数据集.通过反向变量选择法选取模型最佳特征变量对其进行训练,十折交叉验证结果:决定系数R2=0.89、均方根误差RMSE=4.75μg/m3.同时对全国O3人口暴露水平进行评估.结果表明:在暴露强度上,我国人口加权O3浓度值排在前5的省依次是山东、河南、江苏、河北、上海,均值浓度为94.48μg/m3.在暴露持续时间上,非达标天数最多的5个省依次是河南、山东、河北、宁夏、北京,一年内有42%的天数处于非达标的状态.  相似文献   

为研究上海春季近地面臭氧污染的区域性特征,对长三角地区55个城市国控站点及上海市54个城市监测站点2016年5月的臭氧监测网络数据进行主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA),并将分析结果与气象条件进行综合分析,结果表明,主成分分析在不同的空间尺度下可以解析出行为模式不同的臭氧生成及传输来源主成分,且在较大的空间尺度下可以解析出区域背景臭氧浓度.长三角地区春季区域臭氧特征复杂,存在9个主成分,第一主成分所能解释的背景臭氧浓度在68.8~154.7μg·m~(-3)之间,而上海市主成分解析结果较为集中,仅能解析出两个主成分,且第一主成分即可解释90.5%的臭氧.对比同时段长三角及上海市主成分分析解析结果,上海市春季臭氧污染主要受到来自海洋的东南风影响,高浓度臭氧污染的本地生成贡献显著.  相似文献   

Comprehensive air quality model with extensions (CAMx)-decoupled direct method (DDM) was used to simulate ozone-NOx-VOCs sensitivity of for May–November in 2016–2018 in China. Based on the relationship between the simulated ozone (O3) sensitivity values and the ratio of formaldehyde (HCHO) to NO2 (FNR) and the ratio of production rate of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to production rate of nitric acid (HNO3) (PH2O2/PHNO3), the localized range of FNR and PH2O2/PHNO3 thresholds in different regions in China were obtained. The overall simulated FNR values are about 1.640–2.520, and PH2O2/PHNO3 values are about 0.540–0.830 for the transition regime. Model simulated O3 sensitivities or region specific FNR or PH2O2/PHNO3 thresholds should be applied to ensure the accurate local O3 sensitivity regimes. Using the tropospheric column FNR values from ozone monitoring instrument (OMI) satellite data as an indicator with the simulated threshold values, the spatial distributions of O3 formation regimes in China are determined. The O3 sensitivity regimes from eastern to central China are gradually from VOC-limited, transition to NOx-limited spatially, and moving toward to transition or NOx-limited regime from 2005 to 2019 temporally.  相似文献   

利用来自世界臭氧与紫外辐射数据中心的中国区域6个地基观测站点数据,对多传感器再分析遥感数据进行验证,并基于验证后的遥感数据分析了1971~2020年中国区域臭氧总量不同尺度的时空变化特征.结果表明,50a来中国区域臭氧总量呈现轻微的下降趋势.年平均臭氧总量在1978年和1993年分别出现最大值(347.5±53.8) DU和最小值(291.9±29.5) DU,在1971~1978年、1978~1993年、1993~2020年,这3个时段年平均臭氧总量在整个中国区域分别是增长、减少、增长.月平均臭氧总量随季节变化呈现出正弦曲线形态,在3月和10月分别出现峰值(约338DU)和谷值(约285DU).中国区域臭氧总量在空间上呈现由东北向西南递减的纬向条带状分布.在40°N以北的东北部地区,该值可达360DU以上.中国区域50a月平均臭氧总量同样呈现纬向条带状分布.此外,时间变异系数和空间变异系数随季节的变化规律相似,夏季最小,接着依次是秋季和春季,冬季最大.即臭氧总量的变化和空间差异在夏季都最小.50a期间,不同时段、不同区域臭氧总量的变化趋势各不相同.在1971~1978年,臭氧总量的增长量和增长率都呈现由北向南递减的纬向条带状分布.在40°N以北的相对高值地区最大增加了56DU,约为16%;而在30°N以南的相对低值地区,最小增加了12DU,约为5%.在1978~1993年,减少量和减少率也呈现由北向南递减的纬度地带性.在40°N以北的相对高值地区最大减少了93DU,约为22%;而在30°N以南的相对低值地区,最小减少了11DU,约为4%.在1993~2020年,西北地区出现最大增长,增长量为18DU,约为6%;东南地区出现最小增长,增长量为4DU,约为1%.  相似文献   

