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中国以流域为单元实行的统一区域管理虽然已普遍被世界各国政府和学者接受,但在中国并没有形成一个具有统一职权和执行效力的跨区域水环境保护管理机构。以流域水资源管理为例,流域水资源保护机构名义上受水利部与环境保护部的双重领导,但在编制上却是水利部的派出事业单位,负责具体水污染管理事宜的环境保护部门的领导权在实际中并不容易落实。同时水利部和环保部门相应的受各级地方政府领导,其财政权和人事任免权由地方政府掌控,这种地位的不独立性容易使其行为受地方政府意志的支配。另外,在晋升激励和财政分税制的制度背景下,各流域地方政府有意愿和能力干涉环保部门的行为,使各种水环境保护事物让位和屈就于更实惠的地方经济发展。对于此种跨区域水环境保护行政管理体制现存的问题应当进行改善。  相似文献   

Climate change effects are becoming evident worldwide, with serious regional and local impacts. The European Union (EU) has launched and developed initiatives and policies that scratch the surface of water resources impacts. This article presents an introduction of the existing environmental policy and more concisely in the areas of climate change and the interactions with water resources. It also addresses main management tools, and plans linked to policies, recent updates on the Science–Policy Interface, highlighting major results from research and development projects. Establishing appropriate policies to tackle climate change impacts on water is essential given the cross-sectorial and flowing nature and the importance of water in all environmental, social and economic sectors. There are still some pending reviews and updates in the current EU policy and its implementation, as well as at the national level in Spain. This article identifies existing gaps, and provides recommendations on how and where reforms could take place and be applied by decision makers in the water policy sector.  相似文献   

The Expert Working Group on “Improving the Role of Government in the Promotion of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA)” was set up by the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (UN DSD) in cooperation with a number of government agencies and non-governmental experts to promote Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) through publications, pilot projects and by establishing an international forum for discussion on the role of governments in the promotion of EMA.EMA, Environmental management accounting represents a combined approach that provides for the transition of data from financial accounting, cost accounting and mass balances to increase material efficiency, reduce environmental impacts and risks and reduce costs of environmental protection. EMA is performed by private or public corporations, but not by nations and has a financial as well as a physical component.The core focus of environmental management accounting and of the EMA UN DSD methodology is assessment of total annual environmental expenditure on emission treatment, disposal, environmental protection and management. In addition, and that is new and challenging for most companies, the material purchase value of all non-product output and its production costs are added. This total sum often provides a frightening picture of total annual costs of inefficiency and gets companies to improve their information systems and material efficiency options, which is the goal in the light of cleaner production.The first book published by the Expert Working Group, Environmental Management Accounting—Procedures and Principles (Jasch, C., United Nations, New York, 2001), defines principles and procedures for EMA, with a focus on techniques for quantifying environmental expenditures or costs, as a basis for better controlling and benchmarking purposes. The methodology excludes costs external to the company (so-called externalities, e.g. environmental and social effects that occur to the general public), but focuses on comprehensive assessment of direct annual expenditure on emission treatment, environmental protection and management as well as wasted material and energy input (efficiency losses in production). Firstly, total annual expenditure is assessed, then improvement options, savings and investment projects as well as product prices can be (re-)calculated. The method is currently applied in several case studies. The following summary provides some of the core definitions and generic assessment tables.  相似文献   

This article reviews the development of current environmental policies in China and the great progress made during 1979–2006. Applying lessons learned from industrialized countries to its own situation, China’s environmental policies have the following main features: (1) to explore command and control measures to their fullest extent, (2) to strive to raise funding for environmental protection, (3) to identify who should take accountability for environmental protection; (4) to encourage strategies of “combination of prevention and control” and “integrated utilization”, (5) to embrace openness in the field of environmental policy and early international cooperation. During the past 30 years, China’s environmental policies have evolved and deepened: status expanded the national basic policies of environmental protection by adding a sustainable development strategy, focus changed from pollution control to a combination of pollution control and ecological protection, method changed from end control to source control, scope changed form point source control to watershed and territory pollution control, and management style changed from primarily using executive power to using legal and economic measures. This article introduces how they are evaluated by the international community and provides the prospects of the policies.  相似文献   

随着工业化、城市化的飞速发展,我国经济社会面临的资源环境瓶颈约束日益突出,实现经济发展和环境保护的同步推进是当前工作的重要内容,环境保护将扮演更为重要的角色。实施绿色供应链管理有利于改善高能耗高污染问题,提高企业生产效率,增强核心竞争力,促进企业和社会的可持续发展。欧盟和美国在推行绿色供应链管理方面成果显著,汲取其先进的政策和实践经验,对中国推进绿色供应链具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地水资源决策支持系统的设计与开发研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
柴达木盆地水资源规划管理决策属典型的半结构化、多层次、多决策者和多目标的决策问题,为此设计开发了柴达木盆地水资源决策支持系统。文章系统地介绍了柴达木盆地水资源决策支持系统结构框架、设计原则、开发思路、决策模式和基本功能。系统由数据库、模型库及其管理系统三部分组成,模型库包括人口动态模型、宏观经挤模型、水资源模拟模型、绿洲生态需水模型和水资源多目标优化分析模型等5个基本模型。在求解水资源多目标优化分析模型时,使用了逐步法(STEM),把多目标化为单目标进行求解,决策者在迭代权衡过程中输入经验与偏好信息来获取满意的决策信息。  相似文献   

