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The use of science to inform and underpin decision-making on natural resources is not self-evident as stakeholders often use science in a selective and strategic way. Scientific analyses of science utilisation often focus on how the science–policy interface is organised and from this perspective provide recommendations to scientists about how they can increase their contribution to decision-making. Yet in this paper we argue that a wider perspective on the science–policy interface, in particular by analysing the roles and interactions of actors other than those directly involved, provides both additional explanations and new points of application for strategies aimed at enhancing science utilisation. We illustrate our claim by means of an analysis of decision-making on cockle fisheries and gas mining in the Dutch Wadden Sea between the 1990s and 2004. For many years, scientific studies addressing the ecological effects of these activities were not used to meaningfully contribute to decision-making. In 2004 this situation changed radically. Explanations include the role of intermediaries between scientists, stakeholders and decision-makers and new legislation. Scientists could enhance the chances of knowledge utilisation both by creating a more open science–policy interface and by reframing the policy problems at issue.  相似文献   

The role of science in environmental foreign policymaking has received little attention in the international environmental politics literature, and systematic, in-depth case studies of the influence of science on environmental foreign policy with respect to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are entirely missing. We present a case study of the influence of science on Canada's foreign policy on POPs from the discovery of the transboundary nature of the POPs problem around 1985 to the signing of the United Nations Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in 2001. Influence was analyzed in terms of a knowledge–action methodology that focused on the types of scientific knowledge and the actions taken by scientists that were influential. Data were collected through interviews and extensive document analysis. We conclude that, while individual knowledge types and actions were influential during various periods (single-factor explanations), it was an increasingly layered and integrated “package” of knowledge types and actions, with human health impacts as its touchstone and partnering between scientists and non-scientists as its watchword, that propelled and sustained Canada's foreign policy on the POPs issue.  相似文献   

IntroductionInaquaticecosystemsbiologicalcommunitiesareremarkablycomplexinboththeiroperationandresponsetoanthropogenicactivities.Thishasledmanyinvestigatorstoconductlaboratoryandfieldstudiesforevaluatingtheecologicalriskposedbyhumanstoecosystem(Cairns…  相似文献   

Human rights abuses, environmental predations and governance failures plague artisanal gold mining in Tanzania. Gold's exchange value and the illegality of most artisanal gold product challenge the traditional fair trade model, a potential solution. Additionally, memories of the government's earlier failed effort to serve as a sole purchaser of artisanal gold undercut enthusiasm for statist interventions. This paper presents an alternative: a public–private partnership (PPP) that would engage one or more private banks, an agency within the Ministry of Energy and Minerals and NGOs or international initiatives specifically aimed at improving conditions for artisanal mine operators. The concept of transformational exchange, wherein a set of business transactions substantially affects societal expectations, modifies behavior and promotes sustainable mechanisms, frames the proposal.  相似文献   

The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has become the centre of heated debates concerning its function as the science–policy interface of the Convention. Based on explorations of the role, nature, and organisation of scientific advice mechanisms for multilateral environmental agreements in general, we give reasons for SBSTTA's inherently political role in the current governance process of the CBD, and then explore ways to enhance SBSTTA's effectiveness as a science–policy interface, going beyond the usual view that it should merely be “more scientific”. As the quality of SBSTTA's work depends primarily on the processes that guide the discussions during its meetings and on the material on which these discussions are based, we suggest that SBSTTA (a) improves its scientific foundation by systematically strengthening its relations to more scientific institutions outside the formal CBD regime, and (b) focuses on providing for a more substantive political debate to resolve alternative policy choices during its meetings. For this approach to succeed there is a need for a mechanism that provides SBSTTA with timely, salient, legitimate, and credible advice—a role that an International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise on Biodiversity (IMoSEB) could well provide.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of policy interests on resource sustainability. Information on ‘colonial interest’ of the British regime and the ‘commercial interest’ of the post-colonial regimes on forest land use of Bangladesh have been drawn on to show the interplay of interests on sustainability impacts. The findings show that both colonial and commercial interests have caused intensification of forest land use for production of economic crops like teak (Tectona grandis) and cash crops like tea (Camellia sinensis), cotton (Gossypium herbaceum and G. arboreum) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). The ‘colonial interest’ has also initiated the dispute of ownership, rights and tenure of forest land and resources. The post-colonial regimes have utilized colonial legacy as the privilege for implementing ‘commercial interests’. In both the cases traditional interests of people were disregarded. As a result, peoples’ participation in forestry was discouraged and the sustainability of forest land use was impeded.  相似文献   

The progress of biomonitoring on water pollution in recent years in China has been summarized in this paper.  相似文献   

