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The current study evaluates the cytogenetic effects of chromium (III) oxide nanoparticles on the root cells of Allium cepa. The root tip cells of A. cepa were treated with the aqueous dispersions of Cr2O3 nanoparticles (NPs) at five different concentrations (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 μg/mL) for 4 hr. The colloidal stability of the nanoparticle suspensions during the exposure period were ascertained by particle size analyses. After 4 hr exposure to Cr2O3 NPs, a significant decrease in mitotic index (MI) from 35.56% (Control) to 35.26% (0.01 μg/mL), 34.64% (0.1 μg/mL), 32.73% (1 μg/mL), 29.6% (10 μg/mL) and 20.92% (100 μg/mL) was noted. The optical, fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopic analyses demonstrated specific chromosomal aberrations such as—chromosome stickiness, chromosome breaks, laggard chromosome, clumped chromosome, multipolar phases, nuclear notch, and nuclear bud at different exposure concentrations. The concentration-dependent internalization/bio-uptake of Cr2O3 NPs may have contributed to the enhanced production of anti oxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase to counteract the oxidative stress, which in turn resulted in observed chromosomal aberrations and cytogenetic effects. These results suggest that A. cepa root tip assay can be successfully applied for evaluating environmental risk of Cr2O3 NPs over a wide range of concentrations.  相似文献   

We have studied the genotoxic and apoptotic potential of ferric oxide nanoparticles(Fe_2O_3-NPs) in Raphanus sativus(radish).Fe_2O_3-NPs retarded the root length and seed germination in radish.Ultrathin sections of treated roots showed subcellular localization of Fe_2O_3-NPs,along with the appearance of damaged mitochondria and excessive vacuolization.Flow cytometric analysis of Fe_2O_3-NPs(1.0 mg/m L) treated groups exhibited 219.5%,161%,120.4% and 161.4% increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species(ROS),mitochondrial membrane potential(ΔΨm),nitric oxide(NO) and Ca2+influx in radish protoplasts.A concentration dependent increase in the antioxidative enzymes glutathione(GSH),catalase(CAT),superoxide dismutase(SOD) and lipid peroxidation(LPO) has been recorded.Comet assay showed a concentration dependent increase in deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) strand breaks in Fe_2O_3-NPs treated groups.Cell cycle analysis revealed 88.4% of cells in sub-G1 apoptotic phase,suggesting cell death in Fe_2O_3-NPs(2.0 mg/m L) treated group.Taking together,the genotoxicity induced by Fe_2O_3-NPs highlights the importance of environmental risk associated with improper disposal of nanoparticles(NPs) and radish can serve as a good indicator for measuring the phytotoxicity of NPs grown in NP-polluted environment.  相似文献   

With the development of nanotechnology,gold(Au) and graphene oxide(GO) nanoparticles have been widely used in various fields,resulting in an increased release of these particles into the environment.The released nanoparticles may eventually accumulate in sediment,causing possible ecotoxicological effects to benthic invertebrates.However,the impact of Au-NPs and GO-NPs on the cosmopolitan oligochaete,Tubifex tubifex,in sediment exposure is not known.Mortality,behavioral impact(GO-NP and Au-NP) and uptake(only Au-NP) of sediment-associated Au-NPs(4.9±0.14 nm) and GO-NPs(116±0.05 nm) to T.tubifex were assessed in a number of 5-day exposure experiments.The results showed that the applied Au-NP concentrations(10 and 60 μg Au/g dry weight sediment) had no adverse effect on T.tubifex survival,while Au bioaccumulation increased with exposure concentration.In the case of GO-NPs,no mortality of T.tubifex was observed at a concentration range of 20 and180 μg GO/g dry weight sediment,whereas burrowing activity was significantly reduced at 20 and 180 μg GO/g dry weight sediment.Our results suggest that Au-NPs at 60 μg Au/g or GO-NPs at 20 and 180 μg GO/g were detected by T.tubifex as toxicants during short-term exposures.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles(NPs) are widely used for their special physical properties and released into the natural environment. When two types of NPs exist in the same environment, the presence of one type of NP may affect the properties of the other type of NP. This study investigated the toxic effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWCNTs) and copper oxide nanoparticles(Cu O NPs) on Tetradesmus obliquus. Both NPs had toxic effects on algae, and the toxic effects of MWCNTs were significantly stronger tha...  相似文献   

