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2019年在珠三角典型产业重镇佛山市狮山镇在线监测大气挥发性有机化合物(VOCs),并开展大气VOCs污染特征、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)及来源贡献分析.观测期间共测得56种VOCs物种,总挥发性有机物(TVOCs)体积浓度为(39.64±30.46)×10-9,主要组成为烷烃(56.5%)和芳香烃(30.1%).大气VO...  相似文献   

石油炼化无组织VOCs的排放特征及臭氧生成潜力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取我国光化学活跃的珠江三角洲地区(PRD)典型石油炼化工艺的炼油装置、化工装置和污水处理装置,采用离线和在线的多种先进仪器监测其VOCs的无组织排放特征,并采用间、对-二甲苯/苯(X/B)、甲苯/苯(T/B)、乙苯/苯(E/B)比值分析其VOCs的老化特征,采用最大增量反应活性法(MIR)、等效丙烯浓度法和OH自由基反应速率法(LOH)3种方法综合评价其VOCs的化学反应活性及臭氧生成潜势(OFP).研究发现,炼油装置区和化工装置区总挥发性有机物(TVOC)浓度早晚高,中午低;污水处理区呈双峰趋势.3个装置区无组织排放的VOCs中烷烃浓度均占比最高,同一装置区内的不同装置VOCs排放特征不同.石化企业X/B、T/B和E/B值较城区和郊区的高,化工装置区的压缩碱洗装置区(CAW)T/B值最大.石化企业VOCs的活性较城区和郊区的强,其平均OH消耗速率常数为15.22×10-12cm3/(mol·s),最大增量反应活性为4.21mol(O3)/mol(VOC).化工装置区对石化企业OFP总量的贡献最高,为84.83%;其次是污水处理区,12.95%;炼油装置区最低,为2.22%.化工装置区的CAW对石化企业OFP贡献率最高,为34.26%;污水处理区的浮选池(FT)贡献率最低,为0.36%.  相似文献   

为了解南宁市冬季期间挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染特征及来源,采用在线连续监测系统于2020年12月9日~2021年2月22日在南宁市区对116种VOCs进行了在线连续观测.结果显示,观测期间VOCs体积分数为37.57x10-9,烷烃、烯烃、芳香烃、OVOCs及卤代烃体积分数占VOCs比例分别为44%、15%、8%、19%和11%.VOCs体积分数白天低,夜晚高;采用OH消耗速率(LOH)和臭氧生成潜势(OFP)估算了观测期间VOCs大气化学反应活性,结果表明醛酮类、芳香烃和烯烃是主要的活性物质;使用气溶胶生成系数法(FAC)估算了VOCs对二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的贡献,发现芳香烃对SOA生成贡献最大,占比为98%,其中苯、间/对二甲苯和甲苯为优势物种;正交矩阵因子(PMF)解析结果表明,冬季期间南宁市VOCs主要来源于:机动车尾气排放源(30.1%)>固定燃烧及生物质燃烧源(22.2%)>工业工艺排放源(16.8%),而OFP贡献较高的源分别为溶剂使用源(23.9%)、固定燃烧及生物质燃烧源(22%)、机动车尾气排放源(21.8%).因此,机动车尾气排放源和固定燃烧及生物质燃烧源应为南宁市冬季的优先管控源类,其次为工业工艺排放源、溶剂使用源.  相似文献   

Air concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were continually measured at a monitoring site in Shenyang from 20 August to 16 September 2017. The average concentrations of alkanes, alkenes, aromatics and carbonyls were 28.54, 6.30, 5.59 and 9.78 ppbv, respectively. Seven sources were identified by the Positive Matrix Factorization model based on the measurement data of VOCs and CO. Vehicle exhaust contributed the most (36.15%) to the total propene-equivalent concentration of the measured VOCs, followed by combustion emission (16.92%), vegetation emission and secondary formation (14.33%), solvent usage (10.59%), petrochemical industry emission (9.89%), petrol evaporation (6.28%), and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) usage (5.84%). Vehicle exhaust, solvent usage and combustion emission were found to be the top three VOC sources for O3 formation potential, accounting for 34.52%, 16.55% and 11.94%, respectively. The diurnal variation of the total VOCs from each source could be well explained by their emission characteristics, e.g., the two peaks of VOC concentrations from LPG usage were in line with the cooking times for breakfast and lunch. Wind rose plots of the VOCs from each source could reveal the possible distribution of the sources around the monitoring site. The O3 pollution episodes during the measurement period were found to be coincident with the elevation of VOCs, which was mainly due to the air parcel from the southeast direction where petrochemical industry emission was found to be dominant, suggesting that the petrochemical industry emission from the southeast was probably a significant cause of O3 pollution in Shenyang.  相似文献   