NH3针对传统近地面NO2浓度空间模拟过程中NO2浓度与其影响要素之间关系的复杂非线性机制解释不充分的缺陷,本研究基于随机森林(RF)算法、融合多源地理要素开展了近地面NO2浓度空间分布模拟研究.以卫星OMI对流层NO2柱浓度数据和多源地理要素(道路交通、气象因子、土地利用/覆盖、地形高程、人口数量)为输入变量,近地面NO2浓度为输出变量,利用RF算法构建近地面NO2浓度反演模型.通过对比地面观测数据与传统土地利用回归模型(LUR)检验RF模型的有效性,基于所构建的最优RF模型在不同时间尺度下模拟分析中国大陆地区近地面NO2浓度空间分布特征.结果表明:(1)集成多源地理要素的RF回归模型精度高,月均模型整体拟合度R2 0.85,RMSE 6.08μg/m3,交叉验证的R2 0.84,RMSE 6.33μg/m3,显著高于LUR模型(拟合R2 0.53,RMSE 10.48μg/m3,交叉验证的R2 0.53,RMSE 10.49μg/m3); (2)地面NO2浓度与预测变量呈现显著的复杂非线性与时间尺度依赖关系,卫星OMI柱浓度对模型影响程度最大,重要性指标IncMSE介于97.40%~116.54%,多源地理特征变量对RF模型同样具有不可忽视的贡献力(IncMSE在23.34%~47.53%之间);(3)中国大陆地区NO2污染程度较高,年均模拟浓度为24.67μg/m3,存在明显季节性空间差异,NO2浓度冬季(31.85μg/m3) > 秋季(24.86μg/m3) > 春季(23.24μg/m3) > 夏季(18.75μg/m3),呈现以华北平原为高值中心、向外围逐渐减轻的空间分布格局.较已有研究揭示对流层NO2柱浓度宏观分布特征,本研究对近地面NO2污染特征的研究成果对于合理制定污染防控策略、降低居民暴露健康损害具有指导意义.  相似文献   

气象干旱是影响人类社会最严重的气象灾害之一,且对中纬度干旱半干旱地区的危害更为显著。为探究气候变化背景下我国甘肃地区干旱事件的时空分布,首先根据甘肃1969—2018年月值气象资料计算标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI),通过游程理论提取干旱事件。随后采用REOF旋转正交分解将研究区划分成5个气候子区,并以每个子区为单位,基于B-G分割算法细致对比各子区不同时间尺度干旱事件的变化特征和演变趋势。最后,采用相关性分析探究各子区干旱事件的驱动因素。主要结论有:(1)研究区干旱累积历时呈微弱增加趋势(0.475 d·(10a)−1)并存在19 a的主周期,干旱强度呈先缓和再加剧趋势,尤其是2000年后干旱加剧显著,并呈现出西北部干旱减轻、东南部干旱加剧的空间变化趋势。(2)REOF分解的前五个模态累积贡献率为53.06%,主要的空间分布模态为:全区一致型模态和南北反向分异模态。将研究区分为5个干旱子区:河西地区、河东中部地区、河东东部地区、乌鞘岭地区和河东西部地区。(3)河西地区自1988年以来气象干旱显著缓和(P<0.01);河东东、中、西部地区存在不同程度的干旱加剧趋势(0.120·(10a)−1、0.129·(10a)−1、0.072·(10a)−1,P>0.05);乌鞘岭地区在1975年以后气象干旱显著缓和(P<0.01),形成了干旱缓和与加剧变化的分水岭区域。(4)季节上,河西地区仅夏季呈缓和趋势;河东东部地区春季呈显著干旱化趋势,而秋季相反;河东西部地区春夏两季气候干旱化趋势明显而秋冬两季相反;河东中部地区和乌鞘岭地区季节变化呈明显一致性,前者四季均呈干旱化趋势,且春季干旱化最剧烈,后者四季均呈缓和趋势,且冬季最明显。(5)研究区气象干旱受当地气候因子和环流因子因素的共同影响,河西地区和河东西部地区对气温的响应明显而河东中、东部地区则对降水量的响应明显;乌鞘岭地区对日照时数的响应明显;NAO指数对研究区夏季气象干旱存在重要影响而ENSO事件(厄尔尼诺-南方涛动)对研究区春秋两季(尤其是春季)气象干旱存在重要影响。  相似文献   

