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荒漠化的发生、发展和逆转过程蕴涵着丰富的生态学、社会学和经济学原理。本文首先提出了荒漠化地区人地关系研究的技术路线,即现状诊断--演变历程--矛盾与冲突分析--协调性分析--调控与管理;继之以北方沙漠化地区为例,对路线涉及的具体内容加以简要分析;在此基础上,对如何协调人地关系提出建议。  相似文献   

我国荒漠化基本特点及加快荒漠化地区发展的意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国是世界上受荒漠化危害最严重的国家之一,荒漠化面积大、分布广、程度重、扩展快,危害深。虽然荒漠化治理取得了一定成就,但只是局部地区得到了治理,荒漠化整体上仍在扩展,这些严重制约了荒漠化地区乃至我国人口、资源与环境的协调发展。荒漠化地区在我国国民经济、社会发展和环境保护等方面具有举足轻重的地位,防治荒漠化对于缩小东西部差距、消除贫困、促进荒漠化地区以及整个中国经济的腾飞具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据国际上对于荒漠化概念的新说明以及由联合国环境规划署所资助的《中国荒漠化 (土地退化 )防治研究》课题报告中确定的荒漠化定义 ,荒漠化概念的内涵包括 :1)以土地退化为本质 ;2 )与人类活动相关联 ;3)以荒漠化景观为标志 ;4 )以脆弱生态环境为背景。因此我国的荒漠化类型除了风蚀作用形成的沙质荒漠化外 ,还有水蚀作用形成的土质荒漠化和石质荒漠化 ;荒漠化防治的重点区域除北方干旱、半干旱和半湿润地区以外 ,也包括南方湿润地区的红壤丘陵区和石质山区。其中属于水蚀荒漠化和土质荒漠化的红色荒漠化就是指我国南方红壤丘陵区在人类不合理经济活动和脆弱生态环境相互作用背景下 ,以流水侵蚀为主导作用而形成、以地表出现劣地为标志的严重土地退化。鉴于我国南方红色荒漠化现象在我国现实存在中的客观性、在全球变化中的特殊性以及在理论概念上的模糊性 ,有必要对其进行深入研究  相似文献   

红色荒漠化雏议   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
根据国际上对于荒漠化概念的新说明以及由联合国环境规划署所资助的《中国荒漠化(土地退化)防治研究》课题报告中确定的荒漠化定义,荒漠化概念的内涵包括:1)以土地退化为本质;(2)与人类活动相关联;3)以荒漠化景观为标志;4)以脆弱生态环境为背景。因此我国的荒漠化类型除了风蚀作用形成的沙质荒漠化外,还有水蚀作用形成的土质荒漠化和石质荒漠化;荒漠化防治的重点区域除北方干旱、半干旱和半湿润地区以外,也包括南方湿润地区的红壤丘陵抠和石质山区。其中属于水蚀荒漠化和土质荒漠化的红色荒漠化就是指我国南方红壤丘陵区在人类不合理的经济活动和脆弱生态环境相互作用背景下,以流水侵蚀为主导作用而形成、以地表出现劣地为标志的严重土地退化。鉴于我国南方红色荒漠化现象在我国现实存在中的客观性、全球变化中的特殊性以及在理论概念上的模糊性,有必要对其进行深入研究。  相似文献   

中国荒漠化灾害的经济损失评估   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25  
荒漠化灾害是自然过程与社会经济活动相互作用的产物。本文在分析中国荒漠化形成的自然原因与人为原因的基础上,运用货币估值技术,将荒漠化造成的各种损失进行定量或半定量估算,最后得出中国每年荒漠化灾害损失达541亿元,并指出人口剧增是造成荒漠化灾害的第一性压力,人为的不适当活动则是造成土地退化的直接原因。  相似文献   

今年 6月 17日是第六个“世界防治荒漠化和干旱日”。 1994年 12月 ,第 4 9届联合国大会根据联大第二委员会 (经济和财政 )的建议 ,决定从 1995年起把每年的 6月 17日定为“世界防治荒漠化和干旱日” ,旨在进一步提高世界各国人民对防治荒漠化重要性的认识 ,唤起人们防治荒漠化的责任心和紧迫感。荒漠化被视为人类在环境领域面临的三大挑战之一。荒漠化并不是指沙漠的扩大 ,而是指干旱土地的退化现象 ,它是由自然、生物、社会和经济发展等多种因素造成的。近半个世纪以来 ,人类过度耕种使土地变得越来越贫瘠 ,过分放牧损耗着保护土壤免受风…  相似文献   