成都市典型溶剂源使用行业VOCs排放成分特征   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
对成都市5类典型溶剂使用行业挥发性有机物(VOCs)进行采样监测,测定了其主要组成成分,得出了各行业的VOCs本地化排放系数.结果表明:芳香烃和含氧VOCs是主要成分,不同行业的特征VOCs组分各有不同;大气化学反应活性较大的物种大部分为芳香烃,其中对/间二甲苯的臭氧生成潜势(OFP)值约为141.88 mg·m~(-3),甲苯的OFP值约为90.90 mg·m~(-3),二者占总OFP的53%;家具制造行业的VOCs排放系数为0.61 kg·件~(-1),汽车喷涂行业VOCs排放系数为3.1 kg·辆~(-1),制鞋行业VOCs排放系数为4.04 g·双~(-1),印刷行业VOCs排放系数为34.7g·kg~(-1)油墨,人造板生产行业VOCs排放系数为3.67 g·m~(-3)人造板.  相似文献   

Ambient volatile organic compounds pollution in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Owing to rapid economic and industrial development, China has been suffering from degraded air quality and visibility. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are important precursors to the formation of ground-level ozone and hence photochemical smog. Some VOCs adversely affect human health. Therefore, VOCs have recently elicited public concern and given new impetus to scientific interest. China is now implementing a series of polices to control VOCs pollution. The key to formulating policy is understanding the ambient VOCs pollution status. This paper mainly analyzes the species, levels, sources, and spatial distributions of VOCs in ambient air. The results show that the concentrations of ambient VOCs in China are much higher than those of developed countries such as the United States and Japan, especial benzene, which exceeds available standards. At the same time, the ozone formation potential (OFP) and secondary organic aerosol formation potential (SOAFP) of various VOCs are calculated. Aromatics and alkenes have much higher OFPs, while aromatics have higher SOAFP. The OFPs of ambient VOCs in the cities of Beijing, Guangzhou and Changchun are very high, and the SOAFP of ambient VOCs in the cities of Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Changchun are higher.  相似文献   

青藏高原背景站大气VOCs浓度变化特征及来源分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
白阳  白志鹏  李伟 《环境科学学报》2016,36(6):2180-2186
采用大气预浓缩与气象色谱/质谱联用法,对2013-09-13到2013-10-14期间在国家大气背景站青海门源站所采集的大气样品进行分析.结果显示,本次研究共检测出38种挥发性有机物(VOCs),其中烷烃16种,烯烃11种,芳香烃9种,卤代烃2种.从组成成分来看,烷烃所占比例最大,达58.6%,烯烃和芳香烃分别占29%和10.5%,卤代烃所占比例最小,仅为1.7%.观测期间大多数VOCs物种呈现白天浓度低、夜晚浓度高的变化趋势,具有明显的高原站点特性,但异戊烷、异戊二烯、甲苯则呈现相反趋势.采用臭氧生成潜势(OFP)对VOCs各组分活性进行分析,各类VOCs中烯烃对OFP贡献最大.利用主成分分析VOCs物种,提取出4个因子,分别归类于燃烧源、天然气和液化石油气的泄露、工业源、生物源.结合HYSPLIT 4.0后向轨迹模型,进一步确定气团的来源与运输途径,发现来自南向的污染源贡献是门源地区VOCs物种浓度增加的主要原因.  相似文献   

Oxygenated volatile organic compounds(OVOCs) are important precursors and products of atmospheric secondary pollution. The sources of OVOCs, however, are still quite uncertain,especially in the atmosphere with much pollution in China. To study the sources of OVOCs in rural atmospheres, a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry(PTR-MS) was deployed at a northern rural site(WD) and a southern rural site(YMK) in China during the summer of 2014 and 2016, respectively. The continuous observation showed that the mean concentration of TVOCs(totally 17 VOCs) measured at WD(52.4 ppbv) was far higher than that at YMK(11.1 ppbv), and the OVOCs were the most abundant at both the two sites. The diurnal variations showed that local sources of OVOCs were still prominent at WD, while regional transport influenced YMK much. The photochemical age-based parameterization method was then used to quantitatively apportion the sources of ambient OVOCs. The anthropogenic primary sources at WD and YMK contributed less(2%–16%) to each OVOC species. At both the sites, the atmospheric background had a dominant contribution(~ 50%) to acetone and formic acid, while the anthropogenic secondary formation was the main source(~ 40%) of methanol and MEK. For acetaldehyde and acetic acid, the biogenic sources were their largest source(~ 40%) at WD, while the background(39%) and anthropogenic secondary formation(42%) were their largest sources at YMK, respectively. This study reveals the complexity of sources of OVOCs in China, which urgently needs explored further.  相似文献   

