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为研究昆山市农产品产地环境质量,采用采样分析方法,对昆山市农产品产地的代表性土壤、灌溉水、渔业水质量进行了定点取样分析检测,在此基础上依据国家相关环境质量标准进行了单因子污染指数法和综合污染指数法评价。结果表明,该市58.1%的耕层土壤为安全、清洁,36.6%的耕层土壤处于警戒限,为尚清洁,3.8%的耕层土壤为轻污染,1.5%的耕层土壤为中污染;76.0%的灌溉水为安全、清洁,24.0%的灌溉水处于警戒限,为尚清洁;73.5%的渔业水为安全、清洁,23.5%的渔业水处于警戒限,为尚清洁,3%的渔业水为轻污染。  相似文献   

《Local Environment》2007,12(6):599-611
Much of the work completed thus far on environmental justice has focused on environmental issues that unfairly affect politically disenfranchised communities in the US. The farm crisis occurring across the Canadian Prairies is at a fundamental level, also a matter of social and environmental justice. Environmental justice, in an agricultural context, refers not only to the siting and operation of intensive livestock facilities but more broadly relates to the concerns of many about the contemporary reorganization of agriculture. Using a case study of recent developments in plant breeding and seed production, I will discuss some of the broad trends occurring across the Canadian prairies in agriculture and rural areas as issues of environmental justice.  相似文献   

Increased salinity in spawning and nursery grounds in the Savannah River estuary was cited as the primary cause of a 97% decrease in adult striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and a concomitant 96% decrease in striped bass egg production. Restoration efforts focused on environmental remediation and stock enhancement have resulted in restored salinity patterns and increased egg and adult abundances. However, future water needs or harbor development may preclude further recovery by reducing freshwater inflow or increasing salinity intrusion. To assess the effect of potential changes in the salinity regime, we developed models relating discharge, tidal phase, and salinity to striped bass egg and early larval survival and re-cast these in a quantitative Bayesian belief network. The model indicated that a small upstream shift (≤1.67 km) in the salinity regime would have the least impact on striped bass early life history survival, whereas shifts >1.67 km would have progressively larger impacts, with a 8.33-km shift potentially reducing our estimated survival probability by >28%. Such an impact could have cumulative and long-term detrimental effects on the recovery of the Savannah River striped bass population. The available salinity data were collected during average and low flows, so our model represents some typical and some extreme conditions during a striped bass spawning season. Our model is a relatively simplistic, “first-order” attempt at evaluating potential effects of changes in the Savannah River estuarine salinity regime and points to areas of concern and potential future research.  相似文献   


Much of the work completed thus far on environmental justice has focused on environmental issues that unfairly affect politically disenfranchised communities in the US. The farm crisis occurring across the Canadian Prairies is at a fundamental level, also a matter of social and environmental justice. Environmental justice, in an agricultural context, refers not only to the siting and operation of intensive livestock facilities but more broadly relates to the concerns of many about the contemporary reorganization of agriculture. Using a case study of recent developments in plant breeding and seed production, I will discuss some of the broad trends occurring across the Canadian prairies in agriculture and rural areas as issues of environmental justice.  相似文献   

Landscape planning and restoration in mine closure areas is not only an inevitable choice to sustain mining areas but also an important path to maximize landscape resources and to improve ecological function in mine closure areas. The analysis of the present mine development shows that many mines are unavoidably facing closures in China. This paper analyzes the periodic impact of mining activities on landscapes and then proposes planning concepts and principles. According to the landscape characteristics in mine closure areas, this paper classifies available landscape resources in mine closure areas into the landscape for restoration, for limited restoration and for protection, and then summarizes directions for their uses. This paper establishes the framework of spatial control planning and design of landscape elements from “macro control, medium allocation and micro optimization” for the purpose of managing and using this kind of special landscape resources. Finally, this paper applies the theories and methods to a case study in Wu’an from two aspects: the construction of a sustainable land-use pattern on a large scale and the optimized allocation of typical mine landscape resources on a small scale.  相似文献   

