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静电喷漆作业的防火防爆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
静电喷漆工艺普有快,但其生产过程的火灾危险性属甲类。其火灾危险主要在于使用的漆料或有机溶剂,喷漆作业中存在电火花,静电火花,高温热表面,自然发热等引火源,为防止火灾爆炸发作,要注重防火防爆安全管理和强化必要的安全技术措施。  相似文献   

1.必须单独设置油漆、喷漆作业车间,房间的地板及门窗均应用非燃烧材料制作。 2.车间应安装强有力抽气排风设备,通风机的叶轮应用有色金属制作。  相似文献   

从安全生产的角度出发,介绍了焦化厂的生产工序及设备概况;从固体、液体、粉体、气体和人体等五个方面讨论了静电的产生机理以及静电的危害性质;重点探讨了防范静电危害的技术措施,其中分析了静电火灾和爆炸事故发生的条件,并提出了静电危害的防护对策,主要包括:工艺控制法、泄漏法、接地法、中和电荷法、封闭消尖法、防人体静电法。  相似文献   

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石油化工企业的火灾危险性及工艺防火防爆措施   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从石油化工企业的生产特点和火灾爆炸事故状况入手,通过对生产火灾危险性的分析,提出了在工艺方面应采取的防火防爆措施.  相似文献   

何艳丽 《安全》2015,(4):24-27
通过对汽车生产企业涂装作业的典型工艺流程的介绍,分别对涂装作业存在的易燃易爆物质及涂装作业过程中可能引发火灾爆炸的危险因素进行了分析,并提出相应的防火防爆安全对策措施。  相似文献   

从化学实验室内使用的化学物品的易燃易爆性能,存在的各种火源入手,分析了化学实验室发生火灾爆炸事故的原因和爆炸事故的特点,在此基础上提出了防火防爆的具体措施。  相似文献   

This study investigated a 2010 fire and explosion that occurred at a polypropylene (PP) and copper-clad laminate high-tech plant in Taiwan. Liquid acetone leakage caused the fire and explosion. One person was killed and five were injured; property damage was estimated at US$20 million. In contrast to conventional plants, high-tech plants have sophisticated instrumentation, highly complex pipelines, and confined spaces. In addition, the floor area in a high-tech plant is large and frequently contains a channel through the ground floor to the second or third floor. This channel design enables the fire compartment to be destroyed. Therefore, the system cannot confine the fire to a specific area, thus hindering fire-relief operations. In this study, the original fire outbreak occurred in the PP processing area on the ground floor. The acetone storage tank was located on the third floor. The investigation conducted at the fire site of the situations of the burning (bursting) loss determined that the acetone liquid leaked and dripped from floor cracks and tunnel oven to the PP processing area. Because the PP manufacturing process rapidly generates static electricity, the flammable liquids made contact with the source of ignition, which caused the explosion and fire. Various procedures, such as those involving the operating environment of production, packaging, and processing in a high-tech plant, are likely to produce static electricity in a workplace. Improved electrostatic management can prevent the loss of property and lives, liquid acetone leakage, and loss of equipment caused by static electricity fire.  相似文献   

粉碎研磨设备粉尘爆炸的预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉碎研磨设备火灾爆炸事故发生率较高。针对该过程的火险特点,防火对策应从防止粉尘沉积,消除粉尘源,防止摩擦、撞击、生热,消除静电危害,搞好工艺防火,惰性介质保护,设置防爆泄压装置,粉尘爆炸的抑制,火灾事故处理措施,加强消防安全教育诸方面加以考虑。  相似文献   

根据一起电路事故,分析了静电与漏电的特性,提出了判别与排除设备静电与漏电的方法。  相似文献   

从化学实验室内使用的化学物品的易燃易爆性能,存在的各种火源入手,分析了化学实验室发生火灾爆炸事故的原因和爆炸事故的特点,在此基础上提出了防火防爆的具体措施。  相似文献   

