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李楠  刘盈  王震 《环境科学学报》2020,40(2):707-715
产品碳足迹以碳标签的形式日益广泛地应用于产品供应链,通过影响企业和消费者行为而有效地促进全球碳减排.然而产品碳足迹核算标准种类繁多,不同标准对产品碳足迹的核算规定存在差异,致使其核算结果难于有效对比.本文以胶版印刷纸为例,对比分析了目前最权威的3个国际标准PAS2050、GHG Protocol和ISO14067,识别了三者对于8点产品碳足迹核算要素的不同规定,定量解析了标准差异对产品碳足迹核算的影响.结果表明,3个标准规定的差异可导致产品碳足迹核算结果产生较大的不确定性,GHG Protocol和ISO14067结果分别比PAS2050高61%和49%,其中,"碳存储、消费者交通、固定资产和延迟排放加权影响"4个方面的差异对案例产品碳足迹影响最为显著.因此,按照产品类别制定统一的核算要求是碳标签交流对比的基本前提,明晰的标准规定是降低核算结果不确定性的必要途径.  相似文献   

研究表明,经济发展与环境退化之间经常呈现倒“U”型曲线关系,许多学者将其定义为环境库兹涅茨曲线(Environmental Kuznets Curves,EKC),并将其运用到对发展中国家和发达国家的“先污染,后治理”的发展模式的解释之中,但是环境库兹涅茨曲线假说本身并不完善。利用现有数据建立了针对CO2和水污染物COD排放量的中国的环境库兹涅茨曲线。同时对其未来走势进行预测,得出结论:近期内CO2排放量会随着经济的发展持续增加;而COD的排放量已经趋于稳定,只会有略微增加。  相似文献   

Public perceptions of a UK carbon labelling trial were assessed via three focus groups. The public found it very difficult to make sense of labelled emissions values without additional information. There was also little evidence of a willingness to use labels for product selection. There is a strong case for using carbon reduction labels to indicate a programme of on-going emissions reductions, rather than expecting consumers to incentivise emissions reductions by actively choosing the lower carbon variant of two or more products. The normalisation issues and emissions reduction potential of carbon labelling are discussed.  相似文献   

The world is moving toward efforts to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions. Reduction efforts may involve the agricultural sector through options such as planting of trees, altering crop and livestock management, and increasing production of biofuels. However, such options can be competitive with domestic food production. In a free trade arena, reduced domestic food production could stimulate increased production and exports in other countries, which are not pursuing net emission reductions. As a consequence, emission reduction efforts in implementing countries may be offset by production increases stimulated in other countries. We examine the competitive effects of agriculturally related emission reduction actions on agricultural production and international trade. In doing this, we employ the assumption that U.S. emission reduction caused cost increases will also occur in other reducing countries. We consider emission reduction: 1) unilaterally by the U.S., 2) by all Kyoto Protocol Annex B countries, and 3) globally. The results, which are only suggestive of the types of effects that would be observed due to the simplifying cost assumptions, indicate compliance causes supply cutbacks in regulated countries and increases in non-regulated countries. The study results show that producers in regulating countries are likely to benefit and consumers lose due to commodity price increases. Seniority of Authorship is shared among the first three authors.  相似文献   

Livestock production systems will inevitably be affected as a result of changes in climate and climate variability, with impacts on peoples’ livelihoods. At the same time, livestock food chains are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture and livestock in particular will need to play a greater role than they have hitherto in reducing emissions in the future. Adaptation and mitigation may require significant changes in production technology and farming systems, which could affect productivity. Given what is currently known about the likely impacts on livestock systems, however, the costs of mitigating and adapting to climate change in the aggregate may not represent an enormous constraint to the growth of the global livestock sector, in its bid to meet increasing demand for livestock products. Different livestock systems have different capacities to adapt or to take on board the policy and regulatory changes that may be required in the future. Vulnerability of households dependent on livestock, particularly in the drier areas of developing countries, is likely to increase substantially, with concomitant impacts on poverty and inequity. The capacity of these systems to adapt and to yield up their carbon sequestration potential deserves considerable further study. Comprehensive frameworks need to be developed to assess impacts and trade-offs, in order to identify and target adaptation and mitigation options that are appropriate for specific contexts, and that can contribute to environmental sustainability as well as to poverty alleviation and economic development.  相似文献   