The history of the establishment and management philosophies of the mainland Portuguese Protected Areas was reconstructed through the use of written records and oral history interviews. The objectives were to review the main philosophies in the creation and management of these areas, to assess the influence of international PA models, to compare the Portuguese case with other European and international literature concerning PAs and to discuss the value of the oral history in this research. As main results, it was found that the initial management model of “Wilderness (or Yellowstone)” was replaced by the “new paradigm” of PAs when the democracy was re-established. Changes in the management philosophies within this “new paradigm” were also identified, which resulted in the transition of a “Landscape” to a “Nature conservation” model. After the establishment of the Natura 2000 network, the “Biodiversity conservation” model prevailed. It was also found that the initiative for the establishment of most PAs came from the government, although there were few cases of creation due to the action of NGOs and municipalities. Finally, oral history interviews enabled the addition of information to the literature review, but also provided more insight and detail to this history.  相似文献   

Parameters about composition of refuse such as mass percentage of biodegradable matter, volatile solid, organic carbon, cellulose, total sugar, and settlement were monitored and analyzed in a large-scale experimental unit. The empirical formulas between composition and refuse age were established in terms of the data obtained from the experimental unit and verified by comparing with the corresponding parameters of refuse in the closed landfill units from 1991 until 1994 in the Shanghai Laogang Municipal Landfill. Furthermore, the long-term prediction for the composition of refuse was made, and it was predicted that the half-life is 7 to 11 years for biodegradable matter, 9 to 12 years for organic carbon or volatile solid, 7 to 16 years for cellulose, and 4 to 6 years for total sugar. In addition, a mathematical model, based on the mechanism of refuse biodegradation in the landfill, was developed to simulate the relationship between the settlement and the refuse age and manifests the secondary settlement potential. The mathematical model was proved not only to be reliable but also should be accurate for predicting the settlement of the landfill. The secondary settlement, which mainly results from the slow and gradual biodegradation of refuse, is linear with respect to the exponent of refuse age. Finally, according to the settlement model and empirical biodegradation formulas, it may be predicted that, 79.4% of biodegradable matter, 92.9% of total sugar, 72.7% of volatile solid and organic carbon, and 73.1% of cellulose will be biodegraded and that 79% of the maximum secondary settlement potential will occur before the Shanghai Laogang Municipal Landfill is in a high stabilization situation, i.e., approximately 21 years after final closure.  相似文献   

This study examines the establishment patterns of exotic and ruderal species along trail corridors in grassland areas of the Colorado Front Range. The effects of trail presence, trail age, and trail traffic levels on exotic and ruderal species establishment are explored to ascertain the potential impacts of trails on surrounding vegetation. Established trails exhibited a greater presence of exotic and ruderal species along the immediate trailside, showing that disturbed trailsides tend to encourage the growth of these species over time. Furthermore, the established trails exhibited significantly less native, nonruderal, and overall species richness at the trailside. These trailside patterns did not show a significant spread away from the trail edge, even after prolonged time periods. Finally, higher trail use tended to hasten the establishment of exotic species along the trailside. The trails did not introduce new species to the recreation areas; rather they acted as reorganizational tools for species that were already present in the study sites.  相似文献   

Vegetation and soil recovery in wilderness campsites closed to visitor use   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recreational use of wilderness results in impacts to vegetation and soil in trails and campsites. Traditionally, campsite impact studies have compared campsites receiving various levels of use with unused control areas. Field studies in Sequoia National Park, California, indicate that the degree of impact to vegetation and soils also varies within campsites. The central areas of campsites, where trampling is concentrated, show lower plant species diversity, differences in relative species cover, more highly compacted soils, and lower soil nutrient concentrations than do peripheral, moderately trampled, and untrampled areas within the same campsite. Three years after closure to visitor use, the central areas show less increase in mean foliar plant cover, and soils remain more highly compacted than in previously moderately trampled areas of the same sites. Changes in relative species cover over time are used to assess both resiliency to trampling and species composition recovery within campsites closed to visitor use.  相似文献   

