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中国主要农产品生产的生态足迹研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
生态足迹是追踪和评价人类生活生产方式对自然依赖与影响的有效工具。近年来生态足迹研究向中观产业部门与微观产品扩展,但面临着生态足迹系数匮乏的制约。研究综合运用生命周期理念、物质流分析技术与生态足迹模型,根据2010 年中国平均生产效率,核算了近80 种农产品离开生产系统时的生态足迹,并采用消费品-土地利用矩阵的形式详细地呈现其生态足迹组分信息。核算得到的农产品生态足迹系数反映了产品生产的生态效率与生态影响,为在个人、家庭、社区、组织、区域等不同尺度上核算人类生产和消费的生态足迹提供了基础参数。  相似文献   

戴维·佩珀认为,当今世界力图建构生态社会的各种有影响力的设想运动都无法实现对资本主义空间生产的超越,不可能建立真正的生态社会。佩珀主张运用马克思主义来剖析和批判资本主义空间生产,通过工人阶级的自为运动、国家的作用及改革现行货币体系来推进生态社会主义空间生产,纾解全球的生态危机。  相似文献   

从生态学、生态经济学角度看,区域是融自然-社会-经济为一体的复合生物系统,是生产要素与生态要素(自然、人为)相互整合的结果。该复合生态系统物质、能量的“整体、协调、循环、自生”是实现社会、经济与环境协调发展、达到三个效益统一目标的基本条件。  相似文献   

王春莲  张信 《山东环境》1999,(4):69-69,66
有目的地培育具有优良品性的作物是人类社会走向文明的重要标志,作物的广泛栽培也是人类生存必不可少的手段。在世界人口达到一定数量(约一千万)后,人与作物之间已形成一种类似于互惠共生的关系。同时,人类对作物生产的依赖也已成为自身的一大弱点,农田生态系统太容易受到干扰,环境的微小变化都会造成作物减产。然而,由于人口问题我们在任何情况下都要保持相当高的粮食产量。要做到这一点,除了保证耕地面积、土壤肥力及必要的化学手段以外,保证作物种类的多样性和品种的多样性(种内基因多样性)也是必要前提之一。农业是人类社会…  相似文献   

从生态学、生态经济学角度看,区域是融自然-社会-经济为一体的复合生物系统;是生产要素与生态要素(自然、人为)相互整合的结果。该复合生态系统物质、能量的“整体、协调、循环、自生”是实现社会、经济与环境协调发展、达到三个效益统一目标的基本条件。生态区域的空  相似文献   

中国草地资源利用:生产功能与生态功能的冲突与协调   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
草地生态系统具有多功能性,既提供多种畜牧产品,同时也具有多样化的生态服务,诸如防风固沙、保持水土、维持生物多样性等。因此,健康的生态系统是生产功能与生态服务和谐并存的统一体。我国有各类天然草地 4×108hm2,其中80%的草地主要分布在干旱、半干旱的北方地区,即主要分布在兴安岭-燕山-吕梁山-秦岭-西藏高原东缘一线以西的广大地区, 这一地区自然条件差,生态系统脆弱。因此,草地生态系统具有保障北方地区畜牧业发展和维护我国生态安全的双重角色。1949年以来,我国草地资源利用中由于长期追求生产功能最大化,忽视了对生态功能和服务的养护,造成生态系统退化,从而影响生态服务的发挥,导致了生产功能与生态服务的冲突。一是在突出生产功能的政策导向下,片面追求草地生产功能最大化,导致大量优质草地被大面积开垦,天然草地资源缩减,出现结构性和功能性的生态退化,生态服务功能受到显著损害。二是由于生产要素投入不足,使得草地系统输出和输入不平衡,难以维持正常的物质和能量循环过程,从而导致生产功能与生态功能的冲突。这主要是由于草地资源是我国的公共财产资源,即使实行草地承包制度后,所有权和使用权的分离,加上缺少政策制度的约束,因此形成了牧民对草地资源的掠夺式利用。三是我国畜产品生产需求增长与生态功能保护需求的矛盾愈加突出。在草地资源开发利用中“重用轻养”的失误既阻碍了我国草地畜牧业的现代化进程,更加剧了我国草地生产功能与生态服务的冲突。所以,在我国人口趋多,耕地趋少,粮食趋紧、畜产品消费趋增的态势下,充分利用占国土面积41%的草地资源,建立生态保护约束下的草地资源利用模式,协调草地生态系统的生产功能和生态服务关系,是解决我国耕地资源不足、维护我国生态安全的重要途径。  相似文献   

