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密云水库上游流域不同尺度景观特征对水质的影响   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:9  
选取北京市饮用水源地——密云水库上游流域为研究区,采用空间分析、冗余分析与多元线性回归等多种方法,识别不同空间尺度及季节变化下景观格局与水质的相关关系.研究结果表明,研究区河流水质与流域景观特征显著相关,景观变量能够解释水质变异的58%.子流域面积对水质的影响最大,其他影响变量依次为居民用地比例、林地比例及聚集度指数.季节性流量变化与人为活动的强度对景观与水质关系有很大的影响;雨季前景观对水质的影响最弱,雨季中景观对水质的解释能力最强,雨季后景观对水质的影响减弱,略大于雨季前.岸边带尺度景观对于水质的解释能力要大于流域尺度.通过比较50m,100m,150m,300m4个尺度岸边带景观对水质的影响,发现100m宽岸边带内景观与水质关系最为显著.研究结果对岸边缓冲带的设计及水污染的控制具有指导意义.  相似文献   

在生态系统服务价值评估研究中,把握公众的生态偏好是当前研究的重要内容。论文以三江平原湿地为研究对象,应用选择实验法获取公众的生态偏好和支付意愿,构建潜在分类模型,探究公众对湿地各项生态系统服务的偏好异质性。研究结果显示:公众对各项湿地生态系统服务存在显著的偏好异质性,资源偏好型的受访者所占比例最大(68.78%),景观偏好型的受访者对自然景观的支付意愿显著较高,而价格敏感型受访者的支付意愿明显低于其他两类。分析各潜在类别可知,公众的社会经济特征及环境意识对其偏好具有显著影响。教育水平越高的受访者越偏好于资源保护,高收入和到景区旅游次数多的受访者更偏好于景观保护,而价格敏感型受访者的环境意识相对较低。研究不仅为湿地生态系统服务偏好异质性的研究提供新途径,也为相关环境政策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

新建核电站风险信息沟通实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺桂珍  吕永龙 《环境科学》2013,34(3):1218-1224
随着我国近年核电产业的迅速扩张,核风险管理已成为社会各界关注甚至争议的热点.核风险沟通是核突发事件预防、应对及恢复的关键要素,对核风险管理具有重要的影响.然而,对如何与核电站周边风险群体进行有效沟通还知之甚少.为弥补这个缺憾,作者走访了山东海阳在建核电站相关管理人员并对周边常住居民进行问卷调查,以了解他们对核电发展的态度.文章描述了风险沟通的基本框架,意识到公众信任和信息公开的重要性.结果发现我国核能发展决策是由政府部门、核能企业和科研院所组成的"铁三角"主导的,受访者获取核信息的最主要途径是媒体,相对于其它渠道,超过51%的公众更相信政府发布的信息,更多受访者不愿意接受核风险和反对在当地建设核电站.最后提出了有效风险沟通的基本原则.研究结论对未来核电风险管理具有重要指导意义,也对利益相关方具有参考价值.  相似文献   

方炎 《自然资源学报》1998,13(4):327-332
针对中国主产棉区在病虫害防治中大量施用化学农药加重农业污染,以及害虫产生抗药性导致防治失灵等问题,由亚洲开发银行(ADB)资助,英联邦国际生物防治研究所(CABI)负责实施,于1993~1996年在中国湖北省天门市建立害虫综合防治(IPM)项目试点,旨在研究和开发控制病虫危害和改善生态环境的适用于中国主产棉区的IPM技术体系。IPM项目有两个特点:①与以往因土地、人口压力而引致的技术变革不同,IPM项目是一项因环境压力而引致的技术变革;②以往的技术变革的阻力大多来自于乡村社会结构尤其是农民对新技术的不接受,而IPM项目在运作层面首先遇到了高度集中的防治体系的阻碍,即受到制度因素的影响。本文着重分析高度集中的防治体系形成的过程和原因,以及制度因素影响IPM项目实施的作用机制,并提出解决问题的政策建议。  相似文献   

建立海洋保护区是保护海洋生物多样性,实现海洋可持续发展的重要措施。本文通过美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、菲律宾,以及欧洲-大西洋公海海洋保护区的案例分析,概括了国外海洋保护区在体系完善、管理实践和协作维护等方面的经验。合格的海洋保护区管理机构需要有效的指导、监督及管理,应具备专业性、执行力和稳定性。对我国的启示:在国家层面上,需要一个经过充分研究制定的海洋保护区系统规划,对国家级海洋保护区应立法确立。沿海省份要配合国家系统落实本省辖区的国家级海洋保护区,也可以建立省级海洋保护区,并就特殊保护目标申请上升为国家级保护区。具体的海洋保护区应做好保护区管理规划和日常管理工作。地方社区可通过文化遗产保护、地域风俗传承等方式,培养地方性人才直接参与保护区管理。  相似文献   