Ozone (O3) concentration and flux (Fo) were measured using the eddy covariance technique over a wheat field in the Northwest-Shandong Plain of China. The O3-induced wheat yield loss was estimated by utilizing O3 exposure-response models. The results showed that: (1) During the growing season (7 March to 7 June, 2012), the minimum (16.1 ppbV) and maximum (53.3 ppbV) mean O3 concentrations occurred at approximately 6:30 and 16:00, respectively. The mean and maximum of all measured O3 concentrations were 31.3 and 128.4 ppbV, respectively. The variation of O3 concentration was mainly affected by solar radiation and temperature. (2) The mean diurnal variation of deposition velocity (Vd) can be divided into four phases, and the maximum occurred at noon (12:00). Averaged Vd during daytime (6:00–18:00) and nighttime (18:00–6:00) were 0.42 and 0.14 cm/sec, respectively. The maximum of measured Vd was about 1.5 cm/sec. The magnitude of Vd was influenced by the wheat growing stage, and its variation was significantly correlated with both global radiation and friction velocity. (3) The maximum mean Fo appeared at 14:00, and the maximum measured Fo was − 33.5 nmol/(m2·sec). Averaged Fo during daytime and nighttime were − 6.9 and − 1.5 nmol/(m2·sec), respectively. (4) Using O3 exposure-response functions obtained from the USA, Europe, and China, the O3-induced wheat yield reduction in the district was estimated as 12.9% on average (5.5%–23.3%). Large uncertainties were related to the statistical methods and environmental conditions involved in deriving the exposure-response functions.  相似文献   

2016年中国城市臭氧浓度的时空变化规律   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随着城市化进程的加快和机动车保有量的急剧增加,导致我国很多地区臭氧(O3)前体物(挥发性有机物和氮氧化物)排放量显著增加,臭氧污染现象日益突出.臭氧污染对人体健康、植被生长、生态环境等具有重要影响,已成为学术界研究的热点.为揭示全国尺度近地面臭氧的时空变化规律,本文基于2016年中国364个城市的监测数据分析了中国城市O3浓度的时空变化特征,并采用Global Moran''s I和Getis-Ord Gi*指数,揭示了2016年中国城市O3污染的空间集聚和冷热点区域的时空特征.结果表明,在全国尺度上,2016年中国城市年均O3浓度为100.2 μg·m-3,北方城市和南方城市O3浓度分别具有显著的倒"V"和"M"型月变化规律,且呈现夏季高、春秋季居中、冬季最低的特征;中国城市O3浓度具有显著的空间分异规律,中部和东部是O3污染的高发区,西部地区和黑龙江省的O3污染处于较低水平;中国城市O3浓度具有显著的集聚性特征,且呈现1-5月由南向北而6-12月由北向南扩展的年周期循环特征,热点地区主要集中在华北、华中和华东地区.  相似文献   

为了提高PM2.5估算精度,获得连续的PM2.5浓度空间分布,本文提出了一种时空XGBoost模型(STXGB).STXGB模型引入克里金法,将地理信息和时间信息融合到XGBoost算法体系中,通过集成遥感数据、气象数据和地理信息数据建立了基于STXGB模型的PM2.5质量浓度空间估算方法.最后,以2019年中国区域PM2.5质量浓度月数据为例,采用基于样本、站点和时间的十折交叉验证法,评估了STXGB模型的性能,并与BP神经网络(BPNN)、随机森林(RF)、XGBoost、反距离加权XGBoost (XGBIDW)模型结果进行对比.结果表明,STXGB模型的预测精度优于其它模型,其中,STXGB模型验证的决定系数为0.92,均方根误差为6.51 μg·m-3,平均预测误差为4.26 μg·m-3,利用该模型生成的中国区域PM2.5浓度空间分布更为合理.  相似文献   

