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Modern ecological state of the World Oceans is analysed, stressing the need for organization and development of a scientific basis for global ocean monitoring. The tasks and basic principles of integrated global ocean monitoring are described.Complex of natural processes determines the assimilative capacity of marine ecosystems, which can serve as a basis for the study of ecological reserves of the World Oceans and ecological rationing of the anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

The main scientific problems of the programme on investigating the World Ocean's role in short-range climatic variations are discussed. It has been shown that data obtained within the framework of the SECTIONS, TOGA and other programmes should serve as a baseline for ocean physical characteristics monitoring. Some preliminary numerical experiments have been carried out.  相似文献   

Oceanic research and modelling for the World Climate Research Program will utilize several recently-developed instruments and measuring techniques as well as well-tested, long-used instruments. Ocean-scanning satellites will map the component of the ocean-surface topography related to ocean currents and mesoscale eddies and to fluctuating water volumes caused by ocean warming and cooling. Other satellite instruments will measure the direction and magnitude of wind stress on the sea surface, surface water temperatures, the distribution of chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments, the characteristics of internal waves, and possible precipitation over the ocean. Networks of acoustic transponders will obtain a three-dimensional picture of the distribution of temperature from the surface down to mid-depth and of long-term changes in temperature at depth. Ocean research vessels will determine the distribution and fate of geochemical tracers and will also make high-precision, deep hydrographic casts. Ships of opportunity, using expendable instruments, will measure temperature, salinity and currents in the upper water layers. Drifting and anchored buoys will also measure these properties as well as those of the air above the sea surface. Tide gauges installed on islands and exposed coastal locations will measure variations in monthly and shorter-period mean sea level. These tide gauges will provide ground truth for the satellite maps of sea-surface topography, and will also determine variations in ocean currents and temperature.All these instruments will be used in several major programs, the most ambitious of which is the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) designed to obtain global measurements of major currents throughout the world ocean, greater understanding of the transformation of water masses, and the role of advective, convective, and turbulent processes in exchange of properties between surface and deep-ocean layers.A five- to ten-year experiment—Tropical Oceans and Global Atmosphere (TOGA)—will be undertaken to sudy the sequence of events of air-sea interactions in the tropical oceans and their impact on climatic variations on land—for example, variations in the strength and location of the Indian Ocean monsoon, droughts in low latitudes, and climatic fluctuations in temperate latitudes.Experimental and continuing time series will be taken at fixed locations to obtain a better picture of the magnitude and causes of ocean climate variability. National and multinational systematic repeated measurements along selected ocean transects or in specific ocean areas will be taken to determine oceanic variability and teleconnections between oceanic and atmospheric processes. Examples are the long Japanese section along the meridian of 137° E and the Sections program of the USSR and several other countries in Energy-Active zones.The results from this wide range of observations and experiments will be used to guide and define mathematical models of the ocean circulation and its interactions with the atmosphere.It can be shown that biogeochemical processes in the ocean play an important role in determining the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere and thus in causing long-term climatic changes. Variations in the biological productivity of sub-surface waters cause variations in the effectveness of the biological pump which carries organic carbon down into deeper waters where it is oxidized. Studies of ice cores from 20 000 to 30 000 yr before the present indicate that atmospheric carbon dioxide varied by a factor of 2 within times of the order of 100 yr, and these variations were accompanied by large excursions in atmospheric temperature. Thus, ocean climatic monitoring must take into account measurements of both biological and physical variations in the ocean.  相似文献   

河南省地表水环境监测断面优化的原则及其运用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
提出和运用了地表水环境监测断面优化的原则,包括网络功能专一化、分类有序优化、监测断面高效、监测断面与监测频率同时优化、监测断面分级管理等。  相似文献   

以重庆市为例,从生态环境监测管理需求出发,分析了智慧监测的现状与存在的问题,提出了构建生态环境智慧监测管理体系的技术路线。以监测业务为核心,涵盖水、气、声、态、土等多种要素,构建了要素齐全、上下统筹、自动预警、服务应用的生态环境监测网络,实现了环境质量、污染源和生态状况监测全覆盖,预期取得规范监测业务流程、促进监测业务协同、加快产学研用结合等成效。  相似文献   

