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矿区不同复垦措施下土壤呼吸与环境因子关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究不同植被恢复方式和施肥处理下土壤呼吸的季节变化的影响因素,对山西省孝义市露天矿区复垦区土壤呼吸、温度和水分进行了2年的野外观测,采用不同单双变量模型分析了土壤呼吸与温度、水分间的关系.结果表明,植被恢复方式和施肥处理及其交互作用均显著影响土壤基础呼吸速率(R10)和土壤温度敏感性指数(Q10).在单变量模型分析中,百脉根和苜蓿草本恢复方式下,土壤呼吸与土壤温度间拟合水平较高,而油松林和混交林乔木恢复方式下,土壤呼吸与土壤水分间拟合水平较高;剔除土壤水分低于10%时的土壤呼吸值,可提高土壤呼吸与温度间拟合水平;对土壤呼吸值进行标准化,可提高土壤呼吸与水分间拟合水平.相较于其它施肥处理,有机肥处理的样地土壤呼吸与温度间拟合系数较高,而土壤呼吸与水分间的拟合系数较小.土壤呼吸与温度、水分间4个双因子模型的拟合系数因植被恢复方式和施肥不同而有所不同.总之,土壤呼吸与温度、水分间双变量模型比单变量模型可更准确预测土壤碳通量值.  相似文献   

详细分析了贵州省土地复垦的发展现状以及近年来所做的工作及成效,研究了矿山开采等活动对贵州省土地资源造成的破坏及生态危害,提出了具体的土地复垦的技术措施。为了实现能源、环境、社会、人口和经济的可持续发展,土地复垦是必然选择。  相似文献   

河流陆域环境交互区域风险评估方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
河流为人类社会的发展做出了巨大贡献,陆域的生产生活活动也给河流带来了不可忽视的影响,因此研究两者交互区域的风险评估并确定优先保护区域,对于促进两个系统健康发展具有十分重要的意义.本文从系统论角度出发,充分考虑了河流与陆域两个系统之间的联系与相互作用,分别对两个系统选取不同指标,河流环境系统主要考虑水体的水文、水质、生物、河岸带状况及压力等指标,陆域环境系统主要考虑社会压力指标、现有状态指标和恢复潜力指标,并将两个系统的评价结果带入风险评估矩阵对交互区域所处风险等级进行评价,并对云南省昆明市市内盘龙江河段和老运粮河河段进行了实例验证与分析,得到较为符合实际的评估结果,为今后该地区水体污染治理方向提供了一定的依据.  相似文献   

IntroductionAsaprinciplesupplierofrawmaterials ,thminingindustryinChinamustincreaseitsoutputtomeettheever increasingdemandsforeconomicdevelopmentand people′sexpectations.However,aby productofincreasedminingactivitywillbeanincreaseintheamountofdespoiledl…  相似文献   

孔昊  杨顺良  罗美雪  胡灯进 《海洋环境科学》2019,38(5):720-725, 729
本文从以下三个方面总结了福建省围填海造地与土地管理制度衔接的实践经验。第一,填海后建设项目与土地利用规划的符合性问题;第二,海域使用权和土地使用权的转化在法律程序上的衔接,主要包括填海造地海域使用权证换发土地使用权证的程序问题以及补缴土地出让金的问题;第三,海域使用权转化为土地使用权后权利内容的衔接,包括权利人的衔接以及使用期限的衔接。总的来说,福建省在以上三个方面均制定了具有地方特色的、较为完备的衔接制度,但仍有部分问题亟需解决。需要从制定陆海统筹规划、构建填海形成土地的收益共享机制、明确海域使用权证换发土地使用权证的权利期限衔接等方面进一步完善。  相似文献   

在我国现有法律框架下,将填海权概念固化为特定的法律概念并无益处。令填海权呈现为填海造地海域使用权,较之以行政许可方式设权,在体系性及对填海造地项目的把控方面更具优势。填海造地海域使用权与传统民法之用益物权不能对标的物进行事实处分理念并无本质矛盾。以填海造地海域使用权呈现填海权,实为明智且唯一的选择。  相似文献   

围填海是我国当前海洋开发利用的重要方式,我国沿海围填海活动从数量和强度上都呈增长趋势,在缓解沿海地区土地资源紧缺问题的同时,也受多种原因影响而存在大量的闲置现象,形成围填海存量资源。本文以东海区为例,首先分析了围填海存量资源的内涵,在此基础上深入剖析了围填海存量资源形成的外部经济环境、产业政策或规划调整、政府基础设施投入不足、相关方利益协调不善、围填海企业因素、自然环境客观原因等,最后提出围填海存量资源收储管理对策,重点探讨了闲置围填海海域收回制度的建立与实施,为完善我国围填海管理制度体系提供依据。  相似文献   