纳米氧化锌(Zn O NPs)对呼吸道的毒性损伤作用备受关注,但有关其对呼吸道上皮细胞动态变化的影响机理还有待深入研究.因此,本研究通过将大鼠气管上皮细胞(RTE)暴露于不同浓度(1和10 mg·L~(-1))和不同粒径(50和200 nm)的Zn O NPs中,利用细胞电阻抗检测技术(ECIS)检测细胞动态变化,采用CCK8法检测细胞生长抑制效应,并通过胞内ROS和MDA含量变化探讨其影响机制.ECIS检测结果显示,Zn O NPs暴露下,RTE细胞生长和增殖受到明显抑制,且具有浓度依赖效应.当暴露浓度为1 mg·L~(-1)时,与对照组相比,50 nm暴露组细胞电阻抗值的下调幅度为18%,为200 nm暴露组的1.2倍.Zn O NPs诱导的RTE细胞增殖抑制率具有浓度依赖效应,当暴露浓度为10 mg·L~(-1)时,50和200 nm暴露组细胞增殖抑制率分别为暴露浓度为1 mg·L~(-1)时的2.9和1.4倍.Zn O NPs诱导的RTE细胞氧化应激结果显示,胞内ROS和MDA含量随着纳米颗粒暴露浓度的增加而增加,随着纳米颗粒粒径的减小而增加,具有显著的浓度-和剂量-依赖效应.当Zn O NPs浓度分别为1和10 mg·L~(-1)时,ROS含量分别是对照组的2.8和3.7倍;当暴露浓度为10 mg·L~(-1)时,50 nm暴露组细胞内ROS含量是200 nm暴露组的1.7倍;暴露浓度为1和10 mg·L~(-1)时,50 nm氧化锌处理组诱导的细胞内MDA含量分别是对照组的5.4和7.9倍.Zn O NPs能够影响呼吸道上皮细胞动态变化,从而破环RTE细胞屏障并进入细胞,诱导胞内ROS和MDA水平升高,进而抑制细胞的生长与增殖.研究表明,影响Zn O NPs诱导的RTE细胞动态变化和氧化应激的关键因素是颗粒粒径与暴露浓度.  相似文献   