To investigate the seasonal variation of aerosol optical depth(AOD), extinction coefcient(EXT), single scattering albedo(SSA) and the decomposed impacts from sulfate(SO4 2) and black carbon(BC) over China, numerical experiments are conducted from November 2007 to December 2008 by using WRF-Chem. Comparison of model results with measurements shows that model can reproduce the spatial distribution and seasonal variation of AOD and SSA. Over south China, AOD is largest in spring(0.6–1.2) and lowest in summer(0.2–0.6). Over north, northeast and east China, AOD is highest in summer while lowest in winter. The high value of EXT under 850 hPa which is the reflection of low visibility ranges from 0.4–0.8 km 1and the high value area shifts to north during winter, spring and summer, then back to south in autumn. SSA is 0.92–0.94 in winter and 0.94–0.96 for the other three seasons because of highest BC concentration in winter over south China. Over east China, SSA is highest(0.92–0.96) in summer, and 0.88–0.92 during winter, spring and autumn as the concentration of scattering aerosol is highest while BC concentration is lowest in summer over this region. Over north China, SSA is highest(0.9–0.94) in summer and lowest(0.82–0.86) in winter due to the significant variation of aerosol concentration. The SO4 2 induced EXT increases about 5%– 55% and the impacts of BC on EXT is much smaller(2%–10%). The SO4 2-induced increase in SSA is 0.01–0.08 and the BC-induced SSA decreases 0.02–0.18.  相似文献   

The structure of the boundary layer affects the evolution of ozone(O_3), and research into this structure will provide important insights for understanding photochemical pollution.In this study, we conducted a one-month observation(from June 15 to July 14, 2016) of the boundary layer meteorological factors as well as O_3 and its precursors in Luancheng County,Shijiazhuang(37°53′N, 114°38′E). Our research showed that photochemical pollution in Shijiazhuang is serious, and the mean hourly maximum and mean 8-hr maximum O_3 concentrations are 97.9 ± 26.1 and 84.4 ± 22.4 ppbV, respectively. Meteorological factors play a significant role in the formation of O_3. High temperatures and southeasterly winds lead to elevated O_3 values, and at moderate relative humidity(40%–50%) and medium boundary layer heights(1200–1500 m), O_3 production sensitivity occurred in the transitional region between volatile organic compounds(VOC) and nitrogen oxides(NO_x) limitations,and the O_3 concentration was the highest. The vertical profiles of O_3 were also measured by a tethered balloon. The results showed that a large amount of O_3 was stored in the residual layer, and the concentration was positively correlated with the O_3 concentration measured the previous day. During the daytime of the following day, the contribution of O_3 stored in the residual layer to the boundary layer reached 27% ± 7% on average.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation (UV) and ozone can greatly affect human health and the Earth's ecological environment. By deploying a UV radiometer aboard a stratospheric balloon released at Qaidam (QDM) during the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) period in 2019, we provided in situ measurement of the UV profiles from the surface to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), China, for the first time. Based on two in situ UV profiles accompanied by four ozonesonde measurements, this study exhibited detailed variations of downwelling UV and vertical ozone distributions over the TP during the ASM period. The UV differences between the surface and stratospheric balloon flight altitudes were 16.7, 15.8, 12.6 and 18.0 Wm?2 during the four ozonesonde launches. Due to the diurnal variations in photochemical production and the stratosphere-troposphere exchange, the integrated ozone columns below 30 km ranged from 184.4 to 221.6 DU from four ozonesonde measurements. A positive correlation between UV attenuation and ozone column was exhibited under low cloud cover and clear sky conditions. The results of this study are expected to improve our understanding of UV and ozone properties, as well as their potential effects on terrestrial ecosystems and living environments over this significant plateau.  相似文献   

In this paper the grid data of total ozone mapping spectrograph (TOMS) installed on Nimbus-7 satellite (1978 to 1994) was used and the spatial and temporal distribution of total ozone over China was analyzed. The research indicates that the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau destroyed the latitudinal distribution of total ozone of China and the low value closed center emerged over Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Long time change trends of seasonal total ozone of Qinghai-Tibet plateau are provided. It shows that the most obvious decrease of total ozone occurs in winter (Jan.), then in summer (Jul.), the relevant slow change occurs in autumn (Oct.) and spring (Apr.).  相似文献   