矿区土地复垦与生态重建效益演变与配置研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
矿区复合生态系统的重建是对未来空间系统结构和功能的超前安排,其效益的演变极大地受到自然、社会、经济的影响。论文从资源经济、生态经济角度,讨论了矿区土地复垦与生态重建效益的概念和内涵,分析了矿区生态系统演变、矿区生态重建目标、矿区生态系统类型、矿区生态重建措施及矿产资源综合利用对矿区生态系统“三大效益”配置的影响;并以平朔安太堡露天煤矿1985~2015年土地复垦与生态重建过程中的土地资源利用结构动态演变为实例,初步揭示矿区生态重建过程中“三大效益”的有序配置和高度统一问题;为优化矿区土地资源利用结构和建立矿区复合生态系统重建的效益评价指标体系提供理论基础。  相似文献   

本文通过定性与定量相结合的方法建立了集约用海对海洋资源影响评价指标体系。在该体系中,分别以港航资源、旅游资源和渔业资源为主导因子,运用层次分析法(AHP)和德尔菲法(Delphi)结合的方法来确定了不同主导因子影响的综合指标权重,提出了集约用海对海洋资源影响的评价标准。应用收集的曹妃甸集约用海2005~2015年港航资源、旅游资源、渔业资源、空间资源和其他资源指标数据对曹妃甸集约用海的影响进行了评价,标准化了指标值,确定了指标的综合权重。评价结果表明:2005~2008年海洋资源受影响程度为一般,属于有条件接受状态;2009~2011年海洋资源受影响程度为较小,接受程度属于可接受状态;2012~2015年海洋资源受影响程度为一般,接受程度属于有条件接受状态。  相似文献   

舟山海域围填海工程对海洋环境的影响及防治措施与对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
舟山市近几年大型项目不断引进,用地量不断增加,使得原本有限的土地后备资源急剧减少.围海造地,增加陆域土地资源,从目前来看是解决土地紧张和经济发展制约的有效途径,而大面积围海造地对舟山海域的海洋环境带来了一定影响.本文根据舟山海域近几年海洋环境质量及发展趋势,阐述了围填海工程快速发展对舟山海域海洋环境所带来的影响,通过连续几年监测站位的布设以及监测数据统计分析,结果表明:目前舟山沿海海域环境质量状况不容乐观,并对如何预防和减轻围填海工程快速发展带来的不良影响提出了几点对策.  相似文献   

工业企业搬迁遗留遗弃场地是近年来我国城市化进程加速的产物。搬迁后绝大多数工业用地将重新开发利用为城市发展用地。但是,长期工业生产排放所积累的污染物导致了大量的污染土壤和地下水。而这些留下的土地,如不经过调查评估以及土壤修复就开发再利用,会对人体和生态产生极大的安全隐患。所以必须加强我国工业土地再利用工作的管理。本文主要阐述了窝工工业废弃场地卡能产生的环境问题,并就如何有效的进行我国工业废弃地的再利用提出了相关的措施。  相似文献   

环境规划是国民经济和社会发展的有机组成部分,本文剖析了当前我国环境保护规划在实施中存在的主要问题,认为现阶段我国环境保护规划存在缺乏法律效力、实施过程中缺乏统一协调、资金难以落实、缺乏有效地实施监管机制和公众参与机制缺乏实质性等问题;总结了国外在环境保护规划实施过程中可以借鉴的经验;结合我国环境保护工作的形势和环境保护规划的发展,提出了完善环境保护规划的法律机制、加强环境规划衔接、建立完善的实施监督机制、加大规划实施的资金投入、加强环境保护规划的公众参与等建议,以保证环境保护规划的可达性和可操作性。  相似文献   

With more than 130,000 organizations worldwide certified according to ISO requirements, business people, regulatory authorities and other stakeholders have reason to wonder whether the purpose of ISO 14001, which is to help improve environmental performance, is being fulfilled. There is a growing body of literature attempting to answer this question. The results, however, are inconclusive.This meta-study analyzes a pool of 23 studies connecting environmental performance to environmental management systems. It shows that the reason that earlier studies arrived at mixed conclusions is twofold. Firstly, there is no agreement on what environmental performance is or how to measure it. Secondly, there is neither clarity nor agreement about how or why environmental management systems are expected to aid performance. It is therefore unclear whether the mechanisms that lead to improvement are expected to be the same for all companies or dependent on each implementation.The authors conclude that it is more fruitful to research how environmental management systems affect performance, rather than whether they do so or not. The recommended starting point for such studies is environmental performance as each organization defines it. This in turn implies a case by case approach and a need for much more research in the field.  相似文献   

