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江西某有色金属冶炼厂炼银车间在生产过程中产生大量的粉尘,主要为ZnO粉尘。粉尘可以采用多种方法将其捕集,主要的除尘方法有电除尘、袋式除尘、湿法除尘和重力除尘等。不同的除尘方法及其选用的除尘器的处理能力将会直接影响系统的除尘效果。参照原收尘系统提出1套新的除尘方案,设计1套新的除尘器,除尘效率达到99.9%,达到实际应用要求。  相似文献   

工业粉尘由各种不同粒径的颗粒组成。粉尘分散度是指粉尘中各种粒度的尘粒所占百分比,因而,它是表示粉尘颗粒粗细程度的一个概念。在通风除尘技术中,除尘器的除尘效率与所处理粉尘的分散度有很大关系。例如,旋风除尘器对>40微米的粉尘,其除尘效率可高达90%以上,而对<1微米的粉尘,其除尘效率几乎为零。因此,对于除尘效率的评定,不仅依据其总效率,更重要的是依据其分级效率。  相似文献   

对储存及转运粮食系统除尘粉尘回流问题进行了回顾和评述 ,对天津港散粮站日常处理主要粮食品种伴生粉尘进行了物性分析和粉尘爆炸性测试 ,并结合生产工艺过程进行了设备内部实际粉尘浓度的测试 ,在此基础上得出 :除尘粉尘具有爆炸的危险性 ;爆炸下限较高 ,有利于控制粉尘浓度在爆炸下限以下来预防粉尘爆炸 ;除尘粉尘回流工艺在无粉尘沉积的情况下是安全的。  相似文献   

对磁性粉尘和非磁性粉尘进行了磁分离实验研究。结果表明,对磁性粉尘,磁除尘效率可达99%以上,而对非磁性粉尘,通过粉尘上磁,磁除尘效率可达90%以上。  相似文献   

正昆山中荣金属制品有限公司"8·2"特别重大铝粉尘爆炸事故发生后,粉尘防治引起了诸多企业的关注。从除尘原理的角度出发,有湿式除尘和干式除尘两种,本文分别就这两种除尘方式的关键点进行介绍。自2014年江苏省苏州市发生昆山中荣金属制品有限公司"8·2"特别重大铝粉尘爆炸事故后,涉尘企业都将粉尘治理提上重要日程。2016年年初,苏州市就铝镁加工过程中产生的粉尘是选择干式除尘还是湿式除尘方法,请江苏省安全生  相似文献   

TBM掘进过程中产生大量粉尘,为了掌握粉尘的分布规律并优化除尘系统,以敞开式TBM为例,采用数值计算方法研究不同除尘风管位置,不同除尘风速和不同掘进面产尘量下的洞内粉尘浓度分布规律。研究结果表明:敞开式TBM隧道施工过程中,掘进面至除尘风管区域质量粉尘浓度较高,在除尘风管口后方区域下降到 2 mg/m3以下;除尘风管布置在距掘进面30 m位置处时,洞内沿程粉尘含量相对较大,除尘风管布置在距掘进面20 m位置处时洞内沿程及TBM支护区域粉尘含量相对较小;排风风速为15 m/s时,敞开式TBM支护区域粉尘质量浓度最小,排风风速为30 m/s时,该区域粉尘质量浓度最大;掘进面产尘量越大,洞内沿程及敞开式TBM支护区域粉尘质量浓度越大,不同产尘量下洞内粉尘浓度均在除尘风管后方达到规范限值以下。  相似文献   

施倚 《劳动保护》2021,(12):96-96
主持人,你好!如何有效控制生产过程可燃性粉尘爆炸危险场所除尘系统发生粉尘爆炸,粉尘爆炸危险场所除尘系统有哪些管理要求,在紧急情况下如何处置,存在粉尘爆炸危险的除尘系统的防爆要求有哪些?易安网友易安网友,你好!除尘系统是由吸尘罩、风管、除尘器、风机及控制装置组成的用于捕集气固两相流中固体颗粒物的系统。  相似文献   