Tropospheric pollutants including surface ozone(O_3), nitrogen dioxide(NO_2), carbon monoxide(CO) and meteorological parameters were measured at a traffic junction(78°2′ E and 27°11′ N) in Agra, India from January 2012 to December 2012. Temporal analysis of pollutants suggests that annual average mixing ratios of tropospheric pollutants were: O_3— 22.97 ± 23.36 ppbV,NO_2— 19.84 ± 16.71 ppb V and CO — 0.91 ± 0.86 ppm V, with seasonal variations of O_3 having maximum mixing ratio during summer season(32.41 ± 19.31 ppbV), whereas lowest was found in post-monsoon season(8.74 ± 3.8 ppbV). O_3 precursors: NO_2 and CO, showed inverse relationship with O_3. Seasonal variation and high O_3 episodes during summer are associated with meteorological parameters such as high solar radiation, atmospheric temperature and transboundary transport. The interdependence of these variables showed a link between the daytime mixing ratios of O_3 with the nighttime level of NO_2. The mixing ratios of CO and NO_2 showed tight correlations, which confirms the influence of vehicular emissions combined with other anthropogenic activities due to office/working hours, shallowing, and widening of boundary layer. FLEXTRA backward trajectories for the O_3 episode days clearly indicate the transport from the NW and W to S/SE and SW direction at Agra in different seasons.  相似文献   

南京地区近地面臭氧浓度与气象条件关系研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过分析2013—2015年南京地区相关气象要素对近地面臭氧浓度的影响,建立了用于不同季节高浓度臭氧污染事件的预报预警模型,并归纳总结了南京地区高浓度臭氧出现的天气形势.结果表明,近地面臭氧浓度的变化与气象要素密切相关,气温、能见度、日照小时、总(净)辐射辐照度等要素与O_3浓度呈显著正相关,与相对湿度、总(低)云量呈负相关.高浓度臭氧污染是多因子综合作用的结果,典型气象条件表现为:太阳辐射强,低云量少,相对湿度适宜,地面小风速及特定的风向.通过定义高浓度臭氧潜势指数HOPI和风向指数WDI,并综合考虑14:00地面气温、相对湿度及8:00各标准层的相关气象要素,建立了逐季节多指标叠套的高浓度臭氧预报方程.采用2016年资料对其进行检验,发现预报值与观测值的相关系数分别达0.72(冬季)、0.76(春季)和0.73(夏季),说明方程具有较好的拟合效果和可预报性.通过普查历史天气图,归纳了伴随南京地区高浓度臭氧事件出现的8种主要天气形势,即高压类(高压中心G0、高压后部G1)、低压类(低压底部D0、低压前部D1、低压倒槽D2)、均压类(高压相关的均压JG、低压相关的均压JD、其它均压J).其中,以高压后部地面形势出现概率最大,低压前部均压场出现时对应臭氧平均浓度最高.  相似文献   

采用重心模型、空间自相关分析和地理探测器,研究了2016年中国东部O3浓度的时空变化规律,揭示了气象因素和前体物对中国东部O3浓度空间分布格局及其演变的影响.结果表明:(1)O3浓度变化可分为3个阶段:1~3月为低值上升阶段、4~9月为高值波动阶段、10~12月为低值下降阶段,O3污染主要发生在高值波动阶段,超标天数占全年的96.0%.(2)气象因素是影响O3年均浓度空间分布格局的主导因素,受降水、相对湿度南高北低和日照时数北高南低的影响,O3年均浓度总体呈北高南低的态势;前体物对O3年均浓度分布也有显著影响,是城市群核心城市形成局部O3污染中心的原因.(3)O3月均浓度分布格局经历了由北高南低到南高北低的演变过程,1~6月O3浓度总体重心和高值重心向北迁移,6月达到最北,北高南低的特征最强,环渤海地区成为O3污染最严重的区域;7~12月,O3浓度总体重心和高值重心向南迁移,12月达到最南,O3浓度分布格局演变为南高北低.3~9月雨季期间,O3浓度分布主要受降水和相对湿度的影响,其余时间主要受气温的影响.(4)前体物对O3浓度分布的影响主要通过气象条件实现,气温越高,光化学反应越强,前体物的正向影响力越大;气温越低,光化学反应越弱,NOx、CO、SO2等化学性质活跃的前体物对O3可能起消耗作用.  相似文献   