With the increase in silver(Ag)-based products in our lives, it is essential to test the potential toxicity of silver nanoparticles(Ag NPs) and silver ions(Ag ions) on living organisms under various conditions. Here, we investigated the toxicity of Ag NPs with Ag ions to Escherichia coli K-12 strain under various conditions. We observed that both Ag NPs and Ag ions display antibacterial activities, and that Ag ions had higher toxicity to E. coli K-12 strain than Ag NPs under the same concentrations. To understand the toxicity of Ag NPs at a cellular level, reactive oxygen species(ROS) enzymes were detected for use as antioxidant enzymatic biomarkers. We have also studied the toxicity of Ag NPs and Ag ions under various coexistence conditions including: fixed total concentration, with a varied the ratio of Ag NPs to Ag ions; fixed the Ag NPs concentration and then increased the Ag ions concentration; fixed Ag ions concentration and then increasing the Ag NPs concentration.Exposure to Ag NPs and Ag ions clearly had synergistic toxicity; however, decreased toxicity(for a fixed Ag NPs concentration of 5 mg/L, after increasing the Ag ions concentration) to E. coli K-12 strain. Ag NPs and Ag ions in the presence of L-cysteine accelerated the bacterial cell growth rate, thereby reducing the bioavailability of Ag ions released from Ag NPs under the single and coexistence conditions. Further works are needed to consider this potential for Ag NPs and Ag ions toxicity across a range of environmental conditions.Environmental Significance Statement: As silver nanoparticles(Ag NPs)-based products are being broadly used in commercial industries, an ecotoxicological understanding of the Ag NPs being released into the environment should be further considered. Here, we investigate the comparative toxicity of Ag NPs and silver ions(Ag ions) to Escherichia coli K-12 strain, a representative ecotoxicological bioreporter. This study showed that toxicities of Ag NPs and Ag ions to E. coli K-12 strain display different relationships when existing individually or when coexisting, and in the presence of L-cysteine materials. These findings suggest that the toxicology research of nanomaterials should consider conditions when NPs coexist with and without their bioavailable ions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to understand toxicity of mixture of nanoparticles (NPs) (ZnO and TiO2) and their ions to Escherichia coli. Results indicated the decrease in percentage growth of E. coli with the increase in concentration of NPs both in single and mixture setups. Even a small concentration of 1 mg/L was observed to be significantly toxic to E. coli in binary mixture setup (exposure concentration: 1 mg/L ZnO and 1 mg/L TiO2; 21.15% decrease in plate count concentration with respect to control). Exposure of E. coli to mixture of NPs at 1000 mg/L (i.e., 1000 mg/L ZnO and 1000 mg/L TiO2) resulted in 99.63% decrease in plate count concentration with respect to control. Toxic effects of ions to E. coli were found to be lesser than their corresponding NPs. The percentage growth reduction was found to be 36% for binary mixture of zinc and titanium ions at the highest concentration (i.e., 803.0 mg/L Zn and 593.3 mg/L Ti where ion concentrations are equal to the Zn ions present in 1000 mg/L ZnO NP solution and Ti+ 4 ions present in 1000 mg/L TiO2 NP solution). Nature of mixture toxicity of the two NPs to E. coli was found to be antagonistic. The alkaline phosphatase (Alp) assay indicated that the maximum damage was observed when E. coli was exposed to 1000 mg/L of mixture of NPs. This study tries to fill the knowledge gap on information of toxicity of mixture of NPs to bacteria which has not been reported earlier.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of gold nanoparticles surface-functionalized with the antimicrobial peptide indolicidin(Au NPs-indolicidin) towards the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one of the major eukaryotic model organisms, have been evaluated. Growth and survival,genotoxicity, as measured by comet assay, and expression of the YCA1, an apoptosis indicating gene, following 72 hr exposure of yeast to Au NPs-indolicidin, and to Au NPs and indolicidin alone have been examined. The gold nanoparticles exerted toxicity with DNA damage, accompanied by reactive oxygen species production(ROS), but they do not inhibit yeast growth and viability. Genotoxicity was less pronounced for surface-functionalized nanoparticles, showing that S. cerevisiae is quite resistant to the complex Au NPs-indolicidin.A progressive reduction of the genotoxic effect was observed along 72 hr exposure,presumably due to the activation of DNA repair mechanisms. These findings suggest the occurrence of a physiological protective response of S. cerevisiae towards nanoparticles,thereby providing useful information to the assessment of the environmental impact of metal nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Based on the concentration of Malathion used in the field, we evaluated the genotoxic potential of low concentrations of this insecticide on meristematic and F1 cells of Allium cepa and on rat hepatoma tissue culture (HTC cells). In the A. cepa, chromosomal aberrations (CAs), micronuclei (MN), and mitotic index (MI) were evaluated by exposing the cells at 1.5, 0.75, 0.37, and 0.18 mg/mL of Malathion for 24 and 48 hr of exposure and 48 hr of recovery time. The results showed that all concentrations were genotoxic to A. cepa cells. However, the analysis of the MI has showed non-relevant effects. Chromosomal bridges were the CA more frequently induced, indicating the clastogenic action of Malathion. After the recovery period, the higher concentrations continued to induce genotoxic effects, unlike the observed for the lowest concentrations tested. In HTC cells, the genotoxicity of Malathion was evaluated by the MN test and the comet assay by exposing the cells at 0.09, 0.009, and 0.0009 mg/5 mL culture medium, for 24 hr of exposure. In the comet assay, all the concentrations induced genotoxicity in the HTC cells. In the MN test, no significant induction of MN was observed. The genotoxicity induced by the low concentrations of Malathion presented in this work highlights the importance of studying the effects of low concentrations of this pesticide and demonstrates the efficiency of these two test systems for the detection of genetic damage promoted by Malathion.  相似文献   