“双碳”目标下钢铁行业控煤降碳路线图   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
薛英岚  张静  刘宇  陈瑜  孙健  蒋洪强  张伟  曹东 《环境科学》2022,43(10):4392-4400
钢铁行业的低碳绿色转型和率先煤耗和碳排放达峰,将对我国实现整体碳达峰目标和经济高质量发展作出重要贡献.基于碳排放-能源集成模型,对我国钢铁行业"双碳"目标下控煤降碳路径开展情景研究.结果表明,我国钢铁行业很有可能在"十四五"前期实现碳达峰,峰值16.4~16.7亿t (含过程和间接排放),作为主要消费能源的煤炭也将一起达峰,峰值4.6~4.7亿t标煤(含焦炭),在最激进的强化情景2035年煤炭消费和碳排放将降至2020年的38%和49%;粗钢产量很大程度上主导了钢铁行业的碳达峰进程,推进全废钢电炉短流程和加大废钢利用是碳达峰阶段最主要的控煤降碳措施.基于预测结果提出的钢铁行业控煤降碳路线图显示,需求侧方面,粗钢产量在不考虑"双碳"目标约束的情况下也会随工业化、城镇化水平逐渐达到发达国家水平而达到峰值并开始下降,新能源相关基础设施建设在实现碳中和期间带来的钢材需求增长体量相对有限;技术进步方面,推广长流程节能降碳技术应用是短期内性价比较高的措施,应重点推进高炉高效喷煤等技术的应用,同时增大高炉球团矿平均配比,远期碳捕集封存技术将具有较大的碳减排潜力;产能结构方面,推进全废钢电炉短流程是钢铁行业在碳达峰阶段的主要措施,到"十四五"末期电炉钢占比将提高至15%~20%,在碳中和目标下氢冶金是唯一具有超低碳排放潜力的生产工艺,在未来随着可再生能源或余热余能生产的绿氢供应量提高,氢冶金将成为与基于废钢的电炉短流程并重的钢铁生产工艺.  相似文献   

Economic and population growth in Asia over the last three decades has been unprecedented. While conventional economic indicators have been increasing consistently, indicators of resource and environmental quality have been deteriorating, raising questions about the implications of future growth. Economic growth in the future is considered to be contingent on ensuring a more efficient use of natural resources, while simultaneously striving to reduce environmental impacts. We examine time trends of three efficiency indicators; agricultural efficiency, energy efficiency of economic production and carbon efficiency of energy use, for the five most populous countries in Asia in order to assess whether industrial development has lead to increased resource use efficiency and an associated reduction in total resource use and environmental impacts. Our results indicate that agricultural efficiency has decreased in all five countries. Results are mixed for energy and carbon efficiencies. Where increases in energy and carbon efficiency have occurred, they have been completely overwhelmed by absolute increases in energy use and carbon emissions caused by increases in the scale of economic activity. Based on this analysis, we study the potential for further improvements and policy implications for future food supply, energy consumption and carbon emissions in the region.  相似文献   

