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This report summarizes well sampling protocols, data collection procedures, and analytical results for the presence of pesticides in ground water developed by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). Specific well sampling protocols were developed to meet regulatory mandates of the Pesticide Contamination Prevention Act (PCPA) of 1986 and to provide further understanding of the agronomic, chemical, and geographic factors that contribute to movement of residues to ground water. The well sampling data have formed the basis for the DPR's regulatory decisions. For example, a sampling protocol, the Four-Section Survey, was developed to determine if reported detections were caused by nonpoint-source agricultural applications, a determination that can initiate formal review and subsequent regulation of a pesticide. Selection of sampling sites, which are primarily rural domestic wells, was initially based on pesticide use and cropping patterns. Recently, soil and depth-to-ground water data have been added to identify areas where a higher frequency of detection is expected. In accordance with the PCPA, the DPR maintains a database for all pesticide well sampling in California with submission required by all state agencies and with invitations for submission extended to all local and federal agencies or other entities. To date, residues for 16 active ingredients and breakdown products have been detected in California ground water as a result of legal agricultural use. Regulations have been adopted for all detected parent active ingredients, and they have been developed regardless of the level of detection.  相似文献   

In the 1960s at Porri?o, Spain, soil from a pesticide factory dump was placed in an uncontrolled land infill during demolition. Since then, organochlorine pesticides have degraded and migrated from their original location. Concentrations of lindane, DDT, dicofol, and related side products or degradation products were determined at depths of 0 to 20, 20 to 60 and 60 to 100 cm along a 300-m transect running between the land infill and a nearby river. Depthwise nonmonotonicities (lowest concentrations of DDT and dicofol were found in the 20- to 60-cm layer) were attributed to the occurrence of several successive spill episodes; in general, concentrations were highest or near-highest in the 0- to 20-cm layer. At the dump site, the analyte contents of the 0- to 20-cm layer were as follows: alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH), 25 mg kg-1; beta-HCH, 15 mg kg-1; gamma-HCH (lindane), 1.3 mg kg-1; delta-HCH, 0.5 mg kg-1; DDT, 2.5 mg kg-1; dicofol, 0.05 mg kg-1; DDD+DDE, 2.2 mg kg-1. The alpha-HCH/gamma-HCH ratio was higher than in commercial products, and the DDT/(DDD + DDE) ratio lower, suggesting the degradation of lindane and DDT with time. In general, the concentrations of HCH isomers, DDT, and dicofol fell with increasing distance from the dump site; in particular, the rapid fall in HCH concentrations illustrates the marked immobility of these species in the soil. By contrast, the combined concentration of the DDT degradation products DDD and DDE rose with distance from the dump site, which is attributed to their higher mobility.  相似文献   

Lead arsenate pesticides were widely used in apple orchards from 1925 to 1955. Soils from historic orchards in four counties in Virginia and West Virginia contained elevated concentrations of As and Pb, consistent with an arsenical pesticide source. Arsenic concentrations in approximately 50% of the orchard site soils and approximately 1% of reference site soils exceed the USEPA Preliminary Remediation Goal (PRG) screening guideline of 22 mg kg(-1) for As in residential soil, defined on the basis of combined chronic exposure risk. Approximately 5% of orchard site soils exceed the USEPA PRG for Pb of 400 mg kg(-1) in residential soil; no reference site soils sampled exceed this value. A variety of statistical methods were used to characterize the occurrence, distribution, and dispersion of arsenical pesticide residues in soils, stream sediments, and ground waters relative to landscape features and likely background conditions. Concentrations of Zn, Pb, and Cu were most strongly associated with high developed land density and population density, whereas elevated concentrations of As were weakly correlated with high orchard density, consistent with a pesticide residue source. Arsenic concentrations in ground water wells in the region are generally <0.005 mg L(-1). There was no spatial association between As concentrations in ground water and proximity to orchards. Arsenic had limited mobility into ground water from surface soils contaminated with arsenical pesticide residues at concentrations typically found in orchards.  相似文献   

