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  1. Scientific grounds and the concept of monitoring as the system for observations, assessment and prediction of man-induced changes in the state of natural environment, the program and aims of the background monitoring were developed by the author in 1972–1980. These questions were discussed in detail at the International Symposium on Global Integrated Monitoring (Riga, U.S.S.R., December, 1978). It should be stressed that along with significant anthropogenic loading on large cities and industrial areas, natural ecosystems covering most of the Earth's territory are also exposed to quite extended, though insignificant anthropogenic effects. This paper proposes to consider the ways of the background information use for the biosphere state assessment and prediction.
  2. Classification of objects for monitoring from the point of view of the consequences of the man-made impact, pollution in the first hand, is as follows:
  3. population (public health);
  4. ecosystem elements employed by man whose production is used by population (soil, water bodies, forest, etc.);
  5. biotic elements of ecosystems (without the immediate consumed production);
  6. abiotic constituents of natural ecosystems, considerable components of the biosphere, climatic system.
  7. Historically, monitoring in all countries involves the first two spheres. The background monitoring also extends on the next two spheres. It should differentially take into account physical, chemical and biological factors of impacts. Indentification of biological effects is most complex and vital. Human impact at the background level proceeds indirectly through a general (global or regional) deterioration of the state of the biosphere.
  8. Gradually the background monitoring is being practiced on a larger and larger scale. It is shown that the long-range atmospheric transport of pollutants in various regions leads to a gradual general increase of all the natural media pollution and to perceptible biological effects (soil and water acidification and resulting disturbances in the composition of soil and water organisms). The levels of the background impact differ. Thus, the background concentrations of a number of anthropogenic pollutants in Central Europe is 10–20 times higher than in Central Asia.
  9. The area of priority in the background monitoring of the biosphere pollution has become evident: compounds of sulphur, mercury and their derivatives, organochloride pesticides, some radioactive substances (e.g., krypton-85 in the atmosphere).
  10. The World Ocean is practically all contaminated on a global scale. Biological effects of the World Ocean pollution cause special concern. Particularly important consequences, including climate impact, may be caused by disturbances in energy and matter transfer between environmental media (water-air, water-bottom, etc.). The priority of the impact factors can be allocated here as well: oil products, metals, organochloride compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
  11. One of the most effective possibilities of environmental quality control is standardization which consists in elaboration of permissible ecological loadings upon ecosystems and natural media. The approach to ecological standardization differs from that of hygienic control in principle. The objective of ecological standardization is to ensure the integrity of the given ecosystem and natural environment on the whole.
  12. Ecological standardization in its turn requires knowledge related to the damage from this or another impact because in such a case there is a possibility to compare ecological standards for the same ecosystem in the case when impacts are of different origin (e.g., different pollutants).

  1. The Air Polluttion Monitoring System has got a significant development of late, which is in direct relation with a considerable extention and improvement of the observation network in cities and industrial areas, with creation of a new network for assessing regional and global background of the atmosphere pollution, as well as with the wide involvement of meteorologists to monitoring organization.
  2. While developing a new global monitoring system, it is necessary to take into account its relationship with the local monitoring within the region of air pollution sources, i.e. at the \lsimpact\rs level. The need in such an account is dictated first of all by the physics of pollutant spreading that states: changes in air pollution over large territories must be in a certain agreement with greater changes in the vicinity of emission sources. Methods applied in the global and local monitoring have also a number of common peculiarities. White organizing regional network for observations of the background pollution of the atmosphere twin stations (one of the pair of stations located outside the city boundaries in a small community, and the other, in the nearest city with the population of 200–400 thousand inhabitants) were established in the U.S.S.R. and in a number of socialist countries in Europe.
  3. Implementation of the twin-station principles in the U.S.S.R. has contributed to data interpretation and representativity assessment as well as to correction of the station location. Observation results from the Soviet background stations and those abroad have been compared by now according to a number of indices.
  4. The correlation of monitoring systems of various scales tells positively both on mutual improvement and completion of observational methods. The methods of obtaining integral characteristics of air pollution were used for the global monitoring, in particular spectral actinometric observations and chemical analysis of the precipitation composition. Now they find still wider employment. Thus methods of spectral actinometric measurements and data processing were used to estimate the degree of aerosol pollution of a number of industrial centres. The theory of solar radiation spreading and aerosol contents determination in urban atmosphere has also been developed. It is a generalization of an earlier developed theory, used to estimate global atmosphere pollution basing on actinometric data. The organization of precipitation collection and analysis on a network of stations around Leningrad and in Donbass area enables us to compare the admixture content in precipitations falling in industrial and agricultural areas.
  5. A considerable increase of possibilities to measure microconcentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and of a number of other pollutants is connected with the use of solid solvents for sampling. Their use will allow to avoid establishment of special laboratories at background stations and only send samples by post for their analysis in centralized laboratories.
They will also allow to considerably increase precision and accuracy of measurements. The international comparisons of methods of air pollution measurements on the background level allow to judge about the effiency of these methods.  相似文献   

