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麦广森 《安全》1994,(3):20-21
我华粤公司特种蜡制品厂拥有大小油品贮罐37个,其中500m~3的贮罐有10个。随着时间的推移,技术的进步,每年都有一批贮罐进行动火改造,我担任安全技术指导工作,现就1~#贮罐为例,浅谈油品贮罐安全动火技术。 1~#油品贮罐容积500m~3,贮存着蜡膏,含油量20%左右,还有小部份挥发性组份,属易燃性物质。蜡膏虽己抽空,但有小部份蜡膏和油仍然留在罐的壁上和底部,罐体内充  相似文献   

1988年6月26日中午1时35分,蚌埠柠檬酸厂一台 55米~3的硫酸贮罐发生爆炸。随着一声巨响,6毫米厚的锥形罐顶被巨大的冲击波撞开约四分之三,严重折弯变形。在罐顶施工的3名工人,有2人被气浪弹出27米和8米后摔死,1人受伤。 这台贮罐是该厂1973年自制的化工常压容器,容器材料为普通A_3钢板。这台贮罐自1973年使用以来,先后盛装过液碱、浓硫酸等。1987年4月开始用该罐盛装95~98%的浓硫酸,当年12月停用。罐内大部分酸液被抽空,残留厚约10公分、重计1.62吨的浓硫酸及其残渣。今年6月中旬,该厂乳酸车间主任胡某打算将该罐整修后用来贮存水洗液。6…  相似文献   

1 人的不安全行为及危害1.1 未经培训或考核不合格者单独进行操作,由于技术不熟练可能因误操作造成事故。1.2 阀门操作(开、关)后未进行复查。可能造成误操作。如应开3~#罐错开成4~#罐,未确认阀门是否关闭严密就离开,有可能窜液,此时若开另一个罐进行作业时,未关闭严密的罐就会进液,检查不及时就会造成贮罐冒顶(贮罐容积全部被液相充满)事故。1.3 未执行“进液前、进液中、进液后应对液面计进行三次检查”中的任何一次。进液前不检查液面计,无法确认贮罐液位及能否容纳进液量;进液中不检查液面计,无法  相似文献   

三、氧气贮运的安全技术 (一)氧气贮器的安全技术氧气贮器一般分低压、中压两种,低压贮器包括胶囊、可变容积湿式贮气柜和缓冲罐。中压贮器有球形罐和筒形罐。这里着重介绍中压氧气贮罐,特别是球罐的安全技术要求。  相似文献   

大型球形贮罐开罐检验,是一项比较复杂的系统工程。为保证其安全、可靠、经济、省时,必须有一套科学的管理制度和措施。我厂1986~1988年间,曾先后开罐检验了6台400m~3的贮氧球罐和2台2300m~3。的贮氮球罐,制定并实施了一整套标准化作业程序。实践证明效果良好,获得了劳动部门和检验单位的好评。现介绍如下供参考。一、开罐作业标准化 1.工程计划的管理模式使用球罐的单位按生产要求、设备状态、检修(检测)力量的均衡来确定开罐检验计划和工作量安排。  相似文献   

国家经委、国家劳动总局、石油部、化工部、一机部、冶金部、公安部、城建总局于1981年4月9日联合发出《关于进一步开展球罐开罐检查和修复工作的通知》。 通知说,认真搞好球罐开罐检查修复工作,是避免球罐发生恶性事故的有效措施。凡是没进行开罐检查的单位,要尽早安排检查。在检查修复工作中,必须认真执行国家劳动总局颁发的《球罐开罐检查要点》和《球形贮罐缺陷修复暂行办法》。各地区有关部门和劳动、公安部门应在本地区经委领导下组成领导小组,派出负责千部和专业技术人员进行指导,协助解决困难,检查修复质量。 通知要求球罐使用单位…  相似文献   

今年1月3日凌晨5时,黑龙江省阿城糖厂综合制品厂酵母车间两名工人死在酵母贮罐里。 当日零点,甲班工组主操工邵丰和女工赵梅从发酵罐往贮罐里放酵母料液。放料液管于出口处系着纱布滤网,由于料液压力较大,纱布滤网掉进贮罐。赵梅关闭阀门,从贮罐入孔钻入罐内取纱布。这时,邵车走近贮罐,发现赵在罐内浑身哆哆,一手抓着扶手,一手拿着木棍挑纱布,已无力上来。邵便大声呼救。值班长张殿学等六人下罐去救,均先后昏迷。张、赵两人经抢救无效死亡。 两人为何死在贮罐里?这是由于在发酵过程中,贮罐里产生大量二氧化碳(浓度超过2%),并严重缺氧,因而人…  相似文献   