对磁性粉尘和非磁性粉尘进行了磁分离实验研究。结果表明,对磁性粉尘,磁除尘效率可达99%以上,而对非磁性粉尘,通过粉尘上磁,磁除尘效率可达90%以上。  相似文献   

鉴于近期国内外重特大粉尘爆炸事故频发,主要从粉尘性质、爆炸风险区域的划分出发,结合可燃性粉尘特性参数和通风参数,对工业厂房内除尘设备的选择、设备防爆选型以及除尘系统整体效果、验收、维护等问题作了相应阐述,旨在为可燃性粉尘除尘工程设计主体、流程监督管理等梳理分析,对除尘工程实施各个环节要点进行总结和探讨,为相关企业通风除尘工程的实施提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

粉尘监视仪在干式布袋除尘工艺中起着至关重要的作用,能够及时反映出干式布袋的运行状况,起到保护除尘设备和监控煤气粉尘含量的作用.同时粉尘监视仪还可广泛地用于环保型工业生产中.  相似文献   

锯屑处理含铬废水的实验研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文提出一种利用木材加工剩余物——锯屑,处理含六价铬离子废水的方法.实验表明,锯屑对废水中的六价铬离子有一定的去除作用,得到了锯屑吸附水中六价铬离子的吸附等温线,测定了吸附速度,并对pH值、锯屑用量和六价铬离子初始浓度等因素对吸附过程的影响进行了实验研究.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of gas-solid two-phase flow and the characteristics of cavern stope a model of dust migration was established. The dust concentration changing of cavern stope by ventilation in 20 min after blasting and the dust trajectory in different wind speed were simulated by Fluent Software. The results show that distribution of dust concentration is significantly affected by flow field of airway in cavern, and the dust concentration of inlet is higher than that of outlet and the highest one on the corner of inlet’s side. In the stope, the smaller the wind speed of inlet is, the shorter of dust can be captured, settled and discharged, the more obviously affected by the trajectory of gas flow field. It goes into the stage of clean cycle emissions after 60 s, the speed of dust concentration dropped is the biggest between 0 s and 70 s, the main dust in stope is respirable dust after 70 s, it needs much time to settlement.According to the measured data of metal mining, approximately 87% of dust was generated during the drilling and blasting in the mine (Wang, 1979). A lot of dust with high concentrations was produced during the cavern stope blasting and it was difficult to be discharged. It can help choose the right speed to rule out the dust quickly which produced during cavern blasting, if the dust concentration distribution and the dust migration law of different inlet velocity in the cavern can be verified, what’s more, the labor productivity can be increased. It has great significance for choosing reasonable ventilation parameters, reducing dust hazards of stope to researching the dust concentration distribution regularity in the stope.  相似文献   

针对输煤皮带转载点粉尘污染大的问题,提出一种新型粉尘控制技术。以霍州煤电集团木瓜煤矿为例,以气固两相流理论的颗粒轨道模型为基础,结合现场实际粉尘扩散规律,三维数值模拟皮带转载点的粉尘逸散规律。根据粉尘颗粒在皮带转载点的运移规律,提出了闭环回旋控尘技术,通过气固两相流和颗粒碰撞理论的三维数值模拟对该技术的控尘机理进行研究,并在木瓜煤矿进行试验应用。结果表明:闭环回旋控尘技术能有效控制粉尘扩散和降低粉尘颗粒动能,其降尘效率达到88%以上,同时,该技术无需任何动力,是未来节能型除尘产品的发展方向。  相似文献   

基于烟草粉尘的物理、化学特性,对烟草粉尘的职业病危害与粉尘爆炸双重危害进行了分析,提出了从"人、机、环、管"4个方面开展烟草粉尘的收集、清扫、治理、监测等烟草粉尘防治工作。通过建立除尘系统、佩戴防尘口罩、定期浓度检测,尽可能降低环境中的烟草粉尘浓度,减少生产过程中的吸入量,可以避免职业性危害;通过采用防爆、隔爆、泄爆设备设施、规范操作行为、实时在线监测,控制烟草粉尘的爆炸风险,尽可能降低爆炸事故发生的可能性或爆炸产生的不良影响,从而降低烟草粉尘的职业病危害与粉尘爆炸双重危害。  相似文献   