The current research study focuses to formulate the biosynthesized silver nanoparticles for the first time from silver acetate using methanolic root extracts of Diospyros sylvatica, a member of family Ebenaceae. TEM analysis revealed the average diameter of Ag NPs around 8 nm which is in good agreement with the average crystallite size (10 nm) calculated from X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis. Further the study has been extended to the antimicrobial activity against test pathogenic Gram (+) ve, Gram (−) ve bacterial and fungal strains. The bioinspired Ag-NP showed promising activity against all the tested bacterial strains and the activity was enhanced with increased dosage levels.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity of selected metal oxide nanoparticles(MNPs)(ZnO,CuO,Co 3 O 4 and TiO 2)was investigated in Escherichia coli both under light and dark conditions.Cytotoxicity experiments were conducted with spread plate counting and the LC 50 values were calculated.We determined the mechanism of toxicity via measurements of oxidative stress,reduced glutathione,lipid peroxidation,and metal ions.The overall ranking of the LC 50 values was in the order of ZnO < CuO < Co 3 O 4 < TiO 2 under dark condition and ZnO < CuO < TiO 2 < Co 3 O 4 under light condition.ZnO MNPs were the most toxic among the tested nanoparticles.Our results indicate depletion of reduced glutathione level and elevation of malondialdehyde level correlated with the increase in oxidative stress.Released metal ions were found to have partial effect on the toxicity of MNPs to E.coli.In summary,the dynamic interactions of multiple mechanisms lead to the toxicity of the tested MNPs to E.coli.  相似文献   

To understand the effect of precipitation pH and coexisting Mg~(2+) on phosphate adsorption onto zirconium oxide(ZrO_2), ZrO_2 particles precipitated at pH 5.3, 7.1 and 10.5, i.e., ZrO_2(5.3), ZrO_2(7.1)and ZrO_2(10.5), respectively were prepared and characterized, then their adsorption performance and mechanism in the absence and presence of Mg~(2+) were comparatively investigated in this study. The results showed that the Elovich, pseudo-second-order and Langmuir isotherm models correlated with the experimental data well. The adsorption mechanism involved the complexation between phosphate and zirconium. Coexisting Mg~(2+) slightly inhibited the adsorption of phosphate on ZrO_2(5.3), including the adsorption capacity and rate, but coexisting Mg~(2+) greatly increased the adsorption capacity and rate for ZrO_2(7.1)and ZrO_2(10.5). The enhanced adsorption of phosphate on ZrO_2(7.1) and ZrO_2(10.5) in the presence of Mg~(2+) was mainly due to the formation of Mg~(2+)-HPO_4~(2-) ion pair(MgHPO_4~0) in the solution and then the adsorption of MgHPO_4~0 on the adsorbent surface, forming the phosphatebridged ternary complex Zr(OPO_3H)Mg. In the absence of Mg~(2+) , the maximum phosphate adsorption capacity at pH 7 calculated from the Langmuir isotherm model decreased in the order of ZrO 2(7.1)(67.3 mg/g) ZrO_2(5.3)(53.6 mg/g) ≈ ZrO_2(10.5)(53.1 mg/g), but it followed the order of Zr O2(7.1)(97.0 mg/g) ZrO_2(10.5)(79.7 mg/g) ZrO_2(5.3)(51.3 mg/g) in the presence of Mg~(2+) . The results of this work suggest that ZrO_2(7.1) is more suitable for use as an adsorbent for the effective removal of phosphate from municipal wastewater than ZrO_2(5.3) and ZrO_2(10.5),because Mg~(2+) is generally present in this wastewater.  相似文献   