商品混凝土行业生产系统中,水泥、矿粉、煤灰的贮存库都为园筒状钢结构罐,顶部装有除尘器,近来又增加了防爆装置,散装车(或船)利用压缩空气向罐内送物料。但在使用中,这种贮罐偶然会发生除尘器“飞上天”(一般叫冒顶)的事故,有的甚至连罐顶都一起飞落。这在我们苏州地区前几年就发生过多起,最近我们邻近一个商品混凝土企业就又发生了一...  相似文献   

本文介绍了在定期检验中发现二氧化碳贮罐罐顶压力表接管腐蚀膨胀,对该腐蚀的现状和产生的原因及危害性做了分析,提出了今后的防范措施,以避免小接管引发大事故。  相似文献   

1990年6月24日上午,某化工厂焊工班在1号、2号、3号贮罐之间安装纵向走台。9点多钟,焊工王某将割枪借给外单位现场施工人员使用,20分钟后,割枪被还回。王某接枪后,顺手就近把割枪插入2号罐顶上的连接口内。中午11点30分下班时,工人李某去关氧气瓶和乙炔气瓶阀门,氧气瓶高、低压正常退气完毕,李某却发现乙炔瓶高、低压表指针均已回零,说明瓶内乙炔气已经跑空了。李某立即告诉了班长张某,但并没有引起张某的重视。焊工王某也没理会,从罐顶连接口中提出割枪拆下,离开现场吃饭休息去了。  相似文献   

大型石油储罐消防设计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据我国大型储罐设置的特点,分析了大型石油储罐在储存、转运过程中潜在的火灾危险。通过对千例石油火灾案例统计分析,获得了石油储罐发生火灾的主要原因。在此基础上,从石油储罐工艺设计、布局、防火和灭火等角度出发,分析大型石油储罐常用的类型、材料和防腐处理技术;研究储罐的布置间距;总结大型储罐消防设计中采用的防、灭火技术措施。论文研究的成果,可供实践工程参考。  相似文献   

大型原油储罐储量很大,潜在危险性高,一旦发生事故,损失将十分惨重。为此,在分析了大型原油储罐工程危险性的基础上,重点论述了大型原油储罐设计中的主要安全问题及其对策,包括储罐地基和基础、浮顶储罐密封装置、信号报警联锁系统、排水设计、防腐蚀措施等,特别针对大型原油储罐的特点,详细讨论了浮盘沉底事故原因并介绍了预防浮盘沉底的设计要求,为工程设计提供了有价值的参考依据。  相似文献   

Insulation is typically used in extra-large double-walled cryogenic storage tanks that are used to store liquid natural gas (LNG). These vessels have been designed with the assumption that the insulation offers negligible structural resistance that might cause structural damage. Observation of the deformation of the insulation in such tanks leads to concern that the insulation may become sufficiently compacted to cause significant load transfer between the inner and outer tank. The inner tank, though protected from most external events by the outer tank, is only designed to contain the liquid gas. It is therefore much more sensitive to seismic effects. In this investigation, simplified and 3D finite element models are used to simulate the interaction effects of the fluid, inner tank, insulation and outer tank. This paper presents an initial analysis of the potential effects of LNG tank insulation under earthquake conditions and assesses the potential for structural damage by comparison of models that do or do not consider the insulation layer. The data reported and statistically sorted include the overturning moment, the base shear, the tank wall stress, and the wave height in the tank. The results show that the insulation layer has certain influence on seismic design of LNG tanks.  相似文献   

Floating roof storage tank boilover   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Storage tanks are important facilities for the major hazard installations (MHIs) to store large quantity of crude oil. There is several fire types can occur with large diameter open top floating roof storage tanks. Boilover is considered one of the most dangerous fires in large-scale oil tank. The world has witnessed many incidents due to boilover in floating roof storage tank. Boilover problem has been studied in experiments and by models to understand how to control the boilover phenomena. An experimental study has been carried out in Jebel Dhanna (JD) terminal area by Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) with support of Resource Protection International (RPI) consultant. 2.4 m diameter and 4.5 m diameters pans have been used to study the characteristics of the large oil-tank fires (i) to gain more knowledge of the boilover phenomenon of crude oil (ii) verify if the crude oil stored by ADCO would boilover (ii) estimation of rate of hot-zone growth and the period needed from ignition to boilover (iii) estimation of radiant heat and consequences of boilover. This paper presents an overview on the floating roof storage tank boilover. The paper also presents briefly boilover experimental research study carried out by ADCO.  相似文献   