We have investigated value arguments concerning forest policy in Finland and reflected on their prevalence in an international context. The arguments of the organised stakeholders of current forest policy are analysed using semi-structured interview data and secondary material. We have categorised these arguments, and based on them, constructed value positions. The explorative rhetoric analysis reveals shared as well as conflicting values and beliefs.We have identified two dominating value positions: forestry position and nature position. The recognised core values include utility, property rights and value of nature, the utility dominating the policy discussion scene. A principal feature of the polarised policy field is a lack of trust. In addition to the polarisation, there is also a broad common ground in positions towards traditional rights of ownership and access to forests as well as on citizens’ rights to influence forest policy. In order to gain more influence in forest policy, both positions make an effort to redefine the concepts in the argumentation of the others.  相似文献   

The large range of body-mass values of soil organisms provides a tool to assess the ecological organization of soil communities. The goal of this paper is to identify graphical and quantitative indicators of soil community composition and ecosystem functioning, and to illustrate their application to real soil food webs. The relationships between log-transformed mass and abundance of soil organisms in 20 Dutch meadows and heathlands were investigated. Using principles of allometry, maximal use can be made of ecological theory to build and explain food webs. The aggregate contribution of small invertebrates such as nematodes to the entire community is high under low soil phosphorus content and causes shifts in the mass–abundance relationships and in the trophic structures. We show for the first time that the average of the trophic link lengths is a reliable predictor for assessing soil fertility responses. Ordered trophic link pairs suggest a self-organizing structure of food webs according to resource availability and can predict environmental shifts in ecologically meaningful ways. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to all users.  相似文献   

Sediment cores(containing sediment and overlying water) from Baihua Reservoir(SW China)were cultured under different redox conditions with different microbial activities, to understand the effects of sulfate-reducing bacteria(SRB) on mercury(Hg) methylation at sediment–water interfaces. Concentrations of dissolved methyl mercury(DMe Hg) in the overlying water of the control cores with bioactivity maintained(BAC) and cores with only sulfate-reducing bacteria inhibited(SRBI) and bacteria fully inhibited(BACI) were measured at the anaerobic stage followed by the aerobic stage. For the BAC and SRBI cores, DMe Hg concentrations in waters were much higher at the anaerobic stage than those at the aerobic stage, and they were negatively correlated to the dissolved oxygen concentrations(r =- 0.5311 and r =- 0.4977 for BAC and SRBI, respectively). The water DMe Hg concentrations of the SRBI cores were 50% lower than those of the BAC cores, indicating that the SRB is of great importance in Hg methylation in sediment–water systems, but there should be other microbes such as iron-reducing bacteria and those containing specific gene cluster(hgc AB), besides SRB,causing Hg methylation in the sediment–water system.  相似文献   

A comprehensive investigation of heavy metal pollutants in Xiangjiang river was accomplished to evaluate their chemical stability through three different ways: (1) Chemical speciation by direct measurements; (2) Chemical equilibrium model simulation; (3) Sediment extraction experiments. All the results demonstrated that the directly bioavailable fraction was in a very limited amount. The metal bound to organic ligands, adsorbed particles and precipitated species presented a buffer for solution species. The majority of metals occured in the residues as solid particulates. It was inferred that the heavy metal pollutants in this aquatic system exhibited a high chemical stability. The critical limits of discharging load and pH values were suggested.  相似文献   

Organic matters in drinking water of Kaschin-Beck disease areas were extracted. Then analyses and characterization were performed by means of multiply chemical and physical methods. The results did not show the obvious difference in the frame structure of humic substances and the structure of rmcromolecular compounds in the drinking water of disease and non-disease areas, but the difference in the contents of some micromolecular compounds and radicals. The investigation also includes the preliminary research on the photoreaction of drinking water from disease and non-disease areas and the accumulation of natural organic matter in the bone of tested animals.  相似文献   

Silver carp were introduced into the pre-sedimentation pond to control excessive phytoplankton in raw water.The effectiveness of the filter-feeding silver carp on phytoplankton control and the effect of silver carp on phytoplankton community were investigated.The results showed that Microcystis could be effectively removed by silver carp stocked in the pre-sedimentation pond,and simultaneously,the concentration of single-cell phytoplankton increased obviously.The difference in phytoplankton species and singlecell phytoplankton size between in the water and in the gut of silver carp indicated that phytoplankton smaller than 5 μm,such as Chamydomonas and Platymonas,were almost not be filtered by silver carp,phytoplankton with the size between 5 and 20 μm could be partly filtered,and large size phytoplankton,mainly colony-forming Microcystis could be filtered almost completely.These filterfeeding characteristics directly caused the phytoplankton size distribution biased toward miniaturization.Therefore,this biological treatment using silver carp could be applied only to deal with groups of Microcystis-dominated eutrophic water,and was not appropriate in water bodies where single-cell micro phytoplankton were dominant.Especially when silver carp are used in water treatment,a cautious attitude should be taken based on the evaluation of phytoplankton biomass and species structure features in raw water.  相似文献   