Pesticide leaching through variably thick soils beneath agricultural fields in Morgan Creek, Maryland was simulated for water years 1995 to 2004 using LEACHM (Leaching Estimation and Chemistry Model). Fifteen individual models were constructed to simulate five depths and three crop rotations with associated pesticide applications. Unsaturated zone thickness averaged 4.7 m but reached a maximum of 18.7 m. Average annual recharge to ground water decreased from 15.9 to 11.1 cm as the unsaturated zone increased in thickness from 1 to 10 m. These point estimates of recharge are at the lower end of previously published values, which used methods that integrate over larger areas capturing focused recharge in the numerous detention ponds in the watershed. The total amount of applied and leached masses for five parent pesticide compounds and seven metabolites were estimated for the 32-km2 Morgan Creek watershed by associating each hectare to the closest one-dimensional model analog of model depth and crop rotation scenario as determined from land-use surveys. LEACHM parameters were set such that branched, serial, first-order decay of pesticides and metabolites was realistically simulated. Leaching is predicted to be greatest for shallow soils and for persistent compounds with low sorptivity. Based on simulation results, percent parent compounds leached within the watershed can be described by a regression model of the form e(-depth) (a ln t1/2-b ln K OC) where t1/2 is the degradation half-life in aerobic soils, K OC is the organic carbon normalized sorption coefficient, and a and b are fitted coefficients (R2 = 0.86, p value = 7 x 10(-9)).  相似文献   

In the new Dutch decision tree for the evaluation of pesticide leaching to groundwater, spatially distributed soil data are used by the GeoPEARL model to calculate the 90th percentile of the spatial cumulative distribution function of the leaching concentration in the area of potential usage (SP90). Until now it was not known to what extent uncertainties in soil and pesticide properties propagate to spatially aggregated parameters like the SP90. A study was performed to quantify the uncertainties in soil and pesticide properties and to analyze their contribution to the uncertainty in SP90. First, uncertainties in the soil and pesticide properties were quantified. Next, a regular grid sample of points covering the whole of the agricultural area in the Netherlands was randomly selected. At the grid nodes, realizations from the probability distributions of the uncertain inputs were generated and used as input to a Monte Carlo uncertainty propagation analysis. The analysis showed that the uncertainty concerning the SP90 is 10 times smaller than the uncertainty about the leaching concentration at individual point locations. The parameters that contribute most to the uncertainty about the SP90 are, however, the same as the parameters that contribute most to uncertainty about the leaching concentration at individual point locations (e.g., the transformation half-life in soil and the coefficient of sorption on organic matter). Taking uncertainties in soil and pesticide properties into account further leads to a systematic increase of the predicted SP90. The important implication for pesticide regulation is that the leaching concentration is systematically underestimated when these uncertainties are ignored.  相似文献   

Roadside dusts and soils were collected from various nonindustrial districts in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, and analyzed for lead and copper contents. Results showed that the recent lead phase-down action has reduced the level of lead, but the concentrations of both metals are still higher than the background levels for normal soil. Elevated concentrations of copper in heavily traveled highways were noted, suggesting that much of the copper pollutants is probably of automotive origin. The concentration of lead was found to vary with housing age, and higher levels of contamination in the older neighborhoods were observed. This result is probably ascribable to the accumulation of residues from leaded gasoline and lead-based paint in the past and the use of coal fire for space heating in older houses.  相似文献   

This study focused on the changes of reference evapotranspiration (ET0) and pan evaporation (ETpan) to study the impacts of climate change on the hydrological cycle in the Jinghe River catchment. Based on the Penman–Monteith equation, the ET0 was calculated. The temporal trend and spatial distribution of ET0 and Epan measured with a 20-cm pan were examined at the 14 stations during 1957–2005. The effects of meteorological factors on the variation of ET0 were determined by analyzing the trends in themselves with comparison between original climate and detrended climate scenarios and then their sensitivity to ET0. Both the ET0 and Epan showed remarkable decreasing trends from 1957 to 2005 and their decreasing rate was 40.9 and 17.7 mm per 10 years, respectively. Trend analysis of meteorological factors exhibited that the reduction in ET0 and ETpan was principally caused by both significant decreases in wind speed and sunshine hours. Furthermore, the decreasing trend of ET0 was mainly dominated by the significant decrease in wind speed with high sensitivity, to a less extent, by the decrease in net radiation. Although relative humidity is one of the most sensitive variables, its effect on ET0 was negligible because of its temporal constancy. The contribution of wind speed reduction to decreased ET0 has increased from 50 to 76.1%, but net radiation, by contrast, decreased from 50 to 23.9%.  相似文献   