The interaction of heavy metals (HgCl2, CdCl2, CuCl2, PbCl2 and ZnCl2) and neurotransmitters (ACh, 5HT and DA) was studied on the excitable membrane of identified neurons of Lymnaea stagnalis and Helix pomatia. It was shown that,
  1. The excitability and chemosensitivity of molluscan neurons were modified under the influence of the heavy metals Hg2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+.
  2. Change in excitability to transmitters occurred as a potentiation or depression of the evoked response both in duration of membrane polarization and in frequency of spike activity.
  3. The chemosensitivity changes in various ways, namely:
  4. excitatory effect was totally eliminated;
  5. one component of the effect was depressed.
  6. Different neurons may show different reactions to the same heavy metal.
  7. There were differences in the effects of various heavy metals. Hg2+ has a more generalized effect than Cd2+; Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ were less effective in a number of neurons. The heavy metal effect was dose dependent, too.
  8. Both inward and outward currents, which were evoked by neurotransmitters or voltage induced, were modified in most of the tested neurons. Both an increase and decrease of the membrane permeability occurred in different neurons in response to the same or different heavy metals.
  9. The changes can be interpreted as a result of
  10. direct effect on specific ionic channels;
  11. modification of receptors binding ACh, 5HT, or DA;
  12. modification of intracellular processes responsible for the regulation of membrane permeability.

The authors consider some possible ways of regulating three types of atmospheric emission of pollutants:
  1. emission of substances causing pollution of the natural environment on the global scale (global pollutants);
  2. emission of substances causing pollution on a regional scale, most often including territories of several countries (international pollutants);
  3. emission of substances causing negative effects in a relatively limited region, for example within border area of two adjoining countries.
Substances (gaseous, as a rule) of a long life-time in the atmosphere that can contaminate natural media on a global scale irrespective of the place of emission refer to the first class of pollutants that are subject to emission regulation at an international level and to quota establishement for individual countries. They are carbon dioxide, freon, krypton-85. Various approaches to determining permissible emission and to quota establishing are discussed in the paper. The second group includes substances of a limited, yet rather long, life-time whose emission intensity makes a notable contribution to environmental pollution of a large region including territories of several countries. Here it is needed to regulate internationally not the atmospheric emission as it is but pollutant transport over national boundaries (sulphur and nitrogen oxides, pesticides, heavy metals). The third group includes substances of relatively short time of life producing local effects. Emission regulation in such cases should be based upon bilateral agreements with due account of countries' mutual interests.  相似文献   

This report deals with the implementation of Article 10 of the Directive on air quality limit values and guide values for sulphur dioxide and suspended particulates (80/779/EEC). For this purpose the Commission, in cooperation with the Member States, has prepared a ‘Common Measurement Programme’ which basically provides for:
  1. examination and improvement of the reference measurement methods,
  2. examination of the comparability of the measuring procedures and equipment used for monitoring purposes in the Member States,
  3. the provision of guidelines and the carrying out of measurements to determine the corresponding stringency of the limit values laid down in Annexes IV and I of the Directive.