基于中德合作项目LILAC(生命景观中国),纳板河国家级自然保护区保护局与德国斯图加特大学及上海同济大学合作并于2010年3月和7月开展了两次水资源管理和保护的调研工作——“土地利用和水”子项目.项目的目的是研究保护区内种植橡胶及经济作物对水资源的影响。本文通过此次调研获得的数据,对纳板河水资源质量进行了初步评价。  相似文献   

The acceptance of forestry-based project activities to mitigate greenhouse gases emissions has been subjected to a number of methodological questions to be answered, of which the most challenging are baseline establishment and identification of and measuring leakage. Here we pose hypotheses for and quantify leakage of the Scolel Té project in Chiapas, Mexico. In this project small-scale farmers are implementing forestry, agroforestry, and forest conservation activities, with carbon sequestration as one of the goals. The main leakage monitoring domain is defined as the area owned by the participating farmers or communities outside the area where the specific project activities take place. The null-hypothesis (no leakage) is that non-project land owned by the farmer or community will experience the same carbon stock changes as predicted by the regional baseline, specifically developed for the project. First we assessed the most likely causes and sources of leakage that may occur in the project. From this analysis, one type of leakage seems to be important, i.e., activity shifting. Second we estimated the leakage of a sample of participating farmers and communities. Actual land use was then compared with expected land use derived from the baseline. The Plan Vivo of each participant, complemented with readily available tools to identify the main sources and drivers of leakage are used to develop simple leakage assessment procedures, as demonstrated in this paper. Negative leakage was estimated to be negligible in this study. Incorporating these procedures already in the project planning stage will reduce the uncertainties related to the actual carbon mitigation potential of any forestry project.
B. H. J. De JongEmail:

景观健康及其评价初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态系统健康是环保领域新兴的、正崭露头角的科学,将生态系统健康科学应用于景观评价是基于人类管理景观严重受到威胁和趋于退化的现实。在论述景观健康概念及其特征的基础上,探讨对景观健康进行整体评价的方法和指标。  相似文献   

This paper investigates threats to farm management in the northern and central region of Côte d’Ivoire, with a particular focus on climate-related threats. To this end, farmers’ perception and adaptation strategies for climate change have been analyzed. The data were collected from 205 respondents by means of the Focus Groups method, and they were evaluated using a framework analysis. The main reported threats related to the implementation of farming activities are the high cost of inputs and the lack of technical support, which are followed by diseases, insects, and climate variations (scarcity of rains, strong winds, and high temperature). We find that most farmers have a strong perception of changes in climatic conditions. Their perceived impacts on the local environment through evidences like the disappearance of certain farming practices, occurrence of new insects, and the disruption of key time reference periods. Farmers mainly attempt to adapt by adjusting their agricultural calendar, adopting new short-season varieties, and using mixed cropping. We find that the most influential factors for farmers’ adaptation behavior is lack of contact with extension services and the scarcity of rainfall. Our suggestions for future agricultural policies for better adaptation to climate change are to take into account farmers’ perception, to provide suitable climate forecast, and to improve local technical support.  相似文献   

对公海海洋环境和生物多样性的保护刻不容缓。介绍了法国公海保护的管理和实践,包括:先进的海洋保护管理机制,法律和政策,与其他国家合作建立了派拉格斯公海保护区等。提出了给我国相关工作带来的启示。  相似文献   

基于选择实验法的湿地保护区生态补偿政策研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究以“国家生态补偿试点”的盐城国家级湿地珍禽保护区作为案例,从生态补偿对象的角度研究了生态补偿的政策设计。根据对保护区附近288户农户的实地调查数据,研究采用选择实验法识别了农户对不同生态补偿政策方案的偏好情况。通过计量分析发现:补偿政策设计中补偿水平、合同年限、退出合同的权利、环境绩效等补偿政策属性显著影响农户参与意愿,其中合同年限与退出权利对参与意愿影响最为显著。基于以上发现,研究讨论了补偿政策设计中不同的属性安排,特别是设置退出权限等措施对盐城生态补偿政策的成本有效性、可持续性及实施效果的潜在影响,为政策设计提供相应的实证基础。文章还计算了各个属性的接受意愿价值,并分析了潜在参与者的个人及家庭特征,为补偿的价格设定提供了相应的参考。  相似文献   