Based on one-year observation, the concentration, sources, and potential source areas of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were comprehensively analyzed to investigate the pollution characteristics of ambient VOCs in Haikou, China. The results showed that the annual average concentration of total VOCs (TVOCs) was 11.4 ppbV, and the composition was dominated by alkanes (8.2 ppbV, 71.4%) and alkenes (1.3 ppbV, 20.5%). The diurnal variation in the concentration of dominant VOC species showed a distinct bimodal distribution with peaks in the morning and evening. The greatest contribution to ozone formation potential (OFP) was made by alkenes (51.6%), followed by alkanes (27.2%). The concentrations of VOCs and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in spring and summer were low, and it was difficult to generate high ozone (O3) concentrations through photochemical reactions. The significant increase in O3 concentrations in autumn and winter was mainly related to the transmission of pollutants from the northeast. Traffic sources (40.1%), industrial sources (19.4%), combustion sources (18.6%), solvent usage sources (15.5%) and plant sources (6.4%) were identified as major sources of VOCs through the positive matrix factorization (PMF) model. The southeastern coastal areas of China were identified as major potential source areas of VOCs through the potential source contribution function (PSCF) and concentration-weighted trajectory (CWT) models. Overall, the concentration of ambient VOCs in Haikou was strongly influenced by traffic sources and long-distance transport, and the control of VOCs emitted from vehicles should be strengthened to reduce the active species of ambient VOCs in Haikou, thereby reducing the generation of O3.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential benefits of biomass use for air pollution control, this paper identified and quantified the emissions of major reactive organic compounds anticipated from biomass-fired industrial boilers. Wood pellets(WP) and straw pellets(SP) were burned to determine the volatile organic compound emission profiles for each biomass-boiler combination. More than 100 types of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) were measured from the two biomass boilers. The measured VOC species included alkanes, alkenes and acetylenes, aromatics, halocarbons and carbonyls. A single coal-fired boiler(CB) was also studied to provide a basis for comparison. Biomass boiler 1(BB1) emitted relatively high proportions of alkanes(28.9%–38.1% by mass) and alkenes and acetylenes(23.4%–40.8%),while biomass boiler 2(BB2) emitted relatively high proportions of aromatics(27.9%–29.2%)and oxygenated VOCs(33.0%–44.8%). The total VOC(TVOC) emission factors from BB1(128.59–146.16 mg/kg) were higher than those from BB2(41.26–85.29 mg/kg). The total ozone formation potential(OFP) ranged from 6.26 to 81.75 mg/m~3 with an average of 33.66 mg/m~3 for the two biomass boilers. The total secondary organic aerosol potential(SOAP) ranged from 61.56 to 211.67 mg/m~3 with an average of 142.27 mg/m~3 for the two biomass boilers.The emission factors(EFs) of TVOCs from biomass boilers in this study were similar to those for industrial coal-fired boilers with the same thermal power. These data can supplement existing VOC emission factors for biomass combustion and thus enrich the VOC emission inventory.  相似文献   

