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We can find numerous case studies showing eco-efficiency being used as an analytical tool in ecodesign. But, all of these studies show that eco-efficiency being used only as an evaluation tool for design alternatives, not as a tool for the identification of key ecodesign issues. Here, we propose that producer-based eco-efficiency and consumer-based eco-efficiency can be used in identifying key ecodesign issues, which encompass not only the environmental aspects of a product, but also other aspects such as product quality and consumer satisfaction. The applicability of the proposed method was evaluated using 19 digital cameras. The results show that it is possible to identify weak points of a product in relation to the environment, product quality, and consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, it is possible to design a product that is environmentally friendly, while still maintaining a high level of quality and consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   







Evaluation of sustainability in various facets of life is gaining increasing importance. Traditionally, different multi-criteria decision-making methods have been used for sustainability assessment. “Sustainability” can be a qualitative concept, and as such several researchers have attempted fuzzy logic for the quantitative assessment of sustainability. This paper outlines a new evaluation model based on fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making. The model is tested for sustainability assessment of higher education institutions (HEIs). It is based on a driving force–pressure–state–exposure–effect–action (DPSEEA) framework and is called uncertainty-based DPSEEA-Sustainability index Model (uD-SiM). The uD-SiM is a causality-based model in which the sustainability index is an outcome of nonlinear impacts of sustainability indicators in different stages of DPSEEA. The percent contribution of driving forces on the sustainability index of HEI is investigated using sensitivity analysis. The study reveals that education in sustainability and global and local research trends are the major driving forces for achieving sustainability in HEI, followed by financial and economic growth rate, social equity, energy requirements rate, and institutional enhancement, in descending order. The results of uD-SiM were found to be more realistic and rational than our earlier proposed approach, D-SiM.  相似文献   

The proliferation of sustainability assessment principles, strategies, actions, and tools has created confusion about pathways forward for companies. It is unclear how existing approaches are complementary or distinct. How does a company assess current products and materials? How could designers create more sustainable products? What criteria, principles, approaches, and tools should be applied? Why? Is there a practical “road map” to guide product designers and product development managers in integrating sustainability issues into their decision-making processes?This article builds on previous frameworks for understanding the interconnections between various assessment principles, strategies, actions, and tools related to industrial ecology, human and labor rights, and corporate social responsibility [Waage S, Geiser K, Irwin F, Weissman A, Bertolucci M, Fisk P, et al. Fitting together the building blocks for sustainability: a revised model for integrating ecological, social, and financial factors into business decision-making. Journal of Cleaner Production 2005;13(12):1117–206; Robèrt K-H, Schmidt-Bleek B, Aloisi de Larderel J, Basile G, Jansen JL, Kuehr R, et al. Strategic sustainable development—selection, design and synergies of applied tools. Journal of Cleaner Production 2002;10(3):197–214; Robèrt K-H. Tools and concepts for sustainable development, how do they relate to a framework for sustainable development, and to each other? Journal of Cleaner Production 2000;8(3):243–54]. Expanding on past work, this piece suggests a “road map” for application by product designers and product development managers. A four-phase process is offered for integrating systems and sustainability perspectives into product design, manufacturing, and delivery decisions.  相似文献   

我国污染场地数量众多,对当地环境和健康安全造成了巨大威胁,亟待开展治理修复,同时也需要关注修复过程的绿色可持续性.本文基于绿色可持续修复(GSR)的理念,提出了健康风险评价(HRA)和生命周期评价(LCA)耦合的评估框架,用于计算结合健康风险和修复二次环境影响的净环境效益(NEB),并以中国西南地区某多环芳烃和汞污染的工业场地为例,在现行的修复目标制定框架内,对不同修复目标下的NEB进行了评估.结果表明,在不同权衡选择下,案例最佳的修复目标带来的NEB是直接选择筛选值目标的1.6~15倍,单位经济投入带来的NEB是直接选择筛选值的3~7倍.决策者可应用提出的综合评估框架,平衡当地环境质量改善和修复过程的二次影响,以提高场地修复工程的环境经济可持续性.  相似文献   

介绍了四川省地形地貌、人口与农业资源概况,分析了四川发展农业循环经济的现状和模式,提出了四川发展农业循环经济的关键问题。  相似文献   

MetbodologyofenvironmentalimpactassessmentforregionaldevelopmentZhuTan;ChenWei(DepartmentofEnvironmentScienceofNankaiUniversi...  相似文献   