化工装置爆炸事故模式及预防研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对建国以来我国已经发生的典型化工装置爆炸事故原因进行了统计分析 ,总结了爆炸危险性的影响因素。结合对已经发生的事故案例的剖析 ,提取并建立了装置内爆炸事故模式 ,对各种模式的爆炸机理和发生条件进行了初步的研究分析 ,并提出事故的预防措施 ,以期指导安全生产  相似文献   

为提高危化品爆炸事故电力应急预警的准确性,建立基于贝叶斯网络的危化品爆炸事故电力系统风险评估模型.基于危化品爆炸事故电力应急典型情景分析,建立综合考虑突发事件、承灾载体和应急管理等风险因素的贝叶斯网络结构.应用概率刻画风险因素信息的不确定性及其相互影响,定量分析事件后果.结合一般条件和典型情景等的应用实例,分析评价方法...  相似文献   

Of the numerous inherent safety assessment tools, a dynamic metric capable of investigating and incorporating the temporal risk evolution when conducting Inherently Safer Modifications (ISMs) is yet to be established. To this end, this work developed a Dynamic Inherent Safety Metric (DISM) and validated its functionality and viability through a case study. Firstly, the Information-Flow-based Accident-causing Model (IFAM) was adapted to construct the topology of Bayesian Networks (BN). Then, Bayesian deductive reasoning was executed to do crucial risk identification by ranking posterior probabilities. Finally, risk-based ISMs were performed to address the relatively contributing risk factors. The case study results show that the fire and explosion risk decreased by approximately a third after implementing ISMs, thus demonstrating that the modified processing scenario could be inherently safer than the original processing scenario. The newly developed inherent safety metric (i.e., DISM) can assist in temporal risk identification and assessment, and it is expected to function as a novel assessment tool for measuring and comparing the inherent safeness before and after implementing ISMs with simultaneous considerations on the time-varying risk factors.  相似文献   

Since the massive use and production of fuel oil and natural gas, the excavating locations of buried energy-carrying material are moving further away from onshore, eventually requiring floating production systems like floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO). Among those platforms, LNG-FPSO will play a leading role to satisfy the global demands for the natural gas in near future; the LNG-FPSO system is designed to deal with all the LNG processing activities, near the gas field. However, even a single disaster on an offshore plant would put the whole business into danger. In this research, the risk of fire and explosion in the LNG-FPSO is assessed by quantitative risk analysis, including frequency and consequence analyses, focusing on the LNG liquefaction process (DMR cycle). The consequence analysis is modeled by using a popular analysis tool PHAST. To assess the risk of this system, 5 release model scenarios are set for the LNG and refrigerant leakages from valves, selected as the most probable scenarios causing fire and explosion. From the results, it is found that the introduction of additional protection methods to reduce the effect of fire and explosion under ALARP criteria is not required, and two cases of the selection of independent protection layers are recommended to meet the SIL level of failure rate for safer design and operation in the offshore environment.  相似文献   

浮顶油罐油气惰化防火防爆实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对浮顶油罐的油气空间进行惰化,是一种新的油罐防火防爆方法。向浮顶油罐一、二次密封间的油气空间中加入氮气,可缩小浮顶油罐的一、二次密封之间环形空间油气的爆炸极限的范围。根据这一原理,通过模型实验对大型双重密封型浮顶油罐的油气空间进行了氮气惰化保护实验研究。实验结果表明油气空间内氮气的体积分数会随着氮气通入时间的增长而逐渐升高,油气的体积分数则逐渐降低。氮气通入开始一段时间,环形空间内氮气的体积分数会迅速上升,油气体积分数迅速下降。但随着氮气通入时间的增长,氮气体积分数的上升和油气体积分数的下降速度都会趋于平缓。另外当入口处氮气流量从27Nm3/h变化到54Nm3/h时,为使油气体积分数下降至油气爆炸下限1%所需氮气持续通入的时间也从300分钟左右下降至200分钟左右。  相似文献   

道氏火灾爆炸指数法在化工品码头危险性评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了道氏火灾爆炸指数法(第6 版)的评价过程,并应用该方法对某化工品码头储运生产各工艺环节的火灾爆炸危险性进行了评价。  相似文献   

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