Lake Caohai has experienced extensive Microcystis blooms in recent years,and to improve its water quality,the local government carried out a series of water control measures.To better understand the dynamics of both pelagic and benthic Microcystis and their characteristics in Lake Caohai,we conducted a 1-year investigation from December 2015to December 2016 to gain a seasonal outlook on the distribution and dynamics of cell abundance,colony size and intracellular microcystins(MCs)of Microcystis.The results indicated that the Microcystis bloom occupied primarily the northeastern region and then moved gradually from lakeshore to lake center.The perennial southwesterly winds and the water inflow from northeast to southwest in Lake Caohai determined the spatiotemporal distribution of pelagic Microcystis.Benthic Microcystis was mainly distributed in the northeastern region in summer,occupied the lake center in autumn and then occupied the southeastern region in winter,determined by the sedimentation of pelagic Microcystis and the death of benthic Microcystis.Small colonies(20-60μm)overwintered more easily in both water column and sediment.The concentrations of intracellular toxin of benthic Microcystis were observed to be significantly higher than those of pelagic Microcystis.This might be because Microcystis synthesized large amount of MCs to acclimate to an unfavorable benthic environment.This knowledge on the dynamics of Microcystis expands our understanding of mechanisms underpinning the formation of Microcystis blooms.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of Chinese soybean cultivars to ambient ozone(O3) in the field is unknown,although soybean is a major staple food in China. Using ethylenediurea(EDU) as an O3 protectant, we tested the gas exchange, pigments, antioxidants and biomass of 19 cultivars exposed to 28 ppm·hr AOT40(accumulated O3 over an hourly concentration threshold of40 ppb) over the growing season at a field site in China. By comparing the average biomass with and without EDU, we estimated the cultivar-specific sensitivity to O3 and ranked the cultivars from very tolerant( 10% change) to highly sensitive( 45% change), which helps in choosing the best-suited cultivars for local cultivation. Higher lipid peroxidation and activity of the ascorbate peroxidase enzyme were major responses to O3 damage, which eventually translated into lower biomass production. The constitutional level of total ascorbate in the leaves was the most important parameter explaining O3 sensitivity among these cultivars. Surprisingly, the role of stomatal conductance was insignificant. These results will guide future breeding efforts towards more O3-tolerant cultivars in China, while strategies for implementing control measures of regional O3 pollution are being implemented. Overall, these results suggest that present ambient O3 pollution is a serious concern for soybean in China, which highlights the urgent need for policy-making actions to protect this critical staple food.  相似文献   

基于卫星观测的青海高原对流层臭氧时空分布特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于OMI-MLS对流层臭氧总量数据集对2005—2019年青海高原对流层大气臭氧总量进行提取分析,探讨其时空分布格局及气象因子的影响.结果表明:①OMI-MLS对流层臭氧总量数据在青海高原的适用性良好.③海高原的多年平均对流层臭氧总量分布整体呈东北高西南低的态势,受地形和大气环流形势影响较大.海东市的对流层臭氧总量最高,其次是西宁市、格尔木市、德令哈市,玉树市的对流层臭氧总量最低.对流层臭氧总量月变化在一定程度上表现为"倒V"型特点:峰值位于6—7月,谷值位于1月,与气温变化密切相关.对流层臭氧总量季节变化明显,空间异质性强,夏季最高,春季、秋季次之,冬季最低.③近15年青海高原对流层臭氧总量呈显著增加趋势,年平均增加速率为0.22 DU,4个季节的对流层臭氧总量均呈波动上升趋势,冬季的对流层臭氧总量增加速率最快,其次是春季、夏季,秋季增加速率较慢.④影响青海高原对流层大气臭氧总量的主要气象因子是气温和降水,而次要因子表现略有不同.  相似文献   

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