Loess Plateau is the most serious region of soil and water loss in China and the world. The sediment carried into the Yellow River amounts to 1.6 billion tons every year. This paper reviews the factors and reasons for erosion in this area, and puts forward a comprehensive controlling policy on the basis of the principles of ecology and practise of Chinese scientists for 40 years. In conformity with the policy, a number of technical measures for controlling soil and water loss are suggested.  相似文献   

Membrane bioreactor (MBR) used in water and waste water treatment is a developing technique for water pollution control and water reuse. This paper describes a membrane-bioreactor for treatment of waste water in a petrochemical complex. The experimental MBR was a lab scale one composed of an activated sludge bioreactor unit and an ultrafiltration membrane unit. The relationship of COD removal with MLSS and HRT in this MBR was studied. The effects of crossflow velocity, backwash interval and volume of flush liquid on the flux were discussed. The results showed that average removal of COD, oil, SS and turbidity in petrochemical waste water by the MBR was 91%, 86%, 92% and 99% respectively. The average removal of NH3-N and total phosphorous was 85% and 82%. A coefficient of COD removal, k, was 0.017-0.080 L/(mg.d). The membrane flux maintained higher than 60 L/hm2 bar for 34 days without chemical cleaning when the velocity of crossflow was 3.5-3.9 m/s and the backwash interval was 30 minutes and backwash duration at 20 seconds. The results indicated that it is feasible for MBR technology to be used in petrochemical waste water treatment. The treated water could be considered as a source used to make up water for industrial cooling system or to be reused for other purposes.  相似文献   

Shijiuyang Constructed Wetland(110 hm~2) is a drinking water source treatment wetland with primary structural units of ponds and plant-bed/ditch systems. The wetland can process about 250,000 tonnes of source water in the Xincheng River every day and supplies raw water for Shijiuyang Drinking Water Plant. Daily data for 28 months indicated that the major water quality indexes of source water had been improved by one grade. The percentage increase for dissolved oxygen and the removal rates of ammonia nitrogen, iron and manganese were 73.63%, 38.86%, 35.64%, and 22.14% respectively. The treatment performance weight of ponds and plant-bed/ditch systems was roughly equal but they treated different pollutants preferentially. Most water quality indexes had better treatment efficacy with increasing temperature and inlet concentrations. These results revealed that the pond–wetland complexes exhibited strong buffering capacity for source water quality improvement. The treatment cost of Shijiuyang Drinking Water Plant was reduced by about 30.3%. Regional rainfall significantly determined the external river water levels and adversely deteriorated the inlet water quality, thus suggesting that the "hidden" diffuse pollution in the multitudinous stream branches as well as their catchments should be the controlling emphases for river source water protection in the future. The combination of pond and plant-bed/ditch systems provides a successful paradigm for drinking water source pretreatment. Three other drinking water source treatment wetlands with ponds and plant-bed/ditch systems are in operation or construction in the stream networks of the Yangtze River Delta and more people will be benefited.  相似文献   

Studies concerning the emission of carbon dioxide(CO_2) were carried out in 2009–2012 for six reservoirs located in four provinces of south-eastern Poland. The CO_2 flux across the water–air interface was measured using the "static chamber" method. The measured fluxes of CO_2(FCO_2) ranged from-30.64 to 183.78 mmol/m~2/day, and the average values varied in the range from-3.52 to 82.11 mmol/m2/day. In most of the cases, emission of CO_2 to the atmosphere was observed. The obtained values of CO_2 fluxes were comparable to values typical for other temperate reservoirs. Analysis of the influence of selected environmental factors on the FCO_2 showed that it depends on parameters characterizing both the sediments and surface water. The CO_2 flux at the water–air interface was positively correlated with parameters of bottom sediments such as porosity, content of organic carbon and total nitrogen; and negatively with p H value and δ~(13)C of organic carbon. In the case of the parameters characterizing surface water, positive dependences on the concentrations of nitrate and total nitrogen, and negative relationships with water temperature and chlorophyll a concentrations, were found.  相似文献   

Many resource management problems arise from failures of governance. A better understanding of governance regimes is therefore essential for a sustainable management of natural resources. This paper presents an approach that aims to gain insights into water governance regimes by combining a shared language for comparative analyses of case studies from different social and environmental contexts with relational databases. The shared language utilised is the “Management and Transition Framework” (MTF), a conceptual framework that allows comprehensive analyses of water management. The MTF was turned into an operational tool through the usage of a relational database, which facilitates the storage of large amounts of data and provides the possibility for structured analyses. Explorative analyses were performed for two case studies in order to exemplify the potential of the approach for the examination of vertical integration in flood management.So far experiences let us conclude that the presented approach increases the comparability of heterogeneous case studies and facilitates systematic analyses. This is a prerequisite for the derivation of general insights into the effects of different types of governance regimes on the performance of water management. More cases need to be recorded in the future to ensure a sound statistical base for robust analyses.  相似文献   

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