Control of sedimentation in large reservoirs requires soil conservation at the catchment scale. In large, heterogeneous catchments, soil conservation planning needs to be based on sound information, and set within the framework of a sediment budget to ensure that all of the potentially significant sources and sinks are considered. The major sources of sediment reaching the reservoir, Lake Argyle, in tropical northwestern Australia, have been determined by combining measured sediment fluxes in rivers with spatial tracer-based estimates of proportional contributions from tributaries of the main stream entering the lake, the Ord River. The spatial tracers used are mineral particle magnetics, the strontium isotopic ratio, and the neodymium isotopic ratio. Fallout of 137Cs has been used to estimate the proportion of the sediment in Lake Argyle eroded from surface soils by sheet and rill erosion, and, by difference, the proportion eroded from subsurface soils by gully and channel erosion. About 96% of the sediment in the reservoir has come from less than 10% of the catchment, in the area of highly erodible soils formed on Cambrian-age sedimentary rocks. About 80% of the sediment in the reservoir has come from gully and channel erosion. A major catchment revegetation program, designed to slow sedimentation in the reservoir, appears to have had little effect because it did not target gullies, the major source of sediment. Had knowledge of the sediment budget been available before the revegetation program was designed, an entirely different approach would have been taken.  相似文献   

An assessment was made on twenty-eight topsoils collected from seven sites with intense artisan activities in the city of Akure, Nigeria, using geochemical approach in order to establish anthropogenic influence on metal contamination and to assess the severity of the contamination in the urban environment. Concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Cr were determined in the samples by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results revealed between 137- and 165-fold elevation of Fe, between 17- and 94-fold elevation of Cu, between 50- and 137-fold elevation of Zn, and between 1- and 3-fold elevation of Cr in topsoil relative to background levels. This indicates that except for Cr, soil contaminations by the metals were due to anthropic sources such as mechanic and vulcanizers workshops. The current average levels of copper exceeded the target value in Nigeria and in many developed countries, while Zn and Cr are generally lower than the respective soil quality guidelines. The contamination/pollution index maps figured out mechanic workshop as the main source of diffuse contamination and also show the influence of the point sources of contamination to urban topsoils. Cu contamination found around the soils of the mechanic/battery charger workshop is potentially serious (severe pollution), and this may pose health risk to people dwelling around these sites or within the metropolis. Children could be at greater risk than adults, because of their hand-to-mouth behaviors that increase their exposure potential.  相似文献   

In Australia, problems of dryland and stream salinity have recently become the focus of a National Action Plan. In many river catchments, preliminary stream salt load and salinity targets have been set to define maximum permissible export levels in 2015. Afforestation has been proposed as a strategy for meeting these targets, although several studies suggest that widespread commercial tree plantations are likely to deliver net dis-benefits. However, the impacts on stream salt loads of more localised tree plantings in high salt yielding areas have not been quantified. In this paper we use a simple empirical model to predict the effects of various strategic and non-strategic tree planting scenarios on flows and salt loads in the mid-Macquarie catchment, New South Wales. A simple salt routing model is then used to estimate the effect of these changes on salt loads at the end-of-valley monitoring site for the Macquarie catchment. Results suggest that widespread land management interventions will be required to meet the preliminary salt load targets for this catchment. On their own, small-scale, strategic tree planting in high salt export areas of the mid-Macquarie area will not have a significant impact on salt loads at the end-of-valley monitoring site. While widespread tree plantings may reduce salt loads in the longer term, they are likely to cause streamflow losses in the shorter term. Thus, stream salinities are expected to rise initially, due to the different response times of groundwater and surface water systems to land use change.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of an export coefficient modeling approach to predict total phosphorus (TP) loading in the Frome catchment, Dorset, UK from point and diffuse sources on a seasonal (monthly) basis in 1998 and on an annual basis for 1990-1998. The model predicted an annual TP load of 25 605 kg yr(-1), compared with an observed (measured) value of 23400 kg yr(-1). Monthly loads calculated using the export coefficient model agreed well with monthly observed values except in months of variable discharge, when observed values were low, probably due to infrequent, and therefore unrepresentative, sampling. Comparison between filterable reactive phosphorus (FRP) and TP concentrations observed in the period 1990-1997 showed that trends in FRP could be estimated from trends in TP. A sensitivity analysis (varying individual export coefficients by +/-10%) showed that sewage treatment works (STWs) (3.5%), tilled land (2.7%), meadow-verge-seminatural (1.0%), and mown and grazed turf (0.6%) had the most significant effect (percent difference from base contribution) on model prediction. The model was also used to estimate the effect of phosphorus stripping at STWs in order to comply with a pending change in the European Union wastewater directive. Theoretical reduction of TP from the largest STW in the catchment gave a predicted reduction in TP loading of 2174 kg yr(-1). This illustrates the value of this seasonal export coefficient model as a practical management tool.  相似文献   