Chengdu is a megacity in the southwest of China with high ozone (O3) mixing ratio. Observation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), NO2 and O3 with high temporal resolution was conducted in Chengdu to investigate the chemical processes and causes of high O3 levels. The hourly mixing ratios of VOCs, NO2, and O3 were monitored by an online system from 28 August to 7 October, 2016. According to meteorological conditions, Chengdu, with relative warm weather and low wind speed, is favorable to O3 formation. Part of the O3 in Chengdu may be transported from the downtown area. In O3 episodes, the average mixing ratios of NO2 and O3 were 20.20?ppbv and 47.95?ppbv, respectively. In non-O3 episodes, the average mixing ratios of NO2 and O3 were 16.38?ppbv and 35.15?ppbv, respectively. The average mixing ratio of total VOCs (TVOCs) was 40.29?ppbv in non-O3 episodes, which was lower than that in O3 episodes (53.19?ppbv). Alkenes comprised 51.7% of the total O3 formation potential (OFP) in Chengdu, followed by aromatics which accounted for 24.2%. Ethylene, trans-pentene, propene, and BTEX (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, m/p-xylene, o-xylene) were also major contributors to the OFP in Chengdu. In O3 episodes, intensive secondary formations were observed during the campaign. Oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs), such as acetone, Methylethylketone (MEK), and Methylvinylketone (MVK) were abundant. Isoprene rapidly converted to MVK and Methacrolein (MACR) during O3 episodes. Acetone was mainly the oxidant of C3-C5 hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) pollutions are prevalent air quality issues in China. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have significant impact on the formation of O3 and secondary organic aerosols (SOA) contributing PM2.5. Herein, we investigated 54 VOCs, O3 and SOA in Tianjin from June 2017 to May 2019 to explore the non-linear relationship among O3, SOA and VOCs. The monthly patterns of VOCs and SOA concentrations were characterized by peak values during October to March and reached a minimum from April to September, but the observed O3 was exactly the opposite. Machine learning methods resolved the importance of individual VOCs on O3 and SOA that alkenes (mainly ethylene, propylene, and isoprene) have the highest importance to O3 formation; alkanes (Cn, n ≥ 6) and aromatics were the main source of SOA formation. Machine learning methods revealed and emphasized the importance of photochemical consumptions of VOCs to O3 and SOA formation. Ozone formation potential (OFP) and secondary organic aerosol formation potential (SOAFP) calculated by consumed VOCs quantitatively indicated that more than 80% of the consumed VOCs were alkenes which dominated the O3 formation, and the importance of consumed aromatics and alkenes to SOAFP were 40.84% and 56.65%, respectively. Therein, isoprene contributed the most to OFP at 41.45% regardless of the season, while aromatics (58.27%) contributed the most to SOAFP in winter. Collectively, our findings can provide scientific evidence on policymaking for VOCs controls on seasonal scales to achieve effective reduction in both SOA and O3.  相似文献   

研究了夏季杭州市主要类型道路(隧道、快速道路、主干道和支路)空气中挥发性有机物的污染特征,以及2010年11月—2011年7月间快速道路空气中VOC的季节变化规律.分析结果表明,杭州市道路空气中VOC浓度显著大于风景区内VOC浓度,隧道浓度最高(828.4μg·m-3),其它道路空气中VOC浓度随着车流量减少而降低.源解析结果发现道路空气中VOC的主要贡献者为机动车排放,但同时也受到溶剂挥发、煤或生物质燃烧的影响,风景区内VOC则受煤或生物质燃料燃烧的影响更大.快速道路空气中VOC浓度和反应活性由机动车排放、植物排放和气象条件共同决定,呈现夏〉秋〉冬〉春的季节变化特征.机动车排放的烯烃和芳香烃是道路空气中主导的活性VOC物种,说明机动车排放是杭州市大气反应活性的最大贡献者.此外,在夏、秋季节,植被排放的异戊二烯显著的增强了道路空气中VOC的反应活性.  相似文献   

Shijiazhuang, the city with the worst air quality in China, is suffering from severe ozone pollution in summer. As the key precursors of ozone generation, it is necessary to control the Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) pollution. To have a better understanding of the pollution status and source contribution, the concentrations of 117 ambient VOCs were analyzed from April to August 2018 in an urban site in Shijiazhuang. Results showed that the monthly average concentration of total VOCs was 66.27...  相似文献   

于2020年9~10月在深圳北部典型工业区开展在线观测以分析该地VOCs污染状况,并使用基于观测的模型(OBM)研究臭氧生成敏感性.观测期间VOCs的总浓度为48.5×10-9,浓度水平上烷烃>含氧有机物(OVOCs)>卤代烃>芳香烃>烯烃>乙炔>乙腈.臭氧生成潜势(OFP)为320μg/m3,其中芳香烃、OVOCs以及烷烃贡献最大,这3类物种OFP贡献总和超过90%.乙烯与苯呈现“两峰一谷”的日变化特征,主要受到机动车排放的贡献.相对增量反应性(RIR)分析表明,削减人为源VOCs对控制当地臭氧生成最为有效,当中又应优先控制芳香烃;经典动力学曲线(EKMA)分析表明该片区臭氧生成处于过渡区,在开展VOCs区域联防联控的同时,需要在当地进行有力的NOx控制以强化该地区臭氧污染长期管控.  相似文献   

