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降温服是一种应用于高温环境条件下的个体防护设备。根据深矿井热害治理需求,提出用人体降温服对人体直接降温的个体防护方法。结合降温服的降温原理和分类,对个体降温服国内外研究现状及其在矿井热害治理中的可能应用进行了综述和评价分析。为在深矿井热害治理中有针对性的研究、设计和应用矿用人体降温服提供参考。  相似文献   

为了降低消防员热应激水平,提升消防救援作业效率,研究高温环境条件下降温服对消防员热生理调节的影响。在高温环境中(35℃)中,设置基础服装(短袖和短裤)、防护服(基础服装和防护服)、降温服(基础服装、防护服及降温服)等3个工况,分别测量受试者在运动及休息阶段典型的热生理参数。结果表明:相对于基础服装而言,防护服导致受试者皮肤温度、核心温度、心率、出汗速率大幅增加,且降低了汗液蒸发率;降温服能够有效抑制穿着防护服情况下的皮肤温度、核心温度、心率和出汗速率的升高,但会进一步降低汗液蒸发率;此外,降温服的冷却效果随着时间增加而降低,工作时间超过40 min后降温服的降温作用几乎消失,甚至会加重人体热生理负担。  相似文献   

降温服是热害的个体防护设备。它将服装与冷源结合起来改善了人体周围微气候,减少了热环境对人体的不利影响,提高了人体的热耐受力与工作效率。然而,不同的工作条件应选择适合的降温服,而各类降温服在不同的工作条件下综合性能也有区别,因此,针对不同的工作条件以及使用人群选择最适合的降温服是有效提高着装人体舒适感的关键。本文针对降温服的安全性、机能性以及舒适性建立各个评价指标,构建模糊评价模型,用层次分析法对降温服的性能进行综合评价,并进行实例分析,结果表明:该评价方法科学合理,可以为降温服的正确选用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为定量研究防刺服(SRBA)的热湿传递性能,改善防刺服的热舒适,采用暖体假人试验测量分析不同温度(25、30和40℃)和湿度(40%,55%,70%)下,降温服、防刺服以及两者叠穿时的热阻和湿阻及其变化特征。发现3个温度下3种着装的热阻变化为防刺服降温服与防刺服叠穿降温服,湿阻则在30℃以上遵循这一特征。温度越高,降温服对防刺服的传热效率影响越大,热阻最高可降低46. 75%,湿阻最高可降低82. 97%。结果表明:在较高环境温度下(30℃以上),降温服可有效降低防刺服的热阻和湿阻,提高防刺服的热湿传递效率。降温服对防刺服的热湿传递影响特征随环境温度、湿度和设计特性而改变。  相似文献   

为提高相变调温防护服的阻燃性能,以保障工作人员的生命安全,系统开展阻燃型相变微胶囊涂层织物的制备与阻燃性能研究。选取2种相变温度的相变微胶囊、2种阻燃基布,利用干法涂层工艺制备相变微胶囊涂层织物;选取2种阻燃剂,以45%和75%的比例涂覆在相变微胶囊涂层的表面,制成16种阻燃型相变微胶囊涂层织物。基于锥形量热仪进行涂层织物阻燃性能测试,分析阻燃剂对涂层织物阻燃性能的影响。结果表明:与未进行阻燃整理的涂层织物相比,有机硅阻燃剂涂层织物的总热释放量平均下降42.22%,磷氮型阻燃剂涂层织物的总热释放量平均下降25.07%,并且随着阻燃剂含量的增加,总热释放量呈下降趋势。另外,有机硅型阻燃剂明显降低了热释放速率与总热释放量,而磷氮型阻燃剂有效地延长了织物开始释放热量的时间和热释放速率达到峰值的时间。因此,2种阻燃剂从不同角度优化了相变微胶囊涂层织物的阻燃性能,提高了相变调温防护服的使用安全性。  相似文献   

利用出汗暖体假人Walter对换气式降温服的冷却性能进行评价,通过穿着降温服前后对假人皮表温度、衣内湿度、输出功率测试数据对比,结果表明在环境温度40℃以下相对湿度55%的条件下,穿着降温服皮表温度维持在36℃,衣内相对湿度维持在60%左右,制冷量在100w~170w,能够满足工作人员从事中等体力型活动,具有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   