Using a novel high-sensitivity capillary electrophoretic method, vertical distributions of iodate, iodide, total inorganic iodine, dissolved organic iodine and total iodine in the North Pacific Ocean (0-5500 m) were determined without any sample pre-treatment other than UV irradiation before total iodine analysis. An extensive set of data demonstrated that the iodine behaviour in the ocean water collected during a cruise in the North Pacific Ocean in February-March 2003 was not conservative but correlated with variations in concentrations of dissolved oxygen and nutrient elements such as silicon, nitrogen and phosphorus. This suggests that the vertical distribution of iodine is associated with biological activities. The dissolved organic iodine was found in the euphotic zone in accord with observations elsewhere in the oceans. The vertical profile of dissolved organic iodine also appears to be related to biogeochemical activity. The concentrations of all measured iodine species vary noticeably above 1000 m but only minor latitudinal changes occur below 1000 m and slight vertical alterations can be observed below 2400 m. These findings are thought to reflect the stratification of nutrients and iodine species with different biological activities in the water column.  相似文献   

Following the Prestige oil spill, six-monthly samplings (spring and autumn) of intertidal macroalgal assemblages were carried out from 2004 to 2006 in twelve locations along the Basque coast. Macroalgal species appeared to be little modified, but species richness, diversity, and algal cover were significantly lower in the first year of the study, so it cannot be ruled out that the arrival of oil on the Basque coast might have had a damaging effect on intertidal communities. On the other hand, no significant differences were detected between locations slightly and moderately affected by oil in any of the structural parameters considered. By contrast, significant differences were detected between locations within each oiling level that indicate that other natural environmental factors play a greater role in the differences between locations than the oiling level. Likewise, significant differences were detected between areas within each location which were not consistent with time, indicating that communities are highly heterogeneous in species richness, diversity and algal cover at the scale of tens of meters. The dominant Corallina elongata and most of the accompanying species did not show significant year-on-year differences in terms of cover. Also, there were no differences between the two oiling levels. Analyses revealed a high spatial variability at the scale of kilometers (locations) and tens of meters (areas) for most of the taxa. The results obtained provide detailed quantitative data on intertidal phytobenthic assemblages of the Basque coast at different spatial and temporal scales that were hitherto unavailable for the region.  相似文献   

从生态监管对生态质量评价的需求角度梳理了我国生态监测的现状及存在问题,分析了我国构建生态质量监测网络的必要性,并从网络建设目的、原则、空间布局、监测内容和工作机制等5个方面提出了国家生态质量监测网络的构建思路,最后指出"十四五"期间国家生态质量监测网络的重点任务,即开展生态质量综合观测站建设并进行生态功能相关监测和评估研究,开展生态质量监测样地系统建设并进行生态系统结构组成监测,从引导生态保护修复的科学性和提高自然生态用地利用效率出发开展生态质量监测和评价的尝试,建成天-空-地一体化的生态质量监测与预警体系。  相似文献   

新疆和田地区人工柽柳生态修复工程生态效益监测初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在和田地区生态修复项目设立样方,监测生态修复项目实施后所取得的生态效益.结果表明,生态修复项目实施后,能够降低项目区的风速,提高温度和相对湿度;提高植被盖度;改善土壤理化性质,但由于项目实施时间较短,作用不是非常显著;生态修复项目的实施取得了较好的生态效益.  相似文献   

关于"生态监测"之思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对生态监测的目的、含义、监测内容及与环境监测的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

通过构建包括生态环境压力、生态环境响应两大子系统,13个具体指标在内的乡村生态振兴估量指标体系,运用熵权TOPSIS法对河南省Z市,四川省J市、B市等3市的生态振兴进行比较分析。结果表明,生态环境响应子系统对乡村生态振兴影响最大,生态环境压力子系统次之,各项具体指标具有一定的合理性。总体来看,四川省J市乡村生态振兴的综合贴近值达到优秀,四川省B市达到中等,而河南省Z市则较差。建议进一步强化政府履职能力,引进和培育农村环境治理社会组织,增强农村居民的环境保护意识和能力。  相似文献   

选择出11项评价因子,采用单项分指数法和平均分指数法,在涨潮、落潮、涨落潮时分别对伶仃洋东部海域水质进行监测,并与历史资料进行对比,对评价因子超标进行评价和原因分析,提出了补救与预防措施.  相似文献   