近年来,基于对纳米材料生物毒性和合成成本的考虑,纳米材料的绿色合成和应用在环境领域受到了广泛关注,但迄今仍面临纳米材料的绿色合成机制尚未明确及去除效率不理想两个问题.本研究选择As(III)和As(V)作为目标污染物,通过神经网络模型对纳米氧化锰(MONPs)的合成条件进行优化,发现当污染物浓度和材料投加量分别为0.1 mg?L-1和5 mg?L-1时,优化后的MONPs对As(III)和As(V)的去除 效率分别从43.9%、80.0%提高到90.2%、92.2%.从SEM的结果中发现优化后的材料粒径更小,根据EDS和FTIR结果,可以证明优化后材料中的Mn元素比例显著增加.另外,XRD和XPS结果则证明优化后材料从原来的Mn(II)变为Mn(IV),提高了材料的氧化能力.Zeta电位结果表明优化后材料表面的负电荷减少,进而循环伏安法结果证实了材料电子转移能力的提高,均有利于As的去除.最后,优化后MONPs在经过5次重复利用后仍具高的性能,同时对多种重金属具有一定的吸附能力.显然,基于神经网络模型绿色合成氧化锰纳米材料对砷污染修复具有 较强的针对性和实用性.  相似文献   

氧化铜纳米颗粒(CuO NPs)可以通过农药和肥料施用、意外泄露或污水灌溉进入As污染农田土壤,从而对土壤环境因子和As生物有效性产生影响.本试验选取两种不同类型土壤(安徽宿松黄棕壤和黑龙江海伦黑土)进行人工As污染,添加不同浓度的CuO NPs,探究90 d淹水-落干过程中CuO NPs对As污染农田环境因子和As生...  相似文献   

纳米颗粒和抗生素在污水处理厂中的共同存在可产生综合毒性.选择纳米氧化铜颗粒(CuO NPs)和环丙沙星(CIP)作为纳米颗粒和抗生素的代表性物质,探究了CuO NPs和CIP共存胁迫对好氧颗粒污泥(AGS)系统的运行性能、污泥特性和微生物群落的长期影响.结果表明:CuO NPs单独胁迫使脱氮性能轻微提高,对碳和磷的去除性能轻微下降.CIP单独胁迫显著抑制了碳、氮和磷的去除性能.CuO NPs和CIP共存时对碳、氮和磷去除表现出明显的协同抑制效应.CuO NPs和CIP共存胁迫使细胞膜完整性下降,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)释放量增多,胞外聚合物(EPS)分泌增强,且溶解性EPS(S-EPS)的官能团发生显著变化.CuO NPs和CIP共存胁迫改变了微生物群落结构,对生物多样性具有显著的协同抑制效应,对微生物具有较强的毒性作用.  相似文献   

氧化石墨烯的水环境行为及其生物毒性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氧化石墨烯是一类石墨烯衍生物,性质独特,应用广泛,生产量急剧增加,其环境风险日益引起关注.氧化石墨烯具有高亲水性和表面活性,在水中易分散,易随水流发生迁移转化,可能对水环境和水生生物造成不利影响.因此,明确氧化石墨烯的水环境行为及其生态效应,对于正确理解和评估其环境风险,合理规划其使用和回收具有重要意义.目前,该领域的研究涵盖了氧化石墨烯在水环境中的分散/团聚、吸附、还原、降解、沉积等行为,及对微生物、浮游动物、藻类和鱼类等水生生物的毒性表现.本文综述了相关研究成果,分析了当前研究面临的挑战并展望其研究前景.  相似文献   

