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The recent increase in European temperatures led to a strong enhancement in the occurrence of extremely warm events, with relevant consequences for environment and everyday life. Here, we investigate the evolution of very intense warm and cold events in a south-western European zone during 1961–2007 at a seasonal level. Special attention is given to summertime when warming is the most pronounced. Using a previously developed theoretical model, we discuss how the average properties and long-term trends observed in probability density functions of daily temperatures can explain changes in the frequency of severe, isolated events. In this perspective, the recent intensification of extremely warm events, especially experienced by the Mediterranean zone, is proved to be well consistent with a pure shift of seasonal mean temperatures. On the other hand, any change in the second and higher distributional moments of daily temperatures is ruled out by the data, whereas the average values of these properties, that is, variability and asymmetry, do play a role by shaping the temporal behavior of very intense events.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variations in the technetium-99 content of Fucus serratus samples from the French coast of the English Channel were studied between 1982 and 1984 using various sampling strategies. The lack of constancy in measurements from within the seaweed zone of the same station is revealed by a variation of 18% in the mean contents of samples collected from different sampling levels, a variation which reaches 41% if the extreme values of all results are taken into account. Regional variations over the Channel as a whole show an asymmetric diminution of the 99Tc content of the seaweed on the two sides of the liquid effluent discharge outlet from the reprocessing plant at La Hague and this confirms a predominant drift of Channel waters towards the North Sea. Variations with time at three stations during 1983 and 1984 have revealed that there is a time-lag between fluctuations observed in the discharges and those in F. serratus. In addition, a periodic component observed at the Roscoff and Wimereux stations, where the 99Tc content of the seaweed varies by a factor of 2–3 between winter and summer periods, could be correlated with seasonal changes both in the metabolic state of F. serratus and in the currents to the south-west of Cap de La Hague. 99Tc, which here has no radiological impact on man, would thus appear to be a radioactive label for sea waters and one which is particularly sensitive to variations in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Snow cover in Spanish mountains is crucial for ensuring water availability in spring and summer months, for the success of winter tourism or for the maintenance of biodiversity in mountain ecosystems. A changing climate may affect the volume of snow cover even in high mountains, where weather conditions are usually favorable for snow accumulation. In this paper, we aim to investigate the evolution (1970–2007) of combined precipitation–temperature modes in the Spanish mountains, and the sensitivity of the snowpack to their occurrence. The climatic database “Spain02” and snow thickness data for Spanish mountains were used for this purpose. Results showed that the frequency of dry-warm and wet-warm days has increased over time in all mountain ranges, while the frequency of the “cold” modes has decreased. The thickness of the snowpack in the Pyrenees has also decreased and its evolution is negatively correlated with the frequency of dry-warm days, and positively correlated with the frequency of dry-cold and wet-cold days. This work constitutes the first approach that relates the evolution of climatic conditions favorable or unfavorable for snow accumulation and the evolution of the snowpack in Spanish mountains.  相似文献   

There has been a significant lack of land cover change studies in relation to deforestation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). The purpose of this study is to characterize deforestation in North Korea through land cover change trajectory and spatial analysis. We used three 30-m gridded land cover data sets for North Korea representing the conditions of the late 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, respectively, as well as a digital elevation model. We examined the land cover trajectories during the two decades, i.e., which land cover became which at the pixel level. In addition, we calculated topographic characteristics of deforested pixels. Major findings from the study are summarized as follows: (1) net forest loss in North Korea was negligible in the latter decade compared to the former (>5000 km2), whereas other land cover changes were still active; (2) as a result of deforestation, forest land cover became mostly agricultural, particularly in the latter decade (95 %); (3) expansion of agricultural land cover continued during the time, increasing by >42 %; and (4) elevation and slope of deforested areas decreased slightly in the latter decade. The key contribution of the study is that it has demonstrated which land cover became which at the 30-m pixel level, complementing existing studies that examined overall forest stock in North Korea.  相似文献   