The interative nature of life-cycle assessment (LCA) means that more details are looked for until a certain level of reliability has been achieved. This paper is concerned with the identification of key issues for further investigation in such an iterative procedure. Key issues in this context are defined as those aspects of an LCA which need more detailed research to arrive at a solid conclusion. The main concept in the context of finding key issues is the study of the propagation of uncertainties in underlying data. The structured procedure of LCA can be described in mathematical terms, so that standard mathematical techniques for the study of the propagation of uncertainties can be employed. The influence of uncertainties in input data on uncertainties in output data can be calculated, and the main source of the resulting uncertainties can be identified. The result of the analysis is a list of prioritized key issues for more detailed research and more accurate data.  相似文献   

中国产品生命周期影响评价方法研究   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
讨论了确定中国产品生命周期影响评价所需的标准化基准和权重的确定方法和程序,包括产品系统环境影响潜值计算,数据标准化,加权评估 以及计算环境影响负荷和资源耗竭系数4个步骤。标准化基准采用1990年中国人均环境影响总潜值来表达,而权重采用1990年的基准与2000年中国政府的削减目标所估算的基准之间的比值计算。  相似文献   

The sustainability performance of five potential UK biodiesel feedstocks is reviewed and their greenhouse gas performance investigated using the carbon and sustainability reporting methods of the UK Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO). Of the feedstocks examined, and for which the RTFO supplies default carbon intensity values, only used cooking oil has guaranteed sustainability benefits. The other feedstocks have CO2e payback periods of 25–5503 years if grown on converted forest or grassland, yet the RTFO currently requires no guarantee that this conversion has not taken place and requires no avoidance of indirect effects. As currently designed, the RTFO risks substantial, adverse environmental effects.  相似文献   

城镇发展的可持续性评价方法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用多目标评价方法构建以发展度、协调度和支撑度为评价指标的评价模型,对城镇发展的可持续性进行评价.运用层次分析法,从人口、社会和经济等方面建立评价指标体系,评估人工生态系统的发展度和协调度,将资源和环境状况作为"支撑度"指标评估自然生态系统的可持续性,进而计算城镇发展的综合可持续性水平.以福建省铁山镇为例,应用该模型进行评价.结果表明,铁山镇发展的可持续性水平为0.617(取值范围0~1),属于中等可持续水平,水环境污染是最主要的瓶颈因素.该评价方法可以辨识城镇发展的可持续性,为城镇产业发展的方向和规模等提供决策依据.  相似文献   

对建设项目进行环境影响评价分析,对国民经济的健康稳定发展和保护生态自然环境均有重要的作用,但在具体实施过程中,仍然存在不少问题,如工程分析粗糙、报告书质量不高、评价缺乏针对性和实用性等.本文对此进行了分析,并提出相应对策.  相似文献   

乡村振兴目标下的国土整治研究进展及关键问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国国土整治历经40年发展,在促进乡村耕地保护、解决土地资源低效利用问题、助力扶贫攻坚等方面发挥了重要作用。回顾中国国土整治事业发展历程,基于文献计量分析与文献综述方法总结相关研究进展,提出了未来国土整治研究的关键问题,得到以下结论:中国国土整治事业与研究都历经国土整治规划、专项国土整治、国土综合整治三个阶段,促进乡村振兴是当前国土整治的最重要历史任务;目前形成了以解决国土空间与资源利用问题为目标,以服务政策管理需求为导向,以土地利用研究为理论支撑,以农用地整治、农村居民点整治、国土综合整治等为主要对象并向国土空间生态修复拓展的研究体系;形成了包括业务管理部门与特色科研单位为核心的分散组团式研究群体;乡村振兴目标下的国土整治研究围绕土地整治规划选址与分区决策、土地整治项目全流程监测监管与绩效评价、农村居民点整治潜力评价、土地整治政策成效评估等现实需求以及土地整治驱动生态系统变化机制、土地资源优化配置方法、土地利用冲突协调机制等科学问题开展了大量特色研究,充分发挥地理学经世致用特点。面向未来国土综合整治研究,应重点围绕“理论框架—问题识别—规划决策—技术体系”解决关键问题,以理论研究推动中国国土整治事业发展,为促进乡村振兴目标实现做出贡献。  相似文献   

异龙湖湿地功能可持续性评价及PSR模型时滞性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于压力-状态-响应(PSR)框架模型理念,构建了异龙湖湿地生态系统功能可持续性评价的指标体系;同时,基于生态系统健康原理和模糊数学提出了湿地生态系统退化及其可持续性评价方法,研究了20世纪50年代至今异龙湖湿地生态系统功能可持续性变化的过程,包括压力、状态、响应和可持续能力4个方面,并使用偏相关分析和时间平移的方法修正了PSR模型的滞后性.研究结果表明:20世纪50年代至今,异龙湖湿地生态系统的功能可持续能力不断下降,目前逐渐趋于平缓;异龙湖湿地生态系统功能的变化滞后于压力约1~5a,滞后于响应约1~15a.  相似文献   