从地球演化的观点,探讨了环境问题是地表环境进入人文时期发生的一种新行星现象,其形成过程归纳为源、流、场、效应的链式机制,考虑到对环境问题的防治,构成了源、流、场、效应和调控的链式关系,并结合中国的环境状况,讨论了我国近期环境科学发展的动向  相似文献   

This paper reports two studies of the implementation of environmental requirements in Swedish road maintenance contracts. It aims to examine the fulfillment and follow-up of the requirements, the client intentions behind the requirements, and factors influencing the contractors' environmental performance. The study shows that a serious effort to integrate environmental aspects into the contracts has been made. However, the application of the requirements is hampered by deficient information transfer to key actors and a lack of systematic follow-up of the requirements. In order to make green procurement effective, simpler and clearer requirements and effective follow-up routines are needed.  相似文献   

The shipbreaking industry seems to be an indispensable part of the economy for developing countries since it requires a small amount of investment and, being mainly dependent on manual labour, is locally a major source for employment. From the point of ship owners, it provides a cash flow for the renewal of fleet, by dispensing aged or irreparably damaged ships or vessels that cannot be used further due to the changing international legislation. Properly carried out, it also meets a key sustainability requirement in recycling of resources. One of the major shipbreaking sites is in Aliağa, Turkey; where 2.8% by number and 1.1% by tonnage of the World's global fleet scrapped per year, was scrapped during the 1994–2002 period. The recycled steel from the Aliağa shipbreaking yards is an important component of the steel supply in Turkey, but only recently have the yards begun to care for environmental issues and occupational health. This study addresses these challenges of the Aliağa shipbreaking yards: are the recent improvements of the procedures of the yards and Turkish legislation regarding environment sufficient to allow Aliağa to claim “green recycling” capacity, and thus, allowing ship owners to scrap vessels in a responsible way. The ever-expanding and constantly modernized world fleet has an increasing demand for shipbreaking, and the capacity in responsible recycling is still limited, but Aliağa has taken the first important steps.  相似文献   

土壤-植物系统中的微界面过程及其生态环境效应   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
土壤 植物系统是地球生态系统中与人类生存与健康关系最为密切的亚系统 .该系统中的水分、养分 污染物的运移必须历经土壤固 液界面、根土界面 (根际微环境 )、细胞跨膜运输和植物体内不同组织和细胞内不同组分间的再分配等微界面过程 .这些微界面过程涉及到系统中许多生物、生物化学和物理化学反应机理 ,与植物对土壤中养分高效利用、污染物迁移转化及其归宿具有密切的关系 .理解这些微界面过程对提高农作物生长、改善土壤环境质量和提高农产品安全品质具有直接的理论和实践指导意义  相似文献   

In this paper we aim to investigate the underlying mechanisms of the maintenance of ISO 14001. Initially, we looked into the Hillary's [Hillary R. Evaluation of study reports on the barriers, opportunities and drivers for small and medium sized enterprises – the adoption of environmental management systems. Report for DTI Envirodoctorate 5th October, 1999. London: NEMA; 1999] evaluation study on barriers, opportunities and drivers for small and medium enterprises that adopted environmental management systems and we developed a comprehensive list of barriers identified in the literature. We have used this set of barriers to investigate the underlying mechanisms in the maintenance of ISO 14001 environmental management system through an in-depth longitudinal case study in manufacturing organisations. We have determined five underlying processes (transforming and value adding; administrating and improving; understanding and accepting; communicating and learning; availability of resources) and five key actors (external environment; environmental management team; ISO 14001 EMS; organisation; resources and skills), which interactions are captured in M-ISO model. Finally, based on our study we offer directions for future research.  相似文献   

保护环境是我国的基本国策,而对公众参与的研究这一环境保护中的重要工作,在我国起步较晚,文章通过比较国内外学者对公众参与环境保护问题的研究进展,从参与者的行为入手,得出我国公众参与存在的问题。  相似文献   

Integration of occupational health and safety matters into environmental management systems can bring many benefits to industrial companies. They can avoid duplicated measures and find optimal solutions, because the principles of prevention are similar in environmental protection and safety management. However, the methods currently used in environmental management and engineering such as life-cycle assessments, best available technology reports, and the models of industrial production can hinder this integration, because they take into account occupational risks only to a limited extent. People can also consider occupational safety risks more easily than environmental risks as a natural part of their work. This can lead to the situation where occupational risks are underestimated.  相似文献   

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