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The morphological, physiological, and biochemical parameters of 6-week-old seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were studied under deficiency (1.2 nM) and chronic exposure to copper (0.32, 1, 2.5, 5, and 10 μM CuSO4) in hydroculture. The deposit of copper in the seed allowed the seedlings to develop under copper deficiency without visible disruption of growth. The high sensitivity of Scots pine to the toxic effects of copper was shown, which manifested as a significant inhibition of growth and development. The loss of dominance of the main root and a strong inhibition of lateral root development pointed to a lack of adaptive reorganization of the root system architecture under copper excess. A preferential accumulation of copper in the root and a minor translocation in aerial organs confirmed that Scots pine belongs to a group of plants that exclude copper. Selective impairment in the absorption of manganese was discovered, under both deficiency and excess of copper in the nutrient solution, which was independent of the degree of development of the root system. Following 10 μM CuSO4 exposure, the absorption of manganese and iron from the nutrient solution was completely suppressed, and the development of seedlings was secured by the stock of these micronutrients in the seed. The absence of signs of oxidative stress in the seedling organs was shown under deficiency and excess of copper, as evidenced by the steady content of malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxyalkenals. Against this background, no changes in total superoxide dismutase activity in the organs of seedlings were revealed, and the increased content of low-molecular-weight antioxidants was observed in the roots under 1 μM and in the needles under 5 μM CuSO4 exposures.


Plant biomass. mycorrhizal status and root peroxidase activity were measured in ectomycorrhizal Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings grown in urban polluted and native, non-polluted forest soils with added ammonium or potassium sulphates simulating N and S deposition of urban areas. Peroxidase activity in the fine roots of seedlings planted in polluted forest soils was higher than in those planted in non-polluted soils and correlated positively with the activities measured in an earlier study in the roots of mature Scots pines growing at the sites from where the soils were collected. Growth of seedlings and mycorrhizal status were not affected by the origin of soil. Exposing the seedlings to winter acclimation conditions for 6 weeks elevated peroxidase activity in the roots. The addition of ammonium or potassium sulphate to non-polluted soils did not induce elevated root peroxidase activity, although at the levels of 0.5 and 1.0 g of ammonium sulphate a slight increasing trend was observed. We suggest, that indirect biotic factors, i.e. changes in the community structure of soil fungi, early stages of recognition, and defence reactions of pine roots against saprophytic and pathogenic fungi may be participating in the elicitation of peroxidase (POD) activity, although the possible role of heavy metals cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The results of long-term investigations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growth and condition in the impact zone of one of the biggest air pollution sources in Lithuania--mineral fertilizers plant "Achema" are presented. The main attention is laid to the recovery of damaged stands since annual emissions to air were reduced essentially. The investigations indicated, that the recovery of tree increment was mostly caused by distinct reduction of emissions of nitrogen and sulphur oxides and dust of mineral fertilizers. Despite reduced pollution, crown defoliation of investigated stands has continued to increase for a certain period. After the crown recovery of damaged stands has started, the recovery of most damaged survived trees was most intensive and convergence of defoliated to a different extend stands and trees is characteristic feature of this period. No defoliation threshold has been determined beyond of which recovery of trees would be impossible. Recovery of more than a quarter of damaged trees was registered even in the case of 90% of defoliation. Recovery of dominant trees occurs to be faster of that for suppressed trees within the same level of defoliation. The impact of stand density on the crown recovery rate is negative, the higher density (more intensive competition), the slower recovery of damaged trees. The dependence of growth rate on defoliation was found to be of logistic character: while crown defoliation consists up to 25-30%, tree increment losses are rather inconsiderable, further increase of defoliation leads to the essentially higher increment losses, however having achieved 65-70% defoliation, further increase of defoliation does not result such intensive decrease of radial increment.  相似文献   