水环境质量评价灰色模式识别模型及应用   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
在灰色关联度的基础上,以定义的关联差异度为测度,并结合水质综合指数,构造一种新的水环境质量评价灰色模式识别模型。该模型克服了灰色关联度分析方法评价结果趋于均化而分辨率低的缺点,同时评价结果具有连续性和可比性,能够更精确地反映水体污染程度的状况。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of electrokinetic remediation for pyrene-contaminated soil was investigated by an anode-cathode separated system using a salt bridge. The applied constant voltage was 24 V and the electrode gap was 24 cm. Two types of soil (sandy soil and loam soil) were selected because of their different conductive capabilities. The initial concentrations of pyrene in these soil samples were 261.3 mg/kg sandy soil and 259.8 mg/kg loam soil After treatment of the sandy soil and loam soil for seven days, 56.8% and 20.1% of the pyrene had been removed respectively. Under the same power supply voltage, the removal of the pollutant from the sandy soil was greater than that from the loam soil, due to the higher current and lower pH. Further analysis revealed that the effectiveness of electrokinetic remediation was affected by the energy expenditure, and was associated with changes in soil properties.  相似文献   

对接经济系统和环境系统是支撑循环经济决策的关键,而可持续性评价以及在传统生命周期影响评价(LCA)基础上发展起来的生命周期可持续性评价(LCSA)是重要决策支撑工具.近年来对可持续性评价的关注使得生命周期成本分析(LCC)及其在资源循环决策中的应用得以快速发展.大量研究表明LCC是有效的经济决策支撑工具.但是由于"生命周期成本分析"的其他相关称谓与LCC术语上模糊,以及成本效益分析(CBA)等相关成本评估工具在方法用途上的类似,使得在实际研究中LCC的相关概念混淆甚至错误使用的现象时有发生.针对如上研究背景,本文采用文献研究法和案例分析法,旨在厘清LCC及相关术语的概念和内涵,并为LCC以及LCSA在未来的研究提出实用性建议.首先,通过文献研究回顾了LCC的发展脉络,厘清了在人们对社会和环境问题关注下,LCC逐渐从普通的成本评估发展成为LCSA核心部分的发展路径.同时,使用Citespace对国内和国际2000-2017年LCC相关论文发表情况进行图谱分析,发现和国内相比,国际期刊的LCC相关研究已经从概念探索和企业成本控制发展到了特定领域系统的成本优化研究.进一步,引入"可持续性三支柱"的概念来阐释LCSA的经济、环境、社会三个维度以及它与LCC的关系,然后区分了LCC的类似术语的定义和成本范围,并阐述了与传统CBA方法的差别.在此基础上,以欧盟VEEP项目为案例,从定性和定量两个维度阐释了LCC的分析视角和计算过程.最后,对LCC在中国未来的研究方向提出了具体建议,包括:扩大运用领域,标准化,研究方法间的结合,以及数据库和软件工具的开发.  相似文献   

粮食安全视角下的土地资源优化配置及其关键问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地资源优化配置是提高土地资源利用效率、缓解土地用途冲突、促进人地和谐发展的重要手段。当前中国土地资源优化配置研究在理论探索与实践应用方面均取得积极进展,但面对土地利用急剧变化、土地管理效率低下及生态系统退化等现实问题,传统的以“数量—空间耦合”为核心的优化配置方式已难以满足当前人类追求美好生活的需求和国土空间可持续发展的目标要求。与此同时,全球粮食安全正面临一系列严峻挑战,土地资源优化配置将直接影响并作用于粮食生产与经济发展之间的冲突协调过程。改革开放以来,南京大学立足和服务于国家战略需求与重点区域发展(长三角及沿海地区),以保障资源安全与粮食安全目标为导向,围绕土地资源优化配置开展了大量研究和实践,主要集中在耕地利用格局优化、耕地集约利用转型、耕地保护与利用规划、土地利用与城乡规划、国土整治与农用地管理、土地利用制度创新、土地经济政策优化等特色研究领域,充分发挥地理学与管理学交叉学科优势,为国家土地资源优化与可持续利用的学科发展和制度创新做出了积极贡献。综上,通过系统梳理土地资源优化配置相关研究进展,总结归纳中国土地资源配置的关键问题,进一步在回顾南京大学学术贡献的基础上提出粮食安全视角下的中国土地资源优化配置面临的机遇与挑战,试图为可持续土地利用优化提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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