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An attempt has been made in this paper to highlight some of environmental problems and suggest possible solutions for planning water resources development projects.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on protecting the environment in resource development and not on economic issues even though many obstacles to sustainability include social, political and economic factors. Many stark examples of past failures in resource development serve as grim reminders for future planning. Most of the options will require an evaluation as to their appropriateness as well as to the economic capability and commitment of developing countries and international development institutions to incorporate them into programs.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the characteristics of Bangladesh basin including river morphology, rain fall pattern, cyclonic storms, forests and coastal area environment and ecosystem. It deals with factors which contribute to floods both natural and man-induced. The paper does with pollution problems including land and water use and indicates briefly policy measures and strategy adopted by government to combat problems of environment and ecology in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

To reuse the water and nutrient resources from ecological point of view the goals, criteria and constraint conditions of the scientifically municipal wastewater irrigation are discussed as well as the practice in major municipal wastewater irrigation areas in China is introduced, of which particularly the effects of municipal water irrigation mixing with oil refinery wastewater on the agricultural ecosystem are studied and described. It has been revealed that benzo(a)pyrene in various parts of paddy crop is attributed to air pollution, water-soil pollution and biosynthesis of plant. Of exogenous contributions of benzo(a)pyrene in paddy shoot system under natural condition, the dominant factor is the air pollution, whereas the water-soil factor is considered to be secondary. Therefore, it is mostly urgent to control the air pollution source of benzo(a)pyrene, to which the edible parts of various green plants are exposed directly.  相似文献   

Microbial flocculant and its application in environmental protection   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
1IntroductionAlotofvariedflocculantshavebeenusedinwastewatertreatment,dredgingdownstreamprocessingandsomeindustrialfieldincl...  相似文献   

Nov. 1—4, 1989, Beijing, China River water chemistry in India-An overview V. Subramamian School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India. Based on extensive analyses of a very large number of samples, the average river water in India is more alkaline than the world average river water. The dominance of Na and Cl in Indian river shows their monsoon control. There are spatial and seasonal variations. The northern river are less saline than the southern rivers. The sediments covered by the Ganges-  相似文献   

The concept of common interests of mankind in the environmental protec-tion spurred -by the internationalized and globalized environmental problems are discussed in this paper. While making challenges for many principles and rules of international law and the traditional conception of national security, the concept does play its role in strengthening the environmental protection. However, it cannot be neglected that diflerent national interests pose an obstacle to the realization of the common interests of mankind in the envirormental protection. The article concludes that whether the concept plays its greater role in the environmental protection will depend on many factors, such as the spread of environmental awareness, the revision of the traditional conception and the balanced development of the world economy.  相似文献   

1 Introduction1.1 MiyunReservoirandassociatedstudiesTheMiyunReservoir(Fig.1),situatedinMiyunCounty,90kmtothenortheastofBeijingCity,isoneofthemostimportantreservoirsinthesuburbsofBeijing,servingasthesourceofdrinkingwaterforthepeopleofthecapital.Ithasa…  相似文献   

Coastal areas are vital economic hubs in terms of settlement, industry, agriculture, trade and tourism to mention some key sectors. There are already many coastal problems including erosion, flood risk and long-term habitat deterioration. As economies continue to develop the asset base at risk will grow, while accelerating climate change will increase the likelihood of damaging extreme events, as well as accelerate habitat decline. Existing coastal management and defence approaches are not well tuned to these challenges as they assume a static situation.THESEUS project is developing a systematic approach to delivering both a low-risk coast for human use and healthy habitats for evolving coastal zones subject to multiple change factors. The project examines innovative mitigation and adaptation technologies and integrate the best of these technical measures in a strategic policy context through overarching guidelines. THESEUS activities are carried out within a multidisciplinary framework using 8 study sites across Europe, with specific attention to the most vulnerable coastal environments such as deltas, estuaries and wetlands, where many large cities and industrial areas are located.This paper describes THESEUS approach, and specifically: the Source-Pathway-Receptor-Consquence model for coastal risk assessment; the engineering, social, economic and ecological mitigation measures under analysis; the participatory approach with end users and coastal authorities for the selection and identification of the appropriate defence strategy to be planned in sudy sites.  相似文献   

DerivingfreshwaterqualitycriteriaofsulphocyanicsodiumfortheprotectionofaquaticlifeinChinaZhangTongDepartmentofEnvironmentalE...  相似文献   

HaveacorrectunderstandingoftheattributeofgeologicenvironmentgivefullplaytotheroleofgeoscienceinenvironmentalprotectionHaCheng...  相似文献   

1 Science and technology for environmental protection in China The guiding principles in formulating the ten-year Programme of science and tech-nology for environmental protection are as follows: 1.1 Science and technology should be great to the need economic construction and economic construction must rely on science and technology.  相似文献   

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