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A 4year study surveyed 131 lakes across New York State beginning in 2003 to improve our understanding of mercury and gather information from previously untested waters. Our study focused on largemouth and smallmouth bass, walleye and yellow perch, common piscivorous fish shown to accumulate high mercury concentrations and species important to local fisheries. Fish from Adirondack and Catskill Forest Preserve lakes generally had higher mercury concentrations than those from lakes in other areas of the state. Variability between nearby individual lakes was observed, and could be due to differences in water chemistry, lake productivity or the abundance of wetlands in the watershed. We found the following factors impact mercury bioaccumulation: fish length, lake pH, specific conductivity, chlorophyll a, mercury concentration in the water, presence of an outlet dam and amount of contiguous wetlands.  相似文献   

In the crystalline rocks of the Canadian Shield, geochemical conditions are currently reducing at depths of 500-1000 m. However, during future glacial periods, altered hydrologic conditions could potentially result in enhanced recharge of glacial melt water containing a relatively high concentration of dissolved oxygen (O2). It is therefore of interest to investigate the physical and geochemical processes, including naturally-occurring redox reactions, that may control O2 ingress. In this study, the reactive transport code MIN3P is used in combination with 2k factorial analyses to identify the most important parameters controlling oxygen migration and attenuation in fractured crystalline rocks. Scenarios considered are based on simplified conceptual models that include a single vertical fracture, or a fracture zone, contained within a rock matrix that extends from the ground surface to a depth of 500 m. Consistent with field observations, Fe(II)-bearing minerals are present in the fractures (i.e. chlorite) and the rock matrix (biotite and small quantities of pyrite). For the parameter ranges investigated, results indicate that for the single fracture case, the most influential factors controlling dissolved O2 ingress are flow velocity in the fracture, fracture aperture, and the biotite reaction rate in the rock matrix. The most important parameters for the fracture zone simulations are flow velocity in the individual fractures, pO2 in the recharge water, biotite reaction rate, and to a lesser degree the abundance and reactivity of chlorite in the fracture zone, and the fracture zone width. These parameters should therefore receive increased consideration during site characterization, and in the formulation of site-specific models intended to predict O2 behavior in crystalline rocks.  相似文献   

为明晰长江流域水质时空分布特征并解析污染源,基于长江流域21个水质监测断面2008—2018年的pH、溶解氧(DO)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)及氨氮质量浓度([NH3-N])数据,采用M-K趋势检验、相关性分析和层次聚类分析,对流域内水质时空动态变化趋势及特征进行综合识别,并结合绝对主成分回归分析法(APCS-MLR)解析污染物来源。结果表明,研究区内重点断面水质类别以II类为主,占71.39%。在时间上,水质污染程度表现为汛期(5—10月)劣于非汛期(1—4月和11、12月),汛期主要污染指标为DO和CODMn,非汛期主要污染指标为[NH3-N];在空间上,21个监测断面聚类为3组,其水质优劣排序为GⅢ(四川乐山岷江大桥、湖南长沙新港、江西南昌滁搓站点)>GⅡ(中下游及下游)>GⅠ(上游及中上游)。结合主成分分析和多元回归分析得出,在所基于的指标中CODMn和NH3-N是研究区内典型污染物,GⅠ组水体主要受营养盐面源污染和耗氧有机物蓄积污染;GⅡ组水质受工业生产和人类活动影响其营养盐和有机物污染严重,而自然因素影响较弱;GⅢ组站点属局部污染严重,污染源主要是有机物,其次是营养盐。上述研究结果可为长江流域针对性水环境治理、污染控制和改善提供参考。  相似文献   



Industrial emissions can raise urban background levels of inhalable Mn particles in an order of magnitude above normal, eclipsing the contribution made by natural sources and traffic.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive requires the integrated management of point and diffuse pollution to achieve 'good' water quality in 'protected areas'. These include bathing waters, which are regulated using faecal indicator organisms as compliance parameters. Thus, for the first time, European regulators are faced with the control of faecal indicator fluxes from agricultural sources where these impact on bathing water compliance locations. Concurrently, reforms to the European Union (EU) Common Agricultural Policy offer scope for supporting on-farm measures producing environmental benefits through the new 'single farm payments' and the concept of 'cross-compliance'. This paper reports the first UK study involving remedial measures, principally stream bank fencing, designed to reduce faecal indicator fluxes at the catchment scale. Considerable reduction in faecal indicator flux was observed, but this was insufficient to ensure bathing water compliance with either Directive 76/160/EEC standards or new health-evidence-based criteria proposed by WHO and the European Commission.  相似文献   