总结了相变换热器技术在荆门石化CFB锅炉上的应用情况。相变换热器技术利用相变传热的原理将被加热介质(如空气、水)的温度适当地提高,被预热的介质可以保证换热器的安全,它使排烟温度和换热器壁温保持相对稳定,处于较高的温度水平,远离酸露点的腐蚀区域。改造后锅炉排烟温度可降至较低的温度,既防止低温腐蚀,又可实现低温热利用。  相似文献   

救生舱是有效减少井下各种灾害导致人员伤亡的安全设施设备,调节救生舱内的温度是保障矿工生存的重要措施。通过对矿用救生舱热负荷的分析计算和矿用救生舱空气调节系统研究现状的分析,设计了以液态二氧化碳相变制冷为基础的两种空气调节系统,可在无需电力驱动、相对狭小空间配套的情况下,适合作为救生舱的空气调节系统。该系统的研发将会解决矿用救生舱在无电力驱动情况下的温度调节问题。  相似文献   

热氨融霜多相流动液锤诱发的回气总管频现爆管和穿孔腐蚀事故的预防仍是一项技术挑战。基于进口速度突变和瞬态冷凝与汽化相变直接驱动力,建立了描述多相相变流动液击形成过程的理论模型及其数值模拟算法,研究了回气总管热氨蒸汽与深冷液氨多相分层流动液击的形成机理,研究结果表明:在进口流速突变条件下,瞬态冷凝与汽化相变多相流动诱发的液击压强是无相变多相流动液击压强4倍左右,考虑相变驱动是准确预测多相流动液击的理论前提,多相流动液锤压力显多波型大幅脉动波动变化,且随着氨液剩余填充量增加而增大,而深冷液氨区局部液击压力降至液氨的饱和蒸汽压所诱发的空泡溃灭是导致回气总管频现穿孔腐蚀的直接原因。  相似文献   

为了解决机械通风难以满足高温矿井降温需求的问题,提出由石蜡和膨胀石墨构成多孔介质相变蓄热模块来达到巷道降温效果的方法,基于Fluent模拟软件,对通风和相变蓄热联合降温多条件下巷道温度场进行数值模拟,确定相变蓄热模块的设计参数,最后对掘进巷道热环境进行模拟研究和方案设计。研究结果表明:相比于仅通风降温,联合降温效果明显;采用双侧布置相变模块降温效果明显优于单侧布置工况;随着风速逐渐递增,降温效果下降,且降温幅度减小;模块厚度分别为100,200 mm时降温效果基本一致,厚度300 mm时,巷道温度明显升高。  相似文献   

深井高温热环境的数值评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据井下工作面热环境的特点,采用了数值模拟的方法,对高温巷道中的热环境进行数值模拟计算,并应用预计热舒适指标(PMV)对不同设计参数的井下环境的热舒适程度进行科学的评价,给出了高温巷道中的速度场、温度场、热舒适PMV值。以某矿山高温巷道为实例进行了热环境评价,得出了热环境评价结果。结果表明在温度为40℃的高温巷道中,采用入口处风速为0.8m/s即可满足通风降温的要求,所得结果更具有直观性、准确性,为最优通风降温方案的确定提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

本文目的是评价降温背心的降温效果。通过对3名成年人在不同环境条件下,分别穿着降温背心和普通服装,测量人员胸部、上肢、下肢和直肠温度的变化,同时监测心率、呼吸和出汗量等,得出环境温度越高,降温背心的降温效果越明显;体形胖的人耐热能力相对差;耐热与出汗量密切相关等结论,并指出降温背心的降温效果显著,能够满足高温岗位的需要。  相似文献   