The public and their elected representatives want to see whether they get Value-for-Money from investment in preventing pollution. For many rivers, the achievement of good water quality is a matter of regulating the discharges from wastewater treatment plants. The effective audit of the quality of such discharges is a good basis for measuring progress in controlling pollution. To prove that control is effective, the techniques which underpin the following tasks must be sound and consistent:
  • - the standards for rivers must be devised so that the environmental objectives are met with the required reliability; the form of the standards will be constrained by the procedures available to monitor compliance;
  • - the standards worked out for effluents must have the correct mathematical relation with the river targets, and they too must be consistent with the options available for auditing performance;
  • - the assessment of compliance must be objective; and,
  • - statistics used to summarise the performance of a region (or a Nation) must be simple, stable, clear, and consistent with the results for individual sites.
  •   相似文献   

    After discussing the usefulness of mussels (e.g. Mytilus edulis) for investigating contamination in the marine environment, four cases are presented:
    1. A survey of Cu bioavailability in and around the Eastern Scheldt during one winter (1974–1975);
    2. A surveillance with a six years interval (1974; 1980) of the bioavailability of Zn along the Dutch North Sea coast.
    3. A monitoring programme over the period 1972–1980 showing the decrease in bioavailable Hg in the water column of the Ems-Dollard estuary after decreased emissions at Delfzijl.
    4. Retrospective monitoring of two PCB's, as a background for the effectiveness of legal restrictions to PCB use.
    These four cases are considered a first step in understanding the effects of pollutants in marine ecosystems. In depth physiological, histological and biochemical studies could lay the basis for improved routine biological effect monitoring.  相似文献   

    Guidelines for the early stages of developing a monitoring program are presented. Jumping right into a monitoring program based on standard protocols and a number of commonly monitored parameters is an attractive idea, but it is unlikely to lead to an intelligent allocation of time and money. Rather, a number of well-defined planning steps must be followed before monitoring is begun:
    1. Objectives for the program should be well defined.
    2. The attributes to be monitored in order to meet objectives should be listed.
    3. Methods of monitoring these attributes should be developed.
    4. A pilot study should be conducted to determine spatial and temporal variability of the attributes being monitored and the cost of sampling.
    5. The results of the pilot study should be carefully evaluated to determine whether program objectives can be met for an acceptable cost.
    6. Objectives, attributes to be monitored, and methods should be revised in accordance with the results of the pilot study.

    Concerns over data quality have raised many questions related to sampling soils for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This paper was prepared in response to some of these questions and concerns expressed by Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) and On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs). The following questions are frequently asked:
    1. Is there a specific device suggested for sampling soils for VOCs?
    2. Are there significant losses of VOCs when transferring a soil sample from a sampling device (e.g., split spoon) into the sample container?
    3. What is the best method for getting the sample from the split spoon (or other device) into the sample container?
    4. Are there smaller devices such as subcore samplers available for collecting aliquots from the larger core and efficiently transferring the sample into the sample container?
    5. Are certain containers better than others for shipping and storing soil samples for VOC analysis?
    6. Are there any reliable preservation procedures for reducing VOC losses from soil samples and for extending holding times?
    Guidance is provided for selecting the most effective sampling device for collecting samples from soil matrices. The techniques for sample collection, sample handling, containerizing, shipment, and storage described in this paper reduce VOC losses and generally provide more representative samples for volatile organic analyses (VOA) than techniques in current use. For a discussion on the proper use of sampling equipment the reader should refer to other sources (Acker, 1974; U.S. EPA, 1983; U.S. EPA, 1986a). Soil, as referred to in this report, encompasses the mass (surface and subsurface) of unconsolidated mantle of weathered rock and loose material lying above solid rock. Further, a distinction must be made as to what fraction of the unconsolidated material is soil and what fraction is not. The soil component here is defined as all mineral and naturally occurring organic material that is 2 mm or less in size. This is the size normally used to differentiate between soils (consisting of sands, silts, and clays) and gravels. Although numerous sampling situations may be encountered, this paper focuses on three broad categories of sites that might be sampled for VOCs:
    1. Open test pit or trench.
    2. Surface soils (<5 ft in depth).
    3. Subsurface soils (>5 ft in depth).