采用长时间多源遥感数据对塔里木河重要生态功能区进行了土地利用变化、植被指数分析,同时结合多年地面调查监测数据,系统分析了区域生态环境变化情况,并对近五年区域生态环境质量开展了评价,环境质量变化值ΔI为2.58,生态环境质量略有下降,其中环境状况指标和植被覆盖率指数起主导作用。  相似文献   

An opinion piece published in Nature proposed a global network for agricultural monitoring [J. Sachs, R. Remans, S. Smukler, L. Winowiecki, S. J. Andelman, K. G. Cassman, D. Castle, R. DeFries, G. Denning, J. Fanzo, L. E. Jackson, R. Leemans, J. Leemans, J. C. Milder, S. Naeem, G. Nziguheba, C. A. Palm, J. P. Reganold, D. D. Richter, S. J. Scherr, J. Sircely, C. Sullivan, T. P. Tomich and P. A. Sanchez, Nature, 2010, 466, 558-560.]. Whilst we agree with Sachs et al. that monitoring of agricultural systems is a critically important activity of global significance, especially given increasing problems with global food security and the potential impacts of agriculture on the environment [J. Cribb, The Coming Famine. The Global Food Crisis and What We Can Do to Avoid It, CSIRO Publishing and University of California Press, Melbourne and Oakland, 2010.], we argue in this paper that their generic, mandated monitoring framework has a high probability of failure or at best will be highly inefficient. We base this conclusion on our recently published examination of the factors influencing the success or failure of monitoring programs worldwide [D. B. Lindenmayer and G. E. Likens, Effective Ecological Monitoring, CSIRO Publishing and Earthscan, Melbourne and London, 2010.]. We briefly outline what we believe are three serious flaws in the monitoring framework proposed by Sachs et al. We then suggest an alternative approach that we argue would be more effective, more efficient, and have a greater chance of successfully addressing key issues in sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中多种重金属的X射线荧光分析法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了海洋沉积物中包括砷、铜、铅、锌、镍和总铬在内的多种重金属X射线荧光分析法,测量不需要任何消解前处理过程,可在约1h内测量1个样品中的50余种元素,用该方法分析了8个海洋沉积物标准样品,还与原子荧光光谱法或原子吸收分光光度法比对分析了2个实际样品,结果表明,该方法可信度较高,且具有快速、简便、高效等特点,是一种非破坏性分析方法。  相似文献   

Retrospective monitoring of soil contamination has been performed in the Czech Republic. This kind of monitoring is based on the comparison of the heavy metals content in soil samples taken during a systematic soil survey (1960–1970) and in samples taken at the present time. The anticipated high degree of soil pollution in the Czech Republic has not been proved. Most of the contaminated soils were found to be loaded just 20–35 years ago. Retrospective monitoring is considered to be an accelerating tool for determining the strategy of the systematic monitoring of soil contamination. This procedure stimulated the development of the multi-step system of soil loading limits.  相似文献   

河流水域功能区划的技术原则探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对河流水域功能区划的技术原则、方法进行了探讨 ,可为进行河流水域功能区划和排污总量控制提供参考  相似文献   

Assessment of environmental and occupational exposure to chemicals can be performed with environmental monitoring (EM) and biological monitoring (BM). Biological monitoring was for a long time considered as a method complementary to environmental monitoring. At present this attitude is changing and in certain areas biological monitoring is applied as the method of choice for exposure and health-risk assessment. This paper examines advantages and disadvantages of those two approaches. In occupational settings environmental monitoring of exposure to VOCs seems to be superior to biological monitoring (possibility of simultaneous determination of components of mixtures, simple interpretation, possibility of evaluation of short-term exposure to local irritants). In the case of this group of compounds BM can be useful in selected cases such as evaluation of dermal absorption or efficiency of protective measures. In the case of metals both forms of monitoring can be used depending on the available methods for interpretation of results. BM of exposure may be considered as superior for evaluating the effects of exposure to lead, cadmium and mercury. However, quantitative evaluation of cancer risk after exposure to arsenic or chromium is possible only on the basis of determination in the air and the use of unit risk values. Both environmental and biological monitoring are useful for evaluation of occupational and environmental exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In certain areas such as evaluation of exposure to external tobacco smoking, cytostatic drugs, and pesticides, biological monitoring is the method of choice used for individual exposure assessment or tracing the trends of environmental exposure.  相似文献   

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