Maps of the distribution of environmental pollution by sulfur (S), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and arsenic (As) for the territory of Poland and the Warsaw (Warszawa) district were developed on the basis of chemical analysis of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles collected from randomly selected sampling points during 1983-1985. The maps show deposition zones for the studied elements and can help in identification of sources and directions of air pollution dispersion. This study indicated that vegetation in Poland is greatly endangered by sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) and other sulfurous air pollutants, whereas Zn, Cd, Pb, and As do not pose an immediate threat to vegetation in most of the country's territory. However, in the urban-industrial agglomeration of Katowice-Cracow, very high pollution with Z, Cd, Pb and As could limit growth and development of some sensitive plant species. Higher than normal levels of As in some areas of Poland (Upper Silesia, Glogow-Lubin Copper Region, and areas close to the Russian border near Braniewo) might affect the health of humans and animals. Results of this study indicated that Poland's environment was not contaminated with Cu.  相似文献   

Scots pine seedlings were exposed to wet-deposited nickel (Ni) and removal of lichen cover in a dry heath Scots pine forest. Ni deposition affected the colonization of roots by indigenous ectomycorrhizal fungi in contrasting ways in intact and skimmed quadrats. Highest frequencies of tubercle morphotypes of ectomycorrhiza were found in quadrats exposed to 100 mg m(-2) year(-1) Ni in lichen covered treatment, while in skimmed quadrats these peaked after the treatment with 10 mg Ni m(-2) year(-1). Removal of the lichen layer increased the value of diversity index (H') of ectomycorrhizal fungal community, probably due to the increase in the evenness of the morphotype distribution. Lichen removal seemed also to improve the condition of the short roots, as the frequencies of poor and senescent short roots were decreased by the removal.  相似文献   

Needles of 20-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) saplings were studied in an ultraviolet (UV) exclusion field experiment (from 2000 to 2002) in northern Finland (67 °N). The chambers held filters that excluded both UV-B and UV-A, excluded UV-B only, transmitted all UV (control), or lacked filters (ambient). UV-B/UV-A exclusion decreased nitrate reductase (NR) activity of 1-year-old needles of Scots pines compared to the controls. The proportion of free amino acids varied in the range 1.08-1.94% of total proteins, and was significantly higher in needles of saplings grown under UV-B/UV-A exclusion compared to the controls or UV-B exclusion. NR activity correlated with air temperature, indicating a “chamber effect”. The study showed that both UV irradiance and increasing temperature are significant modulators of nitrogen (N) metabolism in Scots pine needles.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of single and multiple metal contamination (Cd, Pb, Zn, Sb, Cu) on Scots pine seedlings colonised by ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi from natural soil inoculum. Seedlings were grown in either contaminated field soil from the site of a chemical accident, soils amended with five metals contaminating the site, or in soil from an uncontaminated control site. Although contaminated and metal-amended soil significantly inhibited root and shoot growth of the Scots pine seedlings, total root tip density was not affected. Of the five metals tested in amended soils, Cd was the most toxic to ECM Scots pine. Field-contaminated soil had a toxic effect on ECM fungi associated with Scots pine seedlings and caused shifts in ECM species composition on ECM seedlings. When compared to soils amended with only one metal, soils amended with a combination of all five metals tested had lower relative toxicity and less accumulation of Pb, Zn and Sb into seedlings. This would indicate that the toxicity of multiple metal contamination cannot be predicted from the individual toxicity of the metals investigated.  相似文献   

The effects of prolonged simulated acid rain on the biochemistry of Scots pine needles were studied in Finnish Lapland. Pine trees were exposed by spraying the foliage and soil with either clean water or simulated acid rain (SAR; both sulphuric and nitric acids) over the period 1985-1991. The concentrations of carbohydrates (starch, glucose, fructose, sucrose) in one-year-old pine needles were not affected by SAR-treatments. The SAR-treatments did not have significant effects on protein bound amino acids, which was true also for most of the free amino acids. However, the citrulline concentration was over three-fold greater in the foliage of pines exposed to SAR of pH 3 compared to irrigated controls. The concentrations of total phenolics, individual low molecular weight phenolics and soluble proanthocyanidins were not affected by the treatments, but insoluble proanthocyanidins had increased in acid-treated trees. Some of the studied biochemical compounds showed significant differences between two sub-areas (similar treatments) only 120 m apart.  相似文献   