环境产品贸易为应对全球环境变化的国际合作提供了新途径。中国在可再生能源设备等方面具有优势,环境产品贸易有利于落实碳达峰与碳中和目标。分析中国1996—2019年环境产品进出口规模、产品结构与贸易网络结构的变化,应用LMDI方法将碳排放分解为排放强度、能源效率、经济水平和人口规模四个分量,借助ARDL-ECM模型验证环境产品贸易与碳排放的协整关系及长短期效应。结果表明:(1)中国环境产品贸易对碳排放的影响表现为短期促进作用和长期抑制作用。(2)环境产品贸易主要通过促进能源效率的碳减排效应、抑制经济增长的碳排放效应而推动碳减排。(3)贸易产品专业化短期有利于碳减排,但从长期看多元化更有利。贸易影响力提升短期对碳减排有利,但对进口的长期依赖不利于碳减排。(4)碳减排不只靠能源相关产品,非能源相关产品贸易同样能促进经济提质增效而推动碳减排。  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to have far-reaching impacts. Earlier studies have estimated an aggregated monetised damage equivalent to 1.5 to 2.0 % of World GDP (for 2 × CO2). According to these estimates, the OECD would face losses equivalent to 1.0 to 1.5 % of GDP, and developing countries 2.0 to 9.0 %. While these figures are preliminary and highly uncertain, recent findings have not, as yet, changed the general picture. As is shown in this paper, estimates that are fully corrected for differences in purchasing power parity do not significantly differ from the initial figures. Newer studies increasingly emphasise adaptation, variability, extreme events, other (non-climate change) stress factors, and the need for integrated assessment of damages. Incorporating these factors has lead to increased differences in estimated impacts between different regions and sectors. Estimates of market impacts in developed countries tended to fall, while non-market impacts have become more important. Marginal damages are more interesting from a policy point of view. Earlier estimates range from about $5 to $125 per tonne of carbon, with most estimates at the lower end of this range. These figures are based on power functions in the level of climate change. The rate of change may be equally important, as are the speed of adaptation, restoration and value adjustment. Furthermore, future vulnerability to climate change will differ from current vulnerability: market impacts could fall (relatively) with economic growth while non-market impacts may rise. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Significant international collaboration is required to limit global temperature increase to below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels. Equity is the foundation of cooperation, and therefore, this study proposed a new dynamic carbon permit allocation scheme based on four principles: equality, historical responsibility, capability, and future development opportunities. Decision makers could have different preferences for allocating carbon permits, therefore, four equity rules or indicators (equality, responsibility, capacity, and sovereignty) were assigned different weights. Based on the global carbon budget of the 2 °C target, emission permits were calculated and relevant economic implications analyzed using the Global Change Assessment Model. Results indicated that developed countries should reduce emissions immediately, while allowances for developing regions could permit an initial increase in emissions until peaking. Applying different weights to the indicators resulted in multifarious regional allowances. Developed regions would benefit from the “preferring sovereignty” scenario and most developing countries would benefit under the “preferring responsibility” and “preferring capacity” scenarios. Compared with the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, this study found that in the short term, developed countries might insist on sovereignty as the preferred indicator. However, preferring sovereignty would place substantial mitigation pressures on developing countries in the long term. Therefore, in addressing global climate change, a dynamic choice in the weighting distribution for different indicators might be conducive to international agreement. Furthermore, a market-based trading instrument could help all participants both mitigate global climate change by reducing regional and global costs and facilitate mitigation capital flow from developed to less developed regions.  相似文献   

Benefit distribution plays a central role in incentivizing action in REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation and forest enhancement). Conceived as a global performance-based incentive mechanism to reduce land-use emissions in developing countries, REDD+ involves changes in resource governance by many actors at multiple scales, in order to minimize the climate impact of land-use activities or to maximize their contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A key governance issue for developing countries is how to incentivize action among stakeholders and the way countries design their benefit-sharing mechanisms (BSMs) is therefore seen as a critical factor in determining the success of REDD+ in the long term. This comprehensive research investigates up-to-date national level REDD+ planning documents to provide new evidence on how countries are planning to implement BSMs, including an analysis of common governance themes and where gaps exist. Our unique comparative study based on five country cases reveals that there is a lack of comprehensive participatory, transparent and accountable processes among country strategies and in particular, shortcomings in preparation for local and subnational governance, financial disbursement and dispute-resolution mechanisms. Furthermore, countries are making slow progress on land tenure and carbon rights reform. In fact, such ambiguous legislation on carbon benefits, coupled with weak institutional capacity and ineffective dispute-resolution mechanisms, may make it difficult for REDD+ stakeholders to participate fully in initiatives and receive a fair distribution of benefits. This research indicates that REDD+ actors including donors and national governments will need to further rethink strategies and policy frameworks to improve their BSMs and to guarantee effective, equitable and efficient REDD+ outcomes in the long term.  相似文献   