Cleaner Production (CP) as a strategy for reducing negative environmental impacts throughout the production processes avoids and decreases pollution at its source and increases the competitiveness of enterprises. Since the establishment of China's goal for quadrupling its gross domestic product between 2000 and 2020, while improving its environmental performance and maintaining social stability, ‘win-win’ concepts such as CP are playing an increasingly prominent role in the country's development plans. Consequently, China's efforts to create a favourable policy and institutional framework for the promotion of CP that includes its unique national “CP Promotion Law” which governs the implementation of all CP activities in the country are encouraging. However, China has encountered significant challenges in improving, on a large scale, the environmental performance of its industries. Factors such as the difficulty in mainstreaming CP in industries, limited institutional resources as well as constraints in financial and technical resources of small and medium-sized enterprises have hindered the widespread adoption of CP. In addition, due to local peculiarities and disparities, different regional approaches for its implementation have evolved. This paper describes and analyses how the application of an environmental management tool in Zhejiang Province has enhanced the environmental, economic and organisational benefits of CP in enterprises.  相似文献   

中美水源地管理体系的比较研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
徐启新  车越  杨凯 《上海环境科学》2003,22(7):487-490,498
以反映中美水源地管理水平的特大型城市上海、纽约为例,对两国水源地同管理体系中的政策法规,保护措施,土地规划使用,污染源控制等项目进行比较研究。分析中美水源地保护的技术水平,管理措施,经济手段等方面的差异,指出我国水源地管理工作在先进技术的应用。面源污染的控制,各方协调,公众参与,宣传教育,经济杠杆等方面均与国外存在一定差距。并对我国水源地的管理工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

建设项目环境管理和环境监察是防治环境污染、保护生态的源头,在环境保护工作中占有重要地位。本文结合工作实践,从主观角度出发,分析了当前建设项目环境管理和环境监察工作中存在的问题和不足,提出完善工作机制,加强管理,对建设项目实行系统、全过程、全方位环境监察的政策建议与技术措施,呼吁重视建设项目环境管理和环境监察工作。  相似文献   

The potential of climate change to impact local conflict and cooperation over natural resources has received relatively little attention. Bangladesh floodplains are highly vulnerable to environmental stresses that are worsening with climate change, and community organisations have to respond to water insecurity − seasonally too little or too much. Two case studies based on action research in contrasting water and climate stressed floodplain environments in Bangladesh investigate local conflicts over water management that worsened when water regimes changed. By overcoming conflicts and improving adaptation for all local actors the cases reveal the importance of local knowledge, innovations in institutions, external facilitation, and incentives provided by disadvantaged groups who contribute towards costs in return for a share in decision making power and better adapted water management. The cases show how community organisations diversified their responsibilities and took up the challenge of water management to address local priorities and overcome conflicts. Without a more flexible and enabling approach, public investments in adaptation are likely to focus on strengthening existing water management infrastructure without understanding local social interactions and complexity. This may strengthen elite dominance and local conflicts if there is no comparable investment in developing robust and fair local institutions.  相似文献   

公共事务的积累只是为制度化解决提供了必要性,当政者维护政权的根本利益需要决定了公共事务处理的优先序列。客观问题的属性和解决的迫切程度只有在政府最高层统治集团认为维系权力存续的手段具备充分的支撑条件时,才会愿意在正式制度上进行调整,为解决问题提供制度供给。新中国成立后很长一段时间内,我国环境问题并不突出,中央政府根据社会主要矛盾需要制定了以发展经济为重心的制度体系。这种制度结构使地方政府和辖区企业形成了利益共容关系。为适应竞争的需要,地方政府庇护辖区企业环境行为,机会主义地执行环境管理制度,使环境问题积累成为影响安全价值的显著因素。在国内外政治压力下,中央政府最终做出了战略调整,地方政府在中央政府制度调控下,自发地合作治理环境问题。  相似文献   

我国一直以来就是一个水土流失大国,治水保土工作一直备受重视。当前在我国经济快速发展,环境问题日益突出的情况下,合理开发和保护水资源,充分做好水土保持工作已经是各级政府部门和社会各界面临的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

从当前渤海湾天津海域的环境污染现状入手,分析了主要的污染物来源及污染类型,进而探讨了当前天津市海洋环境保护的相关法律、法规、政策并提出下一步管理方案,在此基础上针对现有成熟的修复技术探讨了适用于渤海湾天津海域的海洋环境修复方法。据此天津市环境保护部门制订相关法规并采取关停或整改等相应的措施进行管理,对企业的排放物实行环境容量和污染物总量控制;另一方面,天津市有关部门采用多种生态修复方法联合应用,如应用底栖动物和微生物以及海带、紫菜等藻类的养殖,使得天津海域的环境质量有了明显改善。  相似文献   