Roadless and Low-Traffic Areas as Conservation Targets in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With increasing road encroachment, habitat fragmentation by transport infrastructures has been a serious threat for European biodiversity. Areas with no roads or little traffic (“roadless and low-traffic areas”) represent relatively undisturbed natural habitats and functioning ecosystems. They provide many benefits for biodiversity and human societies (e.g., landscape connectivity, barrier against pests and invasions, ecosystem services). Roadless and low-traffic areas, with a lower level of anthropogenic disturbances, are of special relevance in Europe because of their rarity and, in the context of climate change, because of their contribution to higher resilience and buffering capacity within landscape ecosystems. An analysis of European legal instruments illustrates that, although most laws aimed at protecting targets which are inherent to fragmentation, like connectivity, ecosystem processes or integrity, roadless areas are widely neglected as a legal target. A case study in Germany underlines this finding. Although the Natura 2000 network covers a significant proportion of the country (16%), Natura 2000 sites are highly fragmented and most low-traffic areas (75%) lie unprotected outside this network. This proportion is even higher for the old Federal States (western Germany), where only 20% of the low-traffic areas are protected. We propose that the few remaining roadless and low-traffic areas in Europe should be an important focus of conservation efforts; they should be urgently inventoried, included more explicitly in the law and accounted for in transport and urban planning. Considering them as complementary conservation targets would represent a concrete step towards the strengthening and adaptation of the Natura 2000 network to climate change.  相似文献   

于晶晶 《四川环境》2021,40(2):220-224
2019年6月《关于建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的指导意见》的颁布,指出自然保护地建设应“探索全民共享机制”,突出了公众参与制度的重要意义.在我国自然保护地建设过程中,公众参与制度虽然得到了较为广泛的关注,但仍面临诸多实践困境.通过分析现阶段自然保护地的立法和实践现状,探析公众参与制度在自然保护地建设中的适用路...  相似文献   

京津冀及周边地区以燃煤为主的农户冬季采暖方式是影响区域大气环境质量的重要原因之一,大规模推进清洁取暖改造是优化区域能源结构、改善大气环境质量的重要举措.本文以京津冀大气污染传输通道城市("2+26"城市)为重点,全面梳理了京津冀及周边地区清洁取暖政策特别是补贴政策的实施情况和主要问题,对近期区域清洁取暖改造补贴投资进行测算,提出未来农村清洁取暖补贴政策的优化建议.结果表明,在现行补贴标准下,补贴资金投入额的差异主要来源于清洁取暖技术路径及农居建筑节能性能的差异,使用热泵类设备并进行建筑节能改造对降低补贴资金投入有积极影响;中央财政的清洁取暖试点城市奖补资金只能覆盖2019年改造补贴所需投资总额的20%左右,地方政府财政压力巨大.未来京津冀及周边地区农村清洁取暖补贴政策应继续充分发挥中央财政支持作用,充分利用市场建立多元化投融资机制,已大规模推进农村清洁取暖改造并已制定清洁取暖补贴政策的地区应继续制定新的补贴政策,尚未大规模改造的地区建议通过试点补贴方式逐步引导推广,清洁取暖补贴标准的制定和调整应在农户可接受、政府可承担的前提下逐步实现退坡.  相似文献   

Aquatic ecosystems are vital to the structure and function of all environments on earth. Worldwide, approximately 95 million metric tons of fishery products are harvested from marine and freshwater habitats. A major problem in fisheries around the world is the bioethics of overfishing. A wide range of management techniques exists for fishery, managers and policy-makers to improve fishery production in the future. The best approach to limit overfishing is to have an effective, federally regulated fishery, based on environmental standards and fishery carrying capacity. Soon, overfishing is more likely to cause fish scarcity than fossil fuel shortages and high energy prices for fish harvesting. However, oil and other fuel shortages are projected to influence future fishery policies and the productive capacity of the fishery industry. Overall, small-scale fishing systems are more energy efficient than large-scale systems. Aquaculture is not the solution to wild fishery production. The energy input/output ratio of aquacultural fish is much higher than that of the harvest of wild populations. In addition, the energy ratios for aquaculture systems are higher than those for most livestock systems.  相似文献   