The main research question of our study was as follows: What opportunities for upgrading material efficiency and waste minimisation can be found in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? The empirical material consisted of 41 theme interviews in Finnish industrial SMEs. In the article, the SMEs are assigned to four different categories according to their attitudes towards environmental protection. This analysis also explains why SMEs build up environmental management systems (EMSs). The EMSs do not appear to provide much impetus for SMEs to implement waste minimisation. The reduction of wastes in SMEs is driven more by the costs of raw materials than by waste costs. From the standpoint of environmental authorities, it is therefore crucial to find procedures to support SMEs in increasing their efficient use of materials.  相似文献   

Future sustainability of the conservation management of socio-ecological landscapes is typically reliant on on-going agricultural management. Such management may be threatened by changes in the drivers of management and the fragility of the stakeholder networks that deliver management. This study examined evidence for the risk of abandonment in a series of case study high nature value (HNV) grassland sites. The work found that the motivation of farmers to participate in the conservation management was typically limited and often marginal. Landowners and conservation stakeholders who relied on partner farmers to manage such sites often struggled to recruit and retain their participation, leading to increased turnover among managing farmers and to some sites being under-managed. Primary reasons for difficulty of recruitment and farmer turnover included a lack of candidate farmers in the local landscape, and the marginal and fluctuating economics of grassland management. A trend towards greater financial incentivisation of farmers was evident, which policy-makers responsible for agri-environment schemes should note, and elsewhere some conservation organisations were seen to be bringing grassland management in-house. Farmers’ motivations to participate in conservation management of such systems may continue to weaken and abandonment may therefore become a significant risk to the successful conservation of such systems. Conservation stakeholders need to foster good relations with their farmer-manager partners and not further depress their limited motivations to participate, as well as consider carefully whether farmer stakeholders are being adequately compensated for their efforts.  相似文献   

对我国所剩为数不多的淡水湿地植物生态系统原生景观结构特征进行定量分析对于湿地保护与恢复具有重要意义。论文以多年期遥感影像提取洪河国家级湿地自然保护区植物分类信息,在GIS支持下,进行了群落、植被型和景观带3个尺度的景观格局分析。结果表明,草甸灌丛景观是研究区的基质性景观,草甸和沼泽湿地共同占据了研究区植被型的核心地位,小叶章-苔草群落则是植物优势群落。植物生态系统空间格局特征表现为:草甸灌丛分布在广阔的河间干湿交替地带,沼泽湿地主要成条带延伸于河道与洼地带,岛状林则出现在地势较高的岗地段,呈断块分布。研究区典型沼泽湿地面积7年间缩小约10%,周边人类活动造成水资源缺失是退化主要驱动因素,应尽早实行以流域为管理单元的自然资源管理体制。  相似文献   

为探讨沈阳市棋盘山水库湿地保护地近30年生态系统演变规律,文章运用3S技术和景观格局指数,分析了保护地1986~2015年生态系统时空变化及景观格局演变特征。结果表明:1986~2015年间,由于人类活动的干扰,保护地景观破碎度和空间异质性不断增加,水库周边建设用地围绕水库向南部、北部不断扩张,不利于生态系统服务功能的保护和提升,但总体上看,2000~2015年人类活动强度低于1986~2000年,说明该时期生态保护工作取得一定成效。为提升保护地景观质量和生态系统服务功能,提出了保护地生态系统服务可持续管理对策。  相似文献   

三亚城市景观变化的监测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
区域生态环境变化的动态监测是自然资源合理利用和区域环境保护中急需解决的问题。本项研究采用了遥感技术,对三亚城市景观中不同景观组分的优势度值和边界形状等空间结构指标,对林木覆盖率和生物量等景观稳定状况指标进行了监测,同时配合了典型采样和勘测等地面工作,提高监测数据的可信度。在此基础上建立了区域生态环境变化监测体系和Sanya-Landscape信息系统,对三亚城市生态环境变化趋势进行了评价,准确地反映了该区域生态环境的现状和特征,为三亚城市生态环境的规划和管理提供了科学依据。结果证明,本研究采用的指标及指标的采集方法是区域生态环境动态监测的有效手段。  相似文献   