    Obtaining and analyzing the specific inherent optical properties (SIOPs) of water bodies is necessary for bio-optical model development and remote sensing-based water quality retrievals and, further, for related ecological studies of aquatic ecosystems. This study aimed to measure and analyze the specific absorption and backscattering coefficients of the main water constituents in Poyang Lake, China. The specific absorption and/or backscattering coefficients of the main water constituents at 85 sampling sites (47 in 2010 and 38 in 2011) were measured and analyzed as follows: (1) the concentrations of chlorophyll a (C CHL), suspended particulate matter (C SPM) (including suspended particulate inorganic matter (C SPIM) and suspended particulate organic matter (C SPOM)), and the absorption coefficients of total particulate (a p), phytoplankton (a ph), and non-pigment particulate (a d) were measured in the laboratory; (2) the total backscattering coefficients at six wavelengths of 420, 442, 470, 510, 590, and 700 nm, including the contribution of pure water, were measured in the field with a HydroScat-6 backscattering sensor, and the backscattering coefficients without the contribution of pure water (b b) were then derived by subtracting the backscattering coefficients of pure water from the total backscattering coefficients; (3) the specific absorption coefficients of total particulate ( $ a_{\mathrm{p}}^{ * } $ ), phytoplankton ( $ {a_{{\mathrm{ph}}}}^{ * } $ ), and non-pigment particulate ( $ a_{\mathrm{d}}^{ * } $ ) were calculated by dividing a p, a ph, and a d by C SPM, C CHL, and C SPIM, respectively, while the specific backscattering coefficients of total suspended particulate matter ( $ b_{\mathrm{b}}^{ * } $ ) were calculated by dividing b b by C SPM; and (4) the $ {a_{{\mathrm{ph}}}}^{ * } $ , $ a_{\mathrm{d}}^{ * } $ , $ a_{\mathrm{p}}^{ * } $ and $ b_{\mathrm{b}}^{ * } $ of the remaining samples (46 in 2010 and 36 in 2011) were visualized and analyzed, and their relations to C CHL, C SPIM or C SPM were studied, respectively. The main results are summarized as follows: (1) the $ {a_{{\mathrm{ph}}}}^{ * } $ values at 440 nm were 0.0367–0.7203 m2?mg?1 with a mean of 0.1623?±?0.1426 m2?mg?1 in 2010 and 0.0319–0.7735 m2?mg?1 with a mean of 0.3145?±?0.1961 m2?mg?1 in 2011; there existed significant, negative, and moderate correlations between $ {a_{{\mathrm{ph}}}}^{ * } $ and C CHL at 400–700 nm in 2010 and 2011 (p?<?0.05); (2) The $ a_{\mathrm{d}}^{ * } $ values at 440 nm were 0.0672–0.2043 m2?g?1 with a mean of 0.1022?±?0.0326 m2?g?1 in 2010 and 0.0559–0.1347 m2?g?1 with a mean of 0.0953?±?0.0196 m2?g?1 in 2011; there existed negative correlations between $ a_{\mathrm{d}}^{ * } $ and C SPIM, while the correlations showed overall decreasing and increasing trends before and after around 575 nm with increasing wavelengths, respectively; (3) The $ a_{\mathrm{p}}^{ * } $ values at 440 nm were 0.0690–0.1929 m2?g?1 with a mean of 0.1036?±?0.0298 m2?g?1 in 2010 and 0.0571–0.1321 m2?g?1 with a mean of 0.1014?±?0.0191 m2?g?1 in 2011, and the negative correlations between $ a_{\mathrm{p}}^{ * } $ and C SPM were found in both years; (4) The $ b_{\mathrm{b}}^{ * } $ at the six wavelengths generally decreased with increasing wavelengths, while the $ b_{\mathrm{b}}^{ * } $ values at 420 nm were lower than those at 442 nm for some samples; the correlation between $ b_{\mathrm{b}}^{ * } $ and C SPM increased with increasing wavelength. Such results can only represent the SIOPs during the sampling time periods, and more measurements and analyses considering different seasons need to be carried out in the future to comprehensively understand the SIOPs of Poyang Lake.  相似文献   