Different monitoring parameters (PM mass concentrations, number–size distribution, black carbon, gaseous pollutants, and chemical composition, among others) are currently used in air quality studies. Urban aerosols are the result of several sources and atmospheric processes, which suggests that a single monitoring technique is insufficient to quantitatively evaluate all of them.This study assesses the suitability of a number of monitoring techniques (PM mass concentrations, number and size distribution of ultra-fine particles, levels of gaseous pollutants, and a complete chemical characterization of PM10 and PM2.5) by examining the response of those techniques to the different emission sources and/or atmospheric processes affecting an urban Mediterranean area (Barcelona, NE Spain).The results of this work reveal that the PM mass, the number concentration and the chemical composition give different, but complementary, information. Whereas the mineral matter, a key atmospheric aerosol component across the Mediterranean, is not properly quantitatively assessed by measuring sub-micrometric particles, the monitoring of the number concentration is indispensable to interpret the origin of specific aerosol episodes. Furthermore, the chemical composition yields very relevant information to deduce the causes of specific pollution episodes.The number concentration of ultra-fine particles in urban areas is strongly dependent upon vehicle exhaust emissions, which may cause adverse health impacts. Moreover, urban Mediterranean environments are favourable to produce nucleation-mode particles (<20 nm) with photochemical origin. In those cases, these particles are expected to be of high solubility and consequently their toxicity may differ from that of traffic-generated ultra-fine particles. Thus, the use of a single monitoring parameter to evaluate the health effects seems to be not enough.  相似文献   

Twenty one of 118 irrigation water wells in the shallow (25-30 m thick) Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer in the Bayou Bartholomew watershed, southeastern Arkansas had arsenic (As) concentrations (<0.5 to 77 microg/L) exceeding 10 microg/L. Sediment and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed from the sites of the highest, median, and lowest concentrations of As in groundwater in the alluvial aquifers located at Jefferson County, Arkansas. A traditional five-step sequential extraction was performed to differentiate the exchangeable, carbonate, amorphous Fe and Mn oxide, organic, and hot HNO(3)-leachable fraction of As and other compounds in sediments. The Chao reagent (0.25 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 0.25 M HCl) removes amorphous Fe and Mn oxides and oxyhydroxides (present as coatings on grains and amorphous minerals) by reductive dissolution and is a measure of reducible Fe and Mn in sediments. The hot HNO(3) extraction removes mostly crystalline metal oxides and all other labile forms of As. Significant total As (20%) is complexed with amorphous Fe and Mn oxides in sediments. Arsenic abundance is not significant in carbonates or organic matter. Significant (40-70 microg/kg) exchangeable As is only present at shallow depth (0-1 m below ground surface). Arsenic is positively correlated to Fe extracted by Chao reagent (r=0.83) and hot HNO(3) (r=0.85). Arsenic extracted by Chao reagent decreases significantly with depth as compared to As extracted by hot HNO(3). Fe (II)/Fe (the ratio of Fe concentration in the extracts of Chao reagent and hot HNO(3)) is positively correlated (r=0.76) to As extracted from Chao reagent. Although Fe (II)/Fe increases with depth, the relative abundance of reducible Fe decreases noticeably with depth. The amount of reducible Fe, as well as As complexed to amorphous Fe and Mn oxides and oxyhydroxides decreases with depth. Possible explanations for the decrease in reducible Fe and its complexed As with depth include historic flushing of As and Fe from hydrous ferric oxides (HFO) by microbially-mediated reductive dissolution and aging of HFO to crystalline phases. Hydrogeochemical data suggests that the groundwater in the area falls in the mildly reducing (suboxic) to relatively highly reducing (anoxic) zone, and points to reductive dissolution of HFO as the dominant As release mechanism. Spatial variability of gypsum solubility and simultaneous SO(4)(2-) reduction with co-precipitation of As and sulfide is an important limiting process controlling the concentration of As in groundwater in the area.  相似文献   