The effects of simulated acid rain on the phyllosphere microflora of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were studied experimentally in northern Finland during the summer of 1988. Trees were irrigated with artificial acid rain of pH4 and pH3 (H(2)SO(4) and HNO(3), weight ratio of S:N=2.86:1). Untreated trees and trees irrigated with spring water (pH6) were used as controls. Two sampling heights (0.5m and 2m) were used. The needles were colonized exclusively by epiphytic fungi, mainly Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary) Arnaud. The lower branches had significantly more epiphytic fungi than the upper branches. Compared to the control trees, the numbers of epiphytic fungi were significantly decreased on the needles of trees irrigated with acid rain. Acid rain affected the number of epiphytic fungi equally at both sampling heights. The species composition of the epiphytic fungi was not affected by the acid treatments.  相似文献   

Three-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were exposed to ambient or elevated ozone (O(3)) concentrations in open-air exposure fields in central Finland in 1995-97. Three different treatments were applied in 1996 and 1997: ambient air, elevated O(3) (1.3-1.5xambient) during the growing season (June-September) and elevated O(3) in March-September, i.e. the growing season including the springtime O(3) exposure. The ambient mean O(3) concentrations were 40% higher in springtime (March-May) compared to the concentrations during the growing seasons. Maximum O(3) concentrations were measured in April or early May, whereas a clear increase in the stomatal activity of the seedlings was observed by the middle of May. This suggests a low intake of O(3) by conifers despite the higher O(3) concentrations in spring. Stomatal conductance, and contents of chlorophyll and ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) in current-year needles were not significantly affected by any O(3) treatment. Only a slight decrease in current-year shoot growth, slight increase in the abscission of 2-year-old needles and increased electron density of chloroplast stroma by springtime O(3) exposure suggest a rather small contribution of elevated springtime O(3) concentrations to total O(3) damage under current climatic conditions in Finland. However, the increases in springtime O(3) concentrations may enhance the cumulative effects of O(3) during long-term O(3) exposures.  相似文献   

Twenty-two week-old Pinus taeda L. (loblolly pine) seedlings of 30 open-pollinated and five full-sib families, representing a wide range in geographic origin, were grown in charcoal-filtered (CF) air or CF-air supplemented with 160 or 320 nl liter(-1) ozone for 8 h day(-1), 4 days week(-1), for 9 weeks. Visible foliar injury (banded chlorosis, tip burn and premature senescence) was apparent in many families after 3 weeks in 320 nl liter(-1) and 6 weeks in 160 nl liter(-1) ozone. Decreases in relative height and root collar diameter growth rates, total dry weight, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, and root/shoot ratios were evident after 9 weeks of treatment with both 160 and 320 nl liter(-1) ozone. For relative height growth rates, family differences in response to ozone were observed. By the study's end, net photosynthesis rates were 15% less for the 320 nl liter(-1) ozone treatment as compared to the CF-air treatment. Total soluble sugar and total starch content of roots were not changed after 9 weeks of ozone exposure.  相似文献   

The characteristics of UV-absorbing compounds, particularly soluble phenolics, were studied in needles of 63-day-old seed-grown Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings of two provenances in a UV exclusion field experiment at Pallas-Ounastunturi National Park in Finnish Lapland (68 degrees N, 270 m a.s.l.). The experiment used the following plastic filters in exclosure treatments to manipulate the spectral balance of natural irradiance: (1) 'control' (a polyethene plastic filter); (2) 'UV-B exclusion' (a clear polyester filter); and (3) 'UV-B/UV-A exclusion' (a clear acryl plate). Polyethene transmitted 89% of the ambient levels of total UV (280-400 nm), polyester transmitted 75% of the total UV, but only 0.6% of the UV-B (280-315 nm) component, while acryl plate transmitted 0.2% of UV (280-360 nm). The research also included (4) 'Ambient' plants that were not subjected to any treatment exclosures. After the 58 day UV exclusion, significant (p<0.0001) differences due to treatments were determined for a kaempferol derivative, kaempferol 3-glucoside, and a quercetin derivative, the quantities of which ranged from 0.23 to 0.45, 0.42 to 1.34 and 0.39 to 0.75 micromol g FW(-1), respectively, depending on treatment and provenance. Overall, Scots pine seedlings grown at ambient UV radiation (PAS300, Caldwell's generalized Plant Action Spectrum (PAS) normalized at 300 nm, 72 mW m(-2)) or under a control had significantly (p<0.05) higher quantities of soluble phenolics than seedlings grown under UV-B or UV-B/UV-A exclusion treatments. There were no significant differences in the quantity of soluble phenolics between the two exclosure treatments or between the two Scots pine provenances. The sums of diacylated flavonol glucosides ranging from 3.75 to 4.55 micromol g FW(-1) depending on treatment and provenance, were already present at very low UV-levels under the UV-B/UV-A exclusion treatment. The present study indicated that soluble phenolics, particularly the diacylated flavonol glucosides, may provide an effective preformed protection for young Scots pine seedlings against UV-B and UV-A radiation.  相似文献   