绿洲系统承载力是生态承载力、生产承载力与生活承载力3种承载力相互耦合的产物。绿洲系统生态-生产-生活承载力相互作用的驱动机制主要通过水资源、投资和人口三大核心因子的驱动进行,实现水资源生态效益、经济效益与社会效益最大化的内在驱动,决定着绿洲系统生态-生产-生活承载力的最佳组合方式。在边际效益递减规律约束下,投资分配的最佳比例取决于单位投资效益的差异。人口通过改变核心驱动因子---水资源与投资的稀缺程度,在绿洲系统生态-生产-生活承载力相互作用驱动机制中起着双重作用。  相似文献   

城市生态支持系统由资源持续供给能力、环境持续容纳能力、自然持续缓冲能力以及人类自组织自调节能力等要素构成。本文采用基于供需平衡原理的瓶颈要素分析方法对包头市城市生态支持系统进行辨识分析,利用社会经济规模量与要素需求量建立供需曲线,找出供需差距,并以此得出制约城市发展主要瓶颈要素,同时提出对瓶颈要素进行生态调控的对策,减少由此而产生的瓶颈作用,实现城市可持续发展。  相似文献   

生态功能是指自然生态系统支持人类社会发展的功能。生态功能分区就是根据区域生态环境要素、生态环境敏感性和生态功能的差异,将特定区域划分为不同生态功能区的过程。生态功能区划一旦制定,将为制定区域生态环境保护和建设规划、维护区域生态安全、合理利用资源与布局工农业生产提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

生态产品概念再定义及其内涵辨析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
准确界定生态产品概念定义及其内涵是深入开展其理论研究和实践创新的前提和基础.该研究深入剖析了生态产品现有概念定义存在的问题,从我国提出生态产品价值实现理念的战略意图入手,在指明生产者的基础上,将生态产品定义为生态系统生物生产和人类社会生产共同作用提供给人类社会使用和消费的终端产品或服务,包括保障人居环境、维系生态安全、提供物质原料和精神文化服务等人类福祉或惠益,是与农产品和工业产品并列的、满足人类美好生活需求的生活必需品,分为公共性生态产品、准公共生态产品和经营性生态产品三类.阐明了生态产品与生态系统服务、经济产品、非生态自然资源之间的边界关系,明确了生态产品不仅反映了自然生态与人类之间的供给消费关系,还反映了人与人之间的供给消费关系.建议组织自然科学和社会科学领域的科研人员开展中长期联合攻关,解决生态产品价值实现过程中面临的科学技术难题,通过理论突破和技术创新抢占国际生态经济学研究的学术制高点.   相似文献   

应用工业生态学解决污染与发展问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对日益尖锐的污染与发展之间的矛盾,在清洁生产基础上兴起的工业生态学是一门新的边缘学科,其概念和原理来源于生物生态学。讲述了工业生态学的概念、核心要旨和研究方法。对其在工业体系中的应用进行了初步的探讨,并提出了一些新的思路。  相似文献   

The study seeks to demonstrate the potential role that industrial ecology could play towards energy poverty reduction and environmental conservation in Kenya through sustainable charcoal production and consumption. This is achieved through an exploration of the application of the life cycle management (LCM) concept that identifies various opportunities for technological intervention for energy and environmental conservation and reduction of material and energy losses. It also identifies opportunities for income generation at various stages of the product’s life cycle; an aspect critical in poverty reduction in developing countries. The study finds that applying LCM in the charcoal trade in Kenya can deliver social, economic and environmental benefits to developing country communities and should, therefore, be promoted. However, appropriate legal, policy and institutional frameworks must exist in these countries for this to occur.  相似文献   

当前,黑龙江省"高污染、高消耗、低产出"的传统经济发展模式越来越受到资源瓶颈和生态环境的制约,提高资源利用率,减少废弃物的产生成为当前迫切解决的问题。因此寻找促进发展循环经济的方法成为黑龙江省转变经济增长方式的必然选择。清洁生产,就是在确保产品满足人类物质文化需要的前提下,通过不断改进管理和推进技术进步等措施,达到提高资源利用率、减少乃至消除污染物的产生,使其生产过程和产品对人类和环境危害最小的目的。清洁生产是解决经济发展与环境矛盾的重要手段,是生态产业发展的基础,更是实现黑龙江省循环经济发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

火电厂清洁生产的可持续性分析与评估   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从企业生态角度分析了火电厂清洁生产的可持续性;运用能值理论对火电厂清洁生产的可持续性进行了评估;以某发电厂采用清洁生产为实例进行了可持续性分析,结果表明:火电厂清洁生产的可持续性明显提高。  相似文献   