环境与生态系统服务价值的WTA/WTP不对称   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
支付意愿(WTP)和受偿意愿(WTA)是条件价值法(CVM)研究中环境与生态系统服务价值的两类不同表征尺度,对同一环境物品的WTP和WTA往往存在显著不对称性.以上海某城市河流生态系统服务评价为例,基于CVM研究方法,对WTP和WTA进行了对比分析和探讨.研究表明:(1)WTP和WTA的不对称性在案例研究中得到反映,WTA/WTP的平均值比值为7.02,中点值比值为6.18,两个比例与国际已有研究的一般范围较为接近;(2)WTA不受收入等变量约束,但受学历、家庭人口等变量的影响,尤其与WTP呈显著正向关联,显示WTA作为环境资源价值的表征尺度亦可能具有一定有效性;(3)WTA/WTP不对称的主要决定因素为收入和学历.WTA/WTP不对称的一个重要环境管理学含义在于,破坏或污染相同质量或数量的环境资源所引起的福利损失,将远大于保护和改善环境资源所引起的福利改进,而不是两者相等.  相似文献   

Apart from the ethical argument around trade-off that individuals have to make between monetary and non-monetary value, application of stated preference method was exposed to another criticism related to the complexity of biodiversity issue and the capacity of the general public to provide accurate responses to willingness to pay elicitation survey. This paper tests how providing information about the ecological processes underlying forest management scenarios affects public preferences and their valuation of biodiversity in publicly owned forest land in France. The generalized multinomial logit models applied to choice experiment data suggests that all respondents adopt the same heuristics based on easily visible aspects of forest landscape, to reveal their use and nonuse values of biodiversity. However, when they receive additional ecological information, only those who are familiar with the biodiversity concept, have awareness of issues at stake, and have a regular use of forest tend to attach higher values to less known biodiversity component (fallen deadwood in this case). The paper concludes that “mass media campaign” has to be completed by environmental literacy programs, to improve people’s awareness and understanding of what biodiversity means from ecological functioning, then making economic valuation a useful tool from a conservation perspective.  相似文献   

The vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate change and variability is increasingly rising. As agriculture is the only source of income for most of them, agricultural adaptation with respect to climate change is vital for their sustenance and to ensure food security. In order to develop appropriate strategies and institutional responses, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the farmers’ perception of climate change, actual adaptations at farm-level and what factors drive and constrain their decision to adapt. Thus, this study investigates the farm-level adaptation to climate change based on the case of a farming community in Sri Lanka. The findings revealed that farmers’ perceived the ongoing climate change based on their experiences. Majority of them adopted measures to address climate change and variability. These adaptation measures can be categorised into five groups, such as crop management, land management, irrigation management, income diversification, and rituals. The results showed that management of non-climatic factors was an important strategy to enhance farmers’ adaptation, particularly in a resource-constrained smallholder farming context. The results of regression analysis indicated that human cognition was an important determinant of climate change adaptation. Social networks were also found to significantly influence adaptation. The study also revealed that social barriers, such as cognitive and normative factors, are equally important as other economic barriers to adaptation. While formulating and implementing the adaptation strategies, this study underscored the importance of understanding socio-economic, cognitive and normative aspects of the local communities.  相似文献   

海洋藻华灾害对沿海地区的社会经济产生了相当大的影响。其中对滨海旅游经济及景观资源非使用价值(non-use value)的影响,无法从市场中得到直接评估。在对这部分非使用价值的评估中,条件评价法(contingent valuation method,CVM,也称条件价值法)是目前应用最为广泛的主要方法。该方法通过社会调查,以问卷方式收集被访者的信息,通过社会经济学的计算方法对目标资源的非使用价值受影响程度进行定量评价。本文利用CVM中的二分式实证问卷,以浒苔绿潮灾害对青岛滨海旅游资源非使用价值的影响为目标,调查在浒苔绿潮发生期内游客对改善滨海景观的支付意愿(WTP)信息,通过二值选择模型(Logit回归模型)计算,将浒苔绿潮灾害对青岛滨海旅游资源非使用价值的影响进行货币化评估,得出了该影响的大致范围,以直观的方式评价了浒苔绿潮灾害对青岛滨海旅游资源非使用价值的影响。这一方法可以作为海洋藻华灾害对社会经济影响评估方法的有益补充,为政府及相关组织对海洋藻华灾害的预防、治理以及更合理和有效的应急处置提供灾害经济影响部分的决策依据。  相似文献   

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