Adaptation investments: a resource allocation framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Additional finance for adaptation is an important element of the emerging international climate change framework. This paper discusses how adaptation funding may be allocated among developing countries in a transparent, efficient and equitable way. We propose an approach based on three criteria: the climate change impacts experienced in a country, a country’s adaptive capacity and its implementation capacity. Physical impact and adaptive capacity together determine a country’s vulnerability to climate change. It seems both efficient and fair that countries which are more vulnerable should have a stronger claim on adaptation resources. The third dimension, implementation capacity, introduces a measure of adaptation effectiveness. Rough indicators are proposed for each of the three dimensions. The results are indicative only, but they suggest a strong focus of initial adaptation funding on Africa. African countries are highly vulnerability in part because of the severity of expected impacts, but also because of their very low adaptive capacity. However, their implementation capacity is also limited, suggesting a need for technical assistance in project implementation.  相似文献   

The paper reviews base year emission inventories, driving forces, and long-term scenarios of sulfur emissions as background material for developing a new set of IPCC emissions scenarios. The paper concludes that future sulfur emission trends will be spatially heterogeneous (decline in OECD countries, rapid increase particularly in Asia) and therefore cannot be modeled at a global scale only. In view of ecosystems and food production impacts future sulfur emissions will need to be increasingly controlled also outside OECD countries. As a result, future sulfur emissions are likely to remain significantly below the values projected in the previous IPCC IS92 high emissions scenarios.  相似文献   

Product carbon footprinting schemes adopt different analytical methodologies. The calculations can also be affected by limited data availability and uncertainty surrounding the value of key variables. The combination of these factors reduces the validity of comparing carbon footprints between products and countries.We used data from sugar production in Zambia and Mauritius to test how variations in methodology affected the product carbon footprint (PCF). We calculated a PCF according to PAS 2050 and explored the sensitivity of the results to the variation of key variables.Results showed that land use change emissions can dominate PCFs. The largest potential impact came from assuming global worst case data for land use change emissions where a product's origin is unknown (+1900%). The issue of land use change can lead to high carbon footprints for products from developing countries where more natural vegetation is still being converted and data are most lacking. When land use change is not important, variables such as electricity emission factors, capital inputs and loss of soil carbon had significant impacts on the PCF.This analysis highlights the large effect of methodology on PCFs. These results are of particular concern for developing countries where data are scarce and the use of global worst case data may be prescribed. We recommend the development of more precise emission factors for tropical countries and bio-regions, and encourage the transparent use of PCF methodologies, where data sources, uncertainties and variability are explicitly noted.  相似文献   

基于IPAT模型的江苏省能源消费与碳排放情景研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
聂锐  张涛  王迪 《自然资源学报》2010,25(9):1557-1564
利用环境负荷模型与"脱钩"理论,对江苏未来中长期的经济发展、能源需求与CO2排放进行了情景分析,并结合当前的环境政策,对三种情景下主要指标的参数和结果进行了设计与分析。研究表明,资源节约型与环境友好型社会的构建,低碳情景是江苏能源-经济-社会的协调发展最合适、也是最现实的方案;通过不同情景的比较,认为低碳情景的实现一定程度上是以减缓经济增长来实现节能减排目标的;低碳情景下能源需求与CO2排放也将明显快速增加,与2007年相比,2030年能源需求总量将增加1.431倍,碳排放总量将达到15 655×104t,未来20 a能源资源的有效供应与合理利用成为制约低碳经济发展的瓶颈因素。最后给出了实现节能减排、促进低碳经济发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

外商投资与国际贸易对中国沿海地区资源环境的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
论文从定性描述和定量描述的角度,分别对外商投资和国际贸易对沿海地区的资源环境影响进行分析。通过研究发现,尽管在产值总量上,外商投资和国际贸易对沿海地区的资源压力和环境污染做出“贡献”,但是从弹性系数角度,外商投资和国际贸易对地区资源压力和环境污染的影响在逐渐减缓,表明外商投资和国际贸易并不是导致我国沿海地区资源环境压力加大的“罪魁祸首”,反而是减缓这种压力的主要贡献力量。但是,不可否认,在我国接受经济全球化影响的早期阶段,由于部分地区急于吸引外资,以及我国环境管理体系的不完善,的确在某些方面,外资和外贸对沿海地区的资源和环境造成了负面影响。  相似文献   