Plutonium isotopes in the Rh?ne River originate from both the weathering of the catchment basin contaminated by global atmospheric fallout, and the liquid effluents released from the Marcoule reprocessing plant since 1961. Due to a new treatment process applied to the liquid effluents, a decrease of two orders of magnitude in the industrial plutonium discharged into the River Rh?ne has been registered from 1991. Today, 238Pu industrial inputs to the River Rh?ne are still about 10 times higher than those derived from global fallout, while 239+240Pu inputs from industrial and global fallout sources are of similar importance, i.e. 1 GBq y(-1). Our results indicate that the river sedimentary compartment act either as a sink or a delayed-source term of plutonium for the freshwaters depending on the hydraulic regime and flood events. This compartment may then represent an important industrial delayed-source term for the River Rh?ne freshwaters in the coming years as the Marcoule reprocessing plant is being dismantled. These results were obtained from samples collected from the lower course of the River Rh?ne over the 1987-1998 period and analysed for 238Pu and 239+240Pu activities. Both river sedimentary inventories of plutonium isotopes and effective outputs from the River Rh?ne towards the Gulf of Lions have been estimated for each year over the 1945-2000 period. Regarding 239+240Pu, the sedimentary inventory accumulated since 1945 is estimated to be 172+/-35 GBq. If mobile, this amount represents a significant delayed-source term of plutonium on the scale of the Rh?ne watershed.  相似文献   

Over 2500 species of invertebrate macrofauna and over 177 species of avifauna live in the forest–tundra of the Lower Ob region and adjacent areas of the northern taiga and shrub tundra. About half of the invertebrate species of the study area are northern—mostly hypo- and hemiarctic—tundra species; the rest are boreal and arctomontane-boreal Holarctic and trans-Palearctic species. The anthophilic and aerobiont insect assemblages include many boreal forest forms. A total of 153 species have been observed nesting at the taiga–foresttundra boundary; 81 species have been observed nesting at the tundra–forest-tundra boundary. The avifauna of the forest–tundra becomes enriched with taiga species in floodplain forests and with tundra species on the flat interfluve, in areas of tundra and tundra-like wetlands. The forest–tundra of the Lower Ob region has no avifauna and entomofauna of its own and contains a mixture of taiga and tundra faunas. It has been found that the ecotone effect is not pronounced in the taxonomic composition of birds and insects in the forest–tundra, where only some particular groups (such as amphibiont insects) have increased abundance.  相似文献   

The significance of colloidal fractions regarding the transport of artificial radionuclides in natural water systems is underlined by using sequential ultrafiltration both in the Rh?ne freshwater and the marine area under and outside the influence of the river outflow. Indeed, the Rhodanian aquatic system represents an interesting test site as various artificial radionuclides are released into the Rh?ne river by several nuclear installations. We focused our study on (137)Cs, (106)Ru, (60)Co, (238)Pu and (239+240)Pu. Our results show that Fe, Al and Organic carbon (OC) are the main components of colloidal matter. Colloids represent about 15% of dissolved (<450 nm) OC and 25% of dissolved Fe and Al exported towards the sea. Within the dissolved (< 450 nm) phase, these colloidal compounds are shown to account for the transport of 40% for both Co and Ru, 60% for (238)Pu and (239+240)Pu and have no significance on (137)Cs flux.  相似文献   

Water resources and soil erosion are the most important environmental concerns on the Chinese Loess Plateau, where soil erosion and sediment yield are closely related to rainfall erosivity. Daily rainfall data from 60 meteorological stations were used to investigate the spatiotemporal variations in annual rainfall, annual erosive rainfall and annual rainfall erosivity on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the period 1956–2008. The annual rainfall, erosive rainfall and rainfall erosivity decreased over the past five decades, as determined by the Mann–Kendall test. A comparison of the annual averaged rainfall, erosive rainfall and rainfall erosivity from 1980 to 2008 with that from 1956 to 1979 revealed a remarkable spatial difference in the rainfall trends on the Loess Plateau. Regions of the plateau with major decreases in rainfall were primarily in the Hekouzhen-Longmen section of the middle Yellow River, especially in the Wuding River basin, the Fenhe basin and the northern-central Shanxi province, where the annual rainfall and erosive rainfall decreased by more than 10% and the annual rainfall erosivity decreased by more than 15%. The rainfall erosivity also decreased more than the annual rainfall. Because the annual rainfall has decreased significantly on the Chinese Loess Plateau over the past 50 years, it is important to better understand the ecological and hydrological processes affected by this climate change.  相似文献   