Objective. The provision of appropriate personal cooling vests is recognized as an effective measure to combat heat stress. However, personal cooling vests are not widely implemented in the Hong Kong industries. The current study aims to evaluate the usability of a hybrid cooling vest that is associated with the success of its application in industrial settings. Methods. A self-administrated questionnaire focusing on 10 subjective attributes of cooling effect, ergonomic design and usability of a hybrid cooling vest was administered with 232 occupational workers in the construction, horticultural and cleaning, airport apron services and kitchen and catering industries. Results. A structural equation model estimated by analysis of moment structures was constructed to evaluate the usability of the cooling vest, as influenced by cooling effect and ergonomic design. Results showed that cooling effect (path coefficient?=?0.69, p?p?Conclusions. The structural equation model is feasible to examine the complex nature of the structural relationships among the subjective perceptions of personal cooling vests. The empirical findings furnish sound evidence for further optimization of the hybrid cooling vest in terms of cooling effect and ergonomic design for occupational workers.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the effects of wearing an ice-vest (ca 1 kg) on physiological and subjective responses in fire fighters. The experiments were carried out on a treadmill in a hot-dry environment. The physical cooling effect of the ice-vest was measured with a thermal manikin. The ice-vest effectively reduced skin temperatures under the vest. On average, heart rate was 10 beats/min lower, the amount of sweating was reduced by 13%, and subjective sensations of effort and warmth were lower during work with the ice-vest compared to work without it. Thermal manikin tests indicated that the useful energy available from the vest for body cooling was rather high (58%). In conclusion, the ice-vest reduces physiological and subjective strain responses during heavy work in the heat, and may promote efficient work time by 10%.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the effects of wearing an ice-vest (ca 1 kg) on physiological and subjective responses in fire fighters. The experiments were carried out on a treadmill in a hot-dry environment. The physical cooling effect of the ice-vest was measured with a thermal manikin. The ice-vest effectively reduced skin temperatures under the vest. On average, heart rate was 10 beats/min lower, the amount of sweating was reduced by 13%, and subjective sensations of effort and warmth were lower during work with the ice-vest compared to work without it. Thermal manikin tests indicated that the useful energy available from the vest for body cooling was rather high (58%). In conclusion, the ice-vest reduces physiological and subjective strain responses during heavy work in the heat, and may promote efficient work time by 10%.  相似文献   

Research into newly developed ballistic vests to be worn by police officers under clothing was carried out with air temperature conditions of +20 °C. A ballistic vest should incorporate protective features, comfort and ergonomics. The thermal strain on users who wore the vests was evaluated as an average and individually, after they had been conditioned in high (+50 °C), low (?40 °C) or neutral (+20 °C) air temperatures, while performing various occupational activities. Research involved six police officers aged 36–42 years, who wore civilian clothing used in moderate environmental conditions. During the tests, physiological parameters (internal temperature, local skin temperatures and amount of sweat secreted) were determined. The ease of doing exercises while wearing the vests, vest service and level of discomfort in use were assessed. Research showed that the vests tested, both as an average and individually, meet the requirements of Standard No. PN-V-87000:2011 (clause 4.5).  相似文献   

Phase-change materials (PCM) can be used to reduce thermal stress and improve thermal comfort for workers wearing protective clothing. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of PCM in protective clothing used in simulated work situations. We hypothesized that it would be possible to optimize cooling performance with a design that focuses on careful positioning of PCM, minimizing total insulation and facilitating moisture transport. Thermal stress and thermal comfort were estimated through measurement of body heat production, body temperatures, sweat production, relative humidity in clothing and subjective ratings of thermal comfort, thermal sensitivity and perception of wetness. Experiments were carried out using 2 types of PCM, the crystalline dehydrate of sodium sulphate and microcapsules in fabrics. The results of 1 field and 2 laboratory experimental series were conclusive in that reduced thermal stress and improved thermal comfort were related to the amount and distribution of PCM, reduced sweat production and adequate transport of moisture.  相似文献   

在矿井降温系统优选决策的研究中,经常采用模糊综合评价方法,但其判断矩阵权重的分配存在较大的主观性,容易产生决策失误。基于此,提出了基于评价指标相对隶属度的模糊综合评价矩阵,利用层次分析法进行解算,进而确定矿井降温方案各评价指标权重的一种模糊综合评价模型—AHP-FCE综合评价模型,并将其应用于矿井降温方案优选决策当中。通过实例验证,评价结果客观、科学、稳定,通用性较强,可应用于煤矿及其他工程领域。  相似文献   

By analyzing the coal mine working face ventilation and cooling cost after mechanical method is adopted for temperature decrease, the relationship between air volume and ventilation cooling cost was established. And through mathematical analysis and specific applications of the model, the reasonable air volume is determined. With respect to the actual conditions of a coal mine, the air volume is figured out. In order to verify the correctness of the air volume by the new method, the Ansys model of ventilation cooling for the working face is established, and the effect of cooling under the air volume is simulated. The simulation results can meet the mine cooling requirement after being applied in coal mine, the cooling effect and the economic benefit are satisfactory.  相似文献   

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