崔茹  莫梓伟  袁斌  邵敏 《环境科学学报》2021,41(6):2272-2281
溶剂使用源是挥发性有机物(VOCs)的重要排放源之一.近年来,VOCs排放清单中对工业生产类溶剂的VOCs排放估算较多,但对于生活类溶剂使用的研究有所欠缺.本研究以日化用品为研究对象,基于产品消费量、产品中的溶剂含量及其挥发特性,建立了我国2000-2017年日化用品使用的VOCs排放清单,并基于最大增量反应活性值(M...  相似文献   

南京北郊大气VOCs体积分数变化特征   总被引:4,自引:10,他引:4  
安俊琳  朱彬  李用宇 《环境科学》2013,34(12):4504-4512
利用2011-03-01~2012-02-29南京北郊大气VOCs观测资料,对大气VOCs体积分数的时间序列变化特征、光化学活性差异和来源特征进行了研究.结果表明,VOCs体积分数平均为43.52×10-9,并呈现夏季高,冬季低的季节变化.VOCs体积分数呈现夜间高,白天低的日变化特征.VOCs体积分数夜间呈现夏季>秋季>春季>冬季,白天呈现冬季>夏季>春季>秋季.VOCs日变化幅度秋季最大,冬季最小.烷烃和烯烃日变化幅度最大值出现在秋季,芳香烃和炔烃日变幅最大值出现在春季.采用丙烯等量体积分数方法表示,VOCs物种中烯烃含量最高,芳香烃次之,烷烃最小.T/B、E/B和X/B比值平均值分别是1.23、0.95和0.81,反映出影响观测点的气团呈现一定老化程度.以3-甲基戊烷作为机动车排放典型示踪物,估算得到乙烯、甲苯和间,对-二甲苯分别有85%、71%和82%来自非机动车源.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) as precursors of ozone and secondary organic aerosols can cause adverse effects on the environment and human health.However,knowledge of the VOC vertical profile in the lower troposphere of major Chinese cities is poorly understood.In this study,tethered balloon flights were conducted over the juncture of BeijingTianjin-Hebei in China during the winter of 2016.Thirty-six vertical air samples were collected on selected heavy and light pollution days at altitudes o...  相似文献   

为评估成都市2017年夏季(6-8月)开展的臭氧防治行动措施对空气质量的改善效果,采用在线监测系统对成都市环境空气中VOCs物种进行监测,对比分析VOCs污染特征、OFP(臭氧生成潜势),并利用PMF(正矩阵因子法)模型对VOCs主要来源进行解析.结果表明:2017年8月$φ$(VOCs)平均值为31.85×10-9,比2016年同期下降了32%,其中,$φ$(芳香烃)和$φ$(卤代烃)平均值下降最为明显.$φ$(VOCs)日变化呈双峰型,分别在每日09:00和23:00左右达峰值,臭氧防治行动期间$φ$(VOCs)月均小时值低于2016年同期.VOCs的OFP敏感性物种以烯烃为主,占总VOCs OFP贡献的48%.2017年8月成都市OFP为61.89×10-9,比2016年同期下降44%.VOCs源解析结果发现,2017年8月油气挥发源、有机溶剂使用源、工业源、生物质燃烧源等排放占比均有所下降,而机动车排放源和天然源的排放占比增加.研究显示,成都市2017年夏季臭氧防治行动对成都市大气VOCs排放有明显的控制效果.   相似文献   

中国室内挥发性有机物污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来室内空气污染问题频发,已引起全社会的广泛关注.挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)是室内空气的主要污染物之一,其成分复杂,来源广泛,严重威胁人体健康.本文综述了中国近十年来室内VOCs在来源、浓度水平、影响因素及健康评价方面的研究进展.研究表明,室内建筑装修材料、人类活动及室外污染等来源都会影响VOCs的室内浓度;中国住宅内甲醛、苯等VOCs污染普遍存在,家具市场是甲醛污染最高的公共场所;VOCs浓度受到温湿度、通风和装修时间等因素影响;中国室内部分VOCs对人体健康影响评估值超过美国环保署可接受水平.调查更全面的室内VOCs数据,探索对各类因素影响机制,提出更有效降低VOCs对人体健康影响的措施将是未来室内空气治理重点发展方向.  相似文献   

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