1IntroductionChinahasalongcoastalline.Since1980’,economyincoastalareashasbeendevelopingfast,alongwiththeincreasingpopulation....  相似文献   

基于环保投入的区域环保产业发展空间均衡性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环保产业是我国战略性新兴产业的重要内容,近年来环保产业发展呈现高速增长的态势,年均增长率达30%以上,各地也将环保产业作为新的经济增长点.通过对基尼系数内涵的扩展,提出了环保产业发展基尼系数的概念.本文计算了中国2004年和2011年环保产业发展基尼系数,提出了以产业贡献系数作为判断均衡的因子.结果表明,中国环保产业基尼系数近年来呈上升态势,分别为0.35和0.42,说明环保产业空间分布变化较大,产业分布更加趋于集中.基于产业贡献系数分析,结合各地区环保投入力度及需求,提出了发展环保产业的重点地区与策略.  相似文献   

滏阳河流域的水资源问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据对华北地区水资源短缺最严重的滏阳河流域的实证研究表明,随着部门和上下游用水者之间用水竞争程度的加剧,流域从开放向闭合的转变,地下水位的逐年下降及引致的环境问题,节水的空间也变得十分有限。解决未来水资源短缺的问题很大程度上将依赖于如何运用政策、制度和经济措施实现水资源的优化配置和综合管理,提高灌区的运行绩效和实现有效的产权制度创新。  相似文献   

我国的经济发展伴随着日益严重的环境问题。在引起环境问题的诸多因素中,来自企业方面的因素对环境的影响最为深远,因此改善环境首先就需要加强企业的环境管理。在推动企业进行环境管理的各种因素中,既有如政府的管制等外部因素,也有如减少成本、产品差异化等企业自身内部因素。外部因素和内部因素对推动企业环境管理都具有重要作用,但也有其局限性。本文通过政府管制及企业自身因素对驱动企业进行环境管理的作用机制的研究,分析各个驱动因素优缺点,寻求各驱动因素的最佳的组合,促使企业更好地加强环境管理。  相似文献   

Effective risk management within environmental policy making requires knowledge on natural, economic and social systems to be integrated; knowledge characterised by complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity. We describe a case study in a (UK) central government department exploring how risk governance supports and hinders this challenging integration of knowledge. Forty-five semi-structured interviews were completed over a two year period. We found that lateral knowledge transfer between teams working on different policy areas was widely viewed as a key source of knowledge. However, the process of lateral knowledge transfer was predominantly informal and unsupported by risk governance structures. We argue this made decision quality vulnerable to a loss of knowledge through staff turnover, and time and resource pressures. Our conclusion is that the predominant form of risk governance framework, with its focus on centralised decision-making and vertical knowledge transfer is insufficient to support risk-based, environmental policy making. We discuss how risk governance can better support environmental policy makers through systematic knowledge management practices.  相似文献   

重大生态工程规划设计的理论探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
生态问题已成为阻碍我国经济社会可持续发展的主要屏障,解决生态问题的主要途径是实施生态治理工程。我国开展的诸多生态治理工程以退耕还林还草工程最为典型,由于相关理论研究长期滞后于生产实践需求导致该工程在推进过程中“边实施、边调整、边总结”。论文剖析了退耕还林还草工程不同阶段出现的问题以及国家采取的相应对策。通过理论分析指出生态问题是经济社会系统内部矛盾的外在表现,生态治理工程既要解决生态退化及危害,又要解决诱发生态问题的经济社会内部矛盾;生态工程设计需要生态学、经济学、社会学等相关学科的理论支撑。重大生态工程设计之初需要考虑技术储备、工程成本、成果稳定性(经济社会系统内部矛盾解决程度)、推广性、综合效益、政策及法律法规搭配等问题以达到“内外兼治”的效果,避免因“边实施、边调整、边总结”带来的工程风险和浪费,最终保障工程目标的实现。  相似文献   

王金鹏  王春娟  刘大海 《海洋环境科学》2022,41(4):610-618, 627
随着国际海底区域矿产资源开发日益向现实趋近,国际海底管理局开始制订“区域”矿产资源的开发规章,对“区域”矿产资源开发及相关环境保护要求作出规定。开发规章规定了包括环境管理和监测计划以及环境管理系统在内的环境管理规则。但目前,各国围绕环境管理和监测计划的标准、环境管理系统的内涵、独立专家的权限及其意见的效力、开发活动与海底电缆管道保护的关系仍存在明显的分歧与争议。我国应积极参与开发规章环境管理规则的谈判,提出“中国方案”,主张开发规章应体现《联合国海洋法公约》及其《第十一部分执行协定》的有关规定,实现资源开发利用与生态环境保护之间的合理平衡。  相似文献   

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