    In this study, surface water quality of the Ceyhan River basin were assessed and examined with 13 physico-chemical parameters in 31 stations in 3 months during the period of 2005. Multivariate statistical techniques were applied to identify characteristics of the water quality in the studied stations. Nutrients, Cl??? and Na?+? affected mostly to the stations of Erkenez 2, S?r 2, and S?r 3 in the ordination diagram of correspondence analysis. Three factors were extracted by principal component analysis, which explains 79.14% of the total variation. The first factor (PC1) captures variables of EC, DO, NO $_{2}^{\; -}$ , PO $_{4}^{\; \equiv }$ , Cl???, SO $_{4}^{\; =}$ , Na?+?, and Ca?+?+?. The second factor (PC2) is significantly related to pH, NH $_{3}^{\; -}$ , and Mg?+?+?, while water temperature (T) and NO $_{3}^{\; -}$ accounted for the greatest loading for factor 3 (PC3). The stations were divided into three groups for PC1, two groups for PC2, and three groups for PC3 by hierarchical cluster analysis. The stations in the vicinity of cities presented low dissolved oxygen and high concentration of physico-chemical parameter levels. The stations of Erkenez 2, S?r 2, S?r 3, and Aksu 4 located near the city of Kahramanmara? were characterized by an extremely high pollution due to discharge of wastewater from industry and domestic. P?narba?? and Elbistan stations were also influenced by household wastewater of the city of Elbistan. According to criteria of Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation, Erkenez 2, S?r 2, and S?r 3 stations have high polluted water. This study suggests that it is urgent to control point pollutions, and all wastewater should be purified before discharge to the Ceyhan River basin.  相似文献   

    Nitrogen (N) leaching has become a matter of worldwide concern. The objectives of this study were: (1) to use soil columns to investigate the leaching of nitrate ( $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ ), ammonium ( $ {\text{NH}}_4^{ + } $ ), and nitrite ( $ {\text{NO}}_2^{ - } $ ) from calcareous soils that had received an average of 200?kg?1 N?ha?1?year?1 for the previous 30?years and (2) to determine the relationship between soil properties and $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ , $ {\text{NH}}_4^{ + } $ , and $ {\text{NO}}_2^{ - } $ leaching. The soils used in this study ranged in texture from clay to sandy loam. Leaching experiments were conducted under saturation conditions and consisted of the collection of 1,047–2,524?mL of leachate (12 pore volumes (PVs)), which was equivalent to 534–1,286?mm from rainfall or irrigation. Losses of $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ ranged from 62 to 437?kg?ha?1, while losses of $ {\text{NH}}_4^{ + } $ and $ {\text{NO}}_2^{ - } $ ranged from 2.5 to 19.3?kg?ha?1 and 0.1 to 10.6?kg?ha?1, respectively. Leaching rates differed between soil samples. The initial and secondary rate of $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ leaching was determined using an exponential model, and it ranged from 2.8 to 14.7?mg?kg?1 PV?1 and 0.11 to 0.32?mg?kg?1 PV?1. Greater leaching rates in the initial period could be due to leaching of $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ in solution, while the secondary leaching might be attributable to the diffusion-controlled transfer of $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ between mobile and immobile liquid phases. Analysis of variance indicated that the effects of soil type on total $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ leaching were highly significant (p?<?0.001). The results showed that soil $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ concentration was positively correlated with the peak concentration of $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ (r?=?0.86; p?<?0.01) and the total $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ leached (r?=?0.93; p?<?0.01). In addition, the total $ {\text{NH}}_4^{ + } $ leached was positively correlated with silt (r?=?0.67; p?<?0.05), clay (r?=?0.61; p?<?0.05), and pH (r?=?0.77; p?<?0.01), which suggests that soil parameters might be useful indicators of $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ and $ {\text{NH}}_4^{ + } $ leaching from calcareous soils. Nitrate leaching from soils could threaten groundwater supplies, so possible strategies for minimizing $ {\text{NO}}_3^{ - } $ leaching losses may need to be considered.  相似文献   