Widespread afforestation has been proposed as one means of addressing the increasing dryland and stream salinity problem in Australia. However, modelling results presented here suggest that large-scale tree planting will substantially reduce river flows and impose costs on downstream water users if planted in areas of high runoff yield. Streamflow reductions in the Macquarie River, NSW, Australia are estimated for a number of tree planting scenarios and global warming forecasts. The modelling framework includes the Sacramento rainfall-runoff model and IQQM, a streamflow routing tool, as well as various global climate model outputs from which daily rainfall and potential evaporation data files have been generated in OzClim, a climate scenario generator. For a 10% increase in tree cover in the headwaters of the Macquarie, we estimate a 17% reduction in inflows to Burrendong Dam. The drying trend for a mid-range scenario of regional rainfall and potential evaporation caused by a global warming of 0.5 degree C may cause an additional 5% reduction in 2030. These flow reductions will decrease the frequency of bird-breeding events in Macquarie Marshes (a RAMSAR protected wetland) and reduce the security of supply to irrigation areas downstream. Inter-decadal climate variability is predicted to have a very significant influence on catchment hydrologic behaviour. A further 20% reduction in flows from the long-term historical mean is possible, should we move into an extended period of below average rainfall years, such as occurred in eastern Australia between 1890 and 1948. Because current consumptive water use is largely adapted to the wetter conditions of post 1949, a return to prolonged dry periods would cause significant environmental stress given the agricultural and domestic water developments that have been instituted.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal dynamics in the stream water NO(3)-N concentrations in a major European river-system, the Garonne (62,700 km(2)), are described and related to variations in climate, land management, and effluent point-sources using multivariate statistics. Building on this, the Hydrologiska Byr?ns Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) rainfall-runoff model and the Integrated Catchment Model of Nitrogen (INCA-N) are applied to simulate the observed flow and N dynamics. This is done to help us to understand which factors and processes control the flow and N dynamics in different climate zones and to assess the relative inputs from diffuse and point sources across the catchment. This is the first application of the linked HBV and INCA-N models to a major European river system commensurate with the largest basins to be managed under the Water Framework Directive. The simulations suggest that in the lowlands, seasonal patterns in the stream water NO(3)-N concentrations emerge and are dominated by diffuse agricultural inputs, with an estimated 75% of the river load in the lowlands derived from arable farming. The results confirm earlier European catchment studies. Namely, current semi-distributed catchment-scale dynamic models, which integrate variations in land cover, climate, and a simple representation of the terrestrial and in-stream N cycle, are able to simulate seasonal NO(3)-N patterns at large spatial (>300 km(2)) and temporal (> or = monthly) scales using available national datasets.  相似文献   