开发西北沙区拓展生存空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是世界上受荒漠化危害最严重的国家之一,荒漠化面积大、分布广、程度重、扩展快,危害深。而面对我国土地总量少、质量差、后备资源短缺、人地矛盾突出的形势,开发沙区巳成为扩展我国生存空间的必然选择,这对于缩小东西部差距,消除贫困、促进荒漠化地区以及整个中国经济的腾飞具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国荒漠化灾害评估及其经济价值核算   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本文对我国荒漠化的现状和危害进行了系统分析。运用货币估值方法对最新公布的荒漠化和水土流失监测数据进行计算,得出我国荒漠化危害的直接经济损失约642亿元/年,平均每天损失1.76亿元;其中几种主要荒漠化类型造成的经济损失分别为:水力侵蚀400亿元,风力侵蚀36亿元,盐渍化及有机质丢失造成的损失约186亿元;据估算每年因沙尘暴造成的经济损失超过13亿元,荒漠化及其衍生危害造成的间接经济损失约2889亿元/年。  相似文献   

以祁连山区肃南县为例,分析了祁连山区山地草原荒漠化的现状及其危害,并结合历史,从自然和人为两方面探讨了草原荒漠化的成因。由于自然因素是形成草原荒漠化的基础,而人为因素才是其主导因素。所以本文主要就人为因素有针对性地提出了山地草原荒漠化的防治和生态环境重建的对策,即:加大资金引入,引进和推广新技术,减轻草原人高压力;实现合理用水,提高草原的数量和质量。  相似文献   

根据澳大利亚对土地的分类,那些“由于雨量太少或不稳定以致农业无法发展,也难以开垦为牧场,天然植被又被过度放牧而遭破坏的土地”称之为荒原(Rangeland)或荒漠化地区(包括占国土面积35%的沙漠),荒漠化土地占澳大利亚国土总面积的75%。鉴于荒漠化...  相似文献   

利用市场机制以法防沙治沙——《防沙治沙法》评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沙漠化是我国面临的最严重的生态环境问题之一 ,利用市场机制防沙治沙是治沙事业发展的必然趋势。本文从《防沙治沙法》入手 ,研究了利用市场机制防沙治沙的法律规定及其意义 ,并对保障其实现提出几点建议  相似文献   

Water sector reforms in Ghana and in other developing countries resulted in the adoption of the community management approach for water systems in an effort to ensure better management and service delivery. However, community management is also plagued internal differences, paucity of technical skills, and insufficient management experience. This article presents a case study of a successful community management system in Ghana that utilized a two-phase comanagement period before a full transfer of management responsibilities to the four communities. The first phase of 3 months was a more intensive comanagement system under which the communities teamed up with public agencies and a private firm to manage the water system. This enabled the communities to acquire hands-on management experience and also tap needed skills from external agencies before a second phase of 3 months characterized by gradual withdrawal of private agency support, and a simultaneous measured assumption of higher responsibilities by the communities. Communities thereafter assumed full management responsibility of the water system and have since then posted significant successes in financial management and operations of the system such that some profits have been generated, there is regular water supply and the system operates without major technical hitches. This strategy illustrates the fact that successful community management system is possible if local capacity is adequately strengthened with external support prior to assumption of full community control of water supply systems, and if assumption of responsibilities is pursued gradually.  相似文献   

日本应对面源污染的法律措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1992年农林水产省首次提出“环境保全型农业”的概念以来,日本政府逐渐重视以农业污染为主的面源污染。此后,政府根据面源污染在各个时期的变化情况,把农业生产污染、禽畜养殖业污染、固体废物污染、高速公路和城市生活污染等方面的各种政策、目标和经济措施予以法制化,陆续出台了一系列有利于防治面源污染的法律、法规。这些法规虽然不是防治面源污染的单行性法规,但其内容具有配套性、系统性、可操作性的特点,惩戒措施也具有针对性和层次性的特点,而且经济措施与法律责任并举,客观上对防治面源污染起到了重要作用。借鉴日本的立法经验,我国防治面源污染立法应该进一步完善法律法规,明确管理部门的职责,强化法律责任,通过多种手段引导公民自觉防治面源污染.  相似文献   

This study uses an input–output model presenting the embodied carbon emission in the import–export procedure, as well as the responsibility allocation between China’s 35 sectors and 7 main trade partners from 1995 to 2011. Results indicate that the amount of carbon emissions in China’s industrial sectors is immense and that the industrial sectors are in serious imbalance. Such imbalance exists mainly in textiles, basic and fabricated metal, electrical and optical equipment, and machinery, among others. Based on the consumer-responsibility principle, the responsibility of 29 departments is reduced. Correspondingly, foreign sectors become more responsible. America, as China’s largest trading partner, should account for most of the total responsibility, followed by developed countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Germany.  相似文献   