For over 20 years the radioactive noble gas 85Kr, the product of nuclear industry, has been released to the environment mainly from nuclear fuel reprocessing plants. Owing to its relatively long half-life T(12 = 10.76 y) and the absence of other appreciable sinks, a cumulative buildup of 85Kr in the atmosphere is observed. The mean 85Kr surface air activity in the northern hemisphere has increased from about 20 dpm/mmol Kr in 1950 to about 750 dpm/mmol Kr in 1977. In recent years, a substantial slow-down of the 85Kr emission rate to the atmosphere has been observed. The published data indicate rather good mixing of 85Kr in the northern hemisphere, but a gradient is observed in the southern hemisphere due to the fact that all nuclear fuel reprocessing plants are situated in the northern hemisphere and due to poor mixing of the atmosphere in the meridional direction.This paper summarizes nearly all of the data on 85Kr activity in the atmosphere published up to the middle of 1978. The spatio-temporal distribution of 85Kr atmospheric activity is discussed. Some forecasts of future 85Kr concentration in the atmosphere and its possible ecological consequences are also presented.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns, dynamics, and drivers of land use is crucial for improving our ability to cope with sustainability challenges. The human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) framework provides a set of integrated socio-ecological indicators that quantify how land use alters energy flows in ecosystems via land conversions and biomass harvest. Thus, HANPP enables researchers to systematically and consistently assess the outcome of changes in land cover and land-use intensity across spatio-temporal scales. Yet, fine-scale HANPP assessments are so far missing, an information important to address site-specific ecological implications of land use. Here, we provide such an assessment for Europe at a 1-km scale for the years 1990, 2000, and 2006. The assessment was based on a consistent land-use/biomass flow dataset derived from statistical data, remote sensing maps, and a dynamic global vegetation model. We find that HANPP in Europe amounted to ~43 % of potential productivity, well above the global average of ~25 %, with little variation in the European average since 1990. HANPP was highest in Central Europe and lower in Northern and Southern Europe. At the regional level, distinct changes in land-use intensity were observed, most importantly the decline of cropland areas and yields following the breakdown of socialism in Eastern Europe and the subsequent recovery after 2000, or strong dynamics related to storm events that resulted in massive salvage loggings. In sum, however, these local dynamics cancelled each other out at the aggregate level. We conclude that this finding warrants further research into aspects of the scale-dependency of dynamics and stability of land use.  相似文献   

The horizontal distribution and quantitative characteristics of macrozoobenthos were studied in small lakes of the Darwin Nature Reserve (southern Vologda oblast). The aggregation index varied in the open areas of acid lakes, which indicated that communities of small acid water bodies were unstable. The aggregation was the lowest in the open area of a neutral lake. In acid lakes, the number and biomass of macroinvertebrates were the highest near the coasts. In the neutral lake, conversely, these values were maximum in open areas and low near the coast due to a strong pressure of predatory invertebrates and fish. An aggregating effect of invertebrate predators was observed near the coasts of lakes of different types.  相似文献   

