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On-board measurements of unit emissions of CO,HC,NOx and CO2 were conducted on 17 private cars powered by different types of fuels including gasoline,dual gasoline–liquefied petroleum gas(LPG),gasoline,and diesel. The tests performed revealed the effect of LPG injection technology on unit emissions and made it possible to compare the measured emissions to the European Artemis emission model. A sequential multipoint injection LPG kit with no catalyst installed was found to be the most efficient pollutant reduction device for all of the pollutants,with the exception of the NOx. Specific test results for a sub-group of LPG vehicles revealed that LPG-fueled engines with no catalyst cannot compete with catalyzed gasoline and diesel engines. Vehicle age does not appear to be a determining parameter with regard to vehicle pollutant emissions. A fuel switch to LPG offers many advantages as far as pollutant emissions are concerned,due to LPG's intrinsic characteristics.However,these advantages are being rapidly offset by the strong development of both gasoline and diesel engine technologies and catalyst converters. The LPG's performance on a chassis dynamometer under real driving conditions was better than expected. The enforcement of pollutant emission standards in developing countries is an important step towards introducing clean technology and reducing vehicle emissions.  相似文献   

机动车大气污染物及CO2减排对于改善空气质量和缓解气候变化具有重要的作用。综合利用北京市机动车保有量、道路行驶工况、气象、燃料组分及燃料消耗量等数据,应用COPERT模型计算得到北京市机动车主要大气污染物和CO2排放量,并识别其污染排放特征和不同车型、排放标准等级车辆的排放贡献,采用ADMS-Urban模型模拟了机动车污染排放对周边环境的影响。结果表明:2019年北京市机动车4项主要大气污染物CO、NOx、PM2.5和VOCs排放量分别为12.15万、4.06万、0.18万和2.57万t。车辆结构得到优化,国四及以上排放标准车辆占比达86.97%,数量占4%的柴油客货车排放贡献大,分别占机动车NOx和PM2.5排放总量的84%和60%;非末端排放占机动车VOCs排放量的20%,需要引起关注。机动车尾气排放对5个交通监测站点贡献的NO2平均浓度为15.7 μg/m3,其对环境质量影响较大;机动车CO2排放量为1 683万t,其中柴油车排放贡献约21%。对北京市机动车大气污染物和碳排放需要进一步协同控制。  相似文献   

The effects of different mixing ratios of methanol/gasoline blends and new three-way catalytic converter on regulated and unregulated emissions, especially VOC and carbonyl compound emissions were investigated.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the emission standards and fuel standards in Beijing have been upgraded twice, and the vehicle structure has been improved by accelerating the elimination of 2.95 million old vehicles. Through the formulation and implementation of these policies, the emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in 2019 were 147.9, 25.3, 43.4, and 0.91 kton in Beijing, respectively. The emission factor method was adopted to better understand the emissions characteristics of primary air pollutants from combustion engine vehicles and to improve pollution control. In combination with the air quality improvement goals and the status of social and economic development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period in Beijing, different vehicle pollution control scenarios were established, and emissions reductions were projected. The results show that the emissions of four air pollutants (CO, VOCs, NOx, and PM2.5) from vehicles in Beijing decreased by an average of 68% in 2019, compared to their levels in 2009. The contribution of NOx emissions from diesel vehicles increased from 35% in 2009 to 56% in 2019, which indicated that clean and energy-saving diesel vehicle fleets should be further improved. Electric vehicle adoption could be an important measure to reduce pollutant emissions. With the further upgrading of vehicle structure and the adoption of electric vehicles, it is expected that the total emissions of the four vehicle pollutants can be reduced by 20%-41% by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period.  相似文献   

通过对昆明市机动车尾气治理诸多问题的思考,提出应建立I/M制度和排污收费制度来完善机动车污染控制管理体系,并进一步提出建立I/M制度和排污收费制度的具体想法。  相似文献   

机动车排放检测和维修制度实施效果分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实施检测和维修制度是机动车污染控制的重要措施 ,机动车排放检测是检测和维修制度的主要内容 .本研究利用累积分布曲线 ,通过双怠速检测排放限值对各类型高排放车辆的识别率 ,从检测数据、现行标准、上线合格率 3个角度对北京市检测和维修制度的排放限值制定、组织形式和实施效果进行分析 ,提出各受检物排放限值的匹配原则 .  相似文献   

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