In the management of conflicting dual-resource systems such as continental shelf hydrocarbon extraction and commercial fishing operations, it is necessary to consider the possibility of repeated impact events. The potential magnitude of impacts on Georges Bank fisheries of single oil spill events has been addressed in detail elsewhere (Reed and Spaulding 1979, Reed and others 1980, Spaulding and others 1982). An oil spill-fishery impact estimation model, implemented for the Georges Bank cod fishery (Reed and others 1980), has been used to investigate the potential for nonlinear biological responses to periodic and nonperiodic repetitive spill events. Prerecruit mortality equations incorporating young-of-the-year as well as adult-juvenile interactions, perform acceptably vis-à-vis the historical catch record, but show highly variable behavior under recruitment reductions induced by periodic simulated spills. The results demonstrate the importance of selecting mathematical representations of biological and physical processes underlying population dynamics such that characteristic system behavior is adequately represented in both the time and frequency domains.  相似文献   

Most urban growth in Canada occurs in the urban-rural fringe. The increasing dispersal of the Canadian urban population is due to centrifugal forces pulling urbanites past the suburbs into the surrounding exurban communities. Most Canadian urban centres are located on prime agricultural land. Exurban sprawl devours an inordinate amount of the better agricultural land. The growth around the city of Winnipeg is a case in point. Within Winnipeg's urban field are the rural municipalities of East and West St Paul. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of urban growth on the agricultural land of these RMs as well as the rate of urban growth in both Municipalities based on database analysis using aerial photographs taken in 1960 and 1989 and Geographic Information System (GIS). East St Paul was found to have a higher rate of urbanization (from 10.14% to 43.75%) between 1960 and 1989 than West St Paul (from 7.36% to 23.57%). The growth prediction using Markov probability chain analysis showed that East St Paul will henceforth experience a reduced rate of increase than West St Paul. The rate of urbanization for both RMs is found to be comparable with areas surrounding other major cities such as Toronto. The largest increases in urban land use categories occurred in and around the existing exurban settlements. It was found that most urbanization take place on the most fertile soil.  相似文献   

International institutions, understood as sets of rules contained in international agreements, are aimed at orienting national governments towards specific policy options. Nevertheless, they can determine a change in national policies and practices only if states are willing and capable of incorporating international obligations into their national legislations and ensuring their application and enforcement in areas that follow completely under national jurisdiction. The establishment of marine protected areas promoted by international agreements as a tool for the protection of marine resources represents an interesting case for revealing the complex interactions between international institutions and national actors. Particularly, the establishment of these areas in Senegal shows the salience of domestic constellations of actors who may support or undercut national commitments to international regimes: political elites, bureaucracies, the general public and target groups. By anchoring the empirical analysis to an actor-centred institutionalist perspective, the article explains how dynamic constellations of actors can distort the penetration of international objectives in the national policy framework. Different constellations of national actors can indeed bend international institutions at different moments: during the formulation of a new law in line with international obligations; in the definition of its implementation framework; and in the enforcement of national policies.  相似文献   