Monthly anomalies of stormy wind–wave heights and return periods are evaluated using secular routine observations in the coastal zone of the northern Black Sea. It is shown that wind–wave anomalies in this region are characterized by high-amplitude quasi-periodical variability with typical timescale of about 50 years. This timescale is determined by temporal variability of the coupled ocean–atmosphere system and coincides with periodicity of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Atmospheric re-analysis data show that cyclonic activity over the Black Sea basin intensifies when North Atlantic is relatively cold and meridional forms of atmospheric circulation are more frequent in the North Atlantic-Eurasian region. This leads to generation of more frequent Black Sea storm events and enhanced recurrence of extreme waves and results in profound (and mostly negative) environmental consequences. When North Atlantic is relatively warm and meridional forms of atmospheric circulation are less frequent in the North Atlantic-Eurasian region, environmental conditions in the Black Sea region are calmer. Thus, statistics of dangerous events can be wrongly estimated even if relatively long-term (~30 years) time series are considered and interdecadal variability of wind–wave anomalies must be taken into account when the risk assessment is accomplished.  相似文献   

A hypothesis is considered that the establishment and maintenance of mass exchange processes in the Paramecium bursariasymbiotic complex (infusorian–alga) depends on the presence of the third component—bacteria—whose role is underestimated but essential for completing the exchange cycle. The role of this component in the symbiotic cycle of Paramecium bursariais possible to reveal using special bactericidal preparations specifically inhibiting the bacteria involved in the metabolic cycle but having no effect on the functions of the host cell and the zoochlorella population. Experiments with various preparations of this type were performed, and the response to treatment was estimated from growth rates of the symbiotic complex and its components. This allowed identification of an antibiotic (rifampicin) that had no adverse influence on free-living zoochlorella and chlorella-free paramecia (the basic components of the symbiotic cycle) but drastically inhibited the growth of the P. bursariasymbiotic complex, which could be interpreted as evidence in favor of the hypothesis concerning the existence of the third symbiotic component.  相似文献   

The concentration of naturally occurring radionuclides 232Th, 238U was determined using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) in different food groups namely cereals, vegetables, leafy vegetables, roots and tubers cultivated and consumed by tribal population residing around the proposed uranium mine. The study area is a part of rural area K. P. Mawthabah (Domiasiat) in the west Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya, India located in the tropical region of high rainfall that remains steeped in tribal tradition without much outside influence. Agriculture by Jhum (slash and burn) cultivation and animal husbandry are the main occupation of the tribal populations. A total of 89 samples from locally grown food products were analyzed. The concentration of 238U and 232Th in the soil of the study area was found to vary 1.6-15.5 and 2.0-5.0 times respectively to the average mean value observed in India. The estimated daily dietary intake of 238U and 232Th were 2.0 μg d−1 (25 mBq d−1) and 3.4 μg d−1 (14 mBq d−1) is comparable with reported range 0.5-5.0 μg d−1 and 0.15-3.5 μg d−1 respectively for the Asian population.  相似文献   

Minor and trace elements in the shell of Patella aspera (Röding 1798)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Specimens of the limpet Patella aspera were collected from a clean, coastal marine site and a contaminated estuary on the south coast of Portugal. The shells were analysed individually for their minor (Mg, Sr) and trace element (Fe, Mn, Zn) content. Mean concentrations of these elements in the shell of P. aspera were 4651, 1318, 35.8, 29.9 and 5.5 microg g(-1), respectively. The elemental concentrations exhibited both a marked intra- and inter-population variability. Despite the variability within individual populations, significant differences in the trace element composition were apparent between the shells taken from the two sites. Small shells (< 2 g) provided the best resolution between sites for both manganese and iron. Differences in zinc were best resolved for larger shells. The shell of P. aspera has an extraordinarily high magnesium concentration, which is insensitive to gross salinity differences, and a trace metal assemblage that can be interpreted in terms of environmental exposure. On these grounds, it is recommended that the shell of P. aspera is a tissue for potential use in environmental trace metal monitoring.  相似文献   