    We presented measurements of wet deposition of NH 4 + –N and NO 3 ? –N from 1986 to 2006 in Shenzhen City, China. Over the past 20 years, NO 3 ? –N concentration had significantly increased, but a reverse trend was found for NH 4 + –N. The main form of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) was NH 4 + –N and the average NH 4 + –N/NO 3 ? –N ratio was 1.57 in this area. The contribution of NO 3 ? –N to TIN increased from 28–42% in the period of 1986–2000 to 50–63% during 2001–2006. The increased deposition flux of NO 3 ? –N resulted in the increasing trend of TIN, although NH 4 + –N showed a decreasing trend over time. Average deposition flux of TIN during 1986–2006 was 13.24 kg/ha/year, with a minimum value of 6.03kg/ha/year in 1988 and a maximum value of 20.52 kg/ha/year in 1997. Wet deposition fluxes of N appeared to vary with season, 81% occurred in the warm season (from April to September). The wet deposition of TIN to the Shenzhen Reservoir reached 8,902 kg in 2006, which contributed 9.95% of the total nonpoint pollution to the reservoir and will be increased in the future.  相似文献   

    Anthropogenic effect on the World Ocean in the course of exploiting its resources has led to a significant contamination of some ocean areas in the latest decades and to diminution of the natural capacity of marine ecosystems to reproduction and self-regulation. Thus, the most urgent problem of today has become evident: the problem of the World Ocean pollution and its negative ecological effects. Local pollutions and their ecological effects on the World Ocean go on acquiring large-scale regional and even global character since the elements of ocean ecosystems and the ocean properties are interrelated and interconditioned. Looking into pollutant transfer and transformation in the marine environment we can distinguish four subsystems: ocean-land, ocean-atmosphere, and water-bottom sediments interfaces as well as ocean water mass. Ocean-atmosphere and water-floor subsystems require special consideration since their coefficients of pollutant accumulation are much greater than that of the water mass. Besides water exchange, the processes of pollutant transfer in the water mass effect the interference between the solute and suspended matter on the one hand, and water mass-biota interaction on the other. Atmospheric transport and deposition of chemical toxicants are considerable sources of the World Ocean pollution; their share in the total balance of the anthropogenic pollution influx into marine environment is commensurable with the river runoff. The most dangerous, among various pollutants entering the World Ocean, are oil, hydrocarbon chlorides (pesticides, polychloride bifenyls), toxic metals (mercury, cadmium, lead), i.e. globally occurring chemical compounds continuously entering the marine environment and effecting marine organisms and their populations. Still new and new pollutants are being discovered now in the oceans: chloride and polychloride terpenes, nitrosamines, chlordane, etc. The problems of eutrophication and microbiological contamination of the inland seas and ocean coastal zones are becoming still more urgent. Accumulation of aromatic polycyclic carcinogenous hydrocarbons. BaP in particular, is pregnant with unexpected ecological effects. The highest PAH concentrations have been observed in the sea coast areas and in the zones of intensive navigation. Rather high coefficients (102–104) of BaP accumulation in the sea biota and bottom sediments are marked. Ecological and biological effects of changes in the chemical composition of the ocean make up the chain of interrelated reactions; transformation of natural biogeocenoses, disturbance of the cycle of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and other elements, reduction of biological productivity and cell genome affection present the most essential effects of these reactions. Stresses in the abiotic component of the ecosystem are expressed through disturbances in the chemical balance, changes in the evaporation from the sea surface, oil aggregate formation (floatable biocenoses), disturbances in reducing reactions of biogenous elements, salinity and temperature variation, and so on. Population-biocenotic effects of the man-made impact, actually important for the level of ecosystem stability, include the following processes of the structural and functional character:
    1. alteration of the mean biomass of plankton and benthos populations, in particular in semi-enclosed seas and off-shore ocean areas;
    2. alteration of the number of higher taxons-genera or families of the sea organisms, in particular replacement of the dominant populations of mass species, and emergence of hydrobionts new for the marine environment;
    3. alteration of the relations between the numbers of some taxonomic groups of hydrobionts and abundant development of indicator species of the sea biota, e.g. BaP and PCB oxidizing microorganisms;
    4. disturbances in production/destruction processes of organic substances;
    5. energy flux changes in the marine ecosystem.
    Analysis of the current knowledge on the ocean environment pollution and its negative effects has enabled to formulate the main directions of the World Ocean ecological monitoring. Investigations of the biogeochemical cycles of pollutants and elements in the marine environment, identification of the effect of pollutants abundant in the ocean on the Earth's climate and hydrochemical regime as well as major geophysical processes in the ocean and atmosphere make up integral parts of the ocean monitoring together with the studies of pollutant impact on the ocean biota which leads to biological regime alterations and affection of the sea organisms genofond.  相似文献   