由于绿色合成单分散纳米氧化铁(IONP)易团聚,本研究分别利用阳离子表面活性剂十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)和阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)作为分散剂和稳定剂改善单分散纳米氧化铁的性能从而提高其对水体中磷的吸附.在磷酸根初始浓度20 mg·L-1,反应温度25℃的条件下,CTAB-IONP对磷酸根的去除率为92.47%,IONP对磷酸根的去除率为81.94%,SDS-IONP对磷的吸附率略微降低至79.38%.SEM表明IONP、CTAB-IONP,SDS-IONP的平均粒径依次约为180、90、60 nm.同时,EDS、UV-vis、FTIR和Zeta电位的结果说明这些表面活性剂改善了单分散纳米氧化铁的粒径,提高其分散度,改变其表面带电情况.此外,动力学结果均符合伪二级吸附动力学(R20.9).最后,表面活性剂具有调控绿色合成单分散纳米氧化铁活性的潜能,是绿色合成在原位环境修复中新的亮点.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to explore the impact of sulfur nanoparticles (SNPs) on growth, Cu accumulation, and physiological and biochemical responses of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) inoculated with 5 mg/L Cu-amended MS medium supplemented with or without 300 mg/L SNPs exposure. Cu exerted severe phytotoxicity and inhibited plant growth. SNPs application enhanced the shoot height, root length, and dry weight of shoot and root by 34.6%, 282%, 41.7% and 37.1%, respectively, over Cu treatment alone, while the shoot and root Cu contents and Cu-induced lipid perodixation as the malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in shoots and roots were decreased by 37.6%, 35%, 28.4% and 26.8%. Further, the increases in superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzyme activities caused by Cu stress were mitigated in shoots (10.9%–37.1%) and roots (14.6%–35.3%) with SNPs addition. SNPs also positively counteracted the negative effects on shoot K, Ca, P, Mg, Mn, Zn and Fe contents and root K, Ca, Mg and Mn contents from Cu exposure alone, and significantly promoted the nutrients accumulation in plant. Additionally, in comparison with common bulk sulfur particles (BSPs) and sulfate, SNPs showed more positive effects on promoting growth in shoots (6.7% and 19.5%) and roots (10.9% and 15.1%), as well as lowering the shoot Cu content (40.1% and 43.3%) under Cu stress. Thus, SNPs application has potential to be a green and sustainable technology for increasing plant productivity and reducing accumulation of toxic metals in heavy metal polluted soils.  相似文献   

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles(TiO_2 NPs) are one of the most widely used nanomaterials in the consumer products, agriculture, and energy sectors. Their large demand and widespread applications will inevitably cause damage to organisms and ecosystems. A better understanding of TiO_2 NP toxicity in living organisms may promote risk assessment and safe use practices of these nanomaterials. This review summarizes the toxic effects of TiO_2 NPs on multiple taxa of microorganisms, algae, plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates. The mechanism of TiO_2 NP toxicity to organisms can be outlined in three aspects: The Reactive Oxygen Species(ROS)produced by TiO_2 NPs following the induction of electron–hole pairs; cell wall damage and lipid peroxidation of the cell membrane caused by NP-cell attachment by electrostatic force owing to the large surface area of TiO_2 NPs; and TiO_2 NP attachment to intracellular organelles and biological macromolecules following damage to the cell membranes.  相似文献   

The combined ecological toxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles (nano-TiO2) and heavy metals has been paid more attention. As the common pollutants in water environment, surfactants could affect the properties of nanoparticles and heavy metals, and thus further influence the combined toxicity of nano-TiO2 and heavy metals. In this study, the effects of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) and Tween 80 on the single and combined toxicities of Cd2 + and nano-TiO2 to Escherichia coli (E. coli) were examined, and the underlying influence mechanism was further discussed. The results showed both SDBS and Tween 80 enhanced the toxicity of Cd2 + to E. coli in varying degrees. The reaction of SDBS and Cd2 + could increase the outer membrane permeability and the bioavailability of Cd, while Tween 80 itself could enhance the outer membrane permeability. The combined toxicity of nano-TiO2 and Cd2 + to E. coli in absence of surfactant was antagonistic because of the adsorption of Cd2 + to nano-TiO2 particles. However, in the presence of SDBS, both SDBS and nano-TiO2 influenced the toxicity of Cd2 +, and also SDBS could adsorb to nano-TiO2 by binding to Cd2 +. The combined toxicity was reduced at Cd2 + lower than 4 mg/L and enhanced at Cd2 + higher than 4 mg/L under multiple interactions. Tween 80 enhanced the combined toxicity of nano-TiO2 and Cd2 + by increasing the outer membrane permeability. Our study firstly elucidated the effects of surfactants on the combined toxicity of nano-TiO2 and Cd2 + to bacteria, and the underlying influencing mechanism was proposed.  相似文献   

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