A compilation of data from earlier studies of 172 homes in the Pacific Northwest indicated that approximately 65 percent of the 46 homes tested in the Spokane River Valley/Rathdrum Prairie region of eastern Washington/northern Idaho had heating season indoor radon (222Rn) concentrations above the U. S. EPA guideline of 148 Bq m-3 (4 pCi L-1). A subset of 35 homes was selected for additional study. The primary source of indoor radon in the Spokane River Valley/Rathdrum Prairie was pressure-driven flow of soil gas containing moderate radon concentrations (geometric mean concentration of 16,000 Bq m-3) from the highly permeable soils (geometric mean permeability of 5 x 10(-11) m2) surrounding the house substructures. Estimated soil gas entry rates ranged from 0.4 to 39 m3h-1 and 1 percent to 21 percent of total building air infiltration. Radon from other sources, including domestic water supplies and building materials was negligible. In high radon homes, winter indoor levels averaged 13 times higher than summer concentrations, while in low radon homes winter levels averaged only 2.5 times higher. Short-term variations in indoor radon were observed to be dependent upon indoor-outdoor temperature differences, wind speed, and operation of forced-air furnace fans. Forced-air furnace operation, along with leaky return ducts and plenums, and openings between the substructure and upper floors enhanced mixing of radon-laden substructure air throughout the rest of the building.  相似文献   

All models used in activated sludge design and analysis use parameters to characterize process performance. The values of these parameters are often assumed based on default values recommended in the literature, but to date, no quantitative estimates of the parameter uncertainties have been published. Similarly, little attention has been given to quantifying site-specific parameter variability, even though its occurrence has been observed several times in the literature. In this paper, universal uncertainty distributions of the model parameters from Activated Sludge Model No. 1 are developed from a database of parameter values reported in the literature using Bayesian statistics. Site-specific distributions of parameter variability were developed using the same techniques. All parameter distributions developed demonstrated that significant uncertainty and variability exist, which could lead to overdesign or plant failure if not considered during the design process.  相似文献   

We studied the contribution of each of the components of a compost-based biomixture (BX), commonly used in Europe, on pesticide degradation. The impact of other key parameters including pesticide dose, temperature and repeated applications on the degradation of eight pesticides, applied as a mixture, in a BX and a peat-based biomixture (OBX) was compared and contrasted to their degradation in soil. Incubation studies showed that straw was essential in maintaining a high pesticide degradation capacity of the biomixture, whereas compost, when mixed with soil, retarded pesticide degradation. The highest rates of degradation were shown in the biomixture composed of soil/compost/straw suggesting that all three components are essential for maximum biobed performance. Increasing doses prolonged the persistence of most pesticides with biomixtures showing a higher tolerance to high pesticide dose levels compared to soil. Increasing the incubation temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C resulted in lower t(1/2) values, with biomixtures performing better than soil at the lower temperature. Repeated applications led to a decrease in the degradation rates of most pesticides in all the substrates, with the exception of iprodione and metalaxyl. Overall, our results stress the ability of biomixtures to perform better than soil under unfavorable conditions and extreme pesticide dose levels.  相似文献   

Emission projections are important for environmental policy, both to evaluate the effectiveness of abatement strategies and to determine legislation compliance in the future. Moreover, including uncertainty is an essential added value for decision makers. In this work, projection values and their associated uncertainty are computed for pollutant emissions corresponding to the most significant activities from the national atmospheric emission inventory in Spain. Till now, projections had been calculated under three main scenarios: “without measures” (WoM), “with measures” (WM) and “with additional measures” (WAM). For the first one, regression techniques had been applied, which are inadequate for time-dependent data. For the other scenarios, values had been computed taking into account expected activity growth, as well as policies and measures. However, only point forecasts had been computed. In this work statistical methodology has been applied for: a) Inclusion of projection intervals for future time points, where the width of the intervals is a measure of uncertainty. b) For the WoM scenario, ARIMA models are applied to model the dynamics of the processes. c) In the WM scenario, bootstrap is applied as an additional non-parametric tool, which does not rely on distributional assumptions and is thus more general. The advantages of using ARIMA models for the WoM scenario including uncertainty are shown. Moreover, presenting the WM scenario allows observing if projected emission values fall within the intervals, thus showing if the measures to be taken to reach the scenario imply a significant improvement. Results also show how bootstrap techniques incorporate stochastic modelling to produce forecast intervals for the WM scenario.  相似文献   