Twelve sediment cores were collected in July 2007 in open waters of western Bohai Bay, the Port of Tianjin, and the adjacent estuaries of the Haihe and Yongding Rivers. While overall concentrations of trace metals at incremental depths in these cores met the Marine Sediment Quality (GB18668-2002) criteria of China, the magnitude of both metal enrichment factors (EF) and geoaccumulation indices (I(geo)) suggested that pollution with Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn was occurring in the estuaries and Port. Risk analysis also suggested that Ag and Ni concentrations were sufficiently elevated as to cause adverse biological effects in the study area. Although metal concentrations in western Bohai Bay were of less concern, a positive relationship between EF values and excess (210)Pb activity for several metals suggested that their concentrations were increasing over time.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to presents a progress report on how a subnational jurisdiction, the Australian state of Victoria, is attempting to implement regional governance for sustainability through its catchment planning framework. The paper examines the lessons learnt from a best practice approach to the implementation of network governance to see whether there are actions that can be taken to improve regional governance for sustainability in Victoria. The authors argue that Victoria is implementing a network governance approach to natural resource management (NRM) as a significant component of sustainability and that this has certain advantages. In particular the emergence of Regional Catchment Strategies developed by the State's ten statutory Catchment Management Authorities as 'regional sustainability blueprints' is bringing a significant level of maturity to the state's governance framework. Furthermore the state is currently working to complete its governance for sustainability through new statewide integrating frameworks—an Environmental Sustainability Framework as well as a statewide Catchment Management and Investment Framework. The paper concludes that taking a network governance approach could have transformative potential but there are significant challenges ahead: the complex task of aligning of national, state, catchment and local government strategies through an outcomes focus; the scarcity of mechanisms and tools to assist in translation of strategies into integrated investment priorities; gaps in knowledge and understanding of natural resource management problems; limitations in the capacity of regional and local bodies, including local government; and getting the policy tools right within the framework. However, as the best practice examples illustrate, taking a gradual approach to the development of the institutions—building on successive wins in capacity—is the best and only way to proceed.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to presents a progress report on how a subnational jurisdiction, the Australian state of Victoria, is attempting to implement regional governance for sustainability through its catchment planning framework. The paper examines the lessons learnt from a best practice approach to the implementation of network governance to see whether there are actions that can be taken to improve regional governance for sustainability in Victoria. The authors argue that Victoria is implementing a network governance approach to natural resource management (NRM) as a significant component of sustainability and that this has certain advantages. In particular the emergence of Regional Catchment Strategies developed by the State's ten statutory Catchment Management Authorities as 'regional sustainability blueprints' is bringing a significant level of maturity to the state's governance framework. Furthermore the state is currently working to complete its governance for sustainability through new statewide integrating frameworks—an Environmental Sustainability Framework as well as a statewide Catchment Management and Investment Framework. The paper concludes that taking a network governance approach could have transformative potential but there are significant challenges ahead: the complex task of aligning of national, state, catchment and local government strategies through an outcomes focus; the scarcity of mechanisms and tools to assist in translation of strategies into integrated investment priorities; gaps in knowledge and understanding of natural resource management problems; limitations in the capacity of regional and local bodies, including local government; and getting the policy tools right within the framework. However, as the best practice examples illustrate, taking a gradual approach to the development of the institutions—building on successive wins in capacity—is the best and only way to proceed.  相似文献   

In principle the protection of environmental resources is in every ones interest, yet it is evident that this is not what often occurs. In some cases there is an identifiable person or corporation, whose environmental impact can be tractably regulated either politically or via market forces. In other cases there is cumulative impact on a commonly held or "common pool" resource, from a variety of users, making establishing rights and responsibilities for resource management more difficult. The water of the Ythan catchment is one such 'Common Pool Resource' (CPR). An intensively farmed catchment also sustaining a sizable population, the consequent nitrate inputs to the water are believed to be the cause of algal matting at the estuary mouth, an internationally designated wildlife reserve. This led to its designation as Scotland's first Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ). Supported by the EU Life Environment fund, the Ythan Project attempted to foster co-operation between farmers and the wider community of the Ythan catchment to protect and restore the river environment. Throughout the project surveys were undertaken concerning the popularity of the Ythan Project's voluntary approach compared with more individualist or state-organised approaches. Taking CPR theory as a framework, key findings from those surveys are presented and discussed as to their implications for organisational intervention in CPR problems.  相似文献   

杨蓉 《四川环境》1995,14(4):67-71
早在1983年十月北威州政府即通过了第一个决定性的环境计划。其中在1983年所列出的诸多措施中最重要的部分即是可持续发展,另一方面则是在全州生态与经济发展之间以生态发展优先的要求。环境保护政策也一致“单纯进行企业污染治理”,而成为力求为下一代维护自然的人类生存的环境和严格平衡环境保护与资源利用之间的需求关系。同时先进的环保设备也得到迅速发展,许多的环保设计和设施在1983年以前是从未听说过的。环境  相似文献   

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