中国大型电力企业碳资产管理路线初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电力行业是中国温室气体的排放大户,在全球以排放交易为减排手段的大趋势下,电力排放将是一笔巨大的资产。在这种背景下,中国大型电力企业如何对自身的碳资产进行管理,走什么样的管理路线,会对中国大型电力企业的未来产生重大的影响。通过分析中国大型电力企业碳资产管理的可行性与必要性,碳资产管理的实施路线,2012年前的发展战略,综合分析中国大型电力企业碳资产管理近期、中期和远期的不同发展路线,以期对中国大型电力企业碳资产管理起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

The aim of the study, on which this paper is based, was to provide guidance to consumers to make environmentally responsible choices in their food consumption, to assist food supply chain stakeholders to identify the key areas for environmental improvements, and to provide policy makers with a tool for monitoring the potential impacts on climate change resulting from developments within the food sector. At the macro level, the EIO-LCA model was developed specifically for the Finnish food chain; at the micro level, LCAs were performed on 30 lunch portions. The contribution of the Finnish food chain to climate change was 14%, which comprised 40% CO2 emissions, 25% CH4 emissions, and 34% N2O emissions. The share of impacts from domestic agricultural processes was the highest, at 69%. The impact of a single lunch portion ranged between 0.65 and 3.80 kg of equivalent CO2. According to the EIO-LCA model, the average impact was 7.7 kg CO2 eq/person daily. The consumer phase accounted for between 8 and 47% of the climate change impacts for homemade portions. In ready-to-eat portions industry and retail phases were emphasized, representing 25-38% of climate change impacts. We present an approach to steer the Finnish food sector onto an environmentally sustainable path; practical tools for consumers and farmers will especially need to be developed further.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effects of information and communication technology (ICT), energy consumption, economic growth, and financial development on carbon dioxide emissions using 1993–2013 panel data from 12 Asian countries. The study employs a panel unit root test accounting for the presence of cross-sectional dependence and found that Internet usage is stationary and carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption, gross domestic production (GDP), and financial development are first-difference stationary. The results form Pedroni panel cointegration test confirms that the variables are cointegrated. The results of the cointegration test indicate that the ICT-energy-GDP-carbon dioxide emissions nexus has long-run equilibrium. Both energy consumption and GDP have significant, positive impacts on carbon dioxide emissions; energy consumption and GDP have an effect on carbon dioxide emissions growth. ICT has a significantly negative effect on carbon dioxide emissions; the promotion of ICT becomes one of the important strategies introduced to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions for various countries. Causality results show that energy consumption, GDP, and financial development cause more carbon dioxide emissions. Energy consumption, GDP, and carbon dioxide emissions cause ICT. GDP causes financial development, whereas energy consumption and GDP are interdetermined. The feedback hypothesis exists in the region; those countries need to develop alternative energy to replace fossil fuels. ICT does not threaten the environment and ICT policy can be seen as a part of carbon dioxide emissions reduction policy.  相似文献   

Taking the European Union (EU) as a case study, we simulate the application of non-uniform national mitigation targets to achieve a sectoral reduction in agricultural non-carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Scenario results show substantial impacts on EU agricultural production, in particular, the livestock sector. Significant increases in imports and decreases in exports result in rather moderate domestic consumption impacts but induce production increases in non-EU countries that are associated with considerable emission leakage effects. The results underline four major challenges for the general integration of agriculture into national and global climate change mitigation policy frameworks and strategies, as they strengthen requests for (1) a targeted but flexible implementation of mitigation obligations at national and global level and (2) the need for a wider consideration of technological mitigation options. The results also indicate that a globally effective reduction in agricultural emissions requires (3) multilateral commitments for agriculture to limit emission leakage and may have to (4) consider options that tackle the reduction in GHG emissions from the consumption side.  相似文献   

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