The mass concentration of carbonaceous species, organic carbon (OC), and elemental carbon (EC) using a semicontinuous thermo-optical EC-OC analyzer, and black carbon (BC) using an Aethalometer were measured simultaneously at an urban mega city Delhi in Ganga basin from January 2011 to May 2012. The concentrations of OC, EC, and BC exhibit seasonal variability, and their concentrations were ~2 times higher during winter (OC 38.1?±?17.9 μg m?3, EC 15.8?±?7.3 μg m?3, and BC 10.1?±?5.3 μg m?3) compared to those in summer (OC 14.1?±?4.3 μg m?3, EC 7.5?±?1.5 μg m?3, and BC 4.9?±?1.5 μg m?3). A significant correlation between OC and EC (R?=?0.95, n?=?232) indicate their common emission sources with relatively lower OC/EC ratio (range 1.0–3.6, mean 2.2?±?0.5) suggests fossil fuel emission as a major source of carbonaceous aerosols over the station. On average, mass concentration of EC was found to be ~38 % higher than BC during the study period. The measured absorption coefficient (babs) was significantly correlated with EC, suggesting EC as a major absorbing species in ambient aerosols at Delhi. Furthermore, the estimated mass absorption efficiency (σabs) values are similar during winter (5.0?±?1.5 m2 g?1) and summer (4.8?±?2.8 m2 g?1). Significantly high aerosol loading of carbonaceous species emphasize an urgent need to focus on air quality management and proper impact assessment on health perspective in these regions.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are ubiquitously distributed in the environment and produce multiple adverse effects in humans and wildlife. As a result, the purpose of our study was to characterize PCB sources in anthropogenic materials and releases to the environment in Washington State (USA) in order to formulate recommendations to reduce PCB exposures. Methods included review of relevant publications (e.g., open literature, industry studies and reports, federal and state government databases), scaling of PCB sources from national or county estimates to state estimates, and communication with industry associations and private and public utilities. Recognizing high associated uncertainty due to incomplete data, we strived to provide central tendency estimates for PCB sources. In terms of mass (high to low), PCB sources include lamp ballasts, caulk, small capacitors, large capacitors, and transformers. For perspective, these sources (200,000–500,000 kg) overwhelm PCBs estimated to reside in the Puget Sound ecosystem (1500 kg). Annual releases of PCBs to the environment (high to low) are attributed to lamp ballasts (400–1500 kg), inadvertent generation by industrial processes (900 kg), caulk (160 kg), small capacitors (3–150 kg), large capacitors (10–80 kg), pigments and dyes (0.02–31 kg), and transformers (<2 kg). Recommendations to characterize the extent of PCB distribution and decrease exposures include assessment of PCBs in buildings (e.g., schools) and replacement of these materials, development of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to contain PCBs, reduction of inadvertent generation of PCBs in consumer products, expansion of environmental monitoring and public education, and research to identify specific PCB congener profiles in human tissues.  相似文献   

This work represents the first step to set up a toxicity testing procedure and to evaluate the sensitivity of the test microorganism to several classes of environmental pollutants. First, three different techniques were employed to standardise the microbial inoculum, then two different toxicity assessment protocols have been compared: Microtox and a dehydrogenase (DHase) activity inhibition test. The main goal was the optimisation of a microbial bioassay based on the dehydrogenase activity (DHase) inhibition in Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterial strain ATCC 13525. Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) was used as electron acceptor and its reduction produces Triphenyl formazane (TPF). The P. fluorescens DHase inhibition bioassay was investigated for being a reliable and rapid method for assessing toxicity. The optimisation of the operating conditions resulted in a repeatable bioassay. Then, P. fluorescens and Vibrio fischeri sensitivity were firstly compared by testing Zn++, one of the reference compounds for Microtox test. In addition, other compounds (Ni++, Cd++, Cu++, phenol) were also tested with both bioassays. A high statistical significance of data was obtained with the logistic curve. The present work has demonstrated that P. fluorescens is as sensitive as Microtox culture (V. fischeri), for some of the metal ions. With reference to organic compounds, the lower sensitivity of P. fluorescens to phenol makes its use difficult in organic polluted samples.  相似文献   