    We characterize the monthly variation in (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan concentration measured over the course of 1 year, and we evaluate the characteristics of size selection using a two-stage cyclone sampler. The (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan concentrations were measured in four bio-related laboratories. A total of 156 samples were collected using a new two-stage cyclone sampler. Analysis of (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan was performed using the kinetic Limulus amebocyte lysate assay. The study showed that airborne (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan concentrations were significantly higher in laboratory D (mean ± SD 1,105?±?1,893 pg/m3) and in the spring (5,458 pg/m3). The highest concentration of (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan occurred in the spring, particularly in May.  相似文献   

    Urban wastewater in Turkey is primarily discharged without treatment to marine environments, streams and rivers, and natural and artificial lakes. Since it has been well established that untreated effluent in multi-use waters can have acute and chronic impacts to both the environment and human health, it is important to evaluate the consequences of organic enrichment relative to the structure and function of aquatic environment. We investigated the impacts of untreated municipal wastewater discharge from the city of Gumushane in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey on the surface water quality of the stream Harsit. Several key water-quality indicators were measured: chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium nitrogen (NH 4 + –N), nitrite nitrogen (NO 2 ? –N), nitrate nitrogen (NO 3 ? –N), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total nitrogen (TN), orthophosphate phosphorus (PO 4 3? –P), methylene blue active substances (MBAS), water temperature (t), pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and electrical conductivity (EC). The monitoring and sampling studies were conducted every 15 days from March 2009 to February 2010 at three longitudinally distributed stations. While t, pH, DO, and EC demonstrated relatively little variability over the course of the study, other parameters showed substantial temporal and spatial variations. The most dramatic differences were noted in COD, NH 4 + –N, NO 2 ? –N, TKN, TN, PO 4 3— P, and MBAS immediately downstream of the wastewater discharge. Concentration increases of 309 and 418 % for COD, 5,635 and 2,162 % for NH 4 + –N, 2,225 and 674 % for NO 2 ? –N, 283 and 478 % for TKN, 208 and 213 % for PO 4 3? –P, and 535 and 1,260 % for MBAS were observed in the summer and autumn, respectively. These changes were associated with greatly diminished seasonal stream flows. Based on NO 2 ? –N, TKN, PO 4 3— P, and MBAS concentrations, it was concluded that Harsit stream water was correctly classified as polluted. The most telling parameter, however, was NH 4 + –N, which indicated highly polluted waters in both the summer and autumn. The elevated concentrations of both P and N in the downstream segment of the stream triggered aggressive growth of submerged algae. This eutrophication of river systems is highly representative of many urban corridors and is symptomatic of ongoing organic enrichment that must be addressed through improved water treatment facilities.  相似文献   