Results are presented of height measurements and degree of needle injury on five-year-old plants of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing near a phosphate fertiliser plant that emits SO(2) and fluorides. The populations of Scots pine represented in this experiment originate from 11 countries and were substantially differentiated in height growth and extent of needle necroses. Those populations which grew most rapidly were found to be the most sensitive to pollutant injury. The least productive provenances from the north of the range (Sweden, USSR) are at the same time characterized by lowest decline in height growth, lowest mortality and least extensive necroses. It is proposed that gene banks be established for the best genotypes likely to be eliminated in the heavily polluted conditions of Poland today.  相似文献   

To document the toxicity of copper and nickel in binary mixtures, freshwater amphipods Gammarus pulex were exposed to the metals given independently or as mixtures. Toxicity to Cu alone was relatively high: 96-h LC10 and LC50 were found at 91 and 196 μg L?1, respectively. Toxicity to Ni alone was very low, with 96-h LC10 and LC50 of 44,900 and 79,200 μg L?1, respectively. Mixture toxicities were calculated from single toxicity data using conventional models. Modeled toxicity was then compared with the measured toxicity of the binary mixture. Two kinds of mixtures were tested. Type I mixtures were designed as combinations of Cu and Ni given at the same effect concentrations, when taken independently, to identify possible interactions between copper and nickel. In type II mixtures, Cu concentrations varied from 0 to 600 μg L?1 while the nickel concentration was kept constant at 500 μg L?1 to mimic conditions of industrial wastewater discharges. Ni and Cu showed synergic effects in type I mixtures while type II mixtures revealed antagonistic effects. Low doses of Ni reduced Cu toxicity towards G. pulex. These results show that even for simple binary mixtures of contaminants with known chemistry and toxicity, unexpected interactions between the contaminants may occur. This reduces the reliability of conventional additivity models.  相似文献   

The secondary cell wall structure of tracheids of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), especially the angle of microfibrils in the S(2) layer, was examined in wood deposited prior to and after the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Microscopic analysis was carried out on wood samples collected in October 1997 from breast height of three pine trees 16, 30 and 42 years old. The polluted site was located in a distance of 5 km south from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant where radioactive contamination in 1997 was 3.7 x 10(5) kBq m(-2). Anatomical analysis showed that the structure of the secondary cell wall in tracheids formed after the Chernobyl accident was changed. Changes occurred both in S(2) and S(3) layers. The angle of microfibrils in S(2) layer in wood deposited after the Chernobyl accident was different in comparison to this measured in wood formed prior to the disaster. The intensity of the changes, i.e. alteration of the microfibrils angle in S(2) layer and unusual pattern of the S(3) layer, depended on the age of the tree and was most intensive in a young tree.  相似文献   

This paper compares the effects of single and repeated fertilisation on the contents of potassium, 134Cs and 137Cs in different Scots pine compartments at different levels above ground and in the peat profile 9 years after the Chernobyl disaster. The material was collected from a ditch spacing and fertilisation experiment in Finland. Above a needle potassium concentration of 3.0 mg g(-1) in composed crown samples, 137Cs and 134Cs concentrations remained at about the same level but below that the values were higher on average. This potassium value corresponded to the potassium concentrations of 3.5-3.6 mg g(-1) in the current-year needles of two topmost whorls. The result indicates an enhanced radiocaesium uptake by pine trees under severe potassium deficiency. Fertilisation with potassium-containing fertilisers decreased the caesium uptake considerably. The inhibiting effect of fertilisation on caesium uptake by trees seemed to be fairly long lasting. Fertilisation had sped up the penetration of caesium downwards in the peat profile and its moving out of the active circulation of elements between soil and plants.  相似文献   

Changes in photosynthetic and antioxidant activities in maize (Zea mays L.) leaves of cultivars 3223 and 31G98 exposed to excess copper (Cu) were investigated. Cu treatment reduced the shoot and root length of both cultivars. No significant difference of Cu accumulation in the roots of both cultivars was observed while the cultivar 3223 accumulated significantly higher Cu in leaves than 31G98. The observed decreases in effective quantum efficiency of PSII, ETR and qP indicate an over excitation of photochemical system in 3223 compared to 31G98. The leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of both cultivars decreased with increasing Cu concentration. A far higher production of anthocyanins in 31G98 has been observed than that of 3223. At 1.5 mM Cu concentration, all antioxidant enzyme activities increased in leaves of the cultivar 31G98 while there were no significant changes in SOD and GR activities in 3223 compared to the control except increased APX and POD activities. The lower Cu accumulation in leaves and higher antioxidant enzyme activities in 31G98 suggested an enhanced tolerance capacity of this cultivar to protect the plant from oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Scots pine seedlings were exposed to wet-deposited nickel (Ni) and removal of lichen cover in a dry heath Scots pine forest. Ni deposition affected the colonization of roots by indigenous ectomycorrhizal fungi in contrasting ways in intact and skimmed quadrats. Highest frequencies of tubercle morphotypes of ectomycorrhiza were found in quadrats exposed to 100 mg m−2 year−1 Ni in lichen covered treatment, while in skimmed quadrats these peaked after the treatment with 10 mg Ni m−2 year−1. Removal of the lichen layer increased the value of diversity index (H′) of ectomycorrhizal fungal community, probably due to the increase in the evenness of the morphotype distribution. Lichen removal seemed also to improve the condition of the short roots, as the frequencies of poor and senescent short roots were decreased by the removal.  相似文献   

Growth of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) suffered considerably in forests close to fur farms in western Finland, with the occurrence of winter time dieback in the youngest shoots and leading to a bush-like, flat crown canopy. One reason for this growth disturbance may be a serious imbalance in nitrogen metabolism caused by the extra N supply, emitted as NH3 from the dung of the animals. Total N and NH4+ concentrations in the needles and soluble nitrogen concentration in the soil increased considerably in the vicinity of the fur farms. The extra N in the needles was bound in the first place in arginine, the concentration of which increased 10(2)-10(3) fold compared with control trees, and to a lesser extent in glutamine and other amino acids. Alterations in the quantitative and qualitative protein patterns of the needles were obtained. The extra N increased the concentration of total soluble proteins, although it inhibited the formation of certain polypeptides (particularly in the areas of 30, 38, 50 and 65-90 kDa) which were possibly essential for the normal wintering processes. One reason for the winter time dieback in the high N area could thus be found in the altered protein profiles.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the eventual impact of nickel in fish kills occuring in the river Meuse in Belgium, a series of experiments were performed in which the uptake and distribution of nickel in Rutilus rutilus L., one of the dominant species in the river was studied after administration of nickel alone and in combination with other metals. In decreasing order the highest nickel concentrations were found in gill, opercle, kidney, liver and muscle. After exposure to nickel in combination with copper or chromium nickel levels in gill tissue increased significantly compared to levels encountered when fish were exposed to the same concentration of nickel alone. When the pH of the test solution was lowered from 8.0 to 6.5, the lethal action and the accumulation of nickel in gill tissue increased. Control fish collected from a surface water storage reservoir and from the river Meuse had higher nickel levels in the opercle than in gill tissue.  相似文献   

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