In powder handling and processing industry, location of dust emission can vary, with the suspended dust concentration assessment requiring installation of an immovable or wired equipment. For increased dust sensing, not limited by location within the facility, a portable suspended dust concentration measuring system is needed. In this study, a new method of sensing suspended dust concentration under daylight environment using the change in light extinction coefficient was developed. The method involves capturing images of the suspended dust cloud and then analyzing the light extinction coefficient. This method mitigated the environmental light scattering and absorption and eliminated the noise from the images obtained through a camera by calibration between two targets. Cornstarch, corn dust, and sawdust were used as test materials in this study. The light extinction coefficient (ε) was found to correlate with the suspended dust concentration, and the ε values depended on the dust properties. Mass extinction coefficient (K) was obtained for cornstarch, saw dust and corn dust, from known suspended dust concentrations using image analysis. The mass extinction coefficient of the three sample materials tested in this study were in the range of 0.03–0.04. This method of using light extinction coefficient can be used for real-time sensing of suspended dust concentration in both open and confined spaces.  相似文献   

本文介绍了近几年来对我国部分煤矿采煤工作面粉尘状况的调查,测试和煤矿粉尘粒度分布分析结果。通过测试分析证明,不同煤种的煤被外部能量破碎时,它的产尘量、产生的粉尘的粒度分布及粉尘中呼吸性粉尘含量不同;各种煤直接破碎产生的粉尘和矿井空气的浮游粉尘的粒度分布均符合罗辛——拉姆勒(Rosin——Rammlar)分布规律;采用一般常规防尘措施(如煤体注水、洒水、喷雾降尘等),对粒度较粗的粉尘有一定降尘效果,可改善粉尘作业环境,而对工人身体健康影响较大的呼吸性粉尘降尘效果不显著,造成矿井浮游粉尘中呼吸性粉尘含量增加。为此,今后防尘工作重点应加强对呼吸性粉尘控制技术的研究,推广、应用对呼吸性粉尘除尘效率高的防尘措施,大幅度降低矿井中呼吸性粉尘.使煤矿尘肺病发病率有较大降低。  相似文献   

简要介绍了HZ型防尘密闭罩的研究设计和工程应用情况。实际应用结果表明:HZ型防尘密闭罩能有效地密闭尘源,又不妨碍工人操作和维护检修,并可使排风量平均降低约40%,是一项值得推广的实用技术。  相似文献   

为探究可应用于生产现场的硫化矿尘爆炸压力预测方法,基于硫化矿尘爆炸反应机理和粉尘引爆试验数据对硫化矿尘的氧化还原成分与其爆炸压力的相关关系进行分析。研究结果表明:硫化矿尘的还原成分指数与其爆炸压力的相关性极高,尤其是与其爆炸压力峰值的相关性系数高达0.993。整合研究结果形成的硫化矿尘爆炸压力和爆炸压力峰值计算和预测模型,可为金属矿山的硫化矿尘爆炸预防提供决策依据。  相似文献   

煤矿回采工作面煤尘较大 ,应用采煤机高压喷雾及负压二次降尘技术 ,可降低采煤机割煤时产生的大量煤尘 ,改善工人的作业环境  相似文献   

The existing technical standards for determining the minimum ignition temperature (MIT) of dust clouds are inadequate. According to existing technical standards, this study expands the test pressure conditions. The MIT of dust clouds can be determined by a variety of different dispersion pressures, that is, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.1 MPa. But, whether the MIT of dust clouds tested under different dispersion pressures is consistent is lacking in the corresponding exploration. In this study, a set of measurement system of instantaneous concentration and particle size was established, which can observe the flow of dust clouds and the distribution of the instantaneous particle size and concentration of dust clouds in the heating furnace tube. On this basis, the MIT of dust clouds is determined, and the physical mechanism of dispersion pressure affecting the MIT of dust clouds is revealed. The results show that the MIT of dust clouds is consistent when the dispersion pressure in the range of 0.02–0.06 MPa. When the dispersion pressure is not in this range, the MIT of the dust clouds is very different due to the obvious increase of the instantaneous particle size of the dust clouds.  相似文献   

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