This study examines the characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their major emission sources at the Bulgwang site in Seoul, Korea. The annual levels of VOCs (96.2–121.1 ppb C) have shown a decreasing trend from 2004 to 2008. The most abundant component in Seoul was toluene, which accounted for over 23.5 % of the total VOCs on the parts per billion on a carbon basis, and the portions of alkanes with two to six carbons constituted the largest major lumped group, ranging from 40.1 to 48.4 % (45.3?±?3.7 %) of the total VOCs. Major components of the solvent (toluene, m/p-xylene, o-xylene, and ethylbenzene) showed high in daytime and summer and low in nighttime and winter due mainly to the variation of the ambient temperature. The species mostly emitted from gasoline vapor (i/n-butane, i/n-pentane, n-hexane, and 2-methylpentane) and vehicular exhaust (ethylene, acetylene, and benzene) showed bimodal peaks in the diurnal variation around the commuting hours because of the high traffic volume. For the 14 out of 15 highest concentration species, the weekend effect was only evident on Sundays because of the stepwise implementation of the 5-day work-week system. Principal components analysis (PCA) was applied in order to identify the sources of the 15 highest concentration VOCs and, as a result, three principal components such as gasoline vapor (48.9 %), vehicular exhaust (17.9 %), and evaporation of solvents (9.8 %) were obtained to explain a total of 76.6 % of the data variance. Most influential contributing sources at the sampling site were traffic-related ones although the use of solvent was the dominant emission source based on the official emission inventory.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The Moravian-Silesian region of the Czech Republic with its capital city Ostrava is a European air pollution hot spot for airborne particulate matter...  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide (CO) measurements have been performed in a forested site in central Greece in the framework of the AEROBIC (AEROsol formation from Biogenic Carbon) campaign in summer 1997. The mean CO observed during the whole campaign ranged between 114 and 250 ppbv (mean of 170±27 ppbv), reflecting continental influence. The observed mean diurnal cycle of CO presented a minimum in the early morning due to the efficient deposition of CO in a shallow nocturnal layer sealed from the free tropospheric air during the night (loss rates of about 2 ppbv h−1). In the early morning and in the late afternoon, a sharp and fluctuating increase of CO was observed as the consequence of CO primary sources, likely by local traffic as suggested by the concomitant enhancements of black carbon (BC) and other combustion tracers. The morning pollution peak (6:30–8:30 local time) preceded slightly the opening of the nocturnal layer to the free troposphere, which resulted in CO reduction down to background levels at about 10:00. During the day (10:00–17:00), a slight but regular increase was observed on CO levels. For lack of simultaneous increase of other anthropogenic tracers, this CO enhancement has been attributed to its photochemical formation initiated by the oxidation of reactive biogenic hydrocarbons. This observed net production of CO averaging 1.2 ppbv h−1 is quite well reproduced by a box model containing an explicit chemical scheme of isoprene and α- and β-pinene and taking into account the measured mixing ratios and the reactivity of all biogenic organic reactive compounds when uncertainties in measurements and modelling are considered.  相似文献   

在柴油机中等转速下,通过改变柴油机氧化催化器(DOC)和选择性催化还原催化器(SCR)的组合方式,以及改变喷嘴位置、两级SCR载体间距和催化剂成分,获得各种条件下的NOx转化效率,为优化组合方式和关键参数提供重要数据支撑。结果表明:增加尿素喷嘴与SCR入口的相对距离,NOx转化效率升高,喷嘴距离为45 cm较为合适;载体间距的增大,NOx转化效率先略有升高,后急剧下降,间距为2 cm较为合适;载体体积增大,NOx转化效率明显升高,在满足目标NOx转化效率的前提下,载体体积不宜过大;DOC与SCR的组合方式对NOx转化效率具有明显差异,前置DOC能够有效的提高NOx转化效率;在催化条件下,NOx转化效率由高到低排序为:铜基 > 钒基 > 铁基;对于复合催化剂而言,铜铁复合基>铁铜复合基。  相似文献   

A germination and growth inhibition bioassay using the marine macroalga, Hormosira banksii, was evaluated for use as a standard method for direct toxicity assessment testing in the Australasian region. H. banksii is the dominant macroalga and an important primary producer in temperate coastal zones of Australasia and is therefore relevant as a test organism. Moreover, it releases gametes readily under laboratory conditions, therefore allowing tests to be conducted year round. The test endpoints' variability and sensitivity was evaluated using ammonia, a common constituent of waste waters. The two test endpoints of germination and growth proved to be both reliable and repeatable bioassay endpoints. The coefficients of variation (CV's) for toxicity to germination and growth by ammonia ranged from 25% to 38% (n=18).  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Spatial and temporal variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) deposition fluxes and sources may significantly facilitate risk evaluation...  相似文献   

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