In this article, industrial ecology is used as a framework for analysing transport energy and its implication for products. The importance of the energy use for transport in a natural resource production system is analysed. By using fish as a case study, it is shown that the amount of energy for transport is highly dependent on the transport mode used. When applying industrial ecology principles for making assessments of the environmental impacts of products, the whole product chain is examined. This is an extended life-cycle approach, which also includes the transport of the finished products from the exporter to the importing country. This last part of the transport chain can be extremely energy demanding, as is shown for the case of fish transport. This finding has implications for the products, and for the form in which the products should be transported. Increasing the energy efficiency of production systems is an important industrial ecology principle, and must be taken into consideration when analysing product chains. A revision of today's practice of transporting large quantities of fresh whole fish by transcontinental airliners is bound to be necessary. This is a consequence of the demands for increased energy efficiency of tomorrow's industrial production systems.  相似文献   

Industrial symbioses (ISs) and eco-industrial parks (EIPs) are key concepts of industrial ecology (IE). The aim of ISs and EIPs is to minimise inefficient material and energy use by utilising local by-product and energy flows. Industrial symbioses tend to develop through spontaneous action of economic actors, for gaining of economic benefit, but these systems can be designed and promoted via policy instruments as well. A literature review showed that national programmes for eco-industrial parks can be found in different parts of the world. In the action programmes and other sustainable consumption and production (SCP) policy documents of the EU, on the other hand, industrial symbioses gain less recognition as a path to enhanced sustainable production. In this article, we consider this and also analyse how the evolution and environmental performance of an industrial symbiosis system centred on a Finnish pulp and paper mill have been affected by SCP policy instruments. With regard to the system forming the subject of the case study, and Finnish industrial systems in general, policy instruments have succeeded in reducing emissions but not in systematically encouraging operators toward symbiosis-like activities. All in all, few studies exist on the overall impact of policy instruments promoting design of eco-industrial parks. It is not self-evident that symbiosis-like production systems would be sustainable in every case, as the background assumptions for political promotion of EIPs suggest. We concluded that industrial symbioses should be analysed and developed on a life cycle basis, with documentation of the real environmental benefits due to efficient resource use and decreased emissions in comparison to standalone production. ISs can then bring eco-competitiveness to companies in relation to SCP tools, such as environmental permits, ecolabels, and future product regulation based on the Ecodesign Directive in Europe. Indirect encouragement of symbiosis through land-use regulation and planning, in such a way that material fluxes between companies are possible both in operations and in financial terms, may prove effective. The same holds for waste policies that encourage increased reuse of a company’s waste by other enterprises.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology: a new field or only a metaphor?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 10 years since industrial ecology first became a topic of academic interest, it has grown as a field of inquiry and has produced a community of practice in several sectors including academia, business, and government. Even as the shape of industrial ecology becomes clearer, questions remain as to its lasting power beyond the metaphor that gave it its distinctiveness. This paper examines the development of industrial ecology and assesses its progress towards becoming a field of academic inquiry. And, in a related analysis, I look at the progress industrial ecology has made in establishing itself as an institutional (cultural) basis for action in the above sectors. Ideas like industrial ecology must become institutionalized if they are to have much effect on the reality of everyday activities.  相似文献   

Landscapeecology:thetheoreticalfoundationofsustainableagrolandscapeplanninganddesign.WangYanglin(DepartmentofGeography,Peking...  相似文献   

沈阳市2001年-2006年生态足迹分析与可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态足迹从具体的生物量角度研究自然资本消耗的空间,为核算地区资本利用状况提供框架,进而可判断区域可持续发展状态。文章在简要介绍生态足迹的概念与计算模型基础上,定量研究了沈阳市2001年-2006年六年间的生态足迹和生态承载力的变化规律和特征,根据计算进行分析,结果表明人类负荷超过其生态容量,生态承载严重不能满足生态足迹的需求,社会经济处于一种不可持续的发展状态,为使沈阳市的生态建设可持续的发展提出生态恢复措施。  相似文献   

The electronics industry is generally recognized as a leader in clean production practices. Industrial ecology, however, encourages a systemic approach to sectoral behavior, which means that not just production, but also the role of electronics products and services in supporting an information culture should be considered as part of a comprehensive analysis. The eventual goal should be the production of social practices and systems that provide the desired functionality and quality of life in an environmentally acceptable manner. A conceptual framework for such an analysis of information infrastructure is presented, although the analyses and data required for a full understanding remain limited and preliminary in many ways.  相似文献   

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