Vandana Shiva has argued that the world is experiencing the triple crises of climate change, peak oil and increasing global food insecurity (Shiva 2008). A Green Economy, which focuses on a “low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive economy” (UNEP 2011, 16), has been viewed in some quarters as a way to begin combating the triple crises. In Aotearoa New Zealand, some of the local indigenous peoples Maori are looking at green opportunities, primarily in renewable energy production. Some scholars suggest, however, that the Green Economy should be combined with a Blue Economy. The Blue Economy, as explained by Gunter Pauli 2010, is one which focuses on nature and encourages companies and entrepreneurs to mimic nature in their processes and in the creation of their products. In this article, I suggest that considering a Blue Economy through the lens of a Maori worldview allows us to explore in another way the questions that the Blue Economy raises.  相似文献   

城市自然景区游客环境责任行为影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市自然景区是城市中不可多得的旅游资源和游憩空间,游客旅游行为对城市自然景区的游憩冲击一直是城市旅游管理亟待解决的棘手问题,研究游客的环境责任行为是控制游憩负面冲击,增强城市自然景区可持续发展能力的有效途径。本研究在国内外文献综述和实践观察基础上,将游客社会责任意识引入游客环境冲击感知和环境责任行为的关系研究中,建立了包含生态环境冲击感知、不友善行为感知、游客冲突感知和设施管理冲击感知四个游憩冲击感知变量,自我约束行为和保护促进行为两个环境责任行为变量的"游憩冲击感知—社会责任意识—环境责任行为"理论模型,应用问卷调查和结构方程模型,以长沙岳麓山国家5A级景区为案例,对城市自然景区游客环境责任行为的影响因素及其相互关系展开定量实证研究。研究发现:(1)游客游憩冲击感知对环境责任行为的直接影响作用较小,生态环境冲击感知对环境保护促进行为具有显著正向影响;(2)游客社会责任意识对环境自我约束行为具有显著正向影响,其在游客环境冲击感知、设施管理冲击感知、游客冲突感知与环境责任行为的影响关系中起中介作用;(3)游客冲击感知对社会责任意识的影响主要表现为游客生态环境冲击感知和设施管理冲击感知对游客社会责任意识具有显著的正向影响,而游客冲突感知对游客社会责任意识具有显著的负向影响。根据研究结论,文章最后指出城市自然景区游客环境责任行为若干管理启示。  相似文献   

In an open economy, embodied carbon dioxide emissions in international trade should be taken into consideration to scientifically define each country’s emissions responsibility. In this study, a multiregional input–output model is constructed to calculate the embodied carbon dioxide emissions of 25 World Trade Organization members, including China, according to the producer–consumer shared responsibility principle. The study indicates that: it is fairer and more efficient to identify each country’s carbon dioxide emissions responsibility according to the shared responsibility principle; China’s producer responsibility is 1.4 times that of the USA, while China’s consumer responsibility is only one-tenth that of the USA; according to the producer responsibility principle, China shoulders the greatest responsibility. According to the producer–consumer shared responsibility principle, China’s responsibility shows a large decrease. Resource endowment, economic development stage, and trade structure account for the abovementioned changes in China’s emissions responsibility.  相似文献   

Successful conservation efforts require understanding predictors of private-land stewardship (PLS), its definitions, and what people feel they owe stewardship responsibility to. Various strands of research have touched on the concept, but there is little research focusing on how it is communicated and enacted among the lay public, especially among Latinos. We used a case study in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas to address this gap by identifying and assessing Latino views of PLS. Our results indicate positive relationships between self-identification as a land steward, male gender, and agricultural-land ownership. Respondents associated PLS with property maintenance (60%), natural-resource conservation (14%), and addressing pollution problems (21%). They viewed PLS as a responsibility owed to family rather than to a larger community.  相似文献   

Oil spill response, whether planned by government agencies, oil spill cooperatives or individual companies, can be planned and carried out with the goal of minimizing ecological impacts, not merely removing visible oil. Two oil spill cooperatives on the west coast are implementing such planning. First, a coastal survey was conducted in the cooperative's area of responsibility. Physical processes and habitat types were examined. Oil spill cleanup guidelines were written for each habitat type. Biologically sensitive areas, those sites most vulnerable to oil spill impacts, were identified. Strategies were developed to protect most sensitive areas, i.e., prevent spilled oil from reaching them. Protection is the preferred option because it prevents both the impact of the oil and subsequent cleanup activities. Protected areas can often serve as repopulation centers for surrounding sites that may have been impacted. If minimizing ecological impact is to be a prime focus of oil spill response, ecologists should be involved in both the planning before and the field efforts during such spill events.  相似文献   

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