An attempt at population analysis of sables in the Ural–Ob region of the species range was made with the use of vast biological material (craniometry, 1909 specimens; ecological structure, 2157 specimens; and coat color, 439169 pelts). Population groups in the region were mainly described on the basis of morphological, geographic, historical, and ecological criteria. Seven spatially separated population groups were found, which were named after the main rivers of their habitats: the Tavda–Konda–Sos'va, Dem'yanka, Salym–Yugan, Agan–Vakh, Kazym–Nazym, Nadym–Kunovat, and Pur–Taz groups. They distinctly differed from one another with respect to cranial measurements, coat color, and some structural demographic parameters. In some cases, morphological differences reached the subspecies level. The data obtained make it possible to revise the pattern of geographic variation within the species range.  相似文献   

The associations of 8 pesticides and pesticide metabolites with total diabetes (diagnosed and undiagnosed) and pre-diabetes (glycohemoglobin 5.7–6.4%) were evaluated using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 1999–2004. Six of the pesticides were found to be associated with total diabetes in separate adjusted logistic regressions. These pesticides and pesticide metabolites were beta-hexachlorocyclohexane, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDT, oxychlordane, trans-nonachlor, and heptachlor epoxide. When the number of compounds elevated was tested, 4 or more, of the 6, elevated had an odds ratio of 4.99 (95% CI 1.97–12.61) compared to none elevated. When the 6 compounds were tested together in a single combined adjusted logistic regression only oxychlordane, a metabolite of chlordane, and heptachlor epoxide, a metabolite of heptachlor, were significantly associated with total diabetes. In the combined adjusted logistic regression, oxychlordane ≥ 14.5 ng/g lipid adjusted had an odds ratios of 1.90 (95% CI 1.09–3.32) compared to oxychlordane < 14.5 ng/g lipid adjusted, and heptachlor epoxide ≥ 14.6 ng/g lipid adjusted had an odds ratio of 1.70 (95% CI 1.16–2.49) compared to heptachlor epoxide < 14.6 ng/g lipid adjusted. Heptachlor epoxide and p,p′-DDT were significantly associated with pre-diabetes in separate adjusted logistic regressions. When these 2 compounds were tested together only heptachlor epoxide remained significantly associated with pre-diabetes. The evidence supporting the relationship between pesticides and pesticide metabolites, with diabetes, was strongest for heptachlor epoxide and oxychlordane, intermediate for p,p′-DDT, and least for beta-hexachlorocyclohexane, p,p′-DDE, and trans-nonachlor. Mirex and dieldrin were not associated with total diabetes or pre-diabetes.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover change (LUCC) has emerged as an important issue of global change with significant influences on the geochemical cycle and regional climate change. Understanding the historical changes of land use and analyzing the environmental effects of LUCC make such reconstructions important. Based on historical statistics, this article reconstructs cropland area at the municipality level (härad/kommun) in the Scandinavian Peninsula during 1875–1999. The total acreage of cropland increased 36.84 % during 1875–1930, kept stable during 1930–1950, and decreased 14.25 % during 1950–1999. The croplands of Sweden and Norway both increased before 1950 and changed in different ways during 1950–1999 when the cropland decreased by 19.79 % in Sweden but increased by 9.63 % in Norway. The counties in the south Scandinavian Peninsula owned most of the cropland, with a cropland proportion of over 20 %, and experienced relatively obvious cropland changes. Growth centers with a rate of increase of over 5 % during 1875–1910 were found in Skåne, Stockholm, the Uppsala counties in Sweden, and the area around Oslo county in Norway. The general cropland distribution showed almost no change during this period, which mainly reflects the suitability of the natural conditions for agriculture. Multi-social factors co-impacted land use activities and induced temporal and spatial variations of the cropland. These factors included food supply, world trade, wars, agriculture policies, the economic and political environment, urbanization, and national differences. Compared with the widely used global land use dataset Historical Database of the Global Environment (HYDE), this study shows different cropland change curves before 1950. This article is a case study showing that the hindcasting model of the HYDE dataset has difficulty estimating multi-determined cropland change in the Scandinavian Peninsula, and the empirical study contributes to the improvement of the accuracy of historical land use data at the regional level.  相似文献   

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