    Concentrations of outdoor radon-222 (222Rn) in temperate grazed peatland and deciduous forest in northwestern Turkey were measured, compared, and modeled using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and multiple nonlinear regression (MNLR) models. The best-performing multilayer perceptron model selected out of 28 ANNs considerably enhanced accuracy metrics in emulating 222Rn concentrations relative to the MNLR model. The two ecosystems had similar diel patterns with the lowest 222Rn concentrations in the afternoon and the highest ones near dawn. Mean level (5.1?+?2.5 Bq?m?3 h?1) of 222Rn in the forest was three times smaller than that (15.8?+?9.7 Bq?m?3) of 222Rn in the peatland. Mean 222Rn level had negative and positive relationships with air temperature and relative humidity, respectively.  相似文献   

    The inorganic chemical species in Maresh and Luda Yana rivers affected by the Cu– Mo Asarel-Medet mine, Bulgaria were determined during a low-flow and a high-flow period. The mining activities, the weathering and the oxidation processes strongly influenced the physicochemical processes in the whole water system. The main pollution source was a small lake receiving the acid effluents of the mining activities. High levels of SO4 2???, Cu, Mg, Al, Mn and Fe were determined at the mining polluted and affected stations. Cu2?+? and CuCO3 0 species (1:1) were present in the reference waters and Cu2?+? and CuSO4 0 species (1:1) in the polluted and affected waters; Cu2?+? species was dominating downstream. Me2?+? followed by $\rm{MeSO}_{4}^{\kern3pt{0}}$ (Me = Mn, Zn, Cd and Pb), $\rm{PbCO}_{3}^{\kern3pt{0}}$ and $\rm{PbHCO}_{3}^{\kern3pt{+}}$ species as well as $\rm{Fe(OH)}_{2}^{\kern3pt{+}}$ , $\rm{Al(OH)}_{4}^{\kern3pt{-}}$ , $\rm{Al(OH)}_{2}^{\kern3pt{+}}$ , $\rm{Al(OH)}_{3}^{\kern3pt{0}}$ were prevailing in the system. $\rm{MeSO}_{4}^{\kern3pt{+}}$ and $\rm{Me(SO}_{4})_{2}^{\kern3pt{-}}$ (Me = Fe, Al), $\rm{Me(SO}_{4})_{2}^{\kern3pt{2-}}$ (Me = Zn, Cd and Pb), $\rm{Me(SO}_{4})_{3}^{\kern3pt{4-}}$ (Me = Zn, Cd) and $\rm{Cd(SO}_{4})_{4}^{\kern3pt{6-}}$ species polluted and affected waters. The major elements K and Na were mainly Me?+? species, whereas Ca and Mg were Me2?+? and $\rm{MeSO}_{4}^{\kern3pt{0}}$ species in different ratios. The concentration of concentration of $\rm{NO}_{2}^{\kern3pt{-}}$ , $\rm{NO}_{3}^{\kern3pt{-}}$ and $\rm{NH}_{4}^{\kern3pt{+}}$ species as well as complex phosphorous species such as H2 $\rm{PO}_{4}^{\kern3pt{-}}$ , $\rm{FeHPO}_{4}^{\kern3pt{+}}$ , $\rm{HPO}_{4}^{\kern4pt{2-}}$ , $\rm{CaPO}_{4}^{\kern3pt{-}}$ , $\rm{CaHPO}_{4}^{\kern3pt{0}}$ and $\rm{MgHPO}_{4}^{\kern3pt{0}}$ were also calculated. The trace element concentrations decreased downstream due to dilution, sorption processes and precipitation, but the percentage of free metal species, which are more toxic, increased. An exception was iron and aluminum of which the dominant hydroxy colloidal and sulphate species were easily incorporated into the suspended phase.  相似文献   

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