Available information on the socioeconomic implications of marine protected areas (MPAs) for the socioculturally diverse Mediterranean region is scant. The National Marine Park of Alonissos, Northern Sporades (NMPANS), Greece was established in 1992 as a foundation for the conservation of the endangered Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus. The evolution of the degree of acceptance of and satisfaction from the NMPANS by involved stakeholder groups (fishermen, tourism operators, hoteliers and owners of rooms to let, governmental bodies, nongovernmental bodies, students, domestic and foreign tourists) were investigated 13 years after its establishment using written questionnaires delivered during personal interviews. The initial positive attitude of local professionals for the NMPANS has eroded due to the unsatisfactory fulfillment of expectations for socioeconomic development. Fishermen expressed dissatisfaction with, mistrust toward, and a reluctancy to communicate with the NMPANS’s management body. They believe that the fishery areas have decreased in actual geographic area because of the prohibitive measures; fish stocks are declining; compensation for damage to fishery equipment by the Mediterranean monk seal and for the prohibitive measures should be provided; and stricter enforcement of regulations should take place. On the other hand, tourism operators, who organize trips for tourists to the NMPANS, unanimously reported direct economic benefits. Furthermore, there was a disparity in the perception of socioeconomic benefits derived from the NMPANS between governmental bodies and local stakeholders. The governmental bodies and the nongovernmental organization MOm-Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal postulated that there had been considerable socioeconomic benefits for the local community of Alonissos due to the establishment of the NMPANS, whereas the local nongovernmental organization Ecological and Cultural Movement of Alonissos claimed benefits were scant. Tourists (domestic and foreign) believe that the NMPANS is not the main attraction to Alonissos Island but is part of a composite, including serenity, aesthetic beauty, and small-scale tourism development, which can turn Alonissos Island into an ideal eco-tourism destination; a common aspiration for both the tourists and the local community by general consensus. The aim of the NMPANS to integrate conservation and development lies in (1) the effectiveness of the NMPANS management body in formulating a strategic management plan that would accommodate stakeholders’ interests and aspirations and (2) a national policy of conservation and enhancement of natural resources with consistency and continuity. Quantitative assessment of the socioeconomic effectiveness of the Mediterranean MPAs using a common methodology would facilitate the identification of intraregional variation and better planning for the network of MPAs in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) promotes the conservation of natural resources through procedural review of proposed actions which may impact natural systems. There are, however, many actions specifically exempt from the SEPA review process. Since many exempt actions could have significant adverse effects on natural resources at one location and not another, the SEPA statute contains a provision that enables local governments to designate Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs). Within the ESAs, these potentially adverse activities are subject to SEPA review. Local governments have complete control over the exact definition of the ESA criteria and the types of local projects exempt from SEPA. Whitman County, the most productive wheat-producing county in Washington, has recognized the need for conservation of its natural resources in its comprehensive plan but has not implemented the ESA provision. A representative watershed within Whitman County was used as a case study to identify areas which would qualify for ESA status. In these areas, specific soil, water, and biological characteristics or resources were identified as sensitive to certain common land uses. Significant differences were found between state and county policies regarding ESAs and actual conditions within the watershed. It may be more effective for the state to manage ESAs on a consistent and regional basis.  相似文献   

中国是一个农业历史悠久的大国,乡村在社会中具有重要地位。通过近30多年的改革开放,乡村的建设和农业生产水平均有了显著的提高。但是在工业化、城镇化的浪潮下,乡村所受到的冲击十分剧烈。城镇化是经济与社会发展的强大动力,也是历史发展的必然趋势。城镇化进程有其客观规律,而且城市与乡村之间有着密切联系。因此,人为地阻挡城镇化不利于经济发展。然而,若不顾实际条件,不惜代价地加快城镇化进程,不仅难以保持和提高城市的经济发展和生活质量,而且对乡村的影响会更大。本文在论述中国1949年以来几个阶段城镇化特点的基础上,从近年来城乡差距与乡村人口劳动力的变化、土地高速非农化与粮食安全、乡村生态环境、乡村文化四个方面论述快速城镇化对乡村的冲击,并在此基础上讨论乡村的发展问题。根据上述乡村发展问题,本文提出若干意见,其中最要顾及的是新型城镇化进程中的乡村建设和农业生产。由于我国的自然条件、资源禀赋、各地的经济区位差异很大、发展的起点不同、进程有快慢、水平有高低,所以,以人为本的新型城镇化,特别要在城乡发展一体化的进程中,构建平等协调的城乡关系。各地城镇化的发展时序可有所不同,但必须因地制宜、同时做好乡村发展规划,力求农业现代化与工业化、信息化、城镇化同步,从而使农业和乡村经济得到持续发展。  相似文献   

A science-based geographic information system (GIS) approach is presented to target critical source areas in watersheds for conservation buffer placement. Critical source areas are the intersection of hydrologically sensitive areas and pollutant source areas in watersheds. Hydrologically sensitive areas are areas that actively generate runoff in the watershed and are derived using a modified topographic index approach based on variable source area hydrology. Pollutant source areas are the areas in watersheds that are actively and intensively used for such activities as agricultural production. The method is applied to the Neshanic River watershed in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. The capacity of the topographic index in predicting the spatial pattern of runoff generation and the runoff contribution to stream flow in the watershed is evaluated. A simple cost-effectiveness assessment is conducted to compare the conservation buffer placement scenario based on this GIS method to conventional riparian buffer scenarios for placing conservation buffers in agricultural lands in the watershed. The results show that the topographic index reasonably predicts the runoff generation in the watershed. The GIS-based conservation buffer scenario appears to be more cost-effective than the conventional riparian buffer scenarios.  相似文献   

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