为了研究地震对储罐造成的影响,结合历史上储罐的震害资料,将储罐的损伤程度进行分级,通过采用Bayes方法估计Probit模型参数,再转化成储罐的损伤概率,给出了各个损伤状态下的模型参数及给定地震加速度下储罐的损伤概率,提出了1种基于Probit -Bayes方法估计储罐易损性的计算方法。结果表明:所提出的地震损伤计算方法,能够有效的评估储罐在不同地震加速度下的损伤程度,可为震后储罐的安全评估提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Risk-based inspection for large-scale crude oil tanks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Periodic Internal Inspection Method often results in under-inspection or over-inspection for large-scale crude oil tank. Therefore, how to determine reasonable internal inspection interval (INTII) has great significance on balancing the safe operation requirement and inspection cost for crude oil tanks. Here, RBI (risk-based inspection) technology is used to quantitatively assess the risk of crude oil tanks in an oil depot in China. The risk comparison between tank shell and bottom shows that the risk of tank depends on the risk of tank bottom. The prediction procedure of INTII for crude oil tanks is also presented. The INTII predicted by RBI method is gradually extended with the increasing of the acceptable risk level. The method to determine the acceptable risk of crude oil tanks is proposed, by which 3.54E+04 are taken as the acceptable risk of the oil depot. The safety factor of 0.8 is proposed to determine the final INTIIs for 18 crude oil tanks. The INTII requirement in China code SY/T 5921, 5-7 years, is very conservative and lower than predicted service life of tanks. The INTIIs predicted by Gumbel method are smaller than by RBI method for tanks with short INTII. Therefore, this paper recommends RBI method to predict the INTII for crude oil tanks.  相似文献   

Steel tanks are widely used in the storage of various chemical liquids, and the blast resistance of the tanks is very important because of the explosiveness of these liquids. To explore a feasible method to improve the blast resistance of steel tanks, the effect of polyurea coating on the blast resistance of steel storage tank is investigated in this paper. The responses of monolithic steel tanks and polyurea coated tanks under blast loads are studied by field blast experiments using TNT explosive, and the results shows that the polyurea layers are effective in reducing the maximum and residual displacements of the tank. Numerical simulations are performed and validated, and the deformation process and stress and strain distribution of the tanks are analyzed accordingly. The increase on the bending moment of the plastic hinge lines of the tanks and the increase of the area density of the cylindrical shell induced by the polyurea layers are believed to be the two main factors contributing to the displacement reduction effect of polyurea in this paper. The validated numerical model is used to study the influence of polyurea layer's thickness on the deflection of the tank, and a nearly inversely proportional relationship between the thickness and the maximum displacement is found. Three deformation modes of the tanks are identified when subjected to blast load with varying intensity and it is found that the displacement reduction effect of polyurea varies in different deformation modes.  相似文献   

含硫油品储罐中硫化铁自燃引发事故原因分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过分析含硫油品储罐中活性硫的主要组成及对油品储罐的腐蚀方式,总结了含硫油品储罐中硫化铁的生成方式、自燃性及其主要影响因素。分析认为,尽管活性硫对设备的腐蚀形式多样,但低温湿H2S腐蚀是活性硫对油品储罐的主要腐蚀方式,腐蚀产物极易自燃而引发油品储罐发生火灾和爆炸事故。建立了含硫油品储罐硫化铁自燃事故的故障树(FTA)图并对其最小割集的分析认为:储罐防腐涂层脱落、水的存在和原油含硫是引起顶事件发生的最重要基本事件。通过故障树分析,探讨了硫化铁自燃事故的主要原因并提出相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

大型外浮顶储罐多次发生雷击起火事故,因此对其安全性做出客观评价,计算雷击起火概率现实意义重大。通过分析雷电对外浮顶油罐的危害方式,利用蒙特卡洛方法结合电气几何模型计算外浮顶油罐年雷击率。分析采用导静电线和可伸缩接地装置(RGA)的防护效果差别。最后计算安装可伸缩接地装置后油罐遭受雷击产生火花放电的年事故率。计算结果表明:年雷击率随着油罐直径和罐壁高度的增大而增加;采用可伸缩接地装置的防护效果明显优于传统导静电线;安装多个可伸缩接地装置可以明显降低产生火花的概率和年事故率。两个RGA就可以将油罐遭受雷击产生火花放电的年事故率降至10-5以下。  相似文献   

针对加油站的埋地汽油储罐爆炸进行了定量分析。简要叙述了加油站埋地储罐的埋地方式以及埋地深度等基本情况,运用岩土中的爆炸理论描述分析了埋地储罐爆炸的过程。在计算爆炸冲击波超压时,提出一个计算埋地汽油储罐爆炸冲击波超压的准则:对于埋地汽油储罐爆炸,应当结合汽油储罐的埋地深度以及储罐周围覆土的性质等因素来确定